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stem cells | Private Cord Blood Banking Overview – Video

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

stem cells | Private Cord Blood Banking Overview
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com The cord blood banking system is highly computerized and one can search for the matching composition very quickly. 5. If you cannot afford to harvest and store your newborns cord blood considers donating it. The more you know about the situation, the more comfortable you #39;re going to feel about the process. However, check with the blood bank. The building blocks of blood and the immune system, hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells can replenish themselves and transform into other cell types. Because of its obvious importance, umbilical cord blood and its storage in an established cord blood bank upon the birth of a baby is becoming a hot issue. Factors To Be Considered For Cord Blood Donation Recipient #39;s compatibility - due to the immaturity of the stem cells present in cord blood, the recipient has a reduced risk of graft vs. This is the biggest advantage. ""The cord blood bank guidelines and legal issues vary with the country. The medical professionals are curing a number of people of their diseases and giving them a new lease of life everyday. These cells can be taken from bone marrow, peripheral blood, or cord blood (from placenta). Nevertheless, here you can preserve the stem cells just for your family use. After you have considered these three main aspects regarding the storage of your child #39;s cord blood, the final decision should be less imposing than attacking the decision blindly. Other blood related diseases which can be treated ...From:Alexander santafeViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inTravel Events

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stem cells | Private Cord Blood Banking Overview - Video


cryocell | Cord Blood Information – Video

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

cryocell | Cord Blood Information
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com Some other ones are the bone marrow transplant and the peripheral blood transplantations. It can be obtained after the baby is born and the cord has been cut off. In reality, no one is sure about how long a unit of cord blood can be saved without affecting its utility. , with stem cell transplants. To treat life threatening diseases doctors have developed a new technique that involves matching genetic stem cells of patients with the stem cells found in umbilical cord of new born babies. [which] is important because it greatly improves the integrity of the bag and significantly decreases the potential for breakage that has been documented to occur in traditional seamed-plastic storage bags. Stem cell cord blood is present in umbilical cord, which is anyways thrown out after delivery. In contrast to their hematopoietic and mesenchymal potential, it remains unclear whether umbilical cord blood cells have endodermal competences. They can be used in preference to bone marrow but unlike bone marrow are often quickly available for use if needed. Also of importance is the fact that increasing the total number of cells transplanted improves the potential for a successful treatment. HSC #39;s from cord blood are able to become whatever cell is most needed to create that balance within the body, and there are three very important blood cell lineages that can be produced from the HSC #39;s in cord blood. The collection of this blood is done within 15 minutes ...From:myc0kyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inTravel Events

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cryocell | Cord Blood Information - Video


stem cells | New Cord Blood Stem Cells Therapy – Video

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

stem cells | New Cord Blood Stem Cells Therapy
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com ""The cord Blood which was discarded soon after the birth of a baby is regarded as a life saving device for the future generations of a family. Yet, the treatment using this kind of cell is the right solution for some disorder such as leukemia. If you choose to store the blood in a private bank, then the health care provider will bring a kit to collect the blood. But it also has lots of hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells that are similar to the ones found in bone marrow. ""With all the new facts coming out about saving your baby #39;s blood it is important to keep it all straight, and keep fact and fiction apart. Since the cost of saving the cord blood is only pennies a day, you should not base your decision on the cost. Also, you might have to pay a few hundred dollars to get the cord blood collection kit, towards the courier fees, and for first steps of cord blood banking. Parents today are choosing to either bank cord blood for future use or donate their newborn #39;s cord blood so that ill children can take advantage of this life-saving blood. Stem cell treatment was her only hope but is not licensed in the UK and only a few private clinics offer the treatment anywhere in the world. This is process is now known by the medical community as Placenta-Cord banking. All of the companies that are on the websites have some type of plan like this. How much blood is required for this?The cord blood banking representative and the doctors try toFrom:Aldana LuisViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inTravel Events

stem cells | New Cord Blood Stem Cells Therapy - Video


[91VOA]Obama Team Reviews Bush’s Order on Stem Cells – Video

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

[91VOA]Obama Team Reviews Bush #39;s Order on Stem Cells
English language lessons from the audio and transcript of the Voice of America. VOA Special English helps you learn English with lesson plans, grammar lessons, news and activities.From:91VOAChannelViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:15More inEducation

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[91VOA]Obama Team Reviews Bush's Order on Stem Cells - Video


The Brain of Homo Digitalis: Mohammed El Majdoubi PHD at TEDx Marin 2012 – Video

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

The Brain of Homo Digitalis: Mohammed El Majdoubi PHD at TEDx Marin 2012
The impact of digital technologies on the Human Brain. Dr. Mohammed El Majdoubi is a Professor of Neuroscience at Dominican University of California, expert in brain development and plasticity, and father of 3 digital natives. He holds a BS in Physiology (1991), a MS (1992) and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience Pharmacology (1996) with a focus on neuroplasticity from the University of Bordeaux, France. Dr. Majdoubi came to the United States in 1997 to work as a Research Associate studying the neurobiology of puberty at the University of Pittsburgh Primate Center, before joining the University of California San Francisco in 2000 as an Assistant Research Scientist and Director of the Morphology Core Facility. He joined the faculty of Dominican University of California in 2005, where he serves as an Associate Professor of Neurobiology. His current research is focused on the neuronal differentiation of stem cells. Dr. Majdoubi has published 18 peer-reviewed scientific publications and has given 25 presentations at international meetings. He teaches a broad array of courses, including, among others, Neuroscience, Stem Cell Biology, Ethics, Research Methodology, Human Physiology and Cell Imaging Technology in the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. He also teaches courses for the Honors Program and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Dr. Majdoubi was honored by his students with the Dominican Teacher of the Year Award in 2009. In thespirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx ...From:TEDxTalksViews:69 7ratingsTime:15:28More inScience Technology

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The Brain of Homo Digitalis: Mohammed El Majdoubi PHD at TEDx Marin 2012 - Video


Jeunesse Free Sample – Video

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

Jeunesse Free Sample
LUMINESCE cellular rejuvenation serum is the first anti-aging product to stimulate your skin #39;s natural ability to replenish, restore and heal at the cellular level. Using an exclusive patent pending formula derived from adult stem cells that contains over 200 key human growth factors, Luminesce cellular rejuvenation serum gently transforms your skin by replenishing natural levels of collagen and elastin. Hypoallergenic, Dermatologist tested and recommended. Go to my Website and Click "FREE SAMPLE" to try it! Website- DelayedAging.com Email- mickkarshner@gmail.comFrom:mickkarshnerViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:18More inPeople Blogs

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Jeunesse Free Sample - Video


Jeunesse Free Samples – Video

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

Jeunesse Free Samples
LUMINESCE cellular rejuvenation serum is the first anti-aging product to stimulate your skin #39;s natural ability to replenish, restore and heal at the cellular level. Using an exclusive patent pending formula derived from adult stem cells that contains over 200 key human growth factors, Luminesce cellular rejuvenation serum gently transforms your skin by replenishing natural levels of collagen and elastin. Hypoallergenic, Dermatologist tested and recommended. Go to my Website and Click "FREE SAMPLE" to try it! Website- DelayedAging.com Get In Touch- Email- mickkarshner@gmail.comFrom:mickkarshnerViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:16More inPeople Blogs

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Jeunesse Free Samples - Video


Novel technique to produce stem cells from peripheral blood

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

ScienceDaily (Nov. 1, 2012) Stem cells are a valuable resource for medical and biological research, but are difficult to study due to ethical and societal barriers. However, genetically manipulated cells from adults may provide a path to study stem cells that avoid any ethical concerns. A new video-protocol in JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), details steps to generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from cells in the peripheral blood. The technique has been developed by Boston University's Dr. Gustavo Mostoslavsky and his colleagues.

Stem cells are unique because they can self-renew, differentiate into multiple cell types (pluripotency), and are immortal. Fertilized eggs produce embryonic stem cells with the potential to differentiate into any other cell type. Despite their value, embryonic stem cells pose a variety of ethical, legal and political implications that cause scientists to look for less controversial paths of study. "As opposed to human embryonic stem cells that originate in fertilized eggs, human induced pluripotent stem cells can be generated from any cell, and there are no ethical barriers to this," Dr. Mostoslavsky explains.

"Our article describes a methodology to obtain high quality, induced pluripotent stem cell lines," Dr. Mostoslavsky continues. His work is particularly interesting to the stem cell research community because "blood is an easily accessible sample for most laboratories. Our procedure uses a vector we created and produced a few years ago, and is very efficient. Our colleagues are very interested in that high efficiency. We published in JoVE because there are some technical details in the protocol that are best conveyed with a video-protocol. "

Dr. Mostoslavsky uses induced pluripotent stem cells to model genetic lung diseases, providing a fast track to study rare diseases in the laboratory. This technique will prove a valuable time and cost saving resource for other scientists interested in genetic disorders. The video-protocol was published in JoVE on October 31, 2012. JoVE Senior Science Editor Dr. Nandita Singh tells us, "We are excited to describe the generating of human iPSC using a lentiviral vector the Yamanaka factors. This vector was developed in Dr. Mostoslavsky's lab. The ease of obtaining the tissue sample combined with the high efficiency of reprogramming makes this method a very valuable tool in the field. The JoVE format will help the scientific community to accurately replicate this methodology.

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Novel technique to produce stem cells from peripheral blood


Girl, seven, the first to bank teeth stem cells

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

STILL SMILING: Becca Graham is the UK's first child to have her stem cells banked from her teeth, after her dentist father removed them in his Glasgow surgery. Picture: PA

Becca Graham's parents Callum and Heather decided to freeze and store their daughter's milk teeth so the youngster can take advantage of future medical advances in stem cell research.

Stem cells from bone marrow and umbilical cord blood have been used for decades to treat leukaemia and other blood-related diseases.

Teeth are an "incredible source" of stem cells, Mr Graham said, and researchers are studying how they could be used to treat a number of diseases and conditions including diabetes, spinal cord injuries, stroke and liver problems.

Becca, who lives in East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire, had her two wobbly front teeth removed by her father at his Glasgow dental practice.

The dental pulp from the milk teeth will be collected, frozen and stored for 30 years or more until needed. Becca said the extraction was "a little bit sore" but that her real concern was about the tooth fairy.

"I wrote a wee letter to her to explain and she sent me back 5," she said with a toothless grin.

Doctors have already used dental cells to regenerate dental bone and treat periodontal disease, said Mr Graham, from Queen's Drive Dental Practice in Glasgow.

The dentist and his wife started to think about banking stem cells around the time of Becca's birth but were too late to arrange for cells to be taken from the umbilical cord.

They got the idea of using their daughter's teeth after seeing a leaflet for cell banking company Precious Cells at the surgery. Father-of-three Mr Graham said: "There's been an awful lot of research lately regarding stem cells and how to deliver them and use them to cure diseases, leukaemia, diabetes and cancers. We had been looking for a way to store stem cells when Rebecca was born. We'd heard all about it and thought it was a good idea.

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Girl, seven, the first to bank teeth stem cells


Stem cell op may 'restore sperm'

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

1 November 2012 Last updated at 23:09 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News

Boys left infertile by childhood cancer treatment may one day be able to produce healthy sperm by using stored stem cells, monkey research suggests.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can kill tumours and the cells which make sperm.

A study, published in the journal Cell Stem Cell, extracted sperm-producing stem cells before cancer treatment and later placed them back into the monkey.

Sperm which could fertilise an egg were produced, which experts labelled a "milestone" in research.

Most men who have cancer treatment which could affect their fertility can choose to freeze sperm before their treatment starts. This is not an option for patients who have not yet gone through puberty.

These are issues we still must work through, but this study does show us the concept is feasible

However, they do have the spermatogonial stem cells which would start to produce sperm in their teenage years.

The researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and the Magee-Womens Research Institute took samples of the stem cells from macaques and stored them in a freezer.

The monkeys were then given a chemotherapy drug.

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Stem cell op may 'restore sperm'


Sperm-producing stem cell jab 'may restore male fertility after cancer treatment'

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

Washington, November 2 (ANI): An injection of banked sperm-producing stem cells can restore fertility in male primates who become sterile due to the side effects of cancer drugs, researchers say.

In the animal study by researchers at the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Medicine And Magee-Womens Research Institute, previously frozen stem cells restored production of sperm that successfully fertilized eggs to produce early embryos.

Some cancer drugs work by destroying rapidly dividing cells. As it is not possible to discriminate between cancer cells and other rapidly dividing cells in the body, the precursor cells involved in making sperm can be inadvertently wiped out leaving the patient infertile, said senior investigator Kyle Orwig from Magee-Womens Research Institute.

"Men can bank sperm before they have cancer treatment if they hope to have biological children later in their lives," Orwig said.

"But that is not an option for young boys who haven't gone through puberty, can't provide a sperm sample, and are many years away from thinking about having babies," he said.

Even very young boys, though, have spermatogonial stem cells in their testicular tissue that are poised to begin producing sperm during puberty.

To see whether it was possible to restore fertility using these cells, Dr. Orwig and his team biopsied the testes of prepubertal and adult male macaque monkeys and cryopreserved the cells from the small samples. The monkeys were then treated with chemotherapy agents known to impair fertility.

A few months after chemotherapy treatment, the team re-introduced each monkey's own spermatogonial stem cells back in to his testes using an ultrasound-guided technique. Sperm production was established from transplanted cells in nine out of 12 adult animals and three out of five prepubertal animals after they reached maturity.

In another test, spermatogonial stem cells from other unrelated monkeys were transplanted into infertile animals, which created sperm with the DNA fingerprint of the donor to allow easy tracking of their origin.

In lab tests, sperm from transplant recipients successfully fertilized 81 eggs, leading to embryos that developed to the morula and blastocyst stages, which are the stages that normally precede implantion in the mother's uterus. Donor parentage was confirmed in seven of the embryos.

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Sperm-producing stem cell jab 'may restore male fertility after cancer treatment'


Stem cells could heal equine tendon injuries

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

ScienceDaily (Nov. 1, 2012) Tendon injuries affect athletic horses at all levels. Researchers from the University of Connecticut are studying the use of stem cells in treating equine tendon injuries. Their findings were published Oct. 16 in the Journal of Animal Science Papers in Press.

Tendon injuries in horses tend to worsen over time as damage to the tendon creates lesions. Currently, horse owners treat tendon injuries by resting the horse and then carefully exercising the horse to control the growth of scar tissue in the tendon. Unfortunately, this treatment does not always work.

"These injuries result in lameness, which requires substantial recovery time and carry a high risk of re-injury," write authors S.A. Reed and E.R. Leahy.

Stem cells injections are already common veterinary medicine, and scientists are curious how to make stem cell treatments more effective. In this paper, the authors looked at the use of three types of stem cells: bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, adipose-derived stem cells and umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells.

These types of cells have the potential to strengthen a tendon after injury. Implants of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSC) can increase collagen production and organized collagen fibers in the tendon. Adipose-derived stem cells can express certain proteins important in healing.

However, stem cells are not a miracle cure. Implantation can be tricky, and stem cells do not always decrease recovery time. Some BMSC transplantations have also led to the growth of unwanted bone in the tendon.

Umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells (UCB) may have the most potential for healing horse injuries in the future. These cells may be better able to grow into new types of cells and repair tendon damage. So far there have been no studies of UCB use in actual horse tendon injuries. But in vitro studies show that UCB could be capable of tendon regeneration.

The authors recommend future studies into implantation techniques and the role of stem cells in different parts of the tendon. With this knowledge, horse owners, veterinarians and animal scientists can help keep equine athletes healthy.

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Stem cells could heal equine tendon injuries


Stem cells reverse chemo-induced infertility in monkeys: Next step humans?

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

TORONTO -- Scientists have long been searching for a way to preserve fertility in young boys who undergo cancer treatments and may be unable to father a child later in life. That's because chemotherapy and radiation can destroy the stem cells in the testes that give rise to sperm with the onset of puberty.

Now researchers, using macaque monkeys, have shown that small samples of testicular tissue that have been frozen can be thawed and re-implanted following chemotherapy to begin producing sperm.

The success in monkeys raises hope that the technique might one day be safely used in human males left infertile by life-saving treatment for cancer, say researchers, whose work is described in the November issue of the journal Cell Stem Cell, published Thursday.

"This demonstrates in an animal model that in fact it's feasible," said principal researcher Kyle Orwig, director of the fertility preservation program at the University of Pittsburgh.

Not only were most of the animals able to produce sperm cells, but sperm from one macaque was able to fertilize the eggs from female macaques, he added.

The monkey eggs were fertilized in the lab and allowed to grow through cell pision only to the point in which they would have been able to implant in the female animal's uterine wall. There were no live macaque offspring produced.

Not all cancer therapy leads to permanent infertility -- that depends on the type and dose of chemo drugs used, as well as the areas of the body targeted by radiation.

Still, uncertainty about one's ability to have a family in the future is no trivial matter for childhood cancer patients, most of whom must contend with a range of adverse health effects arising from treatment, often for the rest of their lives.

"Cancer patients report that their fertility status has a major impact on their quality of life, both in terms of their psychological well-being, but also their ability to develop relationships," Orwig said.

In fact, there are several clinics around the world that have preserved testicular tissue from pre-pubescent boys subsequently treated for cancer, "in anticipation that (their) stem cells can be used in the future to achieve a pregnancy," he said.

Originally posted here:
Stem cells reverse chemo-induced infertility in monkeys: Next step humans?


Stem Cells Help Preserve Sperm of Male Cancer Patients

November 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

November 2, 2012

[WATCH VIDEO: Stem Cells Show Promise For Treating Infertility]

Connie K. Ho for redOrbit.com Your Universe Online

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Magee-Womens Research Institute (MWRIF) recently discovered that a stem-cell based approach to treat infertility was successful in non-human primates and could possibly be used by cancer patients who have become infertile as a result of chemotherapy.

In particular, patients who undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy often become infertile due to the treatments that damage dividing cells; these cells include both cancer cells and spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), stem cells that later on become sperm.

Before undergoing cancer therapy, some patients have the option to cryopreserve their sperm and use the cells later on to have children. However, while adult males have this option, prepubertal boys do not as they have not yet reached the age where they produce mature sperm and, as such, cancer treatments can cause them to become permanently infertile.

Men can bank sperm before they have cancer treatment if they hope to have biological children later in their lives, explained senior investigator Kyle Orwig, an associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive medicine at the Pitt School of Medicine, in a press release. But that is not an option for young boys who havent gone through puberty, cant provide a sperm sample, and are many years away from thinking about having babies.

The preclinical study was recently published in the journal Cell Stem Cell.

This is the first study to demonstrate that transplanted spermatogonial stem cells can produce functional sperm in higher primates, remarked Orwig, who also serves as an investigator at the Magee-Womens Research Institute, in the statement. This is an important step toward human translation.

With the new findings, the scientists believe that the young male patients can possibly preserve their SSCs prior to having cancer therapy. These cells can later on be transplanted when they end their cancer treatment and when they reach the point of sexual maturity. The team of investigators examined this possible option by cyropreserving SSCs from monkeys prior to treatment of a chemotherapy drug.

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Stem Cells Help Preserve Sperm of Male Cancer Patients


Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa – Video

November 3rd, 2012 12:51 am

Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa
The 2012 Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa is a three-day conference aimed at bringing together senior members of the business development and scientific research communities in regenerative medicine to advance stem cell science into cures for debilitating diseases and injuries. The meeting features a nationally recognized Scientific Symposium attended by more than 600 leading scientists and researchers along side the regenerative medicine industry #39;s premier annual Investor and Partnering Forum designed to facilitate a bridge between academia and industry through one-on-one meetings and further the translation of clinical research. Scientific Meeting Agenda at a Glance 8:00 am -- Welcome Remarks Alan Trounson, President, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine 8:15 am -- Morning Keynote Speaker ** NO FILMING - Speaker did not consent to being recorded. Michele De Luca, Professor, Director, Centre for Regnerative Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Scientific Director, Holostem Terapie Avanzate Srl 8:45 am -- Panel 1: Cancer and Cancer Stem Cells Chair: Robert Wechsler-Reya, Professor, Director, Tumor Development Program, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Panelists: Jeremy Rich, Chairman, Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, The Cleveland Clinic Luke Lairson, Assistant Professor, The Scripps Research Institute Ben Spike, Senior Research Associate, Salk Institute for Biological Studies Catriona Jamieson, Associate Professor ...From:SalkInstituteViews:96 0ratingsTime:00:00More inScience Technology

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BioTime Subsidiary OrthoCyte Corporation Announces the Appointment of Francois Binette as Vice President

November 3rd, 2012 12:51 am


BioTime, Inc. (NYSE MKT: BTX) and its subsidiary OrthoCyte Corporation today announced the appointment of Francois Binette, PhD, as OrthoCytes Vice President of Research and Business Development. Dr. Binettes primary focus will be to develop and partner near- and long-term product opportunities in regenerative medicine with an emphasis on orthopedic diseases and injuries. OrthoCyte is a wholly owned subsidiary of BioTime, Inc. that develops cellular therapeutics for orthopedic repair, diseases, and injuries.

I am impressed by the robust nature of the novel and diverse progenitors of skeletal tissues that BioTime has isolated using its ACTCellerateTM technology, said Dr. Binette. The ability to generate scalable and precisely identified types of cartilage, bone, and tendon, combined with the HyStem technology for tissue engineering, gives us a remarkable platform for manufacturing an array of novel products to address some of the largest and fastest growing needs in the orthopedic space. I look forward to building on the science and technology developed at OrthoCyte to aggressively develop the companys product pipeline and pursue partnering opportunities.

Francois brings tremendous expertise in regenerative medicine, cell therapy, biologics, biomaterials, and combination medical devices. He also has significant business experience in partnering and collaboration with both start-up and large life science companies, said Michael D. West, PhD, BioTimes Chief Executive Officer. We welcome Francois to the OrthoCyte team and look forward to working together with him in developing commercial product opportunities for the orthopedic repair market.

Dr. Binette most recently was the founder of Rediens Inc., a Bay Area start-up company focused on chronic back pain therapies. Prior to establishing Rediens, he wasDirector of BiologicsR&D for the Spinal & Biologics business unit of Medtronic, Inc., and he also served in a variety of positions with Johnson & Johnson, where he focused on regenerative medicine therapies for various orthopedic indications, including cartilage injuries and back pain. Dr. Binette began his corporate career at Genzyme Tissue Repair, where he helped pioneer Carticel, the first FDA Biologic License Application-approved cell therapy product. Dr. Binette received his PhD in Biochemistry at Laval University in Qubec and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the LaJolla Cancer Research Foundation of the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute and at MGH/Harvard Medical School. He is currently a fellow with the International Cartilage Repair Society.

About OrthoCyte Corporation

OrthoCyte Corporation (OrthoCyte), http://www.orthocyte.com, a subsidiary of BioTime, Inc., is a biotechnology company developing cell-based therapies for orthopedic disease. The company's lead product is OTX-CP07, monoclonal human embryonic progenitor cell lines for the repair of osteoarthritis. In addition, OrthoCyte has proprietary human embryonic stem cell-derived progenitors to skeletal muscle, tendon, and bone, all of which are in the preclinical phase of development.

About BioTime, Inc.

BioTime, headquartered in Alameda, California, is a biotechnology company focused on regenerative medicine and blood plasma volume expanders. Its broad platform of stem cell technologies is enhanced through subsidiaries focused on specific fields of application. BioTime develops and markets research products in the fields of stem cells and regenerative medicine, including a wide array of proprietary ACTCellerate cell lines, HyStem hydrogels, culture media, and differentiation kits. BioTime is developing Renevia (formerly known as HyStem-Rx), a biocompatible, implantable hyaluronan and collagen-based matrix for cell delivery in human clinical applications. BioTime's therapeutic product development strategy is pursued through subsidiaries that focus on specific organ systems and related diseases for which there is a high unmet medical need. BioTime's majority-owned subsidiary Cell Cure Neurosciences Ltd. is developing therapeutic products derived from stem cells for the treatment of retinal and neural degenerative diseases. BioTime's subsidiary OrthoCyte Corporation is developing therapeutic applications of stem cells to treat orthopedic diseases and injuries. Another subsidiary, OncoCyte Corporation, focuses on the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of stem cell technology in cancer, including the diagnostic product PanC-Dx currently being developed for the detection of cancer in blood samples. ReCyte Therapeutics, Inc. is developing applications of BioTime's proprietary induced pluripotent stem cell technology to reverse the developmental aging of human cells to treat cardiovascular and blood cell diseases. BioTime's subsidiary LifeMap Sciences, Inc. markets GeneCards, the leading human gene database, and is developing an integrated database suite to complement GeneCards that will also include the LifeMap database of embryonic development, stem cell research and regenerative medicine, and MalaCards, the human disease database. LifeMap will also market BioTime research products. BioTime's lead product, Hextend, is a blood plasma volume expander manufactured and distributed in the U.S. by Hospira, Inc. and in South Korea by CJ CheilJedang Corporation under exclusive licensing agreements. Additional information about BioTime can be found on the web at http://www.biotimeinc.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

Originally posted here:
BioTime Subsidiary OrthoCyte Corporation Announces the Appointment of Francois Binette as Vice President


The Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture, NeoStem, The Stem for Life Foundation & STOQ International Announce 'The …

November 3rd, 2012 12:51 am

NEW YORK, Nov. 1, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Stem for Life Foundation, NeoStem, Inc. (NYSE MKT:NBS), The Pontifical Council for Culture, and STOQ International today announced that they will host The Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference: Regenerative Medicine -- A Fundamental Shift in Science & Culture, from within The Vatican, April 11-13, 2013.

This event is part of a five-year collaboration between The Stem for Life Foundation, a not-for-profit organization devoted to raising global awareness of the therapeutic potential of adult stem cells, NeoStem, an emerging leader in the fast growing cell therapy industry, The Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture and its foundation, called STOQ International (Science, Theology and the Ontological Quest).

With renowned journalists serving as moderators -- Meredith Vieira from NBC News, Bill Hemmer from The Fox News Channel, Peggy Noonan of The Wall Street Journal and Dr. Max Gomez from WCBS-TV -- The Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference will feature leading adult stem cell scientists and clinicians, thought leaders of faith, ethics and culture, business leaders as well as Ministers of Health, Ambassadors to The Holy See and regulatory officials from around the world. During the event, adult stem cell scientists and clinicians will present an array of medical advancements and ongoing research occurring throughout the world, including the ability to grow replacements for damaged and diseased organs; restoring heart function after heart attack; growing new skin for burn victims; rebalancing our own immune systems, pushing back a rising tide of chronic disease; advancements in cancer therapy; preventing organ rejection and addressing a range of other conditions and trauma, such as MS, traumatic brain injuries and cardiovascular disease via adult stem cell therapies. Throughout the event, patients will share their own stories of the unique, powerful treatments that have helped address their disease and reduce suffering.

"Regenerative medicine is poised to revolutionize disease management by finding new ways to boost the body's ability to heal itself. Whereas today treatment for many diseases is a matter of managing symptoms, regenerative medicine seeks to reverse the course of the disease by targeting its cause and repairing diseased or defective tissues or organs," said Dr. Robin Smith, President of The Stem for Life Foundation. "Not only will our conference educate people of all ages, religions and cultures on the potential of adult stem cells to treat chronic disease as part of this next great frontier, but we will generate a truly international dialogue on regenerative medicine, one that explores the interconnections between scientific breakthroughs, faith, culture and ethics."

The goals of the 2013 Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference are to:

"The developments within regenerative medicine are of great interest," said Msgr. Tomasz Trafny. "They show how science changes, causing paradigm shifts through interdisciplinary research. Cellular biology is a good example of such changes. These dynamics also cause deep cultural transformations on different levels, from health care to economy, from new technologies to legal issues. Thus, topics that apparently seem to be circumscribed only to strictly scientific discussions or theoretical ones, in fact modify our understanding of social dynamics, relationships and, in the ultimate analysis, our understanding of the human being. Today we acknowledge that insights from natural sciences play a crucial role in our society, having consequences for anthropology, philosophy and even theology. It is our mission and our duty to explore the above dynamics, to offer the best tools for pastoral care, and to encourage understanding of changing culture."

In June, The Pontifical Council for Culture and The Stem for Life Foundation presented the first copy of their forthcoming book, The Healing Cell: How The Greatest Revolution in Medical History is Changing Your Life, to The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. The book is the result of a unique collaboration between the two organizations, and will be available in 2013. It includes a special address by His Holiness Benedict XVI, urging increased support and awareness for advancements in adult stem cell research in order to alleviate human suffering. To reserve a copy of the book, go to:http://www.stemforlife.org/healingcell

To learn more about The Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference please visit http://www.adultstemcellconference.org.

About The Pontifical Council for Culture

The Pontifical Council for Culture is that Dicastery of the Roman Curia which assists the Pope in the exercise of his supreme pastoral office for the benefit and service of the universal Church and of particular Churches concerning the encounter between the saving message of the Gospel and cultures, in the study of the weighty phenomena of the rift between the Gospel and cultures; indifference in matters of religion; unbelief. It is also concerned with relationships between the Church and the Holy See and the world of culture; in particular it promotes dialogue with contemporary cultures, so that human civilization may become increasingly open to the Gospel, and so that men and women of science, letters and the arts may know that the Church acknowledges their work as a service to truth, goodness and beauty. http://www.cultura.va

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The Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture, NeoStem, The Stem for Life Foundation & STOQ International Announce 'The ...


Millennium and Seattle Genetics Initiate Global Phase 3 Clinical Trial of ADCETRIS® in Previously Untreated Advanced …

November 3rd, 2012 12:47 am


Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (TSE:4502), and Seattle Genetics, Inc. (SGEN) today announced the initiation of an international phase 3 clinical trial evaluating ADCETRIS (brentuximab vedotin) as part of a frontline combination chemotherapy regimen in patients with previously untreated advanced Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). The trial is being conducted under a Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) agreement from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the trial also received scientific advice from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). ADCETRIS is an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) directed to CD30, a defining marker of classical HL.

Millennium is pleased to announce the initiation of the phase 3 trial of ADCETRIS in patients with previously untreated advanced Hodgkin lymphoma. This is a key step in our efforts to explore the potential of this targeted therapy as part of a frontline treatment regimen, said Karen Ferrante, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Millennium.The trial is part of our ongoing development program to explore patient populations that may benefit from treatment with ADCETRIS in earlier lines of therapy and in other CD30-expressing malignancies.

There have been no new therapies approved for patients with newly diagnosed HL in many decades, representing a significant need to identify additional treatment options in this setting, said Thomas C. Reynolds, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer, Seattle Genetics. We believe through this novel ADCETRIS-containing regimen we have the potential to redefine the treatment of frontline HL. This trial is also an important part of our development plan for ADCETRIS, and may serve as confirmatory to our U.S. accelerated approval in relapsed HL and systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

Study Design

The randomized, open-label, phase 3 trial will investigate ADCETRIS+AVD1 versus ABVD2 as frontline therapy in patients with advanced classical HL. The primary endpoint is modified progression free survival (mPFS) per independent review facility assessment using the Revised Response Criteria for malignant lymphoma. Secondary endpoints include overall survival (OS), complete remission (CR) and safety. The multi-center trial will be conducted in North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia. The study will enroll approximately 1,040 eligible patients (approximately 520 patients per treatment arm) who have histologically-confirmed diagnosis of Stage III or IV classical HL who have not been previously treated with systemic chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

For more information, please visit http://www.clinicaltrials.gov.


ADCETRIS (brentuximab vedotin) is an ADC comprising an anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody attached by a protease-cleavable linker to a microtubule disrupting agent, monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), utilizing Seattle Genetics proprietary technology. The ADC employs a linker system that is designed to be stable in the bloodstream but to release MMAE upon internalization into CD30-expressing tumor cells.

ADCETRIS received accelerated approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in August 2011 for two indications: (1) the treatment of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma after failure of autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) or after failure of at least two prior multi-agent chemotherapy regimens in patients who are not ASCT candidates, and (2) the treatment of patients with systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL) after failure of at least one prior multi-agent chemotherapy regimen. The indications for ADCETRIS are based on response rate. There are no data available demonstrating improvement in patient-reported outcomes or survival with ADCETRIS.

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Millennium and Seattle Genetics Initiate Global Phase 3 Clinical Trial of ADCETRIS® in Previously Untreated Advanced ...


3 Things to Watch With Seattle Genetics

November 3rd, 2012 12:47 am

Seattle Genetics (Nasdaq: SGEN) is a biotech company focused on the development of monoclonal antibody-based treatments for cancer. The company's antibody-drug conjugate, or ADC, technology treats cancer by sending in an antibody and an attached drug, which bind with cancer cells and stops cell division from the inside. The company currently has one drug, Adcertis, available for sale.

The company has a small field of competitors in the ADC realm. Leading that pack is ImmunoGen (Nasdaq: IMGN) with a targeted antibody payload, or TAP, technology that works similarly to ADC technology, and has led to the company striking several large partnerships to license it. Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) is in the early stages of developing its own ADC technology, even as it works on other drugs created with Seattle Genetics' technology that could become competitors for Adcertis. Medarex, a subsidiary of Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY) , has ADC technology and is developing monoclonal antibody drugs that could compete with Adcertis.

Here are three ways Seattle Genetics is working to expand its revenues past the currently narrow definitions of its sole drug on the market.

Geographic expansionAdcetris is a treatment that's been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for resistant forms of Hodgkin lymphoma and systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma. The drug was approved last summer, but revenues have failed to ramp up sharply due in part to the domestic limitation of the drug.

Geographic expansion could be just around the corner. A European Commission decision is expected any day now, following a July committee recommendation, which would make the treatment available in 27 countries. Canadian approval is following right behind. Health Canada accepted the New Drug Submissionfor Adcetris back in May, and a decision is expected in early 2013.

Adcetris is a partnership between Seattle Genetics and Millennium, an oncology subsidiary of Takeda. The partnership grants Seattle Genetics the drug rights in the U.S. and Canada, and requires Millennium to pay up to $230 million in milestone payments plus a double-digit percentage of net sales from its global markets.

Expanded useExpanding the approved indications for Adcetris would also boost its revenues. Seattle Genetics' pipeline is half full of trials for new indications. There are two phase 3 trials that deserve closer attention.

The AETHERA trialtests Adcetris versus a placebo in patients at risk for residual Hodgkin lymphoma after an autologous stem-cell transplant. The study has a primary endpoint of progression-free survival, and secondary endpoints include overall survivability and safety. Data is expected in late 2013 or early 2014.

The ALCANZA trialcompares Adcetris to methotrexate or bexarotene in patients with specific mature type of t-cell lymphoma. This trial is still enrolling, so its data will come in behind ATHERA, which finished enrollment in late September.

There are also Adcetris trials in earlier stages. The potential indications include front-line HL when used in conjunction with chemotherapy, front-line HL in elderly populations, and non-lymphoma malignancies.

Original post:
3 Things to Watch With Seattle Genetics


Preserving dental stem cells Dr Bradley Briggs Scottsdale, Arizona – Video

November 3rd, 2012 12:45 am

Preserving dental stem cells Dr Bradley Briggs Scottsdale, Arizona
The notion of preserving your own stem cells has been gaining some popularity and researches have discovered a new way of preserving more off your cells and thats threw your teeth. Dr. Bradley Briggs from Briggs family cosmetic dentistry discusses the process and how we can preserve stem cells. Credits: http://www.youtube.com by LBNstudio.From:Kelly ChenViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:08More inScience Technology

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