December 15th, 2012 11:45 am
Cramer Chronicles: Can This Marriage Be Saved?, Part 3
At the carriage house, Rex and Gigi brainstormed together about how to get their hands on Stacy #39;s cache of stem cells. Rex posited that Shane #39;s leukemia might return. Gigi was alarmed until Rex reassured her that Shane would not actually become ill, but that they would let Stacy believe that Shane had relapsed. He suggested that once Stacy believed that Shane was sick again, she would retrieve the blood, and Rex would find it and bust her for good. They resolved to tell Shane the truth in order to bring him into their plan, but Gigi asked Rex what they would tell him about their having gotten back together. Schuyler arrived at the rehab center with flowers for his co-worker, Rachel. He revealed that Shaun had left the flowers. The two talked about the Evans brothers and Morasco sisters. Schuyler admitted that whatever his feelings for Gigi, a part of him would always love the Stacy he remembered from Las Vegas. As the two left the rehab center together, Rachel offered to take Schuyler to lunch. At the Palace Hotel, the Evans siblings met for lunch. Destiny was delighted as Greg gave her a new cell phone, but Shaun was unimpressed, and accused Greg of trying to buy their sister #39;s love after skipping out on their dinner date. Before long, Greg got a call from Dr. Wright and told Destiny that Matthew #39;s test results were in. Destiny was dying to know Matthew #39;s prognosis, but Greg told her he had to speak to the family first, and bid his brother and sister farewell. In an exam ...From:dia1962Views:2 0ratingsTime:08:45More inEntertainment
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Cramer Chronicles: Can This Marriage Be Saved?, Part 3 - Video
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December 15th, 2012 11:45 am
Cramer Chronicles: Can This Marriage Be Saved?, Part 1
At the carriage house, Rex and Gigi brainstormed together about how to get their hands on Stacy #39;s cache of stem cells. Rex posited that Shane #39;s leukemia might return. Gigi was alarmed until Rex reassured her that Shane would not actually become ill, but that they would let Stacy believe that Shane had relapsed. He suggested that once Stacy believed that Shane was sick again, she would retrieve the blood, and Rex would find it and bust her for good. They resolved to tell Shane the truth in order to bring him into their plan, but Gigi asked Rex what they would tell him about their having gotten back together. Schuyler arrived at the rehab center with flowers for his co-worker, Rachel. He revealed that Shaun had left the flowers. The two talked about the Evans brothers and Morasco sisters. Schuyler admitted that whatever his feelings for Gigi, a part of him would always love the Stacy he remembered from Las Vegas. As the two left the rehab center together, Rachel offered to take Schuyler to lunch. At the Palace Hotel, the Evans siblings met for lunch. Destiny was delighted as Greg gave her a new cell phone, but Shaun was unimpressed, and accused Greg of trying to buy their sister #39;s love after skipping out on their dinner date. Before long, Greg got a call from Dr. Wright and told Destiny that Matthew #39;s test results were in. Destiny was dying to know Matthew #39;s prognosis, but Greg told her he had to speak to the family first, and bid his brother and sister farewell. In an exam ...From:dia1962Views:4 0ratingsTime:09:53More inEntertainment
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Cramer Chronicles: Can This Marriage Be Saved?, Part 1 - Video
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December 15th, 2012 11:45 am
Cramer Chronicles: Can This Marriage Be Saved?, Part 4
At the carriage house, Rex and Gigi brainstormed together about how to get their hands on Stacy #39;s cache of stem cells. Rex posited that Shane #39;s leukemia might return. Gigi was alarmed until Rex reassured her that Shane would not actually become ill, but that they would let Stacy believe that Shane had relapsed. He suggested that once Stacy believed that Shane was sick again, she would retrieve the blood, and Rex would find it and bust her for good. They resolved to tell Shane the truth in order to bring him into their plan, but Gigi asked Rex what they would tell him about their having gotten back together. Schuyler arrived at the rehab center with flowers for his co-worker, Rachel. He revealed that Shaun had left the flowers. The two talked about the Evans brothers and Morasco sisters. Schuyler admitted that whatever his feelings for Gigi, a part of him would always love the Stacy he remembered from Las Vegas. As the two left the rehab center together, Rachel offered to take Schuyler to lunch. At the Palace Hotel, the Evans siblings met for lunch. Destiny was delighted as Greg gave her a new cell phone, but Shaun was unimpressed, and accused Greg of trying to buy their sister #39;s love after skipping out on their dinner date. Before long, Greg got a call from Dr. Wright and told Destiny that Matthew #39;s test results were in. Destiny was dying to know Matthew #39;s prognosis, but Greg told her he had to speak to the family first, and bid his brother and sister farewell. In an exam ...From:dia1962Views:3 0ratingsTime:09:05More inEntertainment
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Cramer Chronicles: Can This Marriage Be Saved?, Part 4 - Video
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December 15th, 2012 11:45 am
Cramer Chronicles: Can This Marriage Be Saved?, Part 2
At the carriage house, Rex and Gigi brainstormed together about how to get their hands on Stacy #39;s cache of stem cells. Rex posited that Shane #39;s leukemia might return. Gigi was alarmed until Rex reassured her that Shane would not actually become ill, but that they would let Stacy believe that Shane had relapsed. He suggested that once Stacy believed that Shane was sick again, she would retrieve the blood, and Rex would find it and bust her for good. They resolved to tell Shane the truth in order to bring him into their plan, but Gigi asked Rex what they would tell him about their having gotten back together. Schuyler arrived at the rehab center with flowers for his co-worker, Rachel. He revealed that Shaun had left the flowers. The two talked about the Evans brothers and Morasco sisters. Schuyler admitted that whatever his feelings for Gigi, a part of him would always love the Stacy he remembered from Las Vegas. As the two left the rehab center together, Rachel offered to take Schuyler to lunch. At the Palace Hotel, the Evans siblings met for lunch. Destiny was delighted as Greg gave her a new cell phone, but Shaun was unimpressed, and accused Greg of trying to buy their sister #39;s love after skipping out on their dinner date. Before long, Greg got a call from Dr. Wright and told Destiny that Matthew #39;s test results were in. Destiny was dying to know Matthew #39;s prognosis, but Greg told her he had to speak to the family first, and bid his brother and sister farewell. In an exam ...From:dia1962Views:2 0ratingsTime:08:04More inEntertainment
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Cramer Chronicles: Can This Marriage Be Saved?, Part 2 - Video
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December 15th, 2012 11:45 am
Stem Cell Treatment for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
A doctor with ALS receives treatment using Stem Cells at the ASCI - Asian Stem Cell Institute in Manila Philippines. http://www.stem-cell-regeneration.comFrom:stemcellregenerationViews:3 0ratingsTime:02:01More inScience Technology
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Stem Cell Treatment for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) - Video
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December 15th, 2012 11:45 am
Photopherisis step that separates red blood cells from white blood cells
Photopheresis first separates my blood, red cells from white cells. This is a centrifuge that accomplishes this separation. The top white layer in the movie are my white cells that are siphoned into a bag where a light sensitive drug is injected and mixed. The mixture is then exposed to UV light. This exposure kills off the t-cells that are responsible for my GVHD but also when put back into me will teach the bone marrow produced from the donor stem cells not to make the t-cells that are responsible for my GVHD also. Eventually my GVHD will be cured and the need for steroid drugs will be eliminated.From:Kevin SmithViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:15More inComedy
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Photopherisis step that separates red blood cells from white blood cells - Video
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December 14th, 2012 7:42 am
AXA y Ponle Freno, promoting road safety ® AXA Vídeo Oficial
Fun running race #39;Ponle Freno #39; 4th edition took place in Madrid on November 25. It was the first action since AXA entered into strategic partnership with Ponle Freno social platform. And because of that, we did our best to make it a resounding success. The outcome couldn #39;t be better: bull; Record number of participants, with a large number of AXA employees and their relatives running bull; Fundraising record. Money will support a research project on stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury at Puerta de Hierro Hospital (Madrid). bull; Launching of new app ( #39;Corremos Juntos #39;) that allowed thousands of people to participate in the race all over the world for the first time. bull; AXA employees showed their engagement and commitment to the project, with hundreds running in Madrid and also in some other cities in Spain thanks to the app. In short, an unforgettable day for all people worried about road safety, as shown in the video above. "Like Music" by Admiral Bob (feat. snowflake) is licensed under a Creative Commons license: creativecommons.orgFrom:AXASEGUROSESViews:33 0ratingsTime:03:21More inNonprofits Activism
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AXA y Ponle Freno, promoting road safety ® AXA VÃdeo Oficial - Video
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December 14th, 2012 7:42 am
Benefits of Live Cell Therapy | Live Cell Therapy For Cellular Regeneration Live cell therapy renders more than beauty and anti-aging. Live cell therapy regenerates and renews the cells, tissues, organs and glands of our body. The regeneration and renewal within result in the outward expression of youthfulness and aging reversal. The processes of internal regeneration and renewal invariably result in disease treatment and recovery from illnesses looming within the body. For more information on live cell therapy benefits, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:0 1ratingsTime:09:01More inScience Technology
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Benefits of Live Cell Therapy | Live Cell Therapy For Cellular Regeneration - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:43 am
Duke University Medical Center - Groundbreaking Research in Tissue Regeneration
The major goal at the Department of Cell Biology at Duke University Medical Center is to understand how cells build and regenerate tissue. Scientists work in close collaboration with physicians to combine the power of genetics in model organisms such as the mouse and zebrafish with cutting edge imaging and microscopy. The department watches cells as they make organs like the heart, brain and lungs, and follow the behavior of stem cells in these tissues as they heal damage caused by injury or infection. Translating these discoveries to humans would make huge strides in heart and lung disease.From:WebsEdgeHealthViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:52More inScience Technology
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Duke University Medical Center - Groundbreaking Research in Tissue Regeneration - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:43 am
Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa: How I Became a Scientist
At age 19, Quiñones-Hinojosa jumped the fence from Mexico to become a farm worker in California. Thanks to his own determination, hard work and discipline and a lot of support from family and friends, he left farm work, completed university and medical school, and ultimately became a highly successful physician-scientist and brain surgeon. About the speaker: Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa is an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Oncology, Neuroscience and Cellular and Molecular Medicine and Director of the Brain Tumor Surgery Program at Johns Hopkins University. As well as being an expert surgeon, he researches the role of stem cells both in causing brain tumors and potentially in fighting them. This talk was first released in iBioMagazine Issue 5.From:ibiomagazineViews:5 1ratingsTime:15:32More inScience Technology
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Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa: How I Became a Scientist - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:43 am
Expanded umbilical cord blood shortens perilous wait for transplant recovery
A team led by MD Anderson researchers finds that growing cord blood stem cells on a bed of supportive cells in the lab results in faster establishment of a new blood supply in patients who receive blood stem cell transplants, reducing the time when patients lack white blood cells, platelets.From:mdandersonorgViews:4 0ratingsTime:02:59More inScience Technology
Expanded umbilical cord blood shortens perilous wait for transplant recovery - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:43 am
Ms. Morgan Honors Bio period 5 Embryonic stem cells
By Jaeger MooreFrom:MsMorgansHonorsBioViews:3 0ratingsTime:01:51More inScience Technology
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Ms. Morgan Honors Bio period 5 Embryonic stem cells - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:43 am
Ms. Morgan Honors Biology Period 5 - Embryonic Stem Cells
By: Jaeger MooreFrom:MsMorgansHonorsBioViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:18More inScience Technology
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Ms. Morgan Honors Biology Period 5 - Embryonic Stem Cells - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:43 am
Mes Stem cells in renal regeneration. Prof. Gamal Saadi. Cairo University
Mes Stem cells in renal regeneration. Prof. Gamal Saadi. Cairo UniversityFrom:mansvuViews:0 0ratingsTime:27:39More inEducation
Mes Stem cells in renal regeneration. Prof. Gamal Saadi. Cairo University - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:43 am
Ojas Stem Cell
We use YOUR own stem cells because they are safer and more effectiveFrom:ojas aestheticViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:23More inHowto Style
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Ojas Stem Cell - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:43 am
A guide to Cryo-Save #39;s stem cell collection and storage service A brief overview of storing your baby #39;s umbilical cord blood stem cells from start to finish. Learn about what happens after you order your kit, how samples are collected and processed for storage.From:CryoSaveWebmasterViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:19More inEducation
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A guide to Cryo-Save's stem cell collection and storage service - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:43 am
Stem cells interview
Stem cell projectFrom:CrackerEDITSViews:1 0ratingsTime:06:28More inComedy
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Stem cells interview - Video
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December 14th, 2012 4:40 am
Randall avoids knee replacement surgery after adult stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson
Randall describes his experience with adult stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson on his arthritic knee and ankleFrom:Harry AdelsonViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:08More inScience Technology
Randall avoids knee replacement surgery after adult stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson - Video
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December 13th, 2012 12:43 am
Avascular necrosis stem cell therapy in mumbai
This video explores the patient #39;s condition before and after treatment.It is published by StemRx India. Avascular necrosis stem cell therapy in mumbai for more information visit http://www.stemrx.inFrom:StemRx BioScienceViews:3 0ratingsTime:04:07More inScience Technology
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Avascular necrosis stem cell therapy in mumbai - Video
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December 12th, 2012 8:47 pm
cryocell | Cord Blood - Life Saving Out of the Womb The umbilical cord blood is rich in stem cells as the baby #39;s organs, tissues and body is developed by it. It can be obtained after the baby is born and the cord has been cut off. A reputable bank will allow you, at least, to read an over view of their financial statement. Regardless of the results so far, it seems that preserving your child #39;s cord blood is a viable way to take out a biological insurance policy. The immune cells present in cord blood are found to be less likely to attack tissue in the host body, and in instances where GVHD was present, the complications were less severe. If the amount is less, the collected cord blood is used for scientific researches. The initial fee includes the costs of enrollment, collection and storage for at least the first year. Cord Blood Banking facilities are places where you can bank your child #39;s cord blood and use it later on in life to cure life-threatening diseases. Much of this attitude is down to the cost for public banks which will normally cost them in excess of $1000. Also of importance is the fact that increasing the total number of cells transplanted improves the potential for a successful treatment. The bank will test the blood and place it in preservation containers. Today, Doctors recommend that at the time of birth, a child #39;s cord blood should be saved and frozen, just in case it can be used for life-saving transplants in the future. Cord blood banking refers to an innovative program ...From:myc0kyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:18More inScience Technology
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cryocell | Cord Blood - Life Saving Out of the Womb - Video
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