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Nina Tandon: Could tissue engineering mean personalized medicine? – Video

December 7th, 2012 2:43 pm

Nina Tandon: Could tissue engineering mean personalized medicine?
Each of our bodies is utterly unique, which is a lovely thought until it comes to treating an illness -- when every body reacts differently, often unpredictably, to standard treatment. Tissue engineer Nina Tandon talks about a possible solution: Using pluripotent stem cells to make personalized models of organs on which to test new drugs and treatments, and storing them on computer chips. (Call it extremely personalized medicine.) TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world #39;s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com Like TED on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.comFrom:TEDtalksDirectorViews:8662 521ratingsTime:06:20More inScience Technology

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Nina Tandon: Could tissue engineering mean personalized medicine? - Video


WISE Surgical Solutions LLC Announces Project Hope: Helping People with Debilitating Conditions Including Arthritis …

December 6th, 2012 11:42 am

With millions of people in aggregate suffering from debilitating disease, reduced mobility, or relentless pain associated with various conditions, stem cell medicine is available now through WISE Surgical Solutions LLC by direct flight from some major cities to our Joint Commission International Accredited Johns Hopkins affiliated Punta Pacifica Hospital in Panama.

New York (PRWEB) December 06, 2012

Cathy Nenninger, Chief Executive Officer of WISE Surgical Solutions LLC, shared why this offering is important. When I ran wound centers up and down the east coast, I used to get calls from patients and family members desperate for treatments to help alleviate severe symptoms of ailments such as these. It was heartbreaking that we were not able to provide any type of help or hope to these patients. Granted, while the response and success of stem cell treatment in patients varies greatly and by disease, patients who are in extreme discomfort or experiencing reduced function or quality of life deserve to know that they have options available to them.

A significant element of PROJECT HOPE, continues Ms. Nenninger, is the opportunity for community funding of the treatment. Often, families and communities want to help someone by making donations that will collectively fund a surgery or procedure which in itself can add another chore to the already stressed world of a Care Captain (person seeking help for another); Our goal is to make the process easy. For more information on Project Hope, call (631) 942-6040 or for a quote for service, fill out a medical history form available at http://www.WISESurgicalSolutions.com.

WISE Surgical Solutions LLC is based out of New York and caters to companies and patients seeking quality healthcare at an affordable price inclusive of travel. Offerings include medical, dental and surgical procedures of most types, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and stem cell medicine. Community & group funding as well as financing options are available for patients. Media relations inquiries can be directed to (631) 909-8538 or emailed to surgsolutions(at)optimum(dot)net.

Cathy M. Nenninger, MBA Wise Surgical Solutions LLC (631) 942-6040 Email Information

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WISE Surgical Solutions LLC Announces Project Hope: Helping People with Debilitating Conditions Including Arthritis ...


Beyond the Visible: Adult Stem Cells and Cancer – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:45 am

Beyond the Visible: Adult Stem Cells and Cancer
Docent Petri Salvén has spent two decades researching the mechanisms of angiogenesis - the growth of new blood vessels - to identify ways to accelerate or block it. He is particularly intrigued by the source of highly specialised endothelial cells in blood-vessel walls and by the possibility to enhance or prevent the generation of such cells. Researchers track down stem cells in blood vessel walls: http://www.helsinki.fi Music: Travis Morgan, Time Decay (ccmixter.org) Filmed by Claudia GorrFrom:universityofhelsinkiViews:16 0ratingsTime:02:19More inScience Technology

See the article here:
Beyond the Visible: Adult Stem Cells and Cancer - Video


A Medical Revolution PSA- Stem Cells – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:45 am

A Medical Revolution PSA- Stem Cells
ENGL 1311 Final ProjectFrom:dgnajera2Views:1 0ratingsTime:00:53More inEducation

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A Medical Revolution PSA- Stem Cells - Video


Save a Cow: Grow beef instead – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:45 am

Save a Cow: Grow beef instead
Would you feel better about eating your burger if you knew no cows had to die for your dinner? Researchers in The Netherlands got you covered. They #39;re growing actual beef in a petri dish using bovine stem cells. And they hope someday you can trade in a veggie patty for a beefy burger served without an extra side of controversy. For more informaton please visit http://www.hlntv.comFrom:HLNViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:13More inNews Politics

Here is the original post:
Save a Cow: Grow beef instead - Video


stem cells therapy Alcoholic cirrhosis – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:45 am

stem cells therapy Alcoholic cirrhosis
Name: Akili Gunther Sex: Female Country: England Age: 44 Diagnoses: Alcoholic cirrhosis, HHCY-hyperhomocysteinemia, peripheral polyneuritis Admission Date: 2011-10-07 Days Admitted to Hospital: 30 Akili had to go to her local hospital about 10 years ago because of xanthochromia as well as abdominal swelling. At the hospital, the routine physical examination revealed abnormal liver functioning and she was diagnosed with cirrhosis. After being treated, the xanthochromia and abdominal swelling were alleviated. Admission PE: Bp: 115/75mmHg; Hr: 80/min. Normal development and nutrition. Liver palms. The chest, back and upper limbs were covered with spider veins. Akili was alert and her breathing was normal. Her face was dark and gloomy. There was pigmentation throughout the entire skin and mucosa. There were no yellow stains in the sclera. There was no enlargement of the lymph nodes. The head had no deformities. There was no edema in the eyelids. Both pupils were equal in size and round, their diameter was 2.5mms. The pupils reacted normally to light stimulus, and had accommodation reflex and convergence reflex. There was no purulent secretion. The thorax had no abnormalities. The back was flat with no nodules. The respiration in both lungs was weak, with no dry or moist rales. There was no bulging in the precordium. The position of the apex beat was normal. The heart sounds were weak, but the cardiac rhythm was regular. There was no obvious pathological murmur in the valves ...From:Jamie redsViews:7 0ratingsTime:07:13More inScience Technology

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stem cells therapy Alcoholic cirrhosis - Video


Advancing Stem Cell Research… – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:45 am

Advancing Stem Cell Research...
Dr. Bernard Thébaud explains the potential of using cord blood derived stem cells to treat BPD (chronic lung disease) one day at the CHEO Research Institute.From:CHEOvideosViews:2 0ratingsTime:03:51More inScience Technology

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Advancing Stem Cell Research... - Video


Stem Cells – The Ultimate Cure – Healthy Talks – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:45 am

Stem Cells - The Ultimate Cure - Healthy Talks
For more information on online personal training e-mail me at ryannelson11491@yahoo.comFrom:Ryan NelsonViews:47 8ratingsTime:07:32More inEducation

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Stem Cells - The Ultimate Cure - Healthy Talks - Video


Diabetes-Dr. Ed Park’s PODCAST 40 – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:45 am

Diabetes-Dr. Ed Park #39;s PODCAST 40
Dr. Ed Park, of Recharge Biomedical, explains diabetes as inevitable yet reversible form of aging of our stem cells http://www.rechargebiomedical.comFrom:Ed ParkViews:2 0ratingsTime:30:04More inScience Technology

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Diabetes-Dr. Ed Park's PODCAST 40 - Video


Stem Cells for Dogs – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:45 am

Stem Cells for Dogs
Stem Cells for DogsFrom:Lisa BartleyViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:10More inEntertainment

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Stem Cells for Dogs - Video


Stem Cell Research Using Embryonic Cells Rough Draft – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:44 am

Stem Cell Research Using Embryonic Cells Rough Draft
The argument that I am making with my remix video is that stem cell research should not be allowed to use embryonic stem cells since it terminates life.There are different types of cells that could be used for stem cell research, for example Adult Cells. This project was completed by Sandra B. for College Writing and Rhetoric, University of Idaho, taught by Megan Mills-Rittmannn.From:CRWRemixVideosViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:21More inEducation

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Stem Cell Research Using Embryonic Cells Rough Draft - Video


Stem Cells Harrison family – Video

December 6th, 2012 5:44 am

Stem Cells Harrison family
Stem cell interview for Fordham #39;s classFrom:ashtontharrisonViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:38More inEducation

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Stem Cells Harrison family - Video


Making Stem Cell Thearpy Safer – Mayo Clinic – Video

December 5th, 2012 4:44 am

Making Stem Cell Thearpy Safer - Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic researchers have found a way to detect and eliminate potentially troublemaking stem cells to make stem cell therapy safer. Induced Pluripotent Stem cells, also known as iPS cells, are bioengineered from adult tissues to have properties of embryonic stem cells, which have the unlimited capacity to differentiate and grow into any desired types of cells, such as skin, brain, lung and heart cells. Study Author, Dr. Timothy Nelson provides and overview.From:mayoclinicViews:45 0ratingsTime:02:04More inScience Technology

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Making Stem Cell Thearpy Safer - Mayo Clinic - Video


Precision StemCell’s Neural Reprogrammed Stem Cell Therapy Yields Better-Than-Expected Results for ALS Patients

December 5th, 2012 4:44 am

GULF SHORES, Ala., Dec. 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --More than 75 percent of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients who received neural reprogrammed stem cell therapy have shown a positive response to the procedure. The groundbreaking technique was introduced to the United States this year by Precision StemCell (http://www.precisionstemcell.com), an outpatient imaging and image-guided treatment facility located in Gulf Shores, Ala.

The procedure is performed by Dr. Jason R. Williams, a board-certified radiologist with extensive training in image-guided procedures. Under his care, 14 out of 18 patients diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, have shown signs of recovery.

"The improvements are mild, with patients reporting improved movement, breathing and speech, but we still have a long way to go," Dr. Williams stated. "Only time will tell how this therapy will affect the patients' long-term prognosis."

In Precision StemCell's neural reprogrammed stem cell therapy, fat-derived stem cells are injected into the spine of the patient. Dr. Williams uses a drug called selegeline, which has been shown to be a pre-inducer of adipose-derived stem cells into neural-like cells. Dr. Williams contends that the therapy is probably one of the largest advances seen in ALS therapy. "Before we started this therapy, I would have been happy just to see the progression of the disease halted, but to see some actual improvement, that was just shocking," he said

The first patient treated with the technique was Frank Orgel who continues to see improvement since his first treatment seven months ago. Eight years ago, Orgel's quality of life had declined to the point that he could not move his left arm or leg, walk or even stand on his own. The therapy has allowed Orgel to stand without assistance, and he continues to work with a physical therapist to regain the ability to walk. Another patient, Dexter Johnson, previously walked with a cane. After the treatment, Johnson has been able to walk without his cane for the majority of the time and he has been able to walk at a much faster pace.

The Precision StemCell center focuses on advanced imaging techniques, which include a 3T Open MRI, a low-dose 64-Slice CT Scanner, ultrasound and fluoroscopy, also known as real-time x-ray. The center is headed by Dr. Williams, who specializes in image-guided procedures, had already been performing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), ultrasound and fluoroscopy-guided stem cell injections for joint and orthopedic conditions.

In addition to their current work on advanced stem cell harvesting and processing with image-guided stem cell injections, Precision StemCell staff are planning to conduct further research so as to develop even more advanced techniques such as adding gene therapy to the current neural reprogramming platform. "Our therapy techniques not only hold promise for ALS patients, but also for people with other neural-related conditions such as Parkinson's and spinal cord injuries," said Dr. Williams. "There are several candidate genes that we plan to add to the adipose-derived stem cells and study in the mouse model. Though we are happy with our initial progress, our goal is to develop an effective cure."

About Precision StemCell

Located in Gulf Shores, Alabama, Precision StemCell conducts stem cell procedures using advanced imaging techniques, which include an Open 3T MRI, a low-dose 64-Slice CT scanner, ultrasound, and real time x-ray (fluoroscopy). Headed by Jason Williams, MD, a board-certified radiologist with extensive training in image-guided procedures, the facility performs advanced stem cell harvesting and processing with image-guided stem cell injections.


More here:
Precision StemCell's Neural Reprogrammed Stem Cell Therapy Yields Better-Than-Expected Results for ALS Patients


Presentation- iValue: The Biological Pacemaker – Video

December 4th, 2012 10:52 pm

Presentation- iValue: The Biological Pacemaker
Columbia University is developing a biological pacemaker for human use, offering a cure, rather than the palliation provided by electronic pacemakers, for heart arrhythmia. It uses encapsulated stem cells transfected with the pacemaking gene, which is a path-breaking approach to the treatment of disease. The presenting organization has assembled an intellectual property portfolio of a dozen essential patents and know - how on related nanotechnology; a consortium of top US and EU scientists/clinicians including access to clinical trial facilities; government grants from an EU country; and executives with US Food and Drug Administration and European regulatory experience. Its approach is highly capital efficient and applies the concept of open innovation. Presented by: C. Willem Houck, MBA CEO, i-Value UAB and Managing Director, i-Value LLCFrom:FasterCuresViews:3 0ratingsTime:26:35More inNonprofits Activism

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Presentation- iValue: The Biological Pacemaker - Video


Stem Cells and Aging – Video

December 4th, 2012 10:52 pm

Stem Cells and Aging
This video was created by Katia Vales, Natalia Rodriguez and Jelecia Miller as a final group project for Dr. Lampl and Dr. Quave #39;s course "ANT 431/HLTH 411: Predictive Health and Society: Many Diseases, Few Causes".From:TeachEthnobotanyViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:46More inEducation

Stem Cells and Aging - Video


College 101: Stem Cells – Video

December 4th, 2012 10:52 pm

College 101: Stem Cells
This video " College 101: Stem Cells" was created by Kylie McKenzie, Shenila Lallani and Rashmi Madhavan as a final group project for Dr. Lampl and Dr. Quave #39;s course "ANT 431/HLTH 411: Predictive Health and Society: Many Diseases, Few Causes".From:TeachEthnobotanyViews:1 0ratingsTime:06:32More inEducation

See the original post here:
College 101: Stem Cells - Video


Stem Cells: From Environmental Niches to Therapies – Video

December 4th, 2012 10:52 pm

Stem Cells: From Environmental Niches to Therapies
This video was created by Aerhealle Hampton and Alena Ransom as a final group project for Dr. Lampl and Dr. Quave #39;s course "ANT 431/HLTH 411: Predictive Health and Society: Many Diseases, Few Causes".From:TeachEthnobotanyViews:2 0ratingsTime:05:31More inEducation

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Stem Cells: From Environmental Niches to Therapies - Video


Roger De Felippo, MD, Principal Investigator in The Saban Research Institute – Video

December 4th, 2012 10:52 pm

Roger De Felippo, MD, Principal Investigator in The Saban Research Institute
Roger De Felippo, MD studies new uses of stem cells and other techniques for organ regeneration and cell therapeutics at Children #39;s Hospital Los Angeles.From:childrensLAViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:34More inScience Technology

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Roger De Felippo, MD, Principal Investigator in The Saban Research Institute - Video


Davis High students express one goal before they die – Video

December 4th, 2012 10:52 pm

Davis High students express one goal before they die
By Sofia Cardenas and Kate Harris Many of us have goals and ambition, but the one thing we need to do before we die can often be as epic as working with stem cells or as humble as simply making a difference. BlueDevilHUB.com presents a close look at a very personal question. MUSIC: Passion Pit - Moth #39;sFrom:bluedevilhubViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:09More inEntertainment

Originally posted here:
Davis High students express one goal before they die - Video


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