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Yourgene Health : 11 January 2021 – Clarigene SARS-CoV-2 Product Update and Partnerships with CityDoc and ReCoVa-19 + – Marketscreener.com

January 14th, 2021 11:58 am

Manchester, UK - 11 January 2021:Yourgene (AIM: YGEN), the international molecular diagnostics group, announces that following the Company's statement on 24 December 2020, regarding the new virus strain (VUI-202012/01 SARS-CoV-2 variant), Yourgene's wet lab testing is now complete and has confirmed that the performance of the ClarigeneSARS-CoV-2 assay is not impacted by any currently known mutations in the VUI-202012/01 strain.

The wet lab testing followed a detailedin silico(Computer) analysis of the mutations in the new SARS-CoV-2 variant, to assess the reliability of Yourgene's existing Clarigeneproduct. Unlike many other assays on the market, the ClarigeneSARS-CoV-2 assay does not rely on amplification of the S gene, where one of the key VUI-202012/01 variants (N501Y) is located, in this new virulent strain. The Company has also implemented an ongoing rigorous internal surveillance programme to ensure continued monitoring for the development of new viral strains. This includes database monitoring for SARS-CoV-2 variants with mutations in the N and the E gene which fall around the assay primers and probes, as well as impact assessment on these mutations on assay performance, evaluated byin silicoanalysis and wet lab confirmation.

Following the confirmation of the performance of the ClarigeneSARS-CoV-2 assay against the new virus strain, Yourgene have partnered with CityDoc Medical Limited ("CityDoc"), a 15-year old healthcare business and one of the UK's largest private vaccination and medical testing companies with over 150+ clinics across the UK, to oversee the customer management and offer responsive clinical support for Yourgene's Clarigenetest, for the UK Government's Test To Release for international travellers scheme. CityDoc will manage the e-commerce function and logistics by allowing customers to order a sample collection kit and returning the test sample to the Yourgene laboratory. In addition, another key customer, ReCoVa-19 Limited works alongside Yourgene and CityDoc to provide access to their customer-facing COVID testing and wellness monitoring app, which enables sample tracking and customers to access their test results.

Lyn Rees, CEO of Yourgene commented:"We are pleased to confirm that our Clarigenetest is not compromised by the recently analysed mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 virus and believe that our ongoing internal surveillance for new virus strains shows our commitment to offering our customers the quality products they expect and deserve. We have a great and reliable product in the Clarigene test and look forward to working with CityDoc and ReCoVa-19 Limited, in order to support the economy by aiding the travel industry's return to normality."

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014. The Directors of the Company take responsibility for this announcement.

Lyn Rees, Chief Executive OfficerBarry Hextall, Chief Financial OfficerJoanne Cross, Director of Marketing


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About Yourgene Health plc

Yourgene is an international molecular diagnostics group which develops and commercialises genetic products and services. The group works in partnership with global leaders in DNA technology to advance diagnostic science.

Yourgene develops and commercialises simple and accurate molecular diagnostic solutions, for reproductive health and molecular genetics. The Group's products include non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPT) for Down's Syndrome and other genetic disorders, Cystic Fibrosis screening tests, invasive rapid aneuploidy tests, male infertility tests and genetic disease tests. Yourgene's commercial footprint is already established in the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

Our product development, research service and commercial capabilities extend across the lifecycle of genetic test development including regulatory submissions. Through our technical expertise and partnerships, Yourgene is also extending its genetic testing offering into oncology.

Yourgene is headquartered in Manchester, UK with offices in Taipei and Singapore, and is listed on the London Stock Exchange's AIM market under the ticker "YGEN". For more information, visitwww.yourgene-health.comand follow us on twitter@Yourgene_Health.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements made in this announcement are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not historical facts but rather are based on the Company's current expectations, estimates, and projections about its industry; its beliefs; and assumptions. Words such as 'anticipates,' 'expects,' 'intends,' 'plans,' 'believes,' 'seeks,' 'estimates,' and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, some of which are beyond the Company's control, are difficult to predict, and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or forecasted in the forward-looking statements. The Company cautions security holders and prospective security holders not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which reflect the view of the Company only as of the date of this announcement. The forward-looking statements made in this announcement relate only to events as of the date on which the statements are made. The Company will not undertake any obligation to release publicly any revisions or updates to these forward-looking statements to reflect events, circumstances, or unanticipated events occurring after the date of this announcement except as required by law or by any appropriate regulatory authority.


Yourgene Health plc published this content on 11 January 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 11 January 2021 08:17:03 UTC

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Yourgene Health : 11 January 2021 - Clarigene SARS-CoV-2 Product Update and Partnerships with CityDoc and ReCoVa-19 + - Marketscreener.com


The meat spot – Japanese people may have gained longevity by balancing their diets | Graphic detail – The Economist

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

Japans rate of strokes fell during a period when it began eating a bit of meat

Jan 16th 2021

TANAKA KANE is one of humanitys great outliers. On January 2nd she became the third person ever to turn 118, according to the Gerontology Research Group, a team of academics. She is also the first citizen of Japan to reach 118but is unlikely to be the last. The country has the worlds longest life expectancy, and 80,000 centenarians.

Mrs Tanaka is an outlier for another reason, too. She claims to love chocolate and fizzy drinks, setting her apart from most of her compatriots. Japan has long had one of the lowest sugar-consumption rates in the OECD, a club of mainly wealthy countries.

The unusual longevity enjoyed in Japan is often credited to diet. Yet the idea that the country has extended lifespans by entirely avoiding the Wests sinful culinary delights may be too simple. In fact, recent studies imply that one key to its success may be that its peoples diets have shifted over time towards Western eating patterns.

Japan was not always a longevity champion. In 1970 its age-adjusted mortality rates were average for the OECD. Although its levels of cancer and heart disease were relatively low, it also had the OECDs highest frequency of cerebrovascular deaths, caused by blood failing to reach the brain.

In 1970-90, however, Japans cerebrovascular mortality rate fell towards the OECD average. With world-beating numbers on heart disease and fewer strokes, Japan soared up the longevity league table.

How did Japan overcome its cerebrovascular woes? Some of its gains simply mirror better treatments and reductions in blood pressure around the world, notes Thomas Truelsen of the University of Copenhagen.

However, another cause may be diets. Japan largely banned meat for 1,200 years, and still consumes relatively little meat and dairy. Too much of these can be damaging, since they contain saturated fatty acids, which correlate to heart disease. Studies have also tied eating lots of processed red meat to a greater risk of stroke. But too little may be unwise as well, because they provide cholesterol that may be needed for blood-vessel walls. In a study of 48,000 Britons, vegetarians were unusually resistant to heart disease, but prone to strokes.

In theory, a dearth of animal-based food could have contributed to Japans historical cerebrovascular mortality. In 1960-2013, as the countrys deaths from strokes tumbled, its annual meat intake rose from near zero to 52kg per person (45% of Americas level). Tsugane Shoichiro of the National Cancer Centre in Tokyo says that his compatriots may need meat and dairy to keep their blood vessels robustthough not so much that those vessels get clogged.

Some empirical evidence supports this view. One paper from the 1990s found that the parts of Japan where diets had changed most also had the biggest drops in cerebrovascular mortality. Another study, which tracked 80,000 Japanese people in 1995-2009, showed that strokes were most common among those who ate the least chops and cream. Although Japans decline in cerebrovascular deaths could stem entirely from other causes, these data suggest that nutritional shifts may have helped.

The unhappy irony is that Japans health gains, paired with a low birth rate, threaten its economy. By 2060, 40% of Japanese could be 60 or older. That would yield more birthday cakes with 118 candlesand fewer great-grandchildren to blow them out.


This article appeared in the Graphic detail section of the print edition under the headline "The meat spot"

Go here to see the original:
The meat spot - Japanese people may have gained longevity by balancing their diets | Graphic detail - The Economist


The 17 Best Longevity Tips Experts Taught Us in 2020 – Well+Good

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

In recent years, the motivation for healthy habits like veggie-heavy diets and regular exercise has shifted from present-day benefits to those more long-term in nature. And were not just interested in extending our lifespan, but our health span, tooaka the length of time we are not only alive but alive and well. Most of us want to die with our boots on, as my grandfather would sayable in both mind and body.

As such, longevity research has become a major focus in the wellness world and this year, we learned quite a bit about how to optimize our daily lives now for the benefit of our future selves. Below, a rundown of the best tips weve accumulated in 2020 for living your healthiest life into your 80s and beyondbecause theres a lot to live well for just ask President-Elect Joe Biden, who is 78!

1. Exercise this many times per week

Its no secret that human beings were designed to be a lot more active than most of us currently are in our modern-day, screen-heavy existences; however, you dont need to give up hope of a long life if youre pressed for tons of time to move each week. This year, a new study published inJAMA Internal Medicinefound that those who engage in moderate or vigorous exercise 150 minutes per weekhad lower all-cause mortality.

That translates to just 22 minutes of moderate-to-intense exercise per day. Those who got these 150 minutes per week showed a lower risk of early death from all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality, and cancer mortality.

Benefits were especially notable in those who tended toward the more rigorous side of the equation, opting for running, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routines, or something equally as taxing. The takeaway there is that if you are doing lower-impact exercises, it might help to throw a few more hardcore (think: quick and dirty) fitness routines into the mix as well. Not sure where to start? Here are nine such workouts you can try now (or January 1, because resolutions).

2. This particular workout format packs the best longevity punch

Any exercise is better than none, so if theres a format you love and that gets you moving, you should one hundred percent stick to it. But if youre open to new things or are already a devotee, research this year shows that HIIT workouts are the most effective form of fitness from a longevity standpoint.

The study looked at the effects of two weekly HIIT workouts per week on 70 to 77 year-olds and found that all-cause mortality was 36 percent lower in that group than in the studys control group (which did whatever kind of exercise they liked). Thirty-six percent!

The specific HIIT routine the studys participants engaged in was the 44 format, which divides each workout into a 10-minute warm-up period followed by four high-intensity intervals. Each interval consists of one to two minutes of extreme exertion, at about 90 percent of maximum heart rate, followed by a three-minute period at about 60 percent of heart rate. The session then concludes with a cool down period. If you want toe try one out, here are four to get you started.

3. If your workouts dont include this one move, they probably should

Technically, research just shows that if you can do this one move easily, that in and of itself is a good indication of longevity: the squat. So while this doesnt necessarily show that doing squats will increase your lifespan, it stands to reason that one way to ensure you can do them easily is to, well, do themand frequently.

One of the reasons its such a good exerciseboth to practice frequently and as a longevity predictor is that its functional, meaning we sort of need to be able to execute squat-like movements regularly in everyday life when, for example, we move from sitting to standing. Plus, we sit too much, and therefore the parts of our bodies, e.g. the glutes, which squats activate do not get nearly the amount of work they were built to take on.

Its critical, howeverfor knee health especiallythat you squat with proper form; heres how.

4. Cardio is not to be overlooked, either

Its not always possible for everyone to engage in high-impact exercise like HIIT or running, but that doesnt mean theyre screwed from a longevity perspective. In some cases, people might want to choose exercises that are gentler on their joints, which is not the same thing as being easy.

According to a cardiologist, there are five types of low-impact cardio thatll work you out hard without irritating aging or injured parts of your body: swimming, walking, cycling, rowing, and elliptical. Or, heres a 25-minute low-impact cardio workout you can try from home today.

5. Overall, your workout routines should include these 3 pillars

Ultimately, the best fitness routines are a mix of a number of different modalities, and exercising for longevity is no different. According toAleksandra Stacha-Fleming, founder of NYCs Longevity Lab, a gym that works with people of all ages to create workouts that help their bodies age properly, your regular workouts should typically include a smattering of the following: cardio, for your heart; strength-training, for your bones; and anything that works your flexibility and mobility, e.g. yoga. Get workout vids for each here.

1. Always keep these 6 foods on hand in your fridge

According to Dan Buettner, longevity expert and author ofThe Blue Zones Kitchen, the longest-living people in the world dont obsess over or restrict what they eat; however, they naturally consume nutrient-dense foods as a way of life. The six such foods Buettner thinks you should stock up on ASAP to follow their lead are nuts, vegetables, fruit, tofu, fish, and alt-milk. Find out more about why here.

You might want to add a jar of canned hearts of palm to your shopping list the next time youre try to stock your fridge, too. The ingredient is nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, and packed with minerals like potassium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. Most importantly, its Blue Zones diet-approved, meaning its a longevity-booster, too. Try these 9 recipes to make use of your next hearts of palm haul.

2. Meanwhile, these 5 foods should go in your freezer

Buettner also has thoughts on what should be found in your freezer if you hope to emulate the worlds centenarians. His top five picks include a lot of the same things you should simultaneously keep fresh in your fridge, like fruits and vegetables, and nuts fall into both categories, too. Additionally, Buettner recommends keeping bread (bless you, Buettner!) and whole grains on ice, too. Get a few recipes made with each ingredient on this Buettners freezer list here.

3. Pack these in your pantry

Buettner even shared what he keeps in his own kitchen specifically when it comes to his pantry. What youll find there includes staples such as beans, legumes, whole grains (specifically steel-cut oats and brown rice), nuts, and seeds. You should keep canned greens in your pantry, too.

4. Herbs and spices are oh-so-important, too

Excess inflammation is an enemy of healthy aging, and plants are packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. According to herbalist Rachelle Robinett, nutrient-dense herbs are, therefore, a great supplement for anyone looking to enhance the longevity benefits of their diet. Specifically, she recommends ginger, turmeric, spirulina, chili peppers, and ginsengfind out more on why here.

People in the Blue Zone of Okinawa, Japan, also consume an herb called otani-watari, which can be boiled and added to stir-fries, soups, and salad.

4. This one-pot recipe is a longevity experts favorite go-to meal

Whatever Buettner, whos made his lifes work longevity, is eating regularly, Ill have, too. Fortunately, this year he shared his favorite go-to meal, which just so happens to be a one-pot Ikarian Longevity Stew packed with legumes and superstar veggies. Get the recipe here.

5. Overall, its this popular diet that wins the day with respect to longevity

You may have noticed a theme in the above tips, which is that they heavily emphasize fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains; however, the longest-living people in the world arent necessarily vegans. Instead, they adhere to the Mediterranean Diet, and recent research has strengthened the link between it and longevity.

The study found that the Mediterranean diet may be linked to lowering inflammation markers and increasing both brain function and gut healthand therefore improving the aging process overall.

Essentially, the Mediterranean diet does call for substantial amounts of those aforementioned fruits, veggies, whole grains, and nuts. It also adds olive oil as a key component alongside fish and encourages a reduction in the consumption of red meat and saturated fats.

Need a little help making shifting your eating habits to better reflect this diet? Try the Blue Zones specific daily, weekly, and monthly guide for eating more like the longest-living humans on the planet.

6. To keep it simpler still, follow these golden rules of eating for longevity

If all of the above sounds like a lot, consider this; according to Buettner, there are six golden consumption rules to follow if you want to live longer, and TBH, theyre not very restrictive. The first is to drink wine after 5 p.m., ideally with friends or loved ones and a meal. (Um, twist my arm!) The second is to eat mostly plant-based foods, which at this point feels a bit repetitive, so duh. The third is to forget fad-diet brainwashing and carbo load to your hearts desire, as long as your carbs of choice are derived from grains, greens, tubers, nuts, and beans. The fourth is to eat less meat, as mentioned prior, and the fifth is to stick to just three beveragescoffee, that aforementioned wine (okay, yes), and lots and lots of water. Find out what the lastand least obviousgolden rule is here.

1. Keep a consistent sleep schedule

The Dalai Lama might not be a longevity expert per se, but he is doing pretty well at the spritely age of 85. One of his top six tips for extending your lifespan is to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. And even though he starts his day at 3 a.m., his 7 p.m. bedtime ensures he gets a solid eight hours of sleep per night.


1. Volunteer

One less-easy-to-imitate characteristic of those occupying the worlds Blue Zones is that they retain a sense of purpose throughout their lives. In America, we tend to put older people to pasture, so to speak, and they are less naturally integrated into family and community life, too.

One way to hack a sense of purpose in our (cold, heartless) societynot just when youre older but at any ageis to volunteer. Research shows that helping other people can actually help you to live a longer life. Our results show that volunteerism among older adults doesnt just strengthen communities, but enriches our own lives by strengthening our bonds to others, helping us feel a sense of purpose and well-being, and protecting us from feelings of loneliness, depression, and hopelessness, Eric S. Kim, PhD, research scientist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said in a press release about the study. Find out more here, including how to adapt this hashtag-goals habit to pandemic times.

2. Grow a green thumb

According to Buettner, people in the Blue Zones, or longest-living areas of the world, garden well into their 90s and beyond. Gardening is the epitome of a Blue Zone activity because its sort of a nudge: You plant the seeds and youre going to be nudged in the next three to four months to water it, weed it, harvest it, he says. And when youre done, youre going to eat an organic vegetable, which you presumably like because you planted it. Find out more on the research behind this here.

3. Meditate

Not to state the obvious, but the Dalai Lamas longevity routine also includes regular meditation. And while he practices for seven hours a day, research shows that just five minutes per day can reap benefits such as sharpening your mind, reducing stress and, importantly, slowing aging.

4. Practice compassion

The Dalai Lama considers compassion to be one of the keys to happiness, and science says it has pro-social benefits, too. These might help us live longer lives, as humans thrive in the communities many Americans find it more difficult to build than those living in the Blue Zones do. Showing concern, care, and empathy to others can endear you to them and ensure that when the shoe is on the other foot, youve got others to lean on, too. This reciprocal relationship gives you that aforementioned sense of longevity-endowing purpose, too.

Go here to read the rest:
The 17 Best Longevity Tips Experts Taught Us in 2020 - Well+Good


LifeBio Selected to Present at Innovator’s Pitch Challenge During the Inaugural Longevity, Health & Innovation Conference – PRNewswire

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

MARYSVILLE, Ohio, Jan. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --LifeBio, a leading age-tech solutions company using reminiscence methods and life story work for social engagement, announced today it has been selected to participate in the Innovator's Pitch Challenge (IPC) at the inaugural Longevity, Health & Innovationconference to be held virtually and concurrently during the 39th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Week, January 11-15.

LifeBio's MyHello, a tech-powered, scalable live phone intervention to prevent loneliness in older adults and to address social determinants of health (SDoH), was one of only 37 early-stage company products among hundreds of entries invited to pitch to the life science and longevity investor judging panel. The two-day Innovator's Pitch Challenge includes a 4-minute pitch followed by live Q&A sessions on January 14-15. The purpose of the pitch is to advance technology in longevity and aging by connecting buyers, sellers, and investors.

"The COVID pandemic increased loneliness and isolation among older adults which we know leads to higher levels of depression, poorer cardiovascular and diabetes health and higher rates of Alzheimer's disease," said Beth Sanders, CEO and founder of LifeBio. "MyHello is designed to be a high-tech intervention for loneliness using existing landline or mobile phones and connecting older adults with engaging conversations with the power of life stories. Research shows we reduce depression and increase happiness and well-being using the LifeBio Reminiscence Method and personalized story methods."

Julianne Holt-Lunstadat Brigham Young University, one of the foremost researchers on social isolation and loneliness, found these conditions have as much impact on longevity as obesity or even smoking. It is estimated more than 42 million older adults feel isolated and lonely, whether they live alone or in congregate living communities. In 2020, isolation and loneliness for seniors were exacerbated by the safety restrictions during the pandemic. In addition to the individual impact, loneliness and social isolation also account for $6.7 billion in additional Medicare spending annually according to a 2017 reportby AARP.

LifeBio Solutions

LifeBio (www.LifeBio.com) has captured thousands of life stories, working with senior living, hospice, health insurance partners and other health providers. The company has been recognized for its innovative approach to creating solutions for social determinants of health in older populations with its MyHellosolutions http://www.MyHello.com, a focus of the new guidelines from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). LifeBio also recently received a $2.5 million grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program to test an online platform using artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate life story work for those with dementia and Alzheimer's. (Disclaimer: Federal Grant ID: R44AG069566the content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.)

LifeBio Inc., is a leading age-tech company with more than 20 years of experience creating social engagement solutions using scientifically-proven reminiscence and life story methods. Headquartered in Marysville, Ohio, LifeBio works with health care and senior living organizations to capture key memories and experiences for people age 65+ or those facing life-limiting conditions. Most of LifeBio's work has been with organizations serving older adults. However, LifeBio recognizes the need to increase support for mental health interventions across all age groups as part of its ever-evolving product portfolio and partnerships. Learn more at: http://www.LifeBio.comor http://www.MyHello.com.

To learn more about the Innovator's Pitch Challenge, hosted by Life Science Nation and Mary Furlong and Associates, register hereor go to: http://www.longevityhealthinnovation.com.

Media Contact: Beth Sanders LifeBio 614-580-0333 [emailprotected]


Go here to read the rest:
LifeBio Selected to Present at Innovator's Pitch Challenge During the Inaugural Longevity, Health & Innovation Conference - PRNewswire


Live longer: Chlorophyll reduces cancer risk and promotes liver health to boost longevity – Express

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

Chlorophyll is a pigment present in all green plants and a few other organisms. It is required for photosynthesis, which is the process by which light energy is converted into chemical energy. According to health experts, chlorophyll should be part of our daily lives and with the numerous health benefits its easy to see why.

Chlorophyll contains vitamins, antioxidants, and therapeutic properties that all majorly benefit the body.

Dr Keith Kantor, nutritionist and dietician and CEO of the Nutritional Addiction Mitigation Eating and Drinking program said: Chlorophyllsuppresses appetite, aids in weight loss, decreases spikes in insulin which lessens cravings, helps with skin healing, helps in detoxifying the blood, reduces the risk for cancer, increases energy, helps in eliminating odours (as a natural deodorant), and helps in boosting the immune system.

People have used chlorophyll as a health supplement for many years.

A variety of medical studies have suggested that it may be helpful for skin conditions, body odours, and fighting certain kinds ofcancer.

READ MORE:How to live longer: Consume this spice to reduce heart disease risk and inhibit cancer

In a study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, chlorophylls ability to extend lifespan was investigated..

Results of the study indicate that chlorophyll is absorbed by worms and is thus bioavailable, constituting an important prerequisite for antioxidant and longevity-promoting activities inside the body, noted the study.

It continued: Our study thereby supports the view that green vegetables may also be beneficial for humans.

In conclusion, our experiments demonstrate that chlorophyll exhibits substantial antioxidant activity and significantly improves antioxidant resistance ofC. elegans.

Therefore, dietary chlorophyll derivatives support the recommendation of nutritionists to eat green vegetables and salads containing high contents of chlorophyll, as this could also help to improve human health and prevent diseases.

In another study published in Science Alert, the effects of chlorophyll on body functioning and blood glucose levels were analysed.

The study noted: Blood glucose levels can be affected by the various types of chlorophyll.

Experiments have proven that chlorophyll has antioxidant activities that are present in various foods.

A diet rich in chlorophyll led to a slight decrease in the number of white blood cells, haematocrit, haemoglobin and an increase in red blood cells compared with control.

It is concluded that chlorophyll is likely to have important implications regarding blood sugar and has benefits in body weight with further studies being warranted.

In addition to its neuroprotective and appetite-suppressing effects, chlorophyll promotes liver health and balances the gut flora.

A recent study posted in Frontiers in Physiology in 2018 has found that chlorophyllin may help relieve hepatic fibrosis symptoms by reducing harmful gut bacteria.

The study also indicates that chlorophyllin may reduce liver inflammation and protect the small intestine in mice with hepatic fibrosis.

Its beneficial effects on the gut microbiota hold promise for future research.

Continue reading here:
Live longer: Chlorophyll reduces cancer risk and promotes liver health to boost longevity - Express


Freddie Gibbs Explains Why Longevity In Hip-Hop Is The Key To Success – Genius

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

Id rather have it later in life than get it quick and then lose it all.

Freddie Gibbs is 38 years old and still watching himself reach new career peaks. The veteran rapper, who is up for a Best Rap Album Grammy at the 2021 show, recently linked up with Vulture to discuss his 2020 achievements, and he reflected on the challenge and reward of achieving career longevity in rap music.

While he didnt find it hard to get a record deal, Gibbs explained that finding stable success in hip-hop took much longer.

I never worked hard to get signed. I got signed after probably a year or two of even rapping. I didnt really know what that was to be signed or none of that, he said. I got dropped in six months. That sh-t came and went very quick. I had to learn how to become my own machine.

He noted that the long path to fame taught him the value of patience.

My path to where Im at is very unique, probably quite different than a lot of other people. I had to fall flat real quick, and then learn how to take some years and time and a whole lot of effort to get where Im at, he said. If you wouldve told me 10 years ago that I was going to have to wait 10 years to be Grammy nominated, I dont know if I would have kept rapping. But thats me and my young mind. I would have been like, Damn, I got to do this sh-t 10 more years? The years in between are all learning years. I wasnt ready for the stage that Im on right now, back then. But now Im ready for it.

Gibbs' career dates back to the early 2000s, with his first mixtape, Full Metal Jakit, Vol. 1, dropping in 2004. After appearing the 2010 XXL Freshman class alongside rappers from J. Cole and Wiz Khalifa to Fashawn and Donnis, he released his major debut album, ESGN, in 2013. He found critical acclaim alongside Madlib with their collaborative albums Piata (2014) and Bandana (2019).

Despite the journey, Gibbs expressed gratitude for the slow-burning success compared to some of his early peers.

Motherf-ckers feel like if they dont make it by 22, they dead, he said. Id rather have it later in life than get it quick and then lose it all. I know a lot of rappers that were popping 10 years ago when I was trying to get it popping, and now they gone. A lot of those guys probably cant go do a show nowhere; a lot of them probably dont own their masters; a lot of them probably aint getting no money off streams or whatever; a lot of them probably signed with somebody who cant put out a project. Its all about longevity for me.

Gibbs is competing for Best Rap Album at the March 2021 Grammys ceremony for his The Alchemist collaborative project, Alfredo. The project earned both artists the highest-charting debut of their careers, landing at No. 15 with 31,000 equivalent album units sold in its first week.

Read Freddie Gibbs' full Vulture interview here and catch up on all the lyrics to Alfredo on Genius now.

Read this article:
Freddie Gibbs Explains Why Longevity In Hip-Hop Is The Key To Success - Genius


How to live longer: The best herbs and spices to extend longevity – Express

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

As well as adding flavour to your food, herbs and spices can also provide numerous protective qualities that can help you live longer. This is a much better alternative to condiments loaded with salt that can cause health problems.

Research nutritionist for the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, Diane Vizthum, commented on the subject matter.

"Spices are concentrated sources of antioxidants," Vizthum said, noting their "therapeutic properties".

People who wish to lower their blood sugar levels would benefit from sprinkling cinnamon onto their porridge.

Another spice recommended by Vizthum is turmeric - ideal for curry dishes, tacos and on roasted vegetables and meats.

Hailed a super spice for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric has been linked to a reduction in brain disease.

Referencing a study, Vizthum stated participants who consumed curcumin - a component of turmeric reported improvement in memory test scores.

"Scans of their brain indicated significantly fewer markers associated with cognitive decline," added an impressed Vizthum.

Vizthum advises people to simmer or stew foods with spices to "heighten the antioxidant levels", instead of frying or grilling.

Dietician Monica Auslander Moreno also recognises the health benefits of herbs and spices.

"Herbs and spices fight inflammation and reduce damage to your bodys cells, Moreno added.

"Thats because each one is rich in phytochemicals, which are healthful plant chemicals."

Moreno recommends adding chilli peppers to your food, as they can "help keep blood vessels healthy".

The Mayo Clinic warns of the dangers of damaged blood vessels, which includes raising blood pressure and potentially causing a stroke.

One herb Moreno recommends is cumin another great addition to curries as it can promote weight loss.

One study involving 88 overweight women who ate less than a teaspoon of cumin daily lost more body fat and weight than those who didn't; both groups were put on the same low-calorie diet.

The NHS points out the health hazards of carrying too much weight, as it can increase your risk of the following health conditions:

Rosemary is another herb recommended by Moreno, as it's rich in antioxidants that prevent cell damage.

To summarise, cinnamon, turmeric, chilli peppers, cumin and rosemary are the herbs and spices you need in your home.

Out of these five herbs and spices, which ones do you have? And what are your favourites? Please put your recommendations below on which spices and herbs go well with what dishes.

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How to live longer: The best herbs and spices to extend longevity - Express


$200 mn project at US Embassy: Testimony to strength, longevity of US-India relations – The Indian Express

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, and outgoing US Ambassador to India Kenneth I Juster Friday broke ground on the new more environmentally sustainable Chancery building to be constructed inside the US Embassy campus.

The project we celebrate today is more than a series of buildings and infrastructure. It reflects Americas enduring commitment to the US-India partnership and is a testament to the strength and longevity of that partnership, Juster said.

The new design reduces total water use by 37% and potable water use by 74%. The reflecting pool will be redesigned to capture stormwater during the monsoon season, storing one million gallons for treatment and reuse Throughout the project, the Embassy will be planting over 2,000 trees in public areas in New Delhi, he said.

Juster said the endeavour was also an investment in the local community. During the project, an approximate $200 million will be invested in the local economy and the project will employ approximately 800 Indian workers at the peak of construction activities. These workers will have the opportunity to learn new technical skills and safety awareness that will help distinguish them in the local market, he said.

Speaking at the event, Puri lauded Justers contribution to strengthening India-US relations, saying ties were stronger, more enduring and with greater potential now as compared to when the envoy had come to India.

Sisodia too said the relationship between the US Embassy and the Delhi government was mutually beneficial. India has adopted a New Education Policy which has enabled partnership in higher education with reputed universities of the world. The Delhi government will seek your cooperation in making Delhi a regional educational hub for some of the Ivy League colleges and schools, he said.

In a statement, the US Embassy said the new Chancery building will stand adjacent to the iconic original Chancery and the Ambassadors Residence at Roosevelt House on the Embassy campus. Friday also marked the 62nd anniversary of the ground-breaking of the original Chancery in 1959.

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$200 mn project at US Embassy: Testimony to strength, longevity of US-India relations - The Indian Express


Stone Ridge Lane receives validation with stipulations – Post Register

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

Stone Ridge Lane was officially validated and received by Bingham County on Monday, January 11.

BLACKFOOT Dusty Whited, Bingham County Public Works director, met with the county commissioners Monday morning to present the findings on the study of Stone Ridge Lane formerly referred to as Neff Road regarding its validation. The validation process is conducted to ensure that the reception of the road happens with proper knowledge surrounding the longevity and quality regarding how it was built.

Whited stated that compaction studies as well as core samples were taken from multiple locations to verify the quality only to return less than stellar results. The first major issue that was noticed was that the core samples did not meet the depth requirements set forth by the county and the second issue noticed was that if cuts were to be made into the road to fix the areas that fell just shy of the requirement, the longevity of the road could be compromised.

Whited explained that the depth was shy only one-eighth of an inch of the desired two-and-one-half-inches, and he felt confident that the small difference should not be a staggering issue for the roadway. He furthered his point by stating that if they were to require the section to be removed, not only would it provide areas for water to potentially enter which leads to issues due to the cold weather but it would also present a possibility of having compaction issues in the area leading to what he called alligator pitting. Alligator pitting is a colloquial term that describes when a smaller section of roadway breaks into small pieces, presenting an appearance of alligator scales.

Despite the small difference in the roadway and the countys requirements, Whited felt confident enough to recommend that the commissioners accept the road as is with the stipulations that it is not the countys responsibility to repair any failures of the newly paved roadway. The developer of the area that was required to install the road to meet the development agreement takes full responsibility for any failures that could arise over the next three years. The developer had hired Black Diamond Paving to build the road.

The commissioners voted in favor of accepting the road with the three-year condition. They then signed the documents along with the developer.

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Stone Ridge Lane receives validation with stipulations - Post Register


The secret of longevity, according to the 111-year-old – CampusLATELY

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

Dexter Krueger He is Australias oldest living man, and is currently celebrating 111 years in a nursing home. Despite this astonishing achievement, Krueger, born on January 13, 1910, says this years celebration will be very limited due to the pandemic, but that doesnt mean he will enjoy the event less. Revealed what a The secret of a long life.

Dexter Krueger. Photo: 7news Facebook

Kruger is often asked the secret of longevity. No secret He said warmly, then added that breathing and eating three meals a day didnt matter.

The man sings and whistles regularly and eats half a dozen shrimp a day, and in the evening he often eats sardines for soup.

Although he suffered many evils during the past century, he steadfastly watched the positive events that he witnessed during his long life. These, like the first use of the phone, which he called magic, he says outweigh the negatives by far.

Meet the oldest person in Australia, Dexter Krueger. Today he celebrates his 111th birthday, which started with

Posted by: 7NEWS Mackay Tuesday 12 January 2021


Writer. Twitter specialist. Passionate social media ninja. Lifelong beer buff. Bacon fanatic. Wannabe web scholar. Devoted coffee maven.

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The secret of longevity, according to the 111-year-old - CampusLATELY


‘Samost ja Sildam’: The government could indicate longevity of restrictions – ERR News

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

Samost said that Estonia is the fifth in Europe when it comes to the pace of vaccination, while that is hardly noteworthy.

"Estonia is a very small and flexible country and society that can be mobilized very quickly. // If we had more vaccine and moved even faster, we would have already inoculated our medical staff by today," he said.

Samost added that Estonia has vaccinated a lot more people per capita than Finland, France and Switzerland for example.

That said, Israel took delivery of 100,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine this week and another batch of Pfizer's on Sunday, he added.

"Whether [Minister of Social Affairs] Tanel Kiik picks up the phone to shout at the European healthcare commissioner or not would probably make very little difference. Just as it is a fact Estonia cannot dictate terms to Pfizer," Samost explained.

He said that Estonia is rather in the role of a customer and the quantity of available vaccine depends on the European Commission and manufacturers. Additionally, it is unclear how many doses of the Pfizer vaccine will be delivered before the shipment gets underway from Belgium.

Sildam said it is also important to talk about restrictions and when they might be lifted.

He added that the situation might cause gaps in education as students in Northern Estonia are still looking at remote learning in the second academic half-year.

Samost said there is no explanation for grades 5-8 and 10-11 remaining on remote learning. "If there is a good reason somewhere that goes beyond hot air, I have not seen it yet," he added.

Sildam also said that it remains unclear when different restaurants and sports facilities will be opened in Tallinn, Harju County and Ida-Viru County.

"People, mostly Tallinners, // drive to Paide, Kohila or Haapsalu that are all roughly an hour's drive from the capital to go to the gym," Samost said, adding that it is a fine way to spread the virus all over the country.

Sildam added that while it cannot really be held against residents, it prompts the question of whether regional restrictions have real positive effect.

"Estonian hospitals have not collapsed. Medical institutions that have experienced staffing problems have found temporary employees," Sildam said.

He added that Estonians owe thanks to medical professionals. Samost agreed and said that the Estonian medical system has held out much better than its Latvian and Lithuanian counterparts in a situation where the latter have maintained very strict coronavirus measures for a long time.

The hosts agreed that the government and the COVID-19 advisory council should give an indication of when current restrictions might be relaxed or lifted.


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Matt Roberts: the exercise regime that will help you stay younger for longer – Telegraph.co.uk

January 14th, 2021 11:56 am

Go up a gear with jogs and bike rides

When you feel fitter, make some of this daily activity a more moderate intensity, such as a spin on an indoor bike, some fast-paced walking or a light jog. Moderate-level cardio should be done three days a week, says Roberts. The level should feel like a seven out of 10 intensity. You should be able to have a conversation but should also be raising a sweat.

This helps fortify the heart and control your blood pressure and blood glucose levels. We need to be more active than we think, says Roberts.

To really fine-tune your heart and lungs, and trigger cellular regeneration as you age, you need high-intensity exercise, too. We are designed to be challenged and we adapt fast, says Roberts. If we are not pushed, cellular redevelopment starts to slow.

Roberts recommends two to three high-intensity sessions per week. For those getting back into shape, a body weight circuit, or sprints on an indoor bike or rowing machine, are all good options. But if you are feeling fitter, try some sprint intervals outdoors, or a sweaty home cardio circuit with med ball throws and kettlebell swings.

Muscle mass and bone health decline with age, making you vulnerable to injuries and impairments, but there is a way to fight back. Weight training helps retain muscle mass and supports nerve function and bone density, explains Roberts. By increasing the resistance pressure, or the overload, we also increase our central nervous stimulation response which helps with our hormone production levels. This in turn helps to regenerate tissue cells, muscles, tendons, ligaments, hair and skin.

Roberts suggests doing resistance training twice a week. Start with simple exercises, such as squats, lunges and press-ups, for three to sixweeks, then build up to heavier weights, with 6-8 reps per lift. If you dont have dumbbells at home, you can try the smart body weight techniques Roberts is now using on Zoom workouts with his clients. The key is to keep it varied, he explains. You can build in pauses, holds, different ranges of motion and different speeds to work your muscle fibres. With a simple squat, for example, you might hold the position midway through, so you're building tension in the quads and inner thighs. This is called a static contraction and is used in rehab to create strength quickly. Just using a chair to do a step up, and changing the speed of that step up, by moving up slowly for 2 seconds, and down slowly for 3 seconds, is another good example.

Sitting on an indoor bike will build your fitness, yes, but playing a racket sport or team sport when were allowed to will also protect your grey matter. Find sports that encourage you to think, advises Roberts. Tennis is very analytical. Youre always working out a strategy, which is good for your synapses and your nerve endings. When you have to react quickly, it involves a vast amount of electronic responses in your brain, which is anti-ageing.

A strong core will protect your posture and flexibility as you age. As we get older, we get more joint issues and back pain which stops us doing things and leads to inactivity, explains Roberts. Thats why he suggests doing 10-15 minutes of mobility and activation exercises before each workout. Planks, V-sits and glute bridges work well, but yoga poses like the downward dog or child pose are also good for mobility.

This kind of supplementary work can also help to prevent more serious injuries as you age. If you lose your stability in your back, shoulders and hips, your chances of falling go up enormously, says Roberts. Even if you hurt your ankle or knee, your level of activity gets reduced and thats when people gain weight. So keep up a good mobility programme, whether it is through Pilates or foam roller work, so you keep feeling agile and young.

The moment we stop moving properly, the older we feel.

Read more:Matt Roberts: My body fat and fitness levels are the same at 46 as they were at 20

Read more:A health test said my biological age is 41, but Im only 30

Matt Roberts: the exercise regime that will help you stay younger for longer - Telegraph.co.uk


Does Oral Sex Increase Your Risk Of Throat Cancer? – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

January 14th, 2021 11:55 am

According to recent studies, around 70% of oropharyngeal (the back one-third of the tongue, tonsils, soft palate, and the side and back walls of the throat) cancers may be caused by HPV. What does this have to do with oral sex, you ask? Well, in addition to being spread during anal and vaginal sex, HPV can also be spread through oral sex (as well as close skin contact during sex).

Whats more, a new study has found that the timing as well as the intensity of oral sex may also serve to greatly increase your risk of oropharyngeal cancer.

A recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal CANCER found that having oral sex with more than 10 previous partners was associated with a 4.3-times greater risk of developing HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer. The study also found that starting oral sex at a younger age and having more partners during a short period of time were linked to a higher likelihood of having HPV-related cancer of the mouth and throat.

For the study, Dr. Virginia Drake, MD from Johns Hopkins University, and her colleagues asked163 individuals with and 345 without HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer to complete a behavioral survey.

Totaling the results, Dr. Drake and her colleagues found that individuals who had older sexual partners when they were younger and those with partners who had extramarital sex were more likely to have HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer.

Our study builds on previous research to demonstrate that it is not only the number of oral sexual partners but also other factors not previously appreciated that contribute to the risk of exposure to HPV orally and subsequent HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer, said Dr. Drake. As the incidence of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer continues to rise in the United States, our study offers a contemporary evaluation of risk factors for this disease. We have uncovered additional nuances of how and why some people may develop this cancer, which may help identify those at greater risk.

In addition to throat cancers, HPV can also increase your risk for cervical cancer more than 9 of every 10 cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV. HPV can also cause genital warts.

There are a few things that you can do to reduce your risk of contracting HPV. The Mayo Clinic suggests the following:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after theHPV vaccinewas recommended in 2006 in the United States, quadrivalent typeHPVinfections decreased by 86% in female teens aged 14 to 19 years and 71% in women in their early 20s.

You can visit your local clinic to receive an HPV vaccine. It should be noted that HPV vaccinations only prevent new HPV infections they cannot treat existing HPV infections or diseases.

HPV doesnt really display symptoms in fact, most people dont even know that they have it.

This is why its important to go for regular screenings. A pap smear will help detect any abnormal HPV cells found in the cervix. Detecting it early can help to manage as well as prevent progression to cancer.

Women should go for regular Pap smears every three to five years.

To protect both you and your partner during oral sex, Avert suggests the following safe-sex tips:

Its also advisable to avoid oral sex altogether if you have:

The use of PrEP can help curb rising HIV infection rates. It can also help make living with the condition much more manageable. So, heres everything that men need to know about PrEP.

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Does Oral Sex Increase Your Risk Of Throat Cancer? - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


Tom Brady’s TB12 Brand Launches Podcast on Peak Performance – The Beet

January 14th, 2021 11:55 am

Tom Brady has proved to the worldas he plays his 21st season as the oldest QB in the league that a plant-based diet is great for longevity, strength, and endurance. Some people can barely believe that Tom Brady has achievedsix champion rings and is still going strong on a mostly plant-based diet.

Over the years he and hisbusiness partner and body coach, Alex Guerrero have evolved their strategies into TB12, the company that offers plant-based protein powder, recovery drinks, and other performance fuel, as well as one best-selling book and a host of other equipment to help athletes inspired by Brady's success reach their owner personal best. Now they are adding to this content and product suite a new way to connect and learn from the master: TB12's podcastcalled TheKeep Going Podcastis launching today, hosted by TB12 CEO John Burns. Theshow will promote the companys messaging around a holistic approach to health for athletes and everyday desk jockeys alike. The episodesfeature conversations about healthy dietary options that do not revolve around meat and dairy and will showcaseathletes andhealth and nutritionexperts who share a passion for longevity and how to best live anactive, healthy lifestyle.

Theaudio showfocuses onthe intersectionof sports, health, plant-based lifestyle choices andof course how you can use all the TB12products to reach your performance and wellnessgoals.Tune into the Keep Going podcast with John Burns and guests, startingtodayon Spotify or Apple Music.

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Tom Brady's TB12 Brand Launches Podcast on Peak Performance - The Beet


Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market 2021 In-Depth Analysis of Industry Share, Size, Growth Outlook up to 2027 | CohBar, TA Sciences, Unity…

January 14th, 2021 11:55 am

Aging is a natural process, yixue anti-aging, refers to some with inhibition, delay the aging process of the body, can promote the overall health, make the body in the genetic factors within the life limit to maintain a better intelligence and physical strength.Aging, however much you may be reluctant to do it, is a natural part of life.Skin can appear as the lapse of years a variety of problems are like furrow, flabby, chromatic spot, dark dumb etc.Anti-aging is to help reduce the production of free radicals and increase skin elasticity by supplementing antioxidant substances, while supplementing collagen or enzyme, anti-aging dietary therapy and anti-aging skin care products can effectively delay aging.

It is our aim to provide our readers with report forLongevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market, which examines the industry during the period 2020 2026. One goal is to present deeper insight into this line of business in this document. The first part of the report focuses on providing the industry definition for the product or service under focus in the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report. Next, the document will study the factors responsible for hindering and enhancing growth in the industry. After covering various areas of interest in the industry, the report aims to provide how the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market will grow during the forecast period.

The major vendors covered:CohBar, TA Sciences, Unity Biotechnology, AgeX TherapeuticsInc, PowerVision Inc. and more

Get a Free Sample Copy @https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/sample-request/global-longevity-and-anti-senescence-therapy-market-size-status-and-forecast-2019-2025?utm_source=jumbonews&utm_medium=38

The Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report between the years 2020 2026 will highlight the current value of the industry. At the same time, there is also an estimate of how much this line of business will be worth at the end of the forecast period. As it is our goal to maintain high levels of accuracy at all times, we will take a look at the CAGR of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market. We make sure that all the information available in this report has excellent levels of readability. One way we achieve this target is by Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market segmentation. Going through the report for 2020 2026 will bring our readers up-to-date regarding this industry.

While examining the information from this document, one thing becomes clear, the elements which contribute to increase in demand for the product or service. At the same time, there will be a focus on what drives the popularity of these types of products or services. This report is for those who want to learn about Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market, along with its forecast for 2020 2026. Information regarding market revenue, competitive partners, and key players will also be available.


As discussed earlier, there is segmentation in theLongevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Marketreport, to improve the accuracy and make it easier to collect data. The categories which are the dividing factors in the industry are distribution channels, application, and product or service type. With this level of segmentation, it becomes easier to analyze and understand the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market. At the same time, there is emphasis on which type of consumers become the customers in this industry. When it comes to distribution channels, the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report looks at the different techniques of circulation of the product or service.

Regional Overview

In this part of theLongevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Marketreport, we will be taking a look at the geographical areas and the role they play in contributing to the growth of this line of business. The areas of interest in this document are as follows Middle East and Africa, South and North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. From the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report, it becomes clear which region is the largest contributor.

Latest Industry News

From thisLongevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Marketreport, the reader will also get to learn about the latest developments in the industry. The reason is that these products or services have the potential to disrupt this line of business. If there is information about company acquisitions or mergers, this information will also be available in this portion of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report.

If you have any special requirements about this Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report, please let us know and we can provide custom report.

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Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market 2021 In-Depth Analysis of Industry Share, Size, Growth Outlook up to 2027 | CohBar, TA Sciences, Unity...


Collagen: What is it and could it be helpful? – Longevity LIVE

January 14th, 2021 11:55 am

The simple answer is that its a protein. The most prevalent one in our bodies. It accounts for at least a third of the bodys protein composition. It forms the building blocks of bones, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Its also found in other body parts, including teeth and blood vessels. This even includes the cornea of the eye. So, its the glue that holds our bodies together.

Although the word collagen is often used as a catch-all phrase, there are as many as 16 different types. According toHealthline, type 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the key types to focus on.

Type 1 accounts for a massive90% of our collagen composition. Its composed of densely packed fibers that provide structure to key components of the body. These include teeth, skin, bones, tendons, fibrous cartilage, and connective tissue.

This is a more loosely packed structure of the protein and is found in parts of the body. Body parts that need to stretch, bend and move freely. This type is most prevalent in elastic cartilage, which cushions your joints.

Prevalent in and used as a support structure for muscles, organs, and arteries.

Aids in the filtration process and is found mostly in the layers of the skin.

Its important to remember that as you age, your body will produce less and less collagen. And what it does produce is of lower quality. Given that its so vital for key bodily structures,its a good idea to try to increase it through diet. If your diet is already rich in the right nutrients, supplements are another great option.

Collagen production can be easily increased. It starts as pro-collagen which is made through a process in which the body combines two amino acids glycine and proline. A process that makes heavy use of vitamin C.

To aid the body in making this process as easy as possible, we should make sure to get plenty of these nutrients:

Foods such as chicken and pork skin contain a lot of collagen. However, it is unclear whether consuming more of these types of foods benefits the body. When you eat collagen-rich foods, they are simply broken down into amino acids. This means that the pure collagen in the food doesnt necessarilytranslate as more collagen in the body.

Sugar or Refined Carbs:Avoid too much sugar or refined carbs. Sugar interferes with it and prevents it from being able to repair itself.

Sun:Overexposure to UV rays can reduce the production of collagen in the body.

Smoking:Reduces collagen production and can cause wrinkles or stop wounds from healing.

Were all looking for ways to improve our health and keep our youth for as long as possible. And collagen plays an integral part when it comes to maintaining skin, muscles, teeth, and even cartilage. As you get older, it becomes more important to make sure that our bodies have the proper nutrients they require. To keep your skin elastic and healthy and make sure that it stays looking young, keeping up collagen production is vital.

Levels of collagen can be boosted in a couple of ways. For example, through supplements or by making sure your body has the right nutrients to support pro-collagen production. Healthy collagen levels can improve skin quality and muscle function as well as reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis.








Collagen: What is it and could it be helpful? - Longevity LIVE


Global Cord Blood Banking Industry Report 2021: Industry Trends, Expansion Technologies, Profiles of Select Cord Blood Banks and Companies -…

January 14th, 2021 11:54 am

DUBLIN, Jan. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Global Cord Blood Banking Industry Report 2021" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

From the early 1900s through the mid-2000s, the global cord blood banking industry proliferated with cord blood banks emerging in all major healthcare markets worldwide. From 2005 to 2010, the market reached saturation and stabilized. From 2010 to 2020, the market began to aggressively consolidate, creating both threats and opportunities within the industry.

Serious threats to the industry include low rates of utilization for stored cord blood, expensive cord blood transplantation procedures, difficulty educating obstetricians about cellular therapies, and an increasing trend toward industry consolidation. Opportunities for the industry include price efficiencies associated with scale and consolidation, accelerated regulatory pathways for cord blood and tissue-based cell therapies, and progress with ex vivo cellular expansion technologies.

Cord Blood Industry Trends

Within recent years, new themes have been impacting the industry, including the pairing of stem cell storage services with genetic and genomic testing services, as well as reproductive health services. Cord blood banks are diversifying into new types of stem cell storage, including umbilical cord tissue storage, placental blood and tissue, amniotic fluid and tissue, and dental pulp. Cord blood banks are also investigating means of becoming integrated therapeutic companies. With hundreds of companies offering cord blood banking services worldwide, the maturation of the market means that each company is fighting harder for market share.

Growing numbers of investors are also entering the marketplace, with M&A activity accelerating in the U.S. and abroad. Holding companies are emerging as a global theme, allowing for increased operational efficiency and economy of scale.Cryoholdco has established itself as the market leader within Latin America. Created in 2015, Cryoholdco is a holding company that controls over a quarter of a million stem cell units (approximately 270,000). It owns a half dozen cord blood banks, as well as a dental stem cell storage company.

Globally, networks of cord blood banks have become commonplace, with Sanpower Group establishing its dominance in Asia. Although Sanpower has been quiet about its operations, it holds 4 licenses out of only 7 issued provincial-level cord blood bank licenses in China. It has reserved over 900,000 cord blood samples in China, and its reserves amount to over 1.2 million units when Cordlife's reserves within Southeast Asian countries are included. This positions Sanpower Group and it's subsidiary Nanjing Cenbest as the world's largest cord blood banking operator not only in China and Southeast Asia but in the world.

The number of cord blood banks in Europe has dropped by more than one-third over the past ten years, from approximately 150 to under 100. The industry leaders in this market segment include FamiCord Group, which has executed a dozen M&A transactions, and Vita34, which has executed approximately a half dozen. Stemlab, the largest cord blood bank in Portugal, also executed three acquisition deals prior to being acquired by FamiCord. FamiCord is now the leading stem cell bank in Europe and one of the largest worldwide.

Cord Blood Expansion Technologies

Because cord blood utilization is largely limited to use in pediatric patients, growing investment is flowing into ex-vivocord blood expansion technologies. If successful, this technology could greatly expand the market potential for cord blood, encouraging its use within new markets, such as regenerative medicine, aging, and augmented immunity.

Currently, Gamida Cell, Nohla Therapeutics, Excellthera, and Magenta Therapeutics have ex vivo cord blood expansion products proceeding through clinical trials. Growing numbers of investors have also entered the cord blood banking marketplace, led by groups such as GI Partners, ABS Capital Partners & HLM Management, KKR & Company, Bay City Capital, GTCR, LLC, and Excalibur.

Key questions answered in this report are:

Profiles of Select Cord Blood Banks and Companies

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/amvb5q

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Global Cord Blood Banking Industry Report 2021: Industry Trends, Expansion Technologies, Profiles of Select Cord Blood Banks and Companies -...


Bone Therapeutics and Rigenerand sign partnership for cell therapy process development – GlobeNewswire

January 14th, 2021 11:54 am

Gosselies, Belgium and Modena, Italy, 14January 2021, 7am CET BONE THERAPEUTICS (Euronext Brussels and Paris: BOTHE), the cell therapy company addressing unmet medical needs in orthopedics and other diseases, and Rigenerand SRL, the biotech company that both develops and manufactures medicinal products for cell therapy applications, primarily for regenerative medicine and oncology, today announce the signing of a first agreement for a process development partnership.

Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapies are currently being developed at an incredible pace and are evaluated in numerous clinical studies covering diverse therapeutic areas such as bone and cartilage conditions, liver, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases in which MSCs could have a significant positive effect. Advances in process development to scale up these therapies could have major impacts for both their approval and commercial viability. This will be essential to bring these therapies to market to benefit patients as quickly as possible, said Miguel Forte, CEO, Bone Therapeutics. Hence, whilst Bone Therapeutics is driving on its existing clinical development programs, we have signed a first formal agreement with Rigenerand as a fellow MSC-based organization. This will result in both companies sharing extensive expertise in the process development and manufacturing of MSCs and cell and gene therapy medicinal products. Bone Therapeutics also selected Rigenerand to partner with for their additional experience with wider process development of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs), including the conditioning and editing of MSCs. Rigenerand was founded by Massimo Dominici, a world opinion leader in the cell therapy with an unparalleled MSC expertise and knowledge.

The scope of collaborations between Bone Therapeutics and Rigenerand aims to focus on different aspects of product and process development for Bone Therapeutics expanding therapeutic portfolio. Rigenerand will contribute to improving the processes involved in the development and manufacture of Bone Therapeutics MSC based allogeneic differentiated cell therapy products as they advance towards patients. The first collaboration between the two organizations will initially focus on augmented professional bone-forming cells cells that are differentiated and programmed for a specific task. There is also potential for Bone Therapeutics to broaden its therapeutic targets and explore new mechanisms of action with potential gene modifications for its therapeutic portfolio.

In addition to Rigenerands MSC expertise, Bone Therapeutics also selected Rigenerand as a partner for Rigenerands GMP manufacturing facility. This facility, situated in Modena, Italy, has been designed to host a number of types of development processes for ATMPs. These include somatic, tissue engineered and gene therapy processes. These multiple areas of Rigenerand capabilities enable critical development of new processes and implementation of the gene modification of existing processes. In addition, Rigenerand has built considerable experience in cGMP manufacturing of MSC-based medicinal products, including those that are genetically modified.

Process development and manufacturing is a key part of the development for ATMPs internationally. Navigating these therapies through the clinical development phase and into the market requires a carefully considered process development pathway, said Massimo Dominici, scientific founder, Rigenerand, professor of medical oncology, and former President of the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT). This pathway needs to be flexible, as both the market and materials of these therapies continues to evolve alongside an improved clinical efficacy.

Rigenerand will offer considerable input from its experience of MSC-based therapies to enable Bone Therapeutics to keep and further accelerate the pace in development of the product processes of its MSC based allogeneic differentiated cell therapy as they advance towards patients, said Giorgio Mari, CEO, Rigenerand. We will continue to use our MSC expertise in the development of Rigenerands own products, as well as in process development and manufacturing cell and gene therapies for partner organizations across the globe.

About Bone Therapeutics

Bone Therapeutics is a leading biotech company focused on the development of innovative products to address high unmet needs in orthopedics and other diseases. The Company has a, diversified portfolio of cell and biologic therapies at different stages ranging from pre-clinical programs in immunomodulation to mid-to-late stage clinical development for orthopedic conditions, targeting markets with large unmet medical needs and limited innovation.

Bone Therapeutics is developing an off-the-shelf next-generation improved viscosupplement, JTA-004, which is currently in Phase III development for the treatment of pain in knee osteoarthritis. Consisting of a unique combination of plasma proteins, hyaluronic acid - a natural component of knee synovial fluid, and a fast-acting analgesic, JTA-004 intends to provide added lubrication and protection to the cartilage of the arthritic joint and to alleviate osteoarthritic pain and inflammation. Positive Phase IIb efficacy results in patients with knee osteoarthritis showed a statistically significant improvement in pain relief compared to a leading viscosupplement.

Bone Therapeutics core technology is based on its cutting-edge allogeneic cell therapy platform with differentiated bone marrow sourced Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) which can be stored at the point of use in the hospital. Currently in pre-clinical development, BT-20, the most recent product candidate from this technology, targets inflammatory conditions, while the leading investigational medicinal product, ALLOB, represents a unique, proprietary approach to bone regeneration, which turns undifferentiated stromal cells from healthy donors into bone-forming cells. These cells are produced via the Bone Therapeutics scalable manufacturing process. Following the CTA approval by regulatory authorities in Europe, the Company has initiated patient recruitment for the Phase IIb clinical trial with ALLOB in patients with difficult tibial fractures, using its optimized production process. ALLOB continues to be evaluated for other orthopedic indications including spinal fusion, osteotomy, maxillofacial and dental.

Bone Therapeutics cell therapy products are manufactured to the highest GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards and are protected by a broad IP (Intellectual Property) portfolio covering ten patent families as well as knowhow. The Company is based in the BioPark in Gosselies, Belgium. Further information is available at http://www.bonetherapeutics.com.

About Rigenerand

Rigenerand SRL is a biotech company that both develops and manufactures medicinal products for cell therapy applications, primarily for regenerative medicine and oncology and 3D bioreactors as alternative to animal testing for pre-clinical investigations.

Rigenerand operates through three divisions:

Rigenerand is developing RR001, a proprietary ATMP gene therapy medicinal product for the treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). RR001 has been granted an Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) by US-FDA and from the European Medicine Agency. The Clinical trial is expected to start in Q2 2021.

Rigenerand is headquartered in Medolla, Modena, Italy, with more than 1,200 square metres of offices, R&D and quality control laboratories and a cell factory of 450 square metres of sterile cleanroom (EuGMP Grade-B) with BSL2/BSL3 suites for cell and gene therapies manufacturing. It combines leaders and academics from biopharma and medical device manufacturing sectors.

For further information, please contact:

Bone Therapeutics SAMiguel Forte, MD, PhD, Chief Executive OfficerJean-Luc Vandebroek, Chief Financial OfficerTel: +32 (0)71 12 10 00investorrelations@bonetherapeutics.com

For Belgian Media and Investor Enquiries:BepublicCatherine HaquenneTel: +32 (0)497 75 63 56catherine@bepublic.be

International Media Enquiries:Image Box CommunicationsNeil Hunter / Michelle BoxallTel: +44 (0)20 8943 4685neil.hunter@ibcomms.agency / michelle@ibcomms.agency

For French Media and Investor Enquiries:NewCap Investor Relations & Financial CommunicationsPierre Laurent, Louis-Victor Delouvrier and Arthur RouillTel: +33 (0)1 44 71 94 94bone@newcap.eu

Certain statements, beliefs and opinions in this press release are forward-looking, which reflect the Company or, as appropriate, the Company directors current expectations and projections about future events. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described herein. A multitude of factors including, but not limited to, changes in demand, competition and technology, can cause actual events, performance or results to differ significantly from any anticipated development. Forward looking statements contained in this press release regarding past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. As a result, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release any update or revisions to any forward-looking statements in this press release as a result of any change in expectations or any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which these forward-looking statements are based. Neither the Company nor its advisers or representatives nor any of its subsidiary undertakings or any such persons officers or employees guarantees that the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements are free from errors nor does either accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release or the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

Excerpt from:
Bone Therapeutics and Rigenerand sign partnership for cell therapy process development - GlobeNewswire


Europe Prescription Spectacles Market to Exhibit a 5.2% CAGR and Reach USD 31.89 Billion by 2027; Increasing Incidence of Ocular Disorders to Favor…

January 14th, 2021 11:54 am

Pune, India, Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Europe prescription spectacles market size is expected to reach USD 31.89 billion by 2027 while exhibiting a CAGR of 5.2% between 2020 and 2027. This is attributable to the increasing prevalence of ocular disorders and the growing adoption of mobile phones and laptops that drive the demand for innovative prescription spectacles in Europe. This information is published by Fortune Business Insights, in its latest report. The report further mentions that the market stood at USD 23.92 billion in 2019.

Closure of Shops to Lead to Declining Sales in the Global Market for Europe Prescription Spectacles

Several European countries are under lockdown owing to the widespread effects of the global pandemic that has taken several lives and many more under quarantine in the region. This has led to the closure of several industrial operations and other activities. Additionally, the postponement of optical surgical procedures, closure of optics, and other factors have led to reduced generation of sales revenue that is affecting the market negatively. However, adoption of advanced technology such as telemedicine, and the growing focus on sales through online channels will favor the market growth in the forthcoming years.

Request a Sample Copy of the Research Report: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/europe-prescription-spectacles-market-104521

Prescription spectacles are used to correct refractive error in the person and further aids in improving his poor vision. The increasing rate of people suffering from impaired vision is due to several factors such as hyperopia, myopia, and presbyopia among the people that drives the demand for innovative Europe prescription spectacles range.

Increasing Incidence of Ocular Disorder to Augment Growth

According to the report by the European Blind Union, it is estimated that around 30 million people in Europe suffer from blindness and partial sightedness. That is about 1 in 30 Europeans experiencing vision loss. The increasing prevalence of ocular disorder amongst the population is propelling the manufacturers to boost the Europe prescription spectacles sale by introducing innovative products. Moreover, the growing adoption of mobiles and laptops owing to the increasing work from culture amid COVID-19 is expected to contribute to the Europe prescription spectacles market growth during the forecast period.

Click here to get the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on this Market.Please visit: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/europe-prescription-spectacles-market-104521

More Than 55 Years Segment Held 43.4% Market Share in 2019

The more than 55 years segment, based on age group, held a market share of about 43.4% in 2019 and is likely to dominate the global market for the Europe prescription spectacles in the forthcoming years. This is ascribable to factors such as the presence of a higher proportion of the population coming under this age bracket in Europe.

Germany to Remain Dominant; Increasing Consumer Spending Capacity to Aid Growth

Among all the countries, Germany stood at USD 5.24 billion in the year 2019 and is expected to hold the highest position in the Europe prescription eyeglasses market. This is attributable to the increasing consumer spending capacity of the working population that is driving the sales in the Europe prescription spectacles stores.

The market in Italy is expected to showcase significant growth backed by the large presence of major eye wear giants in the country that are contributing to the high sales of the Europe prescription eyeglasses between 2020 and 2027.

Quick Buy - Europe Prescription Spectacles Market Research Report: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/checkout-page/104521

Carl Zeiss Announces New ZEISS UVClean Technology to Maintain its Dominance

The Europe prescription spectacles market is fragmented by the presence of major companies that are focusing on introducing innovative eye gear technology to surge the Europe prescription spectacles demand. For instance, in September 2020, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, a leading spectacle provider, announced the launch of ZEISS UVClean technology device. As per the company, it is an optometry-specific UV-C disinfecting device that is designed for eye care professionals.

Industry Development:

List of the Companies Profiled in the Market for Europe Prescription Spectacles:

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Europe Prescription Spectacles Market to Exhibit a 5.2% CAGR and Reach USD 31.89 Billion by 2027; Increasing Incidence of Ocular Disorders to Favor...


Global Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market Report 2020: Market is Expected to Recover and Reach $0520 Million in 2023 at a CAGR of 15.48% – Forecast…

January 12th, 2021 3:55 am

Dublin, Jan. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Global Market Report 2020-30: COVID-19 Growth and Change" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

Major players in the bacterial and plasmid vectors market are Sigma-Aldrich Inc., ATUM, QIAGEN, Promega Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., GenScript Biotech Corporation, Takara Bio Inc., IBA GmbH, Bio-Rad Laboratories and New England Biolabs.

The global bacterial and plasmid vectors market is expected to decline from $0.36 billion in 2019 to $0.34 billion in 2020 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of -7.62%. The decline is mainly due to the COVID-19 outbreak that has led to restrictive containment measures involving social distancing, remote working, and the closure of industries and other commercial activities resulting in operational challenges. The entire supply chain has been disrupted, impacting the market negatively. The market is then expected to recover and reach $0.52 billion in 2023 at a CAGR of 15.48%.

The bacterial and plasmid vectors market consists of sales of bacterial and plasmid vectors and related services by entities (organizations, sole traders and partnerships) that develop bacterial and plasmid vectors for biotechnological applications. Bacterial vectors are DNA molecules that are the basic tool of genetic engineering and are used to introduce foreign genetic material into a host to replicate and amplify the foreign DNA sequences as a recombinant molecule. The vectors are used for introducing a definite gene into the target cell and command the cell's mechanism for protein synthesis to produce the protein encoded by the gene. These are used for the production of protein in biotechnology applications.

North America was the largest region in the bacterial and plasmid vectors market in 2019. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period.

In May 2018, Vectalys, a France-based company engaged in manufacturing and commercializing lentiviral vectors for gene delivery, and FlashCell, a company engineering non-integrating lentiviral delivered RNA therapeutics, announced their merger to create a new gene therapy company - Flash Therapeutics.

Flash Therapeutics is expected to collaborate on the two complementary businesses of Vectalys and FlashCell and combine the emergence of cell and gene therapies as major new therapeutic modalities for the treatment of incurable diseases. Flash Therapeutics is a new gene and cell therapy company based in Occitanie, France engaged in developing gene and cell-based therapies by leveraging its bioproduction technologies and lentiviral platform.

The high cost of gene therapy is expected to limit the growth of the bacterial and plasmid vectors market during the forecast period. The cost of gene therapy treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration is between $0.3 million and $2.1 million. Moreover, the cost of Luxturna gene therapy for certain inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) is $0.4 million per eye and LentiGlobin, a gene therapy by Bluebird Bio designed to increase the levels of hemoglobin, costs around $2.1 million. Stringent government regulations, long approval processes, and high production costs are the major factors leading to the high cost of gene therapy. Thus, the high cost of gene therapy is expected to hinder the growth of the bacterial and plasmid vectors market in the near future.

The focus areas for many companies in the bacterial and plasmid vectors market has shifted to mergers and acquisitions to enhance production capabilities. Large prime manufactures are forming joint ventures or buying small or midsized companies to acquire new capabilities or to gain access to new markets.

The increasing prevalence of cancer and infectious diseases is anticipated to boost the demand for the bacterial and plasmid vectors market over the coming years. Bacterial vectors are used for the delivery of recombinant proteins into target cells for the treatment of cancer and various infectious diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018.

The growing prevalence of cancer and various infectious diseases and the increasing demand for bacterial and plasmid vectors for gene therapy are projected to propel the market revenues for the bacterial and plasmid vectors market.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

2. Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market Characteristics

3. Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market Size and Growth 3.1. Global Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Historic Market, 2015 - 2019, $ Billion 3.1.1. Drivers of the Market 3.1.2. Restraints on the Market 3.2. Global Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Forecast Market, 2019 - 2023F, 2025F, 2030F, $ Billion 3.2.1. Drivers of the Market 3.2.2. Restraints on the Market

4. Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market Segmentation 4.1. Global Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market, Segmentation by Host Type, Historic and Forecast, 2015-2019, 2023F, 2025F, 2030F, $ Billion

4.2. Global Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market, Segmentation by Application, Historic and Forecast, 2015-2019, 2023F, 2025F, 2030F, $ Billion

5. Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market Regional and Country Analysis 5.1. Global Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market, Split by Region, Historic and Forecast, 2015-2019, 2023F, 2025F, 2030F, $ Billion 5.2. Global Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market, Split by Country, Historic and Forecast, 2015-2019, 2023F, 2025F, 2030F, $ Billion

Companies Mentioned

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See the original post here:
Global Bacterial and Plasmid Vectors Market Report 2020: Market is Expected to Recover and Reach $0520 Million in 2023 at a CAGR of 15.48% - Forecast...


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