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Ovarian cancer stem cells investigated

October 6th, 2012 7:24 am

Queensland scientists will investigate the genetic pathway of ovarian cancer stem cells in a bid to better understand the aggressive disease.

Dr Ying Dong and Professor Judith Clements from Queensland University of Technology have shown previously that secondary ovarian cancer tumour cells are resistant to chemotherapy.

'The key to fighting this cancer could be to identify the molecular or gene pathways that regulate it, such as the stem cells,' said Dr Dong.

'They are the cells that change and build resistance to the chemotherapy.'

The team's collaborators in India, including Dr Sharmila Bapat, were the first in the world to identify ovarian cancer stem cells.

Dr Bapat's team will use 3D modelling by Dr Dong to mimic the environment of tumours and study how ovarian cancer cells respond to chemotherapy.

'Together, we will investigate the role of these pathways and test their potential as therapeutic targets,' Dr Dong said.

'We hope we will be able to help design more effective treatment for women with ovarian cancer with this knowledge.'

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Ovarian cancer stem cells investigated


K computer may be used in regenerative medicine

October 6th, 2012 7:23 am

The Yomiuri Shimbun/Asia News Network Friday, Oct 05, 2012

The K supercomputer, which once held the world's fastest computing speed, may be used to shorten the time needed in regenerative medicine from several months, or even years, to several hours, according to the Riken Center of Developmental Biology and other institutions.

Researchers aim to create organs from human embryonic stem cells (ES cells) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), but the length of time normally needed to accomplish this task is a problem.

The institutions hope to put regenerative medicine into practical use as soon as possible using iPS cells, a Japanese technology, and other cells, and this is where the supercomputer will come in.

Yoshiki Sasai, group director at the Riken Center, and other researchers are planning to use the K supercomputer to determine the best method to create organs from these cells.

The researchers successfully developed an optic cup, a basic part of the eye, from ES cells for the first time in the world. While it takes about six months to transform ES cells into an optic cup, the researchers spent about three years to find how to do this through trial and error.

Currently, it takes several years to complete basic experiments to transform ES cells or iPS cells into target organs, and in many cases the experiments fail to achieve their purpose.

Plans are under way to use the K supercomputer to develop new medicines, work out disaster prevention measures and conduct research on cosmic evolution and for other purposes.

Sasai and the other researchers, therefore, decided the supercomputer, which performs 10 quadrillion (or one kei in Japanese) calculations per second, would be ideal in completing basic experiments in a fraction of the time it now takes.

If the K supercomputer calculates mathematized data on divisions, growth and internal changes of iPS cells to which protein or certain kinds of genes are added, it will become possible to create target organs more effectively, according to the researchers.

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K computer may be used in regenerative medicine


Dish-Grown Sperm and Eggs Produce Mouse Pups

October 6th, 2012 7:21 am

By Dennis Normile, ScienceNOW

Want baby mice? Grab a petri dish. After producing normal mouse pups last year using sperm derived from stem cells, a Kyoto University team of researchers has now accomplished the same feat using eggs created the same way. The study may eventually lead to new ways of helping infertile couples conceive.

This is a significant achievement that I believe will have a sustained and long-lasting impact on the field of reproductive cell biology and genetics, says Amander Clark, a stem cell biologist at University of California, Los Angeles.

The stem cells in both cases are embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. The former are taken from embryos and the latter are adult tissue cells that are reprogrammed to act like stem cells. In theory, both can produce all of the bodys cell types, yet most researchers have been unable to turn them into germ cells, precursors of sperm and eggs.

The Kyoto group, led by stem cell biologist Mitinori Saitou, found a process that works. As with the sperm, the group started with ES and iPS cells and cultured them in a cocktail of proteins to produce primordial germ cell-like cells. To get oocytes, or precursor egg cells, they then mixed the primordial cells with fetal ovarian cells, forming reconstituted ovaries that they then grafted onto natural ovaries in living mice. Four weeks and 4 days later, the primordial germ cell-like cells had developed into oocytes. The team removed the ovaries, harvested the oocytes, fertilized them in vitro, and implanted the resulting embryos into surrogate mothers. About 3 weeks later, normal mouse pups were born, the researchers report online today in Science.

It is remarkable that one can produce oocytes capable of sustaining complete development starting with embryonic stem cells, says Davor Solter, a developmental biologist at Singapores Institute of Medical Biology. Clark adds that the immediate impact of the work will be on understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in forming germ cells. Saitou says that with a bit more progress in understanding the complex interactions at work, they may be able to coax the cells through the entire oocyte development process in a lab dish. If successful, we may be able to skip the grafting, he says.

Further in the future, the technique could lead to a new tool for treating infertility. This study has provided the critical proof of principle that oocytes can be generated from induced pluripotent stem cells, Clark says. If applied to humans, it could lead to the ability to create oocytes from iPS cells taken from infertile women. But Saitou cautions that moving on to human research will require resolving thorny ethical issues and technical difficulties. Solter says that at the extreme, the new approach could lead to the production of human embryos from cell lines and tissue samples. Still, he notes, defining the status of such parentless human embryos and the biological, ethical, and legal issues they will raise defies the imagination.

This story provided by ScienceNOW, the daily online news service of the journal Science.

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Dish-Grown Sperm and Eggs Produce Mouse Pups


Walkthrough With Neuralstem

October 6th, 2012 7:18 am

10/5/2012 6:38 AM ET Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, leading to complete paralysis, and eventually, death. Also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS, is said to affect as many as 30,000 Americans, with 5,600 new cases being diagnosed each year.

Currently, there are two FDA-approved drugs to treat ALS namely, Sanofi-Aventis' (SNY: Quote) Riluzole, which prolongs life by 2-3 months, and Avanir Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s (AVNR: Quote) Nuedexta, which treats emotional instability that accompanies this disease.

Developing a neural stem cell therapy for ALS is Rockville, Maryland-based biotechnology company Neuralstem Inc. (CUR: Quote).

For readers who are new to Neuralstem, here's a brief overview of the company's pipeline and the upcoming events to watch out for...

The company is testing its cell product - NSI-566 human spinal cord stem cells, via transplantation technique, in the treatment of ALS symptoms. The phase I NSI-566 study was completed as recently as August of this year. This groundbreaking trial, the first to be approved by the FDA to test neural stem cells in patients with ALS, began in January 2010.

The trial was designed to enroll up to 18 patients, the last of which was treated in August of this year. The entire trial concludes six months after the final surgery.

The interim data on the NSI-566 ALS trial will be updated on October 8, 2012, according to the company.

NSI-566 will also be evaluated in treating motor deficits due to ischemic stroke. The company has received approval to commence a combined phase I/II ischemic stroke trial with NSI-566 in China, and it is expected to begin early next year.

The trial is designed to test up to 118 patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke with chronic residual motor disorder with NSI-566 cell line, 4-24 months post-stroke. The duration of the combined trial, including patient monitoring and data collection, is approximately two years.

Ischemic strokes, the most common type of stroke, occur as a result of an obstruction within a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. After a stroke, many patients suffer from paralysis in arms and legs, which can be permanent.

Excerpt from:
Walkthrough With Neuralstem


Fertility hope in stem cell eggs

October 6th, 2012 3:16 am

Hopes of a cure for infertility in humans were raised Friday after Japanese stem cell researchers announced they had created viable eggs using normal cells from adult mice.

The breakthrough raises the possibility that women who are unable to produce eggs naturally could have them created in a test tube from their own cells and then planted back into their body.

A team at Kyoto University harvested stem cells from mice and altered a number of genes to create cells very similar to the primordial germ cells that generate sperm in men and oocytes -- or eggs -- in women.

They then nurtured these with cells that would become ovaries and transplanted the mixture into living mice, where the cells matured into fully-grown oocytes.

They extracted the matured oocytes, fertilised them in vitro -- in a test tube -- and implanted them into surrogate mother mice.

The resulting mice pups were born healthy and were even able to reproduce once they matured.

Writing in the US journal Science, which published the findings, research leader professor Michinori Saito said the work provided a promising basis for hope in reproductive medicine.

"Our system serves as a robust foundation to investigate and further reconstitute female germline development in vitro, not only in mice, but also in other mammals, including humans," he said.

Saito cautioned that this was not a ready-made cure for people with fertility problems, adding that a lot of work remained.

"This achievement is expected to help us understand further the egg-producing mechanism and contribute to clarifying the causes of infertility," he told reporters.

Original post:
Fertility hope in stem cell eggs


Japan team offers fertility hope with stem cell eggs

October 5th, 2012 12:20 pm

Hopes of a cure for infertility in humans were raised Friday after Japanese stem cell researchers announced they had created viable eggs using normal cells from adult mice.

The breakthrough raises the possibility that women who are unable to produce eggs naturally could have them created in a test tube from their own cells and then planted back into their body.

A team at Kyoto University harvested stem cells from mice and altered a number of genes to create cells very similar to the primordial germ cells that generate sperm in men and oocytes -- or eggs -- in women.

They then nurtured these with cells that would become ovaries and transplanted the mixture into living mice, where the cells matured into fully-grown oocytes.

They extracted the matured oocytes, fertilised them in vitro -- in a test tube -- and implanted them into surrogate mother mice.

The resulting mice pups were born healthy and were even able to reproduce once they matured.

Writing in the US journal Science, which published the findings, research leader professor Michinori Saito said the work provided a promising basis for hope in reproductive medicine.

"Our system serves as a robust foundation to investigate and further reconstitute female germline development in vitro, not only in mice, but also in other mammals, including humans," he said.

Saito cautioned that this was not a ready-made cure for people with fertility problems, adding that a lot of work remained.

"This achievement is expected to help us understand further the egg-producing mechanism and contribute to clarifying the causes of infertility," he told reporters.

See original here:
Japan team offers fertility hope with stem cell eggs


Baby Mice Born from Eggs Made from Stem Cells

October 5th, 2012 10:27 am

Mouse pups from induced pluripotent stem cell-derived eggs; image courtesy of Katsuhiko Hayashi

Stem cells have been coaxed into creating everything from liver cells to beating heart tissue. Recently, these versatile cells were even used to make fertile mouse sperm, suggesting that stem cell technology might eventually be able to play a role in the treatment of human infertility. Now two types of stem cells have been turned into viable mouse egg cells that were fertilized and eventually yielded healthy baby mice. Details of this achievement were published online October 4 in Science.

Mouse oocytes; image courtesy of Katsuhiko Hayashi

Katsuhiko Hayashi, of Kyoto University's School of Medicine, were able to create the eggs with embryonic stem cells as well as with induced pluripotent stem cells (formed from adult cells). The team started with female embryonic stem cells and then coaxed them genetically to revert to an earlier developmental stage (primordial germ cell-like cells). These cells were blended with gonadal somatic cells, important in the development of sexual differentiation, to create "reconstituted ovaries." The researchers then transplanted these cultured assemblages into female mice (in either the actual ovary or the kidney) for safekeeping and to allow the stem cells to mature into oocytes in a natural environment.

Healthy adult mice from litter produced from induced pluripotent stem cell-based oocytes; image courtesy of Katsuhiko Hayashi

To test the eggs' fertility, the new oocytes were removed from the mice for an in vitro fertilization with mouse spermand then re-implanted into the female mice. The experimental females went on to bear normally developing and fertile offspring. The procedure was then also performed successfully with induced pluripotent stem cells from adult skin cells with similar results. "Our system serves as a robust foundation to investigate and further reconstitute female germline development in vitro," the researchers noted in their paper," not only in mice, but also in other mammals, including humans."

Follow Scientific American on Twitter @SciAm and @SciamBlogs. Visit ScientificAmerican.com for the latest in science, health and technology news. 2012 ScientificAmerican.com. All rights reserved.

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Baby Mice Born from Eggs Made from Stem Cells


Scientists Create Healthy Mice Using Eggs Made From Stem Cells [Science]

October 5th, 2012 10:27 am

A team of Japanese scientists has managed to turn mouse stem cells into viable eggsthat can be inseminated and go on to produce normal, healthy mouse pups. The finding has massive implications for the development of infertility treatments in the future.

The team of researchers from Kyoto University has previously created fully grown adult mice using sperm created from stem cellsbut that's comparatively straightforward. Sperm, you see, are some of the simpler cells in the body: eggs are far more complex.

In this new study, published in Science, the researchers took embryonic stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from them. They then used a host of signaling molecules to slowly transform the iPSCs into egg precursors known as primordial germ cells. After further coddling in lab-grown ovary tissue, the cellsover the course of four weeksmatured into eggs.

The scientists fertilized these eggs and transplanted the resulting embryos in to foster mothers. A short while later, healthy offspring emerged, which went on to become fertile themselves. All in, it's a long and involved processbut, amazingly, it works.

The finding gives a useful glimpse into the processes at play during meiosis, the cell-division process which is peculiar to sex cells like eggs. But perhaps more interesting are the possibilities for the development of new infertility treatments in the future.

As ever, just because something's possible in a mouse doesn't mean it will necessarily work in a human model, but that won't stop the team trying: indeed, they're already starting to work with human stem cells instead. Expect a wait before you hear of this kind of technology being used in a clinical, as opposed to research, setting, though, because the ethical issues surrounding it will be close to impossible to settle. [Science via Nature]

Image by angeladellatorre under Creative Commons license

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Scientists Create Healthy Mice Using Eggs Made From Stem Cells [Science]


Stem cells could lead to future fertility treatments, study says

October 5th, 2012 10:27 am

In a long-sought achievement, Japanese researchers have demonstrated in mice that both eggs and sperm can be grown from stem cells and combined to produce healthy offspring, pointing the way to a new avenue for fertility treatments.

If the milestone accomplishment can be repeated in humans -- and experts said they are optimistic that such efforts will ultimately succeed -- the technique could make it easier for women in their 30s or 40s to become mothers. It could also help men and women whose reproductive organs have been damaged by cancer treatments or other causes.

About 10% of American women of childbearing age have trouble becoming or staying pregnant, and more than one-third of infertile couples must contend with a medical problem related to the prospective father, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

Using current technology, only about one-third of attempts at assisted reproduction result in live births, CDC data show. Scientists, doctors and patients would like to boost that percentage.

"These studies provide that next level of evidence that in the future fertility could be managed with stem cell intervention," said Teresa Woodruff, chief of fertility preservation at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.

The prospect of using stem cells to grow new eggs is particularly tantalizing, because women are born with a set amount and don't make more once they are lost. In a sense, the therapy would allow them to turn back their biological clocks, said Stanford stem cell researcher Renee A. Reijo Pera, who studies reproduction.

"This is a get-them-back strategy," she said.

Using stem cells to create sperm and eggs in mice is a feat researchers have attempted, without much success, for more than a decade, said Dr. George Q. Daley, a leading stem cell researcher at Children's Hospital in Boston.

Dr. Mitinori Saitou and colleagues at Kyoto University detailed how they generated the functional mouse eggs in a report published online Thursday by the journal Science. Last year, the researchers reported in the journal Cell that they had done the same thing with mouse sperm.

In both cases, the team started with embryonic stem cells, which have the potential to develop into all of the different types of cells in the body. The scientists exposed the embryonic stem cells to stimuli that coaxed them to become egg and sperm precursors.

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Stem cells could lead to future fertility treatments, study says


Life created for first time from eggs made from skin cells

October 5th, 2012 10:27 am

London, October 5 (ANI): Using stem cells made from skin, a Japanese team has created healthy eggs that, once fertilised, grow into normal baby mice.

These babies later had their own babies, the BBC reported.

The team at Kyoto University used stem cells from two sources: those collected from an embryo and skin-like cells, which were reprogrammed, into becoming stem cells.

The first step was to turn the stem cells into early versions of eggs.

A "reconstituted ovary" was then built by surrounding the early eggs with other types of supporting cells that are normally found in an ovary. This was transplanted into female mice. Surrounding the eggs in this environment helped them to mature.

IVF techniques were used to collect the eggs, fertilise them with sperm from a male mouse and implant the fertilised egg into a surrogate mother.

"They develop to be healthy and fertile offspring," Dr Katsuhiko Hayashi, from Kyoto University, told the BBC.

Those babies then had babies of their own, whose "grandmother" was a cell in a laboratory dish.

If the same methods could be used in people then, it could help infertile couples have children and even allow women to overcome the menopause.

But experts say many scientific and ethical hurdles must be overcome before the technique could be adapted for people.

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Life created for first time from eggs made from skin cells


Mouse stem cells yield viable eggs

October 5th, 2012 10:27 am

Experimental approach might provide insights to support human fertility

Web edition : Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Some baby mice born in Japan are living proof that mouse stem cells taken from embryos or created by reprogramming fetal tissue can be used to make viable egg cells.

Researchers had already created functional sperm from stem cells, and some groups have reported making eggs, or oocytes, but those had never been shown to produce offspring. Now, Mitinori Saitou of Kyoto University in Japan and colleagues have coaxed mouse stem cell to make eggs that produce normal, fertile offspring, the researchers report online October 4 in Science.

This is really pioneering research, says Charles Easley, a reproductive stem cell biologist at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.

The researchers have gone a step beyond making cells that merely look like eggs in a lab dish. This paper produces something that looks like oocytes, smells like oocytes and tastes like oocytes in a way no one has done before, says David Albertini, a reproductive scientist at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City.

While the evidence that the Japanese researchers have transformed mouse stem cells into functional female gametes is compelling, Albertini doesnt think the feat will be repeated with human stem cells because they are far less flexible than their mouse counterparts. The new technology might provide a way to test the effect that chemicals in the environment may have on fertility and give scientists new information about how eggs age, possibly leading to fertility-extending treatments, he says.

In the new study, Saitou and colleagues started with stem cells from very early mouse embryos as well as stem cells reprogrammed from fetal cells, known as induced pluripotent stem cells. Saitous team manipulated the activity of a few genes in the stem cells to turn them into cells that resemble precursors of gametes, as eggs and sperm are sometimes known.

These primordial germ celllike cells, as they are called, were mixed with support cells from an embryonic ovary and then transplanted into adult mice. Once the precursor cells had developed into oocytes, the researchers pulled them out and fertilized them in the lab before implanting the resulting embryos in female mice.

The oocytes made from either type of stem cell produced mouse pups 3.9 percent of the time. That rate is lower than for primordial germ cells taken directly from mouse embryos, which the researchers found produced pups 17.3 percent of the time. Oocytes taken from the ovaries of 3-week-old mice generated offspring 12.7 percent of the time. Female pups resulting from stem cellderived eggs grew up to become fertile adults, the researchers report.

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Mouse stem cells yield viable eggs


Mouse stem cells used to produce eggs, Japanese scientists say

October 5th, 2012 10:27 am

Reaching a long-sought milestone, Japanese researchers have demonstrated in mice that eggs and sperm can be grown from stem cells and combined to produce healthy offspring, pointing to new treatments for infertility.

If the achievement can be repeated in humans and experts said they are optimistic that such efforts will ultimately succeed the technique could make it easier for women in their 30s or 40s to become mothers. It could also help men and women whose reproductive organs have been damaged by cancer treatments or other causes.

About one in 10 American women of childbearing age have trouble becoming or staying pregnant, and more than one-third of infertile couples must contend with a medical problem related to the prospective father, according to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

Using current technology, only about one-third of attempts at assisted reproduction result in live births, CDC data show. Scientists, doctors and patients would like to boost that percentage.

"These studies provide that next level of evidence that in the future fertility could be managed with stem cell intervention," said Teresa Woodruff, chief of fertility preservation at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

The prospect of using stem cells to grow new eggs is particularly tantalizing, since women are born with a set number and don't make more once they are gone. In a sense, the therapy would allow them to turn back their biological clocks, said Stanford stem cell researcher Renee A. Reijo Pera, who studies reproduction.

"This is a get-them-back strategy," she said.

Dr. Mitinori Saitou and colleagues at Kyoto University detailed how they generated the functional mouse eggs in a report published online Thursday by the journal Science. Last year, the researchers reported in the journal Cell that they had done the same thing with mouse sperm.

In both cases, the team started with embryonic stem cells, which have the potential to develop into all of the different types of cells in the body.

The scientists exposed the embryonic stem cells to stimuli that coaxed them to become egg and sperm precursors.

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Mouse stem cells used to produce eggs, Japanese scientists say


Mouse stem cells lay eggs

October 5th, 2012 10:27 am

Mouse pups created using lab-made eggs went on to be fully fertile themselves.

Courtesy of Katsuhiko Hayashi

Japanese researchers have coaxed mouse stem cells into becoming viable eggs that produce healthy offspring1. The work provides a powerful tool to study basic elements of mammalian development and infertility that have long been shrouded in mystery.

People have been trying to make sex cells from embryonic stem cells and from pluripotent cells for years, says Evelyn Telfer, a reproductive biologist at the University of Edinburgh, UK. Theyve done it and theyve done it really well.

Stem-cell scientists have derived many types of cells from stem-cell precursors, but have struggled with sex cells. These cells have significantly more complex developmental programmes, in part because of the difference in the way they divide. Most cells in the body undergo mitosis, in which both sets of chromosomes are copied, but sex cells are produced by meiosis, which results in cells containing a single copy of each chromosome.

Last year, the same team from Mitinori Saitous lab at Kyoto University in Japan successfully used mouse stem cells to make functional sperm2. Whereas sperm cells are some of the simpler cells in the body, oocytes are much more complex.

It was always believed that making sperm was probably easier, says Davor Solter, a developmental biologist at the Institute of Medical Biology in Singapore, who was not involved with the study. The oocyte is the thing which makes the whole of development possible.

In the latest study, published today in Science, Saitou and his colleagues started with two cell types: mouse embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, which can be derived from adult cells. Just as in the earlier sperm study, they used a cocktail of signalling molecules to transform the stem cells first into epiblast cells and then into primordial germ cells (PGCs), both egg precursors. Whereas male PGCs could be injected directly into infertile male mice to mature into sperm, the female version required further coddling.

The researchers isolated embryonic ovary tissue that did not contain sex cells and then added their lab-made PGCs to the dish. The mixture spontaneously formed ovary-like structures, which they transplanted into female mice. After four weeks, the stem-cell-derived PGCs had matured into oocytes. The team fertilized them and transplanted the embryos into foster mothers. The offspring that were produced grew up to be fertile themselves.

PGCs are scarce and difficult to isolate from mice, so researchers know little about their regulation, says Saitou. As PGCs develop into sperm or egg cells, certain genes are silenced in a process called genomic imprinting. Although this is crucial for development, little is known about how it starts or how genes are selected for silencing.

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Mouse stem cells lay eggs


Skin cells become 'grandparents'

October 5th, 2012 10:27 am

4 October 2012 Last updated at 18:31 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News

Stem cells made from skin have become "grandparents" after generations of life were created in experiments by scientists in Japan.

The cells were used to create eggs, which were fertilised to produce baby mice. These later had their own babies.

If the technique could be adapted for people, it could help infertile couples have children and even allow women to overcome the menopause.

But experts say many scientific and ethical hurdles must be overcome.

Stem cells are able to become any other type of cell in the body from blood to bone, nerves to skin.

Last year the team at Kyoto University managed to make viable sperm from stem cells. Now they have performed a similar feat with eggs.

They used stem cells from two sources: those collected from an embryo and skin-like cells which were reprogrammed into becoming stem cells.

I just thought wow! The science is quite brilliant

The first step, reported in the journal Science, was to turn the stem cells into early versions of eggs.

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Skin cells become 'grandparents'


Stem Cell Transplant May Spur Heart Disease Risk: Study

October 5th, 2012 10:20 am

WEDNESDAY, Oct. 3 (HealthDay News) -- People who undergo the transplantation of stem cells taken from bone marrow, circulating blood or umbilical cord blood are more likely to develop risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, a new study contends.

Researchers from the American Society of Hematology noted that patients who were treated with chemotherapy or radiation before such a transplant -- called a "hematopoietic cell transplant," or HCT -- had a significantly higher risk for heart disease later in life.

"While we know that heart disease is a real concern for long-term HCT survivors, small sample sizes and a lack of long-term follow-up in previous studies have only allowed us to look at a small piece of the puzzle of how this chronic condition develops in these patients," the study's first author, Dr. Saro Armenian, medical director of the Pediatric Survivorship Clinic in the Childhood Cancer Survivorship Program at City of Hope in Duarte, Calif., said in a society news release.

"Our study sought to better determine the specific factors before and after transplant that can lead to heart disease in a large group of transplant recipients," Armenian explained.

In conducting the study, the researchers examined the medical records of nearly 1,900 hematopoietic cell transplant recipients to identify factors that could affect their development of risk factors for heart disease. The transplants occurred between 1995 and 2004, and the patients survived for at least one year after the treatment.

The investigators considered the patients' exposure to chemotherapy or radiation before the transplant, the type of hematopoietic cell transplant and whether they were treated for a serious transplant complication known as graft-versus-host disease.

Using the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the researchers also projected heart disease risk factor rates for the general population.

The study found that high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol were more common among long-term survivors of the blood-forming stem cell transplants.

The risk for developing diabetes was 1.5 times higher for hematopoietic cell transplant survivors who underwent total body radiation. Their risk for high cholesterol was 1.4 times higher. The researchers noted this was true regardless of the type of blood-forming stem cell transplant the patient received.

Although it's unclear why total body radiation increased these patients' risk for diabetes and high cholesterol, previous studies have shown that abdominal radiation may contribute to insulin resistance and an increase in belly fat among cancer patients.

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Stem Cell Transplant May Spur Heart Disease Risk: Study


Breast Enhancement with Stem Cells

October 5th, 2012 10:20 am

Whooping Cough Cases Decline Whooping Cough Cases Decline

In tonight's HealthierMe, some good news for Minnesota. State health officials say an outbreak of whooping cough appears to be slowing.

In tonight's HealthierMe, some good news for Minnesota. State health officials say an outbreak of whooping cough appears to be slowing.

In tonight's HealthierMe, the meningitis outbreak caused by a tainted batch of epidural steroid medication continues to expand. The CDC says there are now 35 meningitis cases in 6 states... 5 of which

In tonight's HealthierMe, the meningitis outbreak caused by a tainted batch of epidural steroid medication continues to expand. TheCDC says there are now 35 meningitis cases in 6 states... 5 of which have resulted in death.

In tonight's HealthierMe, promising news for women: a new breast enhancement procedure uses stem cells from fat and provides much more natural-looking results. Monica Robins sat down with one breast cancer

In tonight's HealthierMe, promising news for women: a new breast enhancement procedure uses stem cells from fat and provides much more natural-looking results. Monica Robins sat down with one breast cancer

In tonight's HealthierMe, the U.S. birth rate continues to fall -- a likely result of the weak economy. The centers for disease control and prevention reports births declined 1% in 2011. That's not as

In tonight's HealthierMe, theU.S. birth rate continues to fall -- a likely result of the weak economy. The centers for disease control and prevention reports births declined1% in 2011. That's not as steep as the 2% and 3% decreases seen in recent years, but the rate among Hispanic women fell the most last year -- 6%.Experts attribute the declines to a struggling economy, in which many people feel they cannot afford to have children.

Everyday American troops still stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq are putting themselves in harm's way, and that means many of them are suffering serious injuries on the battlefield. Doctors at the institute

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Breast Enhancement with Stem Cells


To Combat Alzheimer's, Scientists Genetically Reprogram One Kind of Brain Cell Into Another

October 5th, 2012 10:19 am

A section of healthy brain tissues contrasted with brain tissue from someone who had advanced Alzheimer's disease. (Credit: National Institutes of Health, via Wikimedia Commons)

We all lose brain cells as we get older. In people with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons and Huntingtons, neurons shrivel and die at alarming ratesperhaps three to four times faster than usual in Alzheimers, for example. Currently, no known drugs reliably halt or reverse such staggering cell death in people, although some drugs are thought to protect neurons from degradation.

An alternative to saving dying neuronsor perhaps a future supplemental therapyis creating brand new neurons. One way to accomplish this is transforming non-neuronal brain cells into functional neurons. On a cellular level, the brain is as diverse as a rainforest populated by many different species of trees. The human brain contains approximately 170 billion cells, 86 billion of which are neurons and 84 billion of which are glial cellsnon-firing cells that assist neurons in various ways. Star-shaped cells known as astrocytes are perhaps the best-studied of the many various glial cells and researchers have had some success converting astroyctes into neurons. Many of these studies, however, have used cells from very young rodent brains.

A study published this week suggests that its possible to turn at least one class of adult human brain cells known as pericytes into functional neurons. The fact that pericytes help defend and heal the brainand may retain some of the plasticity of stem cellsmakes them all the more appealing as candidate replacements for damaged and dying neurons.

Benedikt Berninger of Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich and his colleagues began their research project with the intent to study astrocytes, just as they have done many times before. They acquired 30 samples of brain tissue from people who were undergoing surgery for disorders such as epilepsy. Sometimes, in order to remove or treat a damaged or malfunctioning brain region, neurosurgeons cannot avoid slicing through healthy brain tissue. Surgeons routinely provide sections of such healthy tissue to researchers studying the brain.

In the lab, Berninger and his teammates grew cultures of brain cells from the tissue samples and searched for astrocytes nestled among the tiny neural gardens. As it turned out, the cultures Berninger and his colleagues grew were mostly devoid of astrocytes. Instead, their Petri dish gardens were rife with pericytesnon-neuronal brain cells that wrap themselves around the brains delicate blood vessels, regulate blood flow to neurons and help maintain the blood-brain barrier, which protects neurons from bacteria and other pathogens. Pericytes are also known to proliferate in response to injury. Researchers recently showed, for example, that pericytes are essential for the formation of scar tissue in an injured spinal cord. Some evidence even suggests that certain kinds of pericytes boast the same flexibility as mesenchymal stem cellsthey can turn into bone cells, fat cells or cartilage cells. Perhaps, Berninger and his colleagues reasoned, the plasticity of pericytescoupled with their role in healingmight make them especially useful in future treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. So they decided to try changing pericytes into neurons by reprogramming their genomes.

An astrocyte stained with green fluorescent proteins (Credit: Dantecat, via Wikimedia Commons)

Using viruses, Berninger and his team infected the pericytes in their cultures with two transcription factorsproteins that alter gene expression by binding to segments of DNA and making certain genes more or less accessible to other cellular machinery. One of the transcription factors, Mash1, is known to guide the development of the nervous system. We all begin life as a hollow ball of embryonic stem cells that eventually become the many different kinds of cells in the human body. All somatic cells in your body have the same DNA, but distinct types of cells express very different sets of genesjust as different piano songs are unique combinations of notes played on the exact same set of keys. MASH 1 is like a tiny composer inside embryonic stem cells, making sure they turn on the right combination of genes to become neurons. The second transcription factor Berninger and his colleagues introduced into pericytes was Sox2, which is highly active in stem cells and thought to make DNA more amenable to manipulation by loosening the chemical bonds between DNA and the protein scaffolding that keeps it tightly wound in a bundle called chromatin.

The scientists successfully converted between 10 and 30 percent of the pericytes in various cultures into neurons; the overall success rate was 19 percent. Out of 17 successfully converted neurons selected for further testing, 12 generated electrical impulses. Berninger and his colleagues replicated these results with brain cells from adult mice. The results appear in Cell Stem Cell.

Treating neurodegenerative diseases by genetically reprogramming brain cells is a potential avenue for therapy that researchers have just started to navigateand they will have to scale plenty of hurdles along the way. Scientists must ensure that the viruses they use to ferry genes into neurons are harmless. And they would likely have to perform risky invasive surgery to get the viruses into exactly the right region of the brain. In recent years, however, gene therapy has safely restored vision to the blind. Not only do studies like Berningers suggest that gene therapy for the brain has similar potential, they also confirm that the fates of some adult cells are not written in stonerather, they are written in highly editable DNA.

See more here:
To Combat Alzheimer's, Scientists Genetically Reprogram One Kind of Brain Cell Into Another


Snake Venom Could Relieve Pain; Baby Mice Birthed From Stem Cells

October 5th, 2012 10:19 am

Discovered: A whole new type of lab mouse; black mamba venom dulls pain better than morphine; drilling deep into the Earth; microbial diversity turned into jazz.

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A palliative use for snake venom. Probably very few people would willfully put snake venom in their bodies. But if they knew that it would relieve terrible pain without any nasty side-effects, perhaps they'd be more willing to ingest black mamba venom. Researchers in France have isolated mambalgins in the snake's venom which can block pain in sensory nerves and inhibit the passage of pain signals through the central nervous system. Though their painkilling effects are on par with morphine, these mambalgins are "powerful, naturally occurring, analgesic peptides of potential therapeutic value" that "do not produce motor dysfunction, apathy, flaccid paralysis, convulsions or death upon central injections." That means that they could greatly alleviate pain without causingmany of the nasty side effects involved in taking other painkillers. [Ars Technica]

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Baby mice born from stem cells. Giving a whole new meaning to the term "lab mouse," scientists in Japan have fostered baby mice into being through stem cells. Kyoto University's Mitinori Saitouand colleagueswere able to grow "reconstituted ovaries" from the stem cells. They then fertilized the eggs using in vitro technology. The baby mice that emerged were healthy and fertile, making this the first time scientists have successfully grown baby mice through stem cell research. "Our system serves as a robust foundation to investigate and further reconstitute female germline development in vitro, not only in mice, but also in other mammals, including humans," the researchers write.[The Guardian]

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Microbial jazz. The complexity of microbial life presents a unique challenge to microbiologists: how to organize and make sense of it all. Argonne National Laboratory researcher Peter Larsen came up with one interesting solution by using music to map out patterns in microbial diversity. He took data from the English Channel project, a long-running effort to collect informationon microbes living in the Western English Channel and then matched certain variables (daylight, temperature,phosphorouslevels, etc.) with chords. Concentrations of the microbes determined which scales come into play. "The same population would sound different in the key of sunlight, says Larsen, than in the key of nitrogen." Jazz is the most suitable genre, Larsen found, because it best mimics the spontaneity he observes when looking at microbes under the microscope. Listen to microbial diversity swing below. [Tooth & Claw]

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Journey to the center of the Earth. OK, maybe not all the way down to the inner core, but scientists are planning to drill quite deep into the Earth in an effort by the internationalIntegrated Ocean Drilling Program(IODP). What we know so far about the layers of the Earth come from computer simulations, mostly, but IODP plans to change that by drilling 3.7 miles into the Earth beneath the Pacific Ocean. There, the drill will retrieve the first-ever samples to be collected from within the Earth's mantle. One of the project's leaders, the University of Southampton in England's Damon Teagle, says this will be "the most challenging endeavor in the history of earth science." Japanese scientists currently hold the tunneling depth record, having drilled 7,000 feet below the seafloor last month.We currently know more about the surface of Mars than what lies just beneath the Earth's crust, and this project hopes to fix that irony. [Smithsonian]

Read more from the original source:
Snake Venom Could Relieve Pain; Baby Mice Birthed From Stem Cells


'Humanized' mice may enable discovery of better medicines for rheumatoid arthritis

October 5th, 2012 10:18 am

Washington, October 5 (ANI): By developing the first animal model that duplicates the human response in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine have made a breakthrough in their search for better therapies to combat the disease.

This is the first time human stem cells have been transplanted into mice in order to find RA treatments, said corresponding and senior author Harris Perlman, associate professor of rheumatology at Feinberg.

"We believe this will improve drug discovery because the reactions we observed were authentic human reactions," he stated.

Until now, scientists have relied on the common scientific method of using specially bred mice to find drugs to control RA. However, human and mouse immune systems differ dramatically, so studying RA in these mice does not give an accurate representation of how the disease functions in humans. In some cases, RA drugs that seemed promising based on results in mice failed in human clinical trials.

Mice implanted with human stem cells have been used before mainly to study infectious disease.

The Northwestern team injected day-old mice with human stem cells from umbilical cord blood, including white blood cells, which regulate immunity. Then, RA was introduced in the mice and suppressed with Enbrel, a common first-line drug for joint inflammation in humans. This offered evidence that their immune systems were indeed replicating human defences.

Scientists seek mouse models that mimic RA in humans in order to learn how the complex disease operates. In the last decade, researchers and physicians have found many subtypes of RA that originate on the molecular level and are each produced by different pathways in the body.

A debilitating disease, rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by persistent inflammation around joint areas, predominantly in the wrist and fingers. The disease causes pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of function and can result in tissue destruction. Approximately 1.3 million people have the disease.

Onset of RA usually begins between ages 25 to 55, but recent studies reveal that the disease actually begins several years before symptoms appear. This has broadened the focus to create drugs that prevent RA or at least enable early diagnosis instead of trying to reduce symptoms once it is further along and difficult to control.

This is the second mouse model Perlman has developed to help discover better rheumatoid arthritis therapies. Earlier this year, he introduced a mouse model that develops RA and is predisposed to atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, a common RA complication in humans.

Original post:
'Humanized' mice may enable discovery of better medicines for rheumatoid arthritis


Bernard Siegel to Deliver Keynote Addresses at Midwest Conference on Stem Cell Biology and Therapy and BioFlorida …

October 4th, 2012 7:22 pm


Genetics Policy Institute (GPI) announced today that Bernard Siegel, Executive Director of GPI, will make two keynote presentations this month at regional conferences: Midwest Conference on Stem Cell Biology and Therapy October 5-7 in Rochester, Michigan and BioFlorida Conference 2012 October 7-9 in Miami, Florida.

Siegel will present a keynote address titled The Power of Advocacy at the Midwest Conference on Stem Cell Biology and Therapy. The Genetics Policy Institute joined with the Oakland University William Beaumont Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (ISCRM) as a collaborating partner for the event. Researchers from hospitals, medical organizations, academic institutions and the business community throughout the Midwest will discuss not only the latest advances in this rapidly expanding field of medical science, but the ethical and moral issues that surround it.

"I am pleased to participate in these important conferences, which showcase the latest scientific developments in their respective regions and beyond. ISCRM and the World Stem Cell Summit have a strong connection, as the Institute was officially launched at our 2010 Summit in Detroit, said Bernard Siegel, GPI's Executive Director and founder of the annual World Stem Cell Summit.

BioFloridas 15th annual Conference is the premier event for Floridas bioscience community. This years meeting will bring together more than 500 professionals from across Florida, the Southeast and the nation to discuss major trends and issues, including topics related to product development, scientific research, business development, financing and public policy.

Siegels keynote address at BioFlorida is titled: The Mandate to Deliver Cures: Aligning Patient Advocacy, Industry and Science. Former Governor Jeb Bush will deliver the second keynote at BioFloridas annual Conference.

The 2012 World Stem Cell Summit is in West Palm Beach, Florida this December, so we have been working closely with the biotechnology community here. I am delighted to partner with BioFlorida as they advance Floridas bioscience industry," said Siegel, who also serves on the Executive Committee of the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine and Board of the Coalition for Advancement of Medical Research. He serves as spokesperson for the Stem Cell Action Coalition.

ABOUT GPI:The Genetics Policy Institute (GPI) supports stem cell research to develop therapeutics and cures. GPI pursues its mission by honoring leadership through the Stem Cell Action Awards, producing the World Stem Cell Summit, publishing theWorld Stem Cell Report, organizing educational initiatives and fostering strategic collaborations. For more information, visitwww.genpol.org.

ABOUT THE WORLD STEM CELL SUMMIT:The 2012 World Stem Cell Summit is presented by GPI and is co-organized by the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute (ISCI) at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Diabetes Research Institute, Beckman Research Institute at City of Hope, Karolinska Institute (home of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine), International Translational Regenerative Medicine Center (ITRC) and the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) at Kyoto University. The Summit is the flagship meeting of the world stem cell community. The 2012 Summit will be held at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, December 3-5, 2012. For more information, visit http://www.worldstemcellsummit.com.

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Bernard Siegel to Deliver Keynote Addresses at Midwest Conference on Stem Cell Biology and Therapy and BioFlorida ...


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