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CombiCult® Workflow – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:49 pm

CombiCult® Workflow
A overview on how Plasticell (www.plasticell.co.uk) uses combinatorial cell culture (CombiCult®) to discover optimised stem cell differentiation protocols in record time, at a fraction of the cost of the status quo while reducing project return risk. CombiCult® is used by our customers in a range of applications in regenerative medicine, cell therapy and research and development.From:PlasticellLimitedViews:1 0ratingsTime:06:40More inScience Technology

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CombiCult® Workflow - Video


stem cell banking | Knowing More About Cord Blood Banking – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:49 pm

stem cell banking | Knowing More About Cord Blood Banking
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com The umbilical cord blood is rich in stem cells as the baby #39;s organs, tissues and body is developed by it. Diseases that are genetically based would most likely be an allogenic transplant. Human umbilical cord blood cells are very rich in stem cells and progenitor cells which make them the perfect place to take cells from and then store them in a cord blood bank or a stem cells bank. There is also another option given by non-profit cord blood banks, of free programs through which one can store umbilical cord blood stem cell samples. A man can change his god-gifted features wishfully with the help of science. Given the progress that stem cell research and regenerative medicine have attained at present, and the promise that they show for the future, stem cell transplants may one day provide a cure for type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and brain injury, among other potentially life threatening and debilitating illnesses and conditions with inadequate treatment options today. One study in particular by Wagner, et al. ""The theory exists that any reduction in the volume of umbilical cord blood units in albumin or dextran prior to transfusing into patients leads to better cell viability. The mother will be informed about the status of the blood unit and the test results so that she is aware of any infection or disease that might affect her baby. Many parents see placental and cord blood banking as valuable tools to help them secure potentially ...From:fivespanishViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:18More inScience Technology

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stem cell banking | Knowing More About Cord Blood Banking - Video


cryocell | Why Store Your Cord Blood In a Bank? – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:49 pm

cryocell | Why Store Your Cord Blood In a Bank?
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com A large number of people die waiting for a transplant due to this reason. Before any blood donations are made it is important for a pregnant mother interested to make the donation to contact the bank before the thirty fourth week of her pregnancy. However, private banking is generally not recommended unless there is a family history of specific genetic diseases. It contains stem cells that have been found to be excellent for research and treatment of many diseases. A man can change his god-gifted features wishfully with the help of science. Given the progress that stem cell research and regenerative medicine have attained at present, and the promise that they show for the future, stem cell transplants may one day provide a cure for type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and brain injury, among other potentially life threatening and debilitating illnesses and conditions with inadequate treatment options today. One study in particular by Wagner, et al. ""Settling on a name for your newborn is definitely something all parents spend time doing, but one decision that is rarely thought of or overlooked is saving your newborn #39;s cord blood. The mother will be informed about the status of the blood unit and the test results so that she is aware of any infection or disease that might affect her baby. Many parents see placental and cord blood banking as valuable tools to help them secure potentially lifesaving treatment options their families may some day ...From:loshoteles enmedellinViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:18More inScience Technology

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cryocell | Why Store Your Cord Blood In a Bank? - Video


Fat-derived Stem Cells Hold Potential for Regenerative Medicine

November 9th, 2012 11:49 pm

PHILADELPHIA As researchers work on reconfiguring cells to take on new regenerative properties, a new review from Penn Medicine plastic surgeons sheds additional light on the potential power of adipose-derived stem cells - or adult stem cells harvested from fatty tissue - in reconstructive and regenerative medicine.

Reconstructive plastic surgeons have clinically integrated "fat grafting" into different surgeries for years, for breast, facial, and other reconstructive and restorative surgeries, with good success. Now, researchers are beginning to understand the power that fatty tissue holds. This new paper, published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, enforces that adipose-derived stem cells can be routinely isolated from patients and, once molecular methods are worked out, may be useful for a multitude of regenerative medicine applications.

"The opportunities for regenerative medicine interventions based on adult stem cells are tremendous. It is critically important for us to better understand the biology of these cells so that we can develop novel, safe and effective treatments for our patients using their own cells." said the paper's senior author, Ivona Percec, MD, PhD, assistant professor in the division of Plastic Surgery in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Many groups are looking into different modes of isolating and modifying these cells for their regenerative properties, including experts at Penn's Institute for Regenerative Medicine and around Penn Medicine. For example, Dr. Percec's team is conducting translational research into the mechanisms controlling adipose-derived stem cells, and how they contribute to the normal human aging process.

Stem cells can undergo multiple divisions without differentiation, making them useful tools for cell-replacement therapy. Embryonic stem cells can convert to any cell type, whereas adult stem cells, like the stem cells derived from fat, can differentiate into many, but not all, cell types. A person's own fat tissue could then potentially be converted into cells specially designed to repair damage to the heart, cartilage, blood vessels, brain, muscle, or bone.

As regenerative medicine techniques are refined, experts will continue to explore the utility and benefits of stem cells derived from adipose tissue.

The Perelman School of Medicine is currently ranked #2 in U.S. News & World Report's survey of research-oriented medical schools. The School is consistently among the nation's top recipients of funding from the National Institutes of Health, with $479.3 million awarded in the 2011 fiscal year.

The University of Pennsylvania Health System's patient care facilities include: The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania -- recognized as one of the nation's top "Honor Roll" hospitals by U.S. News & World Report; Penn Presbyterian Medical Center; and Pennsylvania Hospital the nation's first hospital, founded in 1751. Penn Medicine also includes additional patient care facilities and services throughout the Philadelphia region.

Penn Medicine is committed to improving lives and health through a variety of community-based programs and activities. In fiscal year 2011, Penn Medicine provided $854 million to benefit our community.

Original post:
Fat-derived Stem Cells Hold Potential for Regenerative Medicine


GNS Healthcare, Dana-Farber and Mount Sinai Collaborate to Build Computer Model of Multiple Myeloma

November 9th, 2012 11:49 pm

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., BOSTON and NEW YORK, Nov. 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --GNS Healthcare, Inc. (GNS), the leading healthcare data analytics company focused on enabling personalized medicine to improve human health, today announced that it has entered into a collaboration with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Dana-Farber) and Mount Sinai School of Medicine (Mount Sinai) to create a data-driven computer model of multiple myeloma, the second most common blood cancer in the U.S. that constitutes approximately one percent of all cancers. Created using GNS's supercomputer-driven REFS (Reverse Engineering and Forward Simulation) platform, the models will be used to help researchers discover novel therapies for the disease and to help determine the best existing treatments for patients.

"We have made encouraging progress at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in using gene profiling, proteomic and signaling studies in tumor cell samples treated with existing and novel medicines to get a better understanding of myeloma pathogenesis and to develop novel targeted therapies," said Dr. Ken Anderson, Director, Jerome Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center and LeBow Institute for Myeloma Therapeutics at Dana-Farber and Kraft Family Professor of Medicine at Dana-Farber and Harvard Medical School.

"Because of this progress, our team is excited about deploying a powerful, supercomputer driven approach using our multi-layered genomic data to develop computer models to directly define the integrated underlying circuitry of myeloma. We look forward to using these models to identify, create, and implement better treatments for individual multiple myeloma patients," said Dr. Nikhil Munshi, Associate Director, Jerome Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center and LeBow Institute for Myeloma Therapeutics at Dana-Farber and Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School.

"GNS will apply its Big Data analytics platform to create a disease-specific computer model that will yield a powerful new resource to the multiple myeloma research and clinical communitywith the ultimate aim of better outcomes for patients," said GNS CEO and co-founder Colin Hill. "This collaboration with Dana-Farber and Mount Sinai will create models that will help transform the tremendous amount of data coming from new technologies, such as next-generation sequencing, into predictive computer models of disease progression and treatment response for scientists and clinicians. This project is one of many examples of our work in challenging, complex and, sometimes rare, diseases."

In this collaboration, GNS will employ the REFSplatform to reverse engineer network models from next-generation genetic sequencing, proteomic, outcomes and other clinical data. Results from millions ofin silico simulations of the REFS models will provide new insights into the fundamental mechanisms of multiple myeloma, enabling the identification of novel intervention points in the disease for specific groups of patients and the development of more effective medicines.

"Prior published work has shown us that approaches like the REFS platform can develop integrated network models of disease that can be used to uncover novel drivers of disease," said Dr. Eric Schadt, Director of the Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology, Chair of the Department of Genetics and Genomics Sciences and the Jean C. and James W. Crystal Professor of Genomics at Mount Sinai. "With the wealth of detailed biological data available in this project, we look forward to a close collaboration with GNS to build a predictive model to elucidate novel insights into this complex disease."

About Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell normally responsible for producing antibodies. In multiple myeloma, collections of abnormal plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow, where they interfere with the production of normal blood cells. Most cases of myeloma also feature the production of a paraproteinan abnormal antibody which can cause kidney problems. Bone lesions and hypercalcemia (high calcium levels) are also often encountered. Myeloma is diagnosed with blood tests (serum protein electrophoresis, serum free kappa/lambda light chain assay), bone marrow examination, urine protein electrophoresis and X-rays of commonly involved bones. Myeloma is generally thought to be treatable but incurable. Remissions may be induced with steroids, chemotherapy, proteasome inhibitors (e.g. bortezomib), immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs) such as thalidomide or lenalidomide and stem cell transplants. Radiation therapy is sometimes used to reduce pain from bone lesions. Myeloma develops in 1-4 per 100,000 people per year. It is more common in men, and for unknown reasons is twice as common in African-Americans as it is in white Americans. With conventional treatment, median survival is 3-4 years, which may be extended to 5-7 years or longer with advanced treatments. Multiple myeloma is the second most common hematological malignancy in the U.S. (after non-Hodgkin lymphoma) and constitutes 1 percent of all cancers.

About REFS

REFS (Reverse Engineering and Forward Simulation) is GNS Healthcare's scalable, supercomputer-enabled framework for discovering new knowledge directly from data. REFS automates the discovery and extraction of causal network models from observational data and uses high-throughput simulations to generate new knowledge.

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GNS Healthcare, Dana-Farber and Mount Sinai Collaborate to Build Computer Model of Multiple Myeloma


Dr Nathan Newman MD Stem Cell Face lift (ENHANCING YOUTH) – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:47 pm

Dr Nathan Newman MD Stem Cell Face lift (ENHANCING YOUTH)
Jeunesse is not the same old story of skin care and supplements. We are not the same old network model. Jeunesse is a global business that helps people reach their full potential in youthful looks, in healthy living, in embracing life. Jeunesse combines breakthrough sciences in a product system that enhances youth by working at the cellular level. By focusing on the health, longevity, and renewal of cells, we help people enjoy vibrant, youthful results that last. Jeunesse delivers the rewards of youth in four innovative ways: Products. The Jeunesse Youth Enhancement System (YES) isn #39;t just about looking young. It #39;s about feeling young for the long term. Even the sciences we employ are new and cutting edge. Our best-of-the-best formulas are innovative, and the youthful results are real. Learn more about our line of Personal Care and Nutrition products. People. Jeunesse shares an emotional reward no networking company can match. The culture of Jeunesse springs from the integrity and core values of our Founders. As a result, our global family of distributors experience rewarding relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and love. Plan. With one of the most lucrative and truly balanced compensation plans around, the Jeunesse Financial Rewards Plan is able to reward more people with more money. And with the plentiful incentives and built-in travel promotions that are our way of doing business, the Jeunesse culture is in itself a rewarding lifestyle. Learn more about our ...From:paulwarioViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:48More inHowto Style

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Regenerative Nephrology – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:46 pm

Regenerative Nephrology
ll4.me Regenerative Nephrology Progression of chronic diseases in general and chronic kidney disease in particular has been traditionally viewed in the light of various contributors to development of glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial scarring culminating in renal fibrosis. Indeed, this dogma prevailed for decades underscoring experimental attempts to halt fibrotic processes. Breakthrough investigations of the past few years on stem/progenitor cell involvement in organ regeneration caused a conceptual shift in tackling the mechanisms of nephrosclerosis. It has become clear that the rate of progression of chronic kidney disease is the net sum of the opposing trends: degenerative fibrotic processes and regenerative repair mechanisms. The latter part of this equation has been by and large ignored for years and only recently attracted investigative attention. This book revisits the problem of kidney disease by focusing on regenerative mechanisms in renal repair and on the ways these regenerative processes can become subverted by an intrinsic disease process eventuating in its progression. Cutting-edge investigations are summarized by the most experienced international team of experts.* Presents a comprehensive, translational source for all aspects of renal stem cells, tissue regeneration, and stem cell therapies for renal diseases in one reference work. This will ultimately result in time savings foracademic, medical and pharma researchers. * Experts in the renal stem ...From:lorraineknouse326Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:12More inPeople Blogs

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Immunice Recommendations – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:45 pm

Immunice Recommendations
Recommendations You can boost your Immunity by: 1) Reversing Damage - Years of stressful living caused damage to your Immune System. To help reverse this, Immunice releases hundreds of phytonutrients that act at the molecular level to enhance T cell activation, improve proliferation of Lymphocytes, bone marrow cells, and Thymocytes, increase antibody, Leucocyte, Cytokine, and red blood cell production, raise mast cell levels, and stimulate Phogocytosis and plasma fibrinolytic activity in your body. 2) Exercising Regularly - Regular exercise elevates the level of leukocytes, an Immune System cell that fights infection. Exercise also increases release of endorphins, natural hormones that heighten your sense of well being and improve sleep quality, both of which have positive effects on your Immune System. Exertion stimulates the cardiovascular system, improves blood flow, circulates antibodies, flushes toxins from muscles and organs, removes germs, and helps keep the kidneys and endocrine system fully functional. Moderate exercise must be repeated on a near-daily basis so that there is a cumulative effect that leads to a long-term immune response. Getting your heart rate up for just 20 minutes three times a week is associated with increased immune function, and a 30-minute brisk walk five days a week can help reduce your risk of catching a cold. Walking strengthens your cardiovascular system and blood flow. Walk ten minutes, three times a day if you are unable to walk 30 ...From:ihholisticsViews:0 0ratingsTime:11:52More inEducation

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Post-genomic Cardiology – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:43 pm

Post-genomic Cardiology
ll4.me Post-genomic Cardiology Recent advances in molecular and cellular biology have markedly changed our understanding of the heart, and this is having tremendous ramifications for the clinician. This unique reference offers a comprehensive and critical evaluation of this contribution in the field of cardiovascular molecular medicine providing the reader with a sense of new directions in which molecular medicine might be applied. It begins with a detailed primer that makes readily accessible recent molecular, genetic and cellular techniques. Rounding out the coverage of this exciting field are critical and comprenhesive discussions on the use of molecular, genetic and cellular techniques used to identify the etiology and pathophysiology of specific cardiac diseases.* Discusses diagnostic and therapeutic options available not only in the adult and aging individuals but also in infants/children* Numerous illustrations and flow-charts* Explans cutting-edge molecular techniques, including analysis of mitochondria, their role in cardiac dysfunction and updated analysis of Cardioprotection and Metabolic Syndrome* Presentation of recent translational studies for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is included (eg, gene therapy, pharmacological treatments and stem cell transplantation) Publisher: Academic Press Illustration: Y Language: ENG Title: Post-Genomic Cardiology Pages: 00000 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2007-02-26 SKU-13/ISBN: 9780123736987 Category: Medical ...From:julianlewis9854Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:14More inPeople Blogs

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Post-genomic Cardiology - Video


Perceptions of Promise art show opens at UAlberta – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:42 pm

Perceptions of Promise art show opens at UAlberta
Perceptions of Promise, the visionary University of Alberta art show that created an interdisciplinary dialogue between artists and scientists, has come home after a successful run that included a high-profile exhibition in New York. "We #39;re so happy that it #39;s finally come home," said U of A printmaking professor Liz Ingram. "Our students can now see it, and that is so important for teaching." The exhibition explores legal, ethical and social issues about stem-cell research through the eyes of U of A and other internationally known artists. Originally conceived by Sean Caulfield, U of A professor of printmaking, and his brother Tim, research director of the U of A #39;s Health Law and Science Policy Group, it brings scientists and visual artists together to broaden discussion of complex topics involving biotechnology. The aim, say contributors, is not to take positions on either side of what can often be a divisive debate, but to provoke thought and inspire questions. "Biomedical research, especially stem-cell research, tends to be very emotional," says Sean Caulfield. "People have this polarized reaction to it. If we had one broad objective, it would be to see how art might bring a more sophisticated dialogue to the debate, because art tends to be able to articulate emotional and psychological things much more effectively. And I think it can bring people together." The works include an elaborately beaded sculpture created from CT scans of a human torso, a luminous tent with ...From:UniversityofAlbertaViews:25 0ratingsTime:04:42More inEducation

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Perceptions of Promise art show opens at UAlberta - Video


Govt. Appoints Task Force To Explore Stem Cell Research – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:40 pm

Govt. Appoints Task Force To Explore Stem Cell Research
Minister of Health Hon. Dr. Perry Gomez announced that the government has appointed a 10 member task force, charged with making recommendations to the government to explore stem cell therapy in The Bahamas.From:ZNSNetworkViews:5 0ratingsTime:03:27More inNews Politics

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Govt. Appoints Task Force To Explore Stem Cell Research - Video


123Triad : wwmsbiologicscom – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:40 pm

123Triad : wwmsbiologicscom
123Triad is proud to design website for http://www.wwmsbiologics.com WorldWide Medical Services Inc. is a company that for more than 10 years is dedicated to utilizing the most innovative technologies to provide its clients with the highest quality services. Worldwide Medical Services specializes in the Intra-operative treatment of surgical patients. One of their most exciting new products is platelet gel and adult stem cell therapy services which can be provided in a hospital or office setting. their Autotransfusion service is available 24/7 on a scheduled or emergency basis.From:123triadcoViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:36More inScience Technology

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123Triad : wwmsbiologicscom - Video


blood bank | The Development of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Therapy – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:40 pm

blood bank | The Development of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Therapy
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com Umbilical cord blood is stored immediately after delivery, when the cord is cut. Diseases that are genetically based would most likely be an allogenic transplant. Human umbilical cord blood cells are very rich in stem cells and progenitor cells which make them the perfect place to take cells from and then store them in a cord blood bank or a stem cells bank. Scientists have found that umbilical blood can actually help to treat many types of medical issues. To make a long story short, the Adult Stem Cells did the trick. This would be a significant event, which would save thousands of lives of those waiting for an organ. Why would someone opt for cord blood preservation? Well, research is continually being conducted and cells extracted from this blood has already been used to treat and cure injuries and diseases. Cord Blood Banking facilities are places where you can bank your child #39;s cord blood and use it later on in life to cure life-threatening diseases. The National Cord Blood Program staff at the New York Blood Center performs cord blood collection from the expelled placenta. Because of this amazing capacity of blood cells, they have been, still are and will continue to be used more and more to save lives and cure a number of diseases. ""Umbilical cord blood contains blood-forming cells that can be used to treat life-threatening diseases and conditions. Stem cells, researchers discovered, could cure many diseases such as leukemia and ...From:hotelesenMelgarViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:18More inScience Technology

Originally posted here:
blood bank | The Development of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Therapy - Video


Stem Cells | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:40 pm

Stem Cells | Stem Cell Malaysia
stemcellmalaysia.com Stem cells are cells which have the potential to develop into virtually any cells of the body. The characteristics of stem cells render them great possibility in treating illness as well as health rejuvenation. Stem cells can repair and renew damaged cells as well as replace the dead ones so that a damaged organ or tissue can be healed to its healthy state. Visit Stem Cell Malaysia at http:/stemcellmalaysia.com/ for more information on stem cells and stem cell therapy.From:stemcells2012Views:1 1ratingsTime:06:33More inHowto Style

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Stem Cells | Stem Cell Malaysia - Video


Stem Cell Research and TNG – Video

November 9th, 2012 11:40 pm

Stem Cell Research and TNG
How close is Science to providing visors for the blind? Or what about curing blindness? Have you watched the episode "The Masterpiece Society" from season 5 of TNG? Cause I have a couple of philosophical things to say about that! An article about STEM CELL therapy in regards to vision impairment: abcnews.go.com Interview with TrekMate: http://www.trekmate.org.uk ***I feel like the Star Trek community is a lot bigger then what YouTube has to offer, so I #39;ve started uploading my own videos. A lot of you will find this painfully dorky -and it is- which is why constructive criticism is welcomed. For anyone who does like my posts, thank you! It would be nice to gather a little Trekkie community :)***From:ThatTrekkieGirlViews:6 1ratingsTime:06:51More inPeople Blogs

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Stem Cell Research and TNG - Video


Bone marrow stem cell therapy does not improve short-term recovery after heart attack

November 9th, 2012 11:40 pm

Washington, November 8 (ANI): Administering to patients stem cells derived from their own bone marrow either three or seven days after a heart attack is safe but does not improve heart function six months later, according to a clinical trial.

The results of the trial, called Transplantation In Myocardial Infarction Evaluation (TIME), mirror a previous, related study, LateTIME, which found that such cells (called autologous stem cells) given two to three weeks after a heart attack did not improve heart function.

Both TIME and LateTIME were conducted by the Cardiovascular Cell Therapy Research Network (CCTRN), sponsored by the NIH's National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

"This study was extremely valuable even though it did not provide a demonstrated health benefit after six months," said Sonia Skarlatos, Ph.D., deputy director of NHLBI's Division of Cardiovascular Sciences and member of the CCTRN.

"Heart stem cell therapy research is still in its infancy, and results from early trials have varied greatly due to differences in the numbers of stem cells injected, the delivery methods used, and the compositions of the study populations. With TIME and LateTIME, we have established both safety and baseline results in two large studies that followed the same procedures for growing and then administering stem cells. This standard will inform the next steps in research on the use of stem cells to repair damaged hearts," she stated.

Fellow CCTRN member Jay Travese, M.D., of the Minneapolis Heart Institute added, "With this baseline now set, we can start to adjust some of the components of the protocol to grow and administer stem cell to find cases where the procedure may improve function."

"For example, this therapy may work better in different population groups, or we might need to use new cell types or new methods of delivery," he noted.

Skarlatos said that another advantage of the TIME study is that CCTRN is storing samples of the stem cells taken from the participants. Investigators can examine the relationship between people who showed significant improvement during the study and the characteristics of their stem cells. Such a comparison may offer insights on the cell traits that are associated with clinical improvement.

The findings will be presented at the American Heart Association (AHA) 2012 Scientific Sessions in Los Angeles and will appear concurrently in the Journal of the American Medical Association. (ANI)

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Bone marrow stem cell therapy does not improve short-term recovery after heart attack


Pluristem shares bounce back after Thursday plunge

November 9th, 2012 11:40 pm

NEW YORK (AP) Shares of biotechnology company Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. bounced back Friday after the company responded to a report that a patient treated with its PLX stem cell therapy had died.

THE SPARK: Bloomberg BusinessWeek reported Thursday that Pluristem did not disclose the death of a young patient who had been treated with its placental cell therapy before a $32 million public stock sale in September. Shares of Pluristem fell 23 percent Thursday.

The Israeli company said Thursday evening that parts of the article were inaccurate or misleading. It said the patient, a Romanian girl whose name has not been disclosed, was "in imminent danger of death" at the time she was treated with the stem cells. She was not part of an organized clinical trial and was treated on a compassionate basis because no therapy options remained.

Pluristem said the patient lived for six months after her treatment. She returned to Romania four months before she died and the company was not monitoring her health. Pluristem said it was not aware of her death at the time it sold the additional stock. Bloomberg said the patient died Sept. 12, the day the stock sale was announced. The sale closed a week later.

"The formal report relating to the death clearly stated that there was no connection between the PLX cell treatment and the death of the patient," Pluristem said in a press release.

THE BIG PICTURE: Pluristem said that three patients have been treated with PLX on a compassionate basis including the Romanian girl and two have died. The company said it believes the patients lived longer than expected following treatment, which demonstrates that PLX therapy can be effective. The company is studying the stem cells as a treatment for peripheral artery disease, nerve pain, and other conditions.

THE STOCK: Shares of Pluristem rose 39 cents, or 13.7 percent, to $3.24 on Friday. The stock reached an annual high of $5 per share in August, and including Friday's gains, the shares are down 29 percent since the company announced the stock offering.

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Pluristem shares bounce back after Thursday plunge


Promising Stem Cell Research Driving Industry's Growth in 2012

November 9th, 2012 11:40 pm

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - Nov 8, 2012) - Stem cell stocks have been gaining popularity among investors in 2012 as new and promising research continues to propel the industry forward. A study performed earlier this year at Johns Hopkins University has shown that stem cells from patients' own cardiac tissue can be used to heal scarred tissue after a heart attack. Five Star Equities examines the outlook for companies in the Biotechnology Industry and provides equity research on Aastrom Biosciences, Inc. ( NASDAQ : ASTM ) and Neostem Inc. ( NYSE : NBS ).

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A more recent study, also conducted at Johns Hopkins University, has showed that stem cells donated by strangers were as safe and as effective as the patient's own cells in repairing heart tissue. This is a key advancement for the treatment of heart attack with stem cells, as this possibly means stem cells could be stored for use just as blood is now.

"You could have the cells ready to go in the blood bank so when the patient comes in for a therapy -- there's no delay," said Dr. Joshua Hare of the University of Miami. "It's also cheaper to make the donor cells," as marrow from a single donor could provide enough cells for the treatment of up to 10 people.

Five Star Equities releases regular market updates on the Biotechnology Industry so investors can stay ahead of the crowd and make the best investment decisions to maximize their returns. Take a few minutes to register with us free at http://www.FiveStarEquities.com and get exclusive access to our numerous stock reports and industry newsletters.

Aastrom Biosciences is a leader in the development of patient-specific multicellular therapies for the treatment of severe, chronic cardiovascular diseases. Stem cell therapy is the infusion, injection or transplantation of whole cells into a patient for the treatment of a disease or condition.

NeoStem is a provider of adult stem cell collection, processing and storage services in the United States, enabling healthy individuals to donate and store their stem cells for personal therapeutic use. In addition, the company collects and stores cord blood cells of newborns which help to ensure a supply of autologous stem cells for the child should they be needed for future medical treatment.

Five Star Equities provides Market Research focused on equities that offer growth opportunities, value, and strong potential return. We strive to provide the most up-to-date market activities. We constantly create research reports and newsletters for our members. Five Star Equities has not been compensated by any of the above-mentioned companies. We act as an independent research portal and are aware that all investment entails inherent risks. Please view the full disclaimer at: http://www.FiveStarEquities.com/disclaimer

See the original post:
Promising Stem Cell Research Driving Industry's Growth in 2012


Bio honors stem cells – Video

November 8th, 2012 6:52 am

Bio honors stem cells
Biology Honors Stem Cell ProjectFrom:pizon3rViews:5 0ratingsTime:03:06More inEducation

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Bio honors stem cells - Video


Demystifying Stem Cells: What are they and why should we care? – Video

November 8th, 2012 6:52 am

Demystifying Stem Cells: What are they and why should we care?
Professor Lawrence Rizzolo talks about stem cells to Tilde Cafe attendees.From:tildecafeViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:08:39More inScience Technology

Continued here:
Demystifying Stem Cells: What are they and why should we care? - Video


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