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Stem Cells Lupus Testimony Stem Alive – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

Stem Cells Lupus Testimony Stem Alive
for more information about how to obtain Stem Alive you can call 559 667 8633. My name is Laura Castanon and Ive been taking the product Stem Alive, a natural stem cell activator, since march 2012. Stem Alive has helped me and other people with Lupus problems. Also people with arthritis, asthma, anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.From:Antonio CastanonViews:3 0ratingsTime:09:05More inPeople Blogs

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Stem Cells Lupus Testimony Stem Alive - Video


Philip Horner, PhD at the 2012 Spinal Cord Workshop – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

Philip Horner, PhD at the 2012 Spinal Cord Workshop
Philip Horner, PhD Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, University of Washington Talk title: Human iPSC-Derived Neural Stem Cells: Efficacy and Safety Data from a Chronic Cervical Contusion Model of Spinal Cord InjuryFrom:bedfordstemcellViews:0 0ratingsTime:50:58More inScience Technology

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Philip Horner, PhD at the 2012 Spinal Cord Workshop - Video


Stem Cells Presentation – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

Stem Cells Presentation
The term "stem cell" can be applied to a remarkably diverse group of cells. These cells, regardless of their source, share two characteristicFrom:Mojtaba NajafzadehViews:4 0ratingsTime:05:15More inScience Technology

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Stem Cells Presentation - Video


123Triad : precisionstemcellcom – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

123Triad : precisionstemcellcom
123Triad is proud to design website for http://www.precisionstemcell.com Precision StemCell is located within the United States on the beautiful Gulf Coast in Alabama they use minimally invasive advanced stem cell harvesting and processing. Large numbers of stem cells can be harvested from the patient #39;s fat. Their system is entirely closed, meaning the fat is harvested and stem cells are separated from the fat without ever exposing the cells to the outside environment. Stem cells are then placed into the area of damage tissue using the most advanced imaging technology.From:123triadorgViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:24More inScience Technology

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123Triad : precisionstemcellcom - Video


Landscapes and embryos : A film from A. Martinez Arias – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

Landscapes and embryos : A film from A. Martinez Arias
A trip through some landmarks of Developmental Biology against the background of the Goldberg variations played by Glenn Gould, which evoke the order and harmony of the events that build embryos. The film takes the notion that developmental biologists see the making of the organisms unfolding in the vision of the genes or the cells and grows it through images of the various systems that have been used to understand cell fate specification and morphogenesis. The film introduces you to the world of how cells make embryos starting with the chick embryo, the grand classic of developmental biology. Then it introduces you to the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster whose genetics has revealed to us the molecular make up of developmental systems and their cellular basis as well as the homeotic genes, which uncovered one of the most intriguing aspect of conservation in nature, the structure and deployment of the Hox genes. The organization, expression and conservation of these genes across all organisms confirms suspicions from comparative embryology that embryos are intimately related, particularly at their early stages, and that they converge in a stage with an anteroposterior segmentation pattern, a landmark of all organisms from insects to mammals. The film ends up by exploring issues of mammalian development and embryonic stem cells which take us back to the abstractions in the mind of the developmental biologists.From:CambridgeUniversityViews:0 6ratingsTime:05:18More inEducation

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Landscapes and embryos : A film from A. Martinez Arias - Video


Preventing Wrinkles with Diet – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

Preventing Wrinkles with Diet
Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger #39;s videos at bit.ly DESCRIPTION: What dietary intervention may significantly protect against wrinkles in the crow #39;s foot area around the eyes? Make sure you see the "prequel" to this video Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep (). For other videos on appealing to vanity to get people to eat healthier, see Golden Glow (nutritionfacts.org Produce, Not Pills to Increase Physical Attractiveness (nutritionfacts.org and Rosy Glow (nutritionfacts.org Want to know what else green vegetables can do? I #39;ve got 45 videos on greens (nutritionfacts.org A few of my faves include Prevent Glaucoma and See 27 Miles Farther (nutritionfacts.org Broccoli versus Breast Cancer Stem Cells (nutritionfacts.org and Kale and the Immune System (nutritionfacts.org Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at nutritionfacts.org and he #39;ll try to answer it!From:NutritionFactsOrgViews:738 27ratingsTime:01:30More inScience Technology

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Preventing Wrinkles with Diet - Video


A New Cancer Hypothesis. Update 2013 – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

A New Cancer Hypothesis. Update 2013
New Cancer Hypothesis. Update 2013 The first version of my cancer hypothesis was published in 1993. It explains the clinical and epidemiological manifestations of cancer. Cancer is a metabolic deficiency caused by the depletion of stem cells. Cancer is a metabolic deficiency G. Zajicek New Frontiers in Cancer Causation. OH Iversen, Editor p. 81-107 Taylor Francis, Washington DC, 1993. New insights gathered lately are incorporated in my hypothesis: 1. Cancer is induced by viruses 2. The dogma of the deaf gene is refuted. 3. Genes do not cause cancer 4. Cancer progression is controlled by the organism 5. Some early cancers regress They are explained in other presentations. Which accompany this hypothesis I created a website http://www.what-is-cancer.com which provides the detail supporting the present hypothesis. It is an exciting and unexpected new view of cancer. Part of my arguments are presented as videos: http://www.what-is-cancer.com The hypothesis will be presented from several perspectives: Clinics, pathology, epidemiology,genetics, molecular biology, theory of medicine and philosophy. Cancer is a triad, manifested by three features: Tumor, Para-neoplasia (neuro-endocrine changes) Cachexia (body wasting). Chronic virus infection destroys stem cells and initiates a metabolic deficiency. In order to protect itself from the deficiency, the organism grows a tumor.. Tumor is a protective organ, whose task is to restore a metabolic deficiency initiated by the virus. Tumor protects ...From:Gershom Zajicek M.D,Views:0 0ratingsTime:35:06More inScience Technology

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Stem Cells Work in SCIPIO – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

Stem Cells Work in SCIPIO
CSWN interviews Roberto Bolli, MD, chief of cardiovascular medicine and director of the Institute of Molecular Cardiology at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, about the promising 2-year results in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy from the SCIPIO trial.From:CSWNewsViews:0 0ratingsTime:06:48More inScience Technology

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Stem Cells Work in SCIPIO - Video


cord blood donation | How Cord Blood Stem Cell Can Bring Hope to People Suffering From Life – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:49 am

cord blood donation | How Cord Blood Stem Cell Can Bring Hope to People Suffering From Life
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com A large number of people die waiting for a transplant due to this reason. Well, there are still debates on this issue. Human umbilical cord blood cells are very rich in stem cells and progenitor cells which make them the perfect place to take cells from and then store them in a cord blood bank or a stem cells bank. There is also another option given by non-profit cord blood banks, of free programs through which one can store umbilical cord blood stem cell samples. Others choose to donate the blood to a public bank for the public good. Given the progress that stem cell research and regenerative medicine have attained at present, and the promise that they show for the future, stem cell transplants may one day provide a cure for type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and brain injury, among other potentially life threatening and debilitating illnesses and conditions with inadequate treatment options today. One study in particular by Wagner, et al. ""Settling on a name for your newborn is definitely something all parents spend time doing, but one decision that is rarely thought of or overlooked is saving your newborn #39;s cord blood. However, you can choose to make a once-in-a-lifetime decision to collect and store your baby #39;s cord blood stem cells after the birth of your newborn baby. It is able to kill either normal or cancer-producing blood cells of the bone marrow. Your child #39;s umbilical cord blood contains special cells known as stem cells. Thus, it ...From:Alexander santafeViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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cord blood donation | How Cord Blood Stem Cell Can Bring Hope to People Suffering From Life - Video


stem cell | Advantages Of Cord Blood Banking – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:49 am

stem cell | Advantages Of Cord Blood Banking
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com Programs Available to Store the Blood There are a small number of programs in the US currently (December 2011) that save cord blood. Before you decide on a specific cord blood bank, contact the AABB to determine if the private blood bank is accredited or if it has any complaints lodged against the facility by other patrons. It really should be observed that the technique has a high risk of complication. Keep in mind that cord blood storage acts as an insurance policy for your family, so consider any other factors before immediately determining not to store your child #39;s cord blood simply because of price. One more cord blood donation might just be enough to save another life. Given the progress that stem cell research and regenerative medicine have attained at present, and the promise that they show for the future, stem cell transplants may one day provide a cure for type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and brain injury, among other potentially life threatening and debilitating illnesses and conditions with inadequate treatment options today. In addition, you have to decide well in advance of the due date because once you lose the precious blood, you cannot regain it. The patient no longer needs to wait for a donor; he can be his own donor if his cord blood had been preserved after his birth. The ultimate decision to bank cord stem cells or not is a personal decision as to what is deemed appropriate for that particular family, but in making that ...From:loshoteles enmedellinViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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stem cell | Advantages Of Cord Blood Banking - Video


cord blood registry | The Development of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Therapy – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:45 am

cord blood registry | The Development of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Therapy
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com These diseases include blood related, genetic and neurotic disorders. ""Banking the umbilical cord blood when your baby is born is a relatively new idea, the first operation using it to help cure a child with Leukemia was only done a little over 10 years ago. After processing of cells, comes the next procedure of cord blood preservation. There is also another option given by non-profit cord blood banks, of free programs through which one can store umbilical cord blood stem cell samples. A man can change his god-gifted features wishfully with the help of science. Given the progress that stem cell research and regenerative medicine have attained at present, and the promise that they show for the future, stem cell transplants may one day provide a cure for type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and brain injury, among other potentially life threatening and debilitating illnesses and conditions with inadequate treatment options today. With people not fully understanding how important stem cells could be for us, everybody agrees that more research need to be done in order to help understand all that. If there is any complication during delivery, the entire idea is abandoned. It is always wise to preserve this waste blood of the baby which is otherwise thrown away. You are injecting the patient with those same cells that created him!This can be done with the bone marrow transplants tooYes, stem cells are found in bone marrows too. It is a simple and ...From:luisantafeViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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cord blood registry | The Development of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Therapy - Video


Stem cells achieve sustained heart function improvement in heart attack patients – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:45 am

Stem cells achieve sustained heart function improvement in heart attack patients
From Louisville - Stem cell therapy has been shown to sustain heart function improvement in heart attack patients in a phase 1 clinical presented at the AHA #39;s Scientific Sessions. The trial, known as SCIPIO for Stem Cell Infusion in Patients with Ischemic CardiOmyopathy, randomized 33 patients diagnosed with heart failure after suffering a heart attack to either cardiac stem cells or no stem cells. Researchers found that patients who received the stem cells had great improvement in their heart function, and that this improvement was sustained 2 years following infusion. Patients who did not receive stem cells had no improvement. There were no adverse effects of the treatment. One patient #39;s heart experienced such dramatic improvement that there was no sign of heart failure at all. Said Dr. Roberto Bolli, lead author of the study, "Anyone who looks at his heart now would not imagine that this patient was (ever) in heart failure or that he had a heart attack."From:insidermedicineViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:59More inScience Technology

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Stem cells achieve sustained heart function improvement in heart attack patients - Video


Hair Loss PRP-Stem Cell Therapy-2 month comparison- Large.m4v – Video

November 19th, 2012 7:42 pm

Hair Loss PRP-Stem Cell Therapy-2 month comparison- Large.m4v
http://www.newininstitute.com.au PRP Therapy was chosen instead of a Hair Transplant to treat an area of hair loss in a female. 2 month comparison Before and After photos show a highly successful outcome. Note that continued hair growth will occur over the coming months. Another procedure will need to be performed at around the peak period: 12-18 months when growth begins to slow. Newin Institute has uniquely developed processes and protocols for PRP and Adipose Stem Cell Therapy.From:Rhett BosnichViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:55More inScience Technology

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Hair Loss PRP-Stem Cell Therapy-2 month comparison- Large.m4v - Video


What Are Stem Cells and Stem Cell Therapy Stemenhance – Video

November 19th, 2012 7:42 pm

What Are Stem Cells and Stem Cell Therapy Stemenhance
http://www.stemcellproduct.net This video gives you the definition, facts, and understanding on what are stem cells, that there are two of them embryonic and adult stem cells, how they work and the uses of stem cell when the tissue is affected in your body and how messengers signal the bone marrow to release adult stem cells to help in the repair of the injured tissue. Why this information is exciting for me to do a video is because I see stemcells as the best way of how to produce optimal health in your body. The way I look at it is that optimal health equals the number of healthy cells in your body and the only way the body repairs a damaged area is by creating and sending adult stem cells to that area. That #39;s why I #39;m introducing a stem cell product from a nutrition company who patented a stem cell enhancer which supports the release of adult stem cells. What will also excite you too is that Stemtech (the stemcell company) has also come out with two other products that will also optimize the circulation of these stem cells and other nutrients and aid in the ability for them to move and migrate into the affected tissue where they can transform and duplicate into fresh, healthy new cell tissue. So in my eyes having products like these will help anyone in my pursuit of health and wellness. I know it #39;s helping me strengthening my cells in my body after being diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome 20 plus years ago because I know how important nutrition and cell help to gain my ...From:Jennifer MarksViews:1 0ratingsTime:06:37More inHowto Style

Originally posted here:
What Are Stem Cells and Stem Cell Therapy Stemenhance - Video


Bio-Matrix’ Regen BioPharma Initiates Pre-Clinical Study in Support of HemaXellerate(TM) Cell Therapy

November 19th, 2012 7:42 pm

SAN DIEGO, CA--(Marketwire - Nov 19, 2012) - Bio-Matrix Scientific Group, Inc. ( OTCQB : BMSN ) announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, Regen BioPharma, Inc., has contracted Cascade Life Sciences, Inc. to research the safety and efficacy of Regen's HemaXellerate product usingmice models for testing.Cascade Life Sciences is a privately-owned San Diego-based company with a platform of stem cell related technologies that are being advanced to serve the research community and the commercial development of stem cell-based therapeutics. Sophia Khaldoyanidi, M.D., Ph.D. is the principal investigator of the study.

The results of Regen's study will provide the safety profile data required for filing of anInvestigational New Drug (IND) application for the product with the US Food and Drug Administration .Regen intends to file an IND Application in the fourth quarter of 2012 and conduct Phase I/II clinical trials during 2013 and 2014.

HemaXellerate offers the possibility of delivering a population of endothelial cells to restore blood production in patients with hematological conditions."Unlike current approaches of administering pharmaceuticals," said J. Christopher Mizer, President of Regen BioPharma, "our strategy is to heal the bone marrow by administering cells that provide the optimum mix of growth factors to stimulate the bone marrow into producing blood cells naturally."

Regen has submitted two provisional patent applications covering the use of different sources of endothelial cells to heal damaged bone marrow. These applications cover: (1) placental cells (61/648898 - Acceleration 0f Hematopoietic Reconstitution by Placental Endothelial and Endothelial Progenitor Cells); and (2) fat cells (61/670791 - Treatment of Hematopoietic Disorders).

About Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc. and Regen BioPharma, Inc.:

Bio-Matrix Scientific Group, Inc. ( OTCQB : BMSN ) is a biotechnology company developing regenerative medicine therapies. The Company is focused on human therapies that address unmet medical needs. Specifically, Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc. is looking to increase the quality of life through therapies involving stem cell treatments. These treatments are focused in areas relating to cardiovascular, hematology, oncology and other indications.

Regen BioPharma, Inc., a subsidiary of Bio-Matrix Scientific Group, Inc. ( OTCQB : BMSN ), is a biotechnology company focused on identifying undervalued regenerative medicine patents in the stem cell space and rapidly advancing these technologies through pre-clinical and Phase I/ II clinical trials. To follow our development, visit us at http://www.regenbiopharma.com.


This news release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified. Future events and actual results could differ materially from those set forth in, contemplated by, or underlying the forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties to which forward looking statements are subject include, but are not limited to, the effect of government regulation, competition and other material risks

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Bio-Matrix' Regen BioPharma Initiates Pre-Clinical Study in Support of HemaXellerate(TM) Cell Therapy


Handbook On Immunosenescence – Video

November 19th, 2012 10:44 am

Handbook On Immunosenescence
ll4.me Handbook On Immunosenescence 1. Immunosenescence.- 2. Methods and models for studying immunosenescence.- 3. Cellular immunosenescence. 3.1 T cells. 3.2. B cells. 3.3 Neutrophils. 3.4 Antigen presenting cells. 3.5 NK and NKT cells. 3.6. Stem cells. 3.7. Genetics.- 4. Mechanisms4.1. Receptors and signal transduction. 4.2 Mitochondria. 4.3 Proteasome. 4.4 Cytokines. 4.5 Neuro-endocrine-immune Network. 4.6 Thymus. 4.7. Inflammation.- 5. Clinical relevance in disease states. 5.1 Infection. 5.2 Autoimmunity. 5.3 Cancer. 5.4 Metabolic syndrome. 5.5. Neurodegenerative diseases. 5.6 Frailty. 5.7. Osteoporosis.- 6. Modulation. 6.1 Nutrition. 6.2. Lipids. 6.3. Vaccination. 6.4. Can interventions to influence immunosenescence succeed? Subject Index. EAN/ISBN : 9781402090639 Publisher(s): Springer Netherlands Discussed keywords: Immunologie Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Fulop, Tamas - Franceschi, Claudio - Hirokawa, Katsuiku 1. Immunosenescence.- 2. Methods and models for studying immunosenescence.- 3. Cellular immunosenescence. 3.1 T cells. 3.2. B cells. 3.3 Neutrophils. 3.4 Antigen presenting cells. 3.5 NK and NKT cellsFrom:aaronrogers9865Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:16More inPeople Blogs

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Handbook On Immunosenescence - Video


Dr. Keith Tansey at the Spinal Cord Workshop 2012 – Video

November 19th, 2012 10:44 am

Dr. Keith Tansey at the Spinal Cord Workshop 2012
Keith Tansey, MD, PhD Director, Spinal Cord Injury Research, Shepherd Center Talk title: Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injury: a Medical Physiologists ViewFrom:bedfordstemcellViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:02:24More inScience Technology

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Dr. Keith Tansey at the Spinal Cord Workshop 2012 - Video


Stem Cells explained by Dr Newman – Video

November 19th, 2012 10:44 am

Stem Cells explained by Dr Newman
Stem Cell technology based on 200+ growth factors that supports the DNA, replenishes the skins natural levels of proteins like collagen elastin, reconstructing the aging process by repairing and regenerating the skin cells. Introducing "Luminesce"- giving you age defying radiance and luminosity. http://www.cellrenewals.jeunesseglobal.comFrom:CellrenewalsViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:16More inScience Technology

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Stem Cells explained by Dr Newman - Video


What is Laminine Laminine Benefits Educational Preview YouTube – Video

November 19th, 2012 10:44 am

What is Laminine Laminine Benefits Educational Preview YouTube
Specification of Laminine - Fibroblast Growth Factor - 2 LAMININE - A Functional Superfood For The 21st Century Nature #39;s perfect food has long been considered to be the lowly egg. The biological value of its protein is second only to mother #39;s milk for its ability to promote cell growth, repair and regeneration. Yet, the secret power of the egg, is only beginning to be understood. One man, ahead of his time, discovered the potent adaptogenic effect contained within a bio-rich extract taken from a fertilized egg on the ninth day of development. Taken at the peak of the first developmental phase, just before the differentiation of cells, this special extract nourishes the body with such a pure source of nutrition and "life force" that it acts as an adaptogen promoting homeostasis throughout the body. The results can be remarkable. What is Laminine? Laminine is a complete Synergy of : 22 Amino Acids Trace Minerals Vitamins Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) Laminine contains a patented bio-rich extract from fertilized eggs that acts as a powerful "adaptogen". To this base ingredient additional amino acids from plant and marine sources are added to create a complete amino acid profile. The proprietary formula contains 22 amino acids, trace minerals and vitamins. It is also the only known food source of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (abundant before birth) which is thought to mobilize and instruct the body #39;s stem cells to do their repair work. It is believed that these instructions ...From:GILBERT SANTOSViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:10More inScience Technology

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What is Laminine Laminine Benefits Educational Preview YouTube - Video


Speech Class Presentation – Video

November 19th, 2012 10:44 am

Speech Class Presentation
Stem Cells: A Good Alternative?From:Mandy DixonViews:1 0ratingsTime:05:06More inPeople Blogs

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