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Diabetic foot treatment: Here’s all you need to know about stem cell therapy – Hindustan Times

July 8th, 2022 10:13 am

Diabetes is nothing less than a pandemic as according to the World Health Organization, about 422 million people have diabetes worldwide. High blood sugar levels affect different organs and tissues of the body leading to a compromised quality of life for example, you might have experienced or heard of tingling sensation, numbness, or pain in the legs/feet of patients with diabetes which as per the health experts, occur due to nerve and blood circulation-related problems caused by the negative effects of high glucose levels on cells and tissues.

Foot-related problems occur commonly in patients with diabetes like if we hurt our toe/foot and have an open wound or cut, the nerve endings from the affected part send signals to the brain and cause pain. In case a person with uncontrolled and long-standing diabetes, the sensation of pain may not be transmitted properly due to nerve issues, leading to the patient ignoring the problem and in such cases, even a small cut can progress to a large size wound (as we know wound healing is affected in diabetic patients).

Infection can spread from the feet through the blood to other parts of the body as well and in the feet specifically, increased severity of the issue can lead to gangrene, ultimately necessitating amputation of the toes/foot. It is therefore important to look out for issues such as cuts, bruises, red spots, warm areas, swelling, blisters, corn, etc. in the feet to identify any issue at the earliest and initiate treatment.

From an advanced treatment perspective, Dr Pradeep Mahajan, Regenerative Medicine Researcher at Navi Mumbai's StemRx Bioscience Solutions Pvt Ltd, talked about regenerative medicine for diabetic foot in an interview with HT Lifestyle. He explained, Regenerative medicine is about using biological molecules to enhance the healing potential of the body. These molecules are cells, growth factors, exosomes, peptides, all of which function to enhance the function of other cells in the body, reduce inflammation, regulate the immune system, provide a constant pool of healthy cells, and clear tissue damage, among other functions.

He highlighted that the treatment for diabetic foot includes a combination of mesenchymal stem cells, growth factors that improve nerve health and blood vessel formation, oxygen therapy, as well as allied stimulation-based treatments. He said, We have seen successful outcomes in diabetic foot conditions following cell-based therapy. Patients experience relief from abnormal sensations in the feet, better wound healing and pain along with better control of diabetes.

Dr Mahajan added, When we target the pathology, we get more definitive treatment outcomes. Our patients with diabetic foot do not progress to develop gangrene. In fact, they even achieve better control of blood glucose levels, which prevents further complication and improves their quality of life. The key is a regenerative (not symptomatic) treatment along with lifestyle modifications.

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Diabetic foot treatment: Here's all you need to know about stem cell therapy - Hindustan Times



July 8th, 2022 10:12 am


Stem cells are highly specialized cell types with an impressive ability to self-renew, able to transform into one or even more specific cell types that play a significant role in the regulation and tissue healing process.17 To self-renew, a stem divides into two identical daughter stem cells and a progenitor cell and the embryonic and adult cells contain stem cells.1,2,8

Curing patients with serious medical conditions has been the focus of all disciplines of medical research for many years. Stem cell treatment has evolved into a highly exciting and progressed field of scientific research. Major advances have recently been introduced in fundamental and translational stem-cell-based treatment studies. As stem cell research progressed, many therapeutic options were investigated. The development of therapeutic procedures has sparked a great deal of interest.1,9 Humanity has known for many years that it is possible to regenerate lost tissue. Recently, the regenerative medicine research has taken hold, defying the tremendous scientific advances in the molecular biology sciences only. Technological advances provide limitless opportunities for transformational and potentially restorative therapies for many of humanitys most illnesses. A variety of human organs have successfully yielded stem cells. Besides this, the cell therapy is rapidly bringing good advancements in the healthcare system, intending to restore and possibly replace injured tissue, as well as organs, and ultimately restore the functional capacity of the body.2,10,11

The stem cells can be obtained from various sources of Adult (Adult body tissues), Embryonic (Embryos), Mesenchyma (Connective tissue or stroma), and Induced pluripotent stem [ips] cells (Skin cells or tissue-specific cells).3,68,1215

Due to various stem cells cellular characteristics, the therapeutic clinical possibilities of stem-cell-based treatment are considered promising. These cells can regrow and restore various types of body tissues, for this reason, they are recognized as precursor cells to all kinds of cells.15 The following are the distinguishing features: 1. Self-renewal- Divide without distinction to generate an infinite supply, 2. Multi-potency- One mature cell may distinguish more than one, 3. Pluripotency- Create all sorts of cells except for embryonic membrane cells, 4. Toti- potency- Produce various sorts of cells, including embryonic stem cells.1,2,6,7,16

Stem cells are essential human cells that really can self-renew and make a distinction into particular mature cell types.3,6 The different types of stem cells are embryonic, induced pluripotent, and adult kind of cell types. They all share the important feature of self-renewal, and the ability to discern themselves. It should be mentioned that, the stem cells are not homogeneous, but instead appear in a progressive order. Totipotent stem cells are the most basic and immature stem cells. The above cells can form a complete embryo and also extra-embryonic tissue. This one-of-a-kind efficiency is only present for a short period, starting with ovum development and completing whenever the embryo achieves the 4 to 8 cell phases. Having followed that, cells that divide until they approach the blastocyst, about which point they end up losing their totipotency and acquire a pluripotent character trait, at which cells can only distinguish through each embryonic germ stack. After a few divisions, the pluripotency character trait starts to fade and the distinguishing ability has become more lineage constrained, where its cells are becoming multipotent, indicating they could only transform into the cells connected to a cell or tissue of origin.10 Many researchers believe that adult stem cells should be used in stem cell therapies.6,17

The stem cells can be transformed into a wide range of specialized functional cell types.3,18 In response to injury or maturation, those same stem cells can propagate in massive quantities.19 Adult, embryonic, and induced pluripotent stem cells are examples of stem cell-based therapies.14,15,1921 The stem cells, due to their capability to distinguish the specific cell types requisite for a diseased tissue regeneration, can provide an effective solution, while tissue and organ transplantation are considered necessary.10 The sophistication of stem cell-based treatment interventions, on the other hand, probably leads researchers to seek stable, credible, and readily available stem cell sources capable of converting into numerous lineages. As an outcome, it is critical to exercise caution when selecting the type of stem cells to be used in therapeutic trials.12,14,22

Only with the explosive growth of basic stem cell research in recent years, the comparatively recent study sector of Translational Research had also grown exponentially, starting to build on major research knowledge and insight to advance new therapies. Once the necessary regulatory clearances have been obtained, the clinical translation process can start. Translational research is important because it acts as a filtration system, ensuring that only safe and effective therapeutic approaches start making it to the clinic.23 Recent research illustrating, the successful application of stem cell transplantation to patient populations suggests that, such restorative approaches have been used to address a wide variety of complicated ailments of future concerns.19,24

Currently, clinical trials are available for a variety of stem cell-based treatments based on adult stem cells. To date, the WHO International Clinical Experiments Registration process has recorded more than 3000 experiments involved based on adult stem cells. Furthermore, preliminary trials involving novel and intriguing pluripotent stem cell therapies have been registered. These studies findings will assist the ability to comprehend and the timeframes required to obtain effective treatments and it will contribute to a better knowledge of the different disorders or abnormalities.10

The role of stem cells in modern medicine is vital, both for their widespread application in basic research and for the opportunities they provide for developing new therapeutic strategies in clinical practice.6,16 In recent times, the number of studies involving stem cells has expanded tremendously. Globally, thousands of studies claiming to use stem cells in experimental therapies have now been in the investigation field. This may give the impression that such treatments have already been shown to be extremely effective in the context of healthcare. Despite some promising results, the vast majority of stem cell-based therapeutic applications are still in the experimental stage itself.6,25

The stem cells are a valuable resource for understanding organogenesis as well as the bodys continual regenerative capacity. These cells have brought up enormous anticipations among doctors, investigators, patients, and the public at large because of their ability to distinguish into a variety of cell types.25 These cells are necessary for living beings for a variety of reasons and can play a distinguishable role. Several stem cells can play all cell types roles, and when stimulated effectively, they can also repair damaged tissue. This capability has the potential to save lives as well as treat human injuries and tissue destruction. Moreover, different kinds of stem cells could be used for several purposes, including tissue formation, cell deficiency therapeutic interventions, and stem cell donation or retrieval.3,6,26

New research demonstrating that the successful application of stem cell treatments to patients has expressed hope that such regenerative strategies might very well one day is being used to address a wide variety of problematic ailments. Furthermore, clinical trials incorporating stem cell-based therapeutics have advanced at an alarming rate in recent years. Some of these studies had a significant impact on a wide range of medical conditions.10 As a regenerative medicine strategy, cell-based treatment is widely regarded as the most fascinating field of study in advanced science and medicine. Such technological innovation paves the way for an infinite number of transformational and potentially curable solutions to some of humanitys most pressing survival issues. Moreover, it is gradually becoming the next major concern in medical services.11

Modern data, which shows that the successful stem cell transplantation in beneficiaries has raised hopes on the certain rejuvenating approaches, will one day be used to treat many different types of challenging chronic conditions.24 Preliminary data from highly innovative investigations have documented that the prospective advancement of stem cells provides a wide range of life-threatening ailments that have so far eluded current medical therapy.2,10,11 Furthermore, clinical trials involving stem cell-based therapies have advanced at an unprecedented rate. Many of these studies had a significant impact on various disorders.19 Despite the increasing significance of articles concerning viable stem cell-based treatments, the vast majority of clinical experiments have still yet to receive full authorization for stem cell treatments confirmation.11,12,27

Even though the first case of AIDS were noted nearly 27 years ago, and the etiologic agent was noticed 25 years ago, still for the effective control of the AIDS pandemic continues to remain elusive.28 The HIV epidemic started in 1981 when a new virus syndrome defined by a weakened immune system was revealed in human populations across the globe. AIDS showed up to have a substantial reduction in CD4+ cell counts and also elevated B-cell multiplication.15,2831

The agent that causes AIDS, later named HIV, is a retroviral disease with a genomic structural system made up of 2 identical single-stranded RNA particles.3234 According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, with over 1.1 million Americans are presently infected with the virus.31 Compromised immune processes in HIV and AIDS, as well as partial immune restoration, barriers are confirmed for HIV disease eradication. Innovative developmental strategies are essential to maximizing virus protection and enabling the host immune response to eliminate the virus.35

The progression of HIV infection in humans is divided into the following stages of acute infection, chronic infection, and AIDS.15,36 During the acute infection phase, the circulation has a high viral replication, is extremely infectious, that may or may not demonstrate flu-like clinical signs. In the chronic stage, the viral load is lesser than in the acute stage, and individuals are still infectious but may be symptomless. The patient has come to the end stage of AIDS whenever the CD4+ cell count begins to fall below 200 cells/mm or even when opportunistic infections are advanced.15,36

There are currently two types of HIV isolated HIV-1 and HIV-2.15,37,38 However, HIV-1 is the most common cause of AIDS throughout the world, while HIV-2 is only found in a few areas of an African country. Although both virions can cause AIDS, HIV-2 infection is much more likely to occur in central nervous system disorder.15 Besides this, HIV-2 seems to be less infectious than HIV-1, and HIV-2 infection induces AIDS to develop more slowly. Even though both HIV-1 and HIV-2 have a comparable genetic structure comprised of group-specific antigen, polymerase, and envelope genes, their genome organizational structures are differed.15,3739

HIV infiltrates immune cell types, CD4+ T cell types, and monocytes, resulting in a drop in T-cell counts below a critical level and the failure of cell-mediated immune function.15,40 The glycoprotein (gp120) observed in the virion envelope comes into contact with the CD4 particle with high affinity, allowing HIV to infect T cells. By interacting with their co-receptors, CXCR4 and CCR5, the virus infiltrates T cells and monocytes. The retrovirus uses reverse transcriptase to convert its RNA into DNA after attaching it to and entering the host cell. These newly replicated DNA copies then exit the host cell and infect other cells.15,40,41

HIV-1 is a retrovirus and belongs to a subset of retroviruses known as lentiviruses.38,42 Infection is the most common global health concern around the world.15 It has destroyed the millions of peoples health and continues to wreak havoc on the individual health of millions more. The pandemic of HIV-1 is the most devastating plague in the history of humans, as well as a significant challenge in the areas of medicine, public health, and biological science of research activities.34,43 Antiretroviral therapy is the only treatment that is commonly used. This is not a curative treatment; it must be used for the rest of ones life.15 Although antiretroviral therapy has reduced significantly HIV intensity and transmission, the virus has not been eradicated, and its continued presence can lead to additional health issues.44

Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus necessitates entry into target cells, such as through adhesion of the viral envelope to CD4 receptor sites.43 Cellular antiviral responses fail to eliminate the virus, resulting in a gradual depletion of CD4+ T cells and, finally, a severely compromised immune functioning system. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the virus that destroys immunity.4447 In advanced HIV infection, memory T-cell depletion primarily affects cellular and adaptive immune responses, with a minor impact on innate immune responses.48 Globally, 37.7 million people were living with HIV in 2020, and with 1.5 million individuals are infected with the virus.49 The advancement of stem cell therapy and the conduct of implemented clinical trials have revealed that stem cell treatment has high hopes for a range of medical conditions and implementations.15

Stem cell treatment has shown impressive outcomes in HIV management and has the potential to have significant implications for HIV treatment and prevention in the future. In HIV patients, stem cell therapy helps to suppress the viral load even while enabling antiretroviral regimens to be tapered. Interestingly, this practice led to a significant improvement in procedure outcomes soon after starting antiretroviral treatment.15 Stem cell transplantation can alleviate a wide variety of diseases that are currently incurable. They could also be used to create a novel anti-infection therapy strategic plan and to enhance the treatment of immunologic conditions such as HIV infection. HIV wreaks havoc on immune system cells.30,50

The virus infects and replicates within T-helper cells (T-cells), which are white immune system cells. T-cells are also referred to as CD4 cells. HIV weakens a persons immune system over time by pulverizing more CD4 cells and multiplying itself. More pertinently, if the individual has been unable to obtain anti-retroviral medicine, he will progressively fail to control the infectious disease and illnesses.3,15,42

Despite 36 years of scientific research, investigators are still trying to cure human HIV and its potential problem, AIDS.3,5153 HIV continues to face unconquerable dangers to human survival. This virus has developed the potential to avoid anti-retroviral therapy and tends to result in victim death.52 Investigators are still looking for effective and all-encompassing treatment for HIV and its complexity, AIDS.54 This massive amount of data revealed potential AIDS treatment targets.55 Thousands of research projects have yielded a great deal of information on the elusive AIDS life cycle to date.5456 These massive amounts of data supplied possible targets for AIDS treatment.33,55,56 In HIV-infected patients, using stem cell therapy can augment the process of keeping the viral load stagnant by permitting antiretroviral regimens to be tapered.15

Overall, stem cell-based strategies for HIV and AIDS treatment have recently emerged and have become a key area of research. Ideally, effective stem cell-based therapeutic approaches might have several benefits.30 Clinical studies encompassing stem cell therapy have shown substantial therapeutic effects in the treatment of various autoimmune, degenerative, and genetic problems.15,25 Substantial progress has been developed in the treatment of HIV infection using stem cell-based techniques.30

Successfully treated, clinical studies have shown that total tissue recovery is feasible.15,57 In the early 1980s, the first stem cell transplants were accomplished on HIV-positive patients who were unsure of their viral disease. Following the above preliminary aspects, many HIV-positive patients with concurrent malignant tumours or other hematologic disorders underwent allogeneic stem cell transplantation around the world.42 After ART became a common treatment option for patients,58,59 the procedures prognosis improved dramatically. In addition, a retrospective study of 111 HIV+ transplant patients demonstrated a mildly lower overall survivorship performance in comparison to an HIV-uninfected comparison group.60

Earlier, the primary problem for people living with HIV and AIDS was immunodeficiency caused by a loss of productive T-cells. Some clinicians intended to replenish lost lymphocytes through adoptive cell transplants in the initial days before efficacious antiretroviral therapy options were available. Immunologically, it is relatively simple in an isogeneic condition, as illustrated on HIV-positive individuals with just a correlating identical twin who received T-lymphocytes and stem cell transfusions to rebuild the weak immune status of the patient.60 Cell therapy transfusion may be used to remove resting virion genomes from CD4+ immune cells and macrophages mostly through genome-editing or cytotoxic anti-viral cells.15,60 Cell technology and stem cell biological reprogramming developments have made a significant contribution to novel strategies that may give confidence to HIV healing process.3 However, human embryonic stem cells can be distinguished into significant HIV target cells, according to several research findings.30,61,62

Initially, stem cell transplantation was believed to influence the clinical significance of HIV infection, but viral regulation was not accomplished in the discipline. Moreover, improvements in stem cell transplants utilizing synthetic or natural resistant cell resources, in combination with novel genetic manipulative tactics or the advancement of cytotoxic anti-HIV effector cells, have significantly accelerated this sector of HIV cell management.60 Multiple techniques are being introduced to overcome HIV, either through protecting cells from infectious disease or by continuing to increase immune responses to the viral infection.30 The various methods are as follows: Bone marrow stem cells Therapies, Autologous stem cell transplantations, Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Genetical modifications of Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCT), HSCT and HAART therapeutic approach, Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell transplantation, Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) applications, CCR5 Delta32/Delta32 Stem-Cell Transplantation, CRISPR and stem cell applications, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells applications.

According to the findings, circulating replicative HIV remains the most significant threat to effective AIDS therapy. As a result, a method for conferring resistance to circulating HIV particles is required. The effective viral burden in the human body would be significantly reduced if it were possible to defeat reproducing HIV particles.43,44 For the treatment of AIDS, a restorative approach that relies on bone marrow stem cells has been suggested.52 The proposed treatment method captures and eventually destroys circulating HIVs using receptor-integrated red blood cells. Red blood cell membranes can be equipped with the CD4 receptor and the C-C chemokine receptor type 5 and C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 co-receptors, which will selectively bind circulating HIV particles.15,30,32,33,43,44,46,6365

The term autologous pertains to blood-forming stem cells obtained from the patient for use as a source of fresh blood cells followed by high-dose chemotherapeutic agents.66 Lymphoma is still the biggest cause of mortality in HIV patients. Autologous stem cell recovery or transplantation with high-dose treatments has long been supported as a treatment for certain types of cancer in HIV-negative patients, including leukaemia and lymphoma. Individuals over the age of 65, as well as those with health problems such as HIV, were excluded from initial transfusion experiments. Moreover, the treatment regimen mortality of transplantation has also been reduced significantly due to its use of peripheral blood stem cells rather than bone marrow and the use of newer marginal conditioning therapeutic strategies. HIV-infected clients may be able to utilize enough stem cells for an autologous transplant advancement in HIV management. High-dose Autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) treatments are better than conventional treatment in people with relapsed non-Hodgkin lymphoma, according to randomized trial evidence. Similarly, studies on HIV-negative people with Hodgkin Lymphoma have shown that ASCT would provide patients with repetitive illness with long-term progression-free survival.66,67 Even so, the clinical trial on Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant for HIV Patients with Hematologic Malignancies report was explained as, the cell-associated HIV DNA and inducible infectious virus were not detectable in the blood of patients who attained complete chimerism.68

The study on long-term multilineage engraftment of autologous genome-edited hematopoietic stem cells in nonhuman primates report findings was Genome editing in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) is a potential innovative approach for the treatment of numerous human disorders. This report shows that genome-edited HSPCs engraft and contribute to multilineage repopulation following autologous transplantation in a clinically relevant large animal model, which is an important step toward developing stem cell-based genome-editing therapeutics for HIV and possibly other illnesses.69

Research on comprehensive virologic and immune interpretation in an HIV-infected participant again just after allogeneic transfusion and analytical interruption of antiretroviral treatment findings are the instance of HIV-1 cure having followed allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT), resulting allo-SCTs in HIV-1 positive participants have failed to cure the disease. It describes adjustments in the HIV reservoir in a single chronically HIV-infected client who had undergone allo-SCT for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treatment and was obtaining suppressive antiretroviral treatment.

To estimate the size of the HIV-1 reservoir and describe viral phylogenetic and phenotypic modifications in immune cells, the investigators just used leukapheresis to obtain peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from a 55-year-old man with chronic HIV infection prior and after allo-SCT. Once HIV-1 was found to be unrecognizable by numerous tests, including the PCR measurement techniques both of overall and fully integrated HIV-1 DNA, recompilation virus precise measurement by significant cell input quantifiable viral outgrowth assay, and in situ hybridization of intestine tissue, the client accepted to an analytic treatment interruption (ATI) with recurrent clinical observing on day 784 post-transplantation. He continued to remain aviremic off ART until ATI day 288, once a reduced virus rebound of 60 HIV-1 copies/mL resulted, which expanded to 1640 HIV-1 copies/mL five days later, urging ART reinitiation. Rebounding serum HIV-1 action sequences were phylogenetically distinguishable from pro-viral HIV-1 DNA discovered in circulating PBMCs before transplantation. It was indicated that allo-SCT tends to result in significant reductions in the magnitude of the HIV-1 reservoir and a >9-month ART-free cessation from HIV-1 multiplication.34

The Impact of HIV Infection on Transplant Outcomes after Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation: A Retrospective Study of Japanese Registry Data reported as ASCT is a successful treatment option for HIV-positive patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma (MM). HIV infection was associated with an increased risk of overall mortality and relapse after ASCT for NHL in a study population.70

The procedure of delivering hematopoietic stem cells mostly through intravenous infusion to restore normal haematopoiesis or treat cancer is known as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.71 There has recently been a rise in the desire to develop strategies for treating HIV/AIDS diseases employing human hematopoietic stem cells,30 along with this Hutter and Zaia were evaluated the background of Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in HIV-infected individuals.42

Attempts to use HSCT as a technique for immunologic restoration in AIDS patients or as a therapeutic intervention for malignant tumours were initially insufficient. Regretfully, in the absence of sufficient ART, HSCT seemed to have no impact on the evolution of HIV infection, and the majority of the patients ended up dead of rapidly deteriorating immunosuppression or reoccurring lymphoma or leukaemia. A specific instance report described how an un-associated, matched donor supplied allogeneic HSCT to a patient with refractory lymphoma. The virus was unrecognizable by isolating or PCR of peripheral blood mononuclear cells commencing on day 32 after transplantation. Although HIV-1 was unrecognizable by cultural environment or PCR of several tissues examined at mortem, the patient died of recurring lymphoma on day 47. Another client who obtained both allogeneic HSCT and zidovudine had similar results, with HIV-1 becoming unnoticeable in the blood by PCR analysis. In some other particular instances, a 25-year-old woman with AIDS who obtained an allogeneic HSCT from a corresponding, unfamiliar donor after controlling with busulfan and cyclophosphamide and ART with zidovudine and IFN-2 regimen continued to live for 10 months before falling victim to adult respiratory distress. However, PCR testing of autopsy tissues revealed that they were HIV-1 negative.72

Recent research discovered significant progress towards the clinical application of stem cell-based HIV therapeutic interventions, principally illustrating the opportunity to effectively undertake a large-scale phase two HSC-based gene therapy experiment. In this investigation, the research team used autologous adult HSCs that had been transduced to a retroviral vector that usually contains a tat-vpr-specific anti-HIV ribozyme to develop cells that were less vulnerable to productive infection,73 whereas vector-containing cells have been discovered for extended periods (more than 100 weeks in most people) and CD4+ T cell gets counted were significantly high within anti-HIV ribozyme treating people group compared with the placebo group, the impacts on viral loads were minimal. The studys success, even so, is based on the realization that a stem cell-based strategy like this is being used as a more conventional and efficacious therapeutic approach.30 Some other latest clinical studies used a multi-pronged RNA-based strategic plan which included a CCR5-targeted ribozyme, an shRNA targeting tat/rev transcripts, and a TAR segment decoy.74

These crucial research findings are explained on lentiviral-based gene therapy vectors that can genetically manipulate both dividing and non-dividing HSCs and are less likely to cause cellular changes than murine retro-viral-based vectors. Long-term engraftment and multipotential haematopoiesis have been demonstrated in vector-containing and expressing cells, according to the researchers. Whereas the antiviral effectiveness was not reviewed, the results demonstrate the strategys protection, which helps to expand well for the possibility of a lentiviral-based approach in the upcoming years.30

A further approach, with a different emphasis, has been started up in the hopes of trying to direct immune function to target specific HIV to overcome barriers to attempting to clear the virus from the patient's body. These strategies use gene treatment innovations on peripheral blood cells to biologically modify cells so that they assert a receptor or chimeric particle that enables them to especially target a specific viral antigen,75 deception of HIV-infected peoples peripheral blood T cells raises issues to be addressed, such as the effects of ongoing HIV infection and ex vivo modification on the capabilities and lifetime of peripheral blood cells. Further to that, the above genetically manipulated cells would demonstrate their endogenous T cell receptors, and the representation of the newly introduced receptor could outcome in cross-receptor pairing, resulting in self-reactive T cells. Most of these deficiencies could be countered by enabling specific developmental strategies to take place that can start generating huge numbers of HIV-specific cells in a renewable, consistent way that can restore defective natural immune activity against HIV.30

One strategy being recognized is the application of B cells obtained from HSCs to demonstrate anti-HIV neutralizing specific antibodies. While animal studies have shown that neutralizing antibodies could protect against infection, and extensively neutralizing antibodies have been noticed in some HIV-infected persons, safety from a single engineered antibody might be exceptional.76,77 Realizing antibody binding and virus neutralization may assist in the development of chimeric receptors or single-chain therapeutic antibodies with recognition domains for other techniques that identify cellular immunity against HIV-infected cells.78,79 Thereby, genetically modifying HSCs to generate B cells that produce neutralizing anti-HIV specific antibodies, or engineering HSCs to enable multipotential haematopoiesis of cells that express a chimeric cellular receptor usually contains an antibody recognition domain, indicate one arm of an HSC-based engineered immunity process.30

A further technique of using HSCs that were genetically altered with molecularly cloned T-cell receptors or chimeric molecules particular to HIV to yield antigen-specific T cells. The basic difference in this strategy is that the cells produced from HSCs after standard advancement in the bone marrow and thymus are made subject to normal central tolerance modalities and are antigen-specific naive cells, and therefore do not have the ex-vivo manipulation and impaired functioning or exhaustion problems that other external cell modification methods would have. In this context, the latest actual evidence research using a molecularly cloned T cell receptor particular to an HIV-1 Gag epitope in the aspect of HLA-A*0201 revealed that HSC altered in this ability can progress into fully functioning, mature HIV specialized CD8+ T cells in human thymic tissue that conveys the acceptable constrained HLA-A*0201 particles.80 This explores the possibility of genetically engineering HSCs with a molecularly cloned receptor and signifies a step toward a better understanding and application of initiated T cell responses, which would probably result in the eradication of HIV infection from the body, similar to the natural immune function of other virus infections and pathogenic organisms.30

In an allogeneic transplantation, donor stem cells replace the patients cells.66 Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has appeared as one of the most potent treatment possibilities for many people who suffer from hemopoietic system carcinomas and non-malignant ailments.81 Both HIV-cured people have received HSCT utilizing CCR5 132 donor cells.82,83 This implies that HIV eradication necessitates a decrease in the viral reservoir through the myeloablative procedures,8486 Having followed that, immune rebuilding with HIV-resistant cells was carried out to prevent re-infection.45 The possibility of adoptive transfer of ex vivo-grown, virus-specific T-cells to prevent and control infectious diseases (eg, Cytomegalovirus and EBV) in immunocompromised patients helps to make adoptive T-cell treatment a feasible strategy to inhibit HIV rebound having followed HSCT.81,87,88

The Engineered Zinc Finger Protein Targeting 2LTR Inhibits HIV Integration in Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell-Derived Macrophages: In Vitro Study, the researchers investigated the efficacy and safety of 2LTRZFP in human CD34+ HSPCs. Researchers used a lentiviral vector to transduce 2LTRZFP with the mCherry tag (2LTRZFPmCherry) into human CD34+ HSPCs. The study findings suggest that the anti-HIV-1 integrase scaffold is an enticing antiviral molecule that could be utilised in human CD34+ HSPC-based gene therapy for AIDS patients.89

The fundamental element of HIV management is stem cell genetic modification, which involves genetically enhanced patient-derived stem cells to overcome HIV infection. In this sector, numerous experimental studies, in vitro as well as in vivo examinations, and positive outcomes for AIDS patients have been conducted.65,74 Genetic engineering for HIV-infected individuals can provide a once-only intervention that minimizes viral load, restores the immune system, and minimizes the accumulated toxicities concerned with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).73 HSCs can be genetically altered, permitting for the addition of exogenous components to the progeny that protects them from direct infectious disease and/or enables them to target a specific antigen. Besides that, HSC-based strategies can enhance multilineage hemopoietic advancement by re-establishing several arms of the immune function. Eventually, as HSCs can be produced autologously, immunologic tolerance is typically high, enabling effective engraftment and subsequent distinction into the fully functioning mature hematopoietic cells.30

The utilization of human HSCs to rebuild the immune function in HIV disease is one application that tries to preserve newly formed cells from HIV infection, while another attempts to develop immune cells that attack HIV infected cells. While each initiative has many different aspects at the moment, they represent huge attention to HIV/AIDS therapies that, most likely when integrated with the other therapeutic approaches, would result in the body trying to overcome the obstacles needed for the virus to be effectively cleaned up.30

While HSC transplantation technique and processes are not accurately novel, as they are commonly and effectively used to address a wide variety of haematological diseases and malignant neoplasms,90 trying to combine them with a gene therapeutic strategy represents a unique and possibly potent therapeutic approach for HIV and AIDS-related ailments. As the results of HIV-infected patients who obtained autologous HSCT continued to improve, there was growing interest in genetically altered stem cells that were tolerant to HIV disease. Multiple logistical challenges have impeded the advancement of genetically modified hematopoietic stem cells as a conceivable therapeutic option for HIV/AIDS.72,73

UCLAs Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Restorative Medicine and Stem Cell Studies is one bit closer to constructing an instrument to arm the bodys immune system to attack and defeat HIV. Dr. Kitchen et al are the first ones to disclose the use of a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR), a genetically manipulated molecule, in blood-forming stem cells. In the experiment, the research team introduced a CAR gene into blood-forming stem cells, which were then moved into HIV-infected mice that had been genetically programmed. The scientists found that CAR-carrying blood stem cells efficiently transformed into fully functioning T cells that have the ability to kill HIV-infected cells in mice. The outcome was an 80-to-95 percentage reduction in HIV levels, suggesting that stem-cell-based genetic engineering with a CAR might be a viable and effective approach for treating HIV infection among humans. The CAR initiative, according to Dr. Kitchen, is much more able to adapt and ultimately more efficient, which can conceivably be used by others. If any further experiment showcases keep promising, the scientists expect that a practice based on their strategy will be accessible for clinical development within the next 510 years.91

HSCT and HAART therapeutic approaches in treating HIV/AIDS as the emergence of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the 1990s improved survival rates of HIV infection, leading to a major dramatic drop in the occurrence of AIDS and AIDS-related mortalities. As an outcome, there is much less involvement with using HSCT as a therapy for HIV infection.28,33,43,67,86

A randomized clinical trial of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell transplant among HIV/AIDS immunological non responders investigation, the researchers examined the clinical efficacy of transfusion of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSC) for immunological non-responder clients with long-term HIV disease who have an unmet medical need in the aspect of effective antiretroviral therapy. From May 2013 to March 2016, 72 HIV-infected participants were admitted in this stage of the randomized, double-blind, multi-center, placebo-controlled dose-determination investigation. They were either given a high dose of hUC-MSC of 1.5106/kg body weight as well as small doses of hUC-MSC of 0.5106/kg body weight, or a placebo application. During the 96-week follow-up experiment, interventional and immunological character traits were analysed. They found that hUC-MSC therapy was both safe and efficacious among humans. There was a significant rise in CD4+ T counts after 48 weeks of treatment in both the high-dose (P 0.001) and low-dose (P 0.001) groups, but no changes in the comparison group.92

One interesting invention made by a team of UC Davis investigators is the recognition of a particular form of stem cell that can minimize the quantity of the virus that tends to cause AIDS, thus dramatically increasing the bodys antiviral immune activity. Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) furnish an incredible opportunity for a creative and innovative, multi-pronged HIV cure strategic plan by augmenting prevailing HIV potential treatments. Even while no antivirals have been used, MSCs have been able to increase the hosts antiviral responses. MSC therapeutic approaches require specialized delivery systems and good cell quality regulation. The studys findings lay the proper scientific foundation for future research into MSC in the ongoing treatment of HIV and other contagious diseases in the clinical organization.35

Infection with HIV-1 necessitates the existence of both specific receptors and a chemokine receptor, particularly chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5).46 Resistance to HIV-1 infection is attained by homozygozygozity for a 32-bp removal in the CCR5 allele.93 In this investigation, stem cells were transplanted in a patient with severe myeloid leukaemia and HIV-1 infection from a donor who was homozygous to Chemokine receptor 5 delta 32. The client seemed to have no viral relapses after 20 months of transplantation and attempting to stop antiretroviral medicine. This finding highlights the essential role that CCR5 tries to play in HIV-1 infection maintenance.86

In comparison, additional HIV-1-infected people who have received allogeneic stem cell transplants with cells from CCR5 truly wild donors did not have long-term relapses from HIV-1 rebound, with 2 of these patients trying to report viral reoccurrence 12 as well as 32 weeks after analytic treatment interruption, respectively. Among these 2 patients, allogeneic stem cell transplantation probably reduced but did not eliminate latently HIV-infected cells, enabling persistent viral reservoirs to activate viral rebound. This viewpoint may not rule out the potential that allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation might result in a much more comprehensive or near-complete elimination of viral reservoirs, enabling long-term drug-free relapse of HIV-1 infection in some contexts.84 As just one report demonstrated a decade earlier, a curative treatment for HIV-1 remained elusive. The Berlin Patient has undergone 2 allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantations to cure his acute myeloid leukaemia utilizing a potential donor with a homozygous genetic mutation in HIV coreceptor CCR5 (CCR532/32).15,34,46,64,65,72,82,84,86,9496 Other similar studies with CCR5 receptor targets are as follows: Automated production of CCR5-negative CD4+-T cells in a GMP compatible, clinical scale for treatment of HIV-positive patients,97 Mechanistic Models Predict Efficacy of CCR5-Deficient Stem Cell Transplants in HIV Patient Populations,98 Conditional suicidal gene with CCR5 knockout.99

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats CRISPR/Cas9 is a promising gene editing approach that can edit genes for gain-of-function or loss-of-function mutations in order to address genetic abnormalities. Despite the fact that other gene editing techniques exist, CRISPR/Cas9 is the most reliable and efficient proven method for gene rectification.100103

Genome engineering employing CRISPR/Cas has proven to be a strong method for quickly and accurately changing specific genomic sequences. The rise of innovative haematopoiesis research tools to examine the complexity of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) biology has been fuelled by considerable advancements in CRISPR technology over the last five years. High-throughput CRISPR screenings using many new flavours of Cas and sequential and/or functional outcomes, in specific, have become more effective and practical.104,105

The power of the CRISPR/Cas system is that it can specifically and efficiently target sequences in the genome with just a single synthetic guide RNA (sgRNA) and a single protein. Cas9 is directed to the specific DNA sequence by the sgRNA, which causes double stranded breaks and activates the cells DNA repair processes. Non-homologous end joining can cause insertiondeletion (indel) substitutions at the target location, whereas homology-directed repair can use a template DNA to insert new genetic material.104,106

The possibility for CRISPR/Cas9 to be used in the hematopoietic system was emphasised as pretty shortly after it was initiated as a new genome editing method.106,107 The efficiency with which CRISPR-mediated alteration can be used to evaluate hematopoietic stem/progenitor and mature cell function via transplantation. As a result, hematopoietic research has significantly advanced with the implementation of these technologies. Whilst single-gene CRISPR/Cas9 programming is a significant tool for testing gene function in primary hematopoietic cells, high-throughput screenings potentially offer CRISPR/Cas9 an even greater advantage in hematopoietic research.104

While understanding human haematological disorders requires the ability to mimic diseases, the ultimate goal is to transfer this innovation into therapies. Despite significant advancements in CRISPR technology, there are still barriers to overcome before CRISPR/Cas9 can be used effectively and safely in humans. CRISPR has also been used to target CCR5 in CD34+ HSPCs in an effort to make immune cells resistant to HIV infection, as CCR5 is an important coreceptor for HIV infection.104

CRISPR is a modern genome editing technique that could be used to treat immunological illnesses including HIV. The utilization of CRISPR in stem cells for HIV-related investigation, on the other end, was ineffective, and much of the experiment was done in vivo. The new research idea is about increasing CRISPR-editing efficiencies in stem cell transplantation for HIV treatment, as well as its future perspective. The possible genes that enhance HIV resistance and stem cell engraftment should be explored more in the future studies. To strengthen HIV therapy or resistance, double knockout and knock-in approaches must be used to build a positive engraftment. In the future, CRISPR/SaCas9 and Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) administration should be explored in the further investigations.108 As well as some different title studies were explained the effectiveness of the CRISPR gene editing technology on the management of HIV/AIDS including: CRISPR view of hematopoietic stem cells: Moving innovative bioengineering into the clinic,104 CRISPR-Edited Stem Cells in a Patient with HIV and Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia,109 Sequential LASER ART and CRISPR Treatments Eliminate HIV-1 in a Subset of Infected Humanized Mice,110 Extinction of all infectious HIV in cell culture by the CRISPR-Cas12a system with only a single crRNA,111 HIV-specific humoral immune responses by CRISPR/Cas9-edited B cells,112 CRISPR-Cas9 Mediated Exonic Disruption for HIV-1 Elimination,113 RNA-directed gene editing specifically eradicates latent and prevents new HIV-1 infection,114 CRISPR/Cas9 Ablation of Integrated HIV-1 Accumulates Pro viral DNA Circles with Reformed Long Terminal Repeats,115 CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene disruption of HIV-1 co-receptors confers broad resistance to infection in human T cells and humanized mice,116 Inhibition of HIV-1 infection of primary CD4+ T-cells by gene editing of CCR5 using adenovirus-delivered CRISPR/Cas9,117 Transient CRISPR-Cas Treatment Can Prevent Reactivation of HIV-1 Replication in a Latently Infected T-Cell Line,118 CCR5 Gene Disruption via Lentiviral Vectors Expressing Cas9 and Single Guided RNA Renders Cells Resistant to HIV-1 Infection,119 CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated CCR5 Ablation in Human Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells Confers HIV-1 Resistance In Vivo.109

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have significantly advanced the field of regenerative medicine by allowing the generation of patient-specific pluripotent stem cells from adult individuals. The progress of iPSCs for HIV treatment has the potential to generate a continuous supply of therapeutic cells for transplantation into HIV-infected patients. The title of the study is reported on Generation of HIV-1 Resistant and Functional Macrophages from Hematopoietic Stem Cellderived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. In this investigation, researchers used human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) to produce anti-HIV gene expressing iPSCs for HIV gene therapy. HSCs were dedifferentiated into constantly growing iPSC lines using 4 reprogramming factors and a combination anti-HIV lentiviral vector comprising a CCR5 shRNA and a human/rhesus chimeric TRIM5 gene. After directing the anti-HIV iPSCs toward the hematopoietic lineage, a large number of colony-forming CD133+ HSCs were acquired. These cells were distinguished further into functional end-stage macrophages with a normal phenotypic profile. Upon viral challenge, the anti-HIV iPSC-derived macrophages displayed good protection against HIV-1 infection. Researchers have clearly shown how iPSCs can establish into HIV-1 resistant immune cells and explain their prospective use in HIV gene and cellular therapies.120

Some other similar titles of the studies reported on the effectiveness of IPSCs on HIV/AIDS managements are as follows: Generation of HIV-Resistant Macrophages from IPSCs by Using Transcriptional Gene Silencing and Promoter-Targeted RNA,121 Generation of HIV-1-infected patients gene-edited induced pluripotent stem cells using feeder-free culture conditions,122 A High-Throughput Method as a Diagnostic Tool for HIV Detection in Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Generated by Different Reprogramming Methods,123 Genetically edited CD34+ cells derived from human iPS cells in vivo but not in vitro engraft and differentiate into HIV-resistant cells,124 Engineered induced-pluripotent stem cell-derived monocyte extracellular vesicles alter inflammation in HIV humanized mice,125 Sustainable Antiviral Efficacy of Rejuvenated HIV-Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Generated from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.126

Recently, one HIV patient appeared to be virus-free after having undergone a stem-cell transfusion in which their WBCs were changed with HIV-resistant variations.84 Timothy Ray Brown also noted as the Berlin patient, who is still virus-free, was the first individual to undertake stem-cell transplantation a decade earlier. The most recent patient, like Brown, had a type of leukaemia that was vulnerable to chemo treatments. They required a bone marrow transplantation, which involved removing their blood cells and replacing them with stem cells from a donor cell.5,31,34,41,127130 Rather than simply choosing a suitable donor, Ravindra Gupta et al chose one who already had 2 copies of a mutant within the CCR5 gene,128,131 which provides resistance to HIV infection.3

Additionally, this gene encodes for a specific receptor of white blood cells that are assisted in the bodys immunological responses. The transplant, according to Guptas team, completely replaced the clients White cells with HIV-resistant forms.41,83 Cells in the patients blood disrupted expressing the CCR5 receptor, making it unfeasible for the clients form of HIV to infect the above cells again. The scientists determined that the virus had been cleared from the patients blood after the transplantation. Besides that, after 16 months, the client has withdrawn antiretroviral treatment. The infection was not detected in the most recent follow-up, which occurred 18 months after the treatment was discontinued. Adam, also known as the London patient, was the second person to be cured of HIV as a result of a stem cell transfusion. This discovery is an important step forward in HIV research because it may aid in the detection of potential future therapeutic interventions. It must be noted, but even so, that this is not an extensively used HIV treatment. For HIV-infected patients, antiretroviral drugs have been the foremost therapeutic option.3,31,41,94,129,130 It also encourages many investigators and clinicians to look at the use of stem cells in the treatment of a wide range of serious medical conditions. The reprogramming abilities of stem cells, as well as their accessibility, have created a window of opportunity in medical research. The clinical utility of stem cells is forecast to expand rapidly in the coming years.

On Feb 15, 2022, scientific researchers confirmed that a woman had become the 3rd person in history to be successfully treated for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, after just receiving a stem-cell transfusion that has used cells from cord blood. Within those transplant recipients, adult hematopoietic stem cells have been used; these are stem cells that eventually develop into all blood cell types, which include white blood cells, these are a vital component of the immune framework. Even so, the woman who had fairly recently been completely cured of HIV infection had a more unique experience than that of the 2 men who were actually cured before her.132

The clients physician, Dr. JingMei Hsu of Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, informed them that, she had been discharged from the hospital just 17 days after her procedure was performed, even with no indications of graft vs host ailment. The woman was HIV-positive but also had acute myeloid leukaemia, a blood cancer of the bone marrow that affects blood-forming cells. She had likely received cord blood as a successful treatment for both her cancer and HIV once her doctors decided on a potential donor well with HIV-blocking gene mutation. Cord blood comprises a high accumulation of hematopoietic stem cells; the blood is obtained during a childs birth and donated by the parents.132

The patients donor was partly nearly matched, and she received stem cells from a close family member to enhance her immune function after the transfusion. The procedure was performed on the woman in August of 2017. She chose to discontinue taking antiretroviral drugs, the standardized HIV intervention, 37 months upon her transfusion. After more than 14 months, there is no evidence of the viral infection or antibodies against it in her blood. Umbilical cord blood, in reality, is much more commonly accessible and simpler to try to match to beneficiaries than bone marrow. Perhaps, some research suggests that the method could be more available to HIV patients than bone marrow transplantation. Nearly 38 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. The potential for using partly matched umbilical cord blood transplantation increases the chances of choosing appropriate suitable donors for these clients considerably.132

It is really exciting to see the earlier terminally ill diseases of being effectively treated. In recent times, there has been a surge of focus on stem cell research.3 Stem cell therapy advancements in inpatient care are receiving a growing amount of attention.20 HIV/AIDS has been and remains a significant health concern around the world. Effective control of the HIV pandemic will necessitate a thorough understanding of the viruss transmission.32

Despite concerns about full compliance and adverse reactions, HAART has demonstrated to be able to succeed and is a sign specifically targeted form of treatment against HIV advancement. As illustrated by the first case of HIV infection relapse attained by bone marrow transplant, anti-HIV HPSC-based stem cell treatment and genotype technology have established a possible future upcoming technique to try to combat HIV/AIDS.

Investigators have conducted experiments with engineering distinct anti-HIV genetic traits trying to target different phases of HIV infection utilizing advanced scientific modalities. In numerous in vivo and in vitro animal studies, HSPCs and successive mature cells were secured from HIV infection by trying to target genetic factors in the infection. Anti-HIV gene engineering of HSPCs is safe and efficacious.15

The number of stem-cell-based research trials has risen in recent years. Thousands of studies claiming to use stem cells in experimental therapies have been registered worldwide. Despite some promising results, the majority of clinical stem cell technologies are still in their early life. These achievements have drawn attention to the possibility of the potential and advancement of various promising stem cell treatments currently in development.11

HIV remains a major danger to humanity. This virus has developed the ability to evade antiretroviral medication, resulting in the death of individuals. Scientists are constantly looking for a treatment for HIV/AIDS that is both effective and efficient.52 The 1st treatments in HIV+ clients were conducted in the early 1980s, even though they were cognizant of their viral disease. Following these early cases, allogeneic SCT was used to treat HIV+ patients with associated cancer or other haematological disorders all over the world. Stem cell transplantation developments have also stimulated the improvement of innovative HIV therapeutic approaches, especially for large goals like eradication and relapse.60

Numerous stem cell therapy progressions have been recognized with autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, as well as umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cell transplant in AIDS immunologic non-responders. Whereas this sector continues to advance and distinguishing directives for these cells become much more effective, totipotent stem cells such as hESC and the recently reported induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) could be very useful for genetic engineering methods to counter hematopoietic abnormalities such as HIV disease.133135

Immunocompromised people are at a higher risk of catching life-threatening diseases. The perseverance of latently infected cells, which is formed by viral genome inclusion into host cell chromosomes, is a significant challenge in HIV-1 elimination. Stem cell therapy is producing impressive patient outcomes, illustrating not only the broad relevance of these strategies but also the huge potential of cell and gene treatment using adult stem cells and somatic derivative products of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs).

Stem cells have enormous regeneration capacity, and a plethora of interesting therapeutic uses are on the frontier. This is a highly interdisciplinary scientific field. Evolutionary biologists, biological technicians, mechanical engineers, and others that have evolved novel concepts and decided to bring them to medical applications are required to make important contributions. Further to that, recent advancements in several different research areas may contribute to stem cell application forms that are novel. Several hurdles must be conquered, however, in the advancement of stem cells. On the other hand, this discipline appears to be a promising and rapidly expanding research area.

Stem cell-based approaches to HIV treatment resemble an innovative approach to trying to rebuild the ravaged bodys immune system with the utmost goal of eliminating the virus from the body. We will probably see effective experiments from the next new generation of stem cell-based strategies shortly, which will start serving as a base for the further development and use of these techniques in a range of treatment application areas for other chronic diseases.

My immense pleasure was mentioned to family members and friends, who supported and encouraged me in every activity.

There was no funding for this work.

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest in relation to this work.

1. Zakrzewski W, Dobrzyski M, Szymonowicz M, Rybak Z. Stem cells: past, present, and future. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2019;10:68. doi:10.1186/s13287-019-1165-5

2. Nadig RR. Stem cell therapy hype or hope? A review. J Conserv Dent JCD. 2009;12:131138. doi:10.4103/0972-0707.58329

3. Tasnim KN, Adrita SH, Hossain S, Akash SZ, Sharker S. The prospect of stem cells for HIV and cancer treatment: a review. Pharm Biomed Res. 2020;6:1726.

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6. Kolios G, Moodley Y. Introduction to stem cells and regenerative medicine. Respir Int Rev Thorac Dis. 2013;85:310.

7. Ebrahimi A, Ahmadi H, Ghasrodashti ZP, et al. Therapeutic effects of stem cells in different body systems, a novel method that is yet to gain trust: a comprehensive review. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2021;21:672701. doi:10.17305/bjbms.2021.5508

8. Introduction stem cells. Available from: https://www.dpz.eu/en/platforms/degenerative-diseases/research/introduction-stem-cells.html. Accessed December 19, 2021.

9. Hu J, Chen X, Fu S. Stem cell therapy for thalassemia: present and future. Chin J Tissue Eng Res. 2018;22:3431.

10. Aly RM. Current state of stem cell-based therapies: an overview. Stem Cell Investig. 2020;7:8. doi:10.21037/sci-2020-001

11. Chari S, Nguyen A, Saxe J. Stem cells in the clinic. Cell Stem Cell. 2018;22:781782. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2018.05.017

12. De Luca M, Aiuti A, Cossu G, Parmar M, Pellegrini G, Robey PG. Advances in stem cell research and therapeutic development. Nat Cell Biol. 2019;21:801811. doi:10.1038/s41556-019-0344-z

13. Hipp J, Atala A. Sources of stem cells for regenerative medicine. Stem Cell Rev. 2008;4:311. doi:10.1007/s12015-008-9010-8

14. Bobba S, Di Girolamo N, Munsie M, et al. The current state of stem cell therapy for ocular disease. Exp Eye Res. 2018;177:6575. doi:10.1016/j.exer.2018.07.019

15. Khalid K, Padda J, Fernando RW, et al. Stem cell therapy and its significance in HIV infection. Cureus. 2021;13. doi: 10.1038/d41586-019-00798-3

16. Gq D, Morrell CN, Tarango C. Stem cells: roadmap to the clinic. J Clin Invest. 2010;121:120. doi:10.1172/JCI39828

17. Prentice DA. Adult Stem Cells. Circ Res. 2019;124:837839. doi:10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.313664

18. McKee C, Chaudhry GR. Advances and challenges in stem cell culture. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2017;159:6277. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.07.051

19. Prez Lpez S, Otero Hernndez J. Advances in stem cell therapy. In: Lpez-Larrea C, Lpez-Vzquez A, Surez-lvarez B, editors. Stem Cell Transplantation. New York, NY: Springer US; 2012:290313.

20. Zhang F-Q, Jiang J-L, Zhang J-T, Niu H, X-Q F, Zeng -L-L. Current status and future prospects of stem cell therapy in Alzheimers disease. Neural Regen Res. 2020;15:242250. doi:10.4103/1673-5374.265544

21. Hu L, Zhao B, Wang S. Stem-cell therapy advances in China. Hum Gene Ther. 2018;29:188196. doi:10.1089/hum.2017.224

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24. Madl CM, Heilshorn SC, Blau HM. Bioengineering strategies to accelerate stem cell therapeutics. Nature. 2018;557:335342. doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0089-z

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Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market Global Industry Research Analysis & Forecast 2022 to 2028 | Ortho Regenerative Technologies Inc.,…

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

The Global Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Marketreport provides an in-depth analysis of emerging trends, market drivers, development opportunities and market constraints that may affect the industrys market dynamics. Each market sector is examined in depth in Reports Globe, including products, applications and competition analysis.

The report was created using three different recognition systems. The first step requires in-depth primary and secondary research on a wide range of topics. Approvals, ratings and results based on accurate data obtained by industry specialists are the next step. The research derives an overall estimate of the market size using top-down methods. Finally, the research evaluates the market for a series of sections and subsections using information triangulation and market separation techniques.

Key Drivers & Barriers:

High-impact factors and rendering engines have been studied in the Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine market report to help readers understand the overall development. In addition, the report contains restrictions and challenges that may stand in the way of players. This will help users pay attention and make informed business-related decisions. The specialists also looked at the next business outlook.

In its latest report, ReportsGlobe offers a comprehensive overview of the Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine market with an emphasis on keyword dynamics including driving forces, constraints, opportunities, trends and detailed information on Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine market structure. Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine s market sales in the global market will increase as activities and advanced technology increase. With the outbreak of covid-19, companies have become very dependent on digital platforms to survive.

Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market Segmentation:

Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market, By Treatment Type (2017-2028)

Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market, By Disease Indication (2017-2028)

Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market, By End User (2017-2028)

Major Players Operating in the Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market:

Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market Segment Analysis

The market research explores new data in the Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine market report. It examines the market size in terms of the value of each segment, as well as how market dynamics are likely to change over time. The report then divides this information into types and proposed applications, with a breakdown by geography (North America, Asia, Europe, and the Rest of the World). In addition, the report examines the structure of the industry, offers growth, forecast period, revenue value and volume estimates in industrial applications, and provides clarity regarding industry competition.

Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market Report Scope








2022 to 2028




Types, Applications, End-Users, and more.


Revenue Forecast, Company Ranking, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends


North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa

Regional Analysis of the Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market:

The Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market research report details the ongoing market trends, development outlines, and several research methodologies. It illustrates the key factors that directly manipulate the Market, for instance, production strategies, development platforms, and product portfolio. According to our researchers, even minor changes within the product profiles could result in huge disruptions to the above-mentioned factors.

Goals and objectives of the Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market Study

The study thoroughly examines the profiles of major market players and their major financial aspects. This comprehensive business analysis report is useful for all new and existing participants when designing their business strategies. This report covers Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine s market output, revenue, market shares and growth rates for each key company and covers breakdown data (production, consumption, revenue and market shares) by regions, type and applications. Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine historical breakdown data from 2017 to 2021 and forecast for 2022-2028.

Global Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market Research Report 2022 2028

Chapter 1 Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market Overview

Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12 Global Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast

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Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Market Global Industry Research Analysis & Forecast 2022 to 2028 | Ortho Regenerative Technologies Inc.,...


‘Dancing molecules’ in the lab – Northwestern Now – Northwestern Now

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

Professor Samuel Stupp welcomes congressional champions of biomedical research to his Northwestern lab

Professor Samuel Stupp welcomed U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, U.S. Rep. Jim Langevin and Northwestern President Morton Schapiro to his lab recently to discuss his research in the area of regenerative medicine and a new injectable therapy that harnesses dancing molecules to reverse paralysis and repair tissue after severe spinal cord injuries.

Duckworth of Illinois and Langevin of Rhode Island have been champions in Congress for Americans with disabilities as well as biomedical research.

Stupp, the Board of Trustees Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Medicine and Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern, and graduate student Anna Metlushko show a sample of a nanofiber solution that can be injected into an injured spinal cord to help restore movement after paralysis.

Photos by Shane Collins

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'Dancing molecules' in the lab - Northwestern Now - Northwestern Now


New Biofabrication Process Developed to Engineer Heart Structures – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

A new biomanufacturing method for constructing 3D scaffolds composed of narrow fibers with specific alignments has been developed. The method, called focused rotary jet spinning (FRJS), is enabling researchers to fabricate heart structures and to study how the helical alignments of fibers in the musculature of the heart enhance cardiac function.

The findings, which provide proof-of-concept for a streamlined approach to engineering tissues and organs with complex 3D geometries, were reported by Huibin Chang, PhD, a research associate in bioengineering at Harvard University, and colleagues in a Science article entitled Recreating the hearts helical structure-function relationship with focused rotary jet spinning.

The hearts pumping action comes from cardiomyocytesthe muscle cells of the heartwhich are organized as helical fibers that envelop the ventricles. With each beat, this arrangement results in a combined contracting and twisting motion.

However, it is difficult to specifically assess the extent to which the hearts helical structure contributes to its function, wrote Michael Sefton, ScD, and Craig Simmons, PhD, from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto, in a perspective that accompanied the research article. To that end, understanding and replicating the hearts helical structure-function relationship is thought to be an important step.

Designing scaffolds and materials that adequately recapitulate native heart function can be challenging. The newly reported FRJS method offers improvements in fabrication speed and complexity over conventional methods.

In FRJS, long, free-floating polymer fibers are expelled by centrifugal force, and air jet streams align and deposit the fibers on molds. By controlling the shape and rotation of the mold, scaffolds with specific fiber orientations can be constructed. The scaffolds can then be seeded with cellscardiomyocytes, in this caseto recapitulate tissue and organ structures.

Using their method, Chang and colleagues fabricated heart ventricles with similar structural properties to those in natural human hearts. They also fabricated models of diseased hearts with misaligned fiber orientations. Once the scaffolds were seeded with human cardiomyocytes, the authors showed that the helical architecture increased cardiac performance, illustrating that the helical tissue pattern plays a role in the pumping function of the heart.

But the heart is more than a pump. To achieve a fully functional bioengineered heart for use in regenerative medicine, an electrical conduction system, vasculature, and means to avoid immune responses are still needed.

The FRJS method provides an initial pathway toward fabricating more complex tissues and organs. In addition to biofabrication, FRJS may serve an important role in other additive manufacturing processes, wrote Chang and colleagues. It provides production rates comparable to those of current industrial processes while enabling micro/nanoscale feature sizes and controlled 3D alignments.

More here:
New Biofabrication Process Developed to Engineer Heart Structures - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News


Orthobiologics Market is Predicted to Expand at a CAGR of 4.7% during the Forecast Period, notes TMR Study – GlobeNewswire

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

Wilmington, Delaware, United States, July 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Transparency Market Research Inc.: The value of the global orthobiologics market was clocked at US$ 5.01 Bn in 2021. The orthobiologics marketoutlook predicts the market to rise at a CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period, from 2022 to 2031. The global orthobiologics market is expected to attain a value surpassing US$ 7.4 Bn by 2031. Until afew years ago, orthobiologics have been a common practice in sports medicine andorthopedic surgeries. Demand analysis of orthobiologics estimates that developments in regenerative medicine, an increasing number of sports andsports-relatedinjuries, rising demand for less invasive procedures, andconstant infusion of innovative products and treatmentsare all expected to propel the global orthobiologics market.

Musculoskeletal tissue engineering and regenerative medicineresearch, however, have slowed down as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. However,strong development potential in developing nations and a rise in demand for cutting-edge therapies are expected to create considerable prospects for companies in the growth of the orthobiologics market.

The global orthobiologics market is being driven by the increase in orthobiologics product and usage oforthopedic device. In addition to that, there is increasingincorporation of biochemistry andbiology in the treatment of soft tissue andbone injuries. Orthobiologic drugs help natural healing mechanism of the bodyto workmore quickly. They can hasten the healing of injured ligaments, tendons, andmuscles. It alsoassistsin repairing osteoarthritis damage. The materials used to develop orthobiologics are those that are normally present in the human body.

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Key Findings of Market Report

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Global Orthobiologics Market: Growth Drivers

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Global Orthobiologics Market: Key Players

Some of the key market players are

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Global Orthobiologics Market: Segmentation

Product Type

Modernization of healthcare in terms of both infrastructure and services have pushed the healthcare industry to new heights, Stay Updated with Latest Healthcare Industry Research Reports by Transparency Market Research:

Stem Cells Market: The global stem cells market is expected to reach the value of US$ 25.68 Bn by the end of 2028.It is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 10.4% from 2021 to 2028.

Placental Stem Cell Therapy Market: The placental stem cell therapy market stood at US$ 0.5 Bn in 2019 and is expected to cross a revenue of US$ 4.4 Bn by the end of 2030.

Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cell Alopecia Treatment Market: The global platelet rich plasma & stem cell alopecia treatment market is expected to reach a value of approximately US$ 450.5 Mn by the end of 2026, expanding at a high single digit CAGR during the forecast period.

Soft Tissue Allografts Market: The global soft tissue allografts market was valued at US$ 3.55 Bn in 2018, and is projected to reach ~ US$ 6.2 Bn by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of ~ 6.5% from 2019 to 2027.

Bone Growth Stimulators Market: The global bone growth stimulators market is anticipated to reach more than US$ 2 Bn by the end of 2031. The global market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2022 to 2031.

Small Bone and Joint Orthopedic Devices Market: The global small bone and joint orthopedic devices market was valued at US$ 5.5 Bn in 2018 and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 6.3% from 2019 to 2027.

Metastatic Bone Disease Market: The global metastatic bone disease market was valued at US$ 12,450.0 Mn in 2017 and is anticipated to reach US$ 24,886.8 Mn by 2026, expanding at a CAGR of 8.1% from 2018 to 2026.

Bone Grafts and Substitutes Market: The global bone grafts and substitutes market is expected to cross the value of US$ 4.4 Bn by the end of 2028. It is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2021 to 2028.

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Orthobiologics Market is Predicted to Expand at a CAGR of 4.7% during the Forecast Period, notes TMR Study - GlobeNewswire


Humacyte Hosting Key Opinion Leader Webinar on Human Acellular Vessels in the Treatment of Vascular Trauma – StreetInsider.com

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

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DURHAM, N.C., July 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Humacyte, Inc. (Nasdaq: HUMA), a clinical-stage biotechnology platform company developing universally implantable bioengineered human tissue at commercial scale, today announced that it will host a key opinion leader (KOL) webinar on its proprietary Human Acellular Vessels (HAV) in the treatment of vascular trauma on Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time.

The webinar will feature presentations from KOLs Ernest E. Moore, MD (Denver Health) and Gregory A. Magee, MD, (Keck Medicine, University of Southern California), who will discuss the current treatment landscape and unmet medical need in the vascular trauma field as well as case studies of trauma patients treated with the HAV.

Humacytes HAV are investigational engineered off-the-shelf replacement vessels initially being developed for vascular repair, reconstruction and replacement. HAV is designed to eliminate the need for harvesting a vessel from a patient or using a synthetic graft, and clinical evidence to date suggests that it is non-immunogenic and infection-resistant and can become durable living tissue.

A question and answer session will follow the formal presentations. To register for the event, please click here.

Ernest E. Gene Moore, MD, was the Chief of Trauma at the Denver General Hospital for 36 years, Chief of Surgery for 28 years, and the first Bruce M. Rockwell Distinguished Chair in Trauma Surgery. He continues to serve as Vice Chairman for Research and is a Distinguished Professor of Surgery at the University of Colorado Denver (UCD) and was the Editor of the Journal of Trauma 2011-2021.

Under Dr. Moores leadership, the Rocky Mountain Regional Trauma Center at Denver General became internationally recognized for innovative care of the injured patient, and its trauma research laboratory has been funded by the NIH for 35 consecutive years. In July 2018, the center was renamed the Ernest E Moore Shock Trauma Center at Denver Health.

Dr. Moore has served as president of ten academic societies, including the Society of University Surgeons, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, International Association for the Trauma and Surgical Intensive Care, and the World Society of Emergency Surgery; and as Vice President for the American Surgical Association.

His awards include the Robert Danis Prize from the Society of International Surgeons, Orazio Campione Prize from the World Society of Emergency Surgery, Philip Hench Award from the University of Pittsburgh, Florence Sabin Award from the University of Colorado, Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of University Surgeons, Lifetime Achievement Award for Resuscitation Science from the American Heart Association, Distinguished Investigator Award from the American College of Critical Medicine, Distinguished Investigator Award from the Shock Society, Lifetime Service Award from the International Association for Trauma and Surgical Intensive Care, and the Medallion for Scientific Achievement from the American Surgical Association. He has honorary fellowships in the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, the Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand, and the American College of Emergency Physicians; and is an honorary member of the Brazilian Trauma Society, Colombian Trauma Society, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery, North Pacific Surgical Association, and Trauma Association of Canada. Dr. Moore is coeditor of the textbook Trauma, in its 9th edition, Surgical Secrets in its 7th edition, and Trauma Induced Coagulopathy, in its 2nd edition; he has >2000 publications and has lectured extensively throughout the world.

Gregory A. Magee, MD received his BA in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry from Yale University and his MSc in Applied Statistics from the University of Oxford. He earned his medical degree from Yale School of Medicine in 2006.

Dr. Magee underwent his general surgery residency at Stanford. During his two research years, Dr. Magee completed the Stanford Biodesign Surgical Innovation Fellowship, developing devices that formed the basis for two venture-funded start-up companies, both of which are currently conducting clinical trials. He continues to pursue his goal of improving medical care through technological innovation.

Dr. Magee completed a surgical critical care and trauma surgery fellowship at USC from 20132015 and a vascular surgery fellowship at the University of Colorado Denver in 2017, where he developed a broad experience in complex endovascular repair of the entire aorta using tailor-made fenestrated grafts. He is board certified in General Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, and Vascular Surgery.

About HAVHuman Acellular Vessels (HAV) are investigational engineered off-the-shelf replacement vessels initially being developed for vascular repair, reconstruction and replacement. HAV is intended to overcome long-standing limitations in vessel tissue repair and replacement it can be manufactured at commercial scale, it eliminates the need for harvesting a vessel from a patient, and clinical evidence suggests that it is non-immunogenic, infection-resistant, and can become durable living tissue. The HAV is currently being evaluated in two Phase 3 trials in arteriovenous access and a Phase 2/3 trial for vascular trauma, and has been used in more than 460 patient implantations. Humacytes 6mm HAV for AV access for performing hemodialysis was the first product to receive Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and has also received FDA Fast Track designation. The HAV has received priority designation for the treatment of vascular trauma by the U.S. Secretary of Defense.

About HumacyteHumacyte, Inc. (Nasdaq: HUMA) is developing a disruptive biotechnology platform to deliver universally implantable bioengineered human tissues and complex tissue and organ systems designed to improve the lives of patients and transform the practice of medicine. The Company develops and manufactures acellular tissues to treat a wide range of diseases, injuries and chronic conditions. Humacytes initial opportunity, a portfolio of human acellular vessels (HAVs), is currently in late-stage clinical trials targeting multiple vascular applications, including vascular trauma repair, arteriovenous access for hemodialysis, and peripheral arterial disease. Preclinical development is also underway in coronary artery bypass grafts, pediatric heart surgery, treatment of type 1 diabetes, and multiple novel cell and tissue applications. Humacytes 6mm HAV for arteriovenous (AV) access for performing hemodialysis was the first product candidate to receive the FDAs Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation, and has also received FDA Fast Track designation. The HAV received priority designation for the treatment of vascular trauma by the U.S. Secretary of Defense. For more information, visit http://www.Humacyte.com.

Humacyte Investor Contact:Joyce AllaireLifeSci Advisors LLC+1-617-435-6602[emailprotected][emailprotected]

Humacyte Media Contact:Heather Anderson6 Degrees919-827-5539[emailprotected][emailprotected]

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Humacyte Hosting Key Opinion Leader Webinar on Human Acellular Vessels in the Treatment of Vascular Trauma - StreetInsider.com


3D Cell Culture Market to attain a valuation of US$ 2.67 Billion by 2031 – PharmiWeb.com

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

The3D cell culture marketrevenues surpassed US$ 778 million in 2018,as per a new FMI study. The market is estimated to grow at 7.8% y-o-y in 2019; key factors responsible for the projected market growth include,

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The FMI study finds that scaffold-based 3D cell culture techniques are highly preferred over scaffold-free 3D cell culture. Owing to the significant adoption of scaffold-based 3D cell culture, the study finds that this technique garnered over 81% of the global market revenues.

Scaffold-based 3D cell culture techniques deliver researchers with additional functional operations in terms of material natural or synthetic and different mechanical properties.

The technique uses either hydrogel-based support or polymeric hard material based support. Both types of supports find equivalent penetration in terms of application, however revenues garnered from polymeric hard material based support are higher.

According to the study, revenues of polymeric hard material based support held over half the scaffold-based 3D cell culture technique revenues in 2018 and the trend is expected to continue in the future.

While 2D cell culture revolutionized the research efforts in stem cells, tissue engineering, and molecular biology, 3D cell culture has pushed the boundaries of traditional 2D cell culture technique with functional superiority. As the R&D efforts continue to rise in a bid to investigate the cause of different diseases and improve human health, 3D cell culture is set to remain a highly sought-after technique in the coming years, says FMI.

Leading Manufacturers in the 3D Cell Culture Market:

Competitive Landscape of the Global 3D Cell Culture Market

The competition section of the 3D cell culture market represents the profiles of the key players operating in the 3D cell culture market based on the products they offer and the total revenue of the companies. Some of the key players featured in this report include Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Merck KGaA, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Lonza, and Corning Incorporated.

The key manufacturers of 3D cell culture offer a wide range of products. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. has developed a joint platform for advancing research in precision medicine.

Corning, one of the major leaders in 3D cell culture market, manufactures cell culture products, which include consumables (such as plastic vessels, specialty surfaces, cell culture media, and serum), as well as general labware and equipment, which are used for advanced cell culture research.

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Application of 3D Cell Culture in Cancer Research Prominent

The FMI study estimates that 3D cell culture application in cancer research accounted for over 31% of the 3D cell culture market revenues in 2018. Cell culture is an integral part of cancer drug discovery practices. Greater strides are underway in the field to precisely characterize the diseases and develop advanced tumor cell lines using 3D cell culture techniques.

2D culture lines are considered as a standard for in vitro pre-clinical cancer treatment screening. However, more recently, the field is turning to 3D cell culture techniques to implement an ideal experimental model that mimics the human body environment to its best.

Stem cell technology is another lucrative field for3D cell culture market. According to the FMI study, application in stem cell technology accounted for over one-fourth of the 3D cell culture market revenues in 2018. While 2D cell culture posed challenges of scalability in stem cell technology, apart from a few challenges, 3D cell culture has provided greater density and multi-fold expansion of the culture system in stem cell technology. Other fields that utilize 3D cell culture techniques are tissue regeneration, regenerative medicine, and drug discovery.

Revenues in North America Continue to Surge

North America continued to spearhead the revenues of 3D cell culture market during the historical period and the status-quo is likely to continue in the future. In 2018, North America accounted for over two-fifths of the global 3D cell culture market revenues. The study estimates that regional revenues are expected to grow at 8% in 2019 over 2018.

Funding in research and development, especially in cancer research remains higher in the United States as compared to other developed countries. Europe also presents significant funding in R&D activities. The FMI study finds that over one-fourth of the 3D cell culture market revenues were accounted for the Europe region in 2018, of which a bulk of revenues come from Western European countries such as Germany, the UK, France, Italy and Spain.

Key SegmentBased on product type

Based on application

Based on end user

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About FMI:

Future Market Insights (ESOMAR certified market research organization and a member of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) provides in-depth insights into governing factors elevating the demand in the market. It discloses opportunities that will favor the market growth in various segments on the basis of Source, Application, Sales Channel and End Use over the next 9-years.

Contact Us:Future Market Insights,Unit No: 1602-006,Jumeirah Bay 2,Plot No: JLT-PH2-X2A,Jumeirah Lakes Towers,Dubai,United Arab EmiratesFor Sales Enquiries:sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite:https://www.futuremarketinsights.comLinkedIn|Twitter|Blogs

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3D Cell Culture Market to attain a valuation of US$ 2.67 Billion by 2031 - PharmiWeb.com


EVEON announces the launch of the European project INDENEO to develop an innovative delivery system for nose to brain administration of biological and…

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

EVEON, designer and manufacturer of medical devices for the preparation and delivery of drugs, announces the launch of a European consortium project INDENEO, for the Rare Disease Research (RDR) Challenge Call, to develop a delivery system from the nose to the brain for the treatment of rare central nervous system (CNS) diseases like encephalitis in neonates.

The Rare Disease Research Challenge Call, launched by the European Joint Programme for Rare Diseases and co-funded by the biopharmaceutical company Chiesi Group, aims to develop a dropper system from nose to brain for biological drugs and advanced therapies in neonates. For certain rare diseases involving the CNS, for example, neonatal encephalitis, intranasal delivery allows to target the central nervous system, thanks to the transfer from the nose to the brain of the molecules. Minimally invasive and restrictive, this is recognized as one of the most useful and reliable routes for brain drug absorption leading to quick drug action, with greater efficacy and reduced risk of infection.

INDENEO (INtraNasal Device for NEOnates) project brings together an international consortium of 4 partners. EVEON, project leader, brings its expertise in the development of delivery devices and its ability to deliver microdoses; Chiesi contributes with its expertise in pharmaceutical development and neonatology; Les Cliniques universitaires Saint Luc (Belgium) brings its top level clinical expertise and Infectious Disease Models and Innovative Therapies (IDMIT) department at the CEA (Fontenay aux Roses site - France) its expertise in carrying out pre-clinical trials.

INDENEO will last 18 months with two main milestones: the design and development of a functional prototype, then the pre-clinical validation.

At EVEON, we are honored and excited to lead the INDENEO project and work together with Cliniques Saint Luc, CEA and Chiesi Laboratories for the development of a new device. Nose To Brain delivery will open up new ways to address major unmet medical needs for neonates neurological rare conditions. We are proud to work on this innovative project that is at the heart of our goals : developing automatic and controlled devices for allowing safe and efficient delivery of biological drugs. said Claire Authesserre, Technical Pre-Sales Manager and Gladys Corrons-Bouis, Business Development Director, EVEON.

Story continues

As Chiesi Global Rare Diseases we are excited to contribute to such an important project to enhance the possibilities of successfully treating rare central nervous system (CNS) diseases in neonates. Our Company has a long history in the field of neonatology, which is combined here with our commitment to rare diseases - commented Diego Ardig, Head of R&D Rare Disease Unit at Chiesi Group -. We truly believe in the power of collaboration in the advancement of scientific research, because by combining expertise and resources you can answer bigger and more complex scientific questions and generate greater value. We are also driven by our desire to bring new or improved treatments and services to people suffering from rare diseases and debilitating chronic conditions, always focusing on the often-unseen needs, where we can make the biggest difference. We are committed to giving our patients and their loved ones the support they need to lead more active and fulfilling lives.

Stem cells hold tremendous promise for regenerative medicine. Preclinical research suggest that stem cells may represent the next breakthrough in the repair of currently devastating brain injury in neonates, including stroke and hypoxic-ischemic lesions. Recent safety studies in human neonates have suggested that the nasal route may be the most efficient way to deliver stem cells in the neonatal brain. This exciting project will pave the way for a safe, effective, and painless administration of novel therapies for the neonatal brain said Maria-Roberta Cilio, Cliniques universitaires Saint Luc.

INDENEO is one of three projects selected for funding within the Rare Diseases Research (RDR) Challenges call led by the Foundation for Rare Diseases and EJP-RD. We are very excited about this innovative project fostering public-private partnerships to drive rare disease research towards effective treatments, which is at the very heart of this European funding initiative. said Christine Fetro, Foundation for Rare Diseases.

We are enthusiastic to contribute to this European consortium. The development of nasal drug delivery systems is an important challenge for many fields of medicine, beyond the rare pediatric diseases targeted by INDENEO. said Roger Le Grand, executive director of IDMIT, CEA.

Press contact :Charlotte Reverand | cre@eveon.eu | +33 476 414 833 | @EVEON_SAS


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EVEON announces the launch of the European project INDENEO to develop an innovative delivery system for nose to brain administration of biological and...


Platelet Rich Plasma Market is projected to expand at a steady 6% CAGR through 2031 – PharmiWeb.com

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

In a recent market survey, ESOMAR-certified consulting firm Future Market Insights (FMI) forecasts an impressive growth outlook for theplatelet-rich plasma (PRP) market. The market valuation reachedUS$ 370.78 Mnin 2021 and is poised to expand at a6% CAGRthrough 2031.

Growth registered in the platelet-rich plasma market is attributable to increasing applications of PRPs in various procedures such as cosmetic, orthopedic, neurological, and maxillofacial treatments. Increasing awareness regarding the advantages of platelet-rich plasma in wound healing and tissue regeneration will further propel sales in the market.

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PRP is being widely used in cosmetic surgeries aimed at improving facial structure and aesthetics, such as skin texture, and color. In addition, PRP is gaining wide acceptance as a key ingredient used in microneedling, botox treatments, acne scar removal, and laser treatments, which is spurring demand in the market.

Besides this, usage of PRPs in orthopedic treatments is fostering market sales, owing to its cost-effectiveness and negligible side effects. PRPs are increasingly finding application in joint pain treatment, cartilage reconstruction, fracture treatments, and other arthritic treatments.

With rising incidence of cosmetic procedures and sports-related injuries in countries including the U.S, the U.K., and Germany, the market is anticipated to garner significant revenue over the forecast period.

Intensive research and development, coupled with the prevalence of leading market players will further augment platelet-rich plasma market growth, with expansion at12.4%by volume.

Additionally, growing investments in healthcare infrastructure and increasing disposable income will provide tailwinds to platelet-rich plasma sales in counties such as India, China, Brazil, and South Korea, shaping the demand outlook positively.

Growing use of platelet-rich plasma in chronic wound healing, cosmetology, and orthopedic procedures, along with product innovations by leading market players will augment market growth in the upcoming years, says an FMI analyst.

Competitive Landscape

Harvest Technologies Corp., Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc., Arthrex, Inc., Arteriocyte Medical Systems, Inc., Dr. PRP America, Cesca Therapeutics, Inc., and Regen Lab SA are among the prominent players operating in the global platelet-rich plasma market. As per FMIs analysis, tier-1 players will account for15-20%of the total market share.

Growth strategies leveraged by top manufacturers of platelet-rich plasma include strategic partnerships, mergers, acquisitions, and collaborations to launch innovative PRP treatment methods in the market. For instance:

Key Takeaways from Platelet Rich Plasma Market Survey

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More Insights on the Platelet Rich Plasma Market

In its latest report, FMI offers an unbiased analysis of the global platelet-rich plasma market, providing historical data for the period of 2016-2020 and forecast statistics for the period of 2021-2031. In order to understand the global market potential, its growth, and scope, the market is segmented on the basis of product type (pure platelet-rich plasma, leukocyte platelet-rich plasma, leukocyte platelet-rich fibrin), origin type (autologous, homologous, and allogenic), application type (orthopedic surgery, cosmetic surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery and other surgeries including urological, cardiothoracic, periodontal, oral and maxillofacial), and across seven regions (North America, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Japan, and Middle East & Africa).

Platelet Rich Plasma Market by CategoryBy Product Type:

By Origin Type:

By Application Type:

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About FMI:

Future Market Insights (ESOMAR certified market research organization and a member of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) provides in-depth insights into governing factors elevating the demand in the market. It discloses opportunities that will favor the market growth in various segments on the basis of Source, Application, Sales Channel and End Use over the next 10-years.

Contact Us:Future Market Insights,Unit No: 1602-006,Jumeirah Bay 2,Plot No: JLT-PH2-X2A,Jumeirah Lakes Towers,Dubai,United Arab EmiratesFor Sales Enquiries:sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite:https://www.futuremarketinsights.comLinkedIn|Twitter|Blogs

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Platelet Rich Plasma Market is projected to expand at a steady 6% CAGR through 2031 - PharmiWeb.com


Stem Cell Professional Market Professional Survey 2021 by Manufacturers, Share, Growth, Trends, Types and Applications, Forecast to 2026 – NewsOrigins

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

Stem Cell Professional market report 2020, discusses various factors driving or restraining the market, which will help the future market to grow with promising CAGR. The Stem Cell Professional market research Reports offers an extensive collection of reports on different markets covering crucial details. The report studies the competitive environment of the Stem Cell Professional market is based on company profiles and their efforts on increasing product value and production.

The research report on Stem Cell Professional market broadly covers the various factors influencing the remuneration of this industry vertical. The study also comprises of an in-depth analysis of the regional spectrum and the regulatory outlook of the said market. Additionally, the document provides with a detailed SWOT analysis as well as the market drivers impacting the overall market outlook.

Additional information regarding the challenges & limitations faced by new entrants as well as the eminent companies alongside their individual effect on the revenues of each company is highlighted. The report measures the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the future remuneration as well as the overall expansion rate of the market.

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Summarizing the competitive scenario of the Stem Cell Professional market:

From the regional frame of reference of Stem Cell Professional market:

Other details comprised in the Stem Cell Professional market report:

Reasons for Read this Report

This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics

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Stem Cell Professional Market Professional Survey 2021 by Manufacturers, Share, Growth, Trends, Types and Applications, Forecast to 2026 - NewsOrigins


Global Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Services Outsourcing Market Is Expected To Grow At A CAGR Of 5% From 2022 To 2030 To Reach US$ 112.31 Bn by…

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

North America Is Projected To Account For The Maximum Revenue Share Of 53% In 2022.

Attributed to mounting healthcare research costs, developed countries are increasingly outsourcing biotechnology and pharmaceutical services to developing regions, especially across Asia Pacific, expected to yield substantial growth opportunities, says an analyst at Fact. MR.

Fact.MR, a market research and competitive intelligence provider: The global biotechnology and pharmaceutical services outsourcing market is anticipated to hold a market value of US$ 70 Bn in 2022 and US$ 112.31 Bn by 2032. The projected growth rate is nearly 5% during the forecast period from 2022 to 2032.

Biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies are adopting the consulting services owing to factors such as; the growing number of discrepancies in intellectual property rights and fraudulent cases. Owing to such causes, the adoption of these services is on a rise, making it a lucrative market for the players. The estimation reveals that the industry is projected to secure a market value of US$ 112.31 Bn by 2032.

Biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical investments in novel and innovative therapies, for instance, regenerative medicine, are driving the R&D activity together with drug development services. The high demand for biologics along with small molecules has led to the expansion of service portfolios of Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs)/Contract Research Organizations (CROs) for biotechnology and pharmaceutical production.

The biotechnology & pharmaceutical services outsourcing, primarily for Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) and Contract Research Organizations (CROs), has grown in popularity since last decade, and it is expected to grow in the near future. The new outsourcing industry sectors, such as rising screening services, have grown to be prosperous businesses, and many operations that were once considered essential, such as in-house spontaneous animal toxicology testing, are now rare within biotechnology & pharmaceutical services outsourcing market players.

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Growing Demand for Low-Cost Drug Development to Boost Medical Outsourcing

Contract research and manufacturing allow low-cost product manufacturing and development. The growing application of machine learning-based platforms such as; automation in drug manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and innovative trial designs are anticipated to transform the CMO and CRO sphere in the forecast period.

Growing pricing pressure, regulatory challenges, and patent expiration have led to shrinking margins in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. Contract services offer cost saving to their clients and also help save time utilized in operations and management of a production & research facility. Furthermore, outsourcing services assist in overcoming trade barriers and facilitate the entry of firms into foreign markets. Owing to these advantages, several firms choose to outsource services rather than investing capital in production equipment and hiring skilled labor.

Competitive Landscape

The players of the market are focusing to increase their global influence and adopt strategies such as; acquisition, collaboration, and partnerships. Some of the recent key developments among key players are:

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Key Takeaways from the Market Study

Key Market Segments Covered in the Global Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Services Outsourcing Market

More Insights Available

Fact.MR, in its new offering, presents an unbiased analysis of the global Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Services Outsourcing Market, presenting historical analysis from 2015 to 2021 and forecast statistics for the period of 2022-2032.

The study reveals essential insights on the basis of Service (Product Testing & Validation, Training & Education, Product Design & Development, Product Maintenance, Regulatory Affairs, Consulting) & research institutes and others (CROs and CMOs)) across six major regions (North America, Latin America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia & Oceania and Middle East & Africa).

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Fact.MRs Domain Knowledge in Healthcare

Our healthcare consulting team guides organizations at each step of their business strategy by helping you understand how the latest influencers account for operational and strategic transformation in the healthcare sector. Our expertise in recognizing the challenges and trends impacting the global healthcare industry provides indispensable insights and support - encasing a strategic perspective that helps you identify critical issues and devise appropriate solutions.

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Amniotic Membrane Market Is Expected to Witness with Strong Growth rate in the forecast period (2022 to 2028) Designer Women – Designer Women

July 8th, 2022 10:12 am

Global Amniotic Membrane Market Share, Size, Industry Report with detailed insights on growth factors and strategies. The study segments key regions that includes North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific with country level break-up and provide volume and value related cross segmented information by each country. The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the Amniotic Membrane market. It does so via in-depth Amniotic Membrane qualitative insights, Amniotic Membrane historical data, and Amniotic Membrane verifiable projections about market size. The Amniotic Membrane projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions

Amniotic Membrane Market is valued at USD 906.4 Million in 2018 and expected to reach USD 1800.3 Million by 2025 with CAGR of 10.3% over the forecast period.

Market Analysis of Amniotic Membrane-

The amnion is the innermost layer of the placenta and used for wound healing mainly due to its bacteriostatic and pain reduction properties. Rising awareness in the recent past has led to a surge in the number of transplants leading to increasing demand for these tissue-based products. It has also led to a rise in the number of donations thus, propelling the market growth. Typically, amniotic membranes are used for indications, such as pterygium excisions, reconstruction of the conjunctiva surface, corneal ulcers, surgical wounds, pressure and venous leg ulcers, regenerative medicine, and limbal stem cell deficiency. Amniotic membrane transplant is a better alternative for corneal and conjunctival reconstruction. It is used in ophthalmology for the treatment of a number of conditions, such as cicatricial pemphigoid and Stevens-Johnson syndrome; pterygium; persistent epithelial defects with ulceration; conjunctival surface reconstruction; and ocular surface reconstruction in patients with chemical and thermal burns.

Segmentation Analysis:

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Some of the key players/Manufacturers involved in the Market are:

Applied Biologics LLC, Amnio Technology, LLC, Alliqua BioMedical, Inc., FzioMed, Inc., Human Regenerative Technologies, LLC, Skye Biologics Inc., IOP Ophthalmics, Amniox Medical, Inc., Derma Sciences Inc., and MiMedx Group, Inc. and Others.

Important years considered in the study are:

Historical year 2015-2020; Base year 2020; Forecast period** 2022 to 2028

Amniotic Membrane Market Report is also available for any Specific Regions & Countries:

Chapter 1- Report Methodology

1.1. Research Process

1.2. Primary Research

1.3. Secondary Research

1.4. Market Size Estimates

1.5. Data Triangulation

1.6. Forecast Model

1.7. USPs of Report

1.8. Report Description

Chapter 2 Global Amniotic Membrane Market Overview

2.1. Market Introduction

2.2. Executive Summary

2.3. Global Amniotic Membrane Market Classification

2.4. Market Drivers

2.5. Market Restraints

2.6. Market Opportunity

2.7. Amniotic Membrane Market: Trends

2.8. Porters Five Forces Analysis

2.9. Market Attractiveness Analysis


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Amniotic Membrane Market Is Expected to Witness with Strong Growth rate in the forecast period (2022 to 2028) Designer Women - Designer Women


Potion of Blindness | Minecraft Ideas Wiki | Fandom

June 26th, 2022 2:09 am

Potion of Blindness

Potion ID





Nether Wart, Ink Sac, Golden Carrot, Fermented Spider Eye

First Appearance




Idea Designer


Potion of Blindness is a potion that will create a thick block void-like fog around the player. It can be brewed by adding a Fermented Spider Eye to a Night Vision potion, or adding Ink Sac to an Akward Potion. And can be used as defense against hostile mobs, since they will be unable to find the player or what's ahead of them when a splash potion. But don't thow it too close or you will experience Blindness the same as that mob. It can be cured by drinking milk, or waiting the time that the effect lasts.

It can be brewed in 2 ways. (Not really in Minecraft.)

Akward Potion - Golden Carrot - Fermented Spider Eye

Akward Potion - Ink Sac

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Potion of Blindness | Minecraft Ideas Wiki | Fandom


Jack Levine: Remembering a dad who proved that even in blindness, there can be vision – The Florida Times-Union

June 26th, 2022 2:09 am

Jack Levine| Guest columnist

My dad was 60 when I was born. Not only was he the oldest dad on the block, he was older than all of my friends' grandfathers. He was alsoblind, having lost his sight in his early 50s. He suddenly wentblind in the 1940s, after having a few days of blurry vision. The doctors guessed it was vascular, perhaps an aneurysm on the optic nerve.

It's said that when one sense goes the others perk up a bit. Well, eight years after my dad went blind, I came along; some things in life don't require good sight!

Growing up with a blind dad wasn't easy. Sometimes his blindness frightened me. On occasion I would play blind, walking through a room with my eyes tightly shut, feeling my way with outstretched arms and walking in a halting gait, wondering how my dad managed to move around with such effortless grace.

Beginning at age nine it was my responsibility to read for my dad mostly newspaper columns and editorials focused on civil rights reform.

He listened patiently as I struggled through the tough words andhad to spell out a few. But I'll never forget the light that would shine from his blind eyes when I learned anew fact or a fresh angle on an issue of concern. When that light went on, I knew I was doing a good job. He couldn't see my smile but I knew he sensed it.

My dad never went to school a single day in his life. He was an immigrant who came to this country at the turn of the century to escape the tyranny of forced "conscription" in the Imperial Russian Army. The teenage boys gathered from the shtetls were not formallyrecruited or given uniforms. They were forced to run through the woods, used as human target practice, to hone the skills of Cossack sharpshooters.

Those who survived feigned death and crawled back to the village to warn the others (like my father) to run away and escape to the West.

He and a friend, Benny, left their families at age 14, working their way through Poland over a three-year period to save enough to board a ship in Danzig (now Gdansk) for the New World … for survival and to be free.

My dad spoke five languages and later in life mastered Braille, but was versed in the language of politics the best. He believed it was politics that forced those young kids to run through the woods as human prey. It was also politics and policies thatinfluenced every stage of his life.

My dad never hesitated to share his personal stories and his generation's history. Most of my knowledge of the 20th century is rooted in his accounts of life's struggles, successesand failures.

On Father's Day, I think of how different my childhood would have been if I had a different father. One who was not blind, who could play catch, take me to a movie,or compliment my drawings.

Yet, I know I was enriched by being with a wise old man, helping to narrate his life's events. For as long as I can remember, I saw for two people. That was both an obligation and an opportunity.

Every memory is a subjective vision of the past. All of us recall our childhoods with a blend of joy and regret;pleasure balanced with pain.

Some of us never really knew our fathers lost to war, alcohol abuseor abandonment. Some feared their father's anger or coldness but deeply respected his hard work and dedication to family. Some men live up to what's expected of them, others stumble, yet few do not try to do their best.

It has been more than 40 years since his death, and I think of Fathers Day as a chance to cherish the gifts he gave me that had no wrapping paper. I believe his influence lives in the work I do, my appreciation of others' challengesand the relationship I have built with mytwo sons, who never got to meet the old guy with the gray beard and bright, shining eyes.

I implore you to think of the life lessons we've learned good or bad from our fathers. Let's honor them by emulating the good, overcoming the badand sending a signal to our children (in both word and action)that they are valued.

Jack Levine, founder of the 4Generations Institute, is a Tallahassee-based family policy advocate. He may be reached at jack@4gen.org.

This guest column is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of the Times-Union. We welcome a diversity of opinions.

More here:
Jack Levine: Remembering a dad who proved that even in blindness, there can be vision - The Florida Times-Union


Tightening a molecular "zipper" could help prevent hereditary blindness – New Atlas

June 26th, 2022 2:09 am

Scientists in Europe have discovered a molecular zipper mechanism that can lead to cell death in the genetic disease retinitis pigmentosa. The good news is that injecting certain proteins could slow down or prevent vision impairment from the disease.

Retinitis pigmentosa is a relatively common hereditary disease that affects the photoreceptors, cells in the eye that register light. As they degenerate, patients will start to lose their night vision and peripheral vision, and over decades can become partially or completely blind. Unfortunately, there are few treatment options.

Photoreceptor cells are tiny and complicated, making it difficult to tell exactly whats going on in there as the disease progresses. So for the new study, the team used an emerging technique known as expansion microscopy to inflate cells without deforming them, allowing retinal tissue to be examined at a higher resolution than ever before.

The scientists focused on a component of the photoreceptors known as the connecting cilia, which links the outer, light-sensitive pigments of the cell to the machinery that converts that light into nerve signals. This connecting cilia has been implicated in retinitis pigmentosa, but what that role is has remained a mystery.

Using expansion microscopy, the team identified that four proteins drive a series of microtubules to stick together in a kind of zipper formation, which holds the cilia together. But when the gene that codes for one of these proteins, called FAM161A, has a particular mutation, those microtubules dont zip up as tightly. Over time, they unravel and eventually collapse, which kills off the photoreceptors, causing the vision impairment associated with retinitis pigmentosa.

While this work is mostly foundational in improving our understanding of how the disease occurs, the team says that it could also inform new potential treatments to prevent cell death and vision impairment. One idea will be evaluated in follow-up work.

By injecting the protein into patients suffering from certain types of retinitis pigmentosa, we can imagine that the molecular zipper could be restored to ensure the structural integrity of the microtubules of the connecting cilia, thus preventing the death of photoreceptor cells, said Paul Guichard, co-author of the study.

The research was published in the journal PLOS Biology.

Source: Universit de Genve

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Tightening a molecular "zipper" could help prevent hereditary blindness - New Atlas


What’s the Link Between Glaucoma and Dry Eyes? – Healthline

June 26th, 2022 2:09 am

Glaucoma is a vision condition that results from damage to your optic nerve, often due to elevated pressure in the eye. Its one of the most common causes of vision loss in adults and can lead to blindness without treatment.

Eye drops and other treatments can cause dry eyes in many people with glaucoma. People who have glaucoma might already be at heightened risk for developing dry eyes because the conditions share some risk factors.

Dry eyes can be chronic and uncomfortable, interfering with daily life. Its possible to treat both glaucoma and dry eyes with a combination approach. Well overview the link between these conditions, symptoms, and available treatment options.

Its common for dry eye and glaucoma to occur together. Dry eye is a type of ocular surface disease (OSD), which also includes blepharitis (eyelid inflammation).

2020 research states the global prevalence of OSD in people with glaucoma is around 40 to 59 percent, substantially higher than the general population.

There are a few reasons for this, including:

Dry eye and glaucoma can be difficult to treat. Although dry eye is often more painful and irritating for the patient, glaucoma is a more serious condition as it can lead to blindness. Because of this, eye doctors will focus on treating glaucoma first, even if that makes relief of dry eyes more difficult.

However, your doctor will do their best to ensure both dry eye and glaucoma are treated for the best quality of life outcome.

Glaucoma is the name for a group of conditions that cause damage to the nerves in your eyes. Glaucoma results in vision loss and can lead to blindness without treatment. It can occur in one or both eyes.

Medical researchers have long thought that glaucoma only occurred when the pressure built up inside the eyes. Newer research indicates that glaucoma can develop even when the pressure inside the eyes is normal.

Glaucoma doesnt always cause symptoms early on, so people are often unaware they have it in the early stages. This is especially true if you have a type of glaucoma called open-angle glaucoma. About 90 percent of people with glaucoma have this type, and its the second leading cause of legal blindness in the U.S.

When symptoms of any type of glaucoma develop, they may include:

While its possible to slow or stop the progression of glaucoma, any vision loss caused by glaucoma is irreversible. Detecting glaucoma early and getting treatment quickly can prevent blindness. Its important to see an eye doctor as soon as possible if you have any glaucoma symptoms.

Glaucoma can be screened for and detected by a routine eye exam with your ophthalmologist. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) advises adults have a comprehensive medical eye examination at age 40 if they havent had one yet.

Dry eye is a common eye condition. It happens when your eyes cant make enough tears, or when the tears your eyes make dont keep your eyes moist enough. When your eyes arent well moisturized, they can become uncomfortable and inflamed.

In some cases, dry eye is temporary. For example, you might get a flare of dry eye from being outside on a very windy day, or from a long shift of computer work. In other cases, dry eye can be a chronic condition.

Dry eye can be very irritating and can make it difficult to complete everyday tasks. Especially when chronic, dry eye can have far-reaching impacts on your quality of life.

Symptoms of dry eye can include:

Some people with dry eyes may experience discharge from their eyes or eyelids. Discharge can also be a sign of eye infection.

Some cases of night vision can be treated with over-the-counter eye drops. However, prescription-strength treatment and lifestyle changes can help many people.

Youll likely need a combination of treatments to help both dry eye and glaucoma. You might go through several treatment options until you find the combination that is most helpful for your eyes.

According to NIH and AAO, treatment approaches include:

Your doctor might also recommend lifestyle changes, such as:

Factors that are unrelated to glaucoma can also cause dry eye. Sometimes these factors can occur alongside glaucoma and can make treating it more challenging.

Dry eye and glaucoma commonly occur together. They share risk factors such as age and having diabetes, and some glaucoma treatments can cause dry eye.

Treating both conditions together can be challenging. While dry eye may be more painful and difficult to deal with in the short term, glaucoma is more dangerous to your vision in the long term. This means glaucoma treatment will be prioritized.

However, doctors will always attempt to treat both conditions. In most cases, youll receive a combination of treatment approaches that can help preserve your vision and restore your eye comfort.

Read the original here:
What's the Link Between Glaucoma and Dry Eyes? - Healthline


Lisa Durden’s upcoming documentary "Blind Divas" follows Krystle Allen and Naquela Wright-Prevoe, two Black women entrepreneurs, determined…

June 26th, 2022 2:09 am

Lisa Durden, an award-winning director/producer and media personality leads the production of Blind Divas, a documentary following Krystle Allen and Naquela Wright-Prevoe, two blind, Black women entrepreneurs, determined to challenge the stigmas and stereotypes about the blindness community. This is not just a story about two determined women who are everyday champions in the blindness community, its also a story of triumph.

Durden, Allen and Wright-Prevoe joined WBGO Journal host and News Director Doug Doyle to talk about the project and what ahead.

Durden says this film will pull back the curtain of curiosity about the abilities of women with vision loss, as we document their national Finding Miss Blind Diva Tour; Hosted by Eyes Like Mine Inc. and the Greater Vision Foundation, The Miss Blind Diva Empowerment Pageant is honoring marvelous moms with disabilities. Join them for an afternoon of empowerment, entertainment, giveaways, and more.

Here are some of the upcoming events :June 25, 2022 - Community Baby Shower, Newark, NJ July 5-10, 2022 - National Federation of the Blind National Convention,New Orleans, Louisiana, LA

For her focus on this compelling story, Lisa Durden, was the WINNER of the national short documentary pitch competition, sponsored by African American Women in Cinema Film Festival (AAWIC), in collaboration with the distributor, Lightbeam TV; A streaming platform featuring stories that shine a light on inspiring people and organizations making the world a better, more hopeful place.

Lisa Durden earned her Masters In Fine Arts Degree, in Social Documentary Film, from New Yorks School Of Visual Arts. Ms. Durden took the leap and launched Lisa Durden Unlimited Productions, a Multi-Media Company, specializing in developing content for linear television, film, digital and live audiences, with a focus on telling compelling stories about underserved communities, featuring big, entertaining, characters.

Some of Ms. Durdens award-winning projects include: Director/Producer, short documentaryGirls Matter, which WON Best Animation at the Tokyo International Short Film Festival 21;Assistant Director of the VerizonCommercial,Conversations With Mom; Producer of award-winning PBS 2019 Online FestivalShortFilm,Paris Blues in Harlem; Senior Producer of ImageNations star studded Revolution Awards; Co-Producer of the provocative, award-winning, feature filmTITLE VII; Conceived & ProducedPBSMaya Angelou Films successful Live Twitter Chat, which garnered 8 Million Impressions; The former Broadcast Manager with the Black Public Media,AfroPoP Series; Associate Producer of PBS documentary, Soul Food Junkies; and Associate Producer of Peabody award-winning, Prime-Time Emmy and NAACP Image awards nominated, Sundance Channels, docu-series, Brick City 1.

You can SEE the entire interview here.

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Lisa Durden's upcoming documentary "Blind Divas" follows Krystle Allen and Naquela Wright-Prevoe, two Black women entrepreneurs, determined...


Trump election lies may fit legal concept of willful blindness – Chicago Tribune

June 26th, 2022 2:09 am

Monday night, two neighbors and I enjoyed each others company and conversation around a backyard fire to celebrate the summer solstice.

Politics came up. One neighbor said she didnt think Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election. The other said he didnt think too many people were paying much attention to the House select committees historic hearings about the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

I did not argue with my neighbors or try to persuade them to change their minds. I asked what they thought of Rep. Adam Kinzinger and Vice President Mike Pence, Republicans who refused to go along with President Donald Trumps plot to overturn results of a free and fair election.

RINOs, the one neighbor said, meaning Republicans In Name Only. Many share her view that loyalty to the GOP matters more than oaths sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

The House committee is building its case to the American people. Through witness testimony, documents, emails, text messages, video and other evidence, the committee is showing how Trump tried to stay in office despite losing the popular vote to Biden by about 7 million votes.

Trumps lust for the power drove him to convince millions of his followers that the 2020 election was fraudulent. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Fox News hosts and other influential people publicly went along with the scheme. The committee has heard from former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr and others, who testified they repeatedly told Trump his ploy was illegal.

If fraud had occurred, Trumps proper recourse was to plead his case in court. His supporters filed more than 60 lawsuits in state and federal courts, but no one could present any evidence of fraud, only lies and hearsay. Judges, including some appointed by Trump, dismissed the cases.

Trumps unwillingness to accept the reality of his loss may involve a concept known as willful blindness, legal analysts have written. Trump himself might have believed there was fraud, but testimony shows he refused to listen to anyone who told him the evidence said Bidens win was legitimate.

To this day, many Republican voters and elected officials refuse to publicly admit Biden won the presidency. Many believe fictional stories about mules harvesting illegal votes cast by purported dead people or immigrants. Theyve been told to believe electronic voting equipment was somehow manipulated to favor Biden.

The false narratives collectively known as Trumps big lie cast doubt on the integrity of our voting systems and democracy.

Not only is Trump willfully blind, the hearings show that millions of fellow Americans deliberately refuse to acknowledge mounting evidence that violence at the Capitol that day was no accident. Rather, it was the culmination of an illegal ploy to halt the certification of Electoral College results.

Insurrectionists loyal to President Donald Trump breach the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Jan. 6, 2021. (AP Photo/John Minchillo/AP)

Trump embraced the plan to violently overturn the outcome, but Pence refused to go along with the scheme. There was no legal basis to a cockamamie theory that the vice president could reject the will of voters by legitimizing slates of phony electors in several swing states that Trump lost.

The plan was to kick Electoral College slates back to certain states where Republicans held legislative majorities. The scheme never made it that far. Our institutions held, but barely. You may recall 121 House Republicans and six GOP senators voted to reject results from Arizona.

Americans who ignore the truth of Jan. 6 use mental gymnastics to create an alternate reality. They deny evidence. They deflect by talking about gas prices or other concerns. They try to discredit those presenting evidence by calling the effort to seek accountability a partisan witch hunt.

The select committees important task is to show Americans that the threat to democracy is ongoing. Last week, a Republican-led county commission in New Mexico relented and voted to certify election results after initially refusing to do so. The states supreme court ordered the panel to certify results that the commission initially rejected due to unfounded conspiracy theories, Reuters reported.

Our institutions held in late 2020 and early 2021 because enough people of integrity were in positions to refuse to go along with illegal schemes to overturn election results. Now there are fewer people of integrity left in gatekeeper positions. Some left amid threats and intimidation.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., listens Tuesday as the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol continues to reveal its findings of a year-long investigation. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin/AP)


News updates from the south suburbs delivered every Monday and Wednesday

Kinzinger on Sunday shared a letter he received at his home in Channahon. The writer threatened to execute the congressman, his wife and their 5-month-old child because of the Republicans efforts to uphold democracy.

The Darkness is spreading courtesy of cowardly leaders fearful of truth, Kinzinger wrote on Twitter. The threats Ive gotten dont scare me. They make me more determined.

Many are concerned insurrectionists will try again in 2024 to overturn election results if they disagree with the outcome. Evidence of the ongoing plot to destroy our democracy ought to strengthen the resolve of every American to vote and exercise their rights.

The battle for American democracy reminds me of The Skin of Our Teeth, a 1942 play by Thornton Wilder. We have always faced existential threats, and have barely survived many of them. Fascism, nuclear war and economic collapse, to name a few.

Somehow weve pulled through, sometimes by razor-thin margins. Whatever the future holds, I expect it will be close. A few votes here and there could make a world of difference.

Ted Slowik is a columnist for the Daily Southtown.


See more here:
Trump election lies may fit legal concept of willful blindness - Chicago Tribune


Sightsavers relaunches its thematic strategy The Sun Nigeria – Daily Sun

June 26th, 2022 2:09 am

From Charity Nwakaudu, Abuja

In its global fight against poverty and avoidable blindness, an international organization, Sightsavers, has relaunced its thematic strategy to ensure that it reaches out to those affected and support their overall health system.

Speaking in Abuja, NIgeria, Country Director Sightsavers , Dr Sunday Ishiyaku stated that as part of strategies towards achieving its goals, the organization has developed capacities by making investments in growth and learning to ensure that there are adequate resources to tackling a wide range of complex diseases more innovatively and strategically premised on system strengthening to drive sustainability.

Ishiyaku noted that the strategy was conceived as a five- year framework with four major change theme such as Health, Education, Social inclusion, Community participation and development as well as eye health programmed.

He said that as an organization, it was working hard to prevent unavoidable blindness whilst also ensuring that those with disabilities participate equally in the Society.

We are a global organization working in more than 30 countries in African and Asian continents to prevent avoidable blindness whilst ensuring that those with disabilities participate equally in the society.

Sightsavers started out as an international service delivery- oriented charity and this was the case until 2009 when it transited into an international development organization requiring that it looked at tackling a wide range of complex diseases.

In the years covering the strategy (2009-2019), Sightsavers was committed to implementing its ambitious strategy that includes four major themes i.e eye health, education, social inclusion and community development and participation.

The Country Director explained that in the renewed global efforts to leave no one behind, Sightsavers also initiated the Sustainable Development Goals ( Agenda 2023), with the specific inclusion of an Neglected Tropical Diseases, NTD, target in SDG3.

Launching the Sightsavers thematic strategy virtually, Vice President, Board of Trustees, Sightsavers, Professor Uche Amazigo pointed out that its essence was to achieve the vision of a world where no one is blind from avoidable causes and where people with disabilities could participate equally in the society.

She that research has shown that there were almost 2 billion people suffering from blindness or partial impairment and Nigeria was with the highest number in this group hence the need for this alliance, adding that we should imagine a Nigeria with positive change in education, champions of Child Rights.

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Sightsavers relaunches its thematic strategy The Sun Nigeria - Daily Sun


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