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Prolotherapy | PRP | Stem Cell Therapy | The Prolotherapy Institute – prolotherapyinstitute.com – Video

March 14th, 2013 6:32 am

Prolotherapy | PRP | Stem Cell Therapy | The Prolotherapy Institute - prolotherapyinstitute.com
Prolotherapy | PRP | Stem Cell Therapy | The Prolotherapy Institute prolotherapyinstitutecom. Uploaded by Guillermo Mata on Mar 11 2013. Suffering from chronic pain Dr Darrow can help Prolotherapy | PRP | Stem Cell Therapy in Southern California Call The Prolotherapy Institute today Call Us Today to Make an Appointment800 7342210.

By: Guillermo Mata

Read more from the original source:
Prolotherapy | PRP | Stem Cell Therapy | The Prolotherapy Institute - prolotherapyinstitute.com - Video


shoulder labrum stem cells 4 months from injection – Video

March 12th, 2013 1:43 pm

shoulder labrum stem cells 4 months from injection
A patient who is 4 months out from the very precise injection of her own stem cells into a shoulder labrum tear (Regenexx-SD procedure). See http://www.regenexx.com for more details.

By: centenohome

See the rest here:
shoulder labrum stem cells 4 months from injection - Video


Using Adult Stem Cells to Treat Diabetic Wounds – Video

March 12th, 2013 1:43 pm

Using Adult Stem Cells to Treat Diabetic Wounds
Pre-clinical research has generated some very promising findings using adult stem cells for the treatment of diabetic wounds. The research carried out by scientists at the National University of Ireland Galway, is published in Diabetes, the official journal of the American Diabetes Association. The work was led by researchers at the University #39;s Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI), which is supported by Science Foundation Ireland.

By: thinkingaboutnuig

Using Adult Stem Cells to Treat Diabetic Wounds - Video


Emily Needs Stem Cells – Video

March 12th, 2013 1:43 pm

Emily Needs Stem Cells
Andy Minh Trieu and Joy Hopwood share why Emily needs stem cells and what you can do to help. Video by Pearly Productions - http://www.pearlyproductions.com For more information, go to http://www.emilyneedsstemcells.com http AUSTRALIA -- http://www.abmdr.org.au CANADA -- http USA -- http://www.marrow.org UK -- http TAIWAN -- http://www.tw.tzuchi.org HONG KONG -- www5.ha.org.hk CHINA -- http://www.cmdp.com.cn SINGAPORE -- http NEW ZEALAND -- http://www.bonemarrow.org.nz ALL OTHER COUNTRIES -- http

By: emilyneedsstemcells

Read this article:
Emily Needs Stem Cells - Video


ReNeuron Group wins grants for stem cell therapy development

March 11th, 2013 10:43 pm

LONDON (SHARECAST) - ReNeuron Group has won two grants worth 1.2m pounds to develop its stem cell therapy.

The grants were awarded by the UK Biomedical Catalyst, a programme of public funding jointly managed by the Technology Strategy Board and the Medical Research Council.

The first award of 0.4m will be used for ReNeurons ReN009 stem cell therapy candidate for critical limb ischaemia, a severe blockage in the arteries which markedly reduces blood-flow to the extremities including hands, feet and legs.

The second award of 0.8m relates to the company's ReN003 stem cell candidate for the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa, an eye disease in which there is damage to the retina.

Michael Hunt, the Chief Executive Officer of ReNeuron, said: "We are delighted to have been successful in winning the two grants we applied for in the current round of the Biomedical Catalyst funding competition.

"This highly competitive scheme involves a rigorous peer review of applicants' technologies and commercial development plans.

"In common with other awardees, we therefore regard the grants as representing a strong independent endorsement of ReNeuron's world-class stem cell development capabilities which we hope will eventually lead to the wide-scale treatment of disease conditions where there is currently a very large unmet medical need."

Shares rose 0.86% to 2.94p at 08:52 Monday.


Read more from the original source:
ReNeuron Group wins grants for stem cell therapy development


Stem Cell Therapy Now In Davao

March 11th, 2013 10:43 pm

With its growing popularity in the country, the so-called stem cell therapy, which was recently approved by the Department of Health (DOH), is now available in Davao City.

Dr. Luz Acosta, a Davao-born physician specializing in Ophthalmology, Oculoplastic Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery and recently Stem Cell Treatment, conducts the procedure after acquiring equipment from Australia and the USA. She is supported by a team that includes cardiologists, internists, and anesthesiologists who administer the laboratory tests and cardiopulmonary clearance to determine if an individual can safely undergo stem cell therapy. Having trained in this discipline abroad, she recently decided to offer this treatment after it was approved by the DoH.

As a founding member of the Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine that was only established last January 18, 2013 with DOH Sec. Dr. Enrique Ona as its honorary chair, Acosta is joined by doctors Jose Sabili, Melchor Santos, Christian Mancao, Leo Olarte, Bu Castro, Oscar Tinio, and Almond Derla as well as Mr. Rico Colayco as organizers of the society.

"This means that the Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine is the regulating body for the practice of stem cell treatment in the country," Acosta says. "Stem cell therapy is legal and safe for every medically cleared patient who wants to undergo such treatment to be rejuvenated and treated of his/her illnesses and diseases."

Acosta said that based on what was stipulated in the approved directions for stem cell therapy, the stem cell could just come from the person himself and not from the other sources like black sheep or aborted fetus, adding that sources of stem cells are fats, blood, bone marrow and umbilical cord.

"It could take five to six hours for one to undergo stem cell therapy. Harvesting is done in the first two hours, then another one to two hours for stem cell processing and activation, and the last one to two hours for treatment of stem cells back to the same patient," she said.

Popular personalities who have already publicly admitted that they had undergone stem cell therapy are former President Joseph Estrada, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and former Senator Ernesto Maceda, who said that they spent millions to pay for the treatment.

But Acosta said that it could be a lot cheaper here than abroad, as the cost of treatment will be in accordance to the guidelines of the Phil. Society for Stem Cell Medicine.

She said there have been very good clinical outcomes from stem cell treatments on autism, auto-immune diseases, cerebral palsy, diabetes, heart disease, liver cirrhosis, macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, nerve damage, osteoarthritis, spinal cord injury and stroke.

"But we have to clarify here that we are not claiming stem cell therapy as a cure for cancer, though it can alleviate pain and improve patients' wellbeing while undergoing cancer therapy," she said.

Read more from the original source:
Stem Cell Therapy Now In Davao


Luigi Naldini – Modified stem cells for therapeutics applications – Video

March 10th, 2013 9:44 pm

Luigi Naldini - Modified stem cells for therapeutics applications
Luigi Naldini - San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (HSR-TIGET), Italy Dr Luigi Naldini talks at the IFOM-Kyoto University Joint Symposium in Mi...

By: IFOMeu

See original here:
Luigi Naldini - Modified stem cells for therapeutics applications - Video


DNA testing is Good or Bad: Let’s Discuss

March 10th, 2013 3:27 am

DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid it is the backbone of all living creatures on earth. It is a molecule, which is having a double helical structure and encoded with genetic instructions. It leads to the functioning of all living beings including viruses. DNA profiling is done by the forensic scientists. It depicts the nature of the DNA and act as a person identifier. By knowing the genomic sequences a scientist could easily predict the DNA of the person.

Identification Of Diseases

In this era this technology has become a boon or us in many ways. This concept of DNA testing is booming in the market like anything. It has become the latest rage specially in the health care market. Many companies are there who will promote you the test kits and let you know about the diseases like cardiac problem, any alzimers syndromes, any indication of breast cancer if have any. But here comes the argument many feeble minded people are there who will completely go against it. As the procedures includes blood testing and many people are phobic of syringes, then comes the acceptance of the disease if have any.

Benefits of DNA testing

Many women in our country are facing problem with breast cancer. As they are afraid of testing their blood and DNA. They don’t have the exact DNA marker. This is a big concern for the physicians as well. It is always recommended having a DNA testing for a healthy life. The risk factors get decreased than before and longevity will increase. Myopic thinking should be removed from the society and should learn to accept the truth. DNA testing will also give information about the allergic reaction with various pathogens. The life will be in a proper and better shape.

Detection of criminals

Normal people have a vague idea about this DNA testing which is not at all harmful. Through DNA testing crimes can also be detected. Like in the forensic lab the victim’s body will undergo a scrupulous check up and easily it will be detected about the death of the person. Many criminal lawyers take support from this process which make their job easy to detect the criminal. Though it’s not a good indication for the crime masters. By taking the blood sample or from the foot steps even, of the suspected person it will unveil the truth of the real murder. It can save our nation from crimes.

Detection of pregnancy

Many unrevealed and awful activities like rape case, illegal affairs lead to pregnancy. In many cases the male denied for becoming a father. The lady could easily raise her voice for justice, here

Comes the major role of DNA testing which will easily catch hold of the real father. Sometimes it is not safe for the pregnant woman to have DNA testing as it might cause harm to the fetus. The illegal activities in our society have inflated than before so DNA testing should play a vital role in the society of crimes.The lady will get justice and to deliver her baby.

As a whole it’s a win-win situation because some hospitals testing the DNA of the fetus take place, as an outcome they reveal the gender, which might lead to a death of a baby girl.This is an illegal activity. Some lawyers are also against this. But in this contemporary era one must believe in DNA testing to save our nation.




Public Banned from ‘Best Stem Cell Meeting in the World’

March 10th, 2013 3:26 am

“The best stem cell meeting in the
world” is underway today in San Francisco – conducted at taxpayer
expense – but the public is barred from attending.

More than 500 persons are at the meeting at an undisclosed location, including some
representatives of biotech firms. And the meeting is even being
written about on the internet by a blogger. But the $3 billion
California stem cell agency says the public is not allowed in because
some of the information is “proprietary.”
CIRM President Alan Trounson addressed
the meeting earlier this week and declared it was “the best stem
cell meeting in the world,” according to UC Davis researcher Paul
, who is reporting from the session on his blog.
The attendees consist almost entirely
of the recipients of taxpayer-funded grants given by the stem cell agency  although a number of
businesses have been brought in.. CIRM, which is paying for the gathering,  says of the annual sessions,

 “The purpose of meeting is to bring together investigators funded
by CIRM, to highlight their research, and encourage scientific
exchange and collaboration.”

Kevin McCormack, spokesman for the
agency, today said the public was barred from the meeting, which ends tomorrow, because “so
many presentations/talks (are) using proprietary information.”
That rationale is nothing new in the
world of science. But there is no chance of maintaining secrecy about anything that is
truly proprietary when hundreds of people have access to it in
this sort of forum. No penalties exist for disclosure, plus the whole
point of the session is to share information.
Yesterday we wrote briefly about the importance of transparency and openness in government, and make no mistake about
it, the stem cell agency is a government operation. We doubt that
anything egregious is underway at the session, but closing it to the
public is a reminder about where the agency's priorities lie.  



Good News, Bad News and the California Stem Cell Agency

March 10th, 2013 3:26 am

A few weeks ago an anonymous reader
admonished the California Stem Cell Report to be more positive about
the $3 billion agency and its efforts to develop the cures that its
backers promised California voters more than eight years ago.

The comment was thoughtful and pointed
out that “almost all the time” the agency “has done the right
thing.” The reader made the remarks in the context of continuing
coverage of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report that found there
were major flaws in CIRM's operations. (The reader's comment can be found here at the end of the post.)
Given the reader's remarks, it seems a
good time to review the operating principles and biases of the
California Stem Cell Report.
Bias No. 1: Openness and transparency
come first in any government operation. They are
fundamental to the integrity of all government enterprises. Bias No.
2: The California stem cell agency is generally doing a good job at
funding stem cell research. We generally favor all manner of stem cell research. 
Regarding our operating principles, the
goal is report news and information about the agency along with
analysis and explanation. One key to understanding what this blog
does is to understand what news is. News by definition is almost
always “bad” as opposed to “good.” News deals with the
exceptional. It is not news that millions of drivers commute to work
safely each day on California freeways. It is news when one is killed
in a traffic accident.
The California Stem Cell Report also
tries to fill information voids. We understand that the stem cell
agency believes certain information is not in their best interests to
disclose. Such is always the case with both private and public
organizations. However, it is generally in the public interest to see
more information rather less, particularly information that an
organization would rather not see become public.
Analysis and explanation of what the stem cell agency does is rare in the California media and even less seen
nationally or internationally. This blog focuses primarily on the
public policy aspects of the agency – not the science. The agency
is an unprecedented experiment that brings together big science, big
government, big academia, big business, religion, morality, ethics,
life and death in single enterprise – one that operates outside the
normal constraints of state agencies. No governor can cut CIRM's
budget. Nor can the legislature. Even tiny changes in Proposition 71,
which created CIRM, require either another vote of the people or the
super, super-majority vote of both houses of the legislature and the signature of the governor. All of
this is the result of the initiative process – a well-intended tool
that has been abused and that has also created enormous problems for the
state of California that go well beyond the stem cell agency.
Then there is the funding of the
agency, which basically lives off the state's credit card. All the
money that goes for grants is borrowed and roughly doubles the actual
expense to taxpayers.
Since January 2005, we have posted
3,452 items on the stem cell agency because we believe the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
is an important enterprise
– one that deserves more attention that it receives in the
mainstream media. Our readership includes persons at the NIH, the
National Academy of Sciences, most of the major stem cell research
centers in California, academic institutions in the Great Britain,
Canada, Norway, Germany, Russia, China, Australia, Singapore and
Korea – not to mention the agency itself and scientific journals.
We do not attempt to replicate what the
California stem cell agency itself does, which is to post online a
prodigious amount of positive stories and good news about the agency.
To do so would serve no useful public purpose and would simply be
repetitive. That said, there is room to acknowledge the work that the
agency does, particularly the staff, but also the board. We try to
point that out from time to time.
The California Stem Cell Report also
welcomes and encourages comments, anonymous and otherwise. Directors
and executives of the agency have a standing invitation to comment at
length and have their remarks published verbatim, something almost
never seen in the mainstream media.
Finally, given the questions raised by
the Institute of Medicine about disclosure of potential conflicts of
interests, the author of this blog and his immediate family have no
financial interests in any biotech or stem cell companies, other than
those that may be held by large mutual funds. We have no relatives
working in the field. We do have the potential personal conflicts,
cited generally by the IOM in connection with some CIRM board
members, involving relatives who have afflictions that could be
possibly be treated with stem cell therapies in the distant future.   



Public Banned from ‘Best Stem Cell Meeting in the World’

March 10th, 2013 3:24 am

“The best stem cell meeting in the
world” is underway today in San Francisco – conducted at taxpayer
expense – but the public is barred from attending.

More than 500 persons are at the meeting at an undisclosed location, including some
representatives of biotech firms. And the meeting is even being
written about on the internet by a blogger. But the $3 billion
California stem cell agency says the public is not allowed in because
some of the information is “proprietary.”
CIRM President Alan Trounson addressed
the meeting earlier this week and declared it was “the best stem
cell meeting in the world,” according to UC Davis researcher Paul
, who is reporting from the session on his blog.
The attendees consist almost entirely
of the recipients of taxpayer-funded grants given by the stem cell agency  although a number of
businesses have been brought in.. CIRM, which is paying for the gathering,  says of the annual sessions,

 “The purpose of meeting is to bring together investigators funded
by CIRM, to highlight their research, and encourage scientific
exchange and collaboration.”

Kevin McCormack, spokesman for the
agency, today said the public was barred from the meeting, which ends tomorrow, because “so
many presentations/talks (are) using proprietary information.”
That rationale is nothing new in the
world of science. But there is no chance of maintaining secrecy about anything that is
truly proprietary when hundreds of people have access to it in
this sort of forum. No penalties exist for disclosure, plus the whole
point of the session is to share information.
Yesterday we wrote briefly about the importance of transparency and openness in government, and make no mistake about
it, the stem cell agency is a government operation. We doubt that
anything egregious is underway at the session, but closing it to the
public is a reminder about where the agency's priorities lie.  



Good News, Bad News and the California Stem Cell Agency

March 10th, 2013 3:24 am

A few weeks ago an anonymous reader
admonished the California Stem Cell Report to be more positive about
the $3 billion agency and its efforts to develop the cures that its
backers promised California voters more than eight years ago.

The comment was thoughtful and pointed
out that “almost all the time” the agency “has done the right
thing.” The reader made the remarks in the context of continuing
coverage of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report that found there
were major flaws in CIRM's operations. (The reader's comment can be found here at the end of the post.)
Given the reader's remarks, it seems a
good time to review the operating principles and biases of the
California Stem Cell Report.
Bias No. 1: Openness and transparency
come first in any government operation. They are
fundamental to the integrity of all government enterprises. Bias No.
2: The California stem cell agency is generally doing a good job at
funding stem cell research. We generally favor all manner of stem cell research. 
Regarding our operating principles, the
goal is report news and information about the agency along with
analysis and explanation. One key to understanding what this blog
does is to understand what news is. News by definition is almost
always “bad” as opposed to “good.” News deals with the
exceptional. It is not news that millions of drivers commute to work
safely each day on California freeways. It is news when one is killed
in a traffic accident.
The California Stem Cell Report also
tries to fill information voids. We understand that the stem cell
agency believes certain information is not in their best interests to
disclose. Such is always the case with both private and public
organizations. However, it is generally in the public interest to see
more information rather less, particularly information that an
organization would rather not see become public.
Analysis and explanation of what the stem cell agency does is rare in the California media and even less seen
nationally or internationally. This blog focuses primarily on the
public policy aspects of the agency – not the science. The agency
is an unprecedented experiment that brings together big science, big
government, big academia, big business, religion, morality, ethics,
life and death in single enterprise – one that operates outside the
normal constraints of state agencies. No governor can cut CIRM's
budget. Nor can the legislature. Even tiny changes in Proposition 71,
which created CIRM, require either another vote of the people or the
super, super-majority vote of both houses of the legislature and the signature of the governor. All of
this is the result of the initiative process – a well-intended tool
that has been abused and that has also created enormous problems for the
state of California that go well beyond the stem cell agency.
Then there is the funding of the
agency, which basically lives off the state's credit card. All the
money that goes for grants is borrowed and roughly doubles the actual
expense to taxpayers.
Since January 2005, we have posted
3,452 items on the stem cell agency because we believe the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
is an important enterprise
– one that deserves more attention that it receives in the
mainstream media. Our readership includes persons at the NIH, the
National Academy of Sciences, most of the major stem cell research
centers in California, academic institutions in the Great Britain,
Canada, Norway, Germany, Russia, China, Australia, Singapore and
Korea – not to mention the agency itself and scientific journals.
We do not attempt to replicate what the
California stem cell agency itself does, which is to post online a
prodigious amount of positive stories and good news about the agency.
To do so would serve no useful public purpose and would simply be
repetitive. That said, there is room to acknowledge the work that the
agency does, particularly the staff, but also the board. We try to
point that out from time to time.
The California Stem Cell Report also
welcomes and encourages comments, anonymous and otherwise. Directors
and executives of the agency have a standing invitation to comment at
length and have their remarks published verbatim, something almost
never seen in the mainstream media.
Finally, given the questions raised by
the Institute of Medicine about disclosure of potential conflicts of
interests, the author of this blog and his immediate family have no
financial interests in any biotech or stem cell companies, other than
those that may be held by large mutual funds. We have no relatives
working in the field. We do have the potential personal conflicts,
cited generally by the IOM in connection with some CIRM board
members, involving relatives who have afflictions that could be
possibly be treated with stem cell therapies in the distant future.   



Bone Marrow Transplant Patient Information: Chapter 3 – What Are Stem Cells – Video

March 7th, 2013 12:51 pm

Bone Marrow Transplant Patient Information: Chapter 3 - What Are Stem Cells
Transplantation of bone marrow or stem cells offers hope and a chance for a cure for many patients. For patients diagnosed with lymphoma, multiple myeloma, acute or chronic leukemia, Hodgkin #39;s or non-Hodgkin #39;s disease, testicular cancer, myelodysplastic syndrome, or aplastic anemia, the Henry Ford Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplant Program provides personalized care with patient outcomes equal to or better than the national rates. Established in 1988, the nationally accredited Henry Ford Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplant Program offers all three types of transplantation: autologous (patients receive their own cells), allogeneic (patients receive matching cells from a related or unrelated donor), and syngeneic (for identical twins only). We performed Michigan #39;s first peripheral blood stem cell transplantation and regularly perform some of the most complex stem cell transplants in the country. Become a Donor http://www.giftoflifemichigan.org About Transplant Institute The Henry Ford Transplant Institute has long been recognized as a leader in Michigan in transplantation of the heart, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas, and bone marrow. In 2010, we became the first and only center in Michigan to perform intestine and multivisceral transplantation. Our specialized transplant teams deliver personalized service to our patients and their families in a caring environment. We hope to deliver care we would want for ourselves and our families. For more information on the Transplant Institute ...

By: HenryFordTV

See more here:
Bone Marrow Transplant Patient Information: Chapter 3 - What Are Stem Cells - Video


Pier Giuseppe Pelicci – Regulation of self-renewal in cancer stem cells – Video

March 7th, 2013 12:51 pm

Pier Giuseppe Pelicci - Regulation of self-renewal in cancer stem cells
Pier Giuseppe Pelicci - European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy As cancer stem cells support tumor growth, this makes them the target for therapies in order to prevent spread and relapse. Prof Pelicci talks about his presentation at the IFOM-Kyoto University Joint Symposium in Milan about the investigation of more targeted therapy looking at molecular functions. Prof Pelicci #39;s primary research involves molecular mapping of Shc to find these targets and understand the mechanisms of resistance. Recordered during the IFOM - Kyoto University Joint Symposium, October 2012. For more info visit ifom.eu

By: IFOMeu

More here:
Pier Giuseppe Pelicci - Regulation of self-renewal in cancer stem cells - Video


1.2: Drug Safety of Stem Cells and other Novel Therapeutics – Video

March 5th, 2013 8:44 pm

1.2: Drug Safety of Stem Cells and other Novel Therapeutics

By: safescimet

See original here:
1.2: Drug Safety of Stem Cells and other Novel Therapeutics - Video


Fat and stem cells – Video

March 5th, 2013 8:44 pm

Fat and stem cells

By: ImcasCongress

See the original post:
Fat and stem cells - Video


Floppy infant , treated by stem cells – Video

March 4th, 2013 4:45 am

Floppy infant , treated by stem cells
This patient was completely floppy , and after treatment with stem cell , now can sit and crawl , her mentality improved too much , no more treatment needed

By: nadher abed

Original post:
Floppy infant , treated by stem cells - Video


Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Before and After Stem Cell Therapy – Video

March 4th, 2013 4:44 am

Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Before and After Stem Cell Therapy
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Improvement in a week after Stem Cell Therapy He is a known case of Myotonic MD with history of gradual onset of progressive lower extremities muscle weakness since age of 25 years. He also has history of delayed milestones. His weakness is progressive in nature. He falls while walking so walks with human support only. He has complaints of early fatigue and slurred speech due to tongue hypertrophy. He has atrophy of proximal muscles of all extremities. He has modified independence in almost all ADL. Neurologically, hypotonic, hyporeflexic. On examination: lower limb distal muscles are 0/5 on MMT while proximal muscles are having 2++/5 on MMT. Upper extremities left side proximal muscles are 1++/5 while right side proximal muscles are 3 #713;/5, distal muscles are 3++/5 in upper extremities. Functionally, modified independence in all ADL. On FIM he scores 99. After Stem Cell Treatment 1. His face looks more fresh. 2. His neck used to fall back previously but now he can control his neck well in each movement. 3. Back muscle strength has improved. 4. Bridging is better now. He can lift his back more up now which he couldn #39;t do at all. 5. His stamina has improved. 6. His shoulder strength has improved. Shoulder shrugging is better now. Active shoulder flexion, range of motion is more now. 7. Side lying to sitting he can do without any support which was not possible before. 8. Drooling of saliva from mouth in night is completely stopped. 9. His legs used ...

By: neurogenbsi

Continued here:
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Before and After Stem Cell Therapy - Video


Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1 – Video

March 4th, 2013 4:44 am

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1
He is a known case of Autism with history of full term caesarean section delivery and cried immediately after birth with near normal motor milestones. But as he was put in school, there were regular complaints of him being hyperactive. He was then diagnosed to have Autism. He was shifted to special school then. Neurologically, he has near normal tone, reflexes and muscle power. On examination: he has hyperactivity. He has aggressive behaviour with episodes of violence and beating others. He has repetitive speech (echolalia), but it is need based. He has social isolation. He is bowel bladder trained. He is independent in most ADL. Functionally, he needs supervision in most ADL. On FIM he scores 106. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Angry spells are short lasting than before. Earlier, if he used to be upset for half hour at a stretch, now he calms down in 2 minutes. 2. Did not ask for toothpaste for second time which he used to do daily. 3. He does not insist on bathing 2-3 times a day like before. Now, he takes bath once a day. 4. Visits washroom once in 2-3 hours and then washes his hand normally and leaves the washroom. Earlier, he used to go to washroom every hourly and wash his hand, spill water on his clothes and arms. 5. Eye contact attention span improved. 6. Sitting tolerance improved and attends for 30 mins session. 7. Listening skills and observation skills on demand improved. 8. Screaming behavior reduces when given paper tearing activity. 9. His parents feel his ...

By: neurogenbsi

Read more:
Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1 - Video


Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1 Tamil – Video

March 4th, 2013 4:44 am

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1 Tamil
He is a known case of Autism with history of full term caesarean section delivery and cried immediately after birth with near normal motor milestones. But as he was put in school, there were regular complaints of him being hyperactive. He was then diagnosed to have Autism. He was shifted to special school then. Neurologically, he has near normal tone, reflexes and muscle power. On examination: he has hyperactivity. He has aggressive behaviour with episodes of violence and beating others. He has repetitive speech (echolalia), but it is need based. He has social isolation. He is bowel bladder trained. He is independent in most ADL. Functionally, he needs supervision in most ADL. On FIM he scores 106. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Angry spells are short lasting than before. Earlier, if he used to be upset for half hour at a stretch, now he calms down in 2 minutes. 2. Did not ask for toothpaste for second time which he used to do daily. 3. He does not insist on bathing 2-3 times a day like before. Now, he takes bath once a day. 4. Visits washroom once in 2-3 hours and then washes his hand normally and leaves the washroom. Earlier, he used to go to washroom every hourly and wash his hand, spill water on his clothes and arms. 5. Eye contact attention span improved. 6. Sitting tolerance improved and attends for 30 mins session. 7. Listening skills and observation skills on demand improved. 8. Screaming behavior reduces when given paper tearing activity. 9. His parents feel his ...

By: neurogenbsi

See the rest here:
Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Part 1 Tamil - Video


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