Texas Flap Looms Over California Stem Cell Agency’s Grant Appeals
November 25th, 2012 7:58 amIn nine days, the California stem cell
agency plans to take another crack at finding ways to curb its
free-wheeling appeal process involving scientists whose applications
for millions have been rejected by reviewers.
to researchers who need the cash to keep their labs running and remain in good standing with their host institutions.
record-breaking number of researchers made public appeals featuring
emotional patient advocates. Even the former chairman of the agency,
Robert Klein, made a two-time pitch for one applicant. Board members
later complained publicly about “arm-twisting,” lobbying and“emotionally charged presentations.”
meeting in Oakland -- with teleconferencing sites in San Francisco,
Irvine, Palo Alto, Seattle and Rochester, N.Y. -- contains few clues
on what the panel is hoping to specifically accomplish in next week's
90-minute session.
the transcript from the Oct. 24 meeting, during which CIRM President
Alan Trounson described the problem as “very critical.” He said,
“I think this is a very serious
matter that could really bite us very hard in a similar way to what's
happened in Texas. Unless we come up with some kind of process that
really addresses the science, it's a very large concern.”
mass resignations of reviewers at that state's $3 billion cancer
research effort. Questions have been raised about integrity of its grant review process and the program's political and biotech industry
relationships. James Drew of the Dallas Morning News produced a bit of an overview this week. In another piece, Eric Berger of the
Houston Chronicle provided quotes from emails from the infighting on
a controversial $18 million grant.
be also discussed at the agency's board meeting Dec. 12 in Los Angeles.
The board hopes to wrap up its action by late January.
to the agency at info@cirm.ca.gov.