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UCD stem cell research battles Huntington's disease

January 29th, 2012 1:05 pm

A team of researchers at UC Davis has pioneered a technique to
use stem cells to smother the genetic problem that causes
Huntington's disease.

The findings, due in the journal Molecular and Cellular
Neuroscience, could pave the way for a treatment that stops the
disease's devastating progression.

Huntington's is an inherited disease in which the body produces
a mutant version of a protein, huntingtin, that destroys nerve
cells in the brain.

It causes uncontrolled movements and difficulty walking, plus
dementia that grows progressively worse until the disease
ultimately results in death. It strikes about one in every
10,000 people in this country, according to the Huntington's
Disease Society of America.

There is no known cure. Treatment aims to slow down the
worsening of symptoms and keep the patient comfortable.

Researchers at the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures,
led by Jan A. Nolta, attacked abnormal huntingtin with a
technique called RNA interference.

This is how it works: RNA is a molecule similar to DNA that
occurs naturally in the body and which cells use to produce

If a strand of RNA is producing a bad protein, like the mutant
huntingtin, researchers can create another strand that's
essentially an inverted version of the bad one. Inject that new
molecule into a cell, and it locks onto the bad RNA like an
opposite puzzle piece, blocking it from making any protein.

For the first time, Nolta and colleagues were able to generate
huntingtin-blocking RNA in stem cells and inject them straight
into nerve cells – a treatment that significantly reduced the
amount of the mutant protein produced.

The scientists used stem cells derived from the bone marrow of
healthy human donors.

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Team KJ
funded the research.

Nolta said the findings could lead to treatments for genetic
disorders such as ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) and Parkinson's,
as well.

Now, she said, "Our challenge with RNA interference technology
is to figure out how to deliver it into the human brain in a
sustained, safe and effective manner. We're exploring how to
use human stem cells to create RNAi production factories within
the brain."

Nolta's lab recently received funding from the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine to develop an RNAi delivery
system for Huntington's disease.

Copyright The Sacramento Bee. All rights reserved.

Call The Bee's Grace Rubenstein, (916) 321-1270.

• Read more
articles by Grace Rubenstein

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View original post here:
UCD stem cell research battles Huntington's disease


Polls lift Romney campaign

January 29th, 2012 3:30 am

PANAMA CITY, Fla. — The stakes are high, but Mitt Romney isn?t
showing much worry as he caravans across Florida this weekend
with a sudden swagger and the newfound looseness of a
front-runner who thinks he?s cleared the obstacles in his path.

Romney is coming out of the toughest stretch of his campaign,
which was punctuated by a stinging loss to Newt Gingrich in the
South Carolina primary. Now, he has opened a lead in the
Florida polls before the state?s primary on Tuesday and is
aggressively trying to dispatch Gingrich and focus on President
Barack Obama.

Gingrich, however, said Saturday he would go ?all the way to
the convention? and predicted a ?wild and woolly? campaign for
the next few days. His well-financed allies showed no signs of
letting up their televised assault on Romney, while former
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin rushed to Gingrich?s defense, in a sign
he might mobilize the party?s grass-roots conservatives.

The former House speaker, who has drawn large and enthusiastic
crowds all week, said he would become the nominee if he wins
Florida. And if he doesn?t, he said, he would be back in Tampa
for this summer?s Republican National Convention.

?I will go all the way to the convention,? Gingrich said. ?I
expect to win the nomination. You just had two national polls
that show me ahead. Why don?t you ask Governor Romney what he
will do if he loses since he is behind in both national polls??

Earlier this week, Romney launched methodical attacks at
Gingrich designed to rattle him and raise questions about his
trustworthiness and leadership skills. But the past few days,
while Gingrich takes bitter swipe after bitter swipe at him,
Romney has hardly attacked his rival at all. When he has, his
lines have been more humorous than high-handed.

In Pensacola Saturday morning, Romney jabbed his sidekick, John
McCain of Arizona, about the mischievous tales of the senator?s
Navy pilot youth. He won polite laughter after telling an
awkward joke about a pick-up driver in Wyoming with stinky
animals in the back. He confided his nervousness about making
?chitchat? with actor Jon Voight while phoning him to seek his

And Romney said nothing about Gingrich other than to liken him
to ?Goldilocks.?

?We?ve had about 18 debates so far,? Romney told hundreds of
supporters who filled the docks and balconies. ?They?re getting
more and more fun as time goes on. This last one, Speaker
Gingrich said he didn?t do so well because the audience was so
loud. The one before, he said he didn?t do so well because the
audience was too quiet. This is like Goldilocks, you know,
you?ve got to get it just right.?

Aides say Romney is having more fun here than he has all during
the campaign, and the campaign put that confidence on display
Saturday afternoon by turning up Van Halen and driving Romney?s
campaign bus up to the dock at a Panama City shipyard to
deliver the candidate to his rally in grand fashion.

?I just feel like things are going in our direction,? Romney
said at the rope line following the rally. ?I think we are
going to win here.?

Romney?s candidacy is on the line in Florida; a loss here to
Gingrich would cast fresh and serious doubt on his ability to
consolidate the party behind his candidacy. But buoyed by his
newly aggressive performance in Thursday?s debate — McCain
called it a rare ?knockout? — Romney is rallying Republicans in
this sprawling swing state with talk not of the primary, but of
the fall general election.

?When I debate the president, I?m not going to worry about the
audience,? Romney told the Pensacola crowd. ?I?m going to make
sure that we take down Barack Obama and take back the White

Yet as the sun started to fall Saturday afternoon, Romney
returned briefly to his tough talk against Gingrich. ?I?m
speaking to you today as if I?m already the candidate for the
Republican party, but I?m not,? he acknowledged. ?I?m running
against Speaker Gingrich — a very nice fellow, and he?s a
historian. But that doesn?t give him the right to rewrite

Romney revisited the tumultuous end of Gingrich?s speakership,
noting that he ?resigned in disgrace. . . .We have to go back
and look at history and say he may be a great guy with great
ideas, but he?s not going to be the leader we need.?

At Boston headquarters, meanwhile, Romney?s team kept its boot
on Gingrich?s neck. Aides launched a Twitter campaign to brand
Gingrich ?Newtorious.? For weeks, Romney has been running an
aggressive early-voting and absentee-ballot campaign here,
holds with his allies a more than 2-1 advantage in television
advertising spending.

Romney?s campaign released a tough new ad in Florida titled
?History Lesson,? which entirely consists of Tom Brokaw
anchoring a vintage ?NBC Nightly News? broadcast about Gingrich
being reprimanded for ethics violations as speaker.

NBC News quickly asked the Romney campaign to pull the ad off
the air.

?I am extremely uncomfortable with the extended use of my
personal image in this political ad,? Brokaw said in a

Gingrich?s campaign pounced too, issuing a statement slamming
Romney for ?another big lie.? Gingrich aides said the ad
neglects to point out that the IRS cleared Gingrich of the
?substance? of the ethics charges.

Palin took to Facebook to defend Gingrich in a post titled:
?Cannibals in GOP Establishment Employ Tactics of the Left.?

?We need a fair primary that is not prematurely cut short by
the GOP establishment using Alinsky tactics to kneecap Governor
Romney?s chief rival,? Palin wrote, referring to Saul Alinsky,
the left-wing community organizer Gingrich often quotes.

On the stump, Gingrich tried to keep his focus on Obama and the
stark contrast he believes he would provide with the incumbent.
He said the GOP nominated a ?moderate? in 1996 and 2008 and
lost. ?If we nominate a moderate, we are in real trouble,? he
said. ?It?s that simple.?

Later, addressing a tea party crowd in Winter Haven, Gingrich
got a standing ovation for saying that stem-cell research
amounts to ?the use of science to desensitize society over the
killing of babies.?

But Gingrich is struggling to keep his message focused on
Obama. At each turn, he kept returning to his grievances
against Romney. It hasn?t helped that four congressmen
supporting Romney have been following Gingrich to his campaign
events to spin the press corps.

At a golf course in Port St. Lucie, Gingrich spokesman R.C.
Hammond led reporters and TV cameras to provoke a confrontation
with Rep. Connie Mack of Florida, a Romney supporter, over who
would make the better president. When Hammond came over, Mack
quickly launched into a browbeating about Gingrich?s work for
Freddie Mac, the federally backed mortgage giant that paid his
firm $1.6 million for consulting work.

?Is he a lobbyist?? Mack asked. ?The Florida voters deserve and
answer about what kind of influence he?s been peddling. He
won?t answer. Instead he belittles them.?

Original post:
Polls lift Romney campaign


Craig Venter: Understanding Our Genes – A Step to Personalized Medicine | CIRM Spotlight on Genomics – Video

January 29th, 2012 3:29 am

24-01-2012 10:25 On January 17th, 2012, the CIRM Governing Board heard from scientists and a patient about the essential role of genomics in the development of stem cell based therapies.

Read more:
Craig Venter: Understanding Our Genes - A Step to Personalized Medicine | CIRM Spotlight on Genomics - Video


BioRestorative Therapies to Present at 7th International Conference on Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease

January 28th, 2012 3:16 pm

JUPITER, Fla., Jan. 23, 2012 /PRNewswire/
-- BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. (OTCQB: BRTX.PK[1] -
("BRT") today announced that it will be presenting at the
Seventh International Conference on Cell Therapy for
Cardiovascular Disease. The event, being held at the New
York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center,
is a two-and-a-half-day conference dedicated to the evolving
field of cell-based therapies for the repair and regeneration
of cardiac and vascular disease.

Dr. Amit Patel, Director of Clinical Regenerative Medicine and
Tissue Engineering at the University of Utah and a member of
the BRT Scientific Advisory Board, will be presenting his
findings relating to brown fat stem cells and metabolic
disorders (one of BRT's stem cell initiatives). His talk,
entitled "Metabolic Syndrome: A Role For Cell Therapy,"
will be on Wednesday, January 25th at 1:50 PM.

Mark Weinreb, Chairman and CEO of BRT, has also been selected
to serve on an industry panel and will discuss BRT's
ThermoStem™ Program and the use of brown fat stem cells
as potential therapeutics.  The session will be held on
Thursday, January 26th from 3:15-4:15 PM.

BRT is involved in a research initiative focusing on the use of
Brown Fat stem cells to potentially treat metabolic disorders
and obesity that may lead to heart disease, diabetes,
hypertension, kidney disease and other diseases and disorders.

The Conference will take place January 25-27 at the Vivien and
Seymour Milstein Family Heart Center, Myrna L. Daniels
Auditorium, NYPH/Columbia University Medical Center, 173 Fort
Washington Avenue, First Floor, New York City.

About BioRestorative Therapies, Inc.

BioRestorative Therapies, Inc.'s goal is to become a medical
center of excellence using cell and tissue protocols, primarily
involving a patient's own (autologous) adult stem cells
(non-embryonic), allowing patients to undergo cellular-based
treatments. In June 2011, the Company launched a technology
that involves the use of a brown fat cell-based
therapeutic/aesthetic program, known as the ThermoStem™
.  The ThermoStem™ Program will focus on
treatments for obesity, weight loss, diabetes, hypertension,
other metabolic disorders and cardiac deficiencies and will
involve the study of stem cells, several genes, proteins and/or
mechanisms that are related to these diseases and disorders. As
more and more cellular therapies become standard of care, the
Company believes its strength will be its focus on the unity of
medical and scientific explanations for clinical procedures and
outcomes for future personal medical applications.  The
Company also plans to offer and sell facial creams and products
under the Stem Pearls™ brand.

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within
the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, and such forward-looking statements are made
pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You are cautioned
that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and
uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events or
results to differ materially from those projected in the
forward-looking statements as a result of various factors and
other risks, including those set forth in the Company's Form
10, as amended, filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. You should consider these factors in evaluating the
forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue
reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in
this release are made as of the date hereof and the Company
undertakes no obligation to update such statements.

Mark Weinreb
Tel: (561) 904-6070
Fax: (561) 429-5684


  1. ^ BRTX.PK
  2. ^ News

Read the rest here:
BioRestorative Therapies to Present at 7th International Conference on Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease


Senior Management of NeoStem and Its Subsidiaries Invited to Speak at Seventh International Conference on Cell Therapy …

January 28th, 2012 3:16 pm

NEW YORK, Jan. 23, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- NeoStem,
[1] (NYSE Amex:
NBS) ("NeoStem" or the "Company"), an international
biopharmaceutical company with a focus on cell-based
therapeutic development, today announced that its Chief Medical
Officer, the lead investigator for its PreSERVE Phase
2 clinical trial
[2] for AMR-001
for preservation of heart function in post acute myocardial
infarction patients, and the President of its subsidiary,
Progenitor Cell
Therapy, LLC
[3], have been
invited to present at the Seventh International Conference on
Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease held from January
25-27, 2012 in New York City. The event is being organized by
the Cardiovascular Research Foundation and will be held at the
Myrna L. Daniels Auditorium in the Vivien and Seymour Milstein
Family Heart Center at NYPH/Columbia University Medical Center.

According to the conference, the program will be dedicated to
the evolving field of cell-based therapies being developed for
the repair and regeneration of cardiac and vascular disease, as
well as related diseases such as diabetes and stroke. This
year's conference will focus on preclinical and clinical
studies on the path to commercialization, highlighting the
status of molecular, cell, and tissue products in addition to
delivery systems. Leaders from the international community will
convene to present their work, experiences, observations, and
opinions on the benefits and unmet challenges of cell-based

  • At 4:30 PM on Wednesday, January 25, Andrew L. Pecora, MD,
    FACP, Chief Medical Officer of NeoStem, will speak on an
    industry session entitled "Focus on Acute Injury Technologies."
  • At 9:20 AM on Thursday, January 26, Arshed A. Quyyumi, MD,
    FRCP, FACC, principal investigator of the PreSERVE AMI Phase
    2 trial
    [4] and
    Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at Emory University,
    will speak on a panel entitled "Early and Next Phase Studies"
    within a session entitled "Acute Injury: STEMI and NSTEMI".
  • From 7:30 to 8:30 AM on Friday, January 27, Robert A.
    Preti, PhD, President of Progenitor Cell
    [5] will
    speak as part of Industry Session III entitled "Focus on
    Procedure, Systems Management, and Advanced Technologies."

Dr. Pecora said, "As a presenter at the first industry
session, I look forward to informing industry leaders about the
PreSERVE Phase 2 clinical trial for AMI which is now open for
enrollment and may provide data readout 18 months from the
first patient enrollment, as well as discussing the recent
patent issued to use the Amorcyte technology beyond
cardiovascular disease." 

Dr. Robin L. Smith, Chairman and CEO of NeoStem, said, "This
conference represents validation that the development of
cell therapies for diseases outside of bone marrow
transplantation is progressing as represented by their current
clinical data. Our acquisition of Amorcyte last year has
positioned NeoStem to be a leader in the cell therapy
cardiovascular space. We are excited to be a part of the
developing science represented by this important conference and
share our expertise represented by the progress with Amorcyte
and our capabilities to assist the field with the manufacturing
services of PCT."

About the Cardiovascular Research Foundation

According to the Cardiovascular Research Foundation, their role
in interventional cardiovascular medicine is unique: conducting
research on therapies, pharmacology, and devices during the
earliest stages of development, confirming safety and efficacy
in human clinical trials, and educating the medical community
regarding appropriate use of these new procedures and
technologies. By providing research, evaluation, and education
under one roof, CRF has a unique ability to generate important
research questions, test and refine groundbreaking new
therapies, and ensure that these treatments are available to
patients at the earliest opportunity. For more information,
please visit http://www.celltherapy.crf.org[6].

About NeoStem, Inc. and Amorcyte, LLC, a NeoStem company

NeoStem, Inc. ("NeoStem") is a leader in the development and
manufacture of cell therapies. NeoStem has a strategic
combination of revenues, including that which is derived from
the contract manufacturing services performed by Progenitor
Cell Therapy, LLC, a NeoStem company. That manufacturing base
is one of the few cGMP facilities available for contracting in
the burgeoning cell therapy industry, and it is the combination
of PCT's core expertise in manufacturing and NeoStem's
extensive research capabilities that positions the company as a
leader in cell therapy development. Amorcyte, LLC, also a
NeoStem company, is developing a cell therapy for the treatment
of cardiovascular disease. Amorcyte's lead compound, AMR-001,
represents NeoStem's most clinically advanced therapeutic and
is open for enrollment in a Phase 2 trial for the preservation
of heart function after a heart attack.  Amorcyte expects
to begin a Phase 1 clinical trial in 2012 for AMR-001 for the
treatment of patients with congestive heart failure. Athelos
Corporation, also a NeoStem company, is developing a T-cell
therapy for a range of autoimmune conditions with our partner
Becton-Dickinson.  NeoStem's pre-clinical assets include
its VSEL™ Technology platform for regenerative medicine, which
NeoStem believes to be an endogenous, pluripotent,
non-embryonic stem cell that has the potential to change the
paradigm of cell therapy as we know it today.

For more information on NeoStem and Amorcyte, please visit
http://www.neostem.com[7] and

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within
the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. Forward-looking statements reflect management's current
expectations, as of the date of this press release, and involve
certain risks and uncertainties. Forward looking statements
include statements herein with respect to the successful
execution of the Company's business and medical strategy,
including with respect to the successful development of AMR-001
and other cell therapies, about which no assurance can be
given. The Company's actual results could differ materially
from those anticipated in these forward- looking statements as
a result of various factors. Factors that could cause future
results to materially differ from the recent results or those
projected in forward-looking statements include the "Risk
Factors" described in the Company's definitive proxy statement
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September
16, 2011 and in the Company's periodic filings with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company's further
development is highly dependent on future medical and research
developments and market acceptance, which is outside its

For more information, please




Trout Group

NeoStem, Inc.

Gitanjali Jain Ogawa, Vice

Robin Smith, CEO

Phone: +1-646-378-2949

Phone: +1-212-584-4174

Email: gogawa@troutgroup.com[9]

Email: rsmith@neostem.com[10]



  1. ^ NeoStem, Inc.
  2. ^ PreSERVE Phase 2 clinical
  3. ^ Progenitor Cell Therapy, LLC
  4. ^ PreSERVE AMI Phase 2 trial
  5. ^ Progenitor Cell Therapy
  6. ^ http://www.celltherapy.crf.org
  7. ^ http://www.neostem.com
  8. ^ http://www.amorcyte.com
  9. ^ gogawa@troutgroup.com
  10. ^ rsmith@neostem.com

Read this article:
Senior Management of NeoStem and Its Subsidiaries Invited to Speak at Seventh International Conference on Cell Therapy ...


Cell Society International Hosts its 2nd Annual Clinical Conference in San Diego, CA, to Discuss Clinical Advancements …

January 28th, 2012 12:28 pm

LA JOLLA, Calif., Jan. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Interest
in adult stem
therapies and their clinical applicability in
treating and helping patients is growing, while accurate
information remains difficult to access.  Cell Society
[1], a
nonprofit organization, is dedicated to advancing the
clinical applications of adult stem cell therapies worldwide
through education and the collaboration of world thought

According to Emerson C. Perin, MD, PhD, Director,
Research for Cardiovascular Medicine
and Medical
Director, Stem
Cell Institute, Texas Heart Institute
, Houston, TX and
member of the Board of Directors of Cell Society, "We
obtained remarkable results from our study in which we
injected stem cells derived from the bone marrow of a healthy
donor into patients with heart failure. Heart function and
exercise capacity improved in some cell-treated patients.
Most importantly, cell therapy significantly reduced cardiac
adverse events, including death. Three of 15 (20%) control
patients died of cardiac causes, whereas only 1 of 45 (2%)
cell-treated patients had a cardiac-related death. Despite
the small numbers, our findings showed that cell therapy
significantly improved cardiac mortality." 

The 2nd Annual Clinical Meeting of Cell Society will be held at the
Coronado Island Marriott Resort in San Diego, California on
February 17 – 18, 2012.  International and national
clinical researchers and thought leaders will share current
information on adult stem cell applications in a variety of
therapeutic categories The two-day conference will offer
clinical updates on cell therapies in plastic surgery, wound
healing, cardiac disease, stroke, MS, bone healing and
cartilage regeneration, to name a few, as well as industry
updates from leading developers of cell therapies and medical
devices.  The second day includes a panel discussion
titled The Practice of Medicine and Government
Regulation: The Rubicon
as well as a session focused on
the Future of Stem Cell Therapy in the United
. Leading experts from around the globe will
discuss the challenges facing all who are involved in the
advancement of regenerative medicine through the use of stem
cell therapy.  Up to 11.5 CME credits will be available
for attendees.

About Cell Society International:  Cell Society was
formed in May 2010, to serve as an independent source of
educational information for all interested in clinically
relevant adult stem cell therapy applications.  As a
nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, Cell Society will
utilize the expertise of its industry relationships as well
as the cooperation of patients, their physicians and world
thought leaders to advance the clinical applications of adult
stem cell therapies worldwide.  For more information
about registration and sponsorship for the 2nd Annual
Clinical Meeting please visit http://xmedicacme.com/cell_society or
contact info@xMedicaCME.com[2][3]


  1. ^ Cell Society International
  2. ^ http://xmedicacme.com/cell_society
  3. ^ info@xMedicaCME.com

Continue reading here:
Cell Society International Hosts its 2nd Annual Clinical Conference in San Diego, CA, to Discuss Clinical Advancements ...


Islet Sciences, Inc. Selects NeoStem’s Manufacturing Subsidiary Progenitor Cell Therapy for Product Manufacturing

January 28th, 2012 12:28 pm

ALLENDALE, N.J., Jan. 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- NeoStem's cell
therapy manufacturing division, Progenitor Cell Therapy
("PCT"), a NeoStem, Inc. company (NYSE Amex: NBS) ("NeoStem" or
the "Company"), announced today an agreement whereby PCT will
provide contract manufacturing and regulatory services related
to the development of Islet Sciences – PTM, which will be an
injectable suspension of microencapsulated insulin-producing,
pancreatic islet cells which are harvested from designated
pathogen free pigs. As part of this arrangement, PCT will
perform microencapsulation for parsing beta pancreatic islets
for xenotransplantation using piglet pancreata. Islet Sciences,
Inc. ("Islet") is a biotechnology company engaged in the
research, development and commercialization of patented
technologies in the field of transplantation therapy for
patients with diabetes and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of One
E-Commerce Corporation (OTCBB: ONCE.OB[1] -

A 2010 study by the CDC found that approximately 25.8 million
Americans, more than 8% of the population, were affected by
diabetes. 5% of this number, approximately 1.3 million, have
type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is estimated to cost the US
$14.4 billion total annually.

"Given the robust market opportunity and the potential for cell
therapy to alter the disease paradigm, NeoStem has agreed to
this novel arrangement whereby PCT will subsidize manufacturing
margin related to current services for Islet Sciences – PTM
product in exchange for royalties on future sales, exclusive
manufacturing rights for both clinical trial and commercial
manufacturing and an equity stake in Islet's parent. We
recognize that PCT's track record of developing cell therapies
cost efficiently for cell therapy companies makes this a truly
compelling opportunity in the industry," said John Steel, CEO of Islet Sciences.

"Our team looks forward to applying its process and assay
expertise, in partnership with the scientific expertise of Dr.
Jonathan Lakey, scientific
advisor to Islet, and his team, towards the development of this
novel and creative cellular therapeutic for the treatment of
type 1 diabetes," said Robert A.
, PhD, President of PCT. "We are honored that
Islet Sciences has enlisted PCT to provide manufacturing and
development support as it advances this important product
through clinical development."  

Dr. Robin L. Smith, Chairman and
CEO of NeoStem, added, "We are excited to begin using our
manufacturing currency at PCT to support important technologies
with promise by providing manufacturing and regulatory support
at a reduced profit margin in exchange for participation in
future royalties, equity as well as a commitment for clinical
trial and commercial manufacturing exclusivity."

About Type 1 Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, type 1
diabetes, previously called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
(IDDM) or juvenile diabetes, is an autoimmune disease
characterized by insulin deficiency resulting from destruction
of beta-cells in the pancreas, ultimately resulting in the
body's inability to convert consumed sugar and starches into
energy. This form of diabetes usually affects children and
young adults, but it can occur at any age. Although insulin
therapy and other treatments can be used to manage the
condition, the condition is currently incurable.  

About NeoStem, Inc.

NeoStem, Inc. ("NeoStem") is a leader in the development and
manufacture of cell therapies. NeoStem has a strategic
combination of revenues, including that which is derived from
the contract manufacturing services performed by Progenitor
Cell Therapy, LLC, a NeoStem company. That manufacturing base
is one of the few cGMP facilities available for contracting in
the burgeoning cell therapy industry, and it is the combination
of PCT's core expertise in manufacturing and NeoStem's
extensive research capabilities that positions the company as a
leader in cell therapy development. Amorcyte, Inc., also a
NeoStem company, is developing a cell therapy for the treatment
of cardiovascular disease. Amorcyte's lead compound, AMR-001,
represents NeoStem's most clinically advanced therapeutic
and  has commenced enrollment in a Phase 2 trial for the
preservation of heart function after a heart attack.
 Amorcyte expects to begin a Phase 1 clinical trial in
2012 for AMR-001 for the treatment of patients with congestive
heart failure. Athelos Corporation, also a NeoStem company, is
developing a T-cell therapy for a range of autoimmune
conditions with its partner Becton-Dickinson.  NeoStem's
pre-clinical assets include its VSEL™ Technology platform for
regenerative medicine, which NeoStem believes to be an
endogenous, pluripotent, non-embryonic stem cell that has the
potential to change the paradigm of cell therapy as we know it

For more information on NeoStem, please visit http://www.neostem.com[3].

About Islet Sciences, Inc.

Islet Sciences is a development-stage biotechnology company
with patented technologies focused on transplantation therapy
for people with insulin-dependent diabetes. Islet's
transplantation technology includes methods for the culturing,
isolation, maturation, and immunoprotection
(microencapsulation) of islet cells. Islet's mission includes
the introduction of commercial products with applications to
cell-based replacement therapy in the healthcare marketplace.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within
the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. Forward-looking statements for NeoStem, PCT and Islet
Sciences reflect their respective managements' current
expectations, as of the date of this press release, and involve
certain risks and uncertainties. Forward looking statements
include statements herein with respect to the companies'
successful execution of their  respective business
strategies, including with respect to the successful
development of cell therapeutics, including with respect to
Islet Sciences – PTM, as well as the future of the cell
therapeutics industry. Actual results could differ materially
from those anticipated in these forward- looking statements as
a result of various factors. Factors that could cause future
results to materially differ from the recent results or those
projected in forward-looking statements for NeoStem and PCT
include the "Risk Factors" described in NeoStem's prospectus
supplement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
("SEC") on September 30, 2011 and
for Islet include the risks described in the One E-Commerce
Corporation Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on December 30, 2011.
The companies' further development is highly dependent on
future medical and research developments and market acceptance,
which is outside their control.

For more information, please




Trout Group

NeoStem, Inc.

Gitanjali Jain Ogawa, Vice

Robin Smith, CEO

Phone: +1-646-378-2949

Phone: +1-212-584-4174

Email: gogawa@troutgroup.com[4]

Email: rsmith@neostem.com[5]


  1. ^ ONCE.OB
  2. ^ News
  3. ^ http://www.neostem.com
  4. ^ gogawa@troutgroup.com
  5. ^ rsmith@neostem.com

Here is the original post:
Islet Sciences, Inc. Selects NeoStem's Manufacturing Subsidiary Progenitor Cell Therapy for Product Manufacturing


Eye Study Is a Small but Crucial Advance for Stem-Cell Therapy

January 28th, 2012 12:28 pm

Safety first: Robert Lanza, chief scientific officer
of Advanced Cell Technology, says the two patients in an
early stage of a stem-cell study have shown no negative side
effects from the treatment.
Advanced Cell Technology

Eye Study Is a Small but Crucial Advance for Stem-Cell Therapy

The results show that the treatment can be safe, but whether it
can be effective is another question.

  • Wednesday, January 25, 2012
  • By Karen Weintraub

The first published clinical trial of stem-cell therapy is a
tremendous boon to the company leading the experiment—but it's
only a small step forward for the field.

In a paper published this week in The Lancet,
scientists from the David Geffen School of Medicine at the
University of California, Los Angeles, and from Advanced Cell
[1], in
Marlborough, Massachusetts, reported that two patients each
safely received injections of embryonic stem cells into an eye.

Stem-cell research in patients suffered a major blow recently,
when one leading company, Geron[2],
pulled out of a
pioneering spinal cord repair study
[3]. The
new study is more limited in scope, focusing on treatment that
is easier to study and less problematic.  

The new study was written three months after treating the
patients, both of whom have degenerative eye diseases and
limited sight. Another three months has now passed, and
[4], chief
scientific officer of Advanced Cell Technology, says both are
still doing well, with no apparent side effects.

Lanza says Advanced Cell Technology would not commercialize the
work itself, but would look to partner with a company that

The intent of the study was to show that the treatment is safe,
not to look at its effectiveness. But Lanza, the paper, and a
related commentary also published in The Lancet all
cited the women's reports of benefits from the procedure. One
woman's vision improved enough to see a hand waved in front of
her face; the other climbed from 20/500 to 20/320 on an eye

[5], an
associate professor of stem cell and regenerative biology at
Harvard University, says he's surprised that The
published such preliminary results, and that
scientists are talking about the treatment's effectiveness at
such an early stage of research.


  1. ^ Advanced Cell Technology
  2. ^ Geron
  3. ^ pulled out of a pioneering spinal
    cord repair study

  4. ^ Robert Lanza
  5. ^ Kevin Eggan

Read the original here:
Eye Study Is a Small but Crucial Advance for Stem-Cell Therapy


Vet-Stem Announces Milestone of 8,000 Animals Treated With Vet-Stem Cell Therapy

January 28th, 2012 12:28 pm

POWAY, CA--(Marketwire -01/27/12)- Vet-Stem, Inc. today
announced that over 8,000 animals have now been treated with
Vet-Stem cell therapy.

Vet-Stem began providing stem cells to veterinarians in 2004
and has now provided stem cells for the treatment of over
8,000 animals. Vet-Stem was the first company to introduce
rapid turnaround stem cell services in the US. After
providing stem cells for thousands of horses, Vet-Stem
pioneered stem cell therapy in dogs and cats and is now the
world leader in Regenerative Veterinary Medicine™. The rapid
adoption of stem cell therapy by equine veterinarians and
horse owners provided a springboard for use in small animal
veterinary medicine.

Greater than 75% of horses treated with Vet-Stem cell therapy
for tendon and ligament injuries are able to return to their
previous level of performance. Dog owners report that greater
than 80% of dogs treated with Vet-Stem cell therapy have an
improved quality of life.

"We are proud that so many dog, horse, and cat owners as well
as veterinarians have placed their trust in Vet-Stem cell
therapy. We feel a great sense of accomplishment knowing that
there are now over 8,000 horse and pet owners who have
experienced the benefit of stem cell technology. This
practical and beneficial application of technology puts stem
cell therapy into the present day instead of a future
theoretical concept," said Bob Harman, DVM, MPVM, Founder and
CEO of Vet-Stem.

Vet-Stem is now working with small animal veterinarians to
develop other life-saving uses for stem cell therapy for
injuries and diseases that currently have few treatment

More information about Vet-Stem can be found at http://www.Vet-Stem.com[1]

About Vet-Stem, Inc.:
Vet-Stem, Inc. was formed in
2002 to bring regenerative medicine to the veterinary
profession. This privately held company delivers stem cell
and related services and products to veterinarians to treat
diseases in dogs, cats and horses. These technologies utilize
the natural healing properties inherent in all animals to
reduce pain and improve the quality of life of our animal
companions. Published studies have confirmed that
adipose-derived stem cells can dramatically improve the
healing of injuries and diseases that have had very few
treatment options in the past.

Vet-Stem holds the exclusive worldwide veterinary rights to
the Artecel (University of Pittsburgh) and University of
California adipose stem cell patent portfolio of over 55
issued patents.


  1. ^ http://www.Vet-Stem.com

See the article here:
Vet-Stem Announces Milestone of 8,000 Animals Treated With Vet-Stem Cell Therapy


Stem Cells Used To Regrow Breasts – Video

January 28th, 2012 2:07 am

24-01-2012 09:59 CBS Early Morning Show discusses the use of adult adipose (from fat) stem cells to regrow breast tissue for use for both cosmetic reasons and reconstructive reasons as in the case of a mastectomy.

View original post here:
Stem Cells Used To Regrow Breasts - Video


Gulfstream: Coa leaving for treatment

January 28th, 2012 2:07 am


HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. - Sidelined jockey Eibar Coa had plans
to leave Florida on Saturday for Panama, where he will undergo
stem cell treatment for the next four weeks.

“I’m still slow on my right side, have trouble with my bowel
and bladder and have neck pain,” said Coa, who has made a
miraculous recovery after being left temporarily paralyzed in a
riding mishap here one year ago. “I’m going to receive a series
of 16 injections in my spinal cord that are supposed to
regenerate and reconnect some of my damaged cells.”

Coa said the treatment is similar to what his friend and former
riding colleague Rene Douglas, who was paralyzed from the neck
down in a riding incident at Arlington Park several years ago,
previously underwent in Panama.


  1. ^ Send this page by e-mail.

Continue reading here:
Gulfstream: Coa leaving for treatment


Regenerative medicine company encouraged by heart failure trial

January 28th, 2012 2:07 am

Regenerative medicine company Juventas
[1] is touting
the results from 12-month data of a phase 1 clinical trial of
heart failure patients.

At 12 months, heart failure patients treated with the company’s
stem cell therapy showed “significant” improvements in two key
measures — a six-minute distance-walking test, as well as the
Minnesota Living
with Heart Failure Questionnaire
[2], a
patient self-assessment of how heart failure affects daily


  1. ^ Juventas Therapeutics
  2. ^ Minnesota Living with Heart
    Failure Questionnaire

Read the rest here:
Regenerative medicine company encouraged by heart failure trial


Blindness Study Opens the Door for Further Stem Cell Trials

January 28th, 2012 2:04 am

Monday, news broke that researchers improved the vision of two
legally blind women by injecting embryonic
stem cells into their eyes

Some media outlets are hailing the findings as showing a cure
for degenerative blindness, but, according to stem cell
experts, the most exciting implications of the study are that
neither woman experienced any ill effects from the transplant,
such as tumor growth or rejection.

"It provides promise that stem cells may indeed be safe," says
Paul Tesar, a genetics and neurosciences professor who focuses
on stem cell research at Case Western Reserve University School
of Medicine. "A lot of attention has been directed toward the
effectiveness of the trial, but without a clear control group,
we just have anecdotal evidence of effectiveness."

More importantly, the findings allow Advanced Cell Technology,
the group behind the trial, and other researchers to continue
human testing. ACT has already moved on to more trials,
according to Robert Lanza, chief scientific officer of the

[Learn about
FDA approval for the stem cell study

ACT will begin ramping up the number of cells implanted into
patients' eyes to determine optimal dosages and to figure out
just how much vision can be restored. "We had another patient
treated yesterday," Lanza says.

The human eye is the perfect organ for early stem cell tests,
according to Tesar. Researchers have easy access to the eye to
monitor cell growth, so they're able to easily detect tumors if
they appear. It's also extremely easy to tell if the treatment
is working—a patient's vision is either improving or it isn't.

The four months both patients have been tumor free is "clearly
a sufficient amount of time" to test the safety of cells, at
least when compared to previous animal trials, Tesar says. In
failed animal trials, uncontrollable cell proliferation usually
happens within hours or days. Now that researchers know that
these types of stem cells appear to be safe for human
implantation, researchers can begin to "apply this type of
technology to any number of organs and conditions."

Lanza, of ACT, says the research could have far-reaching
implications for patients who suffer from all kinds of
degenerative vision conditions and other tough-to-treat
diseases. He says ACT is already working on stem cell
treatments that have cut the death rate in animals suffering
from a heart attack and that can restore blood flow to limbs
that might have otherwise been amputated.

[Most Americans
support embryonic stem cell research

He says ACT developed the treatment with the idea of slowing
degenerative eye conditions, but the effects in the company's
first two patients—one woman's eyesight improved from being
only able to detect motion to being able to read the top
several letters on a vision chart—surpassed his expectations.

"The goal of this therapy was not to cure blindness but to slow
down and prevent it. That we're actually seeing a vision
improvement is tremendous," he says. These early findings could
open the door to earlier and perhaps more effective treatment.
"We've got to be sure we're not going to harm the eye of a
young patient who still has relatively good vision. Ultimately
the real goal is to get rid of the diseases altogether."

Although it's too early to say how long the initial two
patients' vision improvements will last, Lanza is confident
that stem cells can be a long-term solution for a number of

"There's a very real chance these cells could survive for a
very long time. It's a question we don't have the answer to,
but these cells survive the lifetime of the animals we've
studied," he says. "They may last years, decades. It's
something we need to follow."


Twitter: @jason_koebler[5]

Read the original here:
Blindness Study Opens the Door for Further Stem Cell Trials


Adult Stem Cell Treatments for COPD -Real patient results, USA Stem Cells- Shirlen M. Testimonial – Video

January 28th, 2012 2:04 am

11-01-2012 23:04 If you would like more information please call us Toll Free at 877-578-7908. Or visit our website at http://www.usastemcells.com Or click here to have a Free Phone Constultation with Dr. Matthew Burks usastemcells.com Real patient testimonials for USA Stem Cells. Adult stem cell therapy for COPD, Emphysema, and Pulmonary fibrosis.

Read the original post:
Adult Stem Cell Treatments for COPD -Real patient results, USA Stem Cells- Shirlen M. Testimonial - Video


Vet-Stem Announces Milestone of 8,000 Animals Treated With Vet-Stem Cell Therapy

January 28th, 2012 2:04 am

POWAY, CA--(Marketwire -01/27/12)- Vet-Stem, Inc. today
announced that over 8,000 animals have now been treated with
Vet-Stem cell

began providing stem cells to veterinarians in 2004
and has now provided stem cells for the treatment of over
8,000 animals. Vet-Stem was the first company to introduce
rapid turnaround stem cell services in the US. After
providing stem cells for thousands of horses, Vet-Stem
pioneered stem
cell therapy
in dogs and cats and is now the world
leader in Regenerative Veterinary Medicine™. The rapid
adoption of stem cell therapy by equine veterinarians and
horse owners provided a springboard for use in small animal
veterinary medicine.

Greater than 75% of horses treated with Vet-Stem cell therapy
for tendon and ligament injuries are able to return to their
previous level of performance. Dog owners report that greater
than 80% of dogs treated with Vet-Stem cell therapy have an
improved quality of life.

"We are proud that so many dog, horse, and cat owners as well
as veterinarians have placed their trust in Vet-Stem cell
therapy. We feel a great sense of accomplishment knowing that
there are now over 8,000 horse and pet owners who have
experienced the benefit of stem cell technology. This
practical and beneficial application of technology puts stem
cell therapy into the present day instead of a future
theoretical concept," said Bob Harman, DVM, MPVM, Founder and
CEO of Vet-Stem.

Vet-Stem is now working with small animal veterinarians to
develop other life-saving uses for stem cell therapy for
injuries and diseases that currently have few treatment

More information about Vet-Stem can be found at http://www.Vet-Stem.com[1]

About Vet-Stem, Inc.:
Vet-Stem, Inc. was formed in
2002 to bring regenerative medicine to the veterinary
profession. This privately held company delivers stem cell
and related services and products to veterinarians to treat
diseases in dogs, cats and horses. These technologies utilize
the natural healing properties inherent in all animals to
reduce pain and improve the quality of life of our animal
companions. Published studies have confirmed that
adipose-derived stem cells can dramatically improve the
healing of injuries and diseases that have had very few
treatment options in the past.

Vet-Stem holds the exclusive worldwide veterinary rights to
the Artecel (University of Pittsburgh) and University of
California adipose stem cell patent portfolio of over 55
issued patents.


  1. ^ http://www.Vet-Stem.com

See more here:
Vet-Stem Announces Milestone of 8,000 Animals Treated With Vet-Stem Cell Therapy


Craig Venter: Understanding Our Genes – A Step to Personalized Medicine | CIRM Spotlight on Genomics – Video

January 27th, 2012 6:03 pm

24-01-2012 10:25 On January 17th, 2012, the CIRM Governing Board heard from scientists and a patient about the essential role of genomics in the development of stem cell based therapies.

Read more:
Craig Venter: Understanding Our Genes - A Step to Personalized Medicine | CIRM Spotlight on Genomics - Video


Difference Between Adult and Ebryonic Stem Cells – Video

January 26th, 2012 6:28 am

19-01-2012 09:27 Dr. Irv Weissman of CIRM (California Institute of Regenerative Medicine) explain the difference between adult and embryonic stem cells, how they are used and their potential.

Difference Between Adult and Ebryonic Stem Cells - Video


Dr. David Stevens Discusses Using Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine – Video

January 25th, 2012 1:10 am

18-01-2012 15:54

The rest is here:
Dr. David Stevens Discusses Using Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine - Video


Report: Adult stem cells may hold key to fountain of youth – Video

January 25th, 2012 1:10 am

23-01-2012 20:39 Dr. Marc Siegel explains findings of new research

See original here:
Report: Adult stem cells may hold key to fountain of youth - Video


Donna Queen-Lifeline Skin Care at the CACS – Video

January 23rd, 2012 4:49 pm

08-11-2011 08:41 StemCellTV interviews Donna Quees of Lifeline Skin Care at the California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Annual Conference in San Diego October 2011.

The rest is here:
Donna Queen-Lifeline Skin Care at the CACS - Video


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