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Texas Flap Looms Over California Stem Cell Agency’s Grant Appeals

November 25th, 2012 7:58 am

In nine days, the California stem cell
agency plans to take another crack at finding ways to curb its
free-wheeling appeal process involving scientists whose applications
for millions have been rejected by reviewers.

It is a matter of considerable interest
to researchers who need the cash to keep their labs running and remain in good standing with their host institutions.
The stem cell agency's governing board this fall created a task force to deal with the appeals issue after a
record-breaking number of researchers made public appeals featuring
emotional patient advocates. Even the former chairman of the agency,
Robert Klein
, made a two-time pitch for one applicant. Board members
later complained publicly about “arm-twisting,” lobbying and“emotionally charged presentations.”
The agenda for the Nov. 30 task force
meeting in Oakland -- with teleconferencing sites in San Francisco,
Irvine, Palo Alto, Seattle and Rochester, N.Y. -- contains few clues
on what the panel is hoping to specifically accomplish in next week's
90-minute session.
But interested researchers can check
the transcript from the Oct. 24 meeting, during which CIRM President
Alan Trounson described the problem as “very critical.” He said,

“I think this is a very serious
matter that could really bite us very hard in a similar way to what's
happened in Texas. Unless we come up with some kind of process that
really addresses the science, it's a very large concern.”

Trounson's Texas reference was to the
mass resignations of reviewers at that state's $3 billion cancer
research effort. Questions have been raised about integrity of its grant review process and the program's political and biotech industry
relationships. James Drew of the Dallas Morning News produced a bit of an overview this week. In another piece, Eric Berger of the
Houston Chronicle provided quotes from emails from the infighting on
a controversial $18 million grant.
Changes in California's grant appeal process may well
be also discussed at the agency's board meeting Dec. 12 in Los Angeles.
The board hopes to wrap up its action by late January.
Here is a link to an item with more specifics on material presented to the task force in October. Here is a link to an August 2012 list of articles and documents related to the CIRM appeals process.
Interested parties can address comments
to the agency at info@cirm.ca.gov.   



Pomeroy Moving On, Will Leave Stem Cell Board

November 25th, 2012 7:58 am

Claire Pomeroy, one of the longtime
members of the governing board of the $3 billion California stem cell agency,
will be leaving her position at UC Davis and the stem cell board next

Pomeroy yesterday announced her departure from Davis as vice chancellor for human health services and
dean of the medical school. In a telephone interview, she told the
California Stem Cell Report that she is examining a “few select
opportunities” to work at a national level on health reform and
health policy issues.
Claire Pomeroy
UC Davis photo
Pomeroy, 57, will be spending time in
Washington, D.C., working on health issues on behalf of the
University of California during the transition period before she
leaves her position in California.
Pomeroy came to UC Davis 10 years ago,
shortly before the Golden State's stem cell agency was created in
2004. At that time, UC Davis had what she called a “fledgling”
stem cell research effort. Today the school has chalked up $128 million in
grants from the stem cell agency, ranking fifth among institutions
funded by the agency.
She said that creation of the stem cell
agency “catalyzed development of our program,” which she said has
risen to “national prominence.”
Pomeroy's service on the stem cell
agency board was also instrumental in attracting a $100 million grant
from the Moore Foundation to start a new school of nursing at UC
Davis in 2009. Through her service on the board, she met Ed Penhoet,
who also served on the board and was one of the co-founders of Chiron
and then president of the Moore Foundation. Subsequently, Penhoet
called her for lunch to discuss her thoughts on nursing education,
and developments moved on from there.
The $100 million commitment was the
nation's largest grant for nursing education, according to the Moore Foundation.



‘The Knoepfler Award:’ Recognizing Risk and Those Who Make a Difference

November 25th, 2012 7:58 am

A UC Davis stem cell researcher-blogger has announced a “stem cell person of the year” award
complete with a $1,000 cash prize that he is putting up himself.

Paul Knoepfler, who may be the only
stem cell scientist in the U.S. actively blogging on the subject,
said he has decided to put his money where his mouth is. 
Since announcing the contest in a Nov.13 blog item, Knoepfler has already received eight nominations,
including one for a scientist. Three days after the item aappeared, UC Davis
featured Knoepfler in a press release that included a video of
Knoepfler explaining the effort.
Paul Knoepfler
UC Davis photo

He said he wanted to go beyond “old
fashioned awards” given by “stodgy committees.” Knoepfler said he
is seeking to recognize that stem cell research is “transcending the

The goal of the award, Knoepfler said,
is “to advance the stem cell field and give credit to those who
make a real difference.”
Knoepfler wrote,

“The criteria are that the person
made a truly outstanding difference in the stem cell field for 2012.
The winner could be a scientist, a patient advocate, someone in
industry, a student, a physician…really anyone who has made the
field better. For non-scientist nominees I’m particularly
interested in those who took personal risks or gave of themselves to
help others. For scientists I am looking for outstanding scientific
achievement and in particular out-of-the-box thinking. Folks in any
country are eligible.”

Deadline for nominations is Dec. 17.
Self-nominations are permissible. Knoepfler plans to pick five
finalists and interview them by phone. He also plans an online vote
that he said  “may” influence his decision.
Complete details are available on Knoepfler's blog



California Stem Cell Agency Blogs on Geron Clinical Trial

November 25th, 2012 7:58 am

The California stem cell agency
published an article online last week concerning the hESC clinical
trial that Geron abandoned last year, dealing mainly with one of the
participants in the program.

The piece was studiously non-committal
about whether the $3 billion research program is likely to fund the
trial once again, should BioTime, Inc., of Alameda, Ca., be
successful in acquiring the assets of once was the first hESC
clinical trial in the United States. The agency loaned Geron $25
million a few months before the company cancelled the trial.
Amy Adams, CIRM's communications
manager, simply wrote,

“They (BioTime) would need to apply
for a loan if they want CIRM to financially support the continued

The latest round of funding that
BioTime could apply for has a deadline of Dec. 18 for letters of
intent. In addition to a loan, a grant is also a possibility.
Adams focused on Katie Sharify, who was
enrolled in the clinical trial shortly before Geron said it was
dropping the effort for financial reasons. Adams interviewed Sharify
before an audience of scientists.
Adams wrote,

“Katie told me that it would be
impossible not to hope that a trial would help her, but that by the
time she made the decision to participate she knew she was doing it
to further science, not necessarily to further her own recovery. She
told the audience, 'I was part of something that was bigger than me,
and bigger than all of you.'”

Stem cell scientist Paul Knoepfler of
UC Davis also wrote about the BioTime-Geron deal last week. Noting
that Geron's decision a year ago left many “upset to put it
mildly,” Knoepfler said the “idea of BioTime buying the Geron
stem cell program is a great one that provides new hope on many



Researcher Alert: Keeping Tabs on the Stem Cell Exchequer

November 25th, 2012 7:58 am

The California stem cell agency has
posted the dates for meetings of its board of directors for 2013
with most of the sessions scheduled for the San Francisco Bay Area.

One is expected to take place in San
Diego in August, and another in Los Angeles 13 months from now. The
other five are in Northern California. Not yet on the schedule is a board workshop in early January that will be open to the public.
Why is this of interest to researchers
and others? The  board controls the purse strings to $3 billion for research grants and determines what areas are to be funded. Astute scientists would do well to take in the sessions.
They offer insights into board thinking and opportunities to deal
with the agency staff and directors on an informal basis. Only a
handful of researchers – or less – attend the meetings on a
regular basis, but have been well-served by the time spent. 



24K Gold – Video

November 23rd, 2012 6:40 pm

24K Gold
Get the best offer here redirect.viglink.com?key=f341fd9454fc162be8b38d504acbd4e1 out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB0079QOQRG Product Description 24K Gold Experience the Anti-Aging Power of the New Generation 24K Nano Gold Stem Cell Therapy Mask. This excellent product by BeautyMedica Lab offers an innovative Transdermal Delivery System with a unique blend of transforming growth factors (TGF), amino acids, antioxidants and peptides.Sheet form of the mask makes it extremely easy to apply to the face and allowing the ingredients to be absorbed into the skin slowly melting under body temperature. The Mask was formulated to Re-activate stem cells and stimulate new skin development. Increase collagen production and elastin synthesis. Minimize appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Enhance moisture with Y-PGA and refine skin structure. Whiten the skin and reduce melanin. Restore youthful healthy looking skin and creates radiant skin appearance.For more info, please visit 24K Gold Mask presentation video by Beauty Medical Laboratorys - http://www.youtube.comFrom:Bernarda YooViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:58More inScience Technology

Excerpt from:
24K Gold - Video


Biologic Cell – Video

November 23rd, 2012 6:40 pm

Biologic Cell
Get the best offer here redirect.viglink.com?key=f341fd9454fc162be8b38d504acbd4e1 out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB0083UMZOI Product Description Biologic Cell Re-Activate your stem cells to make wrinkles disappear! Set of 4 - 1 oz. jars.Stem Cell Therapy is the newest bio-active topical cream that actually stimulates your own skin stem cells to grow smooth, supple, firm new skin.Three powerful ingredients, Phyko-AI-PF (increases skin production by 57%), Mitostime (re-activates stem cells), and Seractin (a youth compound targeted at decreasing your deepest wrinkles) all work together to help you turn back the clock.Results start to appear within 2 weeks of regular use.From:Lilliam FogleViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:58More inNews Politics

See more here:
Biologic Cell - Video


Fifty50 24K Gold – Video

November 23rd, 2012 6:40 pm

Fifty50 24K Gold
Buy from Amazon US redirect.viglink.com?key=f341fd9454fc162be8b38d504acbd4e1 out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2FASIN%2FB007927WAS%2Fhealth%5Fhope%2D20 Product Description Fifty50 24K Gold Experience the Anti-Aging Power of the New Generation 24K Nano Gold Stem Cell Therapy Mask. This excellent product by BeautyMedica Lab offers an innovative Transdermal Delivery System with a unique blend of transforming growth factors (TGF), amino acids, antioxidants and peptides.Sheet form of the mask makes it extremely easy to apply to the face and allowing the ingredients to be absorbed into the skin slowly melting under body temperature. The Mask was formulated to Re-activate stem cells and stimulate new skin development. Increase collagen production and elastin synthesis. Minimize appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Enhance moisture with Y-PGA and refine skin structure. Whiten the skin and reduce melanin. Restore youthful healthy looking skin and creates radiant skin appearance.For more info, please visit 24K Gold Mask presentation video by Beauty Medical Laboratorys - http://www.youtube.com Disclaimer: Hope is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:Mi WadsworthViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:58More inPeople Blogs

Read more from the original source:
Fifty50 24K Gold - Video


Stem Cell Therapy For Alzheimer’s Disease | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

November 23rd, 2012 6:40 pm

Stem Cell Therapy For Alzheimer #39;s Disease | Stem Cell Malaysia
stemcellmalaysia.com Stem cell therapy for Alzheimer #39;s Disease is currently in research and soon there may be a cure using stem cells treatment. Stem cell therapy through non-medical channel using a legal and licensed oral placenta product has produced amazing effects on an 81 years old, stage 7 Alzheimer #39;s sufferer. The effects were shockingly effective beyond words. For more information on stem cell therapy, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:0 0ratingsTime:21:27More inScience Technology

Continued here:
Stem Cell Therapy For Alzheimer's Disease | Stem Cell Malaysia - Video


Stem Cell Therapy Overview | Stem Cells Treatment | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

November 23rd, 2012 6:40 pm

Stem Cell Therapy Overview | Stem Cells Treatment | Stem Cell Malaysia
stemcellmalaysia.com Stem cell therapy is getting a lot of attention in the news and media these days. This video gives an overview of what stem cell therapy is all about. The content will help people without the scientific background to understand the important elements of stem cell therapy. For more information on stem cell therapy, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:0 0ratingsTime:20:17More inScience Technology

View post:
Stem Cell Therapy Overview | Stem Cells Treatment | Stem Cell Malaysia - Video


Official Presentation of Live Cell Therapy Using Purtier Placenta | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

November 23rd, 2012 6:40 pm

Official Presentation of Live Cell Therapy Using Purtier Placenta | Stem Cell Malaysia
stemcellmalaysia.com Live cell therapy is a very effective stem cell therapy for improving health and even disease treatment other than for beauty and anti-aging. Purtier Placenta is a live cell therapy using deer placenta stem cells from New Zealand. Watch this official presentation for a complete understanding of live cell therapy with Purtier Placenta. For more information on stem cell therapy, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:0 0ratingsTime:08:59More inScience Technology

Read more from the original source:
Official Presentation of Live Cell Therapy Using Purtier Placenta | Stem Cell Malaysia - Video


DWAH Stem Cell Therapy. – Video

November 23rd, 2012 6:40 pm

DWAH Stem Cell Therapy.
From:Dundas West AHViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:53More inPets Animals

Read the original here:
DWAH Stem Cell Therapy. - Video


DnaTube com Adult Stem Cells and Regeneration part 11 of 20 – Video

November 23rd, 2012 9:43 am

DnaTube com Adult Stem Cells and Regeneration part 11 of 20
From:davood bahramiViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:50More inPeople Blogs

Follow this link:
DnaTube com Adult Stem Cells and Regeneration part 11 of 20 - Video


Insulin Producing Human Mensenchymal Stem Cells. – Video

November 23rd, 2012 9:43 am

Insulin Producing Human Mensenchymal Stem Cells.
u1111370 u1012849From:Stefano CasalottiViews:5 0ratingsTime:06:57More inEducation

See original here:
Insulin Producing Human Mensenchymal Stem Cells. - Video


How to work in stem cells – 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells – Video

November 23rd, 2012 9:43 am

How to work in stem cells - 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells
http://www.12hourmba.com 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells - How to work in stem cells Big ideas and fundamentals for pharmaceutical companies, biotechs, CROs, CMOs, advisors and suppliers Understand stem cells from bench to bedside Discover where the money is made with stem cells Understand risk and project management techniques for stem cells Explore practices for stem cell product commercialisation Learn about regulations, the government and the impact they can have Consider the ethics of stem cells Discover what the future holds for stem cells Visit our website http://www.12hourmba.com Subscribe http://www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter: http://www.twitter.com Read our blog: blogs.terrapinn.comFrom:MBATrainingCompanyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:30More inEducation

Go here to read the rest:
How to work in stem cells - 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells - Video


How to work in stem cells – growth drivers – Video

November 23rd, 2012 9:43 am

How to work in stem cells - growth drivers
http://www.12hourmba.com 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells - How to work in stem cells Big ideas and fundamentals for pharmaceutical companies, biotechs, CROs, CMOs, advisors and suppliers Understand stem cells from bench to bedside Discover where the money is made with stem cells Understand risk and project management techniques for stem cells Explore practices for stem cell product commercialisation Learn about regulations, the government and the impact they can have Consider the ethics of stem cells Discover what the future holds for stem cells Visit our website http://www.12hourmba.com Subscribe http://www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter: http://www.twitter.com Read our blog: blogs.terrapinn.comFrom:MBATrainingCompanyViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:00More inEducation

View post:
How to work in stem cells - growth drivers - Video


How to work in stem cells – case study: Organogenesis – Video

November 23rd, 2012 9:43 am

How to work in stem cells - case study: Organogenesis
http://www.12hourmba.com 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells - How to work in stem cells Big ideas and fundamentals for pharmaceutical companies, biotechs, CROs, CMOs, advisors and suppliers Understand stem cells from bench to bedside Discover where the money is made with stem cells Understand risk and project management techniques for stem cells Explore practices for stem cell product commercialisation Learn about regulations, the government and the impact they can have Consider the ethics of stem cells Discover what the future holds for stem cells Visit our website http://www.12hourmba.com Subscribe http://www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter: http://www.twitter.com Read our blog: blogs.terrapinn.comFrom:MBATrainingCompanyViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:00More inEducation

Read the original post:
How to work in stem cells - case study: Organogenesis - Video


How to work in stem cells – ensuring product safety – Video

November 23rd, 2012 9:43 am

How to work in stem cells - ensuring product safety
http://www.12hourmba.com 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells - How to work in stem cells Big ideas and fundamentals for pharmaceutical companies, biotechs, CROs, CMOs, advisors and suppliers Understand stem cells from bench to bedside Discover where the money is made with stem cells Understand risk and project management techniques for stem cells Explore practices for stem cell product commercialisation Learn about regulations, the government and the impact they can have Consider the ethics of stem cells Discover what the future holds for stem cells Visit our website http://www.12hourmba.com Subscribe http://www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter: http://www.twitter.com Read our blog: blogs.terrapinn.comFrom:MBATrainingCompanyViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:23More inEducation

Read more here:
How to work in stem cells - ensuring product safety - Video


How to work in stem cells – ethical debate on cloning – Video

November 23rd, 2012 9:43 am

How to work in stem cells - ethical debate on cloning
http://www.12hourmba.com 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells - How to work in stem cells Big ideas and fundamentals for pharmaceutical companies, biotechs, CROs, CMOs, advisors and suppliers Understand stem cells from bench to bedside Discover where the money is made with stem cells Understand risk and project management techniques for stem cells Explore practices for stem cell product commercialisation Learn about regulations, the government and the impact they can have Consider the ethics of stem cells Discover what the future holds for stem cells Visit our website http://www.12hourmba.com Subscribe http://www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter: http://www.twitter.com Read our blog: blogs.terrapinn.comFrom:MBATrainingCompanyViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:11More inEducation

Go here to read the rest:
How to work in stem cells - ethical debate on cloning - Video


Clinical implantation of chondrotissue® with concomitant surgical procedures – Video

November 23rd, 2012 9:43 am

Clinical implantation of chondrotissue® with concomitant surgical procedures
This treatment video (by courtesy of Dr. Harold Vanderschmidt) includes partial resection of the lateral meniscus, ACL reconstruction with BTB graft, and the implantation of chondrotissue®. For this purpose the cartilage defect was debrided up to the subchondral bone and then microfractured to allow the migration of mesenchymal stem cells into the scaffold. After measuring the defect size with a sterile template, the rehydrated chondrotissue® was cut to fit the defect size, was implanted through a transpatellar portal and was fixed with fibrin glue.From:BioTissueAGViews:4 0ratingsTime:00:55More inPeople Blogs

See the original post:
Clinical implantation of chondrotissue® with concomitant surgical procedures - Video


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