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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury c6 c7 by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India – Video

October 4th, 2013 11:41 pm

Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury c6 c7 by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India
Improvement seen after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury c6-c7 by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Standing toleran...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

See the rest here:
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury c6 c7 by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India - Video


Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Mild Autism by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India – Video

October 4th, 2013 8:43 am

Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Mild Autism by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India
Improvement seen in just 5 days after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Mild Autism by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India. After Stem Cell Therapy As reported by th...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Mild Autism by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumbai, India - Video


Okyanos Heart Institute Offers Educational Seminar About Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy In Lucaya, Grand Bahama

October 3rd, 2013 6:43 am

Freeport, The Bahamas (PRWEB) October 03, 2013

Okyanos Heart Institute, whose mission is to bring a new standard of care and better quality of life to patients with coronary artery disease using cardiac stem cell therapy, has announced that they will be hosting a free educational seminar for the business community and all other interested individuals on Tuesday, October 22nd from 5:30 6:30 pm in the Coral Reef Room of the Pelican Bay Hotel in Lucaya, Grand Bahama Island. Registration is requested to attend as seating is limited.

Howard Walpole, M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I. and chief medical officer and interventional cardiologist for Okyanos Heart Institute will provide an overview of stem cell therapy for heart disease, the source of stem cells, how it is intended to work, and the protocol that will be used by the cath lab for patients once the facility is open in February, 2014. Erika Mangrum, SVP of Communications for the company, will provide an overview of what services will be needed by small businesses on the island, such as janitorial, hospital grade laundry, transportation, catering and more. A preliminary list of jobs that Okyanos Heart Institute will need to fill towards the end of the year will also be shared.

We welcome the local business community to learn about what we will be doing in treating patients with heart disease, said Walpole. Stem cell therapy is a growing field still with some confusion around where stem cells come from, what they do, and how they can potentially help someone with heart disease. We want to answer as many questions as we can.

President of The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited (GBPA) Ian Rolle, is pleased with how plans are progressing as the Institute prepares to open its doors locally in early 2014. Legislation has recently been enacted to support stem cell therapy, research and development in The Bahamas. This is of monumental proportions as Grand Bahama Island is now poised to become a leading centre for medical advancement, Rolle said. We heartily welcome the Okyanos Heart Institute and support their efforts towards public education. Additionally, the employment of skilled professionals and outsourcing of ancillary services, mean permanent engagement and greater business opportunities for many of our citizenry.

Okyanos Heart Institute will have a number of service needs from the local business community, said Mangrum. We hope to meet potential suppliers and servicers and share what our needs will be from service providers, and share employment needs once we are close to opening in February. We could not be more enthused about bringing patients to the beautiful island of Grand Bahama in the hopes of improving the quality of their lives by restoring flow to their hearts.

Registration for the seminar is requested as seating is limited. Call 242-688-2667 or email freeseminar(at)okyanos(dot)com by Oct 18.

ABOUT OKYANOS HEART INSTITUTE: (Oh key AH nos) Based in Freeport, The Bahamas, Okyanos Heart Institutes mission is to bring a new standard of care and a better quality of life to patients with coronary artery disease using cardiac stem cell therapy. Okyanos adheres to U.S. surgical center standards and is led by Chief Medical Officer Howard T. Walpole Jr., M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I. Okyanos Treatment utilizes a unique blend of stem and regenerative cells derived from ones own adipose (fat) tissue. The cells, when placed into the heart via a minimally-invasive catheterization, stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. The treatment facilitates blood flow in the heart and supports intake and use of oxygen (as demonstrated in rigorous clinical trials such as the PRECISE trial). The literary name Okyanos (Oceanos) symbolizes flow. For more information, go to http://www.okyanos.com.

Go here to see the original:
Okyanos Heart Institute Offers Educational Seminar About Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy In Lucaya, Grand Bahama


130914 15 CESMA Deploying Stem Cells Terapie avanzate aspetti etici, Don Pablo REQUENA – Video

October 1st, 2013 2:44 am

130914 15 CESMA Deploying Stem Cells Terapie avanzate aspetti etici, Don Pablo REQUENA

By: aosbrief

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130914 15 CESMA Deploying Stem Cells Terapie avanzate aspetti etici, Don Pablo REQUENA - Video


CESMA: Deploying Stem Cells 20, T Gen Federico MARMO Conclusioni – Video

October 1st, 2013 2:44 am

CESMA: Deploying Stem Cells 20, T Gen Federico MARMO Conclusioni
T Gen Federico Marmo Ispettore Generale Sanità Militare.

By: aosbrief

View original post here:
CESMA: Deploying Stem Cells 20, T Gen Federico MARMO Conclusioni - Video


CESMA: Deploying Stem Cells 13, Prof Augusto Pessina: Introduzione panel ASPETTI NORMATIVI ED ETICI – Video

September 30th, 2013 11:47 am

CESMA: Deploying Stem Cells 13, Prof Augusto Pessina: Introduzione panel ASPETTI NORMATIVI ED ETICI
Prof. Augusto PESSINA - Associato di Microbiologia e Microbiologia Clinica, Coordinatore Gruppo Italiano Staminali Mesenchimali (GISM) introduzione al panel ...

By: aosbrief

See the rest here:
CESMA: Deploying Stem Cells 13, Prof Augusto Pessina: Introduzione panel ASPETTI NORMATIVI ED ETICI - Video


Professor Arnold Caplan discusses mesenchymal stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis – Video

September 30th, 2013 5:40 am

Professor Arnold Caplan discusses mesenchymal stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis
Professor Caplan is "The father of the mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)". In this clip, he describes a mouse experiment using human MSCs in a mouse model of MS. T...

By: http://www.cellmedicine.com

See original here:
Professor Arnold Caplan discusses mesenchymal stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis - Video


Insurance Covered Stem Cell Therapy in California at TeleHealth (888) 828-4575 – Video

September 30th, 2013 5:40 am

Insurance Covered Stem Cell Therapy in California at TeleHealth (888) 828-4575
http://stemcelltherapyincalifornia.com Stem Cell Therapy procedures at TeleHealth are offered for a number of conditions and often covered by insurance. Thes...

By: USPainNetwork

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Insurance Covered Stem Cell Therapy in California at TeleHealth (888) 828-4575 - Video


Southern California Stem Cell Therapy Clinic, TeleHealth, Now Offering Stem Cells for Knee Arthritis

September 30th, 2013 5:40 am

Orange, CA (PRWEB) September 30, 2013

TeleHealth, the leading stem cell therapy clinic on the West Coast, is now offering multiple treatments with stem cells for knee arthritis. The stem cell treatments are very exciting as they present the possibility of repairing and regenerating arthritis damage in the knees. The treatments are offered by Board Certified stem cell doctors at the clinic in outpatient, low risk procedures that are often covered by insurance. Call (888) 828-4575 for more information and scheduling.

Over the past few years, increasing studies are showing the benefits of regenerative medicine treatments for knee arthritis. This includes a study out of the Hospital for Special Surgery last year showing effectiveness of platelet rich plasma therapy for knee arthritis. Treatment options at TeleHealth include both platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP therapy) along with bone marrow derived stem cell injection therapy or fat derived stem cell therapy.

Often, the treatments are combined to produce maximum knee arthritis benefit and allow patients to avoid surgery, reduce pain and dramatically increase functional ability. While knee replacement surgery has been shown to have a high success rate, the components are not meant to last forever and there can be complications with the surgery.

Therefore, it makes sense to try conservative treatment prior such as with the regenerative medicine options at TeleHealth. Especially considering the stem cell treatments are often covered by insurance.

TeleHealths main stem cell clinic is located in Orange, CA, convenient to major freeways and not far from San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Ana and Inland Empire. The highly skilled stem cell doctors at the clinic are Board Certified and have years of experience treating musculoskeletal conditions with stem cell treatments including shoulder arthritis, rotator cuff tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis, tennis elbow, muscle tears and much more.

Call (888) 828-4575 for more information and scheduling.

See more here:
Southern California Stem Cell Therapy Clinic, TeleHealth, Now Offering Stem Cells for Knee Arthritis


Stem cell therapy for burns, not aging, says FDA

September 30th, 2013 5:40 am

MANILA, PhilippinesStem cell therapy should only apply to skin grafting for burn patients and not for anti-aging purposes, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Up to now, there is no evidence that stem cell therapy has anti-aging effects, said FDA acting Director General Kenneth Hartigan-Go.

The FDA recognizes only hematopoietic (pertaining to the formation and development of blood cells) stem cell transplantation, corneal resurfacing with limbal stem cells and skin regeneration with epidermal stem cells as generally accepted standards of health care.

Asked if this meant anti-aging stem cell therapies would not be allowed in the Philippines, Go said: It means that if the health claim is for burn patients, requirements that need to be submittedlike clinical trial reportsare expected to be complete, whereas if the claim is for anti-aging, then the requirements may be more extensive and intensive considering that products for anti-aging claims are still controversial.

Facility accreditation

The FDA said it had been continuously collaborating with the Department of Healths Bureau of Health Facilities and Services (BHFS) in accrediting facilities that deal with human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products (HCT/Ps), laboratory and therapeutic activities or services.

As of Sept. 24, 51 facilities have applied for accreditation, and 11 of these have been inspected by the BHFS, the FDA said.

No automatic approval

Submission of an application, however, does not necessarily result in automatic approval.

The FDA guidelines require that all stem cell and cellular-based treatments offered in the country should first pass the agencys standards for safety, efficacy and quality.

Here is the original post:
Stem cell therapy for burns, not aging, says FDA


Healing With Stem Cell Therapy – Video

September 29th, 2013 9:44 pm

Healing With Stem Cell Therapy
http://www.ihealthtube.com http://www.facebook.com/ihealthtube Stem cell treatments have long been controversial, mostly because they started with the use of...

By: iHealthTube.com

Read more here:
Healing With Stem Cell Therapy - Video


CESMA Deploying Stem Cells 17, Col. Eduardo CUCUZZA Esigenze logistiche in teatro – Video

September 29th, 2013 12:45 am

CESMA Deploying Stem Cells 17, Col. Eduardo CUCUZZA Esigenze logistiche in teatro
17 Col. Eduardo CUCUZZA, Policlinico Militare Celio Roma: Esigenze logistiche derivanti dalla traduzione delle evidenze scientifiche nella pratica clinica di...

By: aosbrief

Original post:
CESMA Deploying Stem Cells 17, Col. Eduardo CUCUZZA Esigenze logistiche in teatro - Video


CESMA Deploying Stem Cells 18 Col. Sergio FULVIO, MEDEVAC in ambiente non permissivo – Video

September 29th, 2013 12:45 am

CESMA Deploying Stem Cells 18 Col. Sergio FULVIO, MEDEVAC in ambiente non permissivo
18 Col. Sergio FULVIO, Centro Operativo di vertice Interforze Operazioni MEDEVAC in ambiente non permissivo: stato dell #39;arte e sviluppi futuri,

By: aosbrief

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CESMA Deploying Stem Cells 18 Col. Sergio FULVIO, MEDEVAC in ambiente non permissivo - Video


CESMA Deploying Stem Cells 19, Col. Pil. Tomaso INVREA – Il recupero del personale isolato – Video

September 29th, 2013 12:45 am

CESMA Deploying Stem Cells 19, Col. Pil. Tomaso INVREA - Il recupero del personale isolato
CESMA Deploying Stem CellsCol. Pil. Tomaso INVREA - Il recupero del personale isolato e le evacuazioni mediche in teatri non permissivi, 1^ Brigata Aerea "Op...

By: aosbrief

Excerpt from:
CESMA Deploying Stem Cells 19, Col. Pil. Tomaso INVREA - Il recupero del personale isolato - Video


130914 16 CESMA Deploying Stem Cells ASPETTI LOGISTICI ED OPERATIVI Chairman Gen Giuseppe MARANI – Video

September 28th, 2013 7:40 am

130914 16 CESMA Deploying Stem Cells ASPETTI LOGISTICI ED OPERATIVI Chairman Gen Giuseppe MARANI

By: aosbrief

Read the rest here:
130914 16 CESMA Deploying Stem Cells ASPETTI LOGISTICI ED OPERATIVI Chairman Gen Giuseppe MARANI - Video


Blood stem cells – case of navicular disease cured with blood stem cells – Video

September 28th, 2013 7:40 am

Blood stem cells - case of navicular disease cured with blood stem cells
A case of navicular disease resistant to treatment cured with blood stem cells. Beatrice is Ginevra #39;s 16 year old horse that has stopped working for some mon...

By: Marco Polettini

See the original post here:
Blood stem cells - case of navicular disease cured with blood stem cells - Video


Kilian Receives Stemlogix Stem Cell Therapy – Video

September 28th, 2013 7:40 am

Kilian Receives Stemlogix Stem Cell Therapy

By: Stemlogix, LLC

Go here to see the original:
Kilian Receives Stemlogix Stem Cell Therapy - Video


Ben Moody of Evanescence talks HGH Stem Cell Therapy MetroMD Los Angeles – Video

September 28th, 2013 7:40 am

Ben Moody of Evanescence talks HGH Stem Cell Therapy MetroMD Los Angeles


Ben Moody of Evanescence talks HGH Stem Cell Therapy MetroMD Los Angeles - Video


Dr. Sliwin Explains More On Stem Cells – Video

September 27th, 2013 5:40 pm

Dr. Sliwin Explains More On Stem Cells
Stem Cells - Use the stem cells in your fat now to help rebuild later!

By: Mike Landry

Read the original post:
Dr. Sliwin Explains More On Stem Cells - Video


Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson’s Proves Safe in Primates

September 26th, 2013 11:42 pm

In a step that brings stem cells closer to the clinic, researchers in Japan have found that transplanting reprogrammed stem cells into the brains of primates elicits little rejection by their immune systems.

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are created when skin cells, for example, are genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic-like state. This kind of stem cells holds great potential for the treatment of disease, since the cells are genetically identical to the patient they are taken from.

However, studies in rodents have suggested that the immune system may still recognize cells derived from iPSCs as foreign, and mount an attack on them. This has cast doubt on the feasibility of similar cell therapy for humans.

To test this in an animal more closely related to humans, researchers studied macaques. Using cells taken from the monkeys mouths or from their bloodstream, the researchers created iPSCs which they then, in turn, transformed into neurons. These neurons were of a specific kind: dopamine-producing neurons, the type depleted by Parkinsons disease.

Each monkey got six injections of these neurons into its brainsome which had been made from their own cells and others which were from another individual and therefore mismatched. The team could then see what kind of immune response each type produced.

Over subsequent months of observation, the monkeys showed very little immune response to transplants of their own cells. Their immune response was much higher in response to cells from another monkey.

The team also tracked how well the neurons survived after transplantation. They found that even when there was an immune response from the primate, the dopamine-producing neurons survived. The study is published today in Stem Cell Reports.

Trials using iPSCs to treat people with Parkinsons disease could therefore be on the horizon. These findings give a rationale to start autologous transplantationat least of neural cellsin clinical situations, says senior author Jun Takahashi of Kyoto University.

Image by Oliver Sved / Shutterstock

Continued here:
Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson's Proves Safe in Primates


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