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NJ Resident Turning 101 Credits Longevity to Red Wine and Black Coffee – TAPinto.net

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

LAKE HIAWATHA, NJ - GladysHess, resident of Lake Hiawatha, NJ for more than 25years, will be turning 101 on December 28.

Gladyswas born andraised in New Jersey. She is mother to seven children andcountless grandchildren andgreat-grandchildren.

Gladysnever got her drivers license, andhas navigatedher way around New Jersey andNew York by walking andcatching the local buses. She recentlyretireda few years ago, but still remainsactive - enjoying walks andtraveling.

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Her family andfriends describe her as kind, funny, anddetermined. They also say she has the most interesting stories around- from lunching with Frank Sinatra, to seeing towns transition from gas to electricity, andthe rapid growth of technology (she has a cell phone!)

Two of her many secrets for looking andfeeling good are black coffee andred wine.

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NJ Resident Turning 101 Credits Longevity to Red Wine and Black Coffee - TAPinto.net


Take Steps To Bridge The Women’s Longevity Gap – Insurance News Net

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

Speaking frankly to married clients about the implications of survivorship is a critical service that financial advisors not only can and should provide but also are uniquely suited to address.

Given womens longer life spans and the fact that women in opposite-sex marriages tend to marry men who are older than they are, women often must be prepared to cover their expenses single-handedly for years after their husbands die. Compounding the problem, widowhood will likely occur during a phase of life when health care expenses will be at their highest.

The financial and longevity disparities between women and men create a unique challenge. In our white paper Addressing The Womens Longevity Gap we discuss the challenges women face in retirement, largely stemming from lower working salaries and greater longevity relative to men, making the threat of poverty quite real for millions of women.

Financial advisors have an opportunity to help married men and women plan strategically for the womens longevity gap. A prepared advisor can help women mitigate and potentially even eliminate the unique financial challenges of the longevity gap by taking the following steps:

Make financial plans based on personalized data and actuarial longevity.

Address retirement health care costs today.

Start Social Security optimization planning today (with a focus on survivor benefits).

Discuss finances, including Medicare surcharges, for the surviving spouse.

Plan for end-of-life costs for both partners.

On average, a healthy 65-year-old woman is expected to live to age 89, compared to age 87 for a healthy 65-year-old man, according to actuarial data. Compounding this longevity gap, women tend to marry men two years older than they are, stretching the average length of widowhood by four years or more.

HealthView Services data indicates that a given client might live much longer or much shorter than the average, largely depending on how well or how poorly their health conditions are managed as they age.

Relevant, personalized data and actuarial longevity figures can help advisors pinpoint specific future costs, such as health care expenses. With this information, advisors can develop retirement income plans that are appropriate for their clients expected life spans and avoid overly conservative plans that unnecessarily restrict spending.

Three in five women age 60 and over say they are worried that their health care costs will exceed their retirement income, the National Council on Aging reported. On average, women pay more than men do for health care in retirement, primarily due to womens longer life spans rather than increased use of medical services.

When comparing projected retirement health care costs between a healthy 45-year-old man and his 43-year-old wife, her costs are projected to be about $200,000 more. While that is a large sum, she can fund that amount by investing just $8,000 more today, assuming an investment in a balanced portfolio of 60% stocks and 40% bonds with an average annual return of 6%.

This example demonstrates the value advisors can provide by tackling retirement planning early with couples. The notable lifetime cost increases women face can be offset more easily with early planning for investments and insurance products. Advisors can sharpen the efficacy of these plans by using reliable, personalized actuarial health care cost projections.

Designed to replace 40% of preretirement earnings, Social Security benefits never expire. As a result, women on average collect more years of benefits than men do, but a couples decisions about Social Security will have a major impact on benefit calculations and the wifes income during the longevity gap.

Social Securitys benefit calculations are based on a complex formula that tracks past earnings. Women tend to have lower earnings over their lifetimes due to their pay inequality as well as time spent out of the workforce caregiving for children, parents and spouses. Lower earnings produce a lower primary insurance amount, which is the starting point for all Social Security benefit calculations.

The following strategies can help female clients maximize the stream of income they receive from Social Security.

Delay retirement. Social Security benefits are based on the highest 35 years of Social Security-taxed earnings. Filling as many of those years as possible with employment is beneficial, especially with late-career, high-income years.

Delay Social Security filing age. Claiming benefits at 62, the earliest possible age, permanently reduces an individuals retirement benefits, and yet it is the choice made by about one-third of women. Delaying benefits, especially if still working, ensures that women earn a higher income later.

Optimize Social Security from a household benefit perspective, including survivor benefits. Advisors should help couples maximize household income rather than looking at each spouse separately. Since many women will outlive their husbands, this approach is particularly important. For example, benefits for a man (Paul) who claims Social Security at 70 instead of at 62 will be 76% higher during his lifetime. After his death, his wifes (Judy) survivor benefit would be 60% higher a meaningful increase. As the lower-wage earner, a woman who is eligible for Social Security benefits may begin collecting her husbands benefits and forgo her own, which are likely to be lower for reasons stated earlier.

Plan for benefits from former spouses. Women (and men) may be eligible to collect survivor benefits from a former spouse if they meet certain criteria. Making them aware of all of their claiming options can help maximize the benefits they ultimately receive.

Although Social Security is meant to replace 40% of preretirement income, other savings and investments comprise the remaining income stream and support a consistent standard of living. The sources that fuel retirement income are not treated consistently from either a tax perspective or by Medicare, making this another area where financial advisors have a real opportunity to shine for clients.

Known as means testing, Medicares Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount determines the surcharges paid for Medicare Parts B and D. These surcharges vary by income and marital status. But when one spouse dies, the survivors income threshold is reduced by 50%, despite the fact that many may reduce their household income by only 20% after the passing of a spouse. As a result, women may be pushed into higher surcharge brackets, potentially resulting in tens of thousands of dollars of additional costs.

A financial advisor could address this challenge well before it comes up, with the understanding that Medicare measures ones means by modified adjusted gross income. Some forms of income, such as required 401(k) distributions, do count as MAGI; and other forms, such as health savings accounts, life insurance, annuities and Roth IRAs, do not. Therefore, advisors have a significant opportunity to help clients build a balanced portfolio of savings and retirement income vehicles that will limit taxes as well as substantial Medicare surcharges.

Death can come very quickly, or it can be a slow, debilitating and expensive decline, but its an eventuality for all. Being prepared for significant end-of-life care expenses is not something couples will ever regret. Savvy financial advisors can help client couples plan years before retirement for the cost of end-of-life care.

In 20 years, a year of nursing home care is expected to cost $175,000, while a year of assisted living would run $100,000, with dramatic regional variations in costs. This consideration is crucial for women, who, on average, spend about two-and-a-half years in long-term care facilities at the end of life. Thats a full year longer than what the average man experiences because he has his wife to care for him.

Accurately planning for a mans end-of-life care costs is critical to his widows ongoing financial security. But planning for her end-of-life care costs is critical to her experience. It will define whether she has suitable care options for her final years or ends up dependent on state support or her children.

Whether couples choose to buy long-term care coverage or free up additional cash to invest, or both, the steps they take now can help fill the womens longevity gap with financial security.

Understanding their personal health outlook can help guide savings amounts and selection of the most advantaged vehicles to ensure a financially secure retirement and the ability to manage future health care costs without dramatic reductions to the couples hoped-for standard of living.

As their trusted advisor in these sensitive, important areas, you will earn their confidence, trust and referrals. And you will give your clients the invaluable: genuine peace of mind as they age.

Originally posted here:
Take Steps To Bridge The Women's Longevity Gap - Insurance News Net


Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Size, Revenue, Share, Scope, Growth Rate And Forecast To 2027 – Cheshire Media

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

New Jersey, United States: Market Research Intellect has added a new report to its huge database of research reports, entitled Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Size and Forecast to 2027. The report offers a comprehensive assessment of the market including insights, historical data, facts, and industry-validated market data. It also covers the projections using appropriate approximations and methods.

Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Overview

The Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Report provides comprehensive data on market dynamics, market trends, product growth rate, and price. The Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market report has various facts and statistics assuming the future predictions of the upcoming market participants. In addition, it offers business security taking into account sales, profit, market volume, demand and market supply ratio. The in-depth study provides vital information related to market growth, driving factors, major challenges, opportunities, and threats that will prove to be very helpful for market participants in making upcoming decisions.

Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market: Competitive Landscape

The Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report consists of the Competitive Landscape section which provides a complete and in-depth analysis of current market trends, changing technologies, and enhancements that are of value to companies competing in the market. The report provides an overview of sales, demand, futuristic costs and data supply as well as a growth analysis in the forecast year. The key vendors in the market that are performing the analysis are also clearly presented in the report. Their development plans, their growth approaches, and their merger and acquisition plans are also identified. Information specific to a keyword in each of these regions is also provided. This report also discusses the submarkets of these regions and their growth prospects.

Prominent players operating in the market:

Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Segmentation

The report contains the market size with 2019 as the base year and an annual forecast up to 2027 in terms of sales (in million USD). For the forecast period mentioned above, estimates for all segments including type and application have been presented on a regional basis. We implemented a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches to market size and analyzed key regional markets, dynamics and trends for different applications.

Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Segment by Type:

Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Segment by Application:

Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Regional overview:

In the report, experts analyze and forecast the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market on a global as well as regional level. Taking into account all aspects of the market in terms of regions, the focus of the report is on North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, and South America. The prevailing trends and various opportunities in these regions are studied that can convince the growth of the market in the forecast period 2020 to 2027.

Reasons to Buy the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Report:

Outlook analysis of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market sector with current trends and SWOT analysis. This study evaluates the dynamics, competition, industrial strategies and strategies of the emerging countries. This report has a comprehensive guide that provides market insights and detailed data on each market segment Market growth factors and risks are presented. More precise information provision on the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market for different countries. Provide visions on factors influencing the growth of the market. Market segmentation analysis, including quantitative and qualitative research considering the impact of economic and non-economic aspects Comprehensive company profiles with product offerings, important financial information and the latest developments.

If you have any custom requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the customized report as per your requirements.

About Us:

Market Research Intellect provides syndicated and customized research reports to clients from various industries and organizations with the aim of delivering functional expertise. We provide reports for all industries including Energy, Technology, Manufacturing and Construction, Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage, and more. These reports deliver an in-depth study of the market with industry analysis, the market value for regions and countries, and trends that are pertinent to the industry.

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Mr. Steven Fernandes

Market Research Intellect

New Jersey ( USA )

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Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Size, Revenue, Share, Scope, Growth Rate And Forecast To 2027 - Cheshire Media


How to live longer: Lifting weights for less than an hour a week could boost longevity – Express

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

The Aerobics Centre Longitudinal Study, published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, analysed nearly 13,000 adults.

Three health outcomes were measures - cardiovascular events such as heart and stroke that didnt result in death, all cardiovascular events including death and any type of death.

DC Lee, associate professor of kinesiology, said resistance exercise reduced the risk of all three.

The results are encouraging, but will people make weightlifting part of their lifestyle? Will they do it and stick with it? That's the million-dollar question, he said.

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A lot of research on strength training has focused on bone health, physical function and quality of life in older adults.

When it comes to reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease, most people think of running or other cardio activity.

But Less said weight lifting is just as good for your heart, and there are other benefits to be had.

Lee and his colleagues also looked at the relationship between resistance exercise and diabetes, as well as high cholesterol.


The two studies, published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, found resistance exercise lowered the risk of both.

Less than an hour of weekly resistance exercise, when compared with no resistance exercise, was associated with a 29 percent lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome - a condition which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

The risk of high cholesterol was 32 percent lower.

The results for both studies were also independent of aerobic exercise.

"Muscle is the power plant to burn calories. Building muscle helps move your joints and bones, but also there are metabolic benefits. I don't think this is well appreciated," said Lee.

If you build muscle, even if you're not aerobically active, you burn more energy because you have more muscle.

This also helps prevent obesity and provide long-term benefits on various health outcomes."

Weekly resistance exercise is recommended by the NHS.

As part of its physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64 it advises adults aim to do strengthening activities that work all the major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms) on at least two days a week.

Adults are also advised to aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity a week.

You should aim to be physically active every day - any activity is better than none.

And you should reduce time spent sitting or lying down, and break up long periods of not moving with some activity.

See more here:
How to live longer: Lifting weights for less than an hour a week could boost longevity - Express


5 Benefits of Probiotics for Gut Health – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

We have been told about the importance of protecting gut health as a measure to take care of overall health. Do you know what probiotics are and what are they for? These live bacterial cultures have become one of the best allies to protect intestinal health. Any gut doctor can advise you on their importance.

They are critical to the synthesis of some essential nutrients and to maintain optimal digestive health. Likewise, they create a protective barrier against infections and act beneficially on some inflammatory processes. Although they exist naturally in the body, they can be consumed through some fermented or dairy foods as well as food supplements. You should look for the best probiotic supplements that will keep your gut in perfect shape.

Probiotics are good bacteria and yeasts. They survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract to implant in the colon and small intestine. Although many associate bacteria with the disease, their role is very different.

Probiotics can stop the excessive growth of infectious microorganisms. Therefore, they are key to preventing the development of various pathogens. Those most used for human benefit are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

To sum it up, these non-harmful bacteria and yeasts occupy sites where pathogenic microorganisms could implant. By not leaving room for them and favoring some processes such as digestion, they are beneficial.

The gastrointestinal tract is packed with about 400 bacterial species. Among its primary functions is to protect the body against the proliferation of pathogens responsible for many conditions.

They are also responsible for controlling the differentiation of epithelial cells. They are also involved in metabolic processes and the production of vitamins. Therefore, it is essential to have a balanced intestinal flora rich in healthy bacteria.

Probiotics are the best alternative to improve gut health. Here are the benefits of probiotics.

There is nothing worse than having diarrhea. If youre suffering from diarrhea caused by an infection, probiotics can help you heal faster and lessen the severity of your symptoms. It will get rid of all the elements that bring about stomach pain. Using it will not affect some of the good bacteria in your gut.

Are you taking antibiotics? Probiotics can help rebalance your gut. Taking antibiotics kills the harmful bacteria that are causing your infection. However, it can also kill the good bacteria in your gut, leading to diarrhea in some people. Probiotics can play a pivotal role in replenishing some of the good bacteria destroyed by the drugs.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition affecting the stomach. It causes severe pain and problems, including constipation, diarrhea, or a combination of the two. It is a syndrome that affects around 10% to 15% of the population. Research shows that bacteria can play an essential role in this syndrome. Probiotics have shown promise in improving IBS symptoms, especially in people who experience diarrhea more often.

Are you going on a trip? Consider bringing probiotics. We all want to focus on the fun things to do, local food, and sightseeing while on vacation. That said, theres nothing worse than having your trip ruined by an unexpected episode of tourista. Fortunately, probiotics containing specific strains of bacteria and yeast have shown promise in this regard. If you plan on taking a probiotic while traveling, remember to choose one that doesnt need to be refrigerated. Ask your pharmacist to help you select a product if in doubt.

Different types of probiotics have other health effects. Many of the effects of probiotics take place via multiple actions of these on the gut flora:

Now that we know what probiotics are for, it is good to know their sources. Here are some of its sources.

Fermented foods contain probiotics. The most popular include:

Not all people get enough probiotics through diet. Considering their importance for health, the option of including them in supplements is an excellent idea. Supplements are available in capsules, powders, and other similar products. These contain large concentrations of microorganisms, beneficial, and protective of health.

Some presentations are enriched with prebiotics, which are foods that promote the growth of these good bacteria. Therefore, in many cases, these products are more effective than the probiotics that come from the traditional diet. In other words, a prebiotic food is one that favors the growth of beneficial microorganisms. And a probiotic is one that directly contains those healthy beings.

Bowel balance is good for your general health. We are learning a lot of things about probiotics every day, and the proof for their benefits keeps growing. If you want to add probiotics to your life, talk to a qualified pharmacist or healthcare professional. They will help choose the product thats best for you.

The gut is regularly referred to as the second brain because the gut microbiome can have a big impact on your body, including the state of your hair. That said, the gut microbiome can be affected by your lifestyle choices and anything that throws it off balance can compromise your health, as well asaffect the health of your locks. So, heres how a healthy gut can help prevent hair loss.

Read more:
5 Benefits of Probiotics for Gut Health - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Growth and Current Status of Industry Surveyed in New Research Report | (2020-2027) – The…

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

Market Expertz latest study, titled Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market, sheds light on the crucial aspects of the global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market. The report aims to help readers accurately estimate the global market growth rate over the forecast period (2020-2027). Our market research team has meticulously performed quantitative and qualitative assessments of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market dynamics, considering a slew of factors, including market penetration, product portfolios, end-user industries, pricing structure, and the key drivers, constraints, opportunities, and challenges predominantly affecting market growth.

The latest market study broadly segments the industry based on the product type range, application gamut, end-use industry, key regions, and the competitive background. One of the central components of the report is a detailed explanation of the gross profits, revenue shares, sales volume, manufacturing costs, individual growth rate, and the financial standing of the leading market players. The developmental scope of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy markets new entrants and established companies has also been emphasized in the report.

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Competitive Terrain:

The global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market is highly consolidated due to the presence of numerous companies operating across this industry. The report depicts the current market standing of these companies, their past performances, demand and supply graphs, production and consumption patterns, sales network, distribution channels, and growth opportunities in the market. The leading market contenders listed in the report are:

Market segments by Top Manufacturers:

CohBarTA SciencesUnity BiotechnologyAgeX Therapeutics?IncPowerVision Inc.

The latest report is inclusive of an extensive coverage of the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy business sector. The coronavirus outbreak has drastically impacted the global economic landscape, and consequently, this particular business vertical. Therefore, the report provides the reader with a clear concept of the current scenario of this business vertical, estimating its COVID-19 aftereffects.

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Product Type SegmentationHemolytic Drug TherapyGene TherapyImmunotherapyOther Stem Cell Therapies

Industry SegmentationHospitalMedical Service InstitutionDrug and Device Sales

Geographical Scenario:

In this section of the report, market analysts have provided valuable insights into the geographical segmentation of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market. They have further estimated the current and future market valuations on the basis of the demand-supply dynamics and pricing structure of the leading regional segments. Moreover, the growth prospects of each regional segment have been meticulously extensively discussed in the report.

The global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market is classified into the following regions:

Browse the full report description, along with the ToCs and List of Facts and Figures @ https://www.marketexpertz.com/industry-overview/global-2020-longevity-and-anti-senescence-therapy-market

Highlights of the Table of Contents:

1.1 Research Scope

1.2 Key Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market segments

1.3 Target players

1.4 Market analysis by type

1.5 Market analysis by application

1.6 Key learning objectives

1.7 Report timeline

2.1 Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market size

2.2 Latest trends of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market by region

2.3 Key corporate trends

3.1 Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy size by manufacturers

3.2 Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market key players

3.3 Products/solutions/services of major players

3.4 New entrants in the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market

3.5 Mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and expansion plans

4.1 Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Sales by Product

4.2 Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy by Product Revenue

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Thank you for reading our report. To find out more details on the report or to inquire about its customization, please contact us. We will offer you a report well-suited to your requirements.

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Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Growth and Current Status of Industry Surveyed in New Research Report | (2020-2027) - The...


What Is the Okinawa Diet? – Okinawa Diet Plan, Benefits, and More – GoodHousekeeping.com

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

Journey to a Japanese archipelago in the South Pacific and you'll find a community of island dwellers who consistently live for over 100 years. The astounding longevity of the Okinawans has prompted extensive scientific study into the particular habits that may lead to such long, healthy lives. Instead of finding a proverbial fountain of youth, researchers realized that the unique Okinawa diet and strong social networks have helped these centenarians slow the aging process.

Even if you live on other side of the globe, following a similar eating style may help promote good health. Here's what you should know about the Okinawa diet:

"The traditional Okinawan diet is very produce-rich, making it abundant in phytonutrients and antioxidants, which is the likely reason for its associated health benefits and anti-aging properties," says Stefani Sassos, MS, RDN., Registered Dietitian for the Good Housekeeping Institute. "The Okinawan diet limits meat, refined grains, saturated fat, sugar, salt and full-fat dairy products, which tend to have more inflammatory properties."

The National Institute of Aging and National Geographic have identified the Okinawa diet as a Blue Zone diet, meaning it's specifically associated with longevity. "Though they arent exclusively vegan, a focus on plant-based eating is a common theme among the Blue Zone diets," Sassos says.

The vast majority of the Okinawa diet primarily consists of green and yellow vegetables, root vegetables, soy-based foods, and mushrooms. Okinawans eat fish, meat, dairy, and grains like rice in much smaller amounts. Some examples of foods common to Okinawa diet include:

The diet typically does not include beef, processed meat, eggs, cheese, milk, and processed carbohydrates like sugary sweets and snacks.

"While the Okinawan diet is low in refined carbohydrates, that doesnt mean the diet itself is low-carb," Sassos says. "In fact, Okinawans are known for their high intake of unrefined carbohydrates like root vegetables and green-yellow vegetables, a staple of their diet being sweet potatoes."

Because some Okinawan foods like salted fish and miso can contain high levels of sodium, talk to your doctor before adopting this eating plan especially if you've been instructed to follow a low-sodium diet.

Okinawans eat regular meals, but the philosophy they follow at each meal makes a key difference. "The Okinawan phrase hara hachi bu is said before meals to remind Okinawans to stop eating when they are 80% full," Sassos says. "This plays a role in weight management and fighting off obesity."

One reason that Okinawans maintain good health is due to their diet. Like the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet, this particular eating style is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Researchers theorize that the low levels of saturated fat, high antioxidant intake, and low glycemic load affect multiple biological mechanisms, like reducing oxidative stress.

Okinawans also form unique social networks at age 5 called moai. One studied moai had met every day for 97 years. If one member did not show up, the other four would walk across the village to check on their friend. In addition to forming these strong friendships, Okinawans prize their families and faith communities. They also move naturally throughout the day, getting active by simply cooking, doing housework, and walking.

"You could certainly lose weight on this type of eating plan, especially with eliminating a slew of higher caloric items like sweets and processed foods and following the hara hachi bu concept," Sassos says. However, the Okinawa diet is not particularly designed for weight loss, unlike other eating plans out there.

"This type of diet can be difficult to follow if you arent living in Okinawa and dont have ready access to special foods from the region," Sassos says. "That being said, we can learn a lot from certain principles of the diet. Emphasizing more whole foods, produce, and plant-forward plates can have a slew of health benefits. Limiting refined processed foods and highly sugary items, as well as eating in moderation, are all important strategies to incorporate into your lifestyle."

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What Is the Okinawa Diet? - Okinawa Diet Plan, Benefits, and More - GoodHousekeeping.com


Study Finds That Blackcurrants Are Healthier Than You Think – Longevity LIVE

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

Blackcurrants have a beneficial effect on the blood glucose response after a meal. They balance the glucose response of ingested sugar by attenuating its rise and delaying its fall. The effect is likely associated with berry-derived polyphenolic compounds, anthocyanins, which are rich in blackcurrants.

The beneficial health effect of blackcurrants was supported by a recent study conducted at the University of Eastern Finland. In the clinical meal study (Maqua) the beneficial effect on postprandial glucose response was achieved by 75 g (1.5 dL) of blackcurrant. This is a remarkably smaller portion size than in earlier studies. Blackcurrants are often consumed with added sugar because of their natural sourness, which may be a cause of concern for health-conscious consumers. However, it seems that sugar consumed with blackcurrants is not as unhealthy as sugar consumed without berries.

The study was a collaboration between the Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition at the University of Eastern Finland and Savonia University of Applied Sciences by utilizing the regional Food Valley ecosystem.

Berries are an important component of a healthy diet. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and polyphenols. So far, however, the EU has not authorized health claims for berries. In recent years, there have been many studies monitoring the effects of berries on glucose metabolism. Dark berries, such as blackcurrant and bilberry, had the most convincing results. Black-coloured berries, rich in anthocyanins, seem to attenuate the blood glucose response to added sugar, compared to a control product having the same amount of sugar. The same effect is demonstrated by anthocyanins extracted from blackcurrants. Polyphenolic compounds may slow down the absorption of glucose from the small intestine by interacting with carbohydrate-digesting enzymes and glucose transport proteins. In addition, polyphenolic compounds may reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.

26 healthy participants (22 female, 4 male) consumed three different test products and sugar water as a control product at four separate study visits. The test products were:

Each of them and the control product contained 31 g of available carbohydrates. They also had a similar composition of sugar components. Blood samples were taken before the meals in fasting state. Samples were also taken post-prandially in 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, and 180 minutes after consuming the meal. The samples were analyzed for glucose, insulin, and free fatty acids.

Compared to sugary water, both blackcurrant products had attenuated postprandial glycaemic response. This was seen in reduced maximum glucose and insulin, delayed fall of glucose, and delayed rise of free fatty acids because of hypoglycaemia. The effect was enhanced for the blackcurrant product because of the innovative product base. The results support earlier findings on the beneficial effects of blackcurrants on blood glucose response after a meal, showing the effect with smaller portion size. Over a longer period of time, smaller variations in blood glucose and insulin levels, and improved insulin sensitivity, may decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Blackcurrants are an interesting raw material for the food industry because of their high content of anthocyanins and easy availability. Blackcurrants have potential for being developed into new healthy and tasty products.

Read more here:
Study Finds That Blackcurrants Are Healthier Than You Think - Longevity LIVE


Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market size and Key Trends in terms of volume and value 2020-2025 – Express Journal

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

The recent report on the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market predicts the industrys performance for the upcoming years to help stakeholders in making the right decisions that can potentially garner strong returns. Further, the document provides comprehensive analysis of the key industry trends as well as the opportunities that will ensure an upward growth trajectory in the coming years. It also focuses on developing strategies for challenges faced by the industry. Moreover, an exhaustive discussion of the latest updates including the impact of COVID-19 pandemic is furnished in the study.

Key highlights from COVID-19 impact analysis:

An overview of the regional landscape:

Request Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.express-journal.com/request-sample/268954

Other important takeaways from the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market report:

Key aspects listed in the report:

Points Covered in The Report:

The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as manufacturers, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors, etc.

The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. The historical data and forecast data from 2020 to 2025.

The growth factors of the market are discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.

Data and information by manufacturer, by region, by type, by application, etc., and custom research can be added according to specific requirements. The report contains a SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.

Recent Industry Trend:

The report contains the profiles of various prominent players in the Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market. Different strategies implemented by these vendors have been analyzed and studied to gain a competitive edge, create unique product portfolios and increase their market share. The study also sheds light on major global industry vendors. Such essential vendors consist of both new and well-known players. Besides, the business report contains important data relating to the launch of new products on the market, specific licenses, domestic scenarios and the strategies of the organization implemented on the market.


Chapter 1 Industry Overview

Chapter 2 Production Market Analysis

Chapter 3 Sales Market Analysis

Chapter 4 Consumption Market Analysis

Chapter 5 Production, Sales and Consumption Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 6 Major Manufacturers Production and Sales Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 7 Major Product Analysis

Chapter 8 Major Application Analysis

Chapter 9 Industry Chain Analysis

Chapter 10 Global and Regional Market Forecast

Chapter 11 Major Manufacturers Analysis

Chapter 12 New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis

Chapter 13 Conclusions

Chapter 14 Appendix

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Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market size and Key Trends in terms of volume and value 2020-2025 - Express Journal


4 questions to ask yourself about living to 100 because there’s a chance you will – MarketWatch

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

As Americans live longer than ever before and the ones born today could expect to celebrate their 90th birthday and beyond there are questions they need to ask themselves.

The University of California, Irvines Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI Mind) has studied elderly individuals as part of its 90+ Study since 2003, analyzing the ways in which nearly 2,000 participants go about their lives in their 90s and 100s, as well as what may have contributed to that longevity and underlying cognitive disabilities they may or may not know they have.

60 Minutes met with a few participants including a World War II veteran and a ballroom dancer six years apart and recently reported that many continued to thrive. Some participants had an iPhone and were on Facebook, and others were exercising in any capacity they could. While a few of the participants were losing their cognitive abilities, others were mentally agile, able to answer questions and formulate calculations at the tops of their heads.

They also remember vivid memories one participant said he recalls buying his first car, a 1931 Chevy convertible, for $18 in a pool hall because the seller needed the money to shoot pool. When asked how old the 99-year-old feels, I always say 69, he told CBS reporter Lesley Stahl.

While these golden agers might seem uncommon now, the future will see many more. Half of children born this decade can expect to see their 103rd or 104th birthday, Claudia Kawas, co-principal investigator of The 90+ Study, told CBS. And if other Americans expect to follow suit, living well into their 80s, 90s or even 100s, theyll need to think carefully about the time ahead of them.

Here are a few questions they can consider:

See: Want to solve the retirement crisis? Invest $7,500 for every baby born in America

How many things will I be when I grow up?

Parents and teachers used to ask children what they wanted to become when they were older, but the question will likely need to change to what jobs as in, plural will people want to take on as an adult, said Joe Coughlin, director of the MIT AgeLab and author of The Longevity Economy. You are seeing in this pandemic a propellant of what education will be like, he said. Theyll have to continue learning.

Some older Americans may already be seeing that, as they switch jobs or advance their careers as technology pushes society forward. There are now social media analysts, data scientists, even remote learning consultants positions that did not exist only a few decades ago. Nancy Schlossberg, an author and former counseling professor, said shes experienced it herself moving from a job as a professor and author to a consultant for Zoom programs on transitions in life.

Workers will need to stay adaptable, Coughlin said, meaning they will need to brush up on the latest skill sets and be ready to grow as their fields change.

Not only can people expect to change jobs and career fields numerous times in their lifetimes, but even what they do in retirement, Schlossberg said. There are six types of retirees, she found in her research, including ones who choose not to have any big plans in retirement and those who start a hobby theyve always longed to try.

With whom will I live this long life?

Choosing a significant other to share lifes journey with may become an even bigger commitment than it already is, especially if you marry in your 30s and expect to live into your 90s, Coughlin said. Were not talking about 25 years or the rarity of 50, he said. Celebrating a golden anniversary, or longer, could become commonplace. But that also depends on if the marriage will last. Of course, many Americans divorce even in their older age and some may choose to stay single, date or find another spouse with whom they can spend their later years.

Not everyone needs a spouse, but when thinking about a long life ahead, individuals do need to think about who may be around them in that time. They should plan for how they expect to interact with children, grandchildren, other family members, friends and even neighbors. A crucial question to get sorted out is this: Who will take care of you when youre old or sick? This may be a significant other, it may be a relative or a family friend, or it may be a health care professional but knowing that answer and discussing it at length with the other person is important to ensuring your wishes are met, as are theirs.

There are also social clubs, online communities and other ways to strike up new friendships. Socializing is an important part of living a long, happy life.

Can I afford it?

Longevity is a blessing, but it can also become a burden if an individual is not adequately prepared financially for this long life. Because of the pandemic, about half of workers over age 55 will be poor or near-poor at 65 years old, defined as living on less than $20,000 a year, according to the New School.

The COVID-19 crisis may make it harder for some Americans to live comfortably in old age perhaps because of a job loss, brief but significant investment losses or the need to withdraw money from a retirement account but even without the pandemic, workers need to think about how their money will last them for decades, not years, in retirement. A healthy 65-year-old could expect to live at least 30 more years in retirement, which means every dollar they have saved and invested will count. Because of this increased longevity, some Americans may choose, or need, to work longer to make ends meet.

You have to worry about getting unlucky and living to 100, Richard Thaler, the 2017 economics Nobel Prize winner, said during a Brookings Institution event last year. Theyll need to focus on saving and preserving those assets, as opposed to spending them down in retirement.

Also see: How robots and your smart fridge can keep you pit of a nursing home

What should I do with all of that time in old age?

What will fulfill you during this next phase of your life? Thats one major question to ask yourself, said Thomas Malone, author of Superminds: The Surprising Power of People and Computers Thinking Together. You can say wisdom is not just the ability to achieve your goals, but to work toward the right goals, he said.

For some, this may be leaving behind a legacy. It sounds philosophical, but one way to determine a persons next steps is to think of what provides the greatest good for the greatest number of people, Malone said. What gives people fulfillment is working toward something bigger than yourself, he said. Finding the answer might become easier as a person ages, because theyll have experiences they can rely on.

But retirement is also a chance to enjoy yourself and take up a hobby or interest you couldnt do in the earlier parts of your life, Malone said.

Coughlin said your life can be broken up into 8,000-day intervals: from birth to college is 8,000 days; from college to midlife is 8,000 days; from midlife to retirement is 8,000 days; and then retirement itself can be another 8,000 days, he said.

How do we want to live life tomorrow? Coughlin asked. Its not just about planning but preparing. We need to physically put things in place about where we live, get around, give and receive care. This is more than putting enough money in the bank its about living longer and better.

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4 questions to ask yourself about living to 100 because there's a chance you will - MarketWatch


First Drive: The Fiat 500 EV proves this supermini’s unrivalled longevity – Aberdeen Evening Express

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

What is it?(Fiat)

Reinventing an icon is never easy, but thats exactly what Fiat was faced with when it decided to update the 500. Its played it safe by keeping the existing model on sale, but in many ways its also undergone a radical change by making the new model fully electric.

Thats right, the new generation 500 cannot be bought with an internal combustion engine. Instead its been completely reinvented with new underpinnings and a new look. As an urban car, on paper, the 500 is the perfect model for electrification, so lets find out if it stacks up.

Pretty much everything except for the name is new. Its the first Fiat Chrysler Automobiles vehicle to be built from the ground up as an electric vehicle, so its perhaps unsurprising that it has led with its most iconic model.

That makes it wider and longer than the outgoing model, gets level two autonomous driving features, a futuristic twist on the classic 500 styling, and two battery size choices with fast charging up to 85kW. Its also offered as both a hatchback and convertible.

The powertrain is impressively compact to maximise space in the cabin. Under the bonnet where an engine would typically live is a power electronic bay, which incorporates various aspects of the powertrain such as the charger module and power inverter. Beneath it sits the electric drive module, which has the motor and differential. Its output is 115bhp (or 94bhp on the smaller battery version) and 220Nm of torque.

Beneath the cabin sits the battery pack, which is available in 42kWh or 23.7kWh capacities, providing up to 199 and 115 miles of range respectively. The smaller battery can charge at a maximum rate of 50kW, which takes 30 minutes to get to 80 per cent of charge, while the larger one can take up to 85kW, which takes 35 minutes to reach 80 per cent.

In previous generations, the 500s trump card has always been its style, and while it hasnt been bad to drive, its far from class leading. However, the new 500 feels like a massive step up. Electric powertrains suit city cars down to the ground and this Fiat is no different.

The electric motor doesnt quite have the immediate kick of acceleration of some EVs, but its much more spritely than a petrol car when driving around town. Its comfortable, too, without suffering from the overly harsh ride some rivals struggle with.

The 500 could have been the worst car ever made and it would still sell by the boatload because Fiat absolutely nailed the retro-modern styling. This new model has seen the most dramatic change yet, because although its unmistakably a 500, its got an ultra-modern edge that would be well-suited to a concept car.

Despite being larger now, its not obvious from the outside, so its still got the charming dinky proportions we know and love. It has a solid front grille with a prominent 500 logo that should be tacky but has been implemented in a classy way, while the ring light around the oval headlights is a simple, modern yet characterful touch.

Again, the interior feels like its moved up a level. This is partly because the starting price is higher, as is the case with all EVs, so they tend to get more premium materials and style to help justify it. However, while the Fiat doesnt necessarily feel more premium, gone is the clunky, fussy interior of old and in its place is a sleek minimalist dashboard.

It has a simplified oval instrument binnacle design, which is about the only similarity with its predecessor. Now, the centre console is simply a prominent screen on the dashboard where most features are controlled from, as well as a few physical buttons below for the air conditioning and gear selection.

Prices start at 19,995 for the hatchback after the government grant, and 26,145 for the convertible. There are four trim levels on the hatchback, while the drop top goes without the entry level Action trim, which is only available with the smaller battery.

Standard equipment includes rear parking sensors, 15-inch alloy wheels, halogen headlights, air conditioning and digital instruments. However, theres no infotainment screen you get a smartphone cradle instead.

Step up to Passion and you get the larger battery, cruise control, automatic air conditioning and a seven-inch infotainment screen with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. After this, Icon models get a leather steering wheel, passive entry with a wearable key, 16-inch alloy wheels, and 10.25-inch infotainment screen with sat nav.

Finally, the top-spec La Prima trim gets extensive extra equipment, including wireless phone charging, leather seats, 360-degree parking sensors, 17-inch alloy wheels, LED headlights and a six-speaker sound system.

Reinventing the Fiat 500 was a big ask. But you have to say fair play to the Italians because they have managed to find everything thats loved about the previous 500 and packaged it up in a modern-looking car with a future-proof electric powertrain.

Theres now more substance to the 500s style, because its great to drive, more spacious and has ultra-low running costs too. Its safe to say this city cars reign of success is likely to continue for a good while yet.

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First Drive: The Fiat 500 EV proves this supermini's unrivalled longevity - Aberdeen Evening Express


The White House is hosting indoor holiday parties despite top health officials’ warnings | TheHill – The Hill

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

The White House is scheduled to hold as many as 20 indoor holiday events this month despite an alarming surge in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations and guidance from public health officials to avoid large indoor gatherings this holiday season.

Leading up to Thanksgiving, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued guidance recommending people spend the holiday only with those living in the same household and suggestedcelebrations be held outdoors if possible as the coronavirus raged out of control.

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During an interview just ahead of the holiday, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams pleaded with Americans to avoid large holiday gatherings as the U.S. is at a dire point in the COVID-19 pandemic.

As of Wednesday, a record 98,691 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized across the country while the rolling seven-day average of deathshas surpassed 1,500.

But the White House has moved forward with annual holiday events as the outbreak continues, ignoring warnings from the Trump administrations own public health officials and a pandemic that has left more than 273,000 Americans dead.

The events kicked off Monday after first lady Melania Trump unveiled Christmas decorations.

The Washington Post reports each event will include more than 50 guests, most of whom will not be tested in advance. One such event on Tuesday night included several attendees who were not wearing masks and crowded together, according to NBC News.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday dismissed the health concerns associated with the events.

If you can loot businesses, burn down buildings, engage in protest, you can also go to a Christmas party, McEnany said during a White House briefing.

You can celebrate the holiday of Christmas, and you can do it responsibly, she said.

Stephanie Grisham, Melania Trumps chief of staff, said in a statement on Wednesday that the White House is providing the safest environment possible by having a smaller guest list and mask requirements while encouraging social distancing.

Meanwhile, the head of the CDC warned the U.S. could see another 200,000 coronavirus deaths over the next three months if people dont take mitigation measures such as mask-wearing and social distancing seriously.

The reality is December and January and February are going to be rough times. I actually believe theyre going to be the most difficult in the public health history of this nation, CDC Director Robert Redfield said Wednesday.







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The White House is hosting indoor holiday parties despite top health officials' warnings | TheHill - The Hill


BioAge Raises $90M to Treat Aging and Age-related Diseases – GlobeNewswire

December 4th, 2020 12:28 am

Proceeds will support advancement of the companys pipeline and proprietary platform for identifying and developing therapies to treat diseases of aging

Company announces Chief Medical Officer as it prepares to enter clinic in 2021 with lead Phase 2-ready therapeutic compounds

RICHMOND, Calif., Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioAge Labs, Inc., a biotechnology company developing medicines to treat aging and aging-related diseases, today announced that it has raised $90 million in an oversubscribed Series C financing. The raise was co-led by Andreessen Horowitz and serial entrepreneur, Elad Gil, and included new investors Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, AARP Foundation (through the RockCreek Impact Fund) and Phi-X Capital, the fund of genomics entrepreneur Mostafa Ronaghi, among others. Current investors including Caffeinated Capital, Redpoint Ventures, PEAR Ventures, AME Cloud Ventures, Felicis Ventures, and others also participated.

These additional funds will support advancement of our systems biology and data-driven platform to map the key pathways that drive human aging and our pipeline of medicines that target these pathways to reverse or eradicate diseases and extend healthspan, said Kristen Fortney, PhD, co-founder and chief executive officer. We look forward to advancing our first platform-derived therapies, BGE-117 and BGE-175 into clinical trials in the first half of 2021.

BioAge is at the forefront of understanding scientific drivers of aging with its unique and cutting-edge systems biology platform. We believe their approach has the potential to unlock the underlying pathologies of many diseases, such as Alzheimers, cardiovascular disease, and frailty, that disproportionately affect older populations, said Vijay Pande, PhD, general partner at Andreessen Horowitz.

Drugs that target aging have potential to treat several morbid diseases and improve the lives of older adults. BioAge has built a proprietary engine to analyze molecular signatures in aging populations, and to advance data-driven hypotheses to identify existing clinical-stage drugs that are ready for Phase 2 efficacy trials in age-related diseases. Im excited to work with them as they scale their platform and develop multiple therapies to improve the health of older individuals, said Elad Gil, PhD, entrepreneur and investor.

Proceeds from the financing will be used to build and develop a diversified portfolio of therapies that increase healthspan and lifespan, augment BioAges artificial intelligence (AI)-driven approach to map the molecular pathways that impact human longevity, and further expand capabilities to test drug candidates in predictive models of human diseases of aging.

Separately, the company announced that Paul Rubin, M.D. will lead its clinical development efforts as chief medical officer. Dr. Rubin, a veteran biopharmaceutical drug developer, brings extensive experience from early discovery, late stage development and ultimate drug approvals across a wide variety of therapeutic areas in global geographies. In former roles heading development at Sepracor, GSK and Abbott, Dr. Rubin has been responsible for the clinical development and approval of more than ten products. Prior to BioAge, he was most recently executive vice president, Research and Development for MiRagen and held a similar role at Xoma, two biotechnology companies. Dr. Rubin earned his M.D. at Rush Medical College, Chicago.

Dr. Rubin commented, I am thrilled to be leading the BioAge clinical development team at this exciting time. Our platform provides a unique opportunity to identify targets relevant to the aging process and diseases associated with this process. Diseases common to older patients are often ignored despite their direct association with morbidity, mortality and decreased quality of life. The first two drugs from our pipeline are ready to begin Phase 2 trials in indications targeting serious conditions in elderly populations that presently have no good therapeutic options. A key aspect of our strategy is to initiate efficient human clinical trials that will demonstrate that our drugs can address age-related deficiencies in acute conditions, which may expedite approval and serve as a gateway to the treatment of chronic diseases, resulting in healthy aging.

About the BioAge Platform

The BioAge platform identifies key drug targets that will impact aging. The companys proprietary human aging cohorts have blood samples collected up to 45 years ago, with participant -omics data that is tied to extensive medical follow-up records including detailed future healthspan, lifespan and disease outcomes. BioAge has built a systems biology and AI platform that leverages these rich datasets to identify the molecular drivers of age-related pathology. BioAges pipeline of therapies targeting these key pathways will address the significant unmet medical needs of an aging population.

About BioAge

BioAge is a privately-held biotechnology company developing proprietary drugs to treat aging and aging- related diseases. Since its founding in 2015, the Company has raised $127 million in venture capital funding to back its AI-driven approach to map the molecular pathways that impact human longevity. BioAges mission is to develop a pipeline of therapeutic assets that increase healthspan and lifespan. For additional information about BioAge, visit the companys website at http://www.bioagelabs.com.

Source: BioAge Labs, Inc.

Contact Information:

BioAge | peng@bioagelabs.com

Media | swheeler@wheelhouselsa.com

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BioAge Raises $90M to Treat Aging and Age-related Diseases - GlobeNewswire


How the pandemic enabled a robot revolution – Politico

December 4th, 2020 12:27 am

Future Pulse is a new weekly newsletter exploring the rapidly changing world of health care and technology. We call out fads from real advances, chronicle experimentation and investigate the tension between innovation, regulation and privacy. Join the conversation!

JUST WHAT THE ROBOT ORDERED: At several Texas health networks, a friendly-looking robot with a mechanical arm and blinking lights for eyes can be seen whirring around the hospital floor, ferrying lab samples and protective gear for nursing staff. At Bostons Brigham & Womens this summer, a roaming four-legged robot with mounted infrared cameras loped into the emergency department to take patients vital signs. At Los Angeles Adventist Health White Memorial, seven devices the size of mini-fridges zip around to disinfect patient rooms with UV light.

Whether theyre restocking supply rooms or taking patients heart rates, the roving machines could help contain the coronavirus spread by cutting down on possible exposure between staff and patients, health system leaders say. The systems were already in the early stages of piloting robots before the pandemic, but the crisis has generated more interest than ever, robotics experts tell us. The big question is whether to rush to automate is pushing aside viable existing technologies

What were trying to do is introduce ways of really preserving safety of health care personnel by having assistance ... in doing tasks that can essentially be handed off to a robot, says MIT assistant professor Giovanni Traverso, part of the research team that sent Boston Dynamics dog-like robot named Spot into Brigham & Womens exam rooms to measure vital signs like temperature and blood pressure.

Rich Pedroncelli/AP Photo

Stopped at the door: Still, there are lots of mundane challenges some robots havent been able to overcome, like walking up stairs or opening certain types of doors. For robots in general, the standard doorknob is still going to be most challenging, says Andrew Rossi of Diligent Robotics, which created the Moxi robot used in the Texas health systems.

And anytime the robots are deployed to a new health system, they have to be programmed with new instructions. We have to understand what elevators they use and how they badge in and out of doors and then we have to make adjustments, Rossi said.

Theres much to learn before health systems go all in with robots, MITs Traverso said. His team is exploring whether Boston Dynamics Spot, which retails for about $75,000, is worth the investment. Theyre also considering patients comfort levels with the robot caregivers, which Traverso admits might be a little jarring. In general, though,people are curious and kind of fascinated by this robot, he says.

A simpler approach?: And the biggest question remains is the high-tech way ultimately the better way?

I think we need to further expand our understanding and exposure to robots and see them in different settings, Traverso says. The main question is, do we need that level of sophistication, or are there simpler systems?

Welcome back to Future Pulse, where we explore the convergence of health care and technology. Share your news and feedback: @dariustahir, @ravindranize, @ali_lev, @katymurphy.

Next week, POLITICO will feature a special edition Future Pulse newsletter at the Milken Institute Future of Health Summit. The newsletter takes readers inside one of the most influential gatherings of global health industry leaders and innovators determined to confront and conquer the most significant health challenges. Covid-19 has exposed weaknesses across our health systems, particularly in the treatment of our most vulnerable communities, driving the focus of the 2020 conference on the converging crises of public health, economic insecurity, and social justice.

Michael Anne Kyle @michaelannica "Being in year 5 of a PhD in health policy, I have spent a very large amount of time thinking about waste, moral hazard, unnecessary utilization, consumer decision-making, etc. And yet this week I went to the ED for a broken toe."

The percentage of telehealth visits for mental health services rose in most regions this year, possibly due to increased stress, FAIR Health's president Robin Gelburd says. Variation could be due to differences in substance use disorder diagnoses.

A periodic feature delivering insights from health and tech leaders on how the pandemic is changing the medical system.

Its been less than a year since Chinese scientists shared the Covid-19 genetic sequence, allowing the sprint for a vaccine to commence. Now, states have until the end of this week to tell the federal government how they plan to distribute shots that could be shipped within 24 hours of FDA authorization.

Experts told us they have a multitude of concerns over how the vaccines are allocated to states, wholl get the shots first, and misinformation spreading online.

This is the first time in the history of our country where we are launching multiple novel vaccines all at once that have different dosing, complex scheduling and challenging transport, storage and administration requirements, says Vivian Riefberg, former co-lead of McKinseys U.S. health care practice and now professor of practice at University of Virginias Darden School of Business. Combine this with at least 50 different high level distribution plans (each state) using a range of inexperienced and experienced health care professionals in delivering these products. Then add to that overall market confusion for consumers about the various products. Will we have the right coordinated logistics and campaign to ensure the vast majority of people have timely access and take the vaccine?

David Blumenthal, president of the Commonwealth Fund, which has studied states immunization track records, said his big concern is that many states may not have the resources they need to implement an emergency population-wide immunization plan. Commonwealths research, he said, found huge variation across states in their past success in vaccinating their populations against influenza and other infectious diseases. States also display considerable differences in their ability to immunize populations of color, who suffer disproportionately from Covid-19.

We should leverage primary care providers, who have built trusting relationships with their patients, to educate the public and administer vaccines, says Farzad Mostashari, CEO of Aledade and a former national coordinator for health IT in the Obama administration. As front line workers, they should also be prioritized to receive the vaccines themselves. My biggest concern is that distribution may leave out smaller independent practices, especially in rural and underserved areas where their participation is needed most.

Im less concerned about the nuts and bolts of physical distribution, says Robert Wachter, professor and chair of the Department of Medicine at University of California, San Francisco. Im more concerned about misinformation about side effects ... When you vaccinate 200 million people, a fair number of them will have strokes, cancer or heart attacks in the months after vaccination. Some will spin these into vaccine side effects.

Paul Barrett, deputy director of the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, worries that the drumbeat of false information online will discourage vaccination. Even before Covid-19, a loud chorus of anti-vaxxer activists, some of whom wrapped their views in various conspiracy theories, had become prominent on the major social media platforms, he said. The coming Covid-vaccination push will almost certainly provoke this contingent into redoubling their activities.

GOOGLES LATEST BID FOR HOSPITAL AND PATIENT DATA: The tech giants forays into health care havent always been welcomed: Its data-collection partnership with the hospital chain Ascension is still under HHS investigation for potential violations of the health privacy law HIPAA. But POLITICO's Mohana Ravindranath writes Googles cloud business is now marketing itself as a technical facilitator for hospitals and insurers, as part of the broader push to share patient data between electronic health records and apps.

Google executives say the effort can relieve hospitals and insurers from the burden of doing a huge technical undertaking on their own. Beyond that, the company is prodding the industry to think bigger about how the digital overhaul can improve patient care, said Google Clouds global health care director Aashima Gupta. This could include new ways to analyze clinical data or building apps that could help patients manage their condition.

Patients may want better access to their health data, but its not clear if theyll trust this latest venture to safeguard theirs. Asked whether shes seen pushback from providers wary of Silicon Valleys expansion into health care, Gupta stressed the company aimed to be sensitive to the needs of clinicians and patients alike. "Consumers are demanding better ways to access their data," she said.

THE PROMISE AND PITFALLS OF AI: Artificial intelligence has been eyed as an easy fix for a health care system facing strain from the pandemic, an aging population and rising costs. Still, the technology raises ethical, legal, economic, and social questions policymakers must confront in order to realize its full potential, concludes a new report to Congress.

Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo

The Government Accountability Office and the National Academy of Medicine in a joint inquiry acknowledge that AI has shown promise in predicting health outcomes, recommending treatment and helping to record clinical notes, among other tasks. But significant challenges persist. For instance, the technical experts building these tools cant always rely on high-quality data, potentially perpetuating bias that affects patient care. And how these systems work arent always transparent to patients or clinicians, which can undermine trust.

Given those trade-offs, the report offers six paths for Congress and federal regulators to consider, though it offers no recommendations. These include allowing the technology to flourish without government intervention (though GAO noted this could also increase disparities) and working with outside groups to encourage better data sharing and AI testing. Authors noted that groups with proprietary data and technology might be reluctant to participate.

TRUMP ADMIN CEMENTS VIRTUAL CARE CHANGES: The federal Medicare agency on Tuesday approved expanded coverage of telehealth services, ensuring some pandemic policies will last beyond the public health emergency period. Medicare will pay for 60 more telehealth services, though the changes wont do much for patients outside rural areas when the emergency declaration is lifted. Medicare payment law generally restricts telehealth coverage to patients in rural areas, unless Congress makes a change.

Alcoholics Anonymous goes to Zoom, reports the New York Times.

Science Magazine probes HHSs controversial coronavirus data system, alleges discrepancies.

STAT delves into a new artificial intelligence feat from the folks at Google DeepMind: folding proteins.

See the article here:
How the pandemic enabled a robot revolution - Politico


Mini kidneys bioprinted in the lab – Lab + Life Scientist

December 4th, 2020 12:25 am

Researchers from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI) and biotech company Organovo have used cutting-edge technology to bioprint miniature human kidneys in the lab, paving the way for new treatments for kidney failure and possibly lab-grown transplants. Their study has been published in the journal Nature Materials.

Like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube, extrusion-based 3D bioprinting uses a bioink made from a stem cell paste, squeezed out through a computer-guided pipette to create artificial living tissue in a dish. According to MCRI Professor Melissa Little, a world leader in modelling the human kidney, this new bioprinting method is faster and more reliable than previous methods, allowing the whole process to be scaled up. 3D bioprinting could now create about 200 mini kidneys in 10 minutes without compromising quality.

From larger than a grain of rice to the size of a fingernail, bioprinted mini kidneys fully resemble a regular-sized kidney, including the tiny tubes and blood vessels that form the organs filtering structures called nephrons. Prof Little said the mini organs will be used to screen drugs to find new treatments for kidney disease or to test if a new drug was likely to injure the kidney.

Drug-induced injury to the kidney is a major side effect and difficult to predict using animal studies; bioprinting human kidneys are a practical approach to testing for toxicity before use, she said.

In the study, researchers tested the toxicity of aminoglycosides a class of antibiotics that commonly damage the kidney. Prof Little said, We found increased death of particular types of cells in the kidneys treated with aminoglycosides.

By generating stem cells from a patient with a genetic kidney disease, and then growing mini kidneys from them, also paves the way for tailoring treatment plans specific to each patient, which could be extended to a range of kidney diseases.

Prof Little said the study also showed that 3D bioprinting of stem cells can produce large enough sheets of kidney tissue needed for transplants. She noted, 3D bioprinting can generate larger amounts of kidney tissue but with precise manipulation of biophysical properties, including cell number and conformation, improving the outcome.

Prof Little said prior to this study the possibility of using mini kidneys to generate transplantable tissue was too far away to contemplate, but that may no longer be the case.

The pathway to renal replacement therapy using stem cell-derived kidney tissue will need a massive increase in the number of nephron structures present in the tissue to be transplanted, she said.

By using extrusion bioprinting, we improved the final nephron count, which will ultimately determine whether we can transplant these tissues into people.

Image credit: stock.adobe.com/au/bluebay2014

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Mini kidneys bioprinted in the lab - Lab + Life Scientist


Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited Acquires TheraPharm GmbH, Broadening Reach to Hematologic Cancers and Transplant Medicine – BioSpace

December 4th, 2020 12:25 am

MELBOURNE, Australia and BAAR, Switzerland, Nov. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (ASX: TLX, Telix, the Company) announces it has entered into an agreement with Scintec Diagnostics GmbH (Scintec) to acquire TheraPharm GmbH (TheraPharm), a Swiss-German biotechnology company developing innovative diagnostic and therapeutic solutions in the field of hematology.

The acquisition of TheraPharm provides Telix with access to a portfolio of patents, technologies, production systems, clinical data and know-how in relation to the use of Molecularly Targeted Radiation (MTR) in hematology and immunology. TheraPharm is developing antibody MTR technology against CD66, a cell surface target highly expressed by neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. As such, the technology has potentially very broad applications in the diagnosis and treatment of hematologic diseases (e.g. blood cancers), lymphoproliferative disorders and immune-mediated diseases (e.g. lupus, and multiple sclerosis). Of particular interest is the demonstrated use of the technology to safely and effectively perform bone marrow conditioning (BMC) prior to bone marrow stem cell transplant.

Telix CEO, Dr. Christian Behrenbruch stated, Telix is committed to extending and improving the lives of patients with serious diseases. As such, the acquisition of TheraPharm and its MTR assets are uniquely aligned to Telixs mission and technical strengths in antibody engineering and radiochemistry. TheraPharms technology has a significant role to play in BMC and stem cell transplantation across a broad range of blood cancers and rare diseases. The current approach to BMC employs highly toxic drugs that have a poor morbidity and mortality profile, and for which many patients are ineligible. MTR offers an excellent safety profile that may greatly expand the number of patients able to undergo life prolonging stem cell transplantation while greatly reducing the hospitalisation burden and cost associated with such procedures.

TheraPharm co-founder and Managing Director, Dr. Klaus Bosslet added, Over the past 5 years, TheraPharm, in collaboration with Dr. Kim Orchard from the University of Southampton (UK), has made excellent progress developing 90Y-besilesomab for the treatment of hematologic cancers and several related conditions including multiple myeloma, leukemia and amyloidosis. This unique asset is a logical addition to Telixs portfolio, offering a potentially rapid development path to a first commercial indication for the treatment of patients with SALA, while at the same time having potentially broad applications for stem cell transplantation in patients with more common cancers of the blood, including multiple myeloma and leukemia. We look forward to joining the Telix team in order to expedite the development of products for this under-served field.

Full transaction details, including financial terms, can be found via the Telix website and ASX portal here.

About Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT)

Bone marrow conditioning (BMC) followed by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is presently performed to treat patients with hematologic malignancies (blood cancers), with the objective of extending patient survival or achieving cure. HSCT is also performed for a broad range of non-cancer conditions. HSCT is preferentially performed in countries of high income (Europe >30,000, Americas >20,000, worldwide >65,000 p.a., respectively) and is growing at around 5% annually.

About Systemic Amyloid Light-Chain Amyloidosis (SALA)

SALA is a rare, but serious protein deposition disease, caused by a protein known as amyloid that is produced by abnormal plasma cells residing in the bone marrow. As amyloid accumulates in the organs of the body, organ function will eventually deteriorate, ultimately causing organ failure. SALA has an estimated prevalence of 30,000 and 45,000 in United States and Europe, respectively and while a rare disease, SALA portends a very poor prognosis, with a median survival from diagnosis of ~11 months if untreated.

The current standard of care comprises of induction therapy (typically cyclophosphamide, bortezomib, dexamethasone) plus high dose melphalan BMC, followed by HSCT. This approach is typically only accessible to a small proportion of patients (<20%) who are able to tolerate induction therapy and melphalan BMC.

About Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited

Telix is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of diagnostic and therapeutic products using Molecularly Targeted Radiation (MTR). Telix is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia with international operations in Belgium, Japan and the United States. Telix is developing a portfolio of clinical-stage oncology products that address significant unmet medical needs in prostate, kidney and brain cancer. Telix is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: TLX). For more information visit http://www.telixpharma.com.

AboutTheraPharm GmbH

TheraPharm is a biotechnology company specialised in the research, development and manufacturing of monoclonal antibodies for targeted radiation of hematopoietic malignant and non-malignant diseases, lymphoproliferative diseases, conditioning for allogeneic stem cells as well as in diagnostics of inflammatory diseases and bone marrow metastases.

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Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited Acquires TheraPharm GmbH, Broadening Reach to Hematologic Cancers and Transplant Medicine - BioSpace


Government of Canada and JDRF Canada announce new research funding to accelerate stem cell-based therapies for type 1 diabetes – Philippine Canadian…

December 4th, 2020 12:25 am

There are more than 300,000 Canadians living with type 1 diabetes (T1D), an autoimmune disease with no known cause or cure, resulting in the dysfunction, damage or loss of pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin in our bodies. People with T1D must treat themselves with insulin several times per day to keep their blood glucose levels normal, and despite their best efforts, they often experience serious, and even life-threatening, complications.

To mark the end of Diabetes Awareness Month, Sonia Sidhu, Member of Parliament for Brampton South, on behalf of the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Health, announced an investment of $6 million through the CIHR-JDRF Partnership to Defeat Diabetes for two Canadian research teams to accelerate the development of stem cell-based therapies for the treatment of T1D.

Stem cells show great promise as a source of insulin-producing cells that could be transplanted to provide a new source of insulin, to replace dysfunctional, damagedor lost pancreatic beta cells. Canada has a remarkable legacy in leading discoveries in this area. Stem cells were discovered in Toronto in 1961, and in 2000, a team in Edmonton were the first to pioneer transplantation of pancreatic islets (the part of the pancreas that contains insulin-producing cells). These achievements represent important steps toward a treatment that will allow people with T1D to live healthy lives without daily insulin injections.

The research teams are led by Dr. Maria Cristina Nostro at the University Health Network and the University of Toronto and Dr. Francis Lynn at the BC Childrens Hospital Research Institute and the University of British Columbia. The teams will build on Canadas demonstrated research excellence and leadership in clinical islet transplantation, stem cell biology, diabetes, immunology and genetic engineering to accelerate stem cell-based therapies for T1D. They will work in collaboration with other Canadian researchers to tackle some of the biggest scientific challenges that impede our progress in this area and move us closer to a future where people with T1D will no longer rely on insulin therapy.

This funding was provided by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (CIHR-INMD), and JDRF Canada, through the CIHR-JDRF Partnership to Defeat Diabetes established in 2017. Each partner will invest $3 million over five years. This investment is part of a large research initiative,100 Years of Insulin: Accelerating Canadian Discoveries to Defeat Diabetes, funded by CIHR and partners. This initiative commemorates the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin to be marked in 2021a discovery that changed the lives of millions of Canadians and people around the world and won researchers Sir Frederick Banting and John Macleod the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

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Government of Canada and JDRF Canada announce new research funding to accelerate stem cell-based therapies for type 1 diabetes - Philippine Canadian...


News briefing: Four biotechs announce IPO terms, setting the pace to round out a busy year; FDA sets PDUFA date for Kadmon’s graft-versus-host drug -…

December 4th, 2020 12:25 am

Four more biotechs set the terms for their IPOs, lining up yet another busy week on Wall Street.

Silverback Therapeutics, which initially filed for a $100 million raise, is now shooting for $125 million from 7 million shares at a range of $17 to $19. About $70 million is tagged for the companys lead Phase I/Ib antibody-drug conjugate, SBT6050, for advanced or metastatic HER2-expressing solid tumors. Interim data from the Phase I dose-escalation cohorts are expected in the second half of 2021. Another $55 million is set aside for Silverbacks two other candidates, which have yet to reach the clinic.

Kinnate Biopharma is looking for a $170 million raise, and set a $16 to $18 range for its 10 million share offering. About $105 is earmarked for its RAF inhibitors, including its lead preclinical candidate KIN002787 for patients with lung cancer, melanoma and other solid tumors. An IND is coming in the first half of 2021, the company says. Back in August, it hooked a $98 million Series C.

Seer also set its shares at a $16 to $18 range. The company, which is working on next-gen proteome analysis tests, is offering 8.8 million shares, going for a $150 raise. About $65.0 million would go to its Proteograph Product Suite, which already has one collaborator and could have a second by the end of the year.

Sigilon Therapeutics is seeking $101 million from 5.6 million shares at a $17 to $19 range. Between $30 to $35 million will be set aside for its lead candidate, SIG-001, which is in a Phase I/II trial to prevent bleeding episodes in patients with hemophilia A. Another $30 to $35 million would fund a scale-up of the companys GMP manufacturing processes SIG-001 and SIG-005, its preclinical candidate for patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type 1, or MPS-1.

More than 72 biotech and biopharma companies and counting have hit Nasdaq so far this year, and head of healthcare listings Jordan Saxe predicted rounding out the year with just under $14 billion in proceeds.

Kadmons chronic graft-versus-host drug belumosudil is in the FDAs hands.

The agency accepted the biotechs NDA under its real-time oncology review (RTOR) pilot program, and set the PDUFA date for May 30, 2021. The submission was based on positive results from a pivotal, open-label trial dubbed ROCKstar, which enrolled 132 patients who had received at least two prior lines of therapy.

Belumosudil is designed to tamp down the inflammatory response seen after hematopoietic stem cell transplant by blocking Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase 2 (ROCK2). Instead of a comparator arm, Kadmon set the bar at a 30% overall response rate, based on conversations with the FDA. Patients were given 200 mg of the drug either once or twice daily. At six months after the completion of enrollment, Kadmon saw an ORR of 73% and 75% in the respective arms.

Thats it for data, until the full report is read out at ASH in December. The companys stock $KDMN was up 6.68% on Monday, at $4.39 per share.Kadmon was founded by Sam Waksal, the biotech exec who was sentenced to prison for his insider trading conviction involving Martha Stewart.

Hookipa Pharma said no one from a small group of Phase II participants treated with its prophylactic cytomegalovirus vaccine came down with the disease, according to interim results.

The analysis was based on 41 participants 8 of whom received 3 doses, 19 of whom received 2 doses, and 14 of whom received a placebo. Compared to the placebo, researchers saw a 48% reduction in CMV viremia, and a 42% reduction in the use of antiviral therapy. There were no cases of CMV disease in the treatment arm, compared to 2 in the placebo group.

While these interim data are from a small group of patients, they offer early insight into the potential of a three-dose schedule of HB-101 to help protect kidney transplant recipients against CMV disease, CEO Joern Aldag said in a statement.

The candidate is going head-to-head with Modernas mRNA-1647, which produced positive results from a proof-of-concept study back in January. Researchers said they saw an increasing level of neutralizing antibody titers in those who had received a third vaccination.

This could really be a company builder, CEO Stphane Bancel said at the time, adding that the candidate could turn into a $2 billion to $5 billion annual franchise.

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News briefing: Four biotechs announce IPO terms, setting the pace to round out a busy year; FDA sets PDUFA date for Kadmon's graft-versus-host drug -...


Global Regenerative Medicine Market to Rise Impressively at 26.1% CAGR and Hit USD 151,949.5 Million by 2026; Integra’s Latest Product Offerings to…

December 4th, 2020 12:24 am

Pune, India, Dec. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global regenerative medicine market size is likely to expand considerably in the coming years due to growing applications in the treatment of chronic diseases. The market was valued at US$ 23,841.5 Million in 2018. Fortune Business Insights states that the market will reach US$ 151,949.5 Million by the end of 2026, thereby exhibiting a CAGR of 26.1%. North America generated maximum revenue of US$ 9,128.2 Million in 2018 and is expected to dominate the global regenerative medicine market throughout the forecast period. Due to presence of substantial number of key market players based in U.S., presence of research institutes involved in development of novel therapeutics and availability of advanced technologies are attributive to the high number of clinical trials in North America.

Key Industry Developments:

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Increasing Investment in R&D of Regenerative Medicine to Enable Growth

The growing investment in research and development of regenerative medicine has made a significant contribution to the growth of the global market. The increasing investment from private as well as government organizations has had a positive impact on the global market. IN March 2018, SanBio collaborated with Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions for developing regenerative medicine across a wide range of applications.

Novartis Receives EU Approval for Luxturna

The severity of chronic diseases has led to the demand for efficient medicines. The ability of regenerative medicine to treat severe life-threatening diseases in an efficient manner has created a huge demand for the products across the world. Increasing drug approvals have contributed to the rising uptake for regenerative medicines.

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In 2018, Novartis received usage approval from the European Union for its latest regenerative medicine Luxturna. The drug was used to treat and restore sight for people with vision impairment. Luxturna was widely useful in treatment of rare retinal diseases.

Integra LifeSciences Latest Product Offering Will Favor Market Growth

The advancements in regenerative medicine have fueled their demand across the world. Increasing product launches have contributed to the rising uptake of regenerative medicine across the world. In 2017, Integra LifeSciences announced the launch of Integra Dermal Regeneration Template Single Layer Thin.

Fortune Business Insights some of the leading companies that have made significant growth contributions to the global market. Besides this, the report identifies some of the attractive business strategies that have been adopted by renowned companies in the world.

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List of the leading companies that are operating in the Regenerative Medicine Market:

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Global Regenerative Medicine Market Segmentation:

By Product

Cell Therapy

Gene Therapy

Tissue Engineering

Platelet Rich Plasma

By Application


Wound Care



By Distribution Channel




By Geography

North America (USA and Canada)

Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia and Rest of Europe)

Asia Pacific (Japan, China, India, Australia, Southeast Asia and Rest of Asia Pacific)

Latin America (Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America)

Middle East & Africa (South Africa, GCC and Rest of Middle East & Africa)

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Global Regenerative Medicine Market to Rise Impressively at 26.1% CAGR and Hit USD 151,949.5 Million by 2026; Integra's Latest Product Offerings to...


Development of New Stem Cell Type May Lead to Advances In Regenerative Medicine – Newswise

December 4th, 2020 12:24 am

Newswise DALLAS Dec. 3, 2020 A team led by UT Southwestern has derived a new intermediate embryonic stem cell type from multiple species that can contribute to chimeras and create precursors to sperm and eggs in a culture dish.

The findings, published online this week in Cell Stem Cell, could lead to a host of advances in basic biology, regenerative medicine, and reproductive technology.

Cells in early embryos have a range of distinct pluripotency programs, all of which endow the cells to create various tissue types in the body, explains study leader Jun Wu, Ph.D., assistant professor of molecular biology. A wealth of previous research has focused on developing and characterizing nave embryonic stem cells (those about four days post-fertilization in mice) and primed epiblast stem cells (about seven days post-fertilization in mice, shortly after the embryo implants into the uterus).

However, says Wu, theres been little progress in deriving and characterizing pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) that exist between these two stages largely because researchers have not been able to develop a paradigm for maintaining cells in this intermediate state. Cells in this state have been thought to possess unique properties: the ability to contribute to intraspecies chimeras (organisms that contain a mix of cells from different individuals of the same species) or interspecies chimeras (organisms that contain a mix of cells from different species) and the ability to differentiate into primordial germ cells in culture, the precursors to sperm and eggs.

For this study, the researchers successfully created intermediate PSCs, which they named XPSCs from mice, horses, and humans.

Wu says that these results could eventually lead to an array of advances in both basic and applied research. For example, looking at gene activity in XPSCs from different species and interspecies chimeras could help researchers understand which signatures have been conserved through evolution. Examining the communication between cells in chimeras may help scientists identify strategies that could be used to accelerate the development of tissues and organs from stem cells used for transplantation. And using chimera-derived primordial germ cells to create sperm and eggs could aid in preserving endangered animal species and advancing infertility treatments.

These XPSCs have enormous potential. Our study helps open the door to each of these possibilities, says Wu, who is a Virginia Murchison Linthicum Scholar in Medical Research.

Wu notes that developing XPSCs presented a special challenge because the conditions that keep nave PSCs in a stable state are exactly the opposite from those that stabilize primed PSCs. While culture conditions for nave PSCs must activate a WNT cell-signaling pathway and suppress the FGF and TGF- pathways, the conditions to maintain primed PSCs must suppress WNT and activate FGF and TGF-.

Aiming for the preferred environment for XPSC derivation, Wu and his colleagues placed cells from early mouse embryos into cultures containing chemicals and growth factors that activate all three pathways. These lab-grown cells were extremely stable in culture and able to multiply without developing any further for approximately two years.

Additional experiments showed that these cells met the expectations researchers have long strived to meet of contributing to chimeras and directly differentiating into primordial germ cells. Wu and his colleagues made intraspecies chimeras of mice using cells derived from mice with different coat colors by injecting the cells into early mouse embryos. They also tracked the contributions of the XPSCs by tagging the cells with a fluorescent protein and then identifying them throughout the resulting offsprings body.

Wus team made interspecies chimeras by injecting horse XPSCs into early mouse embryos and allowing the embryos to develop in mice for several days. Surprisingly, although horses have a comparatively long gestational period nearly a year the researchers found that these foreign cells had contributed to mouse organ development, indicating that signals from the mouse cells determine organ developmental timelines.

Like XPSCs from other species, the human cells showed that they were capable of differentiating into a variety of tissues if culture conditions allowed them to progress in development, as well as directly form primordial germ cells in a dish.

Other UTSW researchers who contributed to this study include Leqian Yu, Yulei Wei, Carlos A. Pinzon Arteaga, Masahiro Sakurai, Daniel A. Schmitz, Canbin Zheng, and Emily D. Ballard. Yu and Wu are inventors on a patent application arising from this work.

This study was funded by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT No. RR170076), the Hamon Center for Regenerative Science and Medicine, the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Genome Read and Write (No. 2017B030301011), and the Asahi Glass Foundation.

About UTSouthwestern Medical Center

UTSouthwestern, one of the premier academic medical centers in the nation, integrates pioneering biomedical research with exceptional clinical care and education. The institutions faculty has received six Nobel Prizes, and includes 23 members of the National Academy of Sciences, 17 members of the National Academy of Medicine, and 13 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators. The full-time faculty of more than 2,500 is responsible for groundbreaking medical advances and is committed to translating science-driven research quickly to new clinical treatments. UTSouthwestern physicians provide care in about 80 specialties to more than 105,000 hospitalized patients, nearly 370,000 emergency room cases, and oversee approximately 3 million outpatient visits a year.

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Development of New Stem Cell Type May Lead to Advances In Regenerative Medicine - Newswise


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