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Wild Edible Fungus Market Types, Applications, Regional Analysis Forecast to 2027 | Industry by Key PlayersXuerong Biotechnology, Jiangsu Hualv, China…

January 25th, 2021 12:53 pm

The global Wild Edible Fungus Market was xx million US$ in 2019 and is expected to xx million US$ by the end of 2027, growing at a CAGR of xx% between 2020 and 2027.

This report is the result of a comprehensive analysis of trends in the Wild Edible Fungus market. This report covers a comprehensive study of the data affecting the Wild Edible Fungus market with regard to manufacturers, suppliers, market players and customers. The report also includes an overview of technology applications and strategies used by market leaders. In addition to data compiled by type, application and region, the study includes personalized research to examine the intricacies of the global Wild Edible Fungus market.

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The report is a comprehensive research study of the global Wild Edible Fungus market, taking into account growth factors, recent trends, developments, opportunities and the competitive landscape. Market analysts and researchers performed an in-depth analysis of the Wild Edible Fungus global market using research methodologies such as PESTLE and Porters Five Forces analysis.

The report will help recognize the necessities of clients, discover problem areas and opportunity to get better, and help in the elementary leadership procedure of any organization. It can guarantee the achievement of your promoting effort, enables to monitor the customers opposition empowering them to be one stage ahead and limit losses. Wild Edible Fungus Market Analysis and Forecast 2020- 2027 document facilitates the clients to take commercial enterprise decisions and to understand techniques of important players in the industry.

Market competition by Top Key Players:

Global Wild Edible Fungus Market Segmentation:

Shiitake, Auricularia Auricula-judae, Pleurotus Ostreatus, Enokitake, Agaricus Bisporus, Other

Fresh Mushrooms, Dried Mushrooms, Canned Mushrooms, Frozen Mushrooms, Others

Regions Covered in the Global Wild Edible Fungus Market:

The Middle East and Africa

North America

South America



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They provided precise and reliable data on the market and useful recommendations in order to help the actors to better understand the global scenario of the present and future market. The report includes an in-depth study of potential segments, including product type, application and end user, as well as their contribution to the overall size of the market.

Drivers & Constraints

Global Wild Edible Fungus market 2020 research provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. The Global Wild Edible Fungus market analysis is provided for the international markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status. Development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures are also analyzed. This report also states import/export consumption, supply and demand Figures, cost, price, revenue and gross margins.

Following Wild Edible Fungus Market factors are explained in the report:

Market dynamics: The report shows the prospect of the numerous commercial opportunities over the future years and the positive revenue estimates for the upcoming years. It also studies the key markets and the mentions the several regions i.e. the geographical spread of the industry.

Competitive Market Share: The Wild Edible Fungus Market report offers a whole estimation of the market. It does so through in-intensity qualitative perceptions, recorded perceptions, and future predictions. The forecasts included in the report had been founded employing recognized research assumptions and procedures.

Goal of the Wild Edible Fungus Market Report: The central goal of this research study is to offer a clear picture and a better understanding of the market for research report to the manufacturers, traders, and the suppliers operational in it. The readers can gain a deep insight into this market from this piece of information that can enable them to convey and develop critical approaches for the further growth of their businesses.

Scope of the report: This report describes the global Wild Edible Fungus market, in particular in North America, South America, Africa, Europe and Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East. This report segments the market based on producers, regions, type and use. In the next time, Wild Edible Fungus will have good demand, although the value may fluctuate due to the rapid transformation in the availability of raw materials and other resources.

Industry News

The main players in the Wild Edible Fungus market are studies, and their strategies are analyzed to arrive at competitive prospects, current growth strategies and potential for expansion. In addition, the competitive landscape is due to the presence of market suppliers, numerous sales channels and revenue options. Contributions from industry experts as well as market leaders are an important factor in this study. Parents market trends, micro and macroeconomic factors, government stipulations and consumer dynamics are also studied in the writing of this report.

Table of Content

1 Overview of the Wild Edible Fungus market

2 Market competition by manufacturers

3 Production capacity by region 3 Production capacity by region

4 World consumption of Wild Edible Fungus by region

5 Production, Turnover, Price trend by Type

6 Global Wild Edible Fungus Market Analysis by Application

7 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Wild Edible Fungus Business

8 Wild Edible Fungus Manufacturing Cost Analysis

9 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers

10 Market Dynamics

11 Production and Supply Forecast

12 Consumption and demand forecasts

13 Forecast by type and by application (2021-2027)

14 Research and conclusion

15 Methodology and data source


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Note In order to provide a more accurate market forecast, all our reports will be updated before delivery by considering the impact of COVID-19.


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Wild Edible Fungus Market Types, Applications, Regional Analysis Forecast to 2027 | Industry by Key PlayersXuerong Biotechnology, Jiangsu Hualv, China...


Is longevity determined by genetics?: MedlinePlus Genetics

January 25th, 2021 12:51 pm

The duration of human life (longevity) is influenced by genetics, the environment, and lifestyle. Environmental improvements beginning in the 1900s extended the average life span dramatically with significant improvements in the availability of food and clean water, better housing and living conditions, reduced exposure to infectious diseases, and access to medical care. Most significant were public health advances that reduced premature death by decreasing the risk of infant mortality, increasing the chances of surviving childhood, and avoiding infection and communicable disease. Now people in the United States live about 80 years on average, but some individuals survive for much longer.

Scientists are studying people in their nineties (called nonagenarians) and hundreds (called centenarians, including semi-supercentenarians of ages 105-109 years and supercentenarians, ages 110+) to determine what contributes to their long lives. They have found that long-lived individuals have little in common with one another in education, income, or profession. The similarities they do share, however, reflect their lifestylesmany are nonsmokers, are not obese, and cope well with stress. Also, most are women. Because of their healthy habits, these older adults are less likely to develop age-related chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, than their same-age peers.

The siblings and children (collectively called first-degree relatives) of long-lived individuals are more likely to remain healthy longer and to live to an older age than their peers. People with centenarian parents are less likely at age 70 to have the age-related diseases that are common among older adults. The brothers and sisters of centenarians typically have long lives, and if they develop age-related diseases (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, or type 2 diabetes), these diseases appear later than they do in the general population. Longer life spans tend to run in families, which suggests that shared genetics, lifestyle, or both play an important role in determining longevity.

The study of longevity genes is a developing science. It is estimated that about 25 percent of the variation in human life span is determined by genetics, but which genes, and how they contribute to longevity, are not well understood. A few of the common variations (called polymorphisms) associated with long life spans are found in the APOE, FOXO3, and CETP genes, but they are not found in all individuals with exceptional longevity. It is likely that variants in multiple genes, some of which are unidentified, act together to contribute to a long life.

Whole genome sequencing studies of supercentenarians have identified the same gene variants that increase disease risk in people who have average life spans. The supercentenarians, however, also have many other newly identified gene variants that possibly promote longevity. Scientists speculate that for the first seven or eight decades, lifestyle is a stronger determinant of health and life span than genetics. Eating well, not drinking too much alcohol, avoiding tobacco, and staying physically active enable some individuals to attain a healthy old age; genetics then appears to play a progressively important role in keeping individuals healthy as they age into their eighties and beyond. Many nonagenarians and centenarians are able to live independently and avoid age-related diseases until the very last years of their lives.

Some of the gene variants that contribute to a long life are involved with the basic maintenance and function of the bodys cells. These cellular functions include DNA repair, maintenance of the ends of chromosomes (regions called telomeres), and protection of cells from damage caused by unstable oxygen-containing molecules (free radicals). Other genes that are associated with blood fat (lipid) levels, inflammation, and the cardiovascular and immune systems contribute significantly to longevity because they reduce the risk of heart disease (the main cause of death in older people), stroke, and insulin resistance.

In addition to studying the very old in the United States, scientists are also studying a handful of communities in other parts of the world where people often live into their nineties and olderOkinawa (Japan), Ikaria (Greece), and Sardinia (Italy). These three regions are similar in that they are relatively isolated from the broader population in their countries, are lower income, have little industrialization, and tend to follow a traditional (non-Western) lifestyle. Unlike other populations of the very old, the centenarians on Sardinia include a significant proportion of men. Researchers are studying whether hormones, sex-specific genes, or other factors may contribute to longer lives among men as well as women on this island.

Martin GM, Bergman A, Barzilai N. Genetic determinants of human health span and life span: progress and new opportunities. PLoS Genet. 2007 Jul;3(7):e125. PubMed: 17677003. Free full-text available from PubMed Central: PMC1934400.

Sebastiani P, Gurinovich A, Bae H, Andersen S, Malovini A, Atzmon G, Villa F, Kraja AT, Ben-Avraham D, Barzilai N, Puca A, Perls TT. Four genome-wide association studies identify new extreme longevity variants. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2017 Oct 12;72(11):1453-1464. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glx027. PubMed: 28329165.

Sebastiani P, Solovieff N, Dewan AT, Walsh KM, Puca A, Hartley SW, Melista E, Andersen S, Dworkis DA, Wilk JB, Myers RH, Steinberg MH, Montano M, Baldwin CT, Hoh J, Perls TT. Genetic signatures of exceptional longevity in humans. PLoS One. 2012;7(1):e29848. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029848. Epub 2012 Jan 18. PubMed: 22279548. Free full-text available from PubMed Central: PMC3261167.

Wei M, Brandhorst S, Shelehchi M, Mirzaei H, Cheng CW, Budniak J, Groshen S, Mack WJ, Guen E, Di Biase S, Cohen P, Morgan TE, Dorff T, Hong K, Michalsen A, Laviano A, Longo VD. Fasting-mimicking diet and markers/risk factors for aging, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Sci Transl Med. 2017 Feb 15;9(377). pii: eaai8700. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aai8700. PubMed: 28202779.

Young RD. Validated living worldwide supercentenarians, living and recently deceased: February 2018. Rejuvenation Res. 2018 Feb 1. doi: 10.1089/rej.2018.2057. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed: 29390945.

Read the rest here:
Is longevity determined by genetics?: MedlinePlus Genetics


Optogenetics Shows How the Microbiome Affects Longevity

January 25th, 2021 12:51 pm

Studies have shown that gut microbes can influence several aspects of the hosts life, including aging. Given the complexity and heterogeneity of the human gut environment, elucidating how a specific microbial species contributes to longevity has been challenging.

To explore the influence of bacterial products on the aging process, scientists at Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University developed a method that uses light to directly control gene expression and metabolite production from bacteria residing in the gut of the laboratory worm Caenorhabditis elegans.

The team reports (Optogenetic control of gut bacterial metabolism to promote longevity) ineLife that green-light-induced production of colanic acid by resident Escherichia colibacteria protected gut cells against stress-induced cellular damage and extended the worms lifespan. The researchers indicate that this method can be applied to study other bacteria and propose that it also might provide in the future a new way to fine-tune bacterial metabolism in the host gut to deliver health benefits with minimal side effects.

Gut microbial metabolism is associated with host longevity. However, because it requires direct manipulation of microbial metabolism in situ, establishing a causal link between these two processes remains challenging. We demonstrate an optogenetic method to control gene expression and metabolite production from bacteria residing in the host gut. We genetically engineer an E. coli strain that secretes colanic acid (CA) under the quantitative control of light, the investigators wrote.

Using this optogenetically-controlled strain to induce CA production directly in theC. elegansgut, we reveal the local effect of CA in protecting intestinal mitochondria from stress-induced hyper-fragmentation. We also demonstrate that the lifespan-extending effect of this strain is positively correlated with the intensity of green light, indicating a dose-dependent CA benefit on the host.

Thus, optogenetics can be used to achieve quantitative and temporal control of [the microbiome] metabolism in order to reveal its local and systemic effects on host health and aging.

We used optogenetics, a method that combines light and genetically engineered light-sensitive proteins to regulate molecular events in a targeted manner in living cells or organisms, said co-corresponding author Meng Wang, PhD, the Robert C. Fyfe endowed chair on aging and professor of molecular and human genetics at the Huffington Center on Aging at Baylor.

In the current work, the team engineered E. coli to produce the pro-longevity compound colanic acid in response to green light and switch off its production in red light. They discovered that shining the green light on the transparent worms carrying the modified E. coli induced the bacteria to produce colanic acid, which protected the worms gut cells against stress-induced mitochondrial fragmentation. Mitochondria have been increasingly recognized as important players in the aging process.

When exposed to green light, worms carrying this E. coli strain also lived longer. The stronger the light, the longer the lifespan, continued Wang, who is also an investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a member of Baylors Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center. Optogenetics offers a direct way to manipulate gut bacterial metabolism in a temporally, quantitatively, and spatially controlled manner and enhance host fitness.

For instance, this work suggests that we could engineer gut bacteria to secrete more colanic acid to combat age-related health issues, added co-corresponding author Jeffrey Tabor, PhD, associate professor of bioengineering and biosciences at Rice University. Researchers also can use this optogenetic method to unravel other mechanisms by which microbial metabolism drives host physiological changes and influences health and disease.

The rest is here:
Optogenetics Shows How the Microbiome Affects Longevity


9 Factors That Affect Longevity | ThinkAdvisor

January 25th, 2021 12:51 pm

1. Gender: According to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, mortality rates for females are lower at each age than those of men. Women live longer than men, on average.The current overall life expectancy for U.S. men is 76.4 years, and 82.9 years for men at age 65. Overall life expectancy for U.S. women is 81.2 years, or 85.5 years for women at age 65.

2. Genetics: Genetics may play a role in nine of the top 10 causes of death, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

3. Prenatal and childhood conditions: Poor conditions in utero, at birth and in very early childhood are associated with higher mortality even at advanced ages, according to IFA. The Society of Actuaries has been studying the impact of early childhood conditions on exceptional longevity, including whether growing up in certain geographic areas is associated with differing life expectancies.

4. Education:Higher education levels are linked to higher socio-economic status and both are linked to improved longevity, according to Hall and Peterson. For those with a bachelor's degree or higher, life expectancy at age 25 increased by 1.9 years for men and 2.8 years for women, according to the CDC.

5. Socio-economic status: Among other things, socio-economic status can affect a persons ability to access adequate medical care and their participation in healthier lifestyle habits like exercising more, smoking less and maintaining a healthy weight.

6. Marital status: Married people have lower mortality rates than those who were never married, are divorced or are widowed, according to IFA. Various studies suggest that marriage or committed relationships may improve cardiac health, help combat isolation and loneliness that can negatively impact mental health, and motivate people to make healthier choices like keeping regular doctor visits and giving up unhealthy habits.

7. Ethnicity/migrant status: The CDC tracks data related to ethnicity and life expectancy. According to 2011 data compiled by the CDC, life expectancy is highest among Hispanic people both male and female. Life expectancy ranged from 71.7 years for non-Hispanic black males to 83.7 years for Hispanic females. Ethnicity or migrant status may also be associated with socio-economic status. (Image: Shutterstock)

8. Lifestyle: Historically, lifestyle factors that affect mortality include an unhealthy diet, inadequate exercise, tobacco use, excessive use of alcohol, risky behaviors, food safety, work place safety and motor vehicle safety. Today, the major lifestyle factor that affects mortality is obesity.

9. Medical technology: Development of antibiotics and immunizations, as well as improvements in imaging, surgery, cardiac care and organ transplants all have helped push the average life expectancy higher.

Longevity has been increasing over the past century thanks to medical advances and lifestyle improvements. Not only has the average life expectancy increased since 1900, but a larger number of people are living to older ages, driven in part by a steep decline in the high infant mortality rate that characterized the early 1900s.

Life expectancy once a person reaches age 65 is now about to 84 years of age in the United States and about 86 in Japan. Life expectancy in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom fall between 84 and 86 for people at age 65, according to statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

R. Dale Hall and Andrew Peterson of the Society of Actuaries detailed trends in longevity and factors that affect it at LIMRAs Retirement Industry Conference earlier this month in Boston. The pair then introduced a new longevity tool, designed tohelp consumers and advisors estimate how long of a retirement they may need to plan for. Life expectancy likely will continue to increase but at a slower rate in the future, including at older ages, they said.

Hall and Peterson outlined several factors, based on data from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, associated with mortality that affect whether a person is likely to live to or beyond the average life expectancy. Multiple factors influence mortality and are important to consider in financial planning for retirement.

Here are nine factors that may impact mortality and longevity.

According to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, mortality rates for females are lower at each age than those of men. Women live longer than men, on average.

The current overall life expectancy for U.S. men is 76.4 years, and 82.9 years for men at age 65. Overall life expectancy for U.S. women is 81.2 years, or 85.5 years for women at age 65.

Some studies attribute this gap in part to riskier behavior among men that may lead to higher rates of accidents.

There appears to be a link between genetic factors and mortality rates. Genetics may play a role in nine of the top 10 causes of death, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC lists the leading causes of death in the United States as:

Poor conditions in utero, at birth and in very early childhood are associated with higher mortality even at advanced ages, according to IFA. The Society of Actuaries has been studying the impact of early childhood conditions on exceptional longevity, including whether growing up in a city or farm environment affects longevity, as well as whether growing up in certain geographic areas is associated with differing life expectancies.

Higher education levels are linked to higher socio-economic status and both are linked to improved longevity, according to Hall and Peterson.

For those with a bachelors degree or higher, life expectancy at age 25 increased by 1.9 years for men and 2.8 years for women, according to the CDC. On average, a 25-year-old man without a high school diploma has a life expectancy 9.3 years less than a man with a bachelors degree or higher. Women with a high school diploma have a life expectancy 8.6 years less than their counterparts with a bachelors degree or higher, the CDC said.

Higher education levels were also associated with lower levels of obesity and tobacco use, which may correlate with greater longevity, according to CDC data.

As socio-economic status decreases, so does life expectancy, according to the IFA. Among other things, socio-economic status can affect a persons ability to access adequate medical care and their participation in healthier lifestyle habits like exercising more, smoking less and maintaining a healthy weight.

Married people have lower mortality rates than those who were never married, are divorced or are widowed, according to IFA. Various studies suggest that marriage or committed relationships may improve cardiac health, help combat isolation and loneliness that can negatively impact mental health, and motivate people to make healthier choices like keeping regular doctor visits and giving up unhealthy habits.

The CDC tracks data related to ethnicity and life expectancy. According to 2011 data compiled by the CDC, life expectancy is highest among Hispanic people both male and female. Life expectancy ranged from 71.7 years for non-Hispanic black males to 83.7 years for Hispanic females.

Ethnicity or migrant status may also be associated with socio-economic status. Mortality of migrant people appears to vary as a result of differences in average mortality between host and home countries, as well as healthy selection for migration or return and length of residence in the host country, IFA said.

Historically, lifestyle factors that affect mortality include an unhealthy diet, inadequate exercise, tobacco use, excessive use of alcohol, risky behaviors, food safety, work place safety and motor vehicle safety. Today, the major lifestyle factor that affects mortality is obesity. Nearly 5 percent of adults are considered extremely obese, compared with about 1 percent in 1962; more than 30 percent are considered obese compared with about 13 percent in 1962; and nearly 70 percent of adults are overweight today compared with about 46 percent in 1962.

Advances in medicine and medical technology have had a major impact on increased longevity. Development of antibiotics and immunizations, as well as improvements in imaging, surgery, cardiac care and organ transplants all have helped push the average life expectancy higher.

See also:

Read the original:
9 Factors That Affect Longevity | ThinkAdvisor


Hereford thrives in an uncertain year | Farm Forum | aberdeennews.com – AberdeenNews.com

January 25th, 2021 12:51 pm

In a year that was anything but predictable, Hereford breeders and the American Hereford Association continued to add value to Hereford genetics. Year-end reports shared during the associations recent annual meeting show their efforts paid off.

As the commercial industry has looked to add crossbreeding back into the programs to increase fertility, longevity, disposition all the things that are known in Hereford cattle its created a great opportunity for us, Jack Ward, AHA executive vice president, said in a news release. Ward reports the association experienced increases in registrations and memberships this fiscal year, while sale averages climbed.

The real excitement within our breed and within our membership is in its growth, Ward says. Its seen growth because the breeders have been committed to genetic improvement and providing the tools necessary to make the changes to produce the type of product that their customers need and then, ultimately, the consumer. Its all encompassing.

A drive for genetic improvement includes a focus on the female. The association incorporated genomic information into its suite of maternal traits, and female genotypes accounted for almost 60% of the 25,000 genotypes submitted to the organization during the fiscal year.

I really think that speaks highly to our breeders commitment to really get the most of the females that theyre keeping, Shane Bedwell, AHA chief operating officer and director of breed improvement, said in the release. Youll find about a 20% to 25%, up to a 30%, increase in those maternal traits in the last three years.

The association also reports tremendous strides in other economically relevant traits, including carcass. Weve made incredible improvements in postweaning growth and end product merit, Bedwell adds. Thats evident in the amount of cattle that are now grading well in the Hereford breed. Benefits in conversion and cost of gain have more producers utilizing the Associations commercial programs like Hereford Advantage to add value to Hereford and Hereford-influenced calves.

Meanwhile, Certified Hereford Beef celebrated its 25th anniversary and another successful year. No matter where you drive in the U.S., you find Hereford cattle. Theyre adaptable, they work hard. Theyre efficient, Bedwell notes. We need efficient cattle in these times and in our production system, and Hereford genetics thrive.

Ward adds, Producers want it all and, with Herefords, you can Come Home to Hereford, use good Hereford genetics and take advantage of those opportunities.

Learn more about additional AHA opportunities or news from AHAs 2020 annual meeting at Hereford.org. Youll find a series of highlights, including the presentation of more than $150,000 in scholarships, as well as breed honorees and other Hereford news.

Virtual educational sessions covering topics from genomics to marketing are also available. Merck Animal Health, Neogen Corp., National Cattlemens Beef Association and National Corn Growers Association were among major sponsors of the AHA Annual Membership Meeting and Conference.

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Hereford thrives in an uncertain year | Farm Forum | aberdeennews.com - AberdeenNews.com


Njonjo, Moody Awori: Why these wazee are still up and running – The Standard

January 25th, 2021 12:51 pm

Former Attorney General Charles Njonjo recently turned 101. Photo: Courtesy.

Many Kenyans succumb to lifestyle diseases at relatively young ages and celebrating ones 90th birthday is no doubt a biological milestone. Former Attorney General Charles Njonjo recently turned 101. Njonjo, who is not on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, was born in the year Kenya became a Colony and went on to outlive all who were in Kenyas first independence Cabinet. He joined that rare group of Kenyans enjoying their sunset years in the 90s Club. Others in this bracket include Kenyas first Governor of the Central Bank and Head of Public Service Duncan Ndegwa who still plays a round of golf at 95. Muthoni Likimani, the first black Kenyan to run a PR agency called Nonis Publicity, is 93 years old. But the mother of three has won other hats in her illustrious life: writer, broadcaster, radio and television producer, educationist and women rights activist. Former Vice President Moody Awori is 92.

The World Health Organisation pegs the average life expectancy in Kenya at 67. So, what made these Kenyans live so long? What diet and lifestyle habits helped them, or was it plain good old genetics?

Dr Borna Nyaoke-Anoke, a Kenyan physician and clinical researcher, argues that Kenyans were living longer in the past as they had healthier dietary choices with less processed foods and were more physically active hence did not have as many non-communicable diseases such as diabetes type two, cancer or cardiovascular diseases which lead to higher mortality rates.

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James Mbugua, a city psychologist, argues increased knowledge and advanced technology has not helped matters considering many people hardly take their health seriously and instead opt for quick fixes in drugs.

Njonjo, for instance, has often mentioned keeping to a frugal diet of a cup of tea and two toasts of bread in the morning, and lots of fruits and vegetables at lunch and supper. He dispenses with nyama choma, preferring fish and other white meat. The former Constitutional Affairs minister is husband of Margret Bryson and father of three children a lawyer, scientist and veterinary doctor. He also does occasional drink alcohol, but only a bottle of beer strictly a cider.

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In a previous interview, Njonjo, who remained a bachelor until he was 52, said: I look after myself. I swim daily. I used to do 12 laps, now I do only seven. I also have a bicycle which I ride for 10 minutes daily, on top of the treadmill which I do for 10 minutes daily. Im also careful about what I eat; I dont eat nyama choma. I eat a lot of veggies.

Being busy also counts. When he retired from public service, Njonjo immersed himself in business and wont stop working unless Maybe when Im cremated. Otherwise I will wait until I cannot move a limb, he said.

Besides lifestyle, Njonjos family is known to live long lives meaning genetics could also be at play as his father, Chief Josiah Njonjo was still strong when he was facing the Njonjo Commission of Inquiry in 1984. Njonjo was in his 60s, the father in the 80s.

Duncan Ndegwa, the former Central Bank of Kenyatta retired to his businesses and among his regimens is playing golf. He once said, The way you are on the golf course, is the way you are in life. Without golf, my life would have been poorer. I have no regrets in activity spent in golf.

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Uncle Moody, the one-time career assistant minister became Vice President after the demise of Wamalwa Kijana at a London hospital in 2003. He and his 14 siblings have dominated politics, education, commerce, medicine, engineering, sports and academia, but the long life for the father of five can be pegged on among others; 30 press ups and floor exercises every morning. As he once explained, I lie on my back and then I flip over until my feet touch the ground. Then I get up and do that again 150 times.

When asked about her longevity, Muthoni, a former beauty queen, who hardly sleeps beyond 4am said, God has been kind to me. African food has also helped me remain strong. I eat uji made from three different types of millet and I dont drink.

Excerpt from:
Njonjo, Moody Awori: Why these wazee are still up and running - The Standard


Son reported father to FBI weeks before he reportedly stormed the Capitol – Yahoo News

January 25th, 2021 12:51 pm

The Daily Beast

GettyAghast over former President Donald Trumps decision to authorize a series of last-minute federal executions before departing the White House, progressives are starting to exert pressure on President Joe Biden to get specific about his timeline and planned approach to ending capital punishment.The argument, shared widely among left-aligned Democrats in Congress and reform advocates, is rooted in the belief that being antithetical to Trump on the death penalty is a crucial first step to eradicating a racially biased criminal justice system. As Bidens first 100 days in office begin to take shape with no political barriers, many believe the newly elected president has a moral imperative to actively help dismantle racist systems in government early on. And they are not expected to ease up as the administration works through its preliminary priorities.Theres all kinds of room for what Ill call political jujitsu thats going to happen on the part of the Biden administration that is... going to seek to slow down the progressive movement, said Stacey Walker, a supervisor in Linn County, Iowa, and appointee to the criminal justice unity task force developed between Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during the 2020 presidential election.This one is different to me, Walker said.After Biden secured the Democratic nomination, his campaign worked with Sanders allies like Walker to form party consensus around key criminal justice and prison reforms. Ending the death penaltya stance Biden started to come around to early into his bidwas one of the strongest unifiers between the two factions, according to a source involved in the discussions.Now, with a Democrat in the White House, many believe they have a supportive ally who will set a contrasting tone to Trump and temporarily halt the practice by executive action. With control of both chambers in Congress additionally in their favor, those same voices are confident that legislation will pass relatively easily, bolstered by approval by rank-and-file Democrats and Republicans alike. According to a recent Gallup survey, support for the practice is strikingly low.We have to continue to apply pressure, to keep up the fight, to halt federal executions, to ultimately abolish the federal death penalty in its totality, said Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), a leading criminal justice reform advocate in the House in a segment on The Appeal. They have a mandate to do this from the people.The contours of Bidens stated early-term agenda includes a sharpened focus on addressing racial inequity as one of many national crises. After a summer of mass protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd by police, Biden built out the specifics of his proposed justice agenda. In his Jan. 20 inauguration address, he explicitly said: We can deliver racial justice, indicating that he believes the goal is achievable. A cry for racial justice some 400 years in the making moves us, he continued. The dream of justice for all will be deferred no longer.Feds Will Try to Reinstate Death Penalty for Convicted Boston Marathon BomberAs his early days in office unfold in the wake of a violent insurrection at the Capitol carried out by predominantly white perpetrators, the multifacets of justice issues have returned to full view. That notion was further tested after Trump made the alarming decision to execute five individuals just before his term in office ended, bringing the total to 13 during his administration.From our perspective, there should be no roadblocks, said Sakira Cook, justice reform director at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Its widely understood and accepted that three things are true: Ending the death penalty is essential to advancing any other priority around transforming the criminal legal system; there is growing momentum against the death penalty across this country and at the federal level; and the death penalty is equally flawed across racial lines in particular.White House press secretary Jen Psaki has so far declined to provide specifics on Bidens plans and timing. Asked on Inauguration Day by a reporter about a possible moratorium, she reiterated the presidents prior objection to the practice, adding that it remains his view today.Some Democrats and advocates argue that Biden would be wise to sign an executive order as a first signal of leadership, an action that would draw an intense contrast between his start and Trumps finish. But without guidance yet from the administration, congressional progressives are moving forward legislatively in the interim.Last week, Pressley and Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), a leading Black Lives Matter activist turned freshman member of Congress, sent a letter to Biden contextualizing the issue as a way to demonstrate a broader commitment to racial equality. Pressleys House bill, known as the the Federal Death Penalty Prohibition Act, along with Sen. Dick Durbins (D-IL) version in the Senate, would end the death penalty once and for all, the letter states.Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), deputy whip of the House Progressive Caucus, said he believes there is growing momentum in Congress around the issue, particularly now with Democrats in control and an on-the-record pledge from the president. There is traction in Congress to abolish it, he said during a forum with Columbia University.While Espaillat believes that a moratorium is a good initial step, he also acknowledges that penning a temporary end to the practice does not go far enough. Executive orders, which were frequently used by both the Obama and Trump administrations, are subject to reversal by the political party in power and are seen as non-permanent solutions.It is an extension or continuation of the progress Barack Obama made, said state Sen. Raumesh Akbari (D-TN), a Biden appointee on the Biden-Sanders task force. I know that people were pleased with the Obama administration, but some felt they wished additional drug-related sentences would be commuted.There is a strong sentiment among Democrats supportive of former President Barack Obama that the 46th president should go further than his old boss on the issue. During his eight years in office, Obama commuted only two federal death sentences. Part of the thinking that Biden should take more action stems from his role in the 1994 crime bill, which significantly expanded the number of offenses for which individuals could be put to death. On the campaign trail, Biden called it a mistake.There are currently 49 individuals on death row, according to the most recent data from the Death Penalty Information Center, including Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the man who plotted and carried out a deadly bombing during the 2013 Boston Marathon. The Supreme Court is expected to announce soon whether they will hear the case. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has stated opposition to Tsarnaev receiving the death penalty.The governments got to be better than the basic instincts of man, Walker said. Its got to be bigger than that. And its got to recognize that this is a relic of a pre-futile era of this world where someone in a high chair gets to decide who lives and dies. Thats not who we are.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

See the original post:
Son reported father to FBI weeks before he reportedly stormed the Capitol - Yahoo News


COVID-19 and eyesight: Myopia on the rise during lockdown – DW (English)

January 25th, 2021 12:50 pm

Can you see this? Do you have to focus to read this text on your screen? Do you feel your eyesight is still strong or have your eyes deteriorated recently as well?

With the lockdown, homeschooling, and working from home, we are all staring at screens, tablets, and mobile phones even more than we already did before the COVID-19 pandemic. Most people spend endless amounts of time at home now and rarely go outside. But that means our eyes are constantly focused on objects in close range inside, and we're lacking the benefits of looking into the distance.

A lack of exercise is particularly noticeable in children including exercise for their eyes. Recent studies from the Netherlands and China show that as a result of COVID-19 restrictions, myopia has increased dramatically, especially in children. The phenomenon has been called "quarantine myopia".

Data from more than 120,000 Chinese school children showed that kids between the ages of six and eight were up to three times more likely to have myopia in 2020 than children of their age in previous years. In this age group, visual acuity shifted by a substantial 0.3 diopters towards myopia.

This drastic deterioration of eyesight in young children is particularly frightening because being nearsighted (not being able to see objects that are farther away) isdetermined at an early age. Once someone is nearsighted, they stay that way. In most cases, nearsightedness begins in primary school and it increases as children grow up. The earlier it starts, the more severe it becomes. The grown eye does not shrink again.

If the eyeball grows too much between the ages of six and 10, it means the child has a harder time seeing objects farther in the distance. Severe nearsightedness also increases the risk of retinal detachment, cataracts due to high pressure inside the eye, or even blindness later in life.

Focusing on objects in close range for too long can harm your eyesight

According to the Brien Holden Vision Institute, by the middle of the century around five billion people, or roughly half of the world's population, will be nearsighted. Especially in industrialized countries, the number of nearsighted people has risen rapidly in recent decades.

There is even a direct correlation between increased educational opportunities and poorer vision the higher the level of education, the higher the risk of myopia.

"The increase is mainly due to very early and intensive use of PCs, smartphones and tablets, combined with increasingly shorter amounts of time spent outdoors during the day," said Nicole Eter, Director of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Mnster.

Asian countries have above-average rates of nearsighted children and adolescents. For example, after World War II, about 20-30% of 20-year-olds in Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea were nearsighted; today the figure is more than 80%. In China, four out of five young people are now nearsighted. In other Asian countries, the rate is as high as 95%. In Europe too, about half of young adults are nearsighted.

Close to 85% of Chinese university students are nearsighted, raising the prospect of a significant swath of the country's population suffering loss of sight or blindness in old age

The risk of myopia can be reduced by not staring too long at an object in close range, regardless of whether it is a smartphone or an exciting book. The important factor is distance. The observer needs to look up regularly so that the gaze can wander into the distance.

The risk of myopia is reduced primarily by longer amounts of time spent outdoors, because daylight inhibits further growth of the eyeball. In enclosed rooms, the light intensity averages 300 to 500 lux (a measure of light levels), whereas on a bright summer day it can be around 100,000 lux outside. Studies from Scandinavia also show that myopia increases in the darker seasons, while it stagnates during brighter times of the year.

The blue light of smartphones robs us of sleep because it inhibits the release of the hormone melatonin.

Excessive use of electronic media does not justlead to more nearsightedness. It can also irritate, tire and dry out children's eyes. Constantly looking at screens also affects spatial awareness. Blurred vision or squinting can result from too much time spent on devices.

In addition, smartphone use in the evening may lead to sleep disorders.

"The high blue light content of the screens inhibits the release of the hormone melatonin, which makes you sleepy," explained Eter.

Although many devices now have a night mode that reduces the blue light, we should stop looking at them around two hours before bedtime.

Parents should limit their children's use of digital media, especially for the youngest age groups.

Parents should limit their children's screen time to help protect their eyesight

"From an ophthalmological point of view, PCs, smartphones and tablets are completely unsuitable for children up to the age of three," said Bettina Wabbels from the Bonn University Eye Clinic. The eye expert recommends daily use of no more than thirty minutes for four- to six-year-olds.

"At primary school age, media time of a maximum of one hour per day would be acceptable from an ophthalmological point of view, and up to two hours per day from the age of about ten," explained Wabbels.

However, her advice doesn't just apply to children and adolescents. Adults' eyes also need a break. So look up from the screen more often, let your eyes wander and spend more time outdoors.

See more here:
COVID-19 and eyesight: Myopia on the rise during lockdown - DW (English)


Resolve to Get Clear Vision – PRNewswire – PRNewswire

January 25th, 2021 12:49 pm

DALLAS, Jan. 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A new year is here, and with it comes the hope that brighter days are ahead. In 2020, many people postponed routine health care due to the pandemic. This year, Essilor Vision Foundation(EVF) encourages everyone to resolve to focus on their health, including their vision, and to get an eye exam.

Clear vision is important for everyone, but especially for kids. In the U.S., one in four schoolchildrenhas a vision problem significant enough to affect their ability to learn. Vision impacts every aspect of a child's life, from learning, confidence and social interaction to participation in activities such as sports, art and music. Yet children often don't know to ask for the help they desperately need because they don't know they can't see clearly. To them, blurry vision is normal.

How to get vision care

Once a child is diagnosed with a vision problem, many parents don't know how to get vision care. There are options including:

Essilor Vision Foundation helps people in need

EVF believes it takes a community to serve the millions of people in the U.S. who need vision care. While everyone can do their part to ensure their own family gets annual eye exams, the foundation helps those who otherwise would not be able to afford a vision exam and glasses by working with eye doctors, schools, nonprofits and communities. EVF's programs address the obstacles of awareness, access and affordability that many people face when it comes to vision care:

Visit evfusa.orgto learn more.

About Essilor Vision Foundation

We strive to give children a brighter future by helping them see the world more clearly. Since 2007, Essilor Vision Foundation has provided more than 1.5 million pairs of eyeglasses to individuals in need. Essilor Vision Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public, non-profit organization committed to eliminating poor vision and its lifelong consequences. To learn more visit http://www.evfusa.org.

Contact: Meredith Marmurek[emailprotected]214-850-3642

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SOURCE Essilor Vision Foundation

Original post:
Resolve to Get Clear Vision - PRNewswire - PRNewswire


Jailed Hate Preacher Abu Hamza Losing Eyesight Due To Covid And Pleads To Return To UK – Euro Weekly News

January 25th, 2021 12:49 pm

Jailed Hate Preacher Abu Hamza Losing Eyesight Due To Covid And Pleads To Return To UK.

Abu Hamza, 62, is said to have told a court he has untreated vision decay which might be linked to catching coronavirus while being detained. He is currently serving life in jail in a US prison. The notorious hate preacher has reportedly claimed he is losing his eyesight after catching Covid and is pleading to be sent back to the UK.

He has also reportedly said he had been refused a test for the virus while in his US jail cell and that he wants to be sent back to Britain, in a report published by the Sun. The hook-handed former imam, currently serving life in the ADX Florence in Colorado, US, said: This new development makes it impossible to communicate, interact or compile any legal work.

In his long list of complaints, he is reported to have said that he suffered headaches, fatigue, runny nose, lighting coffing (sic) and frequent sneezing after a visit by an optician.

Osama Bin Ladens right-hand man,Adel Abdel-Bary, 60, who plotted blasts which killed more than 200, was freed in New Jersey and flown back to the UK last month after claiming his obesity put him at risk.

Adel Abdel-Bary, was Osama Bin Ladens terror propagandist, responsible for a string of horrendous and sickening bombings in Tanzania and Kenya, in 1998, which killed 224 people, and in 2012, charged with 285 terror offences, was sentenced to 25 years in prison, yet on Tuesday, December 8, he walked out, a free man, from the ADX Florence supermax prison in Colorado, after winning an early mercy release.

Thank you for taking the time to read this news article Jailed Hate Preacher Abu Hamza Losing Eyesight Due To Covid And Pleads To Return To UK. For more UK daily news, Spanish daily news and Global news stories, visit the Euro Weekly News home page.

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Jailed Hate Preacher Abu Hamza Losing Eyesight Due To Covid And Pleads To Return To UK - Euro Weekly News


Looking to the distance for healthy vision – Pursuit

January 25th, 2021 12:49 pm

As kids prepare to go back to school, a key message that parents and teachers should be sending out is an exhortation to go out and play!

This isnt just about childrens fitness, it is about preserving their sight.

Researchers forecast that by 2050 almost half the worlds population will be suffering myopia (short-sightedness where distant vision is blurred), up from around 30 per cent. And while myopia can be inherited, genetics cant explain all of this looming epidemic, which appears to be being driven by the growing intensity of near-work that comes with rising educational attainment and increasing screen time.

With many kids (and adults) in Australia and globally having already gone a screen-heavy 2020 amid COVID-19 restrictions, its more important than ever to consider our eye health.

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Even before COVID-19 forced many families into lockdown and home schooling, the data showed that around the world more children were developing myopia.


Published last month in Nature Reviews Disease Primers, our comprehensive global research review of myopia outlines a growing global crisis among young people, especially in parts of East and South East Asia where rates of short-sightedness among the young can be as high as 8090 per cent.

This includes around a staggering 97 per cent of 19-year-olds in South Korea and 86 per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds in Taiwan.

The situation is less dire for young adults in some other regions, such as Norway (35 per cent), the USA (33 per cent) and Israel (28 per cent).

In Australia, around one in four people (six million) have myopia and this is likely to double by 2050.

Myopia is strongly associated with educational attainment or intensity, and other near-work activities such as reading, writing, watching television, and working on computers and other screen devices.

The marked variations we see in the prevalence across countries are probably due to risk factors such as the amount of indoor class time and the amount of time students spend studying outside of classes.

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Outdoor exposure is a protective factor, although how outside time helps isnt fully understood. Australias relatively low myopia rates compared with some Asian countries may be due to our children spending more time outdoors playing, socialising, and participating in sport.

Policies and programs that encourage schools to increase time outdoors may therefore help prevent myopia. One program in Taiwan increased schoolchildrens outdoor time by 80 minutes per day and saw myopia incidence start to fall after many years of increase.

Myopia is caused by environmental and genetic risk factorsand typically starts in childhood and in some cases early adulthood. Excessive elongation of the eye results in distant objects coming into focus in front of, rather than at, the retina, leading to blurred distance vision.

Severe forms, such as severe (pathologic) myopia, can cause other related problems requiring intense treatment and/or surgery to preserve vision.

A range of management and control strategies can treat it but delaying myopia onset and slowing its progression will be key to reducing the rapid rise in its global prevalence.

Even a small incremental improvement can make a big difference at a population level. To do this, we need improved health education, treatment, data collection and analysis.

We also need public health strategies focusing on early detection or prevention combined with additional effective therapeutic interventions.

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Australia is doing its bit. The Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) is the only designated World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for the Prevention of Blindness in Australia.

As part of this, the CERA team is developing new technologies to increase access to eye screenings, detect the early signs of eye disease and prevent vision loss.

This includes the Easy Vision Test App, which calibrates testing distance using facial recognition technology to enable people to test their vision more accurately using mobile phone.

The original name of the app is called Vision at Home, it was developed with support from a Google Impact Challenge project to CERA. It takes about two minutes to assess your visual acuity anywhere, even at home.

Research published in Translational Vision Science and Technology shows the app has an accuracy level similar to tests taken in clinical settings.

Available soon via the App Store or Google Play, it will enable people to quickly test their vision at home, then see an eye specialist for further testing if needed.

With the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Cooper Vision, the University of Melbourne is also assessing the role of genetic risk factors in myopia in children.

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Optical interventions such as contact lenses or spectacles can restore visual acuity to enable normal distance vision in those who have myopia.

Orthokeratology lenses, which can reshape the front portion of the eye, as well as specially designed contact lenses and spectacles can also slow progression by decreasing the rate of eye elongation.

Pharmacological treatments include high or low-doses of the prescription drug atropine.

Surgery is an option for adults with stable myopia. This may involve using lasers to alter the curvature of the cornea, and intraocular procedures, which use intraocular lenses.

Reducing the impact of myopia as we navigate a new COVID normal will be a challenge. More research is vital, but we can all play a part.

While ensuring children have regular eye tests, parents and carers should also seek to balance their screen and outdoor time.

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Adults and children should have their eyes checked every two years and break up long periods of close vision work to exercise your eyes.

This can be as simple as a short spell outside, enabling your eyes to enjoy some sunlight and focus on distant objects. Whether its shooting hoops, watching birds or walking, it all helps.

The warnings in the data are clear, and to ignore them would be simply short-sighted.

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Looking to the distance for healthy vision - Pursuit


Eye Exercise: Give Your Eyes A Break With These Exercises – NDTV Doctor

January 25th, 2021 12:49 pm

Digital eye strain is a common problem these days. Simple exercise can help you safeguard your eyesight. Read here to know some of these exercises.

Continuous use of screens leads to digital eye strain

As the digital age continues to change our lives on different fronts, we spend more time staring at our screens than our eyes can take. It often takes a toll on our eyes, resulting in blurred vision, double vision, watery and itchy eyes, headaches, and other eye strain symptoms. Different age-related vision problems also arise from a loss of tone and flexibility in the eye muscles.

For those looking to rejuvenate their eyes and improve eyesight, the ancient science of yoga comes as a big boon. Apart from vision improvement, eye yoga asanas also lead to better concentration and insight that comes as added benefits. So, let's take a look at some eye exercises to keep eye problems at bay.

Sit in a relaxed manner with the neck and head still and eyelids open. Now think of a giant clock placed in front of you. Raise your eyeballs up to twelve o'clock. Still your gaze for one second, then look down at six o'clock and hold your gaze again for a second. Repeat the process 10 times with a relaxed and steady gaze. Once you're done, simply rub your hands and gently cup your palms over your eyes. Feel the warmth of your hand, relaxing the eyes and concentrate on breathing.

Also read:Dry Eyes In Winter: Follow These Expert Recommended Tips To Prevent This Condition

Similar to the previous practice, this time, you need to shift your gaze with horizontal eye movements. Move your gaze between nine o'clock to three o'clock and still your gaze at each position for one second. After you've repeated it 10 times, rub your hands and provide warmth to your eyes. Now start with diagonal movements with your gaze shifting between ten o'clock to four o'clock and two o'clock to seven o'clock. Conclude the exercise by repeating the entire process 10 times and offering the warmth of your rubbed hands to the eyes.

Try to blink frequently to prevent eye strainPhoto Credit: iStock

While sitting still and relaxed, extend your arm and gaze at the tip of your thumb. Now, gradually bring the thumb closer to your nose, following the movement with your eyes, and hold it there for one second. Again reverse the sequence, extending your arm and following the thumb with a relaxed gaze. Repeat the whole process ten times and finish off with palming.

Also read:Exercise Your Eyes! Reduce Eye Strain With These Expert Recommended Eye Exercises

Mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Upanishads, Trataka is an eye-cleansing exercise that induces clairvoyance and removes diseases from the eyes. Sit in a relaxed way with your gaze fixed on an object. Without blinking, continue to look at the object until water comes out of your eyes. Then, close your eyes and try to imagine the object you were looking at as long as possible. Every time you practise, increase the time to keep visualising the object with your eyes closed.

Also read:5 Nutrients You Should Not Miss To Maintain Healthy Eyesight

These simple yet effective exercises for the eyes can bring in plenty of benefits ranging from better eyesight to increased concentration to spiritual insight. Apart from taking care of our health with a healthy diet and daily exercise, it also important to care for our eyes as they are our window to this world. Seek help from expert if you notice any changes in vision.

(Dr Rajeev Rajesh, Chief Yoga Officer, Jindal Naturecure Institute)


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See more here:
Eye Exercise: Give Your Eyes A Break With These Exercises - NDTV Doctor


Eyesight Worsening as Billions Spend More Time Playing Games and Watching TV – Euro Weekly News

January 25th, 2021 12:49 pm

Eyesight Worsening as Billions Spend More Time Playing Games and Watching TV.

Due to coronavirus lockdowns, less time outdoors and more time on screens is leading to significantly more people suffering from myopia, especially children. With the lockdown, homeschooling, and working from home, we are all staring at screens, tablets, and mobile phones even more than we already did before the COVID-19 pandemic. Most people spend endless amounts of time at home now and rarely go outside. But that means our eyes are constantly focused on objects in close range inside, and were lacking the benefits of looking into the distance.

A lack of exercise is particularly noticeable in children including exercise for their eyes. Recent studies from the Netherlands and China show that as a result of COVID-19 restrictions, myopia has increased dramatically, especially in children. The phenomenon has been calledquarantine myopia.

Data from more than 120,000 Chinese school childrenshowed that kids between the ages of six and eight were up to three times more likely to have myopia in 2020 than children of their age in previous years. In this age group, visual acuity shifted by a substantial 0.3 diopters towards myopia.

This combination more screen time and less outdoor time may actually harm childrens vision and put them at higher risk of developing myopia, or nearsightedness. That can lead to serious eye problems in the future, including some potentially blinding diseases. A review of25 years of researchfound that working up close like reading or using a tablet increased the odds of myopia.

For example, a nationwide study in Taiwan found that after-school study programs with lots of closeup work were associated with an increased likelihood of nearsightedness among children ages 7 to 12. A study of Chinese schoolchildren found that increased time spent working with the eyes focused on something less than 20 centimetres away was associated with myopia.

Researchers in Ireland found thatgreater than three hours of screen time per dayincreased the odds of myopia in schoolchildren, and investigators in Denmark found that the risk of myopia approximately doubled inDanish teenagers who used screen devicesfor more than six hours per day.

Getting outdoors matters

Some studies now suggest thatspending time outdoorsmay be able to slow the onset and progression of nearsightedness.

In Taiwan, first-grade students at schools with programs designed to increase their outdoors timeto 11 hours or more each week had less progression of myopia over one year compared to their peers. Similarly, in China, researchers found thatadding 40 minutes of outdoor activitya day at school reduced the development of nearsightedness in six-year-old children over the next three years.

Thank you for taking the time to read this news article Eyesight Worsening as Billions Spend More Time Playing Games and Watching TV. For more UK daily news, Spanish daily news and Global news stories, visit the Euro Weekly News home page.

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Eyesight Worsening as Billions Spend More Time Playing Games and Watching TV - Euro Weekly News


Gene therapy techniques restore vision damage from age and glaucoma in mice – National Institute on Aging

January 25th, 2021 12:49 pm

While eyesight often dims with age, a novel mouse study provides intriguing evidence that innovative gene therapy techniques could someday roll back the biological clock for our vision. The research was conducted with NIA and the National Eye Institute support by a Harvard Medical School team and published recently in Nature.

The teams approach involved epigenetics, a field of science that studies heritable changes that can activate or deactivate genes without any change in the underlying DNA sequence of these genes. The word epigenetics is of Greek origin and literally means over and above (epi) the genome.

Their experiments refined a technique that won a Nobel prize in 2012. The basic idea is that by using a harmless virus to introduce just a few genes, called Yamanaka factors after the researcher who discovered them, scientists can reprogram the DNA of mature cells of different types to transform back into young (pluripotent) stem cells. These can then regenerate function lost to age, illness, or injury. The virus payload is turned on or off via injection of a selective inducer molecule.

This cell reprogramming method could lead to future disease therapies, but previous studies showed it is tough to safely rein in the rapid cell growth and tumor development triggered by Yamanaka factors. The Harvard team found a way to keep the beneficial effects and weed out the dangerous ones by leaving out one of the four factor genes, called MYC, that is closely related to cancer and can shorten the lifespan of mice when it is expressed.

First working in lab cell cultures, the team was able to rejuvenate damage to retinal ganglion cells, a type of neuron found at the rear of the eye. Later in a mouse model, the same techniques seemed to protect some optic nerve cells from damage and caused others to grow fresh connections to the brain. A third experiment had similar success reversing some vision damage in a mouse model of glaucoma, a leading cause of age-related blindness in humans.

In lab tests, the glaucoma model mice who received the injection treatment gained back roughly half of their previously lost visual ability. In other experiments, middle-aged mice who received the injection scored similar to younger mice in visual tests, plus their DNA showed expression and methylation (epigenetic patterns of common chemical groups that attach to DNA at different life stages) signatures that resembled the genetic material of younger mice. They have also found that these recovered functions require two DNA methylation enzymes that could be responsible for these epigenetic changes during the reprograming.

While the researchers are encouraged by this progress, they caution that epigenetic reprogramming techniques are still very complex and still harbor risk of abnormal cell growth or cancer. They plan to conduct many further studies to test the gene therapy technologies in larger animals, explore how the restorative factors impact other types of cells and tissues, and verify that the youthful changes seen are not fleeting.

This research was funded by NIA grants R01AG019719, R37AG028730, R01AG067782, R01AG065403, K99AG068303, and T32AG023480.

Reference: Lu Y, et al. Reprogramming to recover youthful epigenetic information and restore vision. Nature. 2020;588(7836):124-129. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2975-4

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Gene therapy techniques restore vision damage from age and glaucoma in mice - National Institute on Aging


78-year-old man in Israel regains eyesight after 10 years, with help of artificial cornea – ThePrint

January 25th, 2021 12:49 pm

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New Delhi: A 78-year-old man was able to regain his eyesight after 10 years, with the help of synthetic cornea that has been developed by an Israeli startup.

According to a report in the Israel Hayom, the patient, who has not been identified, is the first to be implanted with artificial cornea by Israeli firm CorNeat Vision.

The CorNeat KPro implant has been designed to replace deformed, scarred and opacified corneas (loss of normal transparency of cornea). The procedure was conducted by Irit Bahar, head of the ophthalmology department at the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva.

The surgical procedure was straightforward and the result exceeded all our expectations, Bahar said.

The patient was able to recognise his family and read text once the bandages were removed from his eyes.

The moment we took off the bandages was emotional and significant. Moments like these are the fulfillment of our calling as doctors. We are proud of being at the forefront of this exciting and meaningful project which will undoubtedly impact the lives of millions, Bahar added.

The implant has been designed in such a way that it can restore the vision of blind patients right after it is administered. It easily integrates within the eye walls and doesnt rely on donor tissue. Dr Gilad Litvin, chief medical officer at CorNeat Vision, said the procedure is relatively simple and takes less than an hour.

We expect it will enable millions of blind patients around the world, even in areas where there is no corneal practice nor culture of organ donation, to regain their sight, Dr Litvin added.

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In August 2019, Israels health ministry had approved trials of the CorNeat implant to be run on 10 patients suffering from corneal blindness.

In a statement Tuesday, Aley-Raz, CorNeat Visions co-founder, said, Given the visual performance of our device, the expected healing time and retention, and the fact that it cannot carry disease, we plan to initiate a second study later this year with broader indications to approve our artificial cornea as a first line treatment, displacing the use of donor tissue used in full thickness corneal transplantations.

Corneal diseases are among the major causes of blindness among humans. In 2011, the National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB) in India had estimated that there were at least 1,20,000 corneal blind people in the country. It had also estimated an addition of 25,000 to 30,000 cases of corneal blindness in India each year.

Also read: Do you trust your doc-bot? Here are three ways AI-driven healthcare can succeed post-Covid

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78-year-old man in Israel regains eyesight after 10 years, with help of artificial cornea - ThePrint


Deaf rescue cat with poor eyesight is still ‘100% feline’ when he spots a cardboard box – Daily Star

January 25th, 2021 12:49 pm

A deaf cat with poor vision has melted hearts on social media after an adorable video emerged of him playing with a paper box.

Reddit user Decabria shared the footage of her white short-haired cat, Thomas, on a sub group where it has been upvoted more than 5,000 times in just 24 hours.

She found out the rescue cat was completely deaf after seeing his reaction to loud noises, keys, singing birds and even other meowing cats.

Thomas showed no response to any of those, but he changed when the owner gave him a card box.

In the clip, the owner throws the packaging box of a handheld vacuum cleaner on the floor and the next second, the curious moggie hops onto the box and fits his head inside.

Thomas gets so excited that he keeps pushing the box as he tries to snuggle in.

The owner, who brought him home three weeks ago, wrote: "It turns out the cat we recently rescued is 100% deaf. This does not stop him from being a 100% cat."

She also explained that Thomas was on the streets for eight months.

"He does have heterochromia (odd eyes), his visuals don't work as well," she added. "I let him smell treats and then he tries to jump on my hand and steal them instead of going to his bowls."

The video has won over the hearts of viewers, and some commented that Thomas' disability makes him much more lovable and special.

One animal lover wrote: "He is one beautiful charmer."

Another penned: "Who needs ears when you are the greatest kitty ever?"

The owner added that Thomas is very vocal as he purrs and meows so loud that she could hear him "two metres away".

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Deaf rescue cat with poor eyesight is still '100% feline' when he spots a cardboard box - Daily Star


India Cord Stem Cell Banking Market Witness an Outstanding Growth and Strong Revenue and Forecast to 2026 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper – KSU | The…

January 23rd, 2021 5:51 pm

TheIndia Cord Stem Cell Banking Marketresearch report thoroughly explains each and every aspect related to the Global India Cord Stem Cell Banking Market, which facilitates the reports reader to study and evaluate the upcoming market trend and execute the analytical data to promote the business.

India Cord Stem Cell Banking Market Insight:

Europe contrast and imaging agents in interventional X-ray market is projected to register a healthy CAGR of 5.8 % in the forecast period 2019 to 2026.

Get Free Full PDF Sample Copy of Report (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) at:https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=india-cord-stem-cell-banking-market

This Free report sample includes:

The report also inspects the financial standing of the leading companies, which includes gross profit, revenue generation, sales volume, sales revenue, manufacturing cost, individual growth rate, and other financial ratios.

Prominent Key Players Covered in the report:

Cordlife Group Limited, LifeCell, Mycord (CelluGen Biotech Pvt. Ltd.), Reliance Life Sciences, Cryoviva India, Global Cord Blood Corporation, Cryo-Cell International, Inc., REGROW BIOSCIENCES PVT LTD, ReeLabs Pvt. Ltd. and others.

Key Pointers Covered in the India Cord Stem Cell Banking Market Industry Trends and Forecast

TheIndia Cord Stem Cell Banking marketreport provides successfully marked contemplated policy changes, favorable circumstances, industry news, developments, and trends. This information can help readers fortify their market position. It packs various parts of information gathered from secondary sources, including press releases, web, magazines, and journals as numbers, tables, pie-charts, and graphs. The information is verified and validated through primary interviews and questionnaires. The data on growth and trends focuses on new technologies, market capacities, raw materials, CAPEX cycle, and the dynamic structure of the India Cord Stem Cell Banking market.

Major Regions as Follows:

Get Table Of Contents of This Premium Research For Free @https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=india-cord-stem-cell-banking-market

The report includes accurately drawn facts and figures, along with graphical representations of vital market data. The research report sheds light on the emerging market segments and significant factors influencing the growth of the industry to help investors capitalize on the existing growth opportunities.

How insights and forecast from the reports could benefit you:

Why choose us:

Table Of Contents: India Cord Stem Cell Banking Market

Part 01:Executive Summary

Part 02:Scope of the Report

Part 03:Research Methodology

Part 04:Market Landscape

Part 05:Pipeline Analysis

Part 06:Market Sizing

Part 07:Five Forces Analysis

Part 08:Market Segmentation

Part 09:Customer Landscape

Part 10:Regional Landscape

Part 11:Decision Framework

Part 12:Drivers and Challenges

Part 13:Market Trends

Part 14:Vendor Landscape

Part 15:Vendor Analysis

Part 16:Appendix

Make an Inquiry of theIndia Cord Stem Cell Banking Market Report @https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=india-cord-stem-cell-banking-market

To summarize:

The global India Cord Stem Cell Banking market report studies the contemporary market to forecast the growth prospects, challenges, opportunities, risks, threats, and the trends observed in the market that can either propel or curtail the growth rate of the industry. The market factors impacting the global sector also include provincial trade policies, international trade disputes, entry barriers, and other regulatory restrictions.

Thank you for reading this article. You can also get chapter-wise sections or region-wise report coverage for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.

Customization of the Report:

We are grateful to you for reading our report. If you wish to find more details of the report or want customization, contact us. You can get a detail of the entire research here. If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.

About Us:

Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with an unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge Market Research provides appropriate solutions to complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.


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UK: +44 208 089 1725

Hong Kong: +852 8192 7475


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India Cord Stem Cell Banking Market Witness an Outstanding Growth and Strong Revenue and Forecast to 2026 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper - KSU | The...


Global Placental Stem Cells (PSCS) Market Is Expected To Gain Market Growth In The Forecast Period Of 2020 To 2027||ESPERITE NV, LifeCell…

January 23rd, 2021 5:51 pm

Placentalstem cells(PSCS) market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to growing at a CAGR of 10.25% in the above-mentioned forecast period. Increasing awareness regarding the benefits associates with the preservation of placental derived stem cells will boost the growth of the market.

Global placental stem cells market research report helps staying informed about the trends and opportunities in the Healthcare industry very easily and quickly by saving a lot of time. As this market research report is formulated by taking into account and thoroughly understanding specific requirements of the business, it results into an excellent outcome. Besides, the report systematically gathers the information about influencing factors for the Healthcare industry which contains customer behaviour, emerging trends, product usage, and brand positioning. The vital market insights of the placental stem cells business report helps business make data-driven decisions as well as guarantees maximum return on investment (ROI).

Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart)@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-placental-stem-cells-pscs-market&kb

The major players covered in the placental stem cells (PSCS) market report are CBR Systems, Inc, Cordlife India, Cryo-Cell International, Inc., ESPERITE N.V., LifeCell International Pvt. Ltd., StemCyte India Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd, PerkinElmer Inc, Global Cord Blood Corporation., Smart Cells International Ltd., Vita 34, among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for Global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

Placental Stem Cells (PSCS) Market Scenario

According to Data Bridge Market Research the placental stem cells (PSCS)market in developing regions is witnessing a growth in terms of its adoption rate, due to growing awareness concerning the benefits associates with the conservation of placental derived stem cells. Growing number of diseases along with introduction of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation system are also helping the market to grow. Moreover, rising awareness among the people along with increasing number of applications from emerging economies will further create new opportunities for the growth of the market.

Now the question is which are the regions that placental stem cells (PSCS)market players should target? Data Bridge Market Research has forecasted North America to dominate the market due to the increasing stem cell process along with preferences of personal stem cell banking over public and surging network of stem cell banking services.

Global Placental Stem Cells (PSCS) Market Scope and Market Size

Placental stemcells(PSCS) market is segmented on the basis of service type and application. The growth amongst these segments will help you analyse meagre growth segments in the industries, and provide the users with valuable market overview and market insights to help them in making strategic decisions for identification of core market applications.

Enquire Here Get customization & check discount for report @: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=global-placental-stem-cells-pscs-market&kb

Placental Stem Cells (PSCS) Market Scope

Placental stem cells (PSCS)market on the basis of countries is segmented into U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia- Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East & Africa

Table of Contents:

Request for Detailed TOC: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-placental-stem-cells-pscs-market&kb

Key points in the report

About Us:

Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge Market Research provides appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.

Data Bridge adepts in creating satisfied clients who reckon upon our services and rely on our hard work with certitude. GetCustomizationandDiscounton Report by emailingsopan.gedam@databridgemarketresearch.com. We are content with our glorious 99.9 % client satisfying rate.


Data Bridge Market ResearchUS: +1 888 387 2818UK: +44 208 089 1725Hong Kong: +852 8192 7475Email: Corporatesales@databridgemarketresearch.com

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Global Placental Stem Cells (PSCS) Market Is Expected To Gain Market Growth In The Forecast Period Of 2020 To 2027||ESPERITE NV, LifeCell...


Massive Growth Of Bone Marrow Market Size Strong Revenue and Competitive Outlook KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper – KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper

January 23rd, 2021 5:51 pm

TheBone Marrow Marketresearch report thoroughly explains each and every aspect related to the Global Bone Marrow Market, which facilitates the reports reader to study and evaluate the upcoming market trend and execute the analytical data to promote the business.

Bone Marrow Market Insight:

Global bone marrow market is expected to register a substantial CAGR of 6.05% in the forecast period of 2019-2026. The report contains data from the base year of 2018 and the historic year of 2017. This rise in market value can be attributed to the rising levels of success rates with these procedures which are expected to result in higher adoption rates along with the rising levels of commercialization by the various research companies regarding their products & services.

Get Free Full PDF Sample Copy of Report (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) at: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-bone-marrow-market

This Free report sample includes:

The report also inspects the financial standing of the leading companies, which includes gross profit, revenue generation, sales volume, sales revenue, manufacturing cost, individual growth rate, and other financial ratios.

Prominent Key Players Covered in the report:

Abbott; QIAGEN; Diazyme Laboratories, Inc.; Sanofi; CSL; STEMCELL Technologies Inc.; Lonza; HemaCare; PromoCell GmbH; Mesoblast Ltd; Lifeline Cell Technology, an International Stem Cell Company; Cellular Dynamics International, Inc.; ReachBio LLC; ATCC; Merck KGaA; Discovery Life Sciences; AllCells; ReeLabs Pvt. Ltd. and Gamida Cell.

Key Pointers Covered in the Bone Marrow Market Industry Trends and Forecast

The Bone Marrow market report provides successfully marked contemplated policy changes, favorable circumstances, industry news, developments, and trends. This information can help readers fortify their market position. It packs various parts of information gathered from secondary sources, including press releases, web, magazines, and journals as numbers, tables, pie-charts, and graphs. The information is verified and validated through primary interviews and questionnaires. The data on growth and trends focuses on new technologies, market capacities, raw materials, CAPEX cycle, and the dynamic structure of the Bone Marrow market.

Major Regions as Follows:

Get Table Of Contents of This Premium Research For Free @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-bone-marrow-market

The report includes accurately drawn facts and figures, along with graphical representations of vital market data. The research report sheds light on the emerging market segments and significant factors influencing the growth of the industry to help investors capitalize on the existing growth opportunities.

How insights and forecast from the reports could benefit you:

Why choose us:

Table Of Contents: Bone Marrow Market

Part 01: Executive Summary

Part 02: Scope of the Report

Part 03: Research Methodology

Part 04: Market Landscape

Part 05: Pipeline Analysis

Part 06: Market Sizing

Part 07: Five Forces Analysis

Part 08: Market Segmentation

Part 09: Customer Landscape

Part 10: Regional Landscape

Part 11: Decision Framework

Part 12: Drivers and Challenges

Part 13: Market Trends

Part 14: Vendor Landscape

Part 15: Vendor Analysis

Part 16: Appendix

Make an Inquiry of theBone Marrow Market Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=global-bone-marrow-market

In the end, the Bone Marrow market is analyzed for revenue, sales, price, and gross margin. These points are examined for companies, types, applications, and regions.

To summarize, the global Bone Marrow market report studies the contemporary market to forecast the growth prospects, challenges, opportunities, risks, threats, and the trends observed in the market that can either propel or curtail the growth rate of the industry. The market factors impacting the global sector also include provincial trade policies, international trade disputes, entry barriers, and other regulatory restrictions.

Thank you for reading this article. You can also get chapter-wise sections or region-wise report coverage for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.

Customization of the Report:

We are grateful to you for reading our report. If you wish to find more details of the report or want customization, contact us. You can get a detail of the entire research here. If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.

About Us:

Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with an unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge Market Research provides appropriate solutions to complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.


US: +1 888 387 2818

UK: +44 208 089 1725

Hong Kong: +852 8192 7475


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Massive Growth Of Bone Marrow Market Size Strong Revenue and Competitive Outlook KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper - KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper


Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market Trends, Forecast, and Analysis by 2018 to 2026 NeighborWebSJ – NeighborWebSJ

January 23rd, 2021 5:51 pm

Mass technological transformation of the global healthcare industry has left key market participants struggling to traverse the complexities of medical and life sciences. Given the shifting dynamics of the global healthcare sector, pharma and biotech companies are taking measured efforts to improve patient outcomes in an effective manner, while keeping a careful watch on the bottom line.

Much is being said about Artificial Intelligence taking over manual back office and supply chain operations in the healthcare ecosystem, threatening to replace physicians from critical claims processing roles. This might put pressure on pharmaceutical companies to ensure readiness to the new technology.

Big data and analytics will drive patient outcomes in a big way, and the coming years will witness a growing emphasis on healthcare service providers in the business of gathering and processing patient health data.

Creating outcome-oriented financial models to maximize reimbursements in value-based healthcare will be a strategic shift from the traditional fees-for-services model. This implies that pharmaceutical companies will need to devise appropriate measures to optimize costs and improve the quality of patient care.

Fact.MR has adopted multi-disciplinary approach to shed light on the evolution of the Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market during the historical period. The study presents a deep-dive assessment of the current growth dynamics, major avenues in the estimation year of 2019, and key prospects over the forecast period 2018 to 2026.

Extensive rounds of primary and a comprehensive secondary research have been leveraged by the analysts at Fact.MR to arrive at various estimations and projections of the Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market, both at global and regional levels. The analysts have used numerous industry-wide prominent business intelligence tools to consolidate facts, figures, and market data into revenue estimations and projections in the Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market.

The insights and analytics on the Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market span several pages. These are covered in numerous sections, including, drivers and restraints, challenges and opportunities, regional segmentation and opportunity assessment, end-use/application prospects analysis, and competitive landscape assessment. Key stakeholders in the Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market including industry players, policymakers, and investors in various countries have been continuously realigning their strategies and approaches to implement them in order to tap into new opportunities. Many in recent months have overhauled their strategies to remain agile in the backdrop of worldwide disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following insights and evaluations are worth knowing for any market participant, helping them in ascertaining the prevailing dynamics and the future trajectories of the Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market. They are a part of the estimations of the opportunities in various segments.

Regional Segments Analyzed Include:

The Report Covers Exhaustive Analysis On:

After reading the Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market report, readers get insight into:

The Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market report offers detailed assessments and quantitative evaluations that shed light on numerous key aspects that have shaped its evolution over the historical period. In coming years, some of the key aspects that will shape the growth prospects during the forecast period are objectively covered in the study.

Some important questions that the Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market report tries to answer exhaustively are:

Why Choose Fact.MR?

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Fact.MR is an independent, pure play market intelligence firm incorporated with an objective to deliver high quality, customized market research solutions that help our clients successfully go to the market equipped with actionable insights capable of impacting crucial business decisions.

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Stem Cell Characterization Kits Market Trends, Forecast, and Analysis by 2018 to 2026 NeighborWebSJ - NeighborWebSJ


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