Stem Cells During ACL Surgery – Video
October 27th, 2013 5:41 am
Stem Cells During ACL Surgery
By: Memorial Hermann
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Stem Cells During ACL Surgery - Video
Stem Cells During ACL Surgery
By: Memorial Hermann
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Stem Cells During ACL Surgery - Video
Stem Cells: A Genetic Perspective B-ROLL
By: yourismediacenter
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Stem Cells: A Genetic Perspective B-ROLL - Video
How Are Adult Stem Cells Helping People Today?
Adult stem cell research is already producing successful treatments for many of the diseases and illnesses that scientists hope embryonic stem cells will one day be able cure. Embryonic stem...
By: OregonRightToLife
Originally posted here:
How Are Adult Stem Cells Helping People Today? - Video
Stem cell therapycan bea very controversial issue, but now some veterinarians are using new techniques to harvest those cells.
The cutting edge procedure helps fight degenerative diseases and has only been performed a few times in Missouri.
Experts say regenerative medicine using stem cells is a less invasive and more cost effective alternative for dogs suffering from osteoarthritis and cartilage injuries.
Googus is an 8 year old Boxer mix diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy.
This terminal disease affects the spinal cord causing loss of control in the hind legs.
"Even though they're unable to use their back legs they're still normal in their brain and they just don't understand why they can't walk," said Dr. Stephen Williams, Animal Health Center. "There's just not a good connection and transmission from the nerves to the back legs."
But new technology could slow, if not stop, its progression. Dr. Williams is using stem cell therapy to counteract this and other degenerative diseases in dogs.
"The stem cells from the patient are the ones that are going to benefit that same patient versus trying to take stem cells from a different dog and putting them in this dog," said Dr. Williams. "By harvesting the stem cells from the fat versus people have heard of stem cells from umbilical cords and stuff like that we're taking it from the fat tissue and harvesting those and actually activating with a fluorescent light."
Once the fat is extracted it's a two hour process to prepare the new stem cells. Those are then injected back into the patient along with platelets that work with the immune system to fight the disorder.
Stem cell therapycan bea very controversial issue, but now some veterinarians are using new techniques to harvest those cells.
The cutting edge procedure helps fight degenerative diseases and has only been performed a few times in Missouri.
Experts say regenerative medicine using stem cells is a less invasive and more cost effective alternative for dogs suffering from osteoarthritis and cartilage injuries.
Googus is an 8 year old Boxer mix diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy.
This terminal disease affects the spinal cord causing loss of control in the hind legs.
"Even though they're unable to use their back legs they're still normal in their brain and they just don't understand why they can't walk," said Dr. Stephen Williams, Animal Health Center. "There's just not a good connection and transmission from the nerves to the back legs."
But new technology could slow, if not stop, its progression. Dr. Williams is using stem cell therapy to counteract this and other degenerative diseases in dogs.
"The stem cells from the patient are the ones that are going to benefit that same patient versus trying to take stem cells from a different dog and putting them in this dog," said Dr. Williams. "By harvesting the stem cells from the fat versus people have heard of stem cells from umbilical cords and stuff like that we're taking it from the fat tissue and harvesting those and actually activating with a fluorescent light."
Once the fat is extracted it's a two hour process to prepare the new stem cells. Those are then injected back into the patient along with platelets that work with the immune system to fight the disorder.
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Stem cell therapy used in Sikeston in dogs
Contact: Eileen Leahy 732-238-3628 Elsevier Health Sciences
San Francisco, CA, October 22, 2013 A study performed at Children's Hospital Los Angeles found no evidence that stem cell therapy improves vision for children with optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH). Their results are reported in the Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS).
ONH, an underdevelopment of optic nerves that occurs during fetal development, may appear either as an isolated abnormality or as part of a group of disorders characterized by brain anomalies, developmental delay, and endocrine abnormalities. ONH is a leading cause of blindness in children in North America and Europe and is the only cause of childhood blindness that shows increasing prevalence. No treatments have been shown to improve vision in these children.
With no viable treatment options available to improve vision, ophthalmologists are becoming aware that families with children affected by ONH are travelling to China seeking stem cell therapy, despite lack of approval in the United States and Europe or evidence from controlled trials. The American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus has also expressed its concern about these procedures. In response to this situation, pediatric neuro-ophthalmologist Mark Borchert, MD, Director of both the Eye Birth Defects and Eye Technology Institutes in The Vision Center at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, realized that a controlled trial of sufficient size was needed to evaluate whether stem cell therapy is effective at improving optic nerve function in children with ONH. He agreed to conduct an independent study when asked by Beike Biotech, a company based in Shenzhen, China, that offers treatment for ONH using donor umbilical cord stem cells injected into the cerebral spinal fluid.
Beike Biotech agreed to identify 10 children with bilateral ONH (ages 7-17 years) who had volunteered to travel to China for stem cell therapy and who agreed to participate in the study; Children's Hospital was to find case matched controls from their clinic. However, only two case-controlled pairs were evaluated because Beike Biotech was only able to recruit two patients. Treatments consisted of six infusions over a 16-day period of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells and daily infusions of growth factors. Visual acuity, optic nerve size, and sensitivity to light were to be evaluated one month before stem cell therapy and three and nine months after treatment.
No therapeutic effect was found in the two case-control pairs that were enrolled. "The results of this study show that children greater than 7 years of age with ONH may have spontaneous improvement in vision from one examination to the next. This improvement occurs equally in children regardless of whether or not they received treatment. Other aspects of the eye examination included pupil responses to light and optic nerve size; these did not change following treatment. The results of this research do not support the use of stem cells in the treatment of ONH at this time," says lead author Cassandra Fink, MPH, program administrator at The Vision Center, Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
Confounding the trial was that subjects received additional alternative therapies (acupuncture, functional electrical stimulation, and exercise) while receiving stem cell treatments, which was contrary to the trial protocol. The investigators could not determine the effect of these additional therapies.
"This study underscores the importance of scientifically testing these procedures to validate them and also to ensure their safety. Parents of afflicted children should be aware that the science behind the use of stem cell technology is unclear. This study takes a step toward testing this technology and finds no beneficial effect," says William V. Good, MD, Senior Associate Editor, Journal of AAPOS and Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Senior Scientist at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute.
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No evidence to support stem cell therapy for pediatric optic nerve hypoplasia
Orange County, CA (PRWEB) October 21, 2013
The premier stem cell therapy clinic on the West Coast, Physician First Choice, is now offering IV stem cell treatment for numerous medical conditions. This includes stem cell treatment for Alzheimer's disease, Diabetes, Parkinson's, Liver Disease, Cardiac Disease, COPD and much more. The treatments are provided by US Board Certified Stem Cell Doctors and for more information call (888) 988-0515.
Stem cell therapy has become available for numerous medical conditions and can dramatically improve the patient's baseline. Increasing amounts of research are showing the benefits of IV stem cell therapy for conditions such as diabetes and COPD. Prior to stem cell therapy, these conditions could be managed with traditional medications, but the disease itself could not be altered. With stem cell therapy, that possibility exists.
The Board Certified stem cell doctors at Physician First Choice have over 20 combined years of experience working with patients for both stem cell injection treatment and IV therapy. The clinic treats patients at multiple Southern California locations along with an international location in Mexico. Patient treatment is performed by the same US Board Certified doctors before, during and after therapy to ensure continuity of care.
The program in Mexico involves four days worth of treatment at a first rate clinic, and patients stay at a beautiful hotel with transportation included. IV stem cell therapy is performed along with growth factor treatments to enhance the effect of the bone marrow stem cells.
For conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, watching a loved one deteriorate can be disheartening even when the best care is received. Physician First Choice has been having excellent results with IV stem cell treatment for diabetes and these conditions, and the program has been growing exponentially as a result.
The 4 Day Stem Cell Therapy IV Program is offered as a package. Transportation to and from San Diego is included along with the Hotel Stay, All Medical Treatment, Breakfast Each Day, and Transportation between the Gorgeous Hotel and the Stem Cell Treatment Facility. Patients must be approved for program inclusion with a full medical record review and evaluation by the Southern California doctors.
To inquire about program inclusion for IV stem cell therapy, call Physician First Choice at (888) 988-0515.
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Physician First Choice Now Offering IV Stem Cell Therapy for Numerous Medical Conditions with US Board Certified Stem ...
Blood Stem Cells - foot pathologies
CASE 1 This horse used to be Gran Prix, but degenerative arthritis of the distal interphalangeal joint made movement difficult. I cannot say if the cause was the frequent joint injections...
By: Marco Polettini
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Blood Stem Cells - foot pathologies - Video
Chicago Arthritis Stem Cells for Arthritis and Tendinitis
Dr Tambar at describes the use of Stem Cells for arthritis and tendinitis.
By: ChicagoArthritis
See the article here:
Chicago Arthritis Stem Cells for Arthritis and Tendinitis - Video
Ankle arthritis treatment... what are thre options? Ankle arthritis is increasing in prevalence. The most common causes are trauma and ligamentous laxity. Conservativ...
By: Nathan Wei
Originally posted here:
Ankle arthritis treatment... what are thre options? - Video
Dr. K. Krishnaiah talks about Stem Cell therapy to TV7
Mediciti Hospitals is bringing to India a novel stem-cell based technique for "cartilage regeneration" which can replace knee replacement procedures. Our chi...
By: Mediciti Hospitals
See the original post here:
Dr. K. Krishnaiah talks about Stem Cell therapy to TV7 - Video
Purtier Placenta Live Stem Cell Therapy Miracle - Mr Lee Kay Hoy - Osteoporosis, Sensitive Nose
Purtier Placenta Live Stem Cell Therapy Miracle - Mr Lee Kay Hoy - Osteoporosis, Sensitive Nose For more information please email us with your contact number...
By: Purtier Placenta Singapore Original
Stem Cell Therapy in India for Osteoarthritis
Completely bedridden patient have started joint movements after transplantation of autologous stem cells intra thically and thhough IV. His stem cell transpl...
By: StemRx BioScience
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Stem Cell Therapy in India for Osteoarthritis - Video
Mathew Blurton Jones - New Hope: Stem Cell Therapy in Alzheimer #39;s Disease
"New Hope: Stem Cell Therapy in Alzheimer #39;s Disease" Mathew Blurton-Jones, Ph.D. -- University of California, Irvine 24th Annual Southern California Alzheime...
See the original post here:
Mathew Blurton Jones - New Hope: Stem Cell Therapy in Alzheimer's Disease - Video
Stem cells help Patient with Severe brain damage
By: Mothercell l
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Stem cells help Patient with Severe brain damage - Video
Stem cells to allow growing new teeth.
By: ScienceDuude
Excerpt from:
Stem cells to allow growing new teeth. - Video
Body Renewal with Luminesce Adult Stem Cells from Jeunesse Global
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By: Jeunesse Pim
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Body Renewal with Luminesce Adult Stem Cells from Jeunesse Global - Video
Allie #39;s Voice Podcast: ViaCyte Stem Cells for T1D
Podcast: Subscribe: The JDRF is funding research efforts of ViaCyte to bring us closer to a T1D...
By: Allie Beatty
Allie's Voice Podcast: ViaCyte Stem Cells for T1D - Video
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for a Down Syndrome Model
Amateur news article covering the contents of: Briggs, J. A.; Sun, J.; Sheperd, J.; Ovchinnikov, D. A.; Chung, T.-L.; Nayler, S. P.; Kao, L.-P.; Morrow, C. A...
By: alarkl
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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for a Down Syndrome Model - Video
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Banks Aaradhya #39;s Umbilical Cord Stem Cells
Aishwarya Rai is in no mood for a comeback. The actress was at an event unveiling stem cell banking for LifeCell. For Latest Bollywood News Gossip, Log on ...
By: live9tv
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Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Banks Aaradhya's Umbilical Cord Stem Cells - Video