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Sports Medicine New Frontiers: Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Therapy

May 20th, 2013 5:45 pm

CLEARWATER, Fla., May 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Sports Medicine is always at the forefront of innovative medical technology. Athletes are constantly striving to improve. Records are broken as humans run faster, jump higher, and strive for higher levels of performance. Athletes expose their bodies to more wear and tear as performance increases. Scientific training principles and diet have changed drastically over time. Technological breakthroughs have also impacted the rehabilitation process. The use of regenerative medicine has grown significantly in recent years. The popularity of Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) has escalated as many high profile elite athletes from a diverse array of sports have opted for this treatment. The likes of Kobe Bryant, Rafael Nadal, and Tiger Woods garner ample press coverage when they are treated for injuries. Stem Cell Therapy becomes headlines when Peyton Manning undergoes this treatment. The goal of regenerative medicine therapies is to aid the body to heal itself. Understanding and accepting stem cell therapies for athletic injuries and sports medicine is gathering keen interest.

Dr. Dennis Lox, http://www.drlox.com a Sports and Regenerative Medicine Physician in the Tampa Bay Florida area, comments that the scientific backdrop of cell signaling and inflammatory mediators has led to a new understanding of how tissues heal. This also explains why injured tissues fail to heal, and is why the aging athlete recovers and heals more slowly than his younger counterpart. It is felt that the use of growth factors in Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) is a localized cellular response to control negative repair processes and direct healing toward a positive restorative pathway. This directional approach to control repair, is more complex in stem cells, and as such, may be more effective for healing injured tissue. The stem cells are the body's repair cells that direct the necessary patterns of cellular messenger signals to target the repair process. It is not a simple chemical reaction where two chemicals react and one outcome results. There are a myriad of complicated molecules that interact to direct the repair process, and to counter the effects of a multitude of other molecules and signals regulating the breakdown or degradation of tissue. Dr. Lox points out, it is overcoming the many undesirable messages that occur with injury, whereby regenerative medicine may enhance sports injury recovery. Athletes are in need of rapid recovery to avoid losing peak conditioning. Aging athletes do not heal as effectively. Finding successful measures to aid the body in the healing naturally, is desirable for athletes and in preventing degenerative arthritis. Understanding the scientific rationale for the use of Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Therapy, may pave the way for the expansive role for these treatments in future directions for athletic injury.

About Dr. Dennis Lox Dr. Lox practices in the Tampa Bay Florida area. Dr. Lox is a Sports and Regenerative Medicine Physician, who specializes in the use of regenerative and restorative medicine to assist in treating athletic and arthritis conditions. Dr. Lox may be reached at (727) 462-5582 or visit Drlox.com.

See the original post:
Sports Medicine New Frontiers: Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Therapy


Manthan: Episode 12: Stem cells – Video

May 20th, 2013 8:45 am

Manthan: Episode 12: Stem cells
#2360; #2381; #2335; #2375; #2350; #2360; #2375; #2354; #2352; #2367; #2360; #2352; #2381; #2330; #2350; #2375; #2306; #2344; #2351; #2366; #2325; #2381; #2351; #2366; #2361; #2376;. #2310; #2312; #2319; #2342; #2375; #2326; #2367; #2319; #2311; #2360; #2357; #2368; #2337; #2367; #2351; #2379; #2350; #2375; #2306;.

By: DeutscheWelleHindi

Visit link:
Manthan: Episode 12: Stem cells - Video


Cloning technique produces human stem cells for the first time – Studio N – Video

May 20th, 2013 8:45 am

Cloning technique produces human stem cells for the first time - Studio N
http://www.studiononline.com http://twitter.com/StudioNonline http://www.youtube.com/studiononline http://www.youtube.com/studionchannel http://www.facebook....

By: studionchannel

See the rest here:
Cloning technique produces human stem cells for the first time - Studio N - Video


Replicating Oregon Cloning in California: Views on the Legality

May 19th, 2013 3:12 am

Oregon's stem cell cloning achievement
has triggered some discussion about whether it could be replicated
legally in California, which bans paying for eggs as was done in

Stanford researcher Irv Weissman said
it is “not true” that Oregon's stem cell research would be
illegal in California. Leftovers from IVF clinics could be used, he said.
But in response Oregon researcher
Shoukhrat Mitalipov said that “SCNT (the process he used) did not
work with discarded human eggs.”
He added,

 “SCNT worked with eggs from
healthy young volunteers (paid of course). IVF patients (whether paid
or not) have reproductive health problems and may not provide
acceptable quality eggs for SCNT.” 

Their comments came in emails to the
California Stem Cell Report in connection with yesterday's item that said because the Oregon researchers used paid donors for eggs, the research would be illegal in the Golden State.
Weissman said,

 "Not true. They did
it with nearly 40 percent efficiency, which does not require paying
for eggs, just use leftovers from IVF clinics."

There is no question that it is illegal
to pay donors for their eggs in California. The question is whether
the research could be done properly without using paid donors. In recent
years, researchers at Harvard and elsewhere have said they needed paid donors for stem cell research to properly perform their research
and could not find them without providing compensation.



Weissman Says Oregon-style Stem Cell Research Could be Done in California

May 19th, 2013 3:12 am

Stanford researcher Irv Weissman says it
is “not true” that Oregon's stem cell research could not be done
legally in California.

In a brief email to the California Stem
Cell Report
, he commented in connection with yesterday's item that said because the Oregon researchers used paid donors for eggs,the research would be illegal in the Golden State.
Weissman said, 

"Not true. They did
it with nearly 40 percent efficiency, which does not require paying
for eggs, just use leftovers from IVF clinics."

There is no question that it is illegal
to pay donors for their eggs in California. The question is whether
the research could be done without using paid donors. In recent
years, researchers at Harvard and elsewhere have said they needed paid donors to properly perform their research
and could not find them without providing compensation.
We have queried Shoukhrat Mitalipov in
Oregon concerning his views on Weissman's comments. We welcome other
comments as well. Comments can be filed directly by clicking on the word "comment" at the end of this item or you can email them to djensen@californiastemcellreport.com
We should also note the comment from
researcher Paul Knoepfler of UC Davis who notes that SCNT cloning is
permissible in California, which is what was done in Oregon. The
state does ban reproductive cloning, however.



Oregon-style Stem Cell Cloning Research Illegal in California: No Pay for Eggs in Golden State

May 19th, 2013 3:12 am

The good news out of Oregon is that
some diligent scientists in the Beaver State have accomplished a
major advance in stem cell research --- the cloning of human stem

That bad news is that their research
would have been illegal in California, and probably will be banned
for decades, if not longer – thanks to Proposition 71 of 2004.
The proposition was the ballot
initiative that created the $3 billion California stem cell agency,
which is hailed internationally as being one of the world leaders in
financing stem cell science. Unfortunately, the 10,000-word
initiative also contains language that was aimed at winning voter
approval of the measure -- not promoting good science.
The team writing the initiative, led by
Robert Klein, the former and first chairman of the stem cell agency,
put in a provision that made it illegal to pay women for their eggs.
The Oregon researchers paid women $3,000 to $7,000 each for their eggs, reflecting the current market rate based on prices paid in
connection with IVF. In some cases for IVF, the compensation is
dramatically higher. (See here and here.) Stem cell researchers in
recent years in the United States have found that they cannot secure
an adequate number of donors without matching IVF donor compensation.
While compensation for eggs is a matter
of some controversy, strong cases have been made that women
should make their own decisions about selling their eggs – not the what some call the nanny state. Of course, that should occur under well-regulated
situations. But Proposition 71 backers wanted to remove any possible
campaign objections by opponents of stem cell research, and so they
inserted the ban along with management minutia and other dubious
Can't that be changed, one might ask?
Not without a herculean effort. That means another ballot measure or
a super, super majority vote in the California legislature plus the
signature of the governor. Imagine a measure on the ballot to
allow women to sell their eggs. The uproar would be heard
internationally. In 2004, when Proposition 71 was approved, it would
have been better to leave the compensation issue unaddressed. Then it
could have been dealt with through regulation or normal legislation,
both of which are far more flexible than ballot measures that alter
the state Constitution and state law.
Our quick and limited survey of the
news coverage indicated that many of the mainstream media stories
omitted the price of the eggs, which may suggest that the issue of
compensation is becoming moot.
In related news about the Oregon
accomplishment, UC Davis stem cell researcher Paul Knoepfler has
posted a good look at the some of the misinformation that is
surfacing on the Internet about the research, including its
He said,

“Keep in mind that on day one of the
iPS cell era in the stem cell field we had a huge number of
misconceptions because we simply had so much to learn. Same is true

Jessica Cussins over at the
Berkeley-based Biopolitical Times also has a solid roundup of the
coverage of the Oregon research and the analysis of its significance.
Here are links to two blog items from
the California stem cell agency on the Oregon research, including one
dealing with “cloning hysteria” and a more general look.



Klein, StemCells, Inc., and $31,000 in Consulting Fees for Torres

May 19th, 2013 3:12 am

The Robert Klein-StemCells, Inc.,
affair has taken another turn with the disclosure that a vice
chairman of the California stem cell agency was paid at least $31,000
over a two-year period by Klein and also voted on behalf of Klein's
effort to win approval of a $20 million award for StemCells, Inc.

Art Torres received what he reported were
consulting fees during 2011 and 2012 from firms controlled by Klein, former chairman of
the agency. In 2012, Torres backed Klein's
efforts to override grant reviewers' rejection of the $20 million
application from the Newark, Ca., publicly traded firm.
Art Torres, center, with Bob Klein, left, at Klein's last meeting in
2011 as chairman of the California stem cell agency.
 Incoming chairman Jonathan Thomas is at right. 

The 29-member board of the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
, as the agency is formally
known, narrowly voted 7-5 last September for the award. It was the
first time that the board has approved an application rejected twice
by its scientific reviewers. It was also the first time that Klein
has lobbied the board on behalf of a specific application since
stepping down in June 2011. He was elected chairman in 2005 as the
agency was just beginning its work and is an iconic figure to many in
the California stem cell community.

Asked for comment last week by the
California Stem Cell Report, Torres said,

"My decision to support an award
to StemCells, Inc. to explore the use of neural stem cell
transplantation to treat Alzheimer's disease was based on the merits
of the application and the hope it offers to patients who suffer from
Alzheimer's, a disease that affects millions, including Bob Klein's
late mother. I have no financial interest in StemCells, Inc. nor does
Bob Klein, and my decision to support the award has no connection
whatsoever to the work I do with Bob Klein."

Kevin McCormack, senior director for
public communications at CIRM, said that Torres' statement would be
the only comment on the matter from the agency.
Klein did not respond to questions,
declaring that personal issues were occupying his time.
The California Stem Cell Report's
questions to all three dealt with the propriety of Torres' employment
by both CIRM and Klein while Klein was asking the board to award a
business $20 million. The governing board has a code of conduct that
declares members should “maintain the highest standards of
integrity and professionalism.” However, it does not speak to
questions of appropriate employment by CIRM directors outside of the
In January 2012, Torres authored a document discussing CIRM's conflict of interest rules. He said they
are intended “to eliminate even the appearance of impropriety.”
He also referred to CIRM's policy on “incompatible activities”
for employees. It deals with activities that could “discredit”
the agency or that are “inimical” to it. However, it does not
specifically deal with the type of situation involving Torres and
Klein, who is a real estate investment banker and attorney. The policy additionally does not address cases where a
governing board member is also an employee of the agency.
Torres' economic disclosure statements,
which are required by state law, contain only broad ranges for compensation, and the amount could be significantly higher than
$31,000. Torres reported that in 2011 he was paid between $10,001 and
$100,000 by both Klein Financial Corp. and K CP Cal, which share the
same address as Klein's offices in Palo Alto. In 2012, Torres reported receiving between $10,001 and $100,000 from K CP Cal and
between $1,001 and $10,000 from Klein Ventures LLC, which also has
the same address.
Torres reported that the payments were
consulting fees and that the firms dealt with real estate. He did not
respond to requests for more details.
Torres earns $225,000 a year in his part-time role as one of two vice chairmen for the agency. Under the
arrangement, he works four days a week.
Torres was chairman of the state
Democratic Party and a longtime state legislator. He was nominated
for vice chairman in 2009 by state Treasurer Bill Lockyer, among
Last week, another financial
arrangement involving Klein surfaced in connection with the
StemCells, Inc., application. Klein gave the agency $21,000 last May,two months before he pitched the board on the StemCells, Inc.,application. The donation was not reported to the board prior to
Klein's appearances before the panel. The agency's regulations
require such gifts to be reported to the board but do not specify a
time frame. Following inquiries from the California Stem Cell Report,
the agency said it would report the donation at the agency board
meeting next week.
Klein's donation financed a trip by six
CIRM science officers to Japan for an international stem cell
conference. The agency directed the officers to give special access
to Klein. Two of the officers were heavily involved in the grant
round that included the StemCells, Inc., application, which scientific reviewers scored at 61 on a scale of 100.



A Patent War on iPS: One Researcher’s View

May 19th, 2013 3:12 am

As the California stem cell agency
pushes ever more aggressively to turn research into cures, the second
largest share of its awards, in terms of numbers of grants, has gone
to efforts involving induced pluripotent cells, also known as
reprogrammed adult cells.

But questions do exist whether those
efforts can surmount barriers that have to do with patents and
ownership of the intellectual property.
UC Davis stem researcher and blogger
Paul Knoepfler discussed some of the problems in a post yesterday. He wrote,

“All the talk and the slew of
publications about potentially using iPS cells to develop therapies
to help patients is exciting in theory, but unfortunately the reality
is that it is not entirely clear if most researchers are, from a
legal standpoint, even allowed to develop and commercialize iPS
cell-based therapies at all.

“The patent landscape for iPS cells
is complicated to put it mildly. A
Google patent search for “induced pluripotent stem cells”
produced almost 200,000 results

“A search for “cellular
reprogramming produced more than 1,000
I’m not sure all of these results are
really separate patents, but still….that’s a big complicated

“It is no exaggeration to say
there are likely dozens of institutions around the world wanting to
commercialize iPS cell-based products.

“Will they all have to pay expensive
licensing fees or end up in court?
…or will the patent holders
voluntarily and freely allow others to commercialize iPS cell-based
medical treatments?

“I don’t think so.

“This could get really messy.”



Patient Advocate Reed Defends Klein Donation to Stem Cell Agency

May 19th, 2013 3:12 am
The California Stem Cell Report today
received the following email from Don Reed, a patient advocate, who
has long been involved in California stem cell agency affairs. Reed
is vice president of public policy for Americans for Cures
 a position he has held for some years. Americans for
Cures is the personal lobbying organization created by Robert Klein,
former chairman of the California stem cell agency. Reed said his
opinions below are his own and may or may not reflect those of the

“I must take issue with your entry,
'Robert Klein Gives $21,630 to the California Stem Cell Agency,' May
05, 2013.

Bob Klein donated $21,630 to the California stem cell program (to
allow scientists to attend a research conference in Japan) he was
doing exactly what he always does: advancing research to ease
suffering and save lives.  The scientists needed a way to attend
a top-level conference. Believing in the benefits of researchers
sharing thoughts, Bob paid for their trip.

your article appears to imply corrupt motivations.

seemingly innocuous…gift…generated a wave of special favors for
(Klein) that stretched out to include a gold mining multimillionaire
from Canada.'.
A 'wave of special favors?'  The article
states that 'Klein wanted to meet with the six science officers…'
 and to get their impressions on the conference.

that not natural? First, would it not be helpful to hear from the
scientists if the trip was worth the time and expense? Second, Bob
Klein works in real estate, a full-time job. He does not have the
scientist’s automatic involvement to keep him up to speed on
everything new in regenerative research. But he wants to know the
latest: what is working, what is not. He is always eager for a chance
to speak one-on-one with an expert.

“He met with a Canadian
millionaire? Why is this shocking? The millionaire supports stem cell
research; so does Bob. California is working closely with Canada on
several projects; they pay their scientists, we pay ours; more bang
for the buck. If there is a person with the resources and will to
advance Canadian research, it is natural that Bob would want to
develop a deeper interest in the shared research.

“And why
should Klein be criticized for supporting a research project
attempting to alleviate Alzheimer’s? He saw his own mother die of
the disease, after losing the ability  to recognize her own son.
 I am familiar with that particular Alzheimer’s project, and
it had some amazing results, restoring memory to laboratory rats.
This was a water maze test, and the rats recovered the memory of a
pathway out of the water, which they had forgotten. To the best of my
knowledge, no one else in the world had achieved memory return, and
the project deserved the most serious consideration.  Yes, the
board of directors voted against the Grants Working Group; it is not
only their right but their responsibility to exercise judgment, and
not merely be a rubber stamp for the GWG.

“There is also the
matter of free speech. Anybody else in California can come to the
meetings of the program and voice their opinion—why should Klein be
denied the right to voice his opinion?

“Bob Klein owns no
stem cell stock, no biomedical enterprises. Financially, supporting
stem cell research has cost him a great deal. This is the man who led
the fight to build the California stem cell program, donating roughly
six million dollars, taking out loans on his house to help finance
Proposition 71. And, for six years (without salary) he worked
full-time as Chair of the Board of the oversight committee.
Physically and emotionally, it has been an exhausting decade for him.
He has not profited in any way, except to see the advancement of
research for cure.

“Passing a $3 billion stem cell program
in the midst of a recession was like relocating Mount
Everest—seemingly impossible, but he did it anyway. He moved the
mountain. Thousands of people helped, but one man made it possible.
Without Bob Klein, California would not have the greatest stem cell
program in the world: challenging diseases considered incurable since
the dawn of time. That he should continue to support it, with his
dollars, time, energy and creativity, is commendable.

a good deed is just that: no sinister motivations, no secret
agendas-- just a positive action which benefits all.”  



WARF hESC Patent Update: Seven Years and Challenge Still Underway

May 19th, 2013 3:12 am

Last week UC Davis stem cell researcher
Paul Knoepfler and Scripps researcher Jeanne Loring engaged in an
online Q&A that touched on patents and how they can stifle
research and discourage development of therapies.

Loring did not mention it in the Q&A
but she is the key figure in the ongoing challenge to the WARF
(Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation)
patents on human embryonic
stem cells. Her effort began in 2006 but has dropped out of the news.
We asked her for an update on the case.
Here is the text of what she replied,

Dan Ravicher is the lawyer behind
several big patent cases, including the recent Supreme Court case
challenging human gene patenting (Myriad), and a challenge to
Monsanto's restrictive enforcement of its patents on genetically
modified seeds. 

“I'm lucky that he is also the lawyer
working with John M. Simpson (of Consumer Watchdog) and me to
challenge the WARF patents.  Currently, we are getting ready for
another year of appeals and counter-appeals on the third of WARF's
three patents that give them control over all human embryonic stem

“This is Dan's summary of the current

"'We filed challenges at the
Patent Office to all three of WARF's hESC patents. During those
challenges, WARF agreed to narrow all three of the patents, and
they also loosened their licensing requirements. But, even
though the patents were narrowed, we still think they're invalid, and
thus disagree with the Patent Office's decision to re-issue them in
the narrowed forms. Unfortunately, due to the age of the patents and
changes in the law, we were only allowed to appeal one of the three
decisions, and that appeal is now pending at the Court of Appeals in
Washington. But, we expect the decision in our appeal will affect
the validity of the other two patents, since they're all basically
on the same technology." 

“The 'narrowing' of the patents has
had an unexpected consequence.  Before the narrowing, WARF's
patents would have covered iPSCs as well as hESCs. After the
narrowing, they can only claim hESCs.”

In the Q&A on Knoepfler's blog,
which also involved an interesting discussion of IPS research,
Loring said,

on fundamental things
genes, human embryonic stem cells, iPS cells
allow the patent holder to have a monopoly, preventing anyone else
from using whatever they’ve patented.

are supposed to stimulate investment in development.  Why, as
Justice Scalia said last week, would anyone have the incentive to
study a gene and, for example, develop diagnostic tests, if they
couldn’t prevent everyone else from working on that gene?

patents also stifle competition and the advances that come from
having many different groups studying the genes or cells.  One
of the main reasons I returned to academia was so I could have
freedom to study human ES cells without worrying about getting
threatening letters from a patent holder, demanding that I either
stop working on the cells or pay a steep licensing fee.

will inevitably be problems commercializing iPSC-based therapies and
assays, because at least three institutions own patents on aspects of
iPSCs.  I’m paying attention to the patent
but have decided to deal with those problems when they arise, and
hope that the iPSC patent holders realize that the potential of these
cells is too great to keep to themselves.  It would be better
for all of us if the issue of stem cell patents never has to be
decided in the Supreme Court.”



Replicating Oregon Cloning in California: Views on the Legality

May 19th, 2013 3:08 am

Oregon's stem cell cloning achievement
has triggered some discussion about whether it could be replicated
legally in California, which bans paying for eggs as was done in

Stanford researcher Irv Weissman said
it is “not true” that Oregon's stem cell research would be
illegal in California. Leftovers from IVF clinics could be used, he said.
But in response Oregon researcher
Shoukhrat Mitalipov said that “SCNT (the process he used) did not
work with discarded human eggs.”
He added,

 “SCNT worked with eggs from
healthy young volunteers (paid of course). IVF patients (whether paid
or not) have reproductive health problems and may not provide
acceptable quality eggs for SCNT.” 

Their comments came in emails to the
California Stem Cell Report in connection with yesterday's item that said because the Oregon researchers used paid donors for eggs, the research would be illegal in the Golden State.
Weissman said,

 "Not true. They did
it with nearly 40 percent efficiency, which does not require paying
for eggs, just use leftovers from IVF clinics."

There is no question that it is illegal
to pay donors for their eggs in California. The question is whether
the research could be done properly without using paid donors. In recent
years, researchers at Harvard and elsewhere have said they needed paid donors for stem cell research to properly perform their research
and could not find them without providing compensation.



Weissman Says Oregon-style Stem Cell Research Could be Done in California

May 19th, 2013 3:08 am

Stanford researcher Irv Weissman says it
is “not true” that Oregon's stem cell research could not be done
legally in California.

In a brief email to the California Stem
Cell Report
, he commented in connection with yesterday's item that said because the Oregon researchers used paid donors for eggs,the research would be illegal in the Golden State.
Weissman said, 

"Not true. They did
it with nearly 40 percent efficiency, which does not require paying
for eggs, just use leftovers from IVF clinics."

There is no question that it is illegal
to pay donors for their eggs in California. The question is whether
the research could be done without using paid donors. In recent
years, researchers at Harvard and elsewhere have said they needed paid donors to properly perform their research
and could not find them without providing compensation.
We have queried Shoukhrat Mitalipov in
Oregon concerning his views on Weissman's comments. We welcome other
comments as well. Comments can be filed directly by clicking on the word "comment" at the end of this item or you can email them to djensen@californiastemcellreport.com
We should also note the comment from
researcher Paul Knoepfler of UC Davis who notes that SCNT cloning is
permissible in California, which is what was done in Oregon. The
state does ban reproductive cloning, however.



Oregon-style Stem Cell Cloning Research Illegal in California: No Pay for Eggs in Golden State

May 19th, 2013 3:08 am

The good news out of Oregon is that
some diligent scientists in the Beaver State have accomplished a
major advance in stem cell research --- the cloning of human stem

That bad news is that their research
would have been illegal in California, and probably will be banned
for decades, if not longer – thanks to Proposition 71 of 2004.
The proposition was the ballot
initiative that created the $3 billion California stem cell agency,
which is hailed internationally as being one of the world leaders in
financing stem cell science. Unfortunately, the 10,000-word
initiative also contains language that was aimed at winning voter
approval of the measure -- not promoting good science.
The team writing the initiative, led by
Robert Klein, the former and first chairman of the stem cell agency,
put in a provision that made it illegal to pay women for their eggs.
The Oregon researchers paid women $3,000 to $7,000 each for their eggs, reflecting the current market rate based on prices paid in
connection with IVF. In some cases for IVF, the compensation is
dramatically higher. (See here and here.) Stem cell researchers in
recent years in the United States have found that they cannot secure
an adequate number of donors without matching IVF donor compensation.
While compensation for eggs is a matter
of some controversy, strong cases have been made that women
should make their own decisions about selling their eggs – not the what some call the nanny state. Of course, that should occur under well-regulated
situations. But Proposition 71 backers wanted to remove any possible
campaign objections by opponents of stem cell research, and so they
inserted the ban along with management minutia and other dubious
Can't that be changed, one might ask?
Not without a herculean effort. That means another ballot measure or
a super, super majority vote in the California legislature plus the
signature of the governor. Imagine a measure on the ballot to
allow women to sell their eggs. The uproar would be heard
internationally. In 2004, when Proposition 71 was approved, it would
have been better to leave the compensation issue unaddressed. Then it
could have been dealt with through regulation or normal legislation,
both of which are far more flexible than ballot measures that alter
the state Constitution and state law.
Our quick and limited survey of the
news coverage indicated that many of the mainstream media stories
omitted the price of the eggs, which may suggest that the issue of
compensation is becoming moot.
In related news about the Oregon
accomplishment, UC Davis stem cell researcher Paul Knoepfler has
posted a good look at the some of the misinformation that is
surfacing on the Internet about the research, including its
He said,

“Keep in mind that on day one of the
iPS cell era in the stem cell field we had a huge number of
misconceptions because we simply had so much to learn. Same is true

Jessica Cussins over at the
Berkeley-based Biopolitical Times also has a solid roundup of the
coverage of the Oregon research and the analysis of its significance.
Here are links to two blog items from
the California stem cell agency on the Oregon research, including one
dealing with “cloning hysteria” and a more general look.



Klein, StemCells, Inc., and $31,000 in Consulting Fees for Torres

May 19th, 2013 3:08 am

The Robert Klein-StemCells, Inc.,
affair has taken another turn with the disclosure that a vice
chairman of the California stem cell agency was paid at least $31,000
over a two-year period by Klein and also voted on behalf of Klein's
effort to win approval of a $20 million award for StemCells, Inc.

Art Torres received what he reported were
consulting fees during 2011 and 2012 from firms controlled by Klein, former chairman of
the agency. In 2012, Torres backed Klein's
efforts to override grant reviewers' rejection of the $20 million
application from the Newark, Ca., publicly traded firm.
Art Torres, center, with Bob Klein, left, at Klein's last meeting in
2011 as chairman of the California stem cell agency.
 Incoming chairman Jonathan Thomas is at right. 

The 29-member board of the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
, as the agency is formally
known, narrowly voted 7-5 last September for the award. It was the
first time that the board has approved an application rejected twice
by its scientific reviewers. It was also the first time that Klein
has lobbied the board on behalf of a specific application since
stepping down in June 2011. He was elected chairman in 2005 as the
agency was just beginning its work and is an iconic figure to many in
the California stem cell community.

Asked for comment last week by the
California Stem Cell Report, Torres said,

"My decision to support an award
to StemCells, Inc. to explore the use of neural stem cell
transplantation to treat Alzheimer's disease was based on the merits
of the application and the hope it offers to patients who suffer from
Alzheimer's, a disease that affects millions, including Bob Klein's
late mother. I have no financial interest in StemCells, Inc. nor does
Bob Klein, and my decision to support the award has no connection
whatsoever to the work I do with Bob Klein."

Kevin McCormack, senior director for
public communications at CIRM, said that Torres' statement would be
the only comment on the matter from the agency.
Klein did not respond to questions,
declaring that personal issues were occupying his time.
The California Stem Cell Report's
questions to all three dealt with the propriety of Torres' employment
by both CIRM and Klein while Klein was asking the board to award a
business $20 million. The governing board has a code of conduct that
declares members should “maintain the highest standards of
integrity and professionalism.” However, it does not speak to
questions of appropriate employment by CIRM directors outside of the
In January 2012, Torres authored a document discussing CIRM's conflict of interest rules. He said they
are intended “to eliminate even the appearance of impropriety.”
He also referred to CIRM's policy on “incompatible activities”
for employees. It deals with activities that could “discredit”
the agency or that are “inimical” to it. However, it does not
specifically deal with the type of situation involving Torres and
Klein, who is a real estate investment banker and attorney. The policy additionally does not address cases where a
governing board member is also an employee of the agency.
Torres' economic disclosure statements,
which are required by state law, contain only broad ranges for compensation, and the amount could be significantly higher than
$31,000. Torres reported that in 2011 he was paid between $10,001 and
$100,000 by both Klein Financial Corp. and K CP Cal, which share the
same address as Klein's offices in Palo Alto. In 2012, Torres reported receiving between $10,001 and $100,000 from K CP Cal and
between $1,001 and $10,000 from Klein Ventures LLC, which also has
the same address.
Torres reported that the payments were
consulting fees and that the firms dealt with real estate. He did not
respond to requests for more details.
Torres earns $225,000 a year in his part-time role as one of two vice chairmen for the agency. Under the
arrangement, he works four days a week.
Torres was chairman of the state
Democratic Party and a longtime state legislator. He was nominated
for vice chairman in 2009 by state Treasurer Bill Lockyer, among
Last week, another financial
arrangement involving Klein surfaced in connection with the
StemCells, Inc., application. Klein gave the agency $21,000 last May,two months before he pitched the board on the StemCells, Inc.,application. The donation was not reported to the board prior to
Klein's appearances before the panel. The agency's regulations
require such gifts to be reported to the board but do not specify a
time frame. Following inquiries from the California Stem Cell Report,
the agency said it would report the donation at the agency board
meeting next week.
Klein's donation financed a trip by six
CIRM science officers to Japan for an international stem cell
conference. The agency directed the officers to give special access
to Klein. Two of the officers were heavily involved in the grant
round that included the StemCells, Inc., application, which scientific reviewers scored at 61 on a scale of 100.



A Patent War on iPS: One Researcher’s View

May 19th, 2013 3:08 am

As the California stem cell agency
pushes ever more aggressively to turn research into cures, the second
largest share of its awards, in terms of numbers of grants, has gone
to efforts involving induced pluripotent cells, also known as
reprogrammed adult cells.

But questions do exist whether those
efforts can surmount barriers that have to do with patents and
ownership of the intellectual property.
UC Davis stem researcher and blogger
Paul Knoepfler discussed some of the problems in a post yesterday. He wrote,

“All the talk and the slew of
publications about potentially using iPS cells to develop therapies
to help patients is exciting in theory, but unfortunately the reality
is that it is not entirely clear if most researchers are, from a
legal standpoint, even allowed to develop and commercialize iPS
cell-based therapies at all.

“The patent landscape for iPS cells
is complicated to put it mildly. A
Google patent search for “induced pluripotent stem cells”
produced almost 200,000 results

“A search for “cellular
reprogramming produced more than 1,000
I’m not sure all of these results are
really separate patents, but still….that’s a big complicated

“It is no exaggeration to say
there are likely dozens of institutions around the world wanting to
commercialize iPS cell-based products.

“Will they all have to pay expensive
licensing fees or end up in court?
…or will the patent holders
voluntarily and freely allow others to commercialize iPS cell-based
medical treatments?

“I don’t think so.

“This could get really messy.”



Patient Advocate Reed Defends Klein Donation to Stem Cell Agency

May 19th, 2013 3:08 am
The California Stem Cell Report today
received the following email from Don Reed, a patient advocate, who
has long been involved in California stem cell agency affairs. Reed
is vice president of public policy for Americans for Cures
 a position he has held for some years. Americans for
Cures is the personal lobbying organization created by Robert Klein,
former chairman of the California stem cell agency. Reed said his
opinions below are his own and may or may not reflect those of the

“I must take issue with your entry,
'Robert Klein Gives $21,630 to the California Stem Cell Agency,' May
05, 2013.

Bob Klein donated $21,630 to the California stem cell program (to
allow scientists to attend a research conference in Japan) he was
doing exactly what he always does: advancing research to ease
suffering and save lives.  The scientists needed a way to attend
a top-level conference. Believing in the benefits of researchers
sharing thoughts, Bob paid for their trip.

your article appears to imply corrupt motivations.

seemingly innocuous…gift…generated a wave of special favors for
(Klein) that stretched out to include a gold mining multimillionaire
from Canada.'.
A 'wave of special favors?'  The article
states that 'Klein wanted to meet with the six science officers…'
 and to get their impressions on the conference.

that not natural? First, would it not be helpful to hear from the
scientists if the trip was worth the time and expense? Second, Bob
Klein works in real estate, a full-time job. He does not have the
scientist’s automatic involvement to keep him up to speed on
everything new in regenerative research. But he wants to know the
latest: what is working, what is not. He is always eager for a chance
to speak one-on-one with an expert.

“He met with a Canadian
millionaire? Why is this shocking? The millionaire supports stem cell
research; so does Bob. California is working closely with Canada on
several projects; they pay their scientists, we pay ours; more bang
for the buck. If there is a person with the resources and will to
advance Canadian research, it is natural that Bob would want to
develop a deeper interest in the shared research.

“And why
should Klein be criticized for supporting a research project
attempting to alleviate Alzheimer’s? He saw his own mother die of
the disease, after losing the ability  to recognize her own son.
 I am familiar with that particular Alzheimer’s project, and
it had some amazing results, restoring memory to laboratory rats.
This was a water maze test, and the rats recovered the memory of a
pathway out of the water, which they had forgotten. To the best of my
knowledge, no one else in the world had achieved memory return, and
the project deserved the most serious consideration.  Yes, the
board of directors voted against the Grants Working Group; it is not
only their right but their responsibility to exercise judgment, and
not merely be a rubber stamp for the GWG.

“There is also the
matter of free speech. Anybody else in California can come to the
meetings of the program and voice their opinion—why should Klein be
denied the right to voice his opinion?

“Bob Klein owns no
stem cell stock, no biomedical enterprises. Financially, supporting
stem cell research has cost him a great deal. This is the man who led
the fight to build the California stem cell program, donating roughly
six million dollars, taking out loans on his house to help finance
Proposition 71. And, for six years (without salary) he worked
full-time as Chair of the Board of the oversight committee.
Physically and emotionally, it has been an exhausting decade for him.
He has not profited in any way, except to see the advancement of
research for cure.

“Passing a $3 billion stem cell program
in the midst of a recession was like relocating Mount
Everest—seemingly impossible, but he did it anyway. He moved the
mountain. Thousands of people helped, but one man made it possible.
Without Bob Klein, California would not have the greatest stem cell
program in the world: challenging diseases considered incurable since
the dawn of time. That he should continue to support it, with his
dollars, time, energy and creativity, is commendable.

a good deed is just that: no sinister motivations, no secret
agendas-- just a positive action which benefits all.”  



WARF hESC Patent Update: Seven Years and Challenge Still Underway

May 19th, 2013 3:08 am

Last week UC Davis stem cell researcher
Paul Knoepfler and Scripps researcher Jeanne Loring engaged in an
online Q&A that touched on patents and how they can stifle
research and discourage development of therapies.

Loring did not mention it in the Q&A
but she is the key figure in the ongoing challenge to the WARF
(Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation)
patents on human embryonic
stem cells. Her effort began in 2006 but has dropped out of the news.
We asked her for an update on the case.
Here is the text of what she replied,

Dan Ravicher is the lawyer behind
several big patent cases, including the recent Supreme Court case
challenging human gene patenting (Myriad), and a challenge to
Monsanto's restrictive enforcement of its patents on genetically
modified seeds. 

“I'm lucky that he is also the lawyer
working with John M. Simpson (of Consumer Watchdog) and me to
challenge the WARF patents.  Currently, we are getting ready for
another year of appeals and counter-appeals on the third of WARF's
three patents that give them control over all human embryonic stem

“This is Dan's summary of the current

"'We filed challenges at the
Patent Office to all three of WARF's hESC patents. During those
challenges, WARF agreed to narrow all three of the patents, and
they also loosened their licensing requirements. But, even
though the patents were narrowed, we still think they're invalid, and
thus disagree with the Patent Office's decision to re-issue them in
the narrowed forms. Unfortunately, due to the age of the patents and
changes in the law, we were only allowed to appeal one of the three
decisions, and that appeal is now pending at the Court of Appeals in
Washington. But, we expect the decision in our appeal will affect
the validity of the other two patents, since they're all basically
on the same technology." 

“The 'narrowing' of the patents has
had an unexpected consequence.  Before the narrowing, WARF's
patents would have covered iPSCs as well as hESCs. After the
narrowing, they can only claim hESCs.”

In the Q&A on Knoepfler's blog,
which also involved an interesting discussion of IPS research,
Loring said,

on fundamental things
genes, human embryonic stem cells, iPS cells
allow the patent holder to have a monopoly, preventing anyone else
from using whatever they’ve patented.

are supposed to stimulate investment in development.  Why, as
Justice Scalia said last week, would anyone have the incentive to
study a gene and, for example, develop diagnostic tests, if they
couldn’t prevent everyone else from working on that gene?

patents also stifle competition and the advances that come from
having many different groups studying the genes or cells.  One
of the main reasons I returned to academia was so I could have
freedom to study human ES cells without worrying about getting
threatening letters from a patent holder, demanding that I either
stop working on the cells or pay a steep licensing fee.

will inevitably be problems commercializing iPSC-based therapies and
assays, because at least three institutions own patents on aspects of
iPSCs.  I’m paying attention to the patent
but have decided to deal with those problems when they arise, and
hope that the iPSC patent holders realize that the potential of these
cells is too great to keep to themselves.  It would be better
for all of us if the issue of stem cell patents never has to be
decided in the Supreme Court.”



Cloning Break Through-Human Stem Cells? – Video

May 19th, 2013 2:51 am

Cloning Break Through-Human Stem Cells?

By: Jane Doe

Read this article:
Cloning Break Through-Human Stem Cells? - Video


Stem Cells Made From Cloned Embryos, Now What? – Video

May 19th, 2013 2:51 am

Stem Cells Made From Cloned Embryos, Now What?
Researchers say the possibility of cloning tissue can help fight health problems, but others question the risk it brings of cloning humans.

By: NewsyScience

Stem Cells Made From Cloned Embryos, Now What? - Video


Recovered Stem Cells Yield Big News! | HPL – Video

May 19th, 2013 2:51 am

Recovered Stem Cells Yield Big News! | HPL
Subscribe to HuffPost Live Today: http://bit.ly/13Rzzjw Watch More HPL Here: http://goo.gl/z3htz Scientists have finally recovered stem cells from cloned hum...

By: HuffPostLive

View original post here:
Recovered Stem Cells Yield Big News! | HPL - Video


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