Malaya Business Insight
June 27th, 2012 9:14 pmDetails Published on Thursday, 28 June 2012 00:00 Written by PHILIP S. CHUA
Excessive video gaming (desktop or hand-held) is hazardous to childrens body, brain, and health in general, causing anxiety, depression and poor performance in school.
ARE soft drinks really bad for our health?
Most definitely, yes. On average, there are 10 to 15 calories per ounce of non-diet soft drinks, so a 12-ounce can contains 120-180 calories. Drinking a can of this liquid candy a day adds an extra 120 calories to the days diet. Statistics show that an extra 100 calories a day leads to a weight gain of 10 pounds a year. Imagine what drinking a can with every meal could do to your health. But, worse than calories, is the more dangerous fact that imbibing soft drinks is associated with the development of Metabolic Syndrome (central obesity leading to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart attack, stroke).
All of us should abandon soft drinks and also save our children from this dangerous drink. Red wine, even for children (as practices in some European countries), would be safer than these treacherous and subtle poisons.
I hate daily insulin shots; any alternative?
If your diabetes is not controlled by pills and your physician prescribes diet, exercise and insulin for you, it will be wise for you to follow this custom-tailored regimen, otherwise complications of diabetes could ravage your entire body and shorten your life. Since you hate insulin shots like every diabetic, you could consider implantation of an Insulin Pump.
This is the state-of-the-art method of administering insulin to insulin dependent diabetic patients. The small device is implanted under the skin and the catheter connected to it is inserted into a vein. The computerized pump contains insulin in its chamber and delivers a precise dose of insulin at a preset time schedule. The insulin chamber is refillable. This pump replaces the needle injection as a method of giving insulin. Further down the line, embryonic stem cell transplant may someday become a routine cure for diabetes.
Do video games hurt children?
Excessive video gaming (desktop or hand-held) is hazardous to childrens body, brain, and health in general, causing anxiety, depression and poor performance in school, according to a study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
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Malaya Business Insight