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NIH study confirms benefit of supplements for slowing age-related macular degeneration – National Institutes of Health (.gov)

June 8th, 2022 1:53 am

News Release

Thursday, June 2, 2022

After 10 years, AREDS2 formula shows increased efficacy compared to original formula, benefit of eliminating beta-carotene.

The Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS and AREDS2) established that dietary supplements can slow progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of blindness in older Americans. In a new report, scientists analyzed 10 years of AREDS2 data. They show that the AREDS2 formula, which substituted antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin for beta-carotene, not only reduces risk of lung cancer due to beta-carotene, but is also more effective at reducing risk of AMD progression, compared to the original formula. A report on the study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, published in JAMA Ophthalmology.

Because beta-carotene increased the risk of lung cancer for current smokers in two NIH-supported studies, our goal with AREDS2 was to create an equally effective supplement formula that could be used by anyone, whether or not they smoke, said Emily Chew, M.D., director of the Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Application at the National Eye Institute (NEI), and lead author of the study report. This 10-year data confirms that not only is the new formula safer, its actually better at slowing AMD progression.

AMD is a degenerative disease of the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Progressive death of retinal cells in the macula, the part of the retina that provides clear central vision, eventually leads to blindness. Treatment can slow or reverse vision loss; however, no cure for AMD exists.

The original AREDS study, launched in 1996, showed that a dietary supplement formulation (500 mg vitamin C, 400 international units vitamin E, 2 mg copper, 80 mg zinc, and 15 mg beta-carotene) could significantly slow the progression of AMD from moderate to late disease. However, two concurrent studies also revealed that people who smoked and took beta-carotene had a significantly higher risk of lung cancer than expected.

In AREDS2, begun in 2006, Chew and colleagues compared the beta-carotene formulation to one with 10 mg lutein and 2 mg zeaxanthin instead. Like beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants with activity in the retina. The beta-carotene-containing formation was only given to participants who had never smoked or who had quit smoking.

At the end of the five-year AREDS2 study period, the researchers concluded that lutein and zeaxanthin did not increase risk for lung cancer, and that the new formation could reduce the risk of AMD progression by about 26%. After the completion of the five-year study period, the study participants were all offered the final AREDS2 formation that included lutein and zeaxanthin instead of beta-carotene.

In this new report, the researchers followed up with 3,883 of the original 4,203 AREDS2 participants an additional five years from the end of the AREDS2 study in 2011, collecting information on whether their AMD had progressed to late disease, and whether they had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Even though all the participants had switched to the formula containing lutein and zeaxanthin after the end of the study period, the follow up study continued to show that beta-carotene increased risk of lung cancer for people who had ever smoked by nearly double. There was no increased risk for lung cancer in those receiving lutein/zeaxanthin. In addition, after 10 years, the group originally assigned to receive lutein/zeaxanthin had an additional 20% reduced risk of progression to late AMD compared to those originally assigned to receive beta-carotene.

These results confirmed that switching our formula from beta-carotene to lutein and zeaxanthin was the right choice, said Chew.

The study was funded by the NEI Intramural program (EY000546) and through contracts (AREDS2 contract HHS-N-260-2005-00007-C; ADB contract NO1-EY-5-0007; AREDS Contract NOI-EY-0-2127, and contract HHS-N-263-2013-00005-C). The AREDS2 contracts were supported by the NIH Office of Dietary Office of Dietary Supplements, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, the National Institute on Aging, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The study took place at the NIH Clinical Center.

NEI leads the federal governments research on the visual system and eye diseases. NEI supports basic and clinical science programs to develop sight-saving treatments and address special needs of people with vision loss. For more information, visit https://www.nei.nih.gov.

About the National Institutes of Health (NIH):NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit http://www.nih.gov.

NIHTurning Discovery Into Health

Chew EY, Clemons TE, Agron E, Domalpally A, Keenan TDL, Vitale S, Weber C, Smith DC, Christen W, for the AREDS2 Research group. Long-term outcomes of adding Lutein/Zeaxanthin and Omega-3 Fatty Acids to the AREDS Supplements on Age-Related Macular Degeneration Progression: AREDS2 Report #28. JAMA Ophthalmology. June 2, 2022.


NIH study confirms benefit of supplements for slowing age-related macular degeneration - National Institutes of Health (.gov)


VoxLens: Adding one line of code can make some interactive visualizations accessible to screen-reader users – University of Washington

June 8th, 2022 1:53 am

Engineering | News releases | Technology

June 1, 2022

University of Washington researchers worked with screen-reader users to design VoxLens, a JavaScript plugin that with one additional line of code allows people to interact with visualizations. Millions of Americans use screen readers for a variety of reasons, including complete or partial blindness, learning disabilities or motion sensitivity. Shown here is a screen reader with a refreshable Braille display.Elizabeth Woolner/Unsplash

Interactive visualizations have changed the way we understand our lives. For example, they can showcase the number of coronavirus infections in each state.

But these graphics often are not accessible to people who use screen readers, software programs that scan the contents of a computer screen and make the contents available via a synthesized voice or Braille. Millions of Americans use screen readers for a variety of reasons, including complete or partial blindness, learning disabilities or motion sensitivity.

University of Washington researchers worked with screen-reader users to design VoxLens, a JavaScript plugin that with one additional line of code allows people to interact with visualizations. VoxLens users can gain a high-level summary of the information described in a graph, listen to a graph translated into sound or use voice-activated commands to ask specific questions about the data, such as the mean or the minimum value.

The team presented this project May 3 at CHI 2022 in New Orleans.

If Im looking at a graph, I can pull out whatever information I am interested in, maybe its the overall trend or maybe its the maximum, said lead author Ather Sharif, a UW doctoral student in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. Right now, screen-reader users either get very little or no information about online visualizations, which, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, can sometimes be a matter of life and death. The goal of our project is to give screen-reader users a platform where they can extract as much or as little information as they want.

Screen readers can inform users about the text on a screen because its what researchers call one-dimensional information.

There is a start and an end of a sentence and everything else comes in between, said co-senior author Jacob O. Wobbrock, UW professor in the Information School. But as soon as you move things into two dimensional spaces, such as visualizations, theres no clear start and finish. Its just not structured in the same way, which means theres no obvious entry point or sequencing for screen readers.

The team started the project by working with five screen-reader users with partial or complete blindness to figure out how a potential tool could work.

In the field of accessibility, its really important to follow the principle of nothing about us without us,' Sharif said. Were not going to build something and then see how it works. Were going to build it taking users feedback into account. We want to build what they need.

To implement VoxLens, visualization designers only need to add a single line of code.

We didnt want people to jump from one visualization to another and experience inconsistent information, Sharif said. We made VoxLens a public library, which means that youre going to hear the same kind of summary for all visualizations. Designers can just add that one line of code and then we do the rest.

The researchers evaluated VoxLens by recruiting 22 screen-reader users who were either completely or partially blind. Participants learned how to use VoxLens and then completed nine tasks, each of which involved answering questions about a visualization.

Participants learned how to use VoxLens and then completed nine tasks (one of which is shown here), each of which involved answering questions about a visualization. Each task was divided into three pages. Page 1 (labeled with a) presented the question a participant would be answering, page 2 (b) displayed the question and the visualization and page 3 (c) showed the question with four multiple choice responses.Sharif et al./CHI 2022

Compared to participants from a previous study who did not have access to this tool, VoxLens users completed the tasks with 122% increased accuracy and 36% decreased interaction time.

We want people to interact with a graph as much as they want, but we also dont want them to spend an hour trying to find what the maximum is, Sharif said. In our study, interaction time refers to how long it takes to extract information, and thats why reducing it is a good thing.

The team also interviewed six participants about their experiences.

We wanted to make sure that these accuracy and interaction time numbers we saw were reflected in how the participants were feeling about VoxLens, Sharif said. We got really positive feedback. Someone told us theyve been trying to access visualizations for the past 12 years and this was the first time they were able to do so easily.

Right now, VoxLens only works for visualizations that are created using JavaScript libraries, such as D3, chart.js or Google Sheets. But the team is working on expanding to other popular visualization platforms. The researchers also acknowledged that the voice-recognition system can be frustrating to use.

This work is part of a much larger agenda for us removing bias in design, said co-senior author Katharina Reinecke, UW associate professor in the Allen School. When we build technology, we tend to think of people who are like us and who have the same abilities as we do. For example, D3 has really revolutionized access to visualizations online and improved how people can understand information. But there are values ingrained in it and people are left out. Its really important that we start thinking more about how to make technology useful for everybody.

Additional co-authors on this paper are Olivia Wang, a UW undergraduate student in the Allen School, and Alida Muongchan, a UW undergraduate student studying human centered design and engineering. This research was funded by the Mani Charitable Foundation, the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public, and the University of Washington Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences.

For more information, contact Sharif at asharif@cs.washington.edu, Wobbrock at wobbrock@uw.edu and Reinecke reinecke@cs.washington.edu.

See the original post:
VoxLens: Adding one line of code can make some interactive visualizations accessible to screen-reader users - University of Washington


Patients with cataracts forced to wait for a year to get NHS surgery during Covid – The Mirror

June 8th, 2022 1:53 am


Cataracts - the world's leading cause of blindness - see the small transparent disc develop cloudy patches that become bigger causing blurry, misty vision and eventually blindness

Image: Getty Images)

People with failing eyesight have been forced to wait more than a year for NHS operations to remove cataracts, official figures reveal.

Cataracts are the worlds leading cause of blindness affecting more than half of Brits over 65.

Charities warn huge delays could leave many elderly people losing their ability to live independently.

Patients in North Warwickshire waited on average 377 days in 2020/21 for the procedure according to new NHS Digital data for the last three years released to the Mirror.

This is more than double the waits at the regional clinical commissioning group (CCG) with the longest average waits in 2017/18 which was around four and a half months.

Provisional data for 2021/22 shows at least four CCGs covering millions of patients where average waits are longer than six months.


Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said: Cataracts are a hazard of later life that left untreated can make older people anxious and depressed, rob them of confidence and put them at increased risk of falls.

They also make it much more difficult for older people to get out and about, or to read, and are generally hugely disruptive for any sort of normal life.

These long waits mean that huge numbers of older people are living with pain, discomfort and stress not knowing when they will get the help they need.

We know the NHS is under intense pressure and doing its level best to catch up post pandemic but the truth is that for many older people there is no relief immediately in sight, making this a really tough time for them.

Cataracts see the small transparent disc develop cloudy patches that become bigger causing blurry, misty vision and eventually blindness.

In young people lenses are usually like clear glass allowing us to see through them. As we get older, they start to become frosted, like bathroom glass and limit our vision.

Average waits overall for cataracts improved in latest 2021/22 data but still saw patients waiting over seven-and-a-half months.

Patients in Leicester waited longest last year at 229 days on average.

Its CCG was followed by Somerset at 224 days, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin at 222 days, West Suffolk at 219 days and Stoke-on-Trent at 161 days.

Louise Gow, eye lead at the Royal National Institute of Blind People, said: Were concerned by data that shows patients in some trusts are now waiting longer for ophthalmology procedures than they were two years ago during the height of the pandemic.

While we understand that ophthalmologists have worked extremely hard to ensure patients are seen as quickly as possible, for patients and their families. Being on a waiting list for any length of time brings anxiety and uncertainty.

Although those facing a delay for cataract surgery are not at risk of permanent loss of vision, they are losing out on improved quality of life, greater independence and are at increased risk of falls due to poor vision and people also share with us the knock-on effect this can have on their mental well-being.

The provisional data for the most recent financial year of 2021/22, which did not include all CCGs, suggested improved average cataract surgery waits overall in the NHS.

The average wait for the procedure was just over two-and-a-half months - or 79 days - compared to 115 days in 2020/21.

Following the year-long cataract waits Coventry and Warwickshire CCG was formed from Warwickshire North and two neighbouring CCGs in April 2021.

A spokesman for Coventry and Warwickshire CCG said: The pandemic meant that unfortunately we had to pause many non-emergency operations while we responded to the immediate challenges of Covid-19.

Restoring our services is a priority for us and average waiting times for cataract operations have now significantly reduced in our area.

A spokesman for Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland (LLR) healthcare said: Responding to Covid meant that some operations were postponed during the pandemic.

We know that waiting for treatment is frustrating for patients and understand the impact it has on them. We are now fully focused on reducing waiting times as local services move back to pre-pandemic levels.

To help improve the situation we are also increasing the availability of cataract treatments through other providers.

The RNIBs Sight Loss Advice Service on 0303 123 9999 can provide support and practical advice about coping with reduced sight the support available.

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See the original post here:
Patients with cataracts forced to wait for a year to get NHS surgery during Covid - The Mirror


Restoring vision by recharging cells’ batteries | MUSC | Charleston, SC – Medical University of South Carolina

June 8th, 2022 1:53 am

In May, an interdisciplinary MUSC research team won an inaugural Blue Sky Award, which provided $100,000 in funding for its project to restore vision in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by recharging the eye cells batteries. The Blue Sky Award was created to encourage high-risk, high-reward research that has the potential to make a profound impact on patient care but is unlikely to attract traditional funding due to the difficulties of the projects.

The team is led byBaerbel Rohrer, Ph.D., of the College of Medicine, andAndrew Jakymiw, Ph.D., of the College of Dental Medicine, and included their graduate students Kyrie Wilson and Charles Holjencin. Rohrer is the Endowed Chair of Gene and Pharmaceutical Treatment of Retinal Degenerative Disease. Jakymiw is an expert in developing cell-penetrating peptides for drug delivery.

Together, they intend to tackle a disease that affects more than 10 million Americans: AMD. The disease causes vision to worsen slowly and eventually leads to blindness. Current therapies are inadequate, as they can only lessen the symptoms and aim, at best, to postpone the loss of vision. Existing therapies also require patients to return again and again for treatment.

Team members werent satisfied with just slowing down the disease. They wanted to develop a curative therapy that could protect and even restore vision.

We knew that if we could treat the disease at the root cause, and not just the symptoms, that would be a huge step forward in regenerative medicine, said Wilson.

At its root, AMD is caused by an insufficient supply of energy to eye cells.

Every single activity of a cell requires energy, said Rohrer. Once you lose that energy, you will lose proper function of the cells. That will eventually lead to disease and vision loss.

Mitochondria are the batteries that supply energy to cells, and they have their own DNA mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA to help them to do that. When their DNA becomes damaged, mitochondria cease to function properly and cannot provide cells with the energy they need.

Over time or because of stress, errors can be introduced into mtDNA as it copies itself.Rohrer likens the process to the game of telephone. In the game, a person whispers a word into the ear of another person. That person then whispers the word into the ear of the next person and so on down the line.

Whatever ends up after five people is probably not the word that you picked to start with, said Rohrer. And its pretty much the same thing with copying mtDNA.

Instead of trying to target and fix many copy errors, Rohrer and Wilson wondered whether a better approach would be to prevent the mistakes in the first place. They could do so by providing the mitochondria a new blueprint, or template, for copying their DNA, essentially resetting the word in the telephone game.

You need a new template, said Wilson. You need to go back and have the perfect words again and know what youre trying to say.

Rohrer and Wilson realized that they would need a vehicle to deliver the template to the mitochondria. It would have to be able to dodge the bodys immune system and be accepted by the mitochondria. They reached out to Jakymiw, who had expertise with small nucleic acid-based drug delivery.

We had actually never delivered anything that large to that point, said Jakymiw. I mean were talking about like 16 kilobases, which is a pretty big molecule.

Although the two laboratories had had initial discussions, it was the announcement of the Blue Sky Award that solidified the collaboration and jump started the project.

Some outcomes of the preliminary work that has evolved over the last few months suggest that we can potentially deliver this large amount of DNA and target it efficiently enough to restore vision for individuals affected by AMD, continued Jakymiw.

Jakymiw and Holjencin decorate the surface of the mtDNA with small proteins that carry instructions for the cells and mitochondria on how to take up this newly formed nanoparticle.

Essentially, we have a delivery mechanism that carries its own instructions for cell delivery, said Holjencin, who is creating the nanoparticles being used in the project.

You can also design the small proteins so that they can recognize a particular zip code and deliver the cargo to that particular site within the cell, said Jakymiw.

These small proteins also provide a potential invisibility cloak to protect the nanoparticles from the bodys immune system.

To date, the team has shown that the small proteins can package the mtDNA within nanoparticles and deploy it to the struggling mitochondria. They have also shown that it persists there for at least four weeks. In previous studies, mtDNA disappeared after just 48 hours.

We will eventually end up looking for the presence of mtDNA at probably eight weeks, maybe even out to 16 weeks, said Wilson.

And obviously what we would want for humans is that that this translates into many years as opposed to having to repeat these treatments on a regular basis, said Rohrer.

The hope is that introducing the template would set off a series of events that could lead to restored vision. The mitochondria might share the template with its neighbors, which could, likewise, pass it on. As the quality of mtDNA improves in more and more mitochondria, they could again supply sufficient energy to eye cells, restoring vision.

This new approach is like a quantum leap. If this were to work, it would just significantly change not just the trajectory of my lab but the trajectory of treatment for AMD, said Rohrer.

Continue reading here:
Restoring vision by recharging cells' batteries | MUSC | Charleston, SC - Medical University of South Carolina


Monkeypox outbreak: What to know about symptoms, threat – Medical News Today

June 8th, 2022 1:53 am

This is a developing story. We will provide updates as more information becomes available.

On the heels of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a zoonotic virus seems to be spreading across the globe.

Since early May, Monkeypox has been making headway across at least 30 countries, including the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Australia, and the United States. The number of cases has increased to more than 550 worldwide as of June 1, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

In the U.K., nearly 200 monkeypox cases have been confirmed since May 7. During a press conference on May 17, WHO officials said that these are mostly separate occurrences except for a family cluster with two confirmed cases and one probable case[].

Recently, Canada and the U.S. joined these nations in tracking and tracing the virus.

As of May 19, Canada confirmed two monkeypox cases and said it was investigating more than a dozen suspected cases. The Massachusetts Department of Health also announced a single case in an individual who had recently been in Canada. Several Canadian cases have been linked to this person.

On May 18, Scott Pauley, press officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), told Medical News Today:

The U.K. notified the U.S. of 8 people in the U.S. who might have been seated near the U.K. traveler when they flew from Nigeria to London [on May 3-4, 2022]. Of these, one is no longer in the U.S., and one was not a contact. The remaining six are being monitored by their respective state health departments. None of these six travel contacts have monkeypox symptoms and their risk of infection is very low.

The WHO officials have been tracking monkeypoxs path through Europe and North America for several weeks. However, with the data available so far, they do not know long the virus has been spreading.

On May 30, the agency said during a public webinar that while it cannot rule out the risk, it is unlikely the outbreak will turn into a global pandemic.

Monkeypox is a zoonotic virus, which transmits disease from animals to humans. Cases typically occur near tropical rainforests, where animals that carry the virus live.

The monkeypox virus is a member of the orthopoxvirus family. It also has two distinct genetic strains or clades: the Central African (Congo Basin) clade and the West African clade. The Congo Basin clade is known to spread more easily and cause more severe symptoms.

Monkeypox naturally occurs in Africa, especially in west and central African nations. Cases in the U.S. are rare and associated with international travel from places where the disease is more common.

Monkeypox symptoms and signs include headache, skin rash, fever, body aches, chills, swollen lymph nodes, and exhaustion. It produces symptoms similar to smallpox, but milder.

The time from infection to the onset of symptoms, which is referred to as the incubation period, can range from five to 21 days. The illness typically resolves within two to four weeks.

Severe cases are more common among people with underlying immune deficiencies and young children. In recent times, the case fatality ratio of monkeypox is around 3-6%.

Transmission of the monkeypox virus among humans is limited, but it can happen through close skin contact, air droplets, bodily fluids, and virus-contaminated objects.

Most of the recent cases of monkeypox in the U.K. and Canada have been reported among attendees of sexual health services at health clinics in men who have sex with men.

Regarding this trend, Dr. I. Soc Fall, the regional emergencies director for the WHOs Health Emergencies Program, cautioned:

This is new information we need to investigate properly to understand better the dynamic of local transmission in the U.K. and some other countries.

During a press conference on May 17, Dr. Fall acknowledged that public health officials still have much to learn about the monkeypox virus.

But the most important thing is we really need to invest in understanding the development of monkeypox because we have so many unknowns in terms of the dynamics of transmission, the clinical features, the epidemiology. In terms of therapeutics and diagnostics also, we still have important gaps, he said.

WHO experts believe that solutions for monkeypox calls must go beyond addressing the disease.

During the press conference, Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHOs Health Emergencies Program, said: [G]etting answers isnt just about getting answers about the virus. Weve got to get answers about the hosts, weve got to get answers about human behavior and practice, and weve got to operate at all levels to try and ensure that human populations are protected.

For more insight, Medical News Today spoke with Dr. Kartik Cherabuddi, clinical associate professor in infectious diseases and director of the Global Medicine and Antimicrobial Management Program at the University of Florida.

Being aware of the rash of monkeypox which presents as vesicles is very important. Additional measures include vigilance in those who have traveled in the past 30 days to countries that have reported cases of monkeypox [and] who have contact with a person who is confirmed or suspected of monkeypox. Dr. Kartik Cherabuddi

Dr. Cherabuddi mentioned that smallpox vaccinations offer some protection against monkeypox. He said the Democratic Republic of Congo is currently employing ring vaccination for close contacts of confirmed cases.

The U.K. is also using ring vaccination, in addition to contact and source tracing, case searching, and local rash-illness surveillance, he added.

Dr. Cherabuddi believes that more cases will arise in the U.S., but its difficult to predict how many.

He said he was concerned that with fewer people in the U.S. having had smallpox vaccinations, this could be putting a majority of the population below the age of 40-50 years at risk for infection[]

Dr. Ryan also noted that preventing the disease may not entirely rest on vaccines. He pointed out that the protection offered by previous smallpox vaccination also has reduced[]

He said there might be a need to change agricultural, social, and food storage practices to prevent further outbreaks. Officials hope to help communities understand how the virus spreads so they can address it at its sources.

Dr. Cherabuddi told MNT that vaccines for monkeypox have also been approved for limited circulation.

An approved vaccine for monkeypoxMVA-BNis not widely available. Tecovirimat (TPOXX), as both oral and IV medication is approved in the U.S. for treating smallpox and oral form in Europe to treat cowpox, monkeypox, and smallpox. The FDA also approved brincidofovir (Tembexa) in 2021 to treat smallpox. These medications are not widely available, he said.

Monkeypox outbreak: What to know about symptoms, threat - Medical News Today


Valuation of Eye Care Surgical Devices Market Estimated at US$ 10.7 Bn by 2031, TMR Report – PR Newswire

June 8th, 2022 1:53 am

ALBANY, N.Y., June 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- TMR study for eye care surgical devices market projections estimates the said market to peg a CAGR of 5.5% for the forecast period from 2022 to 2031. Demand for eye care surgical devices has been rising significantly due to increase in incidence of ophthalmic disorders such as cataract, glaucoma, and other vision-related disorders that are leading causes of blindness and visual impairment. Eye care surgical devices range include both non-invasive and invasive diagnostic devices and instruments such as contact lenses, glaucoma stents, and intraocular lenses.

Eye care surgical devices market outlook is promising with the availability of technologically advanced cataract surgery equipment resulting in improved clinical outcomes. Emerging trend of advancements in cataract surgery equipment has led to improved safety and effectiveness of common procedures.

In general, for clinical purposes, ophthalmology and its subspecialties are at the forefront embracing rapid technological advancements. For example, apodization has resulted in intraocular lens technology to progress from refractive to diffractive to result in fewer and less severe visual side effects.

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Valuation of Eye Care Surgical Devices Market Estimated at US$ 10.7 Bn by 2031, TMR Report - PR Newswire


Love in the shadow of death: The story of Ruth – JNS.org

June 8th, 2022 1:53 am

(June 6, 2022 / Jewish Journal) All of life is a footnote to love and death. These two poles of existence overshadow everything else; love creates life and death takes it away, filling our lives with joy and sorrow in unending succession.

It is easiest to consider love and death separately, as two very different chapters of life; and emotionally, they are worlds apart. Halachah is a reflection of this instinct, treating mourning and celebration as irreconcilable opposites. Mourners dont attend celebrations and parties, and the joy of the holidays terminates shiva. The heart cannot accommodate both joy and grief at the same time, because both love and death inspire intense, all-encompassing emotions.

Love is intoxicating. Shir Hashirim, the Song of Songs, portrays the exceptional power of love through a depiction of couples who are lovesick and unable to act rationally. And this reality repeats itself over and over in history. When Jacob falls in love with Rachel, he dramatically overpays for her dowry, offering to work seven full years for her hand. Even so, Jacob imagines that he is the one who is getting a bargain because he is so much in love with Rachel; the seven years seem like a small price to pay for Rachels hand in marriage. Jacob is blinded by love.

William Blake captures this mindless blindness in a short poem: Love to faults is always blind, Always is to joy inclind, Lawless, wingd and unconfind, And breaks all chains from every mind. Love hatches remarkable dreams that fly in every direction; with love nothing seems impossible. Lovers are oblivious to reality and live in their own two-person universe, just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Death brings a blindness of its own. When King Solomon writes the book of Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, he begins with a lament about the pointlessness of life. As Rashi puts it, The author of Kohelet issues a complaint against the seven days of creation, that [the world] is all a vanity of vanities. Death, the question without an answer, confounds him. What point does life have, Kohelet asks, if the righteous man meets the same end as the wicked, and the wise man has the same fate as an animal? (The bitter, skeptical tone of Kohelet seems out of place in the Tanakh. I sometimes wonder if the purpose of Kohelet is to expose us to our own bitterness and cynicism, to recognize that hope will disintegrate without faith.)

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Whenever one looks death in the eye, optimism and joy quickly evaporate. Franz Rosenzweig notes how life stands in the shadow of death, and all that is mortal lives in fear of death each newly born waits with fear and trembling for the day of its passage into the dark every new birth multiplies the fear for it multiplies that which is mortal. When one enters the realm of death, a cold cynicism descends, choking off any experience of joy.

The poetry of Shir Hashirim and the acerbic philosophy of Kohelet each deserve their own book. They faithfully explore the experiences of passion and despair. And because the emotions of joy and grief are opposites, we assume that the experiences of love and death are utterly incompatible. But they are not.

A third biblical book, the Book of Ruth, brings death and love together. In it, a family moves from Israel to Moab, where the sons take Moabite wives for themselves. In short succession, this family is devastated by death with the father and his two sons passing away at a young age. Alone and impoverished, one of the sons wives, Ruth, returns with her beloved mother-in-law, Naomi, to Israel, abandoning her homeland to remain with her. Ruth persists despite discrimination and desperation, and insists that she will perpetuate her husbands familys legacy; and in the end, she does just that. She marries a relative of her husbands, Boaz, and the family continues: Their great-grandson is King David.

The Book of Ruth is not just a book of love and death; it is a book about a different type of love, love in the shadow of death. After the familys tragedies, Naomi succumbs to cynicism; she even suggests she should rename herself bitter. Ruth refuses this path; she battles with the angel of death. Ruth teaches us how to pursue redemption in the valley of the shadow of death.

The Hebrew word for redemption, gaal, appears multiple times in the book of Ruth because it is a book about redemptions, both large and small. By remarrying and bringing grandchildren to Naomi, Ruth redeems and rebuilds a once broken family. And later, her descendant King David will be the very symbol of Messianic redemption and bring redemption to the nation as a whole.

Ordinarily, death erases life and destroys all that love has built. But in redemption, it is love that gets the final word, staying one step ahead in a cosmic wrestling match. It is when you continue to love after a tragedy, when you courageously pour your broken heart into rebuilding a broken world, you have taken the first steps on the road to redemption.

The very foundation of Jewish history is redemption; it is the story of a people who, despite having every reason to be bitter and cynical, continued to rebuild and repair. This has never been more evident than in the past century. Crushed by the Holocaust, it would have made sense for the Jews to give up. Instead, following Ruths example, they built the State of Israel, a modern-day miracle of redemption.

Last week I joined the Ramaz Upper School mission to Israel, together with nearly 500 students and teachers. Israel is filled with stories of redemption, both large and small. At Tel-a-Sakithe sight of one of the fiercest battles of the Yom Kippur Warwe were told about the heroism of the soldiers who fought there. Three tanks, under the command of Yoav Yakir, held off hundreds of Syrian tanks for nearly two days, giving the army precious time to reinforce their defenses on the Golan Heights. Even after it became clear that they were no longer able to hold off the Syrians, Yoav chose to fight as long as possible and fell in battle.

After the war, a member of Yoavs unit, Yitzchak Nagarker, had a baby boy. (Yitzchak is a war hero in his own right, with his own incredible story of courage.) At the brit, Yitzchak invited Yoavs father to be the sandak and named his first born Yoav, in honor of his fallen comrade. Love is as strong as death, and is the very instrument of redemption, and Yoavs legacy continues to live on in Yitzchaks son.

Our mission prayed at the Kotel on Friday night, just a day before Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day. Through hundreds of years of exile, the passion the Jewish people had for Jerusalem never wavered. They continued to dream of this place, to declare Lshanah habaah byerushalayim,next year in Jerusalem. And on June 7, 1967, for the first time in 1900 years, that dream came true. An Israeli flag was raised over the Kotel. With tears in their eyes, the exiles had returned to Zion. The Kotel is the ultimate monument to redemption, and its stones whisper, Am Yisrael Chai, the Jewish people live on.

After services on Friday night, the Ramaz students gathered in the plaza, waiting to walk together as a group to Shabbat dinner. Then something remarkable happened. They gathered together in one large circle, singing Jewish songs for half an hour; other visitors came over to watch this moment of inspiration. At that moment, the students were making Ruths legacy their own. They were singing the song of redemption, continuing an undying love story that has lasted for thousands of years.

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz is the senior rabbi of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York.

This article was originally published by theJewish Journal.

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Love in the shadow of death: The story of Ruth - JNS.org


DIAGNOS Announces the Deployment of its Age-Related Macular Degeneration Detection Application Into the Optometry Clinics of IRIS, The Visual Group -…

June 8th, 2022 1:53 am

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BROSSARD, Quebec, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DIAGNOS Inc. (DIAGNOS, the Corporation or we) (TSX Venture: ADK) (OTCQB: DGNOF) a leader in early detection of critical health issues through the use of its FLAIRE platform based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), is pleased to announce the deployment of its Age-Related Macular Degeneration detection application into the optometry clinics of IRIS The Visual Group.

It is with great pleasure that DIAGNOS is announcing the deployment of its Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) detection application into the optometry clinics of IRIS The Visual Group (IRIS). With over 1,250 patients having received this new test already, we can see that the demand is great for this application in clinical optometry and optical retail. This deployment of this application represents an important milestone in the Artificial Intelligence Technology Implementation Program announced in June 2021 by the two groups.

We are thrilled by the addition of the AMD detection application into our portfolio as it further expands the value our company offers to eyecare providers, an important segment of our market expansion strategy. saysMr. Yves-Stphane Couture, Vice-President of DIAGNOS. The quality of the relationship we developed with IRIS throughout this project and the constant spirit of collaboration and desire to improve patient outcomes shared by our respective organizations have been decisive in the development of this new tool, it positively and directly contributed to the deployment we are doing today.

AMD is a leading cause of visual deterioration and legal blindness in people over 60 years of age. The loss of central vision and high-resolution visual acuity from untreated AMD can lead to irreversible loss of reading, depression, reduced facial recognition ability, and disqualification from driving. Regular screening for eye diseases is of the utmost importance to enable early detection of eye disease and prevent major alterations in quality of life from occurring.

The deployment of this new application in our clinics is perfectly aligned with IRIS desire to be at the forefront of technological advances in its clinical optometry and optical retail operations. We strive to provide our customers with the most effective cutting-edge technologies, with tools that enhance the healthcare experience we provide and improve clinical outcomes. Artificial Intelligence solutions like that of DIAGNOS raise the bar in terms of quality of care and perfectly illustrate of the benefits of our collaboration with this company. said Dr. Jahel St-Jacques, Optometrist and Vice-President of IRIS.

DIAGNOS is currently putting the finishing touches on several Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning algorithms focused on disease detection and aimed to improve clinical operations and patient outcomes. The launch of the AMD detection application is the first in a series of important launches planned soon, that will ensure the success and sustainability of the organization.

About IRISIRIS was founded in 1990 in Quebec. Since that time, IRIS has developed into the largest network of optometrists, opticians and ophthalmologists operating under the same banner across Canada. The companys locations combine clinical optometry and optical retail to provide a unique concept and a commitment to offering top quality products and services in the field of eyecare.

Additional information is available at http://www.iris.ca

About DIAGNOSDIAGNOS is a publicly traded Canadian corporation dedicated to early detection of critical health problems based on its FLAIRE Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform. FLAIRE allows for quick modifying and developing of applications such as CARA (Computer Assisted Retina Analysis). CARAs image enhancement algorithms provide sharper, clearer and easier-to-analyze retinal images. CARA is a cost-effective tool for real-time screening of large volumes of patients. CARA has been cleared for commercialization by the following regulators: Health Canada, the FDA (USA), CE (Europe), COFEPRIS (Mexico) and Saudi FDA (Saudi Arabia).

Additional information is available atwww.DIAGNOS.com andwww.sedar.com

This news release contains forward-looking information. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in these statements. DIAGNOS disclaims any intention or obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The forward-looking information contained in this news release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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DIAGNOS Announces the Deployment of its Age-Related Macular Degeneration Detection Application Into the Optometry Clinics of IRIS, The Visual Group -...


Coya Therapeutics Secures $10 Million Financing to Advance Clinical and Pre-Clinical Pipeline of Regulatory T Cell Therapeutics

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

HOUSTON, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Coya Therapeutics, Inc. (Coya), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing multiple first-in-class and best-in-class approaches that enhance regulatory T cell (Treg) function, today announced that it has raised approximately $10.3 million from institutional and accredited investors. The financing brings the total funding to date to over $20 million.

Originally posted here:
Coya Therapeutics Secures $10 Million Financing to Advance Clinical and Pre-Clinical Pipeline of Regulatory T Cell Therapeutics


Todos Medical Reports Day 28 Update for Case Study #5 with Erectile Dysfunction

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

New York, NY, and Tel Aviv, ISRAEL, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NewMediaWire -- Todos Medical, Ltd. (OTCQB: TOMDF), a comprehensive medical diagnostics and related solutions company, today announced that its majority-owned subsidiary 3CL Pharma, Ltd. reported a Day 28 update from an ongoing case study by Dr. Lee Morgentaler of a 3CL protease cleanse with Tollovid, a 3CL protease inhibitor dietary supplement, in a patient who originally contracted COVID in December 2021 and experienced symptoms of Long COVID, including erectile dysfunction.

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Todos Medical Reports Day 28 Update for Case Study #5 with Erectile Dysfunction


Novartis Scemblix®, with novel mechanism of action, shows superior, long-term efficacy and consistent tolerability in 96-week follow-up of chronic…

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

Basel, June 7, 2022 — Novartis today announced longer-term follow-up data from the Phase III ASCEMBL trial for patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (Ph+ CML-CP) previously treated with two or more tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), presented at the 2022 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. In this analysis, the proportion of patients in the Scemblix® (asciminib) arm (n=157) who achieved a major molecular response (MMR) at 96 weeks was more than double that in the Bosulif® (bosutinib) arm (n=76) (37.6% vs. 15.8% [P=.001]), substantially increasing from previous analyses1,2. Additionally, the probability of maintaining MMR for at least 72 weeks for patients treated with Scemblix was 96.7% (95% CI, 87.4%–99.2%), reflecting long-term durability of efficacy1.

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Novartis Scemblix®, with novel mechanism of action, shows superior, long-term efficacy and consistent tolerability in 96-week follow-up of chronic...


Valneva to Present on its Single-Shot Chikungunya Vaccine Candidate, Host Symposium at NECTM8

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

Saint-Herblain (France), June 7, 2022 – Valneva SE (Nasdaq: VALN; Euronext Paris: VLA), a specialty vaccine company, announced today it will present on its single-shot chikungunya vaccine candidate VLA1553 on June 9, 2022 at the 8th Northern European Conference on Travel Medicine (NECTM8) in Rotterdam.

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Valneva to Present on its Single-Shot Chikungunya Vaccine Candidate, Host Symposium at NECTM8


AB Science today announced publication of results from its positive study of masitinib in severe asthma uncontrolled by oral corticosteroids in the…

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am


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AB Science today announced publication of results from its positive study of masitinib in severe asthma uncontrolled by oral corticosteroids in the...


PMV Pharmaceuticals Initial PC14586 Phase 1 Data Presented at ASCO Demonstrated Anti-Tumor Activity Across Multiple Solid Tumor Types With a p53 Y220C…

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

CRANBURY, N.J., June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PMV Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: PMVP; “PMV Pharma”), a precision oncology company pioneering the discovery and development of small molecule, tumor-agnostic therapies targeting p53, today announced that preliminary results from the ongoing Phase 1/2 PYNNACLE study of PC14586 in patients with advanced solid tumors harboring a p53 Y220C mutation demonstrated anti-tumor efficacy across multiple tumor types with an acceptable safety profile. PC14586 is a first-in-class precision oncology small molecule investigational therapy that selectively targets the p53 Y220C mutation in solid tumors.

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PMV Pharmaceuticals Initial PC14586 Phase 1 Data Presented at ASCO Demonstrated Anti-Tumor Activity Across Multiple Solid Tumor Types With a p53 Y220C...


Oxurion Announces Preclinical Presentation on THR-149 at KININ2022

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

Leuven, BELGIUM, Boston, MA, US – JUNE 7, 2022 – Oxurion NV (Euronext Brussels: OXUR), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing next generation standard of care ophthalmic therapies in patients with retinal disorders including diabetic macular edema, today delivered a preclinical presentation evaluating the pharmacokinetic properties of THR-149 at KININ2022, held in Annecy, France, June 5-8, 2022.

Read the original here:
Oxurion Announces Preclinical Presentation on THR-149 at KININ2022


Halo Pet Launches Multi-Million Dollar Marketing Campaign to Celebrate the World’s Best Kids: Your Pet

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

New Super-Premium Natural Pet Food Brand from Better Choice Company Targets Millennial and Gen Z Pet Parents New Super-Premium Natural Pet Food Brand from Better Choice Company Targets Millennial and Gen Z Pet Parents

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Halo Pet Launches Multi-Million Dollar Marketing Campaign to Celebrate the World's Best Kids: Your Pet


Axiom Presenting “Safety First: How Integrated Clinical Platforms Offer a Critical Advantage in Managing the Various Points to Control Safety” at…

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

TORONTO, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Axiom Real-Time Metrics ("Axiom"), a premier provider of unified eClinical solutions and services focused on small-to-medium life science organizations, will be presenting and exhibiting at Outsourcing in Clinical Trials: Medical Devices USA 2022, June 8-9 in Irvine, CA.

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Axiom Presenting “Safety First: How Integrated Clinical Platforms Offer a Critical Advantage in Managing the Various Points to Control Safety” at...


Inventiva joins the Euronext Tech Leaders segment

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

Daix (France), Long Island City (New York, United States), June 7, 2022 – Inventiva (Euronext Paris and Nasdaq: IVA) (the “Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of oral small molecule therapies for the treatment of patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and other diseases with significant unmet medical needs, today announced that it will join the Euronext Tech Leaders initiative, a new Euronext segment comprised of more than 100 high-growth and leading Tech companies across Europe.

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Inventiva joins the Euronext Tech Leaders segment


Talaris Therapeutics Presents Additional Phase 2 Data and Analyses at American Transplant Congress 2022

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

BOSTON and LOUISVILLE, Ky., June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Talaris Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: TALS), a late-clinical stage cell therapy company developing therapies with the potential to transform the standard of care in solid organ transplantation and severe immune and blood disorders, presented additional data and analyses from its Phase 2 trial of FCR001 and other studies of its Facilitated Allo-HSCT Therapy platform at the 2022 American Transplant Congress (ATC).

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Talaris Therapeutics Presents Additional Phase 2 Data and Analyses at American Transplant Congress 2022


Satsuma Pharmaceuticals Hosting Key Opinion Leader Webinar on the Acute Treatment of Migraine, DHE, and STS101

June 8th, 2022 1:52 am

Thursday, June 16th @ 10:30 a.m. ET Thursday, June 16th @ 10:30 a.m. ET

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Satsuma Pharmaceuticals Hosting Key Opinion Leader Webinar on the Acute Treatment of Migraine, DHE, and STS101


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