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Breast Cancer Gene Mutations Found in 30% of All Women – Medscape

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

New findings of breast cancer gene mutations in women who have no family history of the disease offer a new way of estimating risk and may change the way in which these women are advised on risk management.

The findings come from two large studies, both published on January 20 in The New England Journal of Medicine.

The two articles are "extraordinary" for broadening and validating the genomic panel to help screen women at risk for breast cancer in the future, commented Eric Topol, MD, professor of molecular medicine, Scripps Research, La Jolla, California, and Medscape editor-in-chief.

"Traditionally, genetic testing of inherited breast cancer genes has focused on women at high risk who have a strong family history of breast cancer or those who were diagnosed at an early age, such as under 45 years," commented the lead investigator of one of studies, Fergus Couch, PhD, pathologist at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.

"[Although] the risk of developing breast cancer is generally lower for women without a family history of the disease...when we looked at all women, we found that 30% of breast cancer mutations occurred in women who are not high-risk," he said.

In both studies, mutations or variants in eight genes BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, BARD1, RAD51C, RAD51D, ATM, and CHEK2 were found to be significantly associated with breast cancer risk.

However, the distribution of mutations among women with breast cancer differed from the distribution among unaffected women, notes Steven Narod, MD, from the Women's College Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in an accompanying editorial.

"What this means to clinicians, now that we are expanding the use of gene-panel testing to include unaffected women with a moderate risk of breast cancer in the family history, is that our time will increasingly be spent counseling women with CHEK2 and ATM mutations," he writes. Currently these two are "clumped in with 'other genes'.... [M]ost of the pretest discussion is currently focused on the implications of finding a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation."

The new findings may lead to new risk management strategies, he suggests. "Most breast cancers that occur in women with a mutation in ATM or CHEK2 are estrogen receptor positive, so these women may be candidates for anti-estrogen therapies such as tamoxifen, raloxifene, or aromatase inhibitors," he writes.

Narod observes that for now, the management of most women with either mutation will consist of screening alone, starting with MRI at age 40 years.

The medical community is not ready yet to expand genetic screening to the general population, cautions Walton Taylor, MD, past president of the American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS).

The ASBrS currently recommends that all patients with breast cancer as well as those at high risk for breast cancer be offered genetic testing. "All women at risk should be tested, and all patients with pathogenic variants need to be managed appropriately it saves lives," Taylor emphasized.

However, "unaffected people with no family history do not need genetic testing at this time," he told Medscape Medical News.

As to what physicians might do to better manage patients with mutations that predispose to breast cancer, Taylor said, "It's surprisingly easy."

Every genetic testing company provides genetic counselors to guide patients through next steps, Taylor pointed out, and most cancer patients have nurse navigators who make sure patients get tested and followed appropriately.

Members of the ASBrS follow the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines when they identify carriers of a pathogenic variant. Taylor says these are very useful guidelines for virtually all mutations identified thus far.

"This research is not necessarily new, but it is confirmatory for what we are doing, and that helps us make sure we are going down the right pathway," Taylor said. "It confirms that what we think is right is right and that matters," he reaffirmed.

The study led by Mayo's Couch was carried out by the Cancer Risk Estimates Related to Susceptibility (CARRIERS) consortium. It involved analyzing data from 17 epidemiology studies that focused on women in the general population who develop breast cancer. For the studies, which were conducted in the United States, pathogenic variants in 28 cancer-predisposition genes were sequenced from 32,247 women with breast cancer (case patients) and 32,544 unaffected women (control persons).

In the overall CARRIERS analysis, the prevalence of pathogenic variants in 12 clinically actionable genes was 5.03% among case patients and 1.63% among control persons. The prevalence was similar in non-Hispanic White women, non-Hispanic Black women, and Hispanic case patients, as well as control persons, they add. The prevalence of pathogenic variants among Asian American case patients was lower, at only 1.64%, they note.

Among patients who had breast cancer, the most common pathogenic variants included BRCA2, which occurred in 1.29% of case patients, followed by CHEK2, at a prevalence of 1.08%, and BRCA1, at a prevalence of 0.85%.

Mutations in BRCA1 increased the risk for breast cancer more than 7.5-fold; mutations in BRCA2 increased that risk more than fivefold, the investigators state.

Mutations in PALB2 increased the risk of breast cancer approximately fourfold, they add.

Prevalence rates for both BRCA1 and BRCA2 among breast cancer patients declined rapidly after the age of 40. The decline in other variants, including ATM, CHEK2, and PALB2, was limited with increasing age.

Indeed, mutations in all five of these genes were associated with a lifetime absolute risk for breast cancer greater than 20% by the age of 85 among non-Hispanic Whites.

Pathogenic variants in BRCA1 or BRCA2 yielded a lifetime risk for breast cancer of approximately 50%. Mutations in PALB2 yielded a lifetime breast cancer risk of approximately 32%.

The risk of having a mutation in specific genes varied depending on the type of breast cancer. For example, mutations in BARD1, RAD51C, and RAD51d increased the risk for estrogen receptor (ER)negative breast cancer as well as triple-negative breast cancer, the authors note, whereas mutations in ATM, CDH1, and CHEK2 increased the risk for ER-positive breast cancer.

"These refined estimates of the prevalences of pathogenic variants among women with breast cancer in the overall population, as opposed to selected high-risk patients, may inform ongoing discussions regarding testing in patients with breast cancer," the BCAC authors observe.

"The risks of breast cancer associated with pathogenic variants in the genes evaluated in the population-based CARRIERS analysis also provide important information for risk assessment and counselling of women with breast cancer who do not meet high-risk selection criteria," they suggest.

The second study was conducted by the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC) under lead author Leila Dorling, PhD, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. This group sequenced 34 susceptibility genes from 60,466 women with breast cancer and 53,461 unaffected control persons.

"Protein-truncating variants in 5 genes (ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2 and PALB2) were associated with a significant risk of breast cancer overall (P < .0001)," the BCAC members report. "For these genes, odds ratios ranged from 2.10 to 10.57," they add.

The association between overall breast cancer risk and mutations in seven other genes was more modest, conferring approximately twice the risk for breast cancer overall, although that risk was threefold higher for the TP53 mutation.

For the 12 genes the consortium singled out as being associated with either a significant or a more modest risk for breast cancer, the effect size did not vary significantly between European and Asian women, the authors note. Again, the risk forER-positive breast cancer was over two times greater for those who had either the ATM or the CHEK2 mutation. Having mutations in BARD1, BRCA1, BRCA1, PALB2, RAD51C, and RAD51D conferred a higher risk for ER-negative disease than for ER-positive disease.

There was also an association between rare missense variants in six genes CHEK2, ATM, TP53, BRCA1, CDH1, and RECQL and overall breast cancer risk, with the clearest evidence being for CHEK2.

"The absolute risk estimates place protein-truncating variants in BRCA1, BRCA2, and PALB2 in the high-risk category and place protein-truncating variants in ATM, BARD1, CHEK2, RAD51CC, and RAD51D in the moderate-risk category," Dorling and colleagues reaffirm.

"These results may guide screening as well as prevention with risk-reducing surgery or medication, in accordance with national guidelines," the authors suggest.

The CARRIERS study was supported by the National Institutes of Health. The study by Dorling and colleagues was supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs, among others. Narod has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

New Eng J Med. Published online January 20, 2021. Couch et al, Abstract; BCAC study, Full text; Editorial

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Breast Cancer Gene Mutations Found in 30% of All Women - Medscape


Mysterious untreatable fevers once devastated whole families. This doctor discovered what caused them – CNN

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

They couldn't explain why those afflicted, often in the same family, had recurring fevers, abdominal pain, troublesome rashes and muscle aches. Known as familial Mediterranean fever, the disease often went undiagnosed for years, and it was sometimes fatal.

A similar, but unrelated, mystery fever was initially thought to affect families with Scottish and Irish heritage.

"The pain I felt back then, it moved around. One week the pain was in my leg, and the next week my arm would hurt instead," said Victoria Marklund, 47, a Swedish woman who suffered from TRAPS, or tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome, a disease first identified in a family of Irish and Scottish descent living in the UK city of Nottingham in 1982.

Her father and grandfather died prematurely from kidney complications, which were likely a consequence of the undiagnosed disorder.

Marklund has now received an effective treatment and lives symptom-free -- largely thanks to the work of one US physician and health researcher, Dr. Dan Kastner, a distinguished investigator at the National Institutes of Health who serves as scientific director of the National Human Genome Research Institute.

"What Dr. Kastner has accomplished is absolutely groundbreaking. The concept of autoinflammatory disorders didn't exist before he identified the cause behind a number of them," said Olle Kmpe, a professor of clinical endocrinology at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm who is a member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and chair of the Prize Committee. The academy also selects Nobel laureates.

"His discoveries have taught us a great deal about the immune system and its functions, contributing to effective treatments that reduce the symptoms of disease from which patients previously suffered enormously," Kmpe added.


Kastner first came across familial Mediterranean fever in a patient with recurring arthritis and high fevers he treated as a rheumatology fellow just months into his first job at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, in 1985. That chance diagnosis set him on a 12-year journey to find the gene -- or genes -- responsible for the disease.

"It was known that familial Mediterranean fever was a genetic disease. It was known that it was recessively inherited, but no one knew what the gene was, or even the chromosome," he said.

He traveled to Israel, where he took blood samples from 50 families with familial Mediterranean fever.

It took Kastner seven years to locate the mutation to chromosome 16. It took another five years -- in 1997 -- for Kastner and his team to find the mutated gene itself -- one misprint in a genetic code comprised of 3 billion letters.

After this breakthrough, he stayed at NIH, where he studied undiagnosed patients with similar symptoms. He identified 16 autoinflammatory genetic disorders and found effective treatments for at least 12 of them, establishing a whole new field of medicine.

Now that the full human genome has been mapped, the process of detecting the genetic root of such disorders is quicker, and greater numbers of patients with these rare, unexplained diseases are being helped as a result of Kastner's work.


There are few images in science more iconic than the DNA double helix structure, discovered in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick, two years after Kastner was born. As a seventh grader, he once created a version of the twisted ladder shape using jelly beans and pipe cleaners for a science fair.

His work to identify the gene that caused familial Mediterranean fever had its own element of competition. In the summer of 1997, to beat a rival team led by French researchers, Kastner took a last-minute flight from Bethesda, Maryland, where the NIH is based, to Boston to submit his manuscript detailing the gene mutation that caused familial Mediterranean fever by hand to the journal Cell on a Friday afternoon.

These were the days before papers could be submitted with the click of a mouse. He hoped to publish his work first. Ultimately, the two teams published their papers simultaneously in different journals -- both fortunately arriving at the same finding.

"I love that type of thing," he said. "We still have races to the finish, and there's nothing like a good week of all-nighters."

Kastner had discovered that the gene involved in familial Mediterranean fever produces a protein called pyrin. Normally this helps to activate our innate immune system -- our first line of defense to fight bacteria and viruses.

In this case, however, pyrin made the innate immune system become overactive, resulting in fever, pain and joint inflammation. He went on to study patients with similar and more devastating symptoms -- identifying TRAPS and many more rare diseases.

Transforming lives

What has motivated Kastner for five decades is how his work decoding the genetics of inflammation can inform new treatments and ultimately transform patients' lives.

"There's nothing more gratifying in life and nothing more satisfying scientifically," he said. He plans to step down from his role as scientific director at the NIH in the next few months and then focus his efforts on his clinic, where he has over 3,000 patients enrolled and "find yet more disease genes, understand how they work, and develop new treatments."

"Of course, one can never know how long that will last, but I love doing it, and will continue as long as I can."

In more recent work beginning in 2014, Kastner identified and pioneered treatment for a severely debilitating genetic disorder known as DADA2, short for deficiency of the enzyme ADA2 (adenosine deaminase 2), which can cause recurring fevers and strokes starting in childhood. His research has radically improved the life of the daughter of Dr. Chip Chambers.

"She's now at college and the improvement in her quality of life has been dramatic."

Similarly, TRAPS survivor Marklund suffered for years before her diagnosis at the age of 38. Her nephews, who both have TRAPS but have been given medicine from an early age, don't feel the effects of the disease at all, she told The Royal Swedish Academy Of Sciences.

"I doubted many times that anyone would ever figure out what I was suffering from. So now it feels fantastic, to be told what it was, to understand the cause of the disease and that there is medicine that helps."

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Mysterious untreatable fevers once devastated whole families. This doctor discovered what caused them - CNN


CCMB team identifies variants of genes that metabolise drugs – BusinessLine

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

As India emerges a destination of global choice for clinical trials of various drugs, a study on variants of the gene important for drug metabolism seeks to explore how drugs function across diverse populations.

Dr K Thangaraj and his team from CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, recently published their study of diversity of cytochrome-P450-2C9 (CYP2C9) gene in Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine.

Healthcare is now moving towards personalised medicine. Our studies on the genetic diversity of India will play an important role in this transition, says Dr Rakesh Mishra, Director, CCMB.

The study is important as it seeks to analyse doctor-prescribed dose of drugs based on the gender, age and body mass index (BMI) of patients. However, there are hypersensitive response like rashes, vomiting and nausea.

Individuals in a population have variations in their genes needed for metabolism of a wide range of drugs. Any changes in the sequence of gene may affect the production of protein in human liver. This can cause slower metabolism of a drug and slower or reduced rate of excretion. Many of these drugs have a narrow therapeutic index they are tolerated by human bodies in very specific amounts, according to scientists.

When these drugs are retained in the body for longer, that can lead to toxicity. So, it is important to decide the right dosage for each individual depending on the sequence of their CYP2C9 gene.

Dr Thangarajs team studied the diversity of this gene among 1,488 Indians across 36 population groups, representing different linguistic groups, castes and tribes, among other parameters. They also looked into genes of 1,087 individuals from other countries of South Asia. We found eight new variants of the CYP2C9 gene, making a total of 11 known variants of the gene in South Asia, says Dr Nizamuddin, who is the first author in the study.

They find no correlation between any of these variants with the linguistic and geographical population groups. However, a few Indian populations have more than 20 per cent people with a deleterious variant of the gene. Those with this variant are at a disadvantage in their ability to metabolise drugs. The eight new variants found in this study are also predicted to have similar effect on drug metabolism.

It is important to know the variations in the CYP2C9 gene to help medical practitioners decide the right dosage of medicine for each patient. The knowledge of this variation will also be important for conducting more meaningful clinical trials. This study also suggests that it might not be the best thing to conduct a common clinical trial for the entire world. We need population-specific trials, says Dr Thangaraj, the corresponding author of this paper and presently Director of the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad.

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CCMB team identifies variants of genes that metabolise drugs - BusinessLine


NeuBase Therapeutics Announces Acquisition of Gene Modulating Technology from Vera Therapeutics – GlobeNewswire

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

Acquisition includes intellectual property for peptide nucleic acid genetic medicine portfolio that has demonstrated in vivo activity in several disease indications

Consolidates new peptide nucleic acid technology into NeuBases PATrOL platform

Extends the ability of NeuBases existing technology to directly modulate the human genome with high precision to resolve rare and common diseases, including cancers

PITTSBURGH, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NeuBase Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: NBSE) ("NeuBase" or the "Company"), a biotechnology company accelerating the genetic revolution using a new class of synthetic medicines to drug the genome, today announced execution of a binding agreement to acquire infrastructure, programs and intellectual property for several peptide-nucleic acid (PNA) scaffolds from Vera Therapeutics, formerly known as TruCode Gene Repair, Inc. The technology has demonstrated the ability to resolve disease in genetic models of several human indications. The acquisition bolsters NeuBases capabilities and reinforces the Companys position as a leader in the field of genetic medicine.

"With this acquisition, we enhance our PATrOL platform, furthering our unique ability to directly engage and correct malfunctioning genes with exquisite precision to address the root causes of a wide variety of human diseases, said Dietrich A. Stephan, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of NeuBase. These assets extend and refine our PATrOL platforms capabilities and accelerates, through our Company, to bring the rapidly growing genetic medicines industry toward a single high-impact focal point. We are committed to advancing our pipeline and candidates to the clinic and to exploiting the full potential of PNA technology to continue creating value for our shareholders and importantly, for patients."

Curt Bradshaw, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer of NeuBase, added, "By consolidating additional validated technology into our PATrOL platform, we believe NeuBase is positioned to radically transform the landscape of medicine. In vivo activity in a variety of disease indications has been demonstrated with the new scaffolds that we have acquired, and further expands the validated components of our platform to achieve resolution of causality in living systems with target indications such as recently presented in myotonic dystrophy, type 1. In addition to our intellectual property, we believe our in-house expertise in peptide nucleic acids is second to none.

The transaction is expected to close in the first calendar quarter of 2021. Financial terms were not disclosed.

About NeuBase Therapeutics, Inc.NeuBase is leading the genetic revolution using a new class of synthetic medicines. NeuBase's designer PATrOL therapies are centered around its proprietary drug scaffold to address genetic diseases at the source by combining the highly targeted approach of traditional genetic therapies with the broad organ distribution capabilities of small molecules. With an initial focus on debilitating neurological, neuromuscular and oncologic disorders, NeuBase is committed to redefining medicine for the millions of patients with both common and rare conditions. The companys current portfolio of high value programs includes myotonic dystrophy, type 1 and Huntingtons disease. To learn more, visit http://www.neubasetherapeutics.com.

Use of Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. These forward-looking statements are distinguished by use of words such as "will," "would," "anticipate," "expect," "believe," "designed," "plan," or "intend," the negative of these terms, and similar references to future periods and include, among other statements, those related to the anticipated benefits of the acquisition of assets from Vera Therapeutics and the expected closing date of the transaction. These views involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and, accordingly, our actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in our forward-looking statements. Our forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this press release. Factors or events that we cannot predict, including those risk factors contained in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, may cause our actual results to differ from those expressed in forward-looking statements. The Company may not actually achieve the plans, carry out the intentions or meet the expectations or projections disclosed in the forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Because such statements deal with future events and are based on the Company's current expectations, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties, and actual results, performance or achievements of the Company could differ materially from those described in or implied by the statements in this press release, including: the risk that the Company does not achieve the anticipated benefits from the acquisition of assets from Vera Therapeutics; risks that the conditions to closing the transaction are not met and the transaction does not close; the Company's plans to develop and commercialize its product candidates; the timing of initiation of the Company's planned clinical trials; the timing of the availability of data from the Company's clinical trials; the timing of any planned investigational new drug application or new drug application; the Company's plans to research, develop and commercialize its current and future product candidates; the clinical utility, potential benefits and market acceptance of the Company's product candidates; the Company's commercialization, marketing and manufacturing capabilities and strategy; global health conditions, including the impact of COVID-19; the Company's ability to protect its intellectual property position; and the requirement for additional capital to continue to advance these product candidates, which may not be available on favorable terms or at all, as well as those risk factors contained in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as otherwise required by law, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise.

NeuBase Investor Contact:Dan FerryManaging DirectorLifeSci Advisors, LLCdaniel@lifesciadvisors.com OP: (617) 430-7576

NeuBase Media Contact:Cait Williamson, Ph.D.LifeSci Communicationscait@lifescicomms.com OP: (646) 751-4366

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NeuBase Therapeutics Announces Acquisition of Gene Modulating Technology from Vera Therapeutics - GlobeNewswire


Copy number variations linked to autism have diverse but overlapping effects – Spectrum

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

Mapping outcomes: Some genetic mutations can lead to a wide variety of traits, including those associated with autism.

People with mutations in distant chromosomal regions often share a range of autism traits, even if they do not meet the diagnostic threshold for autism, according to a new study.

Mutations called copy number variations (CNVs) involve duplications or deletions of large stretches of DNA. Having a CNV in the 16p11.2 or 22q11.2 chromosomal region increases a persons likelihood of being diagnosed with autism, but previous studies have found significant variability in the traits associated with mutations in either location.

The new work shows that deletions or duplications in 16p11.2 or 22q11.2 track with distinct profiles of cognitive abilities and autism traits, and that each type of variant is linked to a different probability of being diagnosed with autism.

These profiles overlap, which suggests that the different CNVs have similar impacts on developmental pathways involved with autism, says lead investigator Marianne van den Bree, professor of psychological medicine at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom. The findings also support the idea that other factors such as the environment or other genes shape a persons autism traits.

Van den Bree and her colleagues across eight institutions pooled data from 547 people with a deletion or duplication in 16p11.2 or 22q11.2. They compared the data with similar information from the Autism Genome Project, looking at 2,027 autistic people who do not have these CNVs.

Pulling these datasets together provided an in-depth look at patterns of outcomes. The four groups of people with CNVs a deletion or duplication in either chromosomal region differ the most in motor function, van den Bree and her colleagues found. And people with 22q11.2 deletions are less likely to have an autism diagnosis than those with any of the other CNVs, but they still have a higher autism prevalence than the general population.

People with a duplication in 22q11.2 or 16p11.2 tend to have more severe autism traits than people with deletions, the researchers found. And people with a 16p11.2 duplication or 22q11.2 deletion have greater cognitive impairment than those with one of the other two variants do.

Despite these differences between groups, people within each group show even greater variability, the team found, which suggests that other factors contribute to a persons traits. The work appeared in January in the American Journal of Psychiatry.

These four CNVs have not previously been compared in this way, but the study feels more confirmatory than it feels like its carving out something new, says Elliott Sherr, professor of neurology at University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in the new work.

Many people, however, including some clinicians, are unaware that these genetic conditions are often linked to autism, says study investigator Samuel Chawner, research fellow in psychology at Cardiff University. He says he hopes that the profiles he and his colleagues identified will inform how genetic conditions are treated. For instance, 54 percent of people carrying one of the CNVs who do not have an autism diagnosis still have significant autism-like difficulties.

Whats missing from the new work is an examination of what else besides the CNVs contributes to the diversity of traits seen in people with these mutations, such as environment and other genes, says David Ledbetter, chief clinical officer at Dascena, a personalized medicine company. Ledbetter was not involved in the study.

For example, people with a 22q11.2 deletion have an increased likelihood of having schizophrenia, but information from the rest of their genome can help to accurately forecast outcomes, according to a study published in November. This same technique could be used to predict traits in people with the other CNVs, Ledbetter says.

A persons environment including their ability to access medical support and early education may also play a role in this variability, Chawner says. Van den Bree, Chawner and their colleagues at the Genes to Mental Health consortium plan to study how these factors in particular contribute to traits in people with CNVs.

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Copy number variations linked to autism have diverse but overlapping effects - Spectrum


SMART Study Finds 22q11.2 Microdeletion Prevalence Much Higher than Expected – PRNewswire

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

SAN CARLOS, Calif., Feb. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --Natera, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTRA), a pioneer and global leader in cfDNA testing, presented key results from its SMART study at the SMFM 41st Annual Pregnancy Meeting.1 The SMART study sets a new standard as the largest prospective NIPT study to date(N = 20,927 enrolled from 21 medical centers), and the only large-scale study to collect genetic outcomes in most of the subjects. The study includes the validation of a new artificial intelligence-based algorithm for Panoramacalled Panorama AI, which utilizes information from over 2 million cfDNA tests performed by Natera.

Key results related to the 22q11.2 microdeletion:

"This is the first prospective NIPT study in which genetic outcomes were confirmed in the vast majority of the patients enrolled, and provides a wealth of data about the real-world performance of NIPT across a diverse group of global centers and patients," said Mary Norton, MD, Professor, UCSF, and one of the Principal Investigators of SMART. "The findings related to high prevalence of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, the limited ability of ultrasound to detect all cases prenatally, and the performance of NIPT in detection of these cases with high accuracy provide exciting data to inform discussions around testing for a broader set of conditions beyond common aneuploidies."

"The diagnostic odyssey related to 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is well documented, with median time to diagnosis of almost 5 years.6And in the meantime, a window of opportunity might be lost to intervene and impact outcomes. Delivery of a child with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome should be at a tertiary facility well-equipped to deal with short-term complications that are associated with the disorder.7 Depending on the issue at hand (e.g., cardiac, endocrine), appropriate interventions are warranted. For example, timely administration of neonatal calcium has been shown to correlate with preventing the intellectual decline commonly seen in affected children,"8,9 said Pe'er Dar, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx NY, and one of the Principal Investigators of SMART. "With the ability to detect more accurately in combination with a low false positive rate, I believe that the findings of the SMART study provide professional societies with sufficient evidence to consider including screening for 22q11.2 deletions in routine prenatal genetic screening."

In 2020, Natera performed over 400,000 tests for the 22q11.2 microdeletion. Natera has established a CPT code and favorable pricing for microdeletion testing. Based on high prevalence and excellent performance in the study, Natera looks forward to engaging professional societies for routine testing of pregnancies for the 22q11.2 microdeletion, and will then pursue broader insurance coverage.

About Panorama

Panoramareveals a baby's risk for severe genetic disorders as early as nine weeks into pregnancy. The test uses a unique single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based technology to analyze fetal/placental DNA obtained through a blood draw from the mother. It is the only commercially available test that differentiates between maternal and fetal DNA to assess the risk of aneuploidies. The test also screens twin pregnancies for zygosity and fetal sex of each baby, and identifies risk for more genetic conditions in twin pregnancies than any other NIPT. Panorama is one of several genetic screening tests from Natera designed to help families on the path to parenthood. Natera has published 23 papers, studying over 1.3 million patients, since the launch of Panorama the largest body of evidence in the space today. Panorama has been developed and its performance characteristics determined by Natera, the CLIA-certified laboratory performing the test. The test has not been cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). CAP accredited, ISO 13485 certified, and CLIA certified.

About Natera

Naterais a pioneer and global leader in cell-free DNA testing from a simple blood draw. The mission of the company is to change the management of disease worldwide with a focus on women's health, oncology, and organ health. Natera operates ISO 13485-certified and CAP-accredited laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) in San Carlos, California and Austin, Texas. It offers proprietary genetic testing services to inform obstetricians, transplant physicians, oncologists, and cancer researchers, including biopharmaceutical companies, and genetic laboratories through its cloud-based software platform. For more information, visitnatera.com. Follow Natera onLinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release are forward-looking statements and are not a representation that Natera's plans, estimates, or expectations will be achieved. These forward-looking statements represent Natera's expectations as of the date of this press release, and Natera disclaims any obligation to update the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially, including with respect to our efforts to develop and commercialize new product offerings, our ability to successfully increase demand for and grow revenues for our product offerings, whether the results of clinical or other studies will support the use of our product offerings, our expectations of the reliability, accuracy and performance of our tests, or of the benefits of our tests and product offerings to patients, providers and payers. Additional risks and uncertainties are discussed in greater detail in "Risk Factors" in Natera's recent filings on Forms 10-K and 10-Q and in other filings Natera makes with the SEC from time to time. These documents are available atwww.natera.com/investorsandwww.sec.gov.


Investor Relations: Mike Brophy, CFO, Natera, Inc., 510-826-2350

Media: Paul Greenland, VP of Corporate Marketing, Natera, Inc., [emailprotected]


SOURCE Natera, Inc.

Transforming Management of Genetic Disease

SMART Study Finds 22q11.2 Microdeletion Prevalence Much Higher than Expected - PRNewswire


Genomes, Maps, And How They Affect You – IFLScience

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

What is a genome

A genome is a collective term for all the genetic material within an organism. In essence,the genome decides exactly what that organism will look and act like at birth one huge, expansive instruction manual that tellscells their duties. Every living thing has a genome, from bacteria to plants to humans, and they are all different in size with various combinations of genes inside.

The human genome packs in 30,000 genes, but this is just 1% of the total genetic material contained within. Quite frankly, its a mess in there much of the genetic material is duplicated DNA that (supposedly) does very little, and the vast majority of DNA simply doesnt code for anything(these sections are calledintrons). That isnt to say it does nothing. In fact,recent studieshave shown us that non-coding DNA is essential to controlling whether our genes get switched on or not. However, most of the time its the actual genes that are the important bit.

Studying the genome of humans and other organisms is vitalfor a number of reasons.Firstly, it helps us characterize each one before genomics, scientists simply grouped animals and plants by what they looked like, but research into their genes now allows for accuratecharacterization oforganismsinto specificgeneraand species.

In humans, genomic research has allowed researchers to understand the underlying causes of many complex diseases and find possible targets for treatment.Currently, the best tool to do thisisgenome-wide association studies (GWAS).

The idea behind GWAS is relatively intuitive simply take a group of people with the disease you wish to study, and compare their genomesfor common genetic variants that could predict the presence of that disease.These studies have illuminated a huge number of variants linked with higher disease prevalence while also helping researchers to understand the role each gene playsin the human body.Although powerful, GWAS studies are purely a starting point. Following a large-scale GWAS, researchers must thenanalyzeany variants that are highlighted in great depth, and many times such research will provide nothing of clinical relevance. However, itsstill our best way of identifying risk variants in genetic disease.

So,we know the genome is packed to the brim with genes that code for proteins, separated by large strings ofnon-coding DNA. However, when cells replicateearly in development they usually go throughchromosomal recombination, in which chromosomes trade regions of their genetic code between each other. This spreads genes to many different positions (called loci)throughout the genome. If we can make a map of these genes, we candiscover their function, how they are inherited, or target them with therapies.

Therefore, we want to create a genome map.There are two types of maps used in genomics: genetic maps and physical maps.

Physical mapsare relatively straightforward, in which genomic loci are mapped based on the physical distance between them, measured in base pairs.The most common way to create a physical map of a human genome is byfirst breaking the DNA sequence into many fragments, before using a variety of different techniques to identify how those pieces fit back together. By understanding which pieces overlapand reconstructing the shattered genome, scientists can gain a decently accurate map of where each gene lies.

Genetic mapsare slightly different,using specific marker regions within the DNA that are used as trackers. These mapsrequiresamples (usually saliva) from family members,which are then compared toidentifyhow much recombination has occurred that includes markers of interest. The principle is thatif two genes are close together on thechromosome, thenthey are more likely to travel together through the genome as it recombines. By using this data,scientists can get a rough idea of where specific genes lie on chromosomes. However, it is not as accurate as physical mapping andrelies heavilyon a decentpopulation size andthe number of genetic markers used.

A genome browser is any available database that allows a user to access and compare genomes in an intuitive way. When you map or sequence a genome, the data is prettymessy.Genomes are usually stored in huge files, calledFASTAfiles, that contain extensive strings of letters that would look foreign to most users. Genome browsers take this data and make it accessibleto scientists around the globe.

Many genome browsers are available online, containing bacterial, model organism, and human reference genomes.

Genomelinkis one of the latest examples of public access and analysis of genomes. The industry took off in recentyears, with the rapid rise of sites that provide ancestry and medical information based on genomic sequencing, includingAncestryand23andMe.These sites work by comparing genetic markers associated with different populations should you share specific regions of DNA that correspond with African populations, for example, you may have some relation to African ancestors. Each site uses its own markers, so information may vary between tests, and some have disputed the true accuracy of these tests, although advances in genomics have significantly improved them in recent years.

Genomelinkgoes further than most sites, claiming to provide information on a huge variety of genetic traits that a user may have. These include metabolism, sports performance, and even personality traits such as loneliness. Each trait isdrawn from genome correlation studies, with each taking a specific trait and comparing the genomes of each carrier of that trait.

However, although bothGenomelinkand other sites use up-to-date reference genomes and are usually relatively accurate, they should never be substituted for medical information. If you believe you carry a pathogenic genevariant, you should seek advice from a genomic counselor.

Originally posted here:
Genomes, Maps, And How They Affect You - IFLScience


Are Phages Overlooked Mediators of Health and Disease? – The Scientist

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

When microbiologist Breck Duerkop started his postdoc in 2009, he figured hed be focusing on bacteria. After all, hed joined the lab of microbiome researcher Lora Hooper at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas to study host-pathogen interactions in the mammalian gut and was particularly interested in what causes some strains of normally harmless commensal bacteria, such as Enterococcusfaecalis, to become dangerous, gut-dominating pathogens. Hed decided to explore the issue by giving germ-free mice a multidrug-resistant strain of E. faecalis that sometimes causes life-threatening infections in hospital patients, and analyzing how these bacteria express their genes in the mouse intestine.

Not long into the project, Duerkop noticed something else going on: some of the genes being expressed in E. faecalis werent from the regular bacterial genome. Rather, they were from bacteriophages, bacteria-infecting viruses that, if they dont immediately hijack and kill the cells they infect, can sometimes incorporate their genetic material into the bacterial chromosome. These stowaway viruses, known as prophages while theyre in the bacterial chromosome, may lie dormant for multiple bacterial generations, until certain environmental or other factors trigger their reactivation, at which point they begin replicating and behaving like infectious agents once again. (See illustration below.) Duerkops data showed that the chromosome of the E. faecalis strain he was using contained seven of these prophages and that the bacteria were churning out virus particles with custom combinations of these prophage sequences during colonization of the mouse gut.

The presence of viruses in Duerkops E. faecalis strain wasnt all that surprising. Natural predators of bacteria, bacteriophages are the most abundant biological entities on the planet, and in many fields, researchers take their presence for granted. Nobody really was thinking about phages in the context of bacterial communities in animal hosts, Duerkop says. It would [have been] very easy to just look at it and say, Oh, there are some phage genes here. . . . Moving on. But he was curious about why E. faecalis would be copying and releasing them, rather than leaving the prophages asleep in its chromosome, while it was trying to establish itself in the mouse intestine.

Predation is just one type of phage-bacteria interaction taking place within the mammalian microbiome; many phages are capable of inserting their genomes into the bacterial chromosome.

Encouraged by Hooper, he put his original project on hold in order to dig deeper. To his surprise, he discovered that the E. faecalis strain, known as V583, seemed to be using its phages to gain a competitive advantage over related strains. Experiments with multiple E. faecalis strains in cell culture and in mice showed that the phage particles produced by the bacteria didnt harm other V583 cells, but infected and killed competing strains. Duerkop and his colleagues realized that, far from being background actors in the bacterial community, the phages are important for colonization behavior for this opportunistic pathogen.

The idea that a phage could play such a significant role in the development of the gut bacterial community was relatively novel when the team published its results in 2012. Since then, its been pretty well established that phages can shape the assembly of microbial communities in the intestine, and that can influence the outcome on the hosteither beneficially or detrimentally, says Duerkop, who now runs his own lab at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora. Theres evidence that phages help bacteria share genetic material with one another, too, and may even interact directly with the mammalian immune system, an idea that Duerkop says would have had you laughed out of a room of immunologists just a few years ago.

Around the time that Duerkop was working on E. faecalis in Dallas, University of Oxford postdoc Pauline Scanlan was studying Pseudomonas fluorescens, a bacterial species that is abundant in the natural environment and is generally harmless to humans, although its in the same genus as the important human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacteria in this genus sometimes evolve whats known as a mucoid phenotypethat is, cells secrete large amounts of a compound called alginate, forming a protective goo around themselves. In P. aeruginosa, this goo can help the bacteria evade the mammalian immune system and antibiotics, and when it crops up, its not good news for the patient, Scanlan says. She was curious about what causes a non-mucoid bacterial population to evolve into a mucoid one and had found previous research suggesting that the presence of bacteriophages could play a role. Other studies documented high densities of phages in mucus samples from the lungs of some cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infections.

Working in the lab of evolutionary biologist Angus Buckling (now at the University of Exeter), Scanlan grew a strain of P. fluorescenswith a phage called Phi2 that specifically infects and destroys this bacterium. Cells with the gummy mucoid coating, the researchers noted, were more resistant to phage infection than regular cells were. Whats more, over generations, bacterial populations were more likely to evolve the mucoid phenotypes in the presence of Phi2 than they were in its absence, indicating that the phenotype may arise in Pseudomonas as an adaptive response to phage attack. Scanlan, now at University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland, notes that more work is needed to extend the findings to a clinical setting, but the results hint that phages could in some cases be responsible for driving bacteria to adopt more virulent phenotypes.

Such a role for viruses in driving bacterial evolution fits well with phages reputation as the ultimate predators, says Colin Hill, a molecular microbiologist also at UCC who got his introduction to phages studying bacteria used in making fermented foods such as cheese. Hill notes an estimate commonly cited in the context of marine biologya field that explored phage-bacteria interactions long before human biology didthat phages kill up to 50 percent of the bacteria in any environment every 48 hours. The thing that any bacterium has on its mind most, if bacteria had minds, would be phage, Hill says, because its the thing most likely to kill them.

Several in vivo animal studies lend support to the idea that predatory phages help shape bacterial evolution and community composition in the mammalian microbiome. In 2019, for example, researchers at Harvard Medical School reported that phages not only directly affect the bacteria they infect in the mouse gut, but also influence the rest of the microbiome community via cascading effects on the chemical and biological composition of the gut. Observational studies hint at similar processes at work in the human gut. A few years ago, researchers at Washington University Medical School in St. Louis observed patterns of phage and bacterial population dynamics that resembledpredator-prey cycles in the guts of children younger than two years old: low bacterial densities at birth were followed by decreases in phages, after which the bacteria would rebound, and then the phages would follow suit. The team concluded that these cycles were likely a natural part of healthy microbiome development.

Although researchers are only just beginning to appreciate the importance of phages in microbiome dynamics, theyve already begun to explore links to human disease. Authors of one 2015 study reported that Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis patients showed elevated levels of certain phages, particularly within the viral order Caudovirales. They proposed that an altered virome could contribute to pathogenesis through predator-prey interactions between phages and their bacterial hosts. Other studies have explored possible phage-driven changes in the bacterial community in human diseases such as diabetes and certain cancers that are known to be associated with a disrupted microbiome. But the observational nature of human microbiome studies prevents conclusions about what drives whatchanges in virome composition could themselves be the result of disruptions to the bacterial community, for example.

Currently, researchers are exploring the possibility of using predatory phages as weapons against pathogenic bacteria, particularly those that present a serious threat to public health due to the evolution of resistance to multiple antibiotics. Its the principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, says Yale University virologist and evolutionary biologist Paul Turner. If we have a pathogen that is in your microbiome, can we go in and remove that bacterial pathogen by introducing a predatory phage, something that is cued to only destroy [that pathogen]? Although the strategy was first proposed more than a century ago, we and others are trying to update it, he adds. (See My Enemys Enemy below.)

Phages can interact with bacteria in two main ways. In the first, phages infect a bacterial cell and hijack that cells protein-making machinery to replicate themselves, after which the newly made virus particles lyse the bacterium and go on to infect more cells. In the second process, known as lysogeny, the viral genome is incorporated into the bacterial chromosome, becoming whats known as a prophage, and lies dormantpotentially for many generationsuntil certain biotic or abiotic factors in the bacterium or the environment induce it to excise itself from the chromosome and resume the cycle of viral replication, lysis, and infection of new cells.

Predation is just one type of phage-bacteria interaction taking place within the mammalian microbiome. Many phages are capable of inserting their genomes into the bacterial chromosome, a trick beyond the bounds of traditional predator-prey relationships in other kingdoms of life that adds complexity to the relationship between phages and bacteria, and consequently, to phages potential influences on human health.

This role for phages has long been of interest to Imperial College Londons Jos Penads. Over the last 15 years or so, he and colleagues have described various ways in which many phages help bacteria swap genetic material among cells. He likens phages to cars that bacteria use to transport cargo around and says that, in his opinion, it almost makes sense to view phages as an extension of bacteria rather than as independent entities. This is part of the bacterium, he says. Without phages, bacteria cannot really evolve. They are absolutely required.

With lateral [transduction] you can move huge parts of the bacterial chromosome.

Jos Penads, Imperial College London

In the simplest case, the genetic material being transported consists of viral genes in the genomes of so-called temperate phages, which spend at least part of their lifecycle stashed away in bacterial chromosomes as prophages. These phages are coming to be appreciated by microbiologists as an important driver of bacterial evolution in the human microbiome, notes Hill. The lack of practical and accurate virus detection methods makes it difficult to precisely characterize a lot of the phages resident in mammalian guts, but microbiologists estimate that up to 50 percent are temperate phages, and, more importantly for human health, that many of them may carry genes relevant to bacterial virulence. Researchers have long known, for example, that many toxins produced by bacteriaincluding Shiga toxin, made by some pathogenic E. coli strains, and cholera toxin, secreted by the cholera-causing bacterium Vibrio choleraeare in fact encoded by viral genes contained in the bacterial chromosome, and that infection by temperate phages that carry these genes may be able to turn a harmless bacterial population into one thats pathogenic.

Evidence from other studies points to phages as capable of transporting not just their own genomes, but bits of bacterial DNA as well. In the best-studied examples of this phenomenon, known as bacterial transduction, tiny chunks of the bacterial genome get packed up into viral particles instead of or alongside the phage genome, and are shuttled to other bacterial cells. In 2018, however, Penads and colleagues presented results showing that very large pieces of bacterial DNA can also be exchanged this way, in a process the team named lateral transduction. Not only does the discovery have implications for how researchers understand viral replication in infected cells, it shines light on a novel way for bacteria to share their genes. With lateral [transduction] you can move huge parts of the bacterial chromosome, says Penads. The team first observed the phenomenon in the important human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, and is now looking for it in other taxa, he adds. Right now, for us, its important to show that its a general mechanism, with many bugs involved.

Although the research is still in the nascent stages, this mechanism could help explain findings from University of Barcelona microbiologist Maite Muniesa and others who have been studying whether phages transport antibiotic resistance genes between bacterial cells, and whether they can act as reservoirs for these genes in the natural environment. Early studies on this issue had proposed that, like many toxin genes, antibiotic resistance genes might be encoded in viral sequences and thus transported to bacteria with the rest of the viral genome. But the idea wasnt without controversya 2016 analysis of more than 1,100 phage genomes from various environments concluded that phage genomes only rarely include antibiotic resistance genes. That studys authors argued that prior reports of these genes in phage genomes were likely due to contamination, or to the difficulty of distinguishing viral sequences from bacterial ones.

Nevertheless, Muniesas team has published multiple reports of antibiotic resistance sequences in phage particles, including in samples of meat products from a Barcelonan fresh-food retailer, and more recently in seawater samplesnot only from the Mediterranean coastline but even off the coast of Antarctica, far from human populations that use antibiotics. We were pretty surprised that we found these particles in this area with low human influence, Muniesa says. Although her team hasnt determined whether the antibiotic resistance sequences are of phage or bacterial origin, she suspects they might be bacterial genes that ended up in phage particles during lateral transduction or some process like it. Bacteria are using these phage particles in a natural way to move [genes] between their brothers and sisters, lets say, she says. Its happening everywhere.

Duerkop cautions that its not yet clear how often phage-mediated transfer of antibiotic resistance genes occurs or how significant it is in the epidemiology of drug-resistant infections in people. Its not to say that antibiotic resistance cant be mediated through phage, he says. I just dont think its a major driver of antibiotic resistance.

Whatever its natural role, temperate phages ability to insert themselves into bacterial genomes could have applications in new antibacterial therapies. Viruses that insert pathogenicity-reducing genes or disrupt the normal expression of the bacterial chromosome could be used to hobble dangerous bacteria, for examplean approach that proved successful last year in mouse experiments with Bordetella bronchiseptica, a bacterium that often causes respiratory diseases in livestock. Using a phage from the order Siphoviridae, researchers found that infected B. bronchiseptica cells were substantially less virulent in mice than control cells were, likely because the viral genome had inserted itself in the middle of a gene that the bacterium needs to infect its host. Whats more, injecting mice with the phage before exposing them to B. bronchiseptica seemed to completely protect them from infection by the microbe, hinting at the possibility of using temperate phages as vaccines against some bacteria.

Bacteria-infecting viruses, or bacteriophages, may influence microbial communities in the mammalian gut in various ways, some of which are illustrated here. Through predation, phages can influence the abundance of specific bacterial taxa, with indirect effects on the rest of the community, and can drive the evolution of specific bacterial phenotypes. Phages can also incorporate their genomes into bacterial chromosomes, where the viral sequences lie dormant as prophages until reactivated. Researchers have found that phages interact directly with mammalian cells in the gut, too. These cross-kingdom interactions could affect the health of their eukaryotic hosts.

Despite growing interest in phages role in shuttling material among bacteria, some of the biggest recent developments in research on phages in the human gut have turned out not to involve bacteria at all. One of the key pieces of this particular puzzle was fitted by University of Utah microbiologist June Round and her colleagues, who as part of a phage therapy study a few years ago fed several types of Caudovirales phages to mice that were genetically predisposed to certain types of cancer and had been infected with a strain of E. coli known to increase that risk. The premise was pretty simplistic, recalls Round. It was just to identify a cocktail of phage that would target bacteria that we know drive chronic colorectal cancer.

The team was surprised to see that the phages, despite being viewed by most researchers as exclusively bacteria-attacking entities, prompted a substantial response from the mices immune systemsmammalian defenses that should, according to conventional wisdom, be indifferent to the war between bacteria and phages in the gut. Intrigued, the researchers tried adding their phage cocktail to mice that had had their gut bacteria completely wiped out with antibiotics. Still, they saw an immune response. It was then, Round says, that we realized that [the phages] were likely interacting with the immune system.

Exploring further, the team found that the phages were activating both innate and adaptive immune responses in mice. In rodents with colitis, the phages exacerbated inflammation. Turning their attention to people, the researchers isolated phages from ulcerative colitis patients with active disease, as well as from patients with disease in remission and from healthy controls, and showed that only viruses collected from patients with active disease stimulated immune cells in vitro. And when the team studied patients who received fecal microbiota transplantationan experimental treatment for ulcerative colitis that involves giving beneficial gut bacteria to a patient to try to alleviate inflammation and improve symptomsthe researchers found that a lower abundance of Caudovirales in a recipients intestine at the time of transplant correlated with treatment success.

Some of the biggest recent developments in research on phages in the human gut have turned out not to involve bacteria at all.

By the time the team published its results in 2019, a couple of other groups had also documented evidence of direct interactions between phages and host immune systems. Meanwhile, Duerkop, Hooper, and colleagues reported that mice with colitis tended to have specific bacteriophage communities, rich in Caudovirales, that developed in parallel with the disease. Many of the types of phage they identified in the intestines of those diseased mice also turned up in high abundance in samples taken from the guts of people with inflammatory bowel disease, the researchers noted in their paper, supporting a possible role for phages in the development of disease.

Round says that researchers are still unsure about exactly why these trans-kingdom interactions are happeningparticularly when it comes to host adaptive immune responses, which tend to be specific to a particular pathogen. She speculates that mammalian hosts might derive a benefit from destroying certain phages if those phages are carrying genes that could aid a bacterium with the potential to cause disease. Exactly how immune cells would detect what genes a phage is carrying isnt yet clear.

Meanwhile, hints of collaboration between eukaryotic cells and phages have cropped up in the work of several other labs. One recent study of a phage therapy against P. aeruginosa found that phages and immune cells seem to act in synergy to clear infections in mice. Other work has indicated that phages bind to glycoproteins presented by cells along the mucosal surfaces of the mammalian gut and may provide a protective barrier against bacterial pathogensa relationship that some microbiologists have argued represents an example of phage-animal symbiosis. Duerkop adds that theres evidence emerging to support the idea that phages in the mammalian intestine not only can be engulfed by certain eukaryotic cells, but also might slip out of the gut and into the bloodstream to make their way to other parts of the body, with as yet undiscovered consequences.

Whether these mechanisms can be exploited for therapeutic purposes remains to be seen, but Round notes that they do raise the possibility of unintended effects in some circumstances if researchers try to use phages to influence human health via the gut microbiome. At least in the type of chronic inflammatory diseases she and her team have been studying, we might just be making it worse by using phages to target disease-causing bacteria, she says, adding that all research groups studying such approaches should take into account potential knock-on effects. Considering phages multiple interactions, with both bacteria and animal cells, she says, its a lot more complex than what wed appreciated.

Bacteriophages ability to selectively target and kill specific bacterial strains has long been recognized as a possible basis for antimicrobial therapies. Proposed by researchers in Europe as early as 1919, phage therapy went on to be widely promoted in Germany, the USSR, and elsewhere before being overtaken worldwide by the soaring popularity of antibiotics in the 1940s. But the strategy has come back into fashion among many microbiologists, thanks to the growing public health problem of antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens and to the rapidly improving scientific understanding of phage-bacteria interactions.

Some of the latest approaches aim not only to target specific bacteria with phages, but also to avoid (or exploit) the seemingly inevitable evolution of phage resistance in those bacteria. One way researchers try to do this is by taking advantage of an evolutionary trade-off: bacterial strains that evolve adaptations to one therapy will often suffer reduced fitness when confronted with a second therapy, perhaps one that targets the same or similar pathways in a different way.

Yale University virologist and evolutionary biologist Paul Turner, for example, has studied how phages in the Myoviridae (a family in the order Caudovirales) can promote antibiotic sensitivity in the important human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Turner and colleagues showed a few years ago that one such phage binds to a protein called OprM in the bacterial cell membrane, and that bacterial populations under attack from these phages will often evolve reduced production of OprM proteins as a way of avoiding infection. However, OprM also happens to be important for pumping antibiotics out of the cell, such that abnormal OprM levels can reduce bacterias abilityto survive antibiotic treatment in vitro.

A handful of groups have published case studies using this kind of approach, known as phage steering, in humans. A couple years ago, for example, Turner and colleagues reported that a post-surgery patients chronicP. aeruginosa infection cleared up after treatment with the OprM-binding phage and the antibiotic ceftazidime. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, in partnership with California-based biotech AmpliPhi Biosciences (now Armata Pharmaceuticals), reportedsimilar successin a cystic fibrosis patient with a P. aeruginosa infection who was treated with a mixture of phages and with antibiotics. A Phase 1/2 trial for that therapy was greenlighted by the US Food and Drug Administration last October.

The complexity of the relationship between phages and bacteria, not to mention recently discovered interactions between phages and eukaryotic cells, has many researchers tempering optimism about phage therapy with caution. There might be off-target effects to this that we hadnt really thought about, says University of Colorado School of Medicine microbiologist Breck Duerkop. That said, thanks to research in the last few years, the black veil on phage therapy is, I believe, being lifted, he adds, which Im really excited about because I think they have a ton of potential to be used in biomedicine.

Read the original here:
Are Phages Overlooked Mediators of Health and Disease? - The Scientist


When Your Chance for a Covid Shot Comes, Dont Worry About the Numbers – Kaiser Health News

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

Arthur Allen and Liz Szabo, Kaiser Health NewsUse Our Content

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When getting vaccinated against covid-19, theres no sense being picky. You should take the first authorized vaccine thats offered, experts say.

The newest covid vaccine on the horizon, from Johnson & Johnson, is probably a little less effective at preventing sickness than the two shots already being administered around the United States, from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. On Friday, Johnson & Johnson announced that, in a 45,000-person trial, its vaccine was about 66% effective at preventing moderate to severe covid illness. No one who received the vaccine was hospitalized with or died of the disease, according to the company, which said it expected to seek Food and Drug Administration authorization as early as this week. If the agency authorizes use of the vaccine, millions of doses could be shipped out of J&Js warehouses beginning in late February.

The J&J vaccine is similar to the shots from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech but uses a different strategy for transporting genetic code into human cells to stimulate immunity to the disease. The Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines were found in trials last fall to be 94% effective against confirmed covid. They also prevented nearly all severe cases.

But the difference in those efficacy numbers may be deceptive. The vaccines were tested in different locations and at different phases of the pandemic. And J&J gave subjects in its trial only one dose of the vaccine, while Moderna and Pfizer have two-dose schedules, separated by 28 and 21 days, respectively. The bottom line, however, is that all three do a good job at preventing serious covid.

Its a bit like, do you want a Lamborghini or a Chevy to get to work? said Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinics Vaccine Research Group. Ultimately, I just need to get to work. If a Chevy is available, sign me up.

So while expert panels may debate in the future about which vaccine is best for whom, from a personal and public health perspective, the best advice for now is to get whatever you can as soon as you can get it, because the sooner we all get vaccinated the better off we all are, said Dr. Norman Hearst, a family doctor and epidemiologist at the University of California-San Francisco.

Here are five reasons experts say you should take the J&J shot assuming the FDA authorizes it if its the one thats offered to you first:

1. All three vaccines protect against hospitalization and death.

Of the 10 cases of severe disease in the Pfizer trial, nine received a placebo, or fake vaccine, and none of the 30 severe cases in the Moderna trial occurred in people who got the true vaccine. Johnson & Johnson did not release specific numbers but said none of the vaccinated patients were hospitalized or died. The real goal is to keep people out of the hospital and the ICU and the morgue, said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. This vaccine will do that well.

2. The efficacy levels could be a case of apples and oranges.

The data that Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech presented to the FDA for their vaccines came from large clinical trials that took place over the summer and early fall in the United States. At the time, none of the new variants of covid some of which may be better at evading the immune responses produced by vaccines were circulating here. In contrast, the J&J trial began in September and was put into the arms of people in South America, South Africa and the United States.

Newly widespread variants in Brazil and South Africa appear somewhat better at evading the vaccines defenses, and its possible a new variant in California where many J&J volunteers were enrolled may also have that trait. The J&J vaccine was 72% effective against moderate to severe covid in the U.S. part of the trial, compared with 57% in South Africa, where a more contagious mutant virus is the dominant strain. Another vaccine, made by the Maryland company Novavax, had 90% efficacy in a large British trial, but only about 50% in South Africa. The Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines might not have gotten the same sparkling results had they been tested more recently or in South Africa.

This vaccine was tested in the pandemic here and now, said Dr. Dan Barouch, a Harvard Medical School professor whose lab at the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston developed the J&J vaccine. The pandemic is a much more complex pandemic than it was several months ago.

Some of that difference in performance also could be attributable to different patient populations or disease conditions, and not just the mutant virus. A large percentage of South Africans carry the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. Chinese vaccines have performed wildly differently in countries where they were tested in recent months.

We dont know which vaccines are the Lamborghinis, Poland said, because these arent true head-to-head comparisons.

3. Speed is of the essence.

To stop the spread of covid, the mutation of the virus that causes it and the continued pummeling of the economy, we all need to be vaccinated as quickly as possible. The inadequate supply of vaccines has been felt acutely.

Dr. Virginia Banks 103-year-old mother is one of the few living Americans who were around for the countrys last great pandemic the 1918 influenza yet shes been unable to get a covid vaccination, said Banks, a physician with Northeast Ohio Infectious Disease Associates in Youngstown.

Patients cant be picky about which vaccine they accept, Banks said. People need to get vaccinated with the vaccines out today so we can get closer to herd immunity to slow the spread of the virus.

Banks has worked hard to promote covid vaccines to skeptical minority communities, frequently appearing on local TV news and making at least two presentations by Zoom each week. Blacks to date have been vaccinated against covid at much lower rates than whites.

Theres a downside to waiting, said Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and health policy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Delaying vaccination carries serious risks, given that more than 3,800 Americans have been dying every day of covid.

4. The J&J vaccine appears to have some real advantages.

First, it seems to cause fewer serious side effects like the fever and malaise suffered by some Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccine recipients. High fever and dehydration are particular concerns in fragile elderly people who have one foot on the banana peel, said Dr. Kathryn Edwards, scientific director of the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program. The J&J vaccine may be a better vaccine for the infirm.

Many people may also prefer the J&J shot because its one and done, Schaffner said. Easier for administrators too: just one appointment to schedule.

5. The J&J vaccine is much easier to ship, store and administer.

While the Johnson & Johnson vaccine can be stored in regular refrigerators, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine must be kept long-term in ultra-cold freezers at temperatures between minus 112 degrees and minus 76 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Both the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines must be used or discarded within six hours after the vial is opened. Vials of the J&J vaccine can be stored in a refrigerator and restored for later use if doses remain. Right now we have mass immunization clinics that are open but have no vaccine, said Offit. Here you have a single-dose regime with easy storage and handling.

A persons address not their personal preference may determine which vaccine they receive, said E. John Wherry, director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Pennsylvanias Perelman School of Medicine. He pointed out that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a simpler choice for rural areas.

A vaccine doesnt have to be 95% effective to be an incredible leap forward, said Wherry. When we get to the point where we have choices about which vaccine to give, it will be a luxury to have to struggle with that question.

This story was produced by KHN, which publishes California Healthline, an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation.

Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.

This story can be republished for free (details).

Read the original here:
When Your Chance for a Covid Shot Comes, Dont Worry About the Numbers - Kaiser Health News


Global CRISPR Gene Editing Market: Focus on Products, Applications, End Users, Country Data (16 Countries), and Competitive Landscape – Analysis and…

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

New York, Feb. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reportlinker.com announces the release of the report "Global CRISPR Gene Editing Market: Focus on Products, Applications, End Users, Country Data (16 Countries), and Competitive Landscape - Analysis and Forecast, 2020-2030" - https://www.reportlinker.com/p06018975/?utm_source=GNW Application Agricultural, Biomedical (Gene Therapy, Drug Discovery, And Diagnostics), Industrial, and Other Applications [Genetically Modified Foods (GM Foods), Biofuel, And Animal (Livestock) Breeding] End-User - Academic Institutes and Research Centers, Biotechnology Companies, Contract Research Organizations (CROs), and Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Companies

Regional Segmentation

North America U.S., Canada Europe Germany, France, Italy, U.K., Spain, Switzerland, and Rest-of-Europe Asia-Pacific China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific (RoAPAC) Latin America Brazil, Mexico, and Rest-of-the-Latin America Rest-of-the-World

Growth Drivers

Prevalence of Genetic Disorders and Use of Genome Editing Government and Private Funding Technology Advancement in CRISPR Gene Editing

Market Restraints

CRISPR Gene Editing: Off Target Effects and Delivery Ethical Concerns and Implications with Respect to Human Genome Editing

Market Opportunities

Expanding Gene and Cell Therapy Area CRISPR Gene Editing Scope in Agriculture

Key Companies ProfiledAbcam, Inc., Applied StemCell, Inc., Agilent Technologies, Inc., Cellecta, Inc., CRISPR Therapeutics AG, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., GeneCopoeia, Inc., GeneScript Biotech Corporation, Horizon Discovery Group PLC, Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc., Merck KGaA, New England Biolabs, Inc., Origene Technologies, Inc., Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc., Synthego Corporation, System Biosciences LLC, ToolGen, Inc., Takara Bio

Key Questions Answered in this Report: What is CRISPR gene editing? What is the timeline for the development of CRISPR technology? How did the CRISPR gene editing market evolve, and what is its scope in the future? What are the major market drivers, restraints, and opportunities in the global CRISPR gene editing market? What are the key developmental strategies that are being implemented by the key players to sustain this market? What is the patent landscape of this market? What will be the impact of patent expiry on this market? What is the impact of COVID-19 on this market? What are the guidelines implemented by different government bodies to regulate the approval of CRISPR products/therapies? How is CRISPR gene editing being utilized for the development of therapeutics? How will the investments by public and private companies and government organizations affect the global CRISPR gene editing market? What was the market size of the leading segments and sub-segments of the global CRISPR gene editing market in 2019? How will the industry evolve during the forecast period 2020-2030? What will be the growth rate of the CRISPR gene editing market during the forecast period? How will each of the segments of the global CRISPR gene editing market grow during the forecast period, and what will be the revenue generated by each of the segments by the end of 2030? Which product segment and application segment are expected to register the highest CAGR for the global CRISPR gene editing market? What are the major benefits of the implementation of CRISPR gene editing in different field of applications including biomedical research, agricultural research, industrial research, gene therapy, drug discovery, and diagnostics? What is the market size of the CRISPR gene editing market in different countries of the world? Which geographical region is expected to contribute to the highest sales of CRISPR gene editing market? What are the reimbursement scenario and regulatory structure for the CRISPR gene editing market in different regions? What are the key strategies incorporated by the players of global CRISPR gene editing market to sustain the competition and retain their supremacy?

Market OverviewThe development of genome engineering with potential applications proved to reflect a remarkable impact on the future of the healthcare and life science industry.The high efficiency of the CRISPR-Cas9 system has been demonstrated in various studies for genome editing, which resulted in significant investments within the field of genome engineering.

However, there are several limitations, which need consideration before clinical applications.Further, many researchers are working on the limitations of CRISPR gene editing technology for better results.

The potential of CRISPR gene editing to alter the human genome and modify the disease conditions is incredible but exists with ethical and social concerns. The global CRISPR gene editing market was valued at $846.2 million in 2019 and is expected to reach $10,825.1 million by 2030, registering a CAGR of 26.86% during the forecast.

The growth is attributed to the increasing demand in the food industry for better products with improved quality and nutrient enrichment and the pharmaceutical industry for targeted treatment for various diseases. Further, the continued significant investments by healthcare companies to meet the industry demand and growing prominence for the gene therapy procedures with less turnaround time are the prominent factors propelling the growth of the global CRISPR gene editing market.

Research organizations, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and institutes are looking for more efficient genome editing technologies to increase the specificity and cost-effectiveness, also to reduce turnaround time and human errors.Further, the evolution of genome editing technologies has enabled wide range of applications in various fields, such as industrial biotech and agricultural research.

These advanced methods are simple, super-efficient, cost-effective, provide multiplexing, and high throughput capabilities. The increase in the geriatric population and increasing number of cancer cases, and genetic disorders across the globe are expected to translate into significantly higher demand for CRISPR gene editing market.

Furthermore, the companies are investing huge amounts in the research and development of CRISPR gene editing products, and gene therapies. The clinical trial landscape of various genetic and chronic diseases has been on the rise in recent years, and this will fuel the CRISPR gene editing market in the future.

Within the research report, the market is segmented based on product type, application, end-user, and region. Each of these segments covers the snapshot of the market over the projected years, the inclination of the market revenue, underlying patterns, and trends by using analytics on the primary and secondary data obtained.

Competitive LandscapeThe exponential rise in the application of precision medicine on a global level has created a buzz among companies to invest in the development of novel CRISPR gene editing. Due to the diverse product portfolio and intense market penetration, Merck KGaA, and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. have been the pioneers in this field and have been the major competitors in this market. The other major contributors of the market include companies such as Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT), Genscript Biotech Corporation, Takara Bio Inc, Agilent Technologies, Inc., and New England Biolabs, Inc.

Based on region, North America holds the largest share of CRISPR gene editing market due to substantial investments made by biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, improved healthcare infrastructure, rise in per capita income, early availability of approved therapies, and availability of state-of-the-art research laboratories and institutions in the region. Apart from this, Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period.

Countries Covered North America U.S. Canada Europe Germany Italy France Spain U.K. Switzerland Rest-of-Europe Asia-Pacific China India Australia South Korea Singapore Japan Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Latin America Brazil Mexico Rest-of-Latin America Rest-of-the-WordRead the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p06018975/?utm_source=GNW

About ReportlinkerReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.


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Global CRISPR Gene Editing Market: Focus on Products, Applications, End Users, Country Data (16 Countries), and Competitive Landscape - Analysis and...


The First Targeted Therapy For Lung Cancer Patients With The KRAS Gene MutationExtraordinary Results With Sotorasib – SurvivorNet

February 1st, 2021 4:50 pm

First Targeted Therapy For Lung Cancer With KRAS

For the first time, there may be an effective treatment option for people with lung cancer that contains a genetic mutation called KRAS. The results of a groundbreaking using a drug calledSotorasib have just been published in the highly-respected New England Journal of Medicine.

Dr. Roy Herbst, Chief of Medical Oncology at Yale tells SurvivorNet We are excited we have a drug that could work in these patients. The fact that tumors respond to this therapy is a big deal.

Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death in the united states. The most common form of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), has recently seen major advancements with new treatments such as immunotherapy and targeted therapies extending the lives of thousands of patients. However, despite these recent advancements little has been available to help patients who have lung cancer with a KRAS mutation. This mutation is found in approximately 10-12% of patients with NSCLC and any drug that can improve the outlook for these patients would be a game-changer for lung cancer.

Now we finally have targeted therapy options for these patients.

In patients who have advanced stage or metastatic NSCLC most patients will have their tumor tested for genetic abnormalities or biomarkers to help their doctors select what treatments are best. Some common biomarkers such as EGFR and PDL1 have medications that doctors can use to target the lung cancer and improve a patients survival and quality of life. Despite this, one biomarker that has never had a treatment is KRAS. KRAS is a mutation that occurs in some patients with NSCLC and is generally associated with poor outcomes. One reason this mutation is considered a bad risk factor is that unlike other mutations such as EGFR there has never been a drug approved to treat this type of lung cancer.

Fortunately, for patients, this may be changing soon. A new drug called Sotorasib that specifically targets the KRAS mutation recently showed positive results in the early phase CODEBREAK 100 study. Based on the results from the early phase study Sotorasib was granted Break Through Therapy Designation and the drug has been accepted into the Real-Time Oncology Pilot Review Program by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). When discussing the trial, Dr. Velcheti, Director of the Thoracic Medical Oncology Program at NYU Langone says The CODEBREAK 100 trial represents the clinical validation of significant research efforts spanning decades. Now we finally have targeted therapy options for these patients.

Overall I am impressed with this drug. It is hard for the public to understand just how far drug development has come.

So what does this mean for patients? This means that the new drug targeting KRAS may soon be available for patients whose tumors harbor this mutation and who have not responded to other treatments.

Lung specialists from across the country were eager to speak with SurvivorNet regarding the exciting news. Dr. Brendon Stiles, Associate Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical Center tells SurvivorNet Overall I am impressed with this drug. It is hard for the public to understand just how far drug development has come. The KRAS mutation has long been considered undruggable, meaning if you have this mutation, there was not a medicine designed specifically to treat this type of cancer. The chance of responding to the new therapy is around 40%. Although, researches would prefer to see this percent be higher the results of the study give hope that future therapies may have even better outcomes. Dr. Herbst is also optimistic about the future of drugs targeting KRAS and thinks the results of this study opens up a whole new world for lung cancer. If you or a loved one have NSCLC with a KRAS mutation ask your doctor about what treatment options are best for you.

Learn more about SurvivorNet's rigorous medical review process.

Dr. Roy Herbst, Chief of Medical Oncology at Yale tells SurvivorNet We are excited we have a drug that could work in these patients. The fact that tumors respond to this therapy is a big deal.

Now we finally have targeted therapy options for these patients.

In patients who have advanced stage or metastatic NSCLC most patients will have their tumor tested for genetic abnormalities or biomarkers to help their doctors select what treatments are best. Some common biomarkers such as EGFR and PDL1 have medications that doctors can use to target the lung cancer and improve a patients survival and quality of life. Despite this, one biomarker that has never had a treatment is KRAS. KRAS is a mutation that occurs in some patients with NSCLC and is generally associated with poor outcomes. One reason this mutation is considered a bad risk factor is that unlike other mutations such as EGFR there has never been a drug approved to treat this type of lung cancer.

Fortunately, for patients, this may be changing soon. A new drug called Sotorasib that specifically targets the KRAS mutation recently showed positive results in the early phase CODEBREAK 100 study. Based on the results from the early phase study Sotorasib was granted Break Through Therapy Designation and the drug has been accepted into the Real-Time Oncology Pilot Review Program by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). When discussing the trial, Dr. Velcheti, Director of the Thoracic Medical Oncology Program at NYU Langone says The CODEBREAK 100 trial represents the clinical validation of significant research efforts spanning decades. Now we finally have targeted therapy options for these patients.

Overall I am impressed with this drug. It is hard for the public to understand just how far drug development has come.

So what does this mean for patients? This means that the new drug targeting KRAS may soon be available for patients whose tumors harbor this mutation and who have not responded to other treatments.

Lung specialists from across the country were eager to speak with SurvivorNet regarding the exciting news. Dr. Brendon Stiles, Associate Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical Center tells SurvivorNet Overall I am impressed with this drug. It is hard for the public to understand just how far drug development has come. The KRAS mutation has long been considered undruggable, meaning if you have this mutation, there was not a medicine designed specifically to treat this type of cancer. The chance of responding to the new therapy is around 40%. Although, researches would prefer to see this percent be higher the results of the study give hope that future therapies may have even better outcomes. Dr. Herbst is also optimistic about the future of drugs targeting KRAS and thinks the results of this study opens up a whole new world for lung cancer. If you or a loved one have NSCLC with a KRAS mutation ask your doctor about what treatment options are best for you.

Learn more about SurvivorNet's rigorous medical review process.

Here is the original post:
The First Targeted Therapy For Lung Cancer Patients With The KRAS Gene MutationExtraordinary Results With Sotorasib - SurvivorNet


Do Short People Live Longer? What We Know – Healthline

February 1st, 2021 4:49 pm

You may assume that being tall means, in some part, having good health. In addition to genetics and heredity, adult height is determined largely by nutritional intake during infancy and childhood. The better the nutrition, the healthier and taller youre likely to be.

But multiple studies have thrown this assumption into question. Being tall may have its perks. But, based on some studies, long life may not be one of them.

While much more evidence is needed, research indicates a possible link between height and specific diseases, as well as longevity potential.

Keep in mind, though, that short and tall are relative terms, and more research, and evidence, is needed to confirm these findings. Lifestyle habits also play a strong role in longevity potential.

Well highlight the research on this topic and break it down for you.

There are several studies indicating a correlation between height and mortality risk.

A longitudinal study of men who had served in the Italian military found that those under 161.1 cm (approx. 53) lived longer than those over 161.1 cm. This study looked at the death rates of men born between 1866 and 1915 in the same Italian village.

Researchers found that at 70 years old, the taller men were expected to live approximately 2 years less than those who were shorter.

During the years when study participants were born, the average height for men in the village was around 52. By current standards, this is relatively short.

Its also important to note that the researchers did not correlate variables, such as weight and BMI (body mass index), for this study.

A 2017 study on height and lifespan in former professional basketball players found that larger body size yielded reduced longevity. This study analyzed the height and life span of 3,901 living and deceased basketball players who played between 1946-2010.

The players had an average height of 197.78 cm. (approx. 65 tall). In this study, the tallest players in the top 5 percent for height died younger than the shortest players in the bottom 5 percent. Those born between 1941-1950 were an exception to these findings.

Researchers were quick to note that variables such as genotype variations, socioeconomic factors, medical care, weight, education, nutrition, exercise, and smoking were all factors that also play a role in determining longevity.

The FOX03 genotype and its relationship to height and longevity was analyzed in an observational study of 8,003 American men of Japanese descent.

The FOX03 gene is consistently linked to longevity in human and animal studies. It is also linked to body size, and may be one reason why shorter people may have longer lifespans.

In this study, men who were 52 or shorter were more likely to have a protective form of the FOX03 gene, and lived the longest. Those over 54 had shorter lifespans.

Shorter men were also shown to have less incidence of cancer, and lower fasting insulin levels. FOX03 is a key regulatory gene in the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway.

It is not completely understood why, or even if, shorter people are destined to live longer. Much more research is needed.

Currently, there are multiple theories:

Health complications which may be correlated with height include cancer and other conditions. Heres what the science says.

A 2016 study of American men and women found a connection between height and cancer risk, as well as death from all causes. Researchers analyzed death certificate data for 14,440 men and 16,390 women aged 25 and up.

According to researchers, an additional inch increase in height generated a 2.2 percent higher risk of death from all causes for men, and a 2.5 percent higher risk of death from all causes for women.

An additional inch increase in height generated a 7.1 percent higher risk of death from cancer for men, and a 5.7 percent higher risk of death from cancer for women.

The researchers controlled for education level and birthdays. They concluded that their findings indicated a positive increase in accessibility to excellent medical care, for conditions other than cancer, in the participants.

Cancer risk and height was analyzed in a 2013 study of 144,701 postmenopausal women. Being tall was positively associated with getting all types of cancer, including cancers of the thyroid, breast, colon, and ovaries.

Height was found to have a modest, but statistically significant, impact upon acquisition of cancer.

The researchers analyzed data from women who did not have a prior history of cancer. They also attempted to adjust for weight and body mass index.

Many variables may have had an impact on study findings, in addition to height. For example, rates of smoking and alcohol intake were shown to increase with increasing height.

Education level, ethnicity, income level, plus use of oral contraceptives and hormone therapy, may all have had an impact. Rates of cancer screenings were found to play no role in study findings.

Recurrences of VTE were found to occur more often in taller women than in those of shorter stature in multiple studies. In this instance, simply having longer legs and longer veins where a thrombus might occur may be the reason.

Age, obesity, and long-term hospitalizations are other potential risk factors for this condition.

Many factors impact upon longevity, and height may be one of them. However, this doesnt mean that taller people are destined to live short lives, or that short people are destined to live long ones.

Lifestyle choices can also greatly impact disease acquisition and longevity. To be healthier and potentially increase your lifespan, you can:

Multiple studies have found a correlation between height and longevity. Short people have been found to resist certain diseases such as cancer, and to live longer lives.

But these studies, while compelling, are far from conclusive. The best thing you can do if youre concerned about longevity is to make lifestyle choices that have a positive effect on your lifespan regardless of how tall you are.

Original post:
Do Short People Live Longer? What We Know - Healthline


Hereford Thrives In Uncertain Year – Drovers Magazine

February 1st, 2021 4:49 pm

Despite the challenges of 2020, the American Hereford Association reports breed growth. In a year that was anything but predictable, Hereford breeders and the American Hereford Association (AHA) continued to add value to Hereford genetics. Year-end reports shared during the Associations recent annual meeting show their efforts paid off.

As the commercial industry has looked to add crossbreeding back into the programs to increase fertility, longevity, disposition all the things that are known in Hereford cattle its created a great opportunity for us, says Jack Ward, AHA executive vice president.

Ward reports the Association experienced increases in registrations and memberships this fiscal year, while sale averages climbed. The real excitement within our breed and within our membership is in its growth, Ward says.Its seen growth because the breeders have been committed to genetic improvement and providing the tools necessary to make the changes to produce the type of product that their customers need and then, ultimately, the consumer. Its all encompassing.

A drive for genetic improvement includes a focus on the female. The Association incorporated genomic information into its suite of maternal traits, and female genotypes accounted for almost 60% of the 25,000 genotypes submitted to the organization during the fiscal year.

I really think that speaks highly to our breeders commitment to really get the most of the females that theyre keeping, says Shane Bedwell, AHA chief operating officer and director of breed improvement. Youll find about a 20% to 25%, up to a 30%, increase in those maternal traits in the last three years.

The Association also reports tremendous strides in other economically relevant traits, including carcass. Weve made incredible improvements in postweaning growth and end product merit, Bedwell adds. Thats evident in the amount of cattle that are now grading well in the Hereford breed.

Benefits in conversion and cost of gain have more producers utilizing the Associations commercial programs like Hereford Advantage to add value to Hereford and Hereford-influenced calves.Meanwhile, Certified Hereford Beef celebrated its 25th anniversary and another successful year.

No matter where you drive in the U.S., you find Hereford cattle. Theyre adaptable, they work hard. Theyre efficient, Bedwell notes. We need efficient cattle in these times and in our production system, and Hereford genetics thrive. Ward adds, Producers want it all and, with Herefords, you can Come Home to Hereford, use good Hereford genetics and take advantage of those opportunities.

Learn more about additional AHA opportunities or news from AHAs 2020 Annual Meeting at Hereford.org. Youll find a series of highlights, including the presentation of more than $150,000 in scholarships, as well as breed honorees and other Hereford news. Virtual educational sessions covering topics from genomics to marketing are also available.

Merck Animal Health, Neogen Corporation, National Cattlemens Beef Association and National Corn Growers Association were among major sponsors of the AHA Annual Membership Meeting and Conference.

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Hereford Thrives In Uncertain Year - Drovers Magazine


Women’s Menstrual Cycles Tied to Moon’s Phases – HealthDay News

February 1st, 2021 4:49 pm

THURSDAY, Jan. 28, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- There have long been theories that women's menstrual cycles align with the moon, and now a new study suggests there's some truth to that.

Using years of records kept by 22 women, researchers found that for many, menstrual cycles "intermittently" synced up with the phases of the moon.

The link happened only about one-quarter of the time for women aged 35 or younger, and just 9% of the time for older women. There was a great deal of variance, though, among individuals.

And for a few women, there were hints that excessive exposure to artificial light at night could have thrown off any moon-menstruation synchrony.

One expert called the findings "interesting," and said they might reflect remnants of a lunar influence that benefited humans' ancient ancestors.

Early primates were nocturnal creatures, so a degree of moon-influenced behavior would make sense for them, according to Deena Emera.

Emera, who was not involved in the study, is an evolutionary geneticist based at the Buck Institute's Center for Reproductive Longevity and Equality, in California.

Mating is risky business, Emera noted, as it makes animals vulnerable to predators. So mating during the new moon, under cover of more darkness, would be a "reasonable strategy," she said.

That also means there would be an advantage to ovulation being timed to the new moon.

"I think any [moon-menstruation] synchronization seen today is probably a relic of an ancient primate trait," Emera said.

She also stressed that women need not worry if their menstrual cycles are not wedded to the moon.

"We're so different from those early rodent-like primates," Emera said. "We certainly don't need to sync our cycles to the moon to successfully reproduce."

The study, published online Jan. 27 in the journal Science Advances, is far from the first to investigate moon-menstruation correlations.

The most obvious one is that both lunar and menstrual cycles are roughly one month long. But research dating back to the 1950s has suggested other links: Women were found to commonly start their periods around the time of the full moon. That would mean ovulation happened near the new moon, two weeks before.

However, relatively more recent studies uncovered no such links.

"I was puzzled by the discrepancy between these quite old results and later studies," said Charlotte Helfrich-Frster, the lead researcher on the new study. She's chair of neurobiology and genetics at the University of Wrzburg, in Germany.

Helfrich-Frster's team took a different approach. Instead of studying a large group of women and looking for broad patterns, they had 22 women keep menstruation diaries, which they did for an average of 15 years, and up to 32 years.

Among women aged 35 or younger, the researchers found, menstrual periods synced up with the moon phases about 24% of the time. But the women varied widely: Some were aligned with the moon more often than not, while others never were.

Three women in the "never" category also reported substantial exposure to artificial light at night.

However, Helfrich-Frster said, it's not possible to say whether the bright lights of modern life have disrupted any synchrony between women's cycles and the moon.

Like Emera, she framed the findings in evolutionary terms, but within human history.

Long ago, Helfrich-Frster said, it would have been prudent to stay inside on dark new-moon nights. And why not use that time to mate? In theory, she explained, women who regularly ovulated around new-moon time would have more children and "spread their genes that inherit the timing to the moon."

When it comes to links between lunar rhythms and reproduction, many studies have found them in sea animals, said Satchidananda Panda, an adjunct professor of biological sciences at the University of California, San Diego.

But, he said, that is seen only rarely in today's primates.

Panda said the current study "opens up another line of scientific investigation on biological rhythms."

He also speculated that in humans, the moon might indirectly influence menstrual cycles.

"For example," Panda said, "many cultural activities in ancestral societies, or even in modern-day Asia and Africa, are on full-moon days or tied to the lunar cycle."

Certain foods consumed during those events, like soybeans, might affect hormonal activity, he added.

More information

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has more on the menstrual cycle.

SOURCES: Charlotte Helfrich-Frster, PhD, chair, neurobiology and genetics, University of Wrzburg, Germany; Deena Emera, PhD, Center for Reproductive Longevity and Equality, Buck Institute, Novato, Calif.; Satchidananda Panda, PhD, adjunct professor, biological sciences, University of California, San Diego, and professor, Salk Institute, La Jolla, Calif.; Science Advances, Jan. 27, 2021, online

Originally posted here:
Women's Menstrual Cycles Tied to Moon's Phases - HealthDay News


Is The Full Moon Affecting Your Sleep and Flow? – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

February 1st, 2021 4:49 pm

Specifically, the study found that in women aged 35 or younger, their cycles synced up with the moon phases about 24% of the time. That said, the researchers also noted that synchronization slowly disappeared over time as the women grew older, and found that the link lessened as a result of increased exposure to artificial light.

It appears that menstrual cycles arent the only thing that can be altered or affected by the moon.

The study, published on the 27th of January, involved researchers analyzing the sleep patterns of 98 people from the Toba Indigenous communities located in northeast Argentina. One group was rural, with no access to electricity, the second had limited access to electricity and the third was located in an urban setting with full access.

According to study co-author, Horacio de la Iglesia, their reason for this was because they are all ethnically and socioculturally homogeneous, so it has become an outstanding opportunity to address questions about sleep under different levels of urbanization without other confounding effects.

In addition to collecting data through the use of sleep-monitoring wrist devices, the researchers also used sleep data from 464 college students in the Seattle area. It should be noted that the college student data had been originally collected for a separate study.

See the original post here:
Is The Full Moon Affecting Your Sleep and Flow? - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


Calico Purring Right Along With Life Extension Research – Nanalyze

February 1st, 2021 4:49 pm

Earlier this month, Alphabet (GOOG) took the air out of its Loon subsidiary, a former moonshot project for deploying internet around the world using high-flying balloons. Apparently, the economics just didnt work out. No word on how much Googles parent company spent on Loon, but SoftBank had sunk $125 million into the business in 2019. This seems like the latest sign that the tech giant is tightening its belt a bit in an increasingly risky regulatory environment. That made us wonder whats happening with another venture that isnt contributing anything to its bottom line. Lets dive into Calico, a subsidiary focused on life extension research and development.

Calico is pretty much the opposite of Verily Life Sciences, the Alphabet unit working to digitize healthcare in every possible way. Verily is one of the few companies that does generate some revenue among the $461 million that its sideline subsidiaries earned through the first nine months of 2020. Some of the joint ventures connected to Verily are developing apps or new medical devices, with a certain amount of publicity and transparency. Calico operates more like a nonprofit research center thats secretly working on some biotech version of the Manhattan Project, so most of what we read is pretty superficial and saccharine.

At face value, Calico is pure anti-aging R&D, starting at the very beginning of the problem with what is aging? For example, one of its public-facing projects involves studying how yeast ages, apparently without in situ experiments involving a teenagers room. The premise (in very broad strokes) is that if we can understand how yeast age at the cellular level, we could all one day look like Brad Pitt forever. But the biggest news to emerge is that Calico scientists created a bit of new technology to help analyze the yeast cells, enabling genome-wide characterization of the aging process, which certainly sounds significant and was published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The Miniature-chemostat Aging Device (MAD) purifies 50 million old cells in a single test tube to speed up the search for genetic biomarkers of aging. An additional platform that sounds similar to the technology used in lab-on-a-chip solutions developed by companies like Berkeley Lights (BLI) allows scientists to observe the entire aging process in single cells hundreds of thousands each week allowing them to screen for lifespan-extending modifications that can increase the yeast lifespan beyond that of your ordinary lab yeast. The company integrated computer vision and machine learning to recognize cell division from time-lapse images or to measure the age of a cell directly from static images.

While a new cell-counting gizmo using AI sounds great, thats certainly not something out of reach for any large research university. Calico is a company that has at least $2.5 billion in funding thanks to its most high-profile partnership with AbbVie (ABBV), a pharmaceutical company with a market cap of nearly $200 billion as of late January 2021.

The companies first joined forces in September 2014. Three years later, Calico and AbbVie had already burned through $1 billion, but that didnt stop the duo from extending their research collaboration and kicking in another $500 million each, according to the San Francisco Business Times. So you would think theres some high-pressure expectation to produce an anti-aging Brad Pitt pill or something significant. What has all that money produced? According to the company, the partnership has resulted in two dozen early-stage programs addressing disease states across oncology and neuroscience and new insights into the biology of aging.

The 2018 deal makes Calico responsible for research and early development until 2022 and for advanced collaboration projects through Phase 2a clinical trials through 2027. In fact, theres actually a whisper of something finally gaining traction. Endpoints News was the first to report that a team from Calico and AbbVie is conducting a phase 1 safety study to test a drug called ABBV-CLS-579 for treating solid tumors. The article also noted how one of the companys principal investigators just published a paper in Nature on how Calico is using AI to predict genome folding from DNA sequence alone.

Calico is mining for answers to longevity in human DNA by creating its own hardware and software to automate and accelerate that search. One of its other high-profile ventures, in fact, involved mining the genetic database of Ancestry.com for three years. The Holy Grail was to find genetic commonalities among those who live longer, but research delivered some unexpected results. Another study based on the Ancestry data in another prestigious journal, Genetics, found that while longevity runs in families, DNA isnt as strong an influence on how long an individual lives, so just because Grandpa Joe lived to 103 doesnt mean youre going to outlive a lifetime of junk food.

Other ongoing collaborations include the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, and C4 Therapeutics (CCCC), a small-cap biotech company focused on treating diseases of aging, including cancer, by degrading proteins known to drive disease.

Pretty much every story on Calico refers to the fact that the former Genentech CEO Art Levinson, who has a PhD in biochemistry, is in charge of the Alphabet subsidiary. Acquired by Roche for nearly $47 billion about a dozen years ago, Genentech was considered the worlds oldest and most successful biotechnology company. Its also worth noting that he serves on the boards of Apple and the Broad Institute, as well as formerly served on the boards of small-cap biotechs, including Amyris Biotechnologies, a synthetic biology stock. He is also an advisor on a bunch of scientific boards. So the assumption is that this guy knows what hes doing in terms of his scientific expertise needed to lead one of the most well-funded, private, anti-aging R&D labs in the world.

As we told you more than five years ago, Calico will likely forever be an innovation lab similar to Alphabets DeepMind AI lab in London. The only thing close to a pure-play in the longevity theme is perhaps C4 Therapeutics, which has developed a novel platform for harnessing the bodys natural mechanisms for regulating protein levels to fight diseases of aging. But the Boston area biopharmaceutical company is on pace to double its losses in 2020 from 2019, and it gets all of its revenue from collaboration agreements like the one with Calico. Well just have to wait for a Brad Pitt pill and make our money on the market the old-fashioned way over time.

Pure-play disruptive tech stocks are not only hard to find, but investing in them is risky business. That's whywe created The Nanalyze Disruptive Tech Portfolio Report, which lists 20disruptive techstocks we love so much weve invested in them ourselves. Find out which tech stocks we love, like, and avoid in this special report, now available for all Nanalyze Premiumannual subscribers.

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Calico Purring Right Along With Life Extension Research - Nanalyze


Dr. William Kelley inducted into IAOTPs Hall of Fame – PRUnderground

February 1st, 2021 4:49 pm

Dr. William N. Kelley, MACP, MACR, Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, was recently inducted into the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) Hall of Fame.

Being selected by the International Association of Top Professionals is an esteemed honor, as only 20 IAOTP members are inducted each year into the exclusive Hall of Fame. These special honorees are distinguished by their longevity in their fields, the contributions they have made to society, and the impact they have had on their industries.

With over five decades of professional experience as an Educator, Physician Scientist, and Medical Doctor, Dr. Kelley has undoubtedly proven himself an extraordinary professional and an expert in medical research and education. Dr. Kelley is a dynamic, results-driven leader who has demonstrated success as one of the most respected doctors in America. In the early 1990s at PENN, Dr. Kelley, in his role as Dean of the Medical School and CEO of the Health System (the combination now known as PENN Medicine), began to build a broad research program focused on the creation of gene-based medicine and vaccines as a new method for preventing and curing human disease. While the road was a rocky one over the last three decades, he is proud to note that PENN Medicine is now the global leader in this new field. This includes the two recently FDA approved mRNA vaccines (Moderna and Biontech/Pfizer) to prevent COVID-19 which came from the PENN Medicine research laboratories of Doctors Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman. He is noted for developing the first fully integrated university-based academic health system in the country at the University of Pennsylvania and expanding the Medical Centers regional footprint by acquiring hospitals and private practices, including Pennsylvania Hospital and Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. Dr. Kelleys impressive repertoire of roles has included Dean of the Perelman School of Medicine, CEO of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, and Founding CEO of the Penn Health System (now known as Penn Medicine).

Prior appointments included Professor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, and Chief of Rheumatic and Genetic Diseases at Duke University, followed by Professor of Biological Chemistry and Internal Medicine, and Chair of Internal Medicine with the Medical School at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Dr. Kelley was known for his breakthrough research and leadership of academic medical programs at Duke and the University of Michigan when he arrived at Penn. During Dr. Kelleys Tenure, the Perelman School became a research powerhouse moving the school into the top 3 rankings for NIH funding. There is now a Professorship named in his honor at the Perelman School of Medicine.

Dr. Kelley earned his Doctor of Medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, in 1963 and subsequently served an internship and residency in Medicine at the Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, TX. He completed his senior residency in Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Dr. Kelleys other titles have included Clinical Associate in Human Biochemical Genetics with the National Institutes of Health, Educator to Fellow of Medicine at Harvard University, and Macy Faculty scholar at the University of Oxford in England. Later in his career, he received an honorary Master of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania.

The President of IAOTP, Stephanie Cirami, stated, Inducting Dr. Kelley into our Hall of Fame was an effortless decision for our panel to make. In addition to his long list of accomplishments and accolades, he is well regarded and well recognized in academic medicine. We are thrilled to honor him in this way and look forward to celebrating his success with him.

Throughout his illustrious career, Dr. Kelley has received many awards, accolades and has been recognized worldwide for his outstanding leadership and commitment to the profession. He will be honored at IAOTPs 2021 Annual Awards Gala, being held at the Plaza Hotel in NYC for his selection as Top Professor of the Year in Medicine for 2020; he will be inducted on stage at the ceremony for his appointment into the Hall of Fame. In 2018 he received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2005, Dr. Kelley was presented with the Kober Medal by the Association of American Physicians and the Emory Medal in 2000 from his alma mater, Emory University. He was the recipient of the David E. Rogers Award from the Association of American Medical Colleges, the John Phillips Award of the American College of Physicians, the Gold Medal Award from the American College of Rheumatology, the Robert H. Williams Award from the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, and the National Medical Research Award from the National Health Council. Dr. Kelley has been featured in many magazines and publications, including Whos Who in America, Whos Who in Medicine and Healthcare, and Whos Who in the World.

Aside from his successful career, Dr. Kelley is a sought-after lecturer, speaker, and contributor to numerous professional journals and chapters to books. He was the co-inventor of a Viral-Mediated Gene Transfer System, now the most commonly used method today for in vivo gene therapy. Dr. Kelley founded and edited numerous early editions of Kelley and Firesteins Textbook of Rheumatology and Kelleys Textbook of Internal Medicine. He was also editor-in-chief for Essentials of Internal Medicine and co-editor of Arthritis Surgery and Emerging Policies for Bio-Medical Research. Dr. Kelley has served on the Board of Directors for many public companies such as Beckman Coulter, Inc. and Merck & Co., Inc, and has been involved with many committees and subcommittees with the National Institutes of Health. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, The American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society.

Looking back, Dr. Kelley attributes his success to his perseverance, his education, his mentors as well as outstanding students and trainees he has had along the way. When not working, he enjoys traveling and spending time with his family. For the future, he hopes that his contributions will continue to improve human health worldwide.

For more information on Dr. Kelley please visit: http://www.iaotp.com

Watch his video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uhxBnYVY54


The International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) is an international boutique networking organization that handpicks the worlds finest, most prestigious top professionals from different industries. These top professionals are given an opportunity to collaborate, share their ideas, be keynote speakers, and to help influence others in their fields. This organization is not a membership that anyone can join. You have to be asked by the President or be nominated by a distinguished honorary member after a brief interview.

IAOTPs experts have given thousands of top prestigious professionals around the world, the recognition and credibility that they deserve andhave helped in building their branding empires.IAOTP prides itself to bea one of a kind boutique networking organization that hand picks only the best of the best and creates a networking platform that connects and brings these top professionals to one place.

For More information on IAOTP please visit: http://www.iaotp.com

Dr. William Kelley inducted into IAOTPs Hall of Fame - PRUnderground


Baptist Health of Northeast Florida Joins Forces with Blue Zones to Begin Building a Plan for Well-Being Transformation in Jacksonville – PR Web

February 1st, 2021 4:49 pm

Baptist Healths vision is A Lifetime of Health, Together. That vision extends beyond the walls of our hospitals and calls us to help all people in the community live longer and healthier lives. -- Brett McClung, President and CEO of Baptist Health

MINNEAPOLIS (PRWEB) January 26, 2021

Baptist Health has invited Blue Zones to bring its expertise in well-being innovation to Jacksonville. The first phase is a Blue Zones Activate assessment and feasibility study that will help determine how to make Jacksonville a healthier and happier place to live, work, and grow old.

Research shows that where people live has a significant influence on their health even more than their genetics. Blue Zones tackles this "zip code effect" by using scientifically proven lessons of longevity, health, and happiness gleaned from their 20 years of international research to boost the well-being of entire communities.

By focusing on making permanent and semi-permanent changes to the Life Radius--the area close to home where people spend 90% of their lives--Blue Zones has helped hundreds of communities achieve measurable improvements in its residents health.

Baptist Healths vision is A Lifetime of Health, Together, said Brett McClung, President and CEO of Baptist Health. That vision extends beyond the walls of our hospitals and calls us to help all people in the community live longer and healthier lives. We are excited to build on a long legacy of community partnership by inviting Blue Zones, a proven leader in community-led health improvement, to help Jacksonville learn some new and innovative ways to achieve transformational results.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this work begins at a time when public focus is now, more than ever, on the interconnectedness of our health to that of our friends and neighbors. As a proven and comprehensive solution influencing social determinants of health and improving health equity, the Blue Zones approach for strengthening community well-being will be critical as we navigate recovery.

In the assessment phase, which begins in January and concludes with recommendations in May, Blue Zones collaborates with local leaders to assess readiness and build a plan for change. The Blue Zones team, made up of global experts in food systems, the built environment, tobacco and alcohol use, health equity, and happiness, will work with local experts and leaders to assess the highest priority needs and opportunities, as well as strengths and challenges.

Ben Leedle, CEO of Blue Zones said, We are excited to learn from and share our knowledge with Jacksonville leaders, and we applaud Baptist Health for spearheading this movement. Improved well-being leads to healthier and happier residents, a better and more productive workforce, and a more vibrant economy. We are excited to create a transformation plan for Jacksonville that will improve the lives of current and future generations.

For more information on Blue Zones Activate or to learn how to get involved, visit bluezones.com/activate-jacksonville.

About Blue Zones Blue Zones employs evidence-based ways to help people live longer, better. The companys work is rooted in explorations and research done by National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner in Blue Zones regions around the world, where people live extraordinarily long and/or happy lives. The original research and findings were released in Buettner's bestselling books The Blue Zones Solution, The Blue Zones of Happiness, The Blue Zones, Thrive, and Blue Zones Kitchenall published by National Geographic books. Using original Blue Zones research, Blue Zones works with cities and counties to make healthy choices easier through permanent and semi-permanent changes to our human-made surroundings. Participating communities have experienced double-digit drops in obesity and tobacco use and have saved millions of dollars in healthcare costs. For more information, visit bluezones.com.

About Baptist Health Baptist Health is a faith-based, mission-driven system in Northeast Florida comprised of Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville; Baptist Medical Center Beaches; Baptist Medical Center Nassau; Baptist Medical Center South; Baptist Clay Medical Campus and Wolfson Childrens Hospital the regions only childrens hospital. All Baptist Health hospitals, along with Baptist Home Health Care, have achieved Magnet status for excellence in patient care. Baptist Health is part of Coastal Community Health, a highly integrated regional hospital network focused on significant initiatives designed to enhance the quality and value of care provided to our contiguous communities. Baptist Health has the areas only dedicated heart hospital; orthopedic institute; womens services; neurological institute, including comprehensive neurosurgical services, a comprehensive stroke center and two primary stroke centers; a Bariatric Center of Excellence; a full range of psychology and psychiatry services; urgent care services; and primary and specialty care physicians offices throughout Northeast Florida. The Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center is a regional destination for multidisciplinary cancer care, which is clinically integrated with the MD Anderson Cancer Center, the internationally renowned cancer treatment and research institution in Houston. For more details, visit baptistjax.com.

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Baptist Health of Northeast Florida Joins Forces with Blue Zones to Begin Building a Plan for Well-Being Transformation in Jacksonville - PR Web


Dancing on Ice’s Colin Jackson to get stem cell op as he’s got ‘knees of 85-year-old’ – Mirror Online

February 1st, 2021 4:48 pm

At the age of 53, Dancing On Ice favourite Colin Jackson looks every inch the super-fit Olympian.

But the sporting icons winning smile as he skates with partner Klabera Komini hides a world of pain.

Because today, 110m hurdles hero Colin tells how track stardom has left him with the knees of an octogenarian.

The former world record holder is in constant agony, struggles to get out of his car and fears he could even end up in a wheelchair.

But he is now facing his biggest hurdle of all stem cell therapy to repair his damaged knees.

Colin says the treatment, which will begin next week, is the last roll of the dice to avoid joint replacement surgery.

Im in constant pain but you learn to live it with it, says the 1988 Olympic silver medallist and former World Champion hurdler.

Ive got the body of a man in his mid-30s but the knees of a man in his mid-80s. Ive had seven operations on my knees already four on the right knee and three on the left knee.

"I just cant face any more.

My knees lock up after long car journeys, and getting in and out of the bath is awkward.

It takes me ages to get going in the morning.

Colins glittering career left him with extensive damage to his kneecaps, cartilage, ligaments and tendons and he also has a degenerative condition that can make it difficult to get out of bed, let alone skate.

He needs to do a string of warm-up exercises every morning and has to take paracetamol and ibuprofen before every rink training session.

But Colin, a runner-up on Strictly Come Dancing in 2005, reckons his mental toughness is getting him through his sessions on the ice.

His family tried to talk him out of appearing on the hit ITV show, fearing he could suffer life-changing injuries if he falls.

But the will to win that once shot Colin to athletics stardom shone through.

I dont believe my knees will hamper my progress on the show, he says. That may sound contradictory because I am in pain, but Im in pain every day anyway, whether Im on the show or not.

My family is worried and just keep telling me to be careful but Im just not built that way. I love the challenge.

Right now, Ill compete and worry about things afterwards.

Colin is pinning all his hopes on starting the stem cell therapy and says hes praying for a miracle.

Its definitely the last roll of the dice to avoid knee replacement surgery somewhere down the line, he says.

Otherwise I will have to have more surgery at some stage. There is no doubt about that.

Im praying for a miracle because I really dont want knee replacements and I dont want to be in a wheelchair.

I want to be able to walk down the street when Im older. As part of his treatment, the BBC athletics commentator will have one million stem cells injected into each knee and more cells delivered afterwards via an IV drip.

The first session to prepare his body for the jabs will take place at Harley Street Stem Cell Clinic in London next week. Overall, it will cost him 25,000.

Colin is being treated by Dr Aamer Khan, who has specialised in the remarkable therapy since 2009.

Dr Khan said: Human stem cells are able to develop into different cell types that can be used to replace damaged tissue all over the body. They can drastically improve an individuals overall quality of life by reducing pain.

Colins condition will get worse if untreated and joint replacement is a real possibility if the therapy doesnt work. If it does, however, Colin could feel improvements in just four weeks and the full benefit after 12.

In the meantime, he plans to keep going for as long as he possibly can on Dancing On Ice a show notorious for falls and injuries.

So far this series, two professional skaters have been hospitalised because of training injuries and celeb contestant Denise van Outen dislocated her shoulder.

But Colin knows hes no longer the young athlete who thought nothing of pushing himself to the limit during his career.

When you are young, you dont worry about it, he says.

But when you get older, you realise the grief you have caused yourself. On a good day, the pain level is three out of 10 but on a bad day its a 10.

Being down on my knees is painful and I have to be careful with twisting and turning. But I still work out, I still go to the gym and do yoga and Pilates because I dont want to give in to it.

Before I train I will take ibuprofen so I dont exacerbate the problem.

But Im worried about walking on the pavement when its icy out, so I must be completely mad to be doing Dancing On Ice!

Colin says he was aware of what was coming during his career. I knew my knees were going to be a problem but I hadnt started to feel it until I got into my 50s, he says.

I still want an outdoor life. I still want to ski and go snowboarding. Im terrified my lifestyle will be badly affected but also that the everyday things might become difficult.

Colin says that these days, he cant even contemplate the sport that made him famous.

I couldnt clear a hurdle. Forget it. My knees wont let me, he says.

Ive attempted some small hurdles but the next day, my knees were really killing me. I just cant do those things any more.

When Dr Khan told me he may be able to help just before Christmas, I said, Lets give it a go. Ive got nothing to lose.

But this is a degenerative problem and there is huge potential I could end up in a wheelchair without a knee replacement or if the stem cell therapy doesnt work.

Colin realises people will probably think he is crazy for doing Dancing On Ice when the consequences of a fall could be so serious for him.

But he says: I feel that the other parts of my body are strong.

Being an athlete, Ive had so much treatment, injections and surgeries and still competed and had to perform so I am in the same mindset for Dancing On Ice. Its not new to me.

Every day as an athlete, I would perform with injuries and then hobble into bed but then go out the next day and do it all again.

It is something built into you when you have competed at the highest level, but Im not a fool.

Im not going to be like I was at 21 after the treatment, but if I can get 10% better, thats a huge amount of pain relief.

If the therapy doesnt work and Dr Khan says, Stop going to the gym, stop skiing and snowboarding because they are going to wear out your knees, then that would be difficult.

Its on my mind because being sedentary is not a good thing for me.

Its going to be a bitter pill if it comes to that but Im just praying the stem cells work their miracle.

Continue reading here:
Dancing on Ice's Colin Jackson to get stem cell op as he's got 'knees of 85-year-old' - Mirror Online


Canada’s blood supply has a diversity problem and people are dying because of it – CBC.ca

February 1st, 2021 4:45 pm

Lauren Sanostill wonders,if things were different, whether her father's life couldhave been saved.

"You always wonder if there was someone in the registry who was a bettermatch would have resulted in better outcomes and less transplant complications."

Mark Sanowas a 52-year-old Toronto father of three. He worked in the financial industry as a marketing manager and in his spare time was an avid sportsman who loved tennis, hockey and especially skiing.

In November of 2019 he was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. The only thing that couldsave his life, doctors told his family,was a stem cell transplant;a critical treatment for blood cancers and dozens of other diseases.

According to Canadian Blood Services (CBS), stem cells are the body's basic building blocks the raw material from which all cells are made. In blood, stem cells can become red, white blood cells or even blood platelets.

"Without stem cells, the body cannot make the blood cells needed for the immune system to function," CBS says, which runs the national blood bank.

It says a patient must find a match with a donor, and that is usually a person who shares the same ethnic background.

CBS says right now, donors to Canada's blood stem cell registry are more than two-thirds Caucasian, with the other third fracturedin uneven splintersacross race and ethnicity.

It means an Asian patient like Sano, according to the Canadian Blood Services stem cell registry, would have anywhere from seven to less than one per cent chanceof finding a match, depending on hisparticular genetic background.

So when the Sano family sought a match, they found a lack of minority donors who were aclose enough. Sano's daughter Lauren was the closest they could find and even then, she was far from ideal.

"I ended up being a half-match for him and was his donor.It was the most fulfilling and grounding experience."

As fulfilling as it was, it wasn't enough.Sano died at Princess Margaret Hospital in October 2020, 18 months after he was first diagnosed.

Lauren still wonders, whether her dad's life could have been saved, had they found the right donor from a more racially diverse pool of donors.

"I feel very lucky I was able to give him the gift of life.I was at least grateful that I was able to do this for my dad."

The dearth of diversity in Canada's stem cell registry is a problem Canadian Blood Services is familiar with, according toHeidi Elmoazzen, the agency's director of stem cells. Shehas been actively working on increasing the pool of minority donors to give minority patientsa better shot at getting better.

"We find that people tend to find matches within the same ethnic or racial background as them, which is why we're trying to build a registry that reflects the unique diversity we have here in Canada."

Some groups are more diverse than others when it comes to the make up of their stem cells, according to Elmoazzen. For example, she saysBlack people tend to be the most diverse.

A Black person whose ancestors are from the Caribbean might not have the same markers as someone from say, eastern Africa, which makes finding a match challenging.

Adding to the complication is that to harvest stem cells, you literally need young blood.Only young people, between the ages of 17 and 35 can apply.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has also disrupted recruitment efforts, Elmoazzen says.Canadian Blood Services finds 60 to 70 per cent of its potential stem cell donors during its community clinics and with everyone staying home, the number of people visiting is down.

"It's had a heavy impact on our ability to recruit donors this year," she adds.

Still, virtual drives are underway. People interested in donating can still sign up through the Canadian Blood Services website.

There are also volunteers like Lauren Sano, who along with a number of Western University students will be pushing for donations in a virtual blood stem cell drive this month in honour of Black History Month and in April.

The hope is that by reaching out to diverse communities, Sanosays her goal is to help people make donating blood a habit. She says she hopes that willnot only will boost the blood supply, but the supply of blood products, such as stem cells and platelets as well.

See more here:
Canada's blood supply has a diversity problem and people are dying because of it - CBC.ca


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