Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy – Video
October 13th, 2011 1:09 pm the scientific basis for using cord blood stem cells to treat cerebral palsy
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Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy - Video the scientific basis for using cord blood stem cells to treat cerebral palsy
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Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy - Video
Chocolate has received a lot of attention for being a treasure trove of nutritional goodness. Polyphenols in cacao beans are linked to promoting heart, brain, and liver health, which has sparked renewed interest in chocolate as a medicinal food. And a new study adds to the growing list of benefits, showing that chocolate polyphenols also help to lower bad cholesterol.
Published in the journal Diabetic Medicine, the study tested the effects of polyphenol-rich chocolate in a group of 12 volunteers with type-2 diabetes. After 16 weeks, the researchers from Hull University in the U.K. discovered that the polyphenols helped lower participants' bad cholesterol levels while raising good cholesterol levels.
"Chocolate with a high cocoa content should be included in the diet of individuals with type-2 diabetes as part of a sensible, balanced approach to diet and lifestyle," said professor Steve Akin, author of the study. Read more...
Immunice for Immune Support
Chocolate has received a lot of attention for being a treasure trove of nutritional goodness. Polyphenols in cacao beans are linked to promoting heart, brain, and liver health, which has sparked renewed interest in chocolate as a medicinal food. And a new study adds to the growing list of benefits, showing that chocolate polyphenols also help to lower bad cholesterol.
Published in the journal Diabetic Medicine, the study tested the effects of polyphenol-rich chocolate in a group of 12 volunteers with type-2 diabetes. After 16 weeks, the researchers from Hull University in the U.K. discovered that the polyphenols helped lower participants' bad cholesterol levels while raising good cholesterol levels.
"Chocolate with a high cocoa content should be included in the diet of individuals with type-2 diabetes as part of a sensible, balanced approach to diet and lifestyle," said professor Steve Akin, author of the study. Read more...
Immunice for Immune Support
In this video I will lay out my thinking as to why stem cell therapy is the next boom; it will in fact, change the world. What do you think?
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The New World of Medicine: Stem Cell Therapy Stem Cell Therapy for Repairing Joint Injuries | Stem Cell Therapy is effective in many orthopedic applications. Restore function and relieve pain from torn ligaments, tendons and damaged cartilage.
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Repair Your Joint Injuries With Stem Cell Therapy | Los Angeles | Beverly Hills | Hollywood
A short film about three spinal cord injury patients who share their stories of tragedy, hope and recovery following stem cell treatments for spinal cord injury at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama. See them demonstrate their improvements by lifting themselves up, standing and even walking.
Continue reading here:
The Spinal Cord Journey - Stem cell therapy stories from three spinal cord injury patients
Pawzzzz for the NEWS! - Produced by A Touch of Love® Inc. http://WWW.ATOUCHOFLOVE.CA - The wonderful new world with Stem Cell Therapy now being accepted in Canada. Curious on how stem cell therapy works
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A Touch of Love® - InGeneron - Stem Cell Therapy Interview
Holly is now able to crawl and sit up on her own just 7 weeks after her second treatment for cerebral palsy at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy - Holly Catalano
A short film about three spinal cord injury patients who share their stories of tragedy, hope and recovery following stem cell treatments for spinal cord injury at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama.
More here:
The Spinal Cord Journey - Stem cell therapy stories from three spinal cord injury patients
Thomas Okarma, MD, PhD -- Geron Corporation, USA; From the SBS Symposium Screening Stem Cells 2009: From Reprogramming to Regenerative Medicine. Held in Boston, MA, USA - September 2-3, 2009.
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Human Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy: Pathway to the Clinic
(June 1, 2010) Renee Reijo Pera, Ph.D., and Professor Michael Longaker discuss the future of regenerative medicine and the promise that stem cell research holds for this field. During the final quarter of the Stanford Mini Med School, some of the most timely and important topics in contemporary medicine and the biosciences are addressed.
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Regenerative Medicine and Applications of Stem Cell Research
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Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis
On World Net Daily Alaskan cruise, I learn for the first time the difference between embryonic stem cell therapy and adult stem cell therapy. The media did not explain that Rick Perry's stem cell therapy was "adult" not "embryonic." The media never explains the fact that embryonic stem cell therapy is not working, it's a disaster, and adult stem cell therapy is working.
See the rest here:
" Embryonic" and "Adult" Stem Cell Research explained by David Kupelian
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Benefits of STEM CELL THERAPY - Adipose Tissue
Dr. Mark Adickes discusses the use of stem cells in treating injured athletes.
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Adickes: Stem cell therapy
Current treatments with Adipose-, Bone Marrow- and Cord Blood-derived stem cells.
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Clinical Advances in Adult Stem Cell Therapy - Dr. Jorge Paz Rodriguez (Miami)