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Could red wine be a better choice this festive season? – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

December 21st, 2020 12:57 am

Its the festive season and we all know what that means, a lot of holiday overindulgence. Often, we tend to drink more over the festive season than we would in the usual course of events. Copious alcohol consumption is not a great idea. Some alcoholic drinks though, like wine (both red and white) have health benefits. So, if you do choose to grab a few drinks this festive season, wine might be the better choice.

Red wine is well known for its benefits. Many medical professionals believe that a glass of red wine per day is a valuable part of a healthy, balanced diet. And many studies seemingly back this up. Red wine specifically has repeatedly been shown to reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease. However, these studies are associated with moderate red wine intake and. Its always difficult to know when moderate becomes too excessive. Excess consumption can negate all the benefits and might evencausehealth problems. So, the bottom line is yes, your daily glass of wine could be very beneficial for your health.

Red wine is made from dark grapes which are crushed with the skin on and then fermented. The alcohol content of wine generally ranges from12-15%.There are many variations of red wines and common varietals include Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot noir, and Zinfandel. All of these varietals have been shown to have benefits when it comes to your health and wellness. Red wine contains a lot ofpowerful antioxidants.Many experts also agree that thealcohol in wineis a major contributing factor when it comes to health benefits.

Grapes themselves are rich in antioxidants which include resveratrol, catechin, epicatechin, and proanthocyanidins. These are what are believed to be behind red wines healthy reputation. To expand upon this: Resveratrol is the antioxidant that is found in grape skin. According to Healthline, it is produced by many plants as a response to harm or injury. It has benefits such asfighting inflammation and blood clotting, as well as reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.Having said that, the amount of resveratrol in red wine is too low to makethat much of a difference. Youd need to consume several bottles per day to realize the benefit and that is obviously not recommended. If you want to increase your resveratrol intake, you can easily get a supplement that comes without the liver-damaging alcohol.

A small daily intake of red wine is linked to more health benefits than any other alcoholic drink. People who drink about 5oz (about 150ml) of red wine a day have a32% lower risk of heart disease than their teetotal counterparts.Any more than that per day though and your riskincreasesdramatically.Another studyfound that, for middle-aged men, drinking 13 glasses of red wine per day on 34 days of the week, may reduce the risk of stroke.

Red wine has also been associated with a reduced risk of:

If youre looking for an alcoholic drink with some actual health benefits, red wine is the way to go. It is, however, important to be aware of your overall alcohol intake. In Europe and America, moderate red wine consumption is considered to be 11.5 glasses a day for women and 12 glasses a day for men. Many health professionals also recommend having 1 or 2 alcohol-free days per week to allow your body to recover.

Alcohol Think Again. 2020. The Festive Season. [Online] Available at: https://alcoholthinkagain.com.au/alcohol-your-community/the-festive-season/

Arkwright, A. 2019. How to survive party season: Christmas health hacks. [Online] Available at: https://www.culturewhisper.com/r/lifestyle/how_to_be_healthy_at_christmas_wellness_guide/12721

Bhatnagar, S. 2019. Red Wine Or White Wine: Which Is Better For Your Health?. [Online] Available at: https://food.ndtv.com/food-drinks/red-wine-or-white-wine-which-is-better-for-your-health-1834678

Bjarnadottir, A MS. 2017. Red Wine: Good or Bad? [Online] Available at: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/red-wine-good-or-bad#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2

Mukamal KJ, Ascherio A, Mittleman MA, Conigrave KM, Camargo CA Jr, Kawachi I, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Rimm EB. Alcohol and risk for ischemic stroke in men: the role of drinking patterns and usual beverage. [Online] Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15630105/

Truelsen T, Gronbaek M, Schnohr P, Boysen G. 1998. Intake of beer, wine, and spirits and risk of stroke: the Copenhagen city heart study. [Online] Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9836752/

US Department of Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services. 2010. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. [Online] Available at: https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2020-01/DietaryGuidelines2010.pdf

Wine Enthusiast. 2020. Red Wine Information & Basics. [Online] Available at: https://www.winemag.com/2015/10/27/red-wine-basics/.

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Could red wine be a better choice this festive season? - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


Scientists have restored youth to aging eyes in mice – Massive Science

December 21st, 2020 12:56 am

Following the harassment of Christian Cooper in Central Park in May 2020, Black birders created #BlackBirdersWeek to celebrate Black nature enthusiasts and highlight their belonging in outdoor spaces. Since then, dozens of campaigns have emerged to amplify and appreciate Black academics, scientists, and naturalists.

Next up is #BlackInMarineScienceWeek, running from November 29th to December 5th.Led by founder Dr. Tiara Moore and organizers Amani Webber-Schultz, Dr. Camille Gaynus, Carlee Jackson, Al Troutman, Jasmin Graham, Jeanette Davis, Kris Howard, Leslie Townsell, Kaylee Arnold, and Jaida Elcock, this week represents an opportunity for community building and improved representation.

There are few Black folks in ecology and even fewer in marine ecology, says Arnold, a science communicator and disease ecologist. The network that Ive gained through organizing this week is phenomenal. Meeting other Black marine scientists and showing that to the world, especially young Black folks, is a way to say we exist, were here. We have a full day dedicated to young kids, which is unique and exciting.

The organizers hope that the week will help normalize Black folks doing marine research, inspire younger generations, and remind everyone to check their preconceived notions.

"When I say I study sharks people seem concerned about my swimming or my hair, [and] sometimes respond with 'Oh, thats super interesting'... I dont know if that's because it's unusual for people to study sharks or because Im Black and I study sharks, recalls Elcock, an elasmobranch movement ecologist, science communicator, and co-founder of Minorities in Shark Science. Science is for everybody. People say there isn't diversity because [Black] people arent interested... thats clearly not true theres a whole week dedicated [to it]."

Discussion this week will address the fact that exclusion, not lack of interest, led to todays lack of representation. Centuries of segregation and underinvestment in Black neighborhood pools led to, and are perpetuated by, these incorrect and harmful ideas.

My grandparents and my mom said there were just no pools for her to go to... I had a very different experience. Despite people trying to push us out of the water and science, we persevered, and now we get to break down those stereotypes, notes Arnold.

Black in Marine Science Week is here to do just that, showcasing organizers and participants from every imaginable marine science niche, all shaping how society views the oceans and its inhabitants.

There's more Black folks than even we know and are showcasing. I hope that if the media picks up on the number of us as well, and has better representation. Seminar series are extremely white, and now you have a resource of people you can invite instead, emphasizes Arnold, pointing to the necessity of non-Black marine scientists to step up and ensure representation continues beyond this joyous and educational week.

Continued here:
Scientists have restored youth to aging eyes in mice - Massive Science


ONK Therapeutics Announces Three Exclusive Option License Agreements, Which Extend and Strengthen its Dual-Targeted NK Cell Therapy Pipeline -…

December 21st, 2020 12:56 am

Dec. 17, 2020 08:30 UTC

GALWAY, Ireland, & SAN DIEGO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ONK Therapeutics Ltd, an innovative natural killer (NK) cell therapy company, today announced that it has secured three new exclusive option license agreements which strengthen its off-the-shelf, dual-targeted natural killer (NK) cell therapy platform and extend its pre-clinical pipeline to four programs across both hematological and solid tumors.

The first option agreement, with Cellerant Therapeutics, gives exclusive rights to a humanized CLEC12A scFv binder. CLEC12A is strongly expressed by blasts in the majority of AML patients. The option to license has enabled ONK to expand its pre-clinical product portfolio, launching a fourth program (ONKT104). This dual-targeted approach combines the CLEC12A CAR with a TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand variant (TRAILv) targeting death receptor 4 (DR4).

While expressed on leukemic stem cells, CLEC12A is absent from normal hematopoietic stem cells and we thus expect that our dual-targeted NK cell therapy approach should enable safe targeting, with a reduced risk of prolonged aplasia in AML, said Prof Michael ODwyer MD, ONK Therapeutics co-founder, and CSO.

The second agreement in-licenses a humanized, tumor-specific antibody targeting an aberrantly glycosylated tumor-associated form of MUC1 (TA-MUC1) from Glycotope GmbH. Multiple solid tumor types express the mucin MUC1, including non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer. This antibody will be integrated into ONKs pre-clinical program ONKT103, for solid tumors.

Non-selective targeting of MUC1 could be problematic since the target is also expressed by healthy tissues, but ODwyer explains how ONKs dual-targeted approach can be used to address this. We have designed a CAR tailored to the glycosylation pattern distinct to tumor-associated MUC1 with specific recognition of the carbohydrate antigens Tn and T on MUC1, the expression of which is restricted to cancer cells. Glycotope has identified the glycosylation pattern as a way to unlock the potential of TA-MUC1 as a solid tumor target. ONK is thus set to bring the natural benefits of NK cells over T cells to bear on TA-MUC1, in a tumor-specific fashion, while also further boosting efficacy and countering resistance through the use of our TRAIL variant targeting DR5, he said.

ONKs unique platform approach combines the expression of a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) and a high affinity, membrane-bound TRAILv. The incorporation of these two humanized scFvs has the potential to minimize the risk of immunogenicity in the allogeneic setting.

ONK is also exploring several innovative strategies to improve the homing of NK cells. This is an important consideration as ex-vivo expansion can lead to changes in chemokine receptor expression. Through this new license agreement with the NIH, ONK plans to enforce the expression of CCR7, which is downregulated on NK cell expansion. This may improve the homing of NK cells to lymph nodes and is expected to be particularly useful for ONKs off-the-shelf CD19 program targeting B cell lymphoma, ONKT101, which is partnered with Avectas.

ONK is making rapid progress since it announced its most recent financing in October. Chris Nowers, ex Kite Pharma Head of Europe, who joined at that time as Chief Executive Officer, said: The recent American Society of Hematology meeting highlighted the NK cell therapy area as offering great hope as the next generation of advanced cell therapies. We believe our best-in-class off-the-shelf, dual-targeted NK cell therapy platform has the potential to improve performance and overcome some of the shortcomings seen with earlier approaches. These new licensing activities strengthen and expand our programs and illustrate our ambition and strategy to become a leader in this exciting field.

The company recently expanded its operations into the USA, moving into JLABS @ San Diego, Johnson & Johnson Innovations flagship facility, at the heart of San Diegos precision medicine and cell therapy cluster. This represents a second facility that complements its main R&D team and operations in Galway, Ireland. The companys recruitment drive across both facilities has been rapid and the company continues to expand its capability in key areas, including NK cell biology, construct design, gene editing, and process development.


ONK Therapeutics http://www.onktherapeutics.com ONK Therapeutics Ltd is an innovative cell therapy company dedicated to developing the next generation of off-the-shelf, dual-targeted NK cell therapies targeting solid and hematological cancers.

The company was founded in 2015, by Prof. ODwyer MD, of NUI Galway, an expert in translational multiple myeloma research, the tumor microenvironment, and exploitation of NK cells as cellular immunotherapy. Its core proprietary platform is based on a dual-targeted NK cell expressing both a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) targeting a known tumor antigen and a TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand variant (TRAILv) targeting the death receptor pathway (i.e. DR4 or DR5). This unique approach has the potential to enhance efficacy by addressing both intrinsic (e.g. CAR engagement of a tumor-specific antigen) and extrinsic (e.g. signaling through the death receptor pathway) apoptotic pathways and to reduce the susceptibility to possible target antigen escape through the engagement of tumor antigen-independent TRAILv.

Its pre-clinical pipeline comprises four programs;

In addition to the unique dual-targeted NK cell therapy platform, the company has a strong research focus on strategies to enhance homing and persistence, and overcome exhaustion, including the exploration of proprietary gene edits, such as the deletion of checkpoint inhibitory receptors in NK cells.

ONK Therapeutics is headquartered in the med-tech hub of Galway, Ireland, with a wholly-owned US subsidiary, ONK Therapeutics, Inc. based at JLabs @ San Diego. Shareholders include Acorn Bioventures, ALSHC (principally Seamus Mulligan), and Enterprise Ireland.

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About Avectas - http://www.avectas.com Avectas is a cell engineering technology business that has developed a unique delivery platform, Solupore to enable the ex vivo manufacture of cell therapy products, which have high in-vivo functionality.

Glycotope http://www.glycotope.com Glycotope is a biotechnology company utilizing a proprietary technology platform to develop highly tumor-specific monoclonal antibodies called GlycoBodies. GlycoBodies bind to targets (GlycoTargets) tumor-specific carbohydrate structure dependent, enabling the development of highly-specific immunotherapies across a broad range of cancer indications. Glycotope has to date discovered in excess of 150 GlycoTargets with GlycoBodies against eight of these targets currently under development.

Each GlycoBody can be developed in an array of modalities with different modes of action providing a unique offering in the (immuno) oncology space. Currently, six clinical and pre-clinical programs based on the GlycoBody technology are under development by Glycotope or its licensing partners.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201217005068/en/

Read more from the original source:
ONK Therapeutics Announces Three Exclusive Option License Agreements, Which Extend and Strengthen its Dual-Targeted NK Cell Therapy Pipeline -...


Nearly 4500 people have died from COVID-19 in Wisconsin. Here are stories of some we’ve lost. – Madison.com

December 21st, 2020 12:56 am

Kevin Croak, who taught acting at UW-Madison and appeared in independent films, was known for portraying bad guys.

He loved to play the mob bosses and the gangsters, from James Cagney onward, said Wil Loper, who directed Croak in several entries in the 48 Hour Film Project, an annual competition.

In real life, Croak was anything but a thug, said those who knew him. He was very gentle and mild-mannered, Loper said.

Croaks sister Cathy Braiman agreed. Its funny that the place he landed was this tough guy, she said. Its just the opposite of how I saw him.

Kevin Croak loved to play bad guys in films and dress up as a gangster, including during this photo shoot in 2014 on the UW-Madison campus.

Croak, 64, of Madison, died Nov. 28 from complications of COVID-19, according to what the medical examiner told the family, Braiman said. Single and living alone, Croak was found dead at his apartment a few days after calling in sick at his waiter job at Olive Garden near West Towne Mall. He had no underlying medical conditions that the family knew of, Braiman said.

He was the fourth of five children who grew up on Madisons West Side and attended Edgewood High School. His siblings left for Colorado, Maryland and Texas with one living in West Allis while Kevin stayed in the Madison area, where some cousins remain.

In the mid-80s, Jay Ekleberry hired Croak at Wisconsin Unions Mini Courses, now part of Wheelhouse Studios. Over more than 30 years, Croak taught basic acting techniques to hundreds of students in the five-week or six-week courses offered several times a year.

He really engaged people, Ekleberry said. He customized the class based on who was enrolled.

Loper directed Croak in six short films, including one for which Croak won a best actor award in 2016 in the 48 Hour Film Project in Milwaukee. When Loper would ask Croak to give his narration a bit of Rod Serling from Twilight Zone or Mr. Phelps from Mission Impossible, Croak knew exactly what he meant, Loper said.

On the next take, he would just nail it, Loper said. He lent gravitas towards it more so than caricature.

Kevin Croak is shown playing the lead role in "Gunner's Lament," a film shot in 2017 and directed by Jeremiah Zeier.

Croak was in nearly 400 films and more than 100 plays, including Madison Theatre Guild productions, according his undated online resume. I have made a career out of playing antagonists who ultimately come to an untimely end, including slippery politicians, smarmy lawyers, corrupt cops, mercurial mob mosses, sleazy nightclub owners, salacious Hollywood directors, eccentric professors and germaphobic pimps, the resume says.

Veronica Myers, who met Croak a few years ago while waitressing at Olive Garden, said she considered him her best friend.

Kevin had a way of interacting with people that made them feel like they were the only person in the world, she said.

See the article here:
Nearly 4500 people have died from COVID-19 in Wisconsin. Here are stories of some we've lost. - Madison.com


A new psychedelic drug gives psychiatric benefits without causing hallucinations – Massive Science

December 21st, 2020 12:56 am

Following the harassment of Christian Cooper in Central Park in May 2020, Black birders created #BlackBirdersWeek to celebrate Black nature enthusiasts and highlight their belonging in outdoor spaces. Since then, dozens of campaigns have emerged to amplify and appreciate Black academics, scientists, and naturalists.

Next up is #BlackInMarineScienceWeek, running from November 29th to December 5th.Led by founder Dr. Tiara Moore and organizers Amani Webber-Schultz, Dr. Camille Gaynus, Carlee Jackson, Al Troutman, Jasmin Graham, Jeanette Davis, Kris Howard, Leslie Townsell, Kaylee Arnold, and Jaida Elcock, this week represents an opportunity for community building and improved representation.

There are few Black folks in ecology and even fewer in marine ecology, says Arnold, a science communicator and disease ecologist. The network that Ive gained through organizing this week is phenomenal. Meeting other Black marine scientists and showing that to the world, especially young Black folks, is a way to say we exist, were here. We have a full day dedicated to young kids, which is unique and exciting.

The organizers hope that the week will help normalize Black folks doing marine research, inspire younger generations, and remind everyone to check their preconceived notions.

"When I say I study sharks people seem concerned about my swimming or my hair, [and] sometimes respond with 'Oh, thats super interesting'... I dont know if that's because it's unusual for people to study sharks or because Im Black and I study sharks, recalls Elcock, an elasmobranch movement ecologist, science communicator, and co-founder of Minorities in Shark Science. Science is for everybody. People say there isn't diversity because [Black] people arent interested... thats clearly not true theres a whole week dedicated [to it]."

Discussion this week will address the fact that exclusion, not lack of interest, led to todays lack of representation. Centuries of segregation and underinvestment in Black neighborhood pools led to, and are perpetuated by, these incorrect and harmful ideas.

My grandparents and my mom said there were just no pools for her to go to... I had a very different experience. Despite people trying to push us out of the water and science, we persevered, and now we get to break down those stereotypes, notes Arnold.

Black in Marine Science Week is here to do just that, showcasing organizers and participants from every imaginable marine science niche, all shaping how society views the oceans and its inhabitants.

There's more Black folks than even we know and are showcasing. I hope that if the media picks up on the number of us as well, and has better representation. Seminar series are extremely white, and now you have a resource of people you can invite instead, emphasizes Arnold, pointing to the necessity of non-Black marine scientists to step up and ensure representation continues beyond this joyous and educational week.

See the rest here:
A new psychedelic drug gives psychiatric benefits without causing hallucinations - Massive Science


Lorry driver killed cyclist three months after his licence was revoked because of his eyesight – road.cc

December 21st, 2020 12:54 am

The lorry driver who hit and killed cyclist Josephine Gilbert in Derby was driving unlicenced and uninsured, having had his licence revoked 12 weeks earlier due to concerns over his eyesight and diabetes. Herbert Wyatt has been jailed for 45 months and banned from driving for five years and three months.

Josephine Gilbert, aged 25, was riding on the A52 Ashbourne Road close to the Markeaton Island roundabout when she was hit from behind by Wyatt on January 21.

The Derby Telegraph reports that she suffered catastrophic head injuries and died instantly.

In interview Wyatt claimed he had moved out to overtake and that Gilbert had rode out into him.

However, dashcam footage showed Gilbert riding consistently in a straight line and near the kerb.

She was wearing bright orange cycling clothing, a pink and black cycling helmet and was riding straight, said Lisa Hardy, prosecuting.

There was no traffic coming towards her, visibility was good and he had 17 seconds of her in his vision to move out and overtake her if he wished. But the defendant effectively mowed down the deceased, driving over her in a straight line.

Wyatts licence to drive lorries had been revoked in October information he kept from his employer and which also meant he was uninsured.

He was said to have tried to deceive both the DVLA and his doctor over his eyesight.

Hardy said: He reiterated repeatedly hed had no issues with the DVLA, but when all of the checks were made it was clear that was not the case.

Just the day before he had spoken to a clerk at the DVLA and admitted he knew he was unlicensed to drive large vehicles.

Wyatt pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving; causing death by driving a vehicle while uninsured; and causing death by dangerous driving while unlicensed.

Sentencing him, Judge Jonathan Bennett said: The tragedy about this case was that it would have been avoided but for two features.

One, you should not have been driving that vehicle and you knew that. Secondly, you should have seen her.

I have had the misfortune of viewing the footage and you can see the deceased for 17 second after coming off the roundabout.

She was wearing bright orange clothing, a pink and orange helmet, there was no traffic, nothing was coming the other way. You should have seen her but you failed to do so.

You demonstrated a callous disregard for others culminating in this tragic incident, cutting short the life of Josephine and devastating her family.

Original post:
Lorry driver killed cyclist three months after his licence was revoked because of his eyesight - road.cc


Vision Problems: Symptoms of Common Types of Vision Impairment

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

Articles OnCommon Vision Issues Common Vision Issues Common Vision Issues - Understanding Vision Problems -- Symptoms

Nearsightedness : Blurry vision that gets worse when you look at distant objects. Your doctor will call it myopia. You may have very good close vision.

Farsightedness : Blurry vision when you look at close up objects. Near and far objects may both look fuzzy. The doctor will say you have hyperopia.

Astigmatism : You might have blurry or double vision at any distance. You may also be nearsighted or farsighted.

Detached retina : Youll notice a sudden onset of flashing lights often paired with black floaters in your vision. It wont hurt, but at first you might see a dark curtain or veil coveringa portion of your vision. Cover one eye and then the other and compare the sight in each one.Its important to call your doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms

Color blindness : You have trouble with shades or intensity of colors. Because its all about perception, you may not know theres a problem until the doctor finds it. This genetic condition mainly affects men.

Night blindness : Its hard to see objects in dim light.

Cataracts : Because they develop slowly, your first symptom may be trouble with the vision test for your driver's license renewal. Or your doctor could spot it during a routine eye exam. Symptoms include:

Strabismus: Your eyes don't move together as they should. Both eyes or just one could be crossed inward or outward. A child who has it may rub one or both eyes often. They could also squint, tilt their head, or close one eye to see things better.

Glaucoma: Symptoms may depend on the type of glaucoma:

Macular degeneration :

Call the doctor about vision problems if you:

A good rule of thumb: Go to the doctor if you have any unusual:


Bradford, C. (Editor) Basic Ophthalmology, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2004.

The Mayo Clinic: "Eye Care."

Macular Degeneration Partnership.

Glaucoma Research Foundation: Secondary Glaucoma.


The rest is here:
Vision Problems: Symptoms of Common Types of Vision Impairment


Learn About Healthy Food For Eyes And Good Habits For Improved Eyesight – Femina

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am


Your eyes are complex organs, comprising of various parts, each working together to produce clear vision. Eyesight being one of the most important senses, protecting your eye health is important to reduce the chances of blindness and vision loss and diseases like cataract and glaucoma. Needless to say, eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is just the first step to overall health, including healthy eyes. Read on for a list of healthy food for eyes to maintain good vision and delay age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration, dry eyes, problems with night vision, etc.

Ophthalmologist Dr Elfride Farokh Sanjana says, "This vitamin is most important for colour vision and low-light vision. Studies show that vitamin A deficiency can be a cause of night blindness, eye infections, dry eyes, cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and eye inflammation."

In addition to this, zinc protects against cataract, poor night vision and night blindness, optic nerve damage, and age-related macular degeneration. So be sure to eathealthy foods that are rich in zinc.

Tip: Include more of these essential nutrients in your balanced diet for overall health.

Failing eyesight is often thought to be the result of ageing, but eating right can reduce the risk of a host of eye related health conditions. Here are some nutrient-dense healthy food for eyes to eat.

Tip: Apart from eating right, remember to stay hydrated through the day to prevent dehydration and symptoms of dry eyes.

See the rest here:
Learn About Healthy Food For Eyes And Good Habits For Improved Eyesight - Femina


Eye test developed with AI could identify a leading cause of severe sight loss before symptoms develop – iNews

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

A new kind of eye test could soon be available that can identify a leading cause of severe sight loss three years before symptoms start to develop.

The new test has been developed with the help of AI and can predict the onset of wet macular degeneration, a chronic eye disorder that causes blurred vision or a blind spot in the visual field.

The i newsletter latest news and analysis

The researchers say, if all goes well it, within two years it could be used in hospitals to identify the disease early enough so that treatment can effectively prevent any vision loss.

Our new test was able to predict new wet AMD lesions up to 36 months in advance of them occurring and that is huge, said University College London Professor Francesca Cordeiro.

It can guide a clinician into treating more intensively those patients who are at high risk of new lesions of wet AMD and also be used as a screening tool, he said.

This is a very encouraging development in tackling the leading cause of blindness, added Sherine Krause, head of eye research charity Fight for Sight.

The test, called DARC (Detection of Apoptosing Retinal Cells), involves injecting a fluorescent dye into the arm that attaches to retinal cells, and illuminates those that are undergoing stress or in the process of apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death.

The damaged cells appear bright white when viewed in eye examinations the more damaged cells detected, the higher the DARC count. DARC is being commercialised by Novai, a newly formed company.

Wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), also known as macular disease, is the most common cause of permanent and severe sight loss in the UK.

The study, funded by Wellcome, is published in the journal Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics. It also involved the Western Eye Hospital in London and Imperial College London.

Read more:
Eye test developed with AI could identify a leading cause of severe sight loss before symptoms develop - iNews


Eyesight Technologies Changes Name to Cipia – Supply and Demand Chain Executive

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

Eyesight Technologies, a leading provider of in-cabin computer vision AI solutions for the automotive industry, changed its name to Cipia. With Cipia's unique market position, addressing the coming phases of advanced driver monitoring systems (DMS) and emerging occupancy monitoring systems (OMS) market, the company selected a name to support its vision for the future of automotive experiences - AI solutions that improve the safety and overall automotive experience by understanding the behavior and activities of the driver and passengers.

The name Cipia is inspired by our brain's occipital lobe where humans derive meaning from the sense of vision. The occipital lobe 'translates' what we see into an understanding of the environment around us, and the name Cipia was born to reflect the company's vision and its intelligent sensing capabilities. With the evolution of Cipia from its beginnings in classic computer-vision to today's neural networks based technology and evolving algorithms, administering context and understanding to the environment, the name Cipia is not merely a cosmetic change, but also a name that pays homage to both the rich past of the company, as well as representing the promise of the future.

In 2018, responding to a growing need and emerging market demand, Cipia leveraged its computer vision AI expertise to pivot its focus to the automotive in-cabin sensing market. The shift to become an automotive company was accompanied by the development of new capabilities pertaining to higher levels of analyzing human factors. The combination of advanced computer vision AI and introduction of meta-analysis, enabled Cipia to evolve and create AI based solutions that not only see the driver, but also understand the state of the driver and occupants.

"We are on a continuing journey to push the boundaries of computer vision AI and deliver cutting edge solutions to our customers," said David Tolub CEO of Cipia. "Our technology has evolved, taking its inspiration from the neural networks and the higher level logic of the brain, and we decided that our name must encompassthe breadth and richness of our journey as a company. We look forward to continuing to work with our partners to provide state of the art solutions for automotive experience."

Read more here:
Eyesight Technologies Changes Name to Cipia - Supply and Demand Chain Executive


Bionic vision: Bypassing the eyes – Telangana Today

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

Scientists are a step closer to restoring vision for the blind, after building an implant that bypasses the eyes and allows monkeys to perceive artificially induced patterns in their brains. The technology, developed by a team at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN), was described in the journal Science.

The concept builds on an idea first conceived decades ago: electrically stimulating the brain so it sees lit dots known as phosphenes, akin to pixels on a computer screen. But the concept had never realized its full potential because of technical limitations.

A team led by NIN director Pieter Roelfsema developed implants consisting of 1,024 electrodes wired into the visual cortex of two sighted monkeys, resulting in a much higher resolution than has previously been achieved. The visual cortex is located at the back of the brain and many of its features are common to humans and other primates.

This allowed the pair of monkeys to make out shapes like letters of the alphabet, lines and moving dots, which theyd previously been trained to respond to by moving their eyes in a particular direction to win a reward.

The NIN team benefited from advances in miniaturization, and also devised a system to make sure their input currents were big enough to create noticeable dots, but not so great that the pixels grew too large.

They achieved this by placing some electrodes at a more advanced stage of the visual cortex, to monitor how much signal was coming through and then adjust the input.

Roelfsema said his team hopes to make similar devices for humans in about three years. But the electrodes the team used require silicon needles that work for about a year before tissue builds up around the needles and they no longer function.

Ultimately, a wireless solution would be best, as it would mean the user wouldnt need to wear an implant on the back of their skull, which requires scientists to operate and puts the user at risk of infection.

Fortunately, wireless devices that interface with the brain are advancing rapidly. The prosthetics would only be suitable for people who once had sight and then lost it owing to disease or injury.The brains of people who are born blind dedicate the visual cortex to other functions. But in people whose eyes stop working, the brain region remains idle, waiting for an input that never comes.

Light enters the eye through the lens and hits the retina, which turns it into electrical signals

We see when the signals arrive at the visual cortex in the brain via the optic nerve

Instead of restoring sight through the eyes, one approach aims to stimulate vision directly via implants in the brain

Electrical stimulation of the visual cortex can reliably create the perception of a brief, bright flash of light, known as a phosphine

A camera would capture the view of what the subject is looking at and the signal will be processed and sent directly to the brain

It is hoped that the use of high definition intracortical electrodes will one day improve resolution enough to make functional vision viable through this system.

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Bionic vision: Bypassing the eyes - Telangana Today


Lions Clubs International Foundation Celebrates 30 Years of Saving Sight through SightFirst – GlobeNewswire

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

Oak Brook, Ill., Dec. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lions Clubs International Foundation Celebrates 30 Years of Saving Sight through SightFirst

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is celebrating 30 years of improving vision health and increasing screening services through its SightFirst grant funding program.

Established in 1990, the SightFirst program strengthens eye care systems in underserved communities, enabling them to fight blindness and vision loss, as well as assist those who are blind or visually impaired. Lions, in cooperation with healthcare providers and partner organizations, have impacted the sight of more than 488 million people worldwide through SightFirst, by aiding in delivering eye care services, training eye care professionals, upgrading existing eye care system infrastructure, and improving access to eye health education and rehabilitation.

SightFirst Program: By the Numbers

Strengthened through work with world-renowned SightFirst strategic partners the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Carter Center, as well as with LCIF vision partners Special Olympics and Johnson & Johnson Vision, LCIF, Lions and SightFirst deliver preventative, therapeutic and rehabilitative eye-care services to millions worldwide.

Lions everywhere are proud of the immense impact we have made in vision around the world, said LCIF Chairperson Gudrun Yngvadottir. With SightFirst funding from LCIF, weve heeded Helen Kellers 1925 call to be knights of the blind. Weve done so much in SightFirsts initial 30 years. With ongoing funding, well continue the SightFirst legacy and create more historic changes in vision, she said.

While the impact of Lions work in vision has been tremendous, due in part to LCIF support through grant programs likeSightFirst, the WHO reports that globally at least 2.2 million people have a vision impairment or blindness.

LCIFs and Lions efforts in vision, especially during the last 30 years through the Foundations SightFirst program, change lives around the world, said Yngvadottir. We are grateful LCIF continues to support Lions service, and I encourage Lions and others to continue or begin supporting LCIF and SightFirst so we can continue to meet this important need.

For more information about the LCIF SightFirst program, visitlionsclubs.org/SaveVision.

About Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF):

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is the charitable arm of Lions Clubs International. Established in 1968, LCIF provides grant funding to support the compassionate works ofLions, empowering their service and addressing the needs of their communities both locally and globally. LCIF is proud of its exemplary ratings history with Charity Navigator, the most-consulted U.S. charity evaluator.

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Lions Clubs International Foundation Celebrates 30 Years of Saving Sight through SightFirst - GlobeNewswire


Depressed about his eyesight, school principal dies by suicide in the city – Pune Mirror

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

Farsid Shahrukh Irani was struggling with his vision despite undergoing an operationA case of suicide has come to light in the city involving a principal of a local school, who died after struggling with depression over eyesight issues. The person had recently undergone an operation on one of his eyes and had failed to regain his eyesight fully after that.

The deceased has been identified as 42-year-old Farsid Shahrukh Irani. A case of accidental death has been registered at Mundhwa police station. The incident occurred around noon on Thursday.

According to the police, Irani was a resident of BT Kawade Road. Prior to his death, he was working as the principal of Angel School at Loni Kalbhor in Pune district.

On the day of the incident, nobody checked on him till sometime around noon when the couples driver arrived to the house to take Irani out. As he had had a habit of sleeping till late, nobody thought twice when they did not see him in the morning. Despite several knocks on the door of his room, he did not open the door. Finally, the couple asked driver to break open the door.

Once inside, they found Iranis body. He had hanged himself from the ceiling fan in the room using the electrical cord of an iron. The police were informed but by the time they arrived he had already passed.

Based on police information, Irani had been suffering from some medical issues in his eyes for the last eight years, due to which he was progressively losing his eyesight in one of them. To rectify the problem, he had been taking treatment and recently underwent an operation at a local hospital. However, even after the operation, his eyesight had not returned fully, causing him to fall into depression.

Irani had an active lifestyle and he liked to play all kinds of sports. But due fading vision in one of his eyes, he lost confidence to continue that lifestyle. The deceased felt that he would become completely blind in the future and often had discussions about this with the schools founder. He had also told him that he was contemplating suicide as he saw no other way out of his predicament. Iranis well-wishers had tried numerous times to divert his mind and extolled him to not think negatively. On the night before the incident, the schools founder had spent some time with him to cheer him before going to bed, police said.

Police also said that Irani had been married previously and had a 13-year-old son from that relationship.

However, 10 years ago he got divorced from his wife and two had been living separately for a while. He was devoted to his son though and would go to meet him regularly.

Police sub inspector Ganesh Kalal from Mundhwa police station said, The deceased died by suicide by hanging himself on the neck with the help of an electrical cord of an iron. When police got information about the incident, we reached the spot and the body was sent to Sassoon General Hospitals for post-mortem. Accidental death has been registered in this case.

For the Suicide Prevention Helpline, please call: 09922004305

The rest is here:
Depressed about his eyesight, school principal dies by suicide in the city - Pune Mirror


Gene Therapy Unexpectedly Improves Vision In Both Eyes Of Patients Suffering A Form Of Blindness – IFLScience

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

Scientists have concluded a Phase 3 trial of a revolutionary gene therapy treating patients with a common form of mitochondrial blindness, and the results surprised them despite treating only one eye, the gene therapy improved vision in both eyes in 78% of participants. The results suggest the treatment is incredibly promising for a condition in which most legally-blind patients would never recover their vision.

Conducted on 37 patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), the trial involved a gene therapy using a virus vector to modify genes within the patients retinal cells. The results were published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

LHON affects around 1 in every 50,000 people, with some patients experiencing significant vision loss in a matter of weeks. People affected by the disease will likely lose vision in one eye before subsequent vision loss in the other within 2-3 months. Treatments are limited to visual aids and attempted rehabilitation but have limited success. Typically, just 20% of patients will recover vision and it is extremely rare to recover vision greater than the worst score possible on a standard eye chart (20/200).

As someone who treats these young patients, I get very frustrated about the lack of effective therapies, said senior investigator Dr Sahel, a professor of ophthalmology at the University of Pittsburgh, in a statement.

These patients rapidly lose vision in the course of a few weeks to a couple of months. Our study provides a big hope for treating this blinding disease in young adults.

The treatment aims at correcting a common mutation within the MT-ND4 gene. MT-ND4 is a core subunit in a protein associated with mitochondria, and a mutation marked m. 11778G>A is thought to be associated with blinding neuropathy. Similarly, mutations in MT-ND4 may also be related to several other brain conditions, although these are not the same as the mutation targeted in this study.

37 patients were injected with the adenovirus-based therapy in one eye and a sham injection (a placebo or, in this case, fake injection) into the other. The trial was randomized and double-blind across multiple centres, which make it the gold-standard of clinical trials. After 48 and 96 weeks, the participants were tested for vision changes and whether they showed signs of improvement using a standard Snellen eye chart (the ones with rows of smaller and smaller letters).

The researchers found that, on average, vision was improved by 15 letters (3 lines on the chart) after 96 weeks, which is an extremely impressive result. However, to the surprise of the researchers, the sham-treated eyes also saw an average improvement of 13 letters. Those that were in the early stages of disease and still losing their vision when they joined the study saw an even better improvement, being able to see 28.5 letters more in the treated eyes on average.

We expected vision to improve in the eyes treated with the gene therapy vector only. Rather unexpectedly, both eyes improved for 78% of patients in the trial following the same trajectory over 2 years of follow-up. Said Dr Yu-Wai-Man, neuro-ophthalmologist at CambridgesDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience.

To decipher how this treatment improved both eyes, the researchers conducted a subsequent study on primates. After injection in the same way as the study above, they found the viral vector was present in cells throughout the eye that was not treated, although the mechanism in which this occurs needs confirmation.The researchers suggest that the viral vector may have transferred across neurones via interocular diffusion, and hence there was an improvement in vision in both eyes.

The results suggest an extremely promising new treatment for a rare but debilitating form of blindness. Further trials are expected to take place to confirm the results, and there are some outstanding limitations of the trial. For example, there was not a control group with this exact mutation, so the researchers could not directly compare to the treatment.

Saving sight with gene therapy is now a reality. The treatment has been shown to be safe and we are currently exploring the optimal therapeutic window. Said Dr Yu-Wai-Man.

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Gene Therapy Unexpectedly Improves Vision In Both Eyes Of Patients Suffering A Form Of Blindness - IFLScience


Shanklin author with limited sight publishes children’s book keeping promise to late husband – Isle of Wight County Press

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

AN ISLANDER with limited sight has published her first book written on typewriters in lockdown.

Shanklin resident Anna Southwell not only realised her 24-year long dream of publishing the first book in her Island-based

young childrens fantasy series Oliver Gruffle, but she kept a solemn promise she made to her late husband.

She is delighted to have Oliver Gruffle Secrets of Harmony Haven Book 1: The Runaways published.

She said: I first came up with the idea 24 years ago. Ive been evolving the stories all along, adding different ones. Im up to 12 so far. I just cant stop inventing stories. Im obsessed with it now.

With this coronavirus, I was kept busy and I didnt go into depression or anything like that from being alone, because I was in my magical world, typing away and thinking of new stories.

The one thing Ive always loved is the Island and thats why I wanted to base the stories here.

"I hope when children read these books, they can come to my little world and enjoy them as much as Ive enjoyed writing them.

Annas Oliver Gruffle stories feature animals and other fantasy characters from her imagination, all inspired from her real passion for animals.

I had a lovely Border collie dog called Kim, and she was very wise, and she seemed to know every emotion you felt.

"I was never allowed any animals as a child. I was always wanting a pet. I remember riding a bike on the Island and discovering some wild feral kittens and it was a hard lesson to learn that I could not keep them.

"My last cat I owned as an adult was from a rescue home.

Anna, formerly a secretary and typist for an Island builders merchants in Ryde, explained the challenge of writing the books with her sight impairment.

I wrote them all on a typewriter. I got through so many typewriters because I just bash away at them, but to be quite honest, because Im visually impaired now, I know exactly where the keys are from my touch-typing days so its been a lifeline for me to continue to write new stories and correct ones Ive written in the past and bring them up to date.

Anna hasnt let her sight problems affect her, although it was a shock when she was first diagnosed.

She said: One day my eyesight suddenly got very bad and I woke up one morning and I had completely lost sight apart from vision in my right eye.

"Then I woke up another morning with blurred vision, so I had to go straight up the hospital, and they diagnosed macular vision in the right eye, but I have still got a small amount of vision in that eye."

She has benefitted from getting involved with Sight for Wight.

Anna also cared for her late husband, who had dementia. She would read him her stories.

She said: "I would read to him and do all the voices and he would sit there, thrilled to bits. He said to me, The one thing I want you to do, is try to get this into print for children to enjoy.

The book is published by Beachy Books Partner Publishing. Copies are on sale at Isle of Wight Traders in Newport or available to order via the Beachy Books website beachybooks.com

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Shanklin author with limited sight publishes children's book keeping promise to late husband - Isle of Wight County Press


Global Eyesight Test Equipment Market Proceeds To Witness Huge Upswing Over Assessment Period by 2025 – The Courier

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

The globalEyesight Test Equipment Marketresearch report enlists the vital and practical information with regards to market situation. The present scenario of Eyesight Test Equipment market, along with its previous performance as well as future scope are covered in the report. This eases the users understanding of the market thoroughly, while also gaining knowledge about market opportunities and the dominant players Johnson & Johnson Vision Care.Inc., Shenzhen Certainn Technology, Heine, Nidek Co., Ltd., Hoya Corporation, EyeNetra, Essilor International, Seiko Optical Products Co., Ltd., Bhavana MDC, Carl Zeiss AG, Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Abbott Medical Optics.I in the Eyesight Test Equipment market.

Request for a FREE sample of Eyesight Test Equipment market research report@https://www.marketresearchstore.com/report/global-eyesight-test-equipment-market-report-2018-industry-303094#RequestSample

The Global Eyesight Test Equipment Market Research Report Details

The beginning of the report summarizes the market with the definition of the overall Eyesight Test Equipment market.

The following section includes Eyesight Test Equipment market segmentation Portable, Stationary. Segmentation is done on the basis of application, type, end-user industries, and several such factors among others.

We have strived to include sub-segments Children, Adults, The older in segmentation section, wherever possible. Also included are details regarding the dominant segments in the worldwide Eyesight Test Equipment market.

The global Eyesight Test Equipment market has also been classified on the basis of regions. On the basis of the regional diversification, details regarding market share and size have also been obtained.

In the succeeding part, growth factors for the Eyesight Test Equipment market have been elucidated. This section also explains the technological advancements made to improve market size and position. Also enlisted is the information pertaining to the end-use industries for the Eyesight Test Equipment market.

Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at::https://www.marketresearchstore.com/report/global-eyesight-test-equipment-market-report-2018-industry-303094

Eyesight Test Equipment Market COVID-19 Impact Analysis

As the world is still dealing with COVID-19 situation, many of the countries have slowly started to revive its economic situation by starting its trade and businesses. There has been enormous loss in these few months both in terms of economy and human lives. As the WHO has already suggested that there are very less chances that the virus will completely go, hence we will have start living with it. Many of the drug companies are getting positive response of their COVID-19 vaccines, but there is still time for its availability in the global market.

There are 15 Sections to show the global Eyesight Test Equipment market

Sections 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of Eyesight Test Equipment , Applications of Eyesight Test Equipment , Market Segment by Regions;Section 2, Assembling Cost Structure, Crude Material and Providers, Assembling Procedure, Industry Chain Structure;Sections 3,Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Eyesight Test Equipment , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis;Sections 4, Generally Market Analysis, Limit Examination (Organization Fragment), Sales Examination (Organization Portion), sales Value Investigation (Organization Section);Sections 5 and Six, Regional Market Investigation that incorporates United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, Eyesight Test Equipment segment Market Examination (by Sort);Sections 7 and Eight, The Eyesight Test Equipment Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Eyesight Test Equipment ;Sections Nine, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type Portable, Stationary Market Trend by Application Children, Adults, The older;Sections 10, Regional Promoting Type Investigation, Worldwide Exchange Type Examination, Inventory network Investigation;Sections 11, The Customers Examination of global Eyesight Test Equipment;Sections 12, Eyesight Test Equipment Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, system and information source;Sections 13, 14 and 15, Eyesight Test Equipment deals channel, wholesalers, merchants, traders, Exploration Discoveries and End, appendix and data source.

Enquire Here Get customization & check discount for report::https://www.marketresearchstore.com/report/global-eyesight-test-equipment-market-report-2018-industry-303094#InquiryForBuying

Particulars Of The Global Eyesight Test Equipment Market Research Report

Further part in the report enlists the restraining factors for the Eyesight Test Equipment market growth. The restraints are explained comprehensively and with details in order that the client can comprehend how these factors are affecting the global Eyesight Test Equipment market and how such factors can be tackled effectively using suitable measures.

Also, regional study and analysis of global Eyesight Test Equipment market focused on in the report. Here, the major regions with Eyesight Test Equipment market establishment have been explained thoroughly. Due to this, our clients will have clarity in understanding the booming markets as well as the potential Eyesight Test Equipment markets in the near future.

The concluding section relates to the conclusions and observations regarding the global Eyesight Test Equipment market.

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Global Eyesight Test Equipment Market Proceeds To Witness Huge Upswing Over Assessment Period by 2025 - The Courier


Doheny Institute’s Future Vision Sciences Campus in Pasadena Expected to be Operational by Q3 2021 – Pasadena Now

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

The facility will include expanded vision research laboratories and a state-of-the-art conference center. Bringing everyone together under one roof will facilitate interactions between researchers and physicians across disciplines to promote the collaborations necessary for translational studies. Completion is expected in late 2021.

When it comes to the Doheny Eye Institutes planned move to new headquarters in Pasadena, it could be said we havent have seen anything yet.

The renowned institute, which started in 1947 as the Doheny Eye Foundation, so named in honor of its optically impaired founder Carrie Estelle Doheny, wife of the prominent Los Angeles oilman Edward L. Doheny, is moving out of its Los Angeles location and is currently remodeling a new headquarters at 150 N. Orange Grove Blvd., the former home of Avery Dennison Corp.

Reconstruction of the complex is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2021.

Once that happens, the institute and the UCLA Stein Eye Institute will be offering patient care, vision research, and education in the field of eye care. This affiliation combines the strengths and reputations of two of the nations top eye institutions to advance vision research, education and patient care in California.

According to institute Executive Director Marrissa Golberg, the move cant come soon enough.

In the U.S. alone, by age 65 one in three people will have some vision-impairing eye condition, Goldberg said in a prepared statement.

In a world where the stakes of our work are ever-increasing, we are committed to delivering on our promise to further the conservation, improvement and restoration of human eyesight, Goldberg said.

This bench-to-bedside approach is vital to improve the quality of lives in our immediate community and around the world, she said.

The seven-acre Pasadena campus, according to the statement, has been designed to enhance Donahenys capabilities for fundamental discoveries that fuel ideas for clinical trials, new treatments, and cures. Laboratories will be equipped to accelerate research and discovery in key areas, including artificial intelligence, regenerative medicine, gene-based therapies, and imaging diagnostics.Once reconstruction is complete, a state-of-the-art conference center will house educational programs, including seminars, conferences, symposia, and lectures. The facility will also enable remote collaborations to meet current demands and evolving opportunities to advance vision research and education.Our new home in Pasadena will allow us to bring everyone together under one roof to facilitate interactions between researchers and physicians to promote the collaborations necessary for translational studies, Goldberg said.

For more information, visit doheny.org.

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Doheny Institute's Future Vision Sciences Campus in Pasadena Expected to be Operational by Q3 2021 - Pasadena Now


Gyroscope Therapeutics and the University of Pennsylvania Announce Research Agreement to Develop Gene Therapies for Serious Eye Diseases – Business…

December 19th, 2020 6:59 am

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gyroscope Therapeutics Limited, a clinical-stage gene therapy company focused on diseases of the eye, today announced the company has entered a sponsored research agreement with the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Center for Advanced Retinal and Ocular Therapeutics (CAROT) to develop gene therapies for serious eye diseases that can lead to permanent vision loss. Gyroscope has an exclusive option to the intellectual property associated with, and arising from, the research conducted under the agreement.

A team of researchers from CAROT and Gyroscope will work together to explore specific gene therapy targets for glaucoma, optic neuritis and retinitis pigmentosa. The CAROT team is led by Jean Bennett, M.D., Ph.D., the F.M. Kirby Professor of Ophthalmology, along with Ken Shindler, M.D., Ph.D., an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Ahmara Ross, M.D., Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, of the Perelman School of Medicine.

Too many people around the globe face a life with limited vision or complete blindness because current treatment options for many serious eye diseases are so limited, said Khurem Farooq, Chief Executive Officer, Gyroscope. Gene therapy has the potential to be a completely new way of approaching these diseases, and we are very excited to work with Jean and the team of world leaders in ophthalmic gene therapy research at the University of Pennsylvania to evaluate new targets for these conditions.

Our team is passionate about the potential of gene therapies for people with serious eye diseases, said Dr. Bennett. We are looking forward to furthering our research in glaucoma, optic neuritis and retinitis pigmentosa, which combined currently cause a devastating loss of vision for millions of people around the world.

Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness globally. An estimated 80 million people have glaucoma worldwide, and this number is expected to increase to more than 111 million by 2040.1 There is no cure for glaucoma. If it is caught early, people with glaucoma can be treated with surgery or medication to help control the disease. Because glaucoma typically does not cause pain, it often progresses silently and is not diagnosed until the optic nerve is irreparably damaged.

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) refers to a group of rare genetic retinal diseases that cause progressive loss of night and peripheral vision. The condition is often diagnosed in childhood or adolescence and can lead to legal, and sometimes complete, blindness. An estimated 300,000 people worldwide have RP, mainly caused by a genetic variant inherited from one or both parents.2

Optic neuritis occurs when the optic nerve is damaged as a result of inflammation. Symptoms of optic neuritis include temporary vision loss in one eye and pain with eye movement. Optic neuritis is closely associated with multiple sclerosis (MS): It is the first sign of MS in 20% of patients and occurs during the course of the disease in 50% of MS patients.3

About Gyroscope: Vision for Life

Gyroscope Therapeutics is a clinical-stage gene therapy company developing gene therapy beyond rare disease to treat diseases of the eye that cause vision loss and blindness. Our lead investigational gene therapy, GT005, is currently being evaluated in Phase II clinical trials for the treatment of geographic atrophy (GA) secondary to dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness. GT005 is designed to restore balance to an overactive complement system by increasing production of the Complement Factor I protein. GT005 has received Fast Track designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of people with GA.

Syncona Ltd, our lead investor, helped us create a leading gene therapy company combining discovery, research, drug development, a manufacturing platform and surgical delivery capabilities. Headquartered in London with locations in Philadelphia and San Francisco, our mission is to preserve sight and fight the devastating impact of blindness. For more information visit: http://www.gyroscopetx.com and follow us on Twitter (@GyroscopeTx) and on LinkedIn.

1 Tham YC, Li X, Wong TY, Quigley HA, Aung T, Cheng CY. Global prevalence of glaucoma and projections of glaucoma burden through 2040: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ophthalmology. 2014 Nov;121(11):2081-90.

2 Cowen Equity Research Therapeutic Categories Outlook: Comprehensive Study. 2020 Feb;P.2334.

3 Kale N. Optic neuritis as an early sign of multiple sclerosis. Eye Brain. 2016;8:195-202.

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Gyroscope Therapeutics and the University of Pennsylvania Announce Research Agreement to Develop Gene Therapies for Serious Eye Diseases - Business...


Startups are racing to reproduce breast milk in the lab – MIT Technology Review

December 19th, 2020 6:58 am

Biomilq was on the brink of shuttering when Strickland and Egger were promised $3.5 million in funding from a group of investors led by Breakthrough Energy Ventures, which Bill Gates had established to back technologies that could reduce carbon emissions. Upending the formula industry held the promise of doing just that. As the spring of 2020 gave way to summer, the money arrived in Biomilqs bank account.

Biomilq is not the only company aiming to make a new kind of baby formula. Using a broadly similar approach, TurtleTree Labs in Singapore eventually hopes to replace all milk currently on the market, according to cofounder Max Rye. In addition to other projects, the company is working to create fortifiers that can be added to formula to duplicate the properties of breast milk. Some formulas are already fortified with proteins and carbohydrates derived synthetically or from cows milk. Another cofounder, Fengru Lin, explains that, in contrast to Biomilq, TurtleTree plans to work with the formula industry and hopes to get its products to market in 2021.

Meanwhile, Helaina, a company based in New York, will emulate breast milk through fermentation. Laura Katz, the companys founder, plans to use microbes to synthesize the milks constituent compoundsproteins, carbohydrates, and fatsand then recombine them into a nutritious liquid. Since similar processes have already won approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for products like Impossible Burgers, which are made from fermented soy protein, she hopes to face fewer regulatory hurdles than her competitors. Like Strickland and Egger, she is motivated by indignation at the lack of options for new parents.

I think the best thing we can do is support women to breastfeed, Katz says. But if thats impossible, mothers deserve something better than current infant formula. She adds, I see all this innovation happening in cell-based meat production for people who just want to eat a burger, but the products that we feed babies have stayed static over the past 20, 30 years.

None of these propositions will be scientifically simple, in part because relatively little is known about breast milk. Most studies of human mammary epithelial cells tend to focus on their role in breast cancer rather than milk production.

As for the milk itself, its a rich and bewildering stew of thousands of chemicals. We know nutritionally about the proteins, the carbohydrates, and the fat in there. We know about some particular bioactive molecules in there, like oligosaccharides [complex sugars that feed healthy bacteria in a babys gut], IgA [the main antibody found in breast milk], bile-salt-stimulated lipase [an enzyme that aids in the digestion of fats]these things that people always bring up as being good in breast milk, says Tarah Colaizy, the research director of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America, who also teaches at the University of Iowa. But, she notes, breast milk also contains short strands of RNA, whose presence was only discovered in 2010, and whose role in infant development is not yet well understood.

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Startups are racing to reproduce breast milk in the lab - MIT Technology Review


The 10 Best Herbs for Liver Health: Benefits and Precautions – Healthline

December 19th, 2020 6:58 am

Many people around the world live with conditions that affect the liver, including cirrhosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), alcoholic liver disease, liver cancer, liver failure, and hepatitis (1).

Every year, liver disease accounts for nearly 2 million deaths worldwide (2, 3).

Risk factors for liver disease include heavy alcohol intake, high blood sugar levels, obesity, high blood pressure, viruses, elevated triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and more (4, 5).

Liver disease is treated in a number of ways, including medication, nutritional therapy, immunotherapy, lifestyle change, surgical resection, and even liver transplant in end stage liver disease (6, 7, 8, 9).

In addition to standard treatments, many people turn to alternative therapies, including herbal supplements, in hopes of improving and protecting their liver health. In fact, around 65% of people in the United States and Europe with liver diseases take herbal supplements (10).

Here are the 10 best herbs that have been shown to improve liver health.

Many herbs, including some on this list, may be unsafe for those with certain liver conditions.

Some herbs have been connected to liver damage and other complications, which is why its critical to check with your healthcare provider before adding any herbal supplements, including the ones on this list, to your diet.

Silymarin, often called milk thistle, consists of a group of compounds extracted from milk thistle (Silybum marianum) seeds, including silybin, silychristin, and silydianin (10).

Milk thistle has been used for over 2,000 years to treat bile duct and liver conditions, and research shows that it may have liver-protective properties (11).

It has been suggested that silymarin has strong antioxidant effects and may help promote liver cell regeneration, reduce inflammation, and benefit those with liver disease. However, results from human studies have been mixed (12).

For example, some studies have shown that taking a silymarin supplement may help protect against liver disease progression, prolong life in people with alcoholic cirrhosis, and enhance overall quality of life in people with liver disease (13, 14, 15, 16).

Yet, other studies indicate that silymarin is no more effective than placebo treatments, highlighting the need for additional research (13, 17, 18, 19).

Regardless, silymarin is considered safe and has not been associated with adverse side effects, even when used at high doses (19).

Silymarin may benefit people with certain liver conditions, including alcoholic cirrhosis. Still, more research is needed.

Ginseng is a popular herbal supplement known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties (20).

A number of test-tube and animal studies have demonstrated that ginseng has antioxidant effects and may help protect against liver injury caused by viruses, toxins, and alcohol. Plus, it may boost liver cell regeneration after surgery (21).

Whats more, some human studies have shown that ginseng treatment may improve liver function and reduce fatigue and inflammation in people with liver disease and liver dysfunction (22, 23, 24).

For example, a 2020 study in 51 men with elevated levels of alanine transaminase (ALT), a marker for liver damage, found that those who took 3 grams of ginseng extract per day for 12 weeks experienced significant reductions in ALT, compared with a placebo group (24).

Levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), another marker for liver damage, were also reduced significantly (24).

Although these results are promising, more research investigating the effects of ginseng on liver health is needed.

When used on its own, ginseng is thought to be relatively safe for liver health. However, ginseng has the potential to react with medications, which can lead to liver injury and other potentially dangerous side effects (25, 26, 27).

Ginseng may help protect against liver damage and is generally considered safe. Yet, it has the potential to react with certain medications, which can lead to dangerous side effects.

Although it isnt technically an herb, green tea and its main polyphenol compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) are often included in literature reviews focusing on herbal remedies for liver conditions (28).

Some studies have found that supplementing with green tea extract may help treat those with liver disease.

A study in 80 people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) found that supplementing with 500 mg of green tea extract per day for 90 days significantly reduced the liver damage markers ALT and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (29).

Although the placebo group also noticed a reduction in AST and ALT levels, they were not significant (29).

Another 12-week study in 80 people with NAFLD observed that those who took 500 mg of green tea extract daily experienced significant improvements in AST, ALT, and inflammatory markers, compared with a placebo. The treatment also reduced fatty changes in the liver (30).

Green tea intake has likewise been shown to protect against various liver conditions, including liver cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver (hepatic steatosis), and chronic liver disease (31).

While drinking green tea is considered safe for most people, in rare cases, green tea extract supplements have been linked to acute liver injury (32).

Green tea and green tea extract have been linked to powerful liver-protective effects. Keep in mind that green tea extract has been associated with liver injury in rare cases.

Although chewy candy often comes to mind when thinking of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), its really an herb with powerful medicinal properties (33).

Licorice root has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and liver-protective effects in scientific studies (33).

The main active component in licorice root is the saponin compound glycyrrhizin, which is commonly used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to treat many ailments, including liver disease (33).

Some studies have demonstrated that treatment with licorice extract may benefit those with certain liver conditions.

A study in 66 people with fatty liver disease found that supplementing with 2 grams of licorice root extract per day for 2 months significantly reduced ALT and AST, compared with a placebo treatment (34).

In another small study, 6 healthy people took a glycyrrhizin product before drinking vodka every night for 12 days, and 6 people only drank vodka nightly for 12 days.

In the vodka-only group, liver damage markers, including ALT, AST, and GGT, significantly increased. In the glycyrrhizin group, these markers did not significantly increase, suggesting that glycyrrhizin may help protect against alcohol-related liver damage (35).

Although these findings are promising, more research is needed.

Whats more, some people are more sensitive to licorice, and the chronic use of licorice products can result in dangerous side effects, including high blood pressure and low blood levels of potassium (36).

Licorice supplements may benefit those with NAFLD and protect against alcohol-related liver damage. Its important to note that certain people may be more sensitive to licorice supplements, as well as that they can lead to adverse side effects.

Turmeric and its main active component curcumin have been linked to a variety of impressive health benefits.

Its well documented that turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties, which makes this herb a popular choice for those with liver disease (37).

A study in people with NAFLD demonstrated that daily treatment with 500 mg of a curcumin product for 8 weeks significantly reduced liver fat content and levels of AST and ALT, compared with a placebo group (38).

Another study in 70 people with NAFLD found that those who supplemented with 500 mg of curcumin and 5 mg of piperine per day for 12 weeks had significant reductions in ALT, AST, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and inflammatory markers, compared with a placebo group (39).

Piperine is a compound found in black pepper that enhances curcumin absorption.

It was also observed that the curcumin treatment significantly improved NAFLD severity, compared with the placebo group (39).

Supplementing with turmeric and curcumin is generally considered safe. However, some cases of acute liver injury have been reported. Still, its unclear whether these cases were due to the contamination of curcumin products or the products themselves (40).

Studies show that turmeric supplements may help treat NAFLD and reduce inflammation. Turmeric is generally considered safe, but some cases of liver injury have been reported.

Although garlic is botanically considered a vegetable, its a popular component of many herbal remedies. Its packed with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant compounds, such as allicin, alliin, and ajoene, which may help support liver health (41, 42).

A 2020 study in 98 people with NAFLD found that those who took 800 mg of garlic powder per day for 15 weeks experienced significant reductions in ALT, AST, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, compared with a placebo group (42).

Whats more, 51% of the participants in the garlic group showed improvements in the severity of liver fat accumulation, compared with just 16% of the control group (42).

Another study in over 24,000 adults found that men who consumed raw garlic over 7 times per week had up to a 29% reduced risk of developing fatty liver disease. Although raw garlic intake was inversely associated with NAFLD in men, this association was not seen in women (43).

Additionally, a study linked raw garlic intake to a lower risk of liver cancer. Eating raw garlic twice or more per week was associated with a 23% reduced risk of liver cancer, compared with consuming raw garlic less than twice per week (44).

Although raw garlic is generally considered safe, concentrated garlic supplements may induce liver injury in some people (45).

Raw garlic and garlic powder have liver-protective properties and may improve liver health in those with NAFLD. Eating raw garlic may protect against liver cancer. Garlic is generally considered safe but may cause liver injury in some people.

Ginger root is a popular culinary ingredient and also commonly used as a medicinal treatment for many health conditions, including liver disease.

A 12-week study in 46 people with NAFLD found that supplementing with 1,500 mg of ginger powder per day significantly reduced ALT, total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP), compared with placebo treatment (46).

Another study observed similar results. People with NAFLD who supplemented with 2 grams of ginger for 12 weeks experienced significant reductions in ALT, GGT, inflammatory markers, and fat accumulation in the liver, compared with a placebo group (47).

Ginger root contains powerful compounds, including gingerols and shogaols, that help inhibit inflammation and protect against cellular damage, which may help support liver health. Plus, ginger may help protect your liver against toxins like alcohol (48, 49).

Ginger is generally considered safe, even for those with liver conditions. However, you should always check with your healthcare provider before supplementing with high-dose ginger products (50).

Taking ginger supplements may help reduce liver damage and lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and inflammation in people with NAFLD. Ginger is generally considered safe.

In addition to the treatments listed above, many other herbs have been linked to improved liver health.

Danshen is a substance thats commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its the dried roots of the herb Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge. Human and animal studies have shown that danshen may have positive effects on liver health.

Animal studies indicate danshen may help protect against alcohol-related liver disease and promote liver tissue regeneration, while some human studies suggest danshen injections may help treat liver fibrosis when used alongside other herbal remedies (51, 52, 53).

Ginkgo biloba is a popular herbal supplement that has been linked to improved liver health. For example, a rodent study showed that ginkgo biloba injections reduced liver fibrosis and enhanced liver function (54).

Although ginkgo biloba has been associated with mild adverse side effects, it hasnt been linked to liver injury specifically (55).

Astragalus is an edible herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its loaded with medicinal compounds, including saponins, isoflavonoids, and polysaccharides, which have powerful therapeutic properties (56).

Its generally considered safe and hasnt been associated with liver injury. However, it can interact with certain medications (57).

Rodent studies indicate that astragalus may help protect against fibrosis and high fat diet-induced fatty liver when used alone or in combination with other herbs (58, 59, 60).

Danshen, ginkgo biloba, and astragalus have all been associated with improved liver health in some animal and human studies. However, more research is needed.

Although some herbal treatments may help treat or prevent liver conditions, its critical for anyone interested in using herbal remedies for liver health to speak with a qualified healthcare provider first.

This is because many herbal treatments have been shown to be toxic to the liver and may be dangerous to take, especially for those with liver diseases or other medical conditions (61).

In fact, herbal medicines have been associated with liver damage and even death. Both singular herbs and herbal mixtures have the potential to cause serious damage to your liver (62).

Whats more, herbal supplements can be contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and bacteria that can harm your liver (63).

Additionally, many herbs can interact with common medications, which can lead to liver injury and even death (63).

Even though certain herbs may be safe for you to use, many others arent, so you should always check with your healthcare provider before taking any herbal supplement.

Because many herbs can cause liver damage and interact with common medications, you should always check with your healthcare provider before taking any herbal supplement, especially if you have a condition that affects the liver.

Certain herbs have been associated with improved liver health, making them a popular natural remedy choice for those with liver conditions, as well as those who want to support their liver health.

Although some herbal supplements are considered safe and may even treat certain liver diseases, many others can harm liver health.

If you have questions about herbal therapies for liver disease or are interested in taking herbal supplements in hopes of supporting your liver health, always consult a knowledgeable healthcare provider for advice.

See the rest here:
The 10 Best Herbs for Liver Health: Benefits and Precautions - Healthline


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