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FDA Issues Draft Guidance to Facilitate Development of Human Gene Therapy, CAR T Cell, and Regenerative Medicine Products – Wilson Sonsini Goodrich…

August 19th, 2022 2:10 am

The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated its Guidance Agenda in June 2022,1which provides that the agency plans to issue 18 guidance documents in 2022, including eight guidance documents on tissues and advanced therapies. In this alert, we highlight some key considerations from three draft guidance documents on human gene therapy products that incorporate gene editing (GE) components, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell products, and regenerative medicine therapies that can benefit biopharmaceutical developers and sponsors. Recognizing the challenges of developing such complex, multi-component biologic drug products, including unanticipated risks associated with on-target and off-target activities, these draft guidance documents describe the FDA's recommendations for preclinical and clinical testing, chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC), as well as information that should be included in investigational new drug (IND) applications to ensure proper identity, potency/strength, quality, and purity of the investigational drug products. FDA recommends sponsors of such complex products to communicate with the Office of Tissues and Advanced Therapies (OTAT) in CBER early in product development before submission of an IND, to discuss the product-specific considerations in preparation for transitioning to the clinical phase.

FDA expects detailed information and data IND applications before sponsors can transition to clinical testing. We recommend biopharmaceutical developers and sponsors review the applicable FDA draft guidance documents early in their product development process to identify these needs. Work closely with both FDA regulatory counsel and intellectual property/patent counsel to ensure there is sufficient data to support an IND application, including adequate testing and quality control measures, and that CMC, preclinical, and clinical development plans are coordinated with intellectual property and patent strategies to ensure robust protection of their intellectual property and to maximize the benefits of their patents and FDA regulatory exclusivities. We also encourage interested persons to submit comments to shape the policies proposed in FDA's draft guidance documents prior to finalization.

Draft Guidance for Industry: Human Gene Therapy Products Incorporating Genome Editing2

Draft Guidance for Industry: Considerations for the Development of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Products3

Draft Guidance for Industry: Voluntary Consensus Standards Recognition Program for Regenerative Medicine Therapies4

Stakeholders have until September 14, 2022, to submit comments to this draft guidance to ensure they are considered by FDA before finalization of the guidance.

For More Information

For questions regarding FDA strategy, approval, and regulatory compliance, please contact any member of Wilson Sonsini'sFDA regulatory, healthcare, and consumer productspractice. For questions regarding intellectual property and patent counseling, please contact any member of Wilson Sonsini'spatents and innovationspractice.

Andrea Chamblee,Paul Gadiock, andEva Yincontributed to the preparation of this Wilson Sonsini Alert.

[1] FDA, Guidance Agenda: Guidance Documents CBER is Planning to Publish During Calendar Year 2022 (Updated June 2022), available at https://www.fda.gov/media/120341/download.

[2] FDA, Draft Guidance for Industry: Human Gene Therapy Products Incorporating Genome Editing (March 2022), available at https://www.fda.gov/media/156894/download.

[3] FDA, Draft Guidance for Industry: Considerations for the Development of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Products, available at https://www.fda.gov/media/156896/download.

[4] FDA, Draft Guidance for Industry: Voluntary Consensus Standards Recognition Program for Regenerative Medicine Therapies (June 2022), available at https://www.fda.gov/media/159237/download.

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FDA Issues Draft Guidance to Facilitate Development of Human Gene Therapy, CAR T Cell, and Regenerative Medicine Products - Wilson Sonsini Goodrich...


Marco Quarta to present at the 9th Aging Research & Drug Discovery Meeting 2022 – EurekAlert

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

image:The ARDD Meeting 2022 will be hosted on August 29 - September 2, 2022 view more

Credit: Insilico Medicine Hong Kong Limited

August 18, 2022 Marco Quarta, Ph.D., will present the latest research on the topic From Single Cell AI-enabled Discovery of Cellular Senescence to Targeted Senolytic Drug Development at the worlds largest annual Aging Research and Drug Discovery conference (9th ARDD). Dr. Quarta is the CEO and Co-founder at Rubedo Life Sciences.

Marco co-founded and leads Rubedo Life Sciences driving its mission to develop treatments for age-related diseases and extend healthspan by selectively targeting pathological cells involved in the biological aging process. As a scientist, he earned a Masters degree in Biotechnology, a PhD in Neuroscience, and post-doctoral training in Aging and Stem Cells Biology in the lab of his mentor Prof. Thomas Rando at Stanford University School of Medicine. He then directed at Stanford/VA Hospital Palo Alto a research team focused on translational medical research in the fields of aging and regenerative medicine. He is backed by over 20 years of research with a track record of scientific publications in top tier journals. Marco is an inventor and entrepreneur, he co-founded and led the international biotech umbrella organization Young European Biotech Network (YEBN), and later joined the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) executive board.

Marco Quarta founded and led the biotech company WetWare Concepts in Europe. In California, with the Stanford colleague Prof. Vittorio Sebastiano he also co-founded Turn Biotechnologies based on their work on epigenetic reprogramming of cellular aging, where he served as CSO and he is a Board Director. Quarta sits on the advisory board of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) Calpoly program in regenerative medicine. He is in the advisory and research board at the Center for Healthcare Innovation (CHI). He is a member of the Paul F Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging Studies at Stanford University. Quarta keeps fostering and championing high standards of compliance, ethics and patient safety in the development of innovative translational therapeutics, putting patients and society at the center of all actions.

The conference proceedings of the ARDD are commonly published in peer-reviewed journals with the talks openly available at http://www.agingpharma.org. Please review the conference proceedings for 2019, 2020 and 2021https://www.aging-us.com/article/203859/text .

Aging is emerging as a druggable condition with multiple pharmaceuticals able to alter the pace of aging in model organisms. The ARDD brings together all levels of the field to discuss the most pressing obstacles in our attempt to find efficacious interventions and molecules to target aging. The 2022 conference is the best yet with top level speakers from around the globe. Im extremely excited to be able to meet them in person at the University of Copenhagen in late summer. said Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, MD, Ph.D., University of Copenhagen.

Aging research is growing faster than ever on both academia and industry fronts. The ARDD meeting unites experts from different fields and backgrounds, sharing with us their latest groundbreaking research and developments. Our last ARDD meeting took place both offline and online, and it was a great success. I am particularly excited that being a part of the ARDD2022 meeting will provide an amazing opportunity for young scientists presenting their own work as well as meeting the experts in the field. said Daniela Bakula, Ph.D., University of Copenhagen.

Many credible biopharmaceutical companies are now prioritized aging research for early-stage discovery or therapeutic pipeline development. It is only logical to prioritize therapeutic targets that are important in both aging and age-associated diseases. The patient benefits either way. The best place to learn about these targets is ARDD, which we organize for nine years in a row. This conference is now the largest in the field and is not to be missed, said Alex Zhavoronkov, Ph.D., founder and CEO of Insilico Medicine and Deep Longevity.

Building on the success of the ARDD conferences, the organizers developed the Longevity Medicine course series with some of the courses offered free of charge at Longevity.Degree covered in the recent Lanced Healthy Longevity paper titled Longevity medicine: upskilling the physicians of tomorrow.

About Aging Research for Drug Discovery Conference

At ARDD, leaders in the aging, longevity, and drug discovery field will describe the latest progress in the molecular, cellular and organismal basis of aging and the search for interventions. Furthermore, the meeting will include opinion leaders in AI to discuss the latest advances of this technology in the biopharmaceutical sector and how this can be applied to interventions. Notably, this year we are expanding with a workshop specifically for physicians where the leading-edge knowledge of clinical interventions for healthy longevity will be described. ARRD intends to bridge clinical, academic and commercial research and foster collaborations that will result in practical solutions to one of humanity's most challenging problems: aging. Our quest? To extend the healthy lifespan of everyone on the planet.

About Scheibye-Knudsen Lab

In the Scheibye-Knudsen lab we use in silico, in vitro and in vivo models to understand the cellular and organismal consequences of DNA damage with the aim of developing interventions. We have discovered that DNA damage leads to changes in certain metabolites and that replenishment of these molecules may alter the rate of aging in model organisms. These findings suggest that normal aging and age-associated diseases may be malleable to similar interventions. The hope is to develop interventions that will allow everyone to live healthier, happier and more productive lives.

About Deep Longevity

Deep Longevity has been acquired by Edurance RP (SEHK:0575.HK), a publicly-traded company. Deep Longevity is developing explainable artificial intelligence systems to track the rate of aging at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, system, physiological, and psychological levels. It is also developing systems for the emerging field of longevity medicine enabling physicians to make better decisions on the interventions that may slow down, or reverse the aging processes. Deep Longevity developed Longevity as a Service (LaaS) solution to integrate multiple deep biomarkers of aging dubbed "deep aging clocks" to provide a universal multifactorial measure of human biological age. Originally incubated by Insilico Medicine, Deep Longevity started its independent journey in 2020 after securing a round of funding from the most credible venture capitalists specializing in biotechnology, longevity, and artificial intelligence. ETP Ventures, Human Longevity and Performance Impact Venture Fund, BOLD Capital Partners, Longevity Vision Fund, LongeVC, co-founder of Oculus, Michael Antonov, and other expert AI and biotechnology investors supported the company. Deep Longevity established a research partnership with one of the most prominent longevity organizations, Human Longevity, Inc. to provide a range of aging clocks to the network of advanced physicians and researchers. https://longevity.ai/

About Endurance RP (SEHK:0575.HK)

Endurance RP is a diversified investment group based in Hong Kong currently holding various corporate and strategic investments focusing on the healthcare, wellness and life sciences sectors. The Group has a strong track record of investments and has returned approximately US$298 million to shareholders in the 21 years of financial reporting since its initial public offering. https://www.endurancerp.com/

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See the original post here:
Marco Quarta to present at the 9th Aging Research & Drug Discovery Meeting 2022 - EurekAlert


Osteoarthritis In The Hip Or Knee? Regenerative Medicine Revolutionizes Your Treatment – Nation World News

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

With age, it is common joint degeneration, especially of the hips and knees, which support the greatest load in our day to day life and commonly develop which is known as osteoarthritis, This deterioration of articular cartilage causes pain, stiffness, and loss of function, Therefore, it may represent a significant reduction in the quality of life of those who suffer from it. There is no treatment capable of curing osteoarthritis, but therapeutic avenues have emerged in recent years to reduce its symptoms, slow its development, and achieve an improvement in the patients quality of life.

it is a matter loss Treatment with plasma and stem cells rich in growth factorsApplied to prevent the progression of osteoarthritis, especially in large load-bearing joints. But its benefits go even further, explains the doctor. Jesus Villa y RicoHead of the Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service at the Ruber Juan Bravo Hospital Complex in Madrid. These treatments also promote cartilage repair and reduce typical symptoms of osteoarthritis, including synovial swelling, effusion, deformity, pain or loss of motion.

There are many patients who are benefiting from advances in regenerative medicine in areas such as aesthetic medicine, ophthalmology or dentistry, but also in traumatology. It finds its use not only in reducing recovery time in bone, muscle and tendon injuries, but in the treatment of cases of disabling osteoarthritis or where conservative treatments are not sufficient.

It has no side effects or risk of rejection or intolerance, because the plasma comes from the patients own blood

Dr. Jesus Villa y Rico in Madrid, Ruber Juan Bravo Hospital

Platelet-rich plasma from the patients own blood is able to promote the regeneration of tissues damaged by osteoarthritis, thanks to the proteins and substances it contains. Stem cell treatments also allow the regeneration of these tissues. Growth factors produce biological effects such as cell proliferation and differentiation, the generation of blood vessels and the migration of cells to sites where regeneration is necessary, explains Dr. Villa. No exogenous agent can mediate all of these processes so effectively.

Treatment is carried out under medical prescription, in a sterile environment and with local anesthesia. For its application, blood is first taken from the patient, then it is processed and part of the plasma rich in growth factors is infiltrated into the area to be treated. This process may take 25 to 40 minutes, says the traumatologist.

With regard to the number of infiltrates, the protocol varies depending on the pathology. The Head of the Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service of the Ruber Juan Bravo Hospital Complex in Madrid specifies that, In the specific case of joint pathologyWhat happens most often, is done three sessions for three consecutive weeks, with a refresher session after six months or one year if growth is favourable. Infiltration does not mean a period of recovery, so that the patient can lead a normal life from the very first moment.

The main benefit of this type of treatment is improvement in symptoms, namely reduction of pain and swelling. In case of tendon and muscle injuries, it has been proven that it accelerates healing. Too No side effects or risk of rejection or intolerance, because the plasma comes from the patients own blood, Dr. Villa says. This treatment is contraindicated only in case of local infections, neoplastic processes, and certain blood diseases, he explains.

In the specific case of stem cell treatment, infiltration represents an alternative to reconstructive surgery for chronic tendinopathies, acute tendon tears, chronic tendon tears and ligament tears, and osteonecrosis. In ligament surgery, such as the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee, exceptional results have also been obtained. in case of muscle injuryMore important than the reduction in recovery time is the use of plasma rich in growth factors. Allows recovery without the formation of fibrous tissue, experts say. It is also used in adjuvant treatment of osteochondral injuries in favor of the regenerative process of fibrocartilage, as well as in patellar tendon pathology, acute or chronic tendinitis, and ligamentous injuries.


A holistic approach about our health is essential for achieving complete well-being and the highest quality of life. Its not about something organic and isolated that can []

See the original post:
Osteoarthritis In The Hip Or Knee? Regenerative Medicine Revolutionizes Your Treatment - Nation World News


3D Systems Announces Appointment of Dr. Toby Cosgrove and Dr. Bon Ku as Members of its Medical Advisory Board – Yahoo Finance

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

3D Systems Inc.

New 3D Systems Medical Advisory Board Members

Dr. Toby Cosgrove & Dr. Bon Ku

ROCK HILL, S.C., Aug. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 3D Systems (NYSE:DDD) today announced the appointment of Dr. Toby Cosgrove, former president & chief executive officer of the Cleveland Clinic, and Dr. Bon Ku, director of the Health Design Lab at Thomas Jefferson University, as the fourth and fifth members of the companys recently established Medical Advisory Board (MAB). Dr. Cosgrove and Dr. Ku will join former Health & Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, Dr. Stephen K. Klasko, and former U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs David J. Shulkin as members of the advisory board. The Boards primary mission is to provide strategic input, guidance, and recommendations for the companys expanding efforts in regenerative medicine.

Dr. Cosgrove has distinguished himself as a leader of one of the worlds most recognized healthcare institutions, a renowned medical practitioner, and as a forward-looking healthcare innovator. Having been affiliated with the Cleveland Clinic healthcare system for nearly 50 years, Dr. Cosgrove served as President and Chief Executive Officer from 2004 to 2017 and is currently an Executive Advisor to the Clinic. As President and CEO, Dr. Cosgrove oversaw a $6 billion annual revenue institution comprised of the Cleveland Clinic, over 20 Ohio-based hospitals, family health centers, and surgical facilities, as well as Cleveland Clinic affiliates in other U.S. states and internationally. During Dr. Cosgroves tenure leading the Cleveland Clinic, it was ranked among the top three hospitals in America by U.S. News and World Report, and he championed a broad range of initiatives to improve clinical outcomes, increase patient satisfaction, and focus the Clinics delivery of health care services around specific organ systems and diseases.

Prior to serving as the Cleveland Clinics top executive, Dr. Cosgrove was a cardiac surgeon at the Clinic and served as Chairman of its Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery from 1989 to 2004. He has performed more than 22,000 operations over the course of his career and is widely regarded as a pioneer in the field of advanced surgical techniques. Deeply committed to medical innovation and to applying new technologies for the benefit of patients, Dr. Cosgrove has over 30 patents filed for new medical and clinical products used in surgical environments.

Story continues

Dr. Bon Ku has enjoyed a distinguished career as both a practicing medical clinician and as a visionary proponent of using technology-based innovations to solve pressing healthcare challenges. Dr. Ku is the Marta and Robert Adelson Professor of Medicine and Design at Thomas Jefferson University as well as an emergency physician at the Universitys Sidney Kimmel Medical College.

Dr. Ku is widely regarded as an authority on accelerating healthcare innovation through the use of modern technological tools such as virtualization, digital modeling, prototyping, and additive manufacturing. He is the co-founder and Director of Thomas Jefferson Universitys Health Design Lab, a unique institution that works with medical students, researchers, and physicians to develop new medical devices and innovative design concepts for the healthcare sector. The Health Design Lab led by Dr. Ku features a clinical 3D printing and bioprinting lab and is home to the JeffSolves MedTech initiative, which serves as a center for the incubation and commercialization of new medical technologies. Dr. Ku is also the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications focusing on the application of 3D-printed medical devices and digital models to improve surgical outcomes, optimize treatments, and make advancements in personalized medicine.

Commenting on the appointments of Drs. Cosgrove and Ku, 3D Systems President and CEO, Dr. Jeffrey Graves stated, We are exceptionally pleased to welcome Dr. Cosgrove and Dr. Ku to our Medical Advisory Board. These two professionals have impeccable track records of combining hands-on medical practice experience with a clear passion for utilizing innovative approaches and modern technology to transform healthcare outcomes. Both Dr. Cosgrove and Dr. Ku will be uniquely positioned to advise 3D Systems as we build a world-class regenerative medicine business and pursue 3D printing-based advancements in areas such as accelerated pharmaceutical development, human tissue and organ printing, medical device innovation, and personalized medicine.

Forward-Looking StatementsCertain statements made in this release that are not statements of historical or current facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the company to be materially different from historical results or from any future results or projections expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In many cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as "believes," "belief," "expects," "may," "will," "estimates," "intends," "anticipates" or "plans" or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. Forward-looking statements are based upon managements beliefs, assumptions, and current expectations and may include comments as to the companys beliefs and expectations as to future events and trends affecting its business and are necessarily subject to uncertainties, many of which are outside the control of the company. The factors described under the headings "Forward-Looking Statements" and "Risk Factors" in the companys periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as other factors, could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected or predicted in forward-looking statements. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements are not, and should not be relied upon as a guarantee of future performance or results, nor will they necessarily prove to be accurate indications of the times at which such performance or results will be achieved. The forward-looking statements included are made only as of the date of the statement. 3D Systems undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements made by management or on its behalf, whether as a result of future developments, subsequent events or circumstances or otherwise, except as required by law.

About 3D Systems More than 35 years ago, 3D Systems brought the innovation of 3D printing to the manufacturing industry. Today, as the leading additive manufacturing solutions partner, we bring innovation, performance, and reliability to every interaction - empowering our customers to create products and business models never before possible. Thanks to our unique offering of hardware, software, materials, and services, each application-specific solution is powered by the expertise of our application engineers who collaborate with customers to transform how they deliver their products and services. 3D Systems solutions address a variety of advanced applications in healthcare and industrial markets such as medical and dental, aerospace & defense, automotive, and durable goods. More information on the company is available at http://www.3dsystems.com.

Investor Contact: investor.relations@3dsystems.comMedia Contact: press@3dsystems.com

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3D Systems Announces Appointment of Dr. Toby Cosgrove and Dr. Bon Ku as Members of its Medical Advisory Board - Yahoo Finance


Many stem cell lines used for research and therapies carry large number of mutations, Cambridge researchers find – Cambridge Independent

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

The remarkable power of stem cells - which can be programmed to become almost any type of cell in the body - means they are key to many scientific studies.

Increasingly, they are also being used for new cell-based therapies to treat a range of diseases.

While originally we could only get stem cells from embryos, now we can derive them from a range of adult tissues, including skin or blood, using Nobel Prize-winning technology.

But Cambridge researchers have found DNA damage caused by factors such as ultraviolet radiation affected 72 per cent of the stem cell lines they studied that had been derived from human skin cells. This has important implications for research and medicine.

Prof Serena Nik-Zainal, from the Department of Medical Genetics at the University of Cambridge, said: Almost three-quarters of the cell lines had UV damage. Some samples had an enormous amount of mutations sometimes more than we find in tumours. We were all hugely surprised to learn this, given that most of these lines were derived from skin biopsies of healthy people.

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), as those derived from other cell types or tissues are known, hold huge potential for tackling diseases, including rare conditions.

It is even suggested that iPSCs programmed to grow into nerve cells could be used to replace those lost to neurodegeneration in diseases such as Parkinsons.

The new research, published in Nature Genetics, represents the largest genetic study to date of iPSCs to date.

Dr Foad Rouhani, who carried out the work while at the University of Cambridge and the Wellcome Sanger Institute, said: We noticed that some of the iPS cells that we were generating looked really different from each other, even when they were derived from the same patient and derived in the same experiment.

The most striking thing was that pairs of iPS cells would have a vastly different genetic landscape one line would have minimal damage and the other would have a level of mutations more commonly seen in tumours.

One possible reason for this could be that a cell on the surface of the skin is likely to have greater exposure to sunlight than a cell below the surface and therefore eventually may lead to iPS cells with greater levels of genomic damage.

[Read more: Evidence of new causes of cancer uncovered as genomic data of 12,000 NHS patients is studied by University of Cambridge researchers]

DNA comprises three billion pairs of nucleotides - molecules represented by the letters A, C, G and T.

Damage from sources such as ultraviolet radiation or smoking leads to mutations, meaning a letter C might change to T, for example.

Studying the mutational fingerprints on our DNA can reveal what is responsible for the damage.

An accumulation of mutations can have a profound effect on cell function and in some cases lead to tumours.

Using whole genome sequencing, the researchers inspected the entire DNA of stem cell lines from different sources, including the HipSci cohort at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.

They found blood-derived iPSCs - which are increasingly common, due to the ease with which blood can be taken - also carried mutations but at a lower level than skin-derived iPS cells, and they had no UV damage.

Some 26.9 per cent of them, however, carried mutations in a gene called BCOR, which is an important gene in blood cancers.

Next the researchers investigated whether these BCOR mutations had any functional impact.

They differentiated the iPSCs, turning them into neurons and tracking their progress along the way.

[Read more: 4m funding for Cambridge scientists under Cancer Grand Challenges initiative]

Dr Rouhani said: What we saw was that there were problems in generating neurons from iPSCs that have BCOR mutations they had a tendency to favour other cell types instead. This is a significant finding, particularly if one is intending to use those lines for neurological research.

Analysis of the blood samples showed the BCOR mutations were not present within the patient.

So it seemed that the process of culturing cells increased the frequency of the mutations, which could have implications for other researchers working with cells in culture.

Typically, scientists using cell lines will screen them at the chromosomal level checking, for example, that the requisite 23 pairs of chromosomes are present.

Such analysis would not pick up the potentially major problems that this new study has identified, however,

The researchers warn that without looking in detail at the genomes of these stem cells, researchers and clinicians would be unaware of the underlying damage in them.

The DNA damage that we saw was at a nucleotide level, explained Prof Nik-Zainal. If you think of the human genome as like a book, most researchers would check the number of chapters and be satisfied that there were none missing. But what we saw was that even with the correct number of chapters in place, lots of the words were garbled.

Using whole genome sequencing, however, would enable errors to be discovered at the outset..

The cost of whole genome sequencing has dropped dramatically in recent years to around 500 per sample, though it's the analysis and interpretation that's the hardest bit, said Prof Nik-Zainal.

If a research question involves cell lines and cellular models, and particularly if we're going to introduce these lines back into patients, we may have to consider sequencing the genomes of these lines to understand what we are dealing with and get a sense of whether they are suitable for use.

Dr Rouhani adds: In recent years we have been finding out more and more about how even our healthy cells carry many mutations and therefore it is not a realistic aim to produce stem cell lines with zero mutations.

The goal should be to know as much as possible about the nature and extent of the DNA damage to make informed choices about the ultimate use of these stem cell lines.

If a line is to be used for cell based therapies in patients for example, then we need to understand more about the implications of these mutations so that both clinicians and patients are better informed of the risks involved in the treatment.

The research was funded by Cancer Research UK, the Medical Research Council and Wellcome, and supported by NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre and the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform.

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Many stem cell lines used for research and therapies carry large number of mutations, Cambridge researchers find - Cambridge Independent


RECELL System Data to be Presented at the Controversies and Conversations in Laser & … – The Bakersfield Californian

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

VALENCIA, Calif. and MELBOURNE, Australia, Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AVITA Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ: RCEL, ASX: AVH), a regenerative medicine company that is developing and commercializing a technology platform that enables point-of-care autologous skin restoration for multiple unmet needs, announced today that a poster presentation on cell characterization and potential clinical benefits of the RECELL Autologous Cell Suspension System (RECELL System) for the treatment of stable vitiligo will be shared at the Controversies and Conversations in Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Annual Meeting. The conference will be held in Santa Barbara, CA, on August 19-21 bringing experts together to discuss controversial issues in cutaneous and aesethetic surgery or challenging therapeutic problems within dermatology.

Given the unique format of this meeting, we look forward to the presentation of RECELL and, more importantly, the conversation amongst dermatology experts as they discuss the unique attributes of this platform, including the potential for in-office point-of-care treatment in about 30 minutes, said Dr. Mike Perry, Chief Executive Officer of AVITA Medical. Following review by the FDA, we believe the RECELL System may well offer a welcome treatment option for patients seeking repigmentation for stable vitiligo lesions.

RECELL System Presentations

In the U.S., the RECELLSystem is indicated for the treatment of acute thermal burn wounds in patients 18 years of age and older or application in combination with meshed autografting for acute full-thickness thermal burn wounds in pediatric and adult patients. Physician-initiated research beyond the FDA approved indicationis not sponsored by AVITA Medicaland contains independentdata.

AVITA Medical is currently completing a pivotal trial for the use of the RECELL System for treatment of stable vitiligo. The vitiligo clinical trial aims to demonstrate safe and effective repigmentation when using the RECELL System in combination with phototherapy. AVITA anticipates FDA approval in 2023.


AVITA Medical, Inc. is a regenerative medicine company with a technology platform positioned to address unmet medical needs in burns, chronic wounds, and aesthetics indications. AVITA Medical Inc.s patented, and proprietary collection and application technology provides innovative treatment solutions derived from the regenerative properties of a patients own skin. The Companys lead product is the RECELL System, a device that enables healthcare professionals to Spray-On Skin Cells using a small sample of the patients own skin to create an autologous suspension. The RES Regenerative Epidermal Suspension is then sprayed onto the areas of the patient requiring treatment to regenerate natural healthy epidermis.

AVITA Medicals first U.S. product, the RECELL System, was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2018. The RECELL System is approved for acute partial-thickness thermal burn wounds in patients 18 years of age and older or application in combination with meshed autografting for acute full-thickness thermal burn wounds in pediatric and adult patients. In February 2022, the FDA reviewed and approved the PMA supplement for RECELL Autologous Cell Harvesting Device, an enhanced RECELL System aimed at providing clinicians a more efficient user experience and simplified workflow.

The RECELL System is used to prepare Spray-On Skin Cells using a small amount of a patients own skin, providing a new way to treat severe burns, while significantly reducing the amount of donor skin required. The RECELL System is designed to be used at the point of care alone or in combination with autografts depending on the depth of the burn injury. Compelling data from randomized, controlled clinical trials conducted at major U.S. burn centers and real-world use in more than 15,000 patients globally, reinforce that the RECELL System is a significant advancement over the current standard of care for burn patients and offers benefits in clinical outcomes and cost savings. Healthcare professionals should read the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE - RECELL Autologous Cell Harvesting Device ( https://recellsystem.com/ ) for a full description of indications for use and important safety information including contraindications, warnings, and precautions.

In international markets, our products are approved under the RECELL System brand to promote skin healing in a wide range of applications including burns, chronic wounds, and aesthetics. The RECELL System is TGA-registered in Australia, received CE-mark approval in Europe, and received Japans Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act (PMDA) approval for burns in Japan.


This press release includes forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of words such as anticipate, expect, intend, could, may, will, believe, estimate, look forward, forecast, goal, target, project, continue, outlook, guidance, future, other words of similar meaning and the use of future dates. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements concerning, among other things, our ongoing clinical trials and product development activities, regulatory approval of our products, the potential for future growth in our business, and our ability to achieve our key strategic, operational, and financial goal. Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. Each forward-looking statement contained in this press release is subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statement. Applicable risks and uncertainties include, among others, the timing and realization of regulatory approvals of our products; physician acceptance, endorsement, and use of our products; failure to achieve the anticipated benefits from approval of our products; the effect of regulatory actions; product liability claims; risks associated with international operations and expansion; and other business effects, including the effects of industry, economic or political conditions outside of the companys control. Investors should not place considerable reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Investors are encouraged to read our publicly available filings for a discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date of this release, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any of these statements.

This press release was authorized by the review committee of AVITA Medical, Inc.


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RECELL System Data to be Presented at the Controversies and Conversations in Laser & ... - The Bakersfield Californian


Integra LifeSciences Announces the Passing of Dr. Richard Caruso, Founder and Former Chairman and CEO – GlobeNewswire

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

PRINCETON, N.J., Aug. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ:IART), a leading global medical technology company, today announced that Dr. Richard Caruso, founder and former chairman and CEO of Integra LifeSciences passed away over the past weekend.

Dr. Richard Caruso made an impact on not only the medical technology industry, but more importantly, on the countless lives around the world who have benefited from the products and technologies that Integra LifeSciences has today, said Stuart Essig, chairman of the board at Integra LifeSciences. His vision, transformative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit have revolutionized the way surgeons treat their patients in the field of regenerative medicine.

Dr. Caruso founded Integra LifeSciences in 1989 with a vision that the human body could be enabled to regenerate many of its own damaged or diseased tissues, paving the way for a new discipline back then known as regenerative medicine. Through his vision, Integra became the first company to develop and bring to market a tissue regeneration product, Integra Dermal Regeneration Template, which was approved by the FDA in 1996 as a skin replacement system with a claim for regeneration of dermal tissue for the treatment of life-threatening burns and repair of scar contractures. That technology led to the development of DuraGen Dural Graft Matrix, for repair of the dura mater, the protective covering of the brain after cranial and spine surgery, and NeuraGen Nerve Guide, which creates a conduit for axonal growth across a severed nerve.

Dr. Caruso served as Integra's chairman from 1992 until 2011, and served as CEO from 1992 to 1997. In addition, he served on the Board of Susquehanna University and the Baum School of Art. Dr. Caruso received his B.S. degree from Susquehanna University, an M.S.B.A. degree from Bucknell University, and a Ph.D. degree from the London School of Economics, University of London. He was also the founder and director of The Uncommon Individual Foundation, a non-profit foundation that encourages individuals to form and follow their dreams of personal success and become the entrepreneurs of their personal lives.

About Integra LifeSciencesIntegra LifeSciences is a global leader in regenerative tissue technologies and neurosurgical solutions dedicated to limiting uncertainty for clinicians so they can focus on providing the best patient care. Integra offers a comprehensive portfolio of high quality, leadership brands that include AmnioExcel, Aurora, Bactiseal,BioD, CerebroFlo, CereLinkCertasPlus, Codman, CUSA, Cytal, DuraGen, DuraSeal, Gentrix, ICP Express, Integra, Licox, MAYFIELD, MediHoney, MicroFrance, MicroMatrix, NeuraGen, NeuraWrap, PriMatrix, SurgiMend, TCC-EZand VersaTru. For the latest news and information about Integra and its products, please visitwww.integralife.com.

Investor Relations Contact:Chris Ward(609) 772-7736chris.ward@integralife.com

Media Contact:Laurene Isip(609) 208-8121laurene.isip@integralife.com

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Integra LifeSciences Announces the Passing of Dr. Richard Caruso, Founder and Former Chairman and CEO - GlobeNewswire


Column: My summer research experience at Charles R. Drew University for Medicine and Science – Los Angeles Times

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

Under-resourced high school students need to be familiarized with multiple components of research in order to give back to their communities, said Dolores Caffey Fleming, MS, MPH.

Fleming is the director of Project STRIDE (Students Training in Research Involving Disparity Elimination), Project STRIDE II, and Project ExSTRM (Exposing Students To Regenerative Medicine).

The STRIDE programs are funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation while the ExSTRM program is funded by the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). According to Fleming, the goal of all the programs is to allow students to be exposed to research and various healthcare careers in order for them to give back to their communities.

This year, these programs were sort of combined as a lot of the activities that they did were interconnected. These research programs for high schoolers at Charles R. Drew University (CDU) have been consistently supported by Jay Vadgama, Ph.D., the Vice President for Research and Health Affairs (CDU), and have continued to operate for the past several years

Before actually going onto campus, we had to do CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) training before we entered any labs or facilities. We took seven courses ranging from Biosafety for Researchers to Good Clinical Practice. After finishing, I had a virtual introduction with my mentor, Dr. Juanita Booker-Vaughns, and we talked about potential project ideas and her experience in research.

For the first week, Elizabeth Delgado, a project coordinator, taught us and administered quizzes from the university about lab safety, chemical hazards, and the Code of Conduct. The next week, I personally got to shadow some professionals in the Cancer Division lab and was able to watch them perform procedures like the Western Blot Test and Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR). Although this was not related to my project, it was cool to learn and observe an important procedure. Many Tuesdays and Thursdays were also reserved for leadership training and resume-building classes.

A Polymerase Chain Reaction, or PCR. (Photo by Shaun Thomas)

My research project was centered around examining colorectal cancer (CRC) risk factors in a specific area of Los Angeles County known as Service Planning Area (SPA) 6. With my mentors help, we looked at public health data about all these risk factors in SPA 6, as opposed to L.A. County as a whole.

I first conducted literature about colorectal cancer risk factors in general ranging from biological factors like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) to behavioral health factors like diet. After that, using the data from the Key Indicators of Health Report (2017) by Los Angeles Countys Department of Public Health, I created graphs and analyzed the data. To put everything together, I created a poster showcasing my findings.

I had the chance to interview one student from each of the three cohorts.

I first interviewed Ivan Ixtlilco, a Project STRIDE senior at King Drew Magnet High School, whose project was about how urban ecology affects epigenetics and how this, in turn, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, he said. He added on about how his mentor introduced him to a whole variety of careers in research that he had no idea about.

Afia Ahmed, a Project STRIDE II rising second-year student at UC Irvine said, Project STRIDE allowed [her] to gain a foundation for building a whole manuscript, skimming through articles for crucial information. She said these skills were beneficial for her public health classes at UCI.

She also pointed out some key differences between the two. Now that she is doing STRIDE II, she mentioned doing a manuscript and going more into depth with her research on the mental health of Asian American females who are infertile in order to build an abstract and submit her abstract to conferences. She noted that there was a significant literature gap between Asian American female infertility and female infertility in general.

Ricardo Rodriguez, an ExSTRM senior at St. John Bosco High School, focused on a project that involved more lab work: ancestry-specific expression of stem-like markers in breast cancer cells. He believes stem cells are the future of research and can even be key to processes like regeneration. However, he also believes that governments will decide the fate of using this research. He had the opportunity to present his poster at the CIRM SPARK conference which took place on August 3 in Oakland, Calif.

Shaun Thomas with Dr. Jay Vadgama at the symposium. (Photo courtesy of Shaun Thomas)

The climax of the program was the Charles Drew Symposium which took place on August 5. At the symposium, some of us were chosen to present our projects in front of guests, university faculty, and all of our mentors. After the presentations, we all presented our posters in a gallery. The two-hour event showcased the culmination of our work over.

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Column: My summer research experience at Charles R. Drew University for Medicine and Science - Los Angeles Times


Tessa Therapeutics Starts Trial of CAR T-Cell Therapy, BMS’s Opdivo in Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma – Precision Oncology News

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

NEW YORK Tessa Therapeutics said on Wednesday that it has dosed the first lymphoma patient in a Phase Ib trial of its investigational CAR T-cell therapy TT11 plus Bristol Myers Squibb's Opdivo (nivolumab).

The trial, dubbed ACTION, is designed to evaluate the autologous CD30-directed CAR T-cell therapy plus the PD-1 inhibitor as second-line treatment for up to 14 patients with CD30-positive relapsed or refractory classical Hodgkin lymphoma after chemotherapy.

Singapore-based Tessa Therapeutics is calling the treatment regimen evaluated in the trial a "sandwich" design. Patients enrolled in the trial will receive two cycles of Opdivo followed by a lymphodepleting chemotherapy regimen, then a single infusion of the autologous TT11 CAR T-cell therapy, then another two cycles of Opdivo. The primary goal of the trial is to evaluate the treatment's safety and tolerability, and secondary aims include overall response rate, duration of response, and progression-free survival.

Tessa is also evaluating TT11 as a monotherapy for CD30-positive relapsed or refractory classical Hodgkin lymphoma in the Phase II CHARIOT trial. Initial data from that study showed that the cell therapy had a favorable safety profile and promising efficacy, with a 57.1 percent complete response rate and a 71.4 percent overall response rate among 14 patients. Tessa expects to begin the pivotal Phase II portion of that trial later this year.

"We welcome the opportunity to capitalize on this clinical progress by investigating TT11 as a second-line combination therapy, which offers the opportunity to greatly increase the patient population who could potentially benefit from this course of care," John Ng, chief technology officer and acting CEO of Tessa, said in a statement.

The firm believes that combining the CAR T-cell therapy with Opdivo will improve its efficacy and offer classical Hodgkin lymphoma patients a second-line treatment option that is more tolerable than chemotherapy. The US Food and Drug Administration has designated TT11 a regenerative medicine advanced therapy and the European Medicines Agency has designated it a priority medicine.

View original post here:
Tessa Therapeutics Starts Trial of CAR T-Cell Therapy, BMS's Opdivo in Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma - Precision Oncology News


Regenative Labs announces groundbreaking Wharton’s Jelly research demonstrating HCT/P compliance after processing – PR Newswire

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

This includes the analogous nature of articular cartilage, muscle fascia, and intervertebral disc confirmed by way of comparative Scanning Electron Microscope analysis

PENSACOLA, Fla., Aug. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Regenative Labs, a leading HCT/P manufacturer, has co-authored a pioneering papertogether with experts from The Institute of Regenative Medicine and the Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, Baylor College of Medicine.

"This paper is a market disruptorand will be our most significant paper released to date. This is the first literature thatwe are aware of to utilize Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of actual tissue samples to objectively demonstrate on a qualitative and quantitative basis that collagen structural tissuematrices in our post-processed Wharton's Jelly allografts and those in articular cartilage, muscle fascia, and intervertebral discs are analogous," said Regenative Labs CEO, Tyler Barrett.

This research highlights our commitment to the Regenerative Medicine community. We believe the combination of our IRB-approved observational studies, peer-reviewed publications, ISO-certified laboratory processes, and our commitment to compliance with FDA and American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) standards, sets the standard for HCT/P manufacturers. Regenative Labs has pioneered the use of perinatal tissue allografts and is pleased that this paper supports our current homologous use practices, consistent with our 361 status.

Currently, the treatments for the Intervertebral Disc (DDD) range in cost and effectiveness from an $8 bottle of Ibuprofen to $150,000 for spinal fusion (1). Neither of these treatment options target the foundational issue of ECM cartilage breakdown in the intervertebral discs. By age 35, 30% of people show signs of DDD; by age 60, this increases to 90% (2). That we are aware of, this is the first perinatal tissue allograft in the medical marketplace that may be applied in a homologous fashion per FDA 361 guidelines to replace or supplement missing or damaged connective tissue. All other non-surgical paradigms focus on symptom management and do not address the disc's collagen structural degeneration. In collaboration with medical providers across the country, we are actively investigating additional homologous use applications for this technology in tissue defects associated with the load-bearing joints of the knee, hip, shoulder, spine, ankle, and foot.

Billions of dollars are spent annually on the surgical care and treatment of patients suffering from degeneration of load-bearing joints and intravertebral discs. We are honored to offer patients evidence-based and structural tissue defect-specific non-surgical applications on a global scale.

Additional Sources:

About Regenative Labs: Regenative Labs produces regenerative medicine products to address the root cause of a patient's conditions using Wharton's Jelly innovations rather than masking the pain with other treatments. Regenative Labs works closely with scientists, physicians, hospitals, and surgery centers to constantly monitor and improve patient progress and outcomes for new product development. Formed by veteran industry professionals familiar with daily challenges of innovations in healthcare, the company providesnon-addictive, non-invasive options for patients. Regenative Labs's expert product research and development team compliesFDA guidelines of minimal manipulation for homologous use. The company adheres to AATB and FDA guidelines. Learn more at Regenative's website: http://www.regenativelabs.com

SOURCE Regenative Labs

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Regenative Labs announces groundbreaking Wharton's Jelly research demonstrating HCT/P compliance after processing - PR Newswire


Baylor College of Medicine recognizes research excellence with DeBakey Awards – Baylor College of Medicine News

August 19th, 2022 2:09 am

Each year, Baylor College of Medicine faculty are recognized for their outstanding published scientific contributions to clinical and basic science research over the past three years through the Michael E. DeBakey M.D. Award for Excellence in Research.

This years 2022 recipients are Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi (joint awardees), Dr. Joseph Hyser, Dr. Katherine King, Dr. Irina Larina, Dr. Scott A. LeMaire and Dr. Ying Shen (joint awardees) and Dr. Sundeep Keswani.

Each year we celebrate and honor researchers from our Baylor community who have made significant contributions to improving healthcare, said Dr. Paul Klotman, Baylor president, CEO and executive dean. These awards celebrate the legacy of innovation in research and medicine set forth by Dr. DeBakey.

The awards, named in honor of pioneering heart surgeon Dr. Michael E. DeBakey, the first president of Baylor College of Medicine, and sponsored by the DeBakey Medical Foundation, include a commemorative medallion and funds to support further research.

The eight researchers were recognized and presented their work at a small in-person ceremony on Wednesday, Aug. 17.

It is an honor to recognize this group. They represent the continued work here at Baylor to improve health and humanity and each researcher demonstrates the impact to science and the community, said Dr. Mary Dickinson, senior vice president and dean of research at Baylor.

Dr. Maria Elena BottazziAssociate dean of the National School for Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and co-director of the Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development

Dr. Bottazzi is an internationally recognized tropical and emerging disease vaccinologist, global health advocate and co-creator of a patent-free, open science COVID-19 vaccine technology that led to the development of Corbevax, a COVID-19 vaccine for the world. She pioneers and leads the advancement of a robust infectious and tropical disease vaccine portfolio tackling diseases such as coronavirus, hookworm, schistosomiasis and Chagas that disproportionally affect the worlds poorest populations. She also has established innovative partnerships in Latin America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, making significant contributions to innovative educational and research programs, catalyzing policies and disseminating science information to reach a diverse set of audiences.

As global thought-leader she has received national and international highly regarded awards, has more than 280 scientific papers and participated in more than 250 conferences worldwide. She is a member of the National Academy of Science of Honduras and an Emerging Leader in Health and Medicine of the National Academy of Medicine in the U.S.

Bottazzi is a fellow of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) and the Leshner Leadership Institute for Public Engagement and senior fellow of the American Leadership Forum (ALF). Forbes LATAM in 2020 and 2021 selected Bottazzi as one of 100 Most Powerful Women in Central America. Bottazzi has served in several national academies ad-hoc committees and serves as co-chair of the Vaccines and Therapeutics Taskforce of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19. In 2022, alongside Dr. Peter Hotez, she was nominated by Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher of Texas for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Dr. Peter HotezDean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and co-director of the Texas Childrens Hospital Center for Vaccine Development

Dr. Hotez is an internationally recognized physician-scientist in neglected tropical diseases and vaccine development. As co-director of the Texas Childrens Center for Vaccine Development, he leads a team and product development partnership for developing new vaccines for hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, Chagas disease and SARS/MERS/SARS-2 coronavirus, diseases affecting hundreds of millions of children and adults worldwide, while championing access to vaccines globally and in the U.S.

In December 2021, Hotez led efforts at the Texas Childrens Center for Vaccine Development to develop a low-cost recombinant protein COVID vaccine for global health, resulting in emergency use authorization in India. In 2022 Hotez and his colleague Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for their work to develop and distribute a low-cost COVID-19 vaccine to people of the world without patent limitation.

In 2014-16, he served in the Obama Administration as U.S. Envoy, focusing on vaccine diplomacy initiatives between the U.S. government and countries in the Middle East and North Africa. In 2018, he was appointed by the U.S. State Department to serve on the Board of Governors for the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, and he is frequently called on frequently to testify before U.S. Congress. He has served on infectious disease task forces for two consecutive Texas governors. For these efforts in 2017 he was named by FORTUNE Magazine as one of the 34 most influential people in healthcare, while in 2018 he received the Sustained Leadership Award from Research!America.

Most recently as both a vaccine scientist and autism parent, he has led national efforts to defend vaccines and to serve as an ardent champion of vaccines going up against a growing national antivax threat. In 2019, he received the Award for Leadership in Advocacy for Vaccines from the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. In 2021 he was recognized by scientific leadership awards from the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Medical Association, in addition to being recognized by the Anti-Defamation League with its annual Popkin Award for combating antisemitism.

Dr. Joseph HyserAssistant professor of molecular virology and microbiology and member of the Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research

Dr. Joseph Hysers research work is dedicated to improving our understanding of host-pathogen interactions. He has focused on characterizing host signaling pathways that enteric viruses, such as rotavirus, destabilize to cause gastrointestinal disease. His work stands out because it is shifting prevailing paradigms within the field.

In recent work, Hyser used calcium biosensor cell lines and organoids he developed to perform long-term live calcium imaging throughout rotavirus infections. This work is paradigm shifting because it firmly established that rotavirus increase calcium through hundreds of discrete calcium signaling events rather than a general, monophasic increase in cytosolic calcium levels. This study also led to the discovery of multiple distinct types of calcium signals present at different stages of the infection.Another study showed that calcium-conducting viroporins are a broadly conserved strategy used by viruses to exploit host calcium signaling pathways. This finding has opened the door to identify commonly exploited host pathways for which host-targeted antiviral drugs could be developed.

Recently, Hyser published the first direct evidence that viruses can trigger aberrant calcium signaling in uninfected cells by exploiting a host paracrine signaling pathway. Live imaging data show calcium signals coming from rotavirus-infected cells and spreading to surrounding uninfected cellsa type of signal called intercellular calcium waves. He found that eliminating the calcium waves severely reduced rotavirus replication, suggesting that rotavirus has evolved to co-opt this host intercellular signal to increase its replication. Taken together, Hysers work establishes a new mechanism by which viruses commandeer nearby uninfected cells to contribute to pathogenesis through paracrine signaling.

Dr. Katherine KingAssociate professor of pediatrics infectious diseases and member of the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center and Center for Cell and Gene Therapy

Dr. Kings research focuses on the effects of infection and inflammation on primitive hematopoiesis. As a pediatric infectious diseases physician at Texas Childrens Hospital, King recognized the need to understand bone marrow suppressive effects of chronic infection, and she led the field to characterize hematopoietic stem cell responses in the context of animal models of infection. Her review on the topic of inflammatory modulation of hematopoietic stem cells altered the way the field views the interactions between systemic inflammation and stem cells, with continuing repercussions in the fields of malignant and nonmalignant hematology, aging and immunology.

Using a multidisciplinary approach, she has pioneered the concept that hematopoietic stem cells are extremely sensitive to inflammatory signals in the bone marrow environment. Her research has defined a role for inflammatory signaling in bone marrow suppression following chronic infection and in the emergence of clonal hematopoiesis, a recently defined phenomenon that drives cancer risk and cardiovascular disease in advanced age.

Over the past three years, her research efforts have resulted in 9 senior-author research articles in leading journals in her field including Cell Stem Cell, Cell Reports, and eLife. Kings highly innovative and impactful work at the intersection of immunology and hematology has made her an international leader in the field of stem cell biology. She is a skilled clinician, a healthcare advocate, scientist, administrative leader and trusted mentor.

Dr. Irina LarinaAssociate professor of integrative physiology

Dr. Irina Larinas lab is dedicated to the development of new biophotonic technologies to define pathways involved in live embryo progression and, specifically, cardiac development. She also applies her new biophotonic methods to image developmental processes in various mouse models to elucidate pathophysiological mechanisms underlying reproductive disorders. Larina also develops data processing methods that enable her to uncover new information about congenital defects and reproductive disorders that reveal the dynamics of developmental processes, which have not been accessible before.

Most recently she used second harmonic generation microscopy to image collage fibers in embryonic hearts, revealing a link between structural collagen and regional contractility that suggested a regulatory role for cardiomyocyte contractility in establishing mechanical homeostasis in the developing heart. These findings revealed new features of the biochemical alterations found in congenital heart defects and heart failure. In addition, her lab recently established a method to study the interactions between genetic and mechanical factors in both normal and pathogenic cardiogenesis in vivo, such as arrhythmias.

In the area of reproduction, Larinas innovative biophotonics technology provided direct visualization of the movement of oocytes and embryos in the fallopian tube. Identifying abnormalities in this process is critical for defining defects in mammalian fertilization and embryogenesis. Using her new approach, which combines optical coherence tomography with intravital imaging, Larina showed that cilia do not drive directional oocyte/embryo transport. The timing of the oocyte/embryo transport is primarily regulated by smooth muscle dynamics at different locations within the oviduct.

Dr. Scott A. LeMaireJimmy and Roberta Howell Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery, vice chair for research in the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery, director of research in the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery and professor of molecular physiology and biophysics

Dr. LeMaires primary clinical interest focuses on the management of patients with thoracic aortic disease, with a particular emphasis on treatment of aortic dissection and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. His corresponding research program focuses on organ protection during aortic surgery, genetic aspects of thoracic aortic disease and molecular mechanisms of aortic degeneration.

He has received funding from the National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association, the Thoracic Surgery Foundation and the Marfan Foundation for his research studying the pathobiology of thoracic aortic aneurysms and aortic dissection. LeMaire is a past-president of the Association for Academic Surgery and is the current editor-in-chief of the Journal of Surgical Research.

LeMaire also serves as a physician associate in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Texas Heart Institute and Baylor St. Lukes Medical Center.

Dr. Ying ShenProfessor of surgery and director of the Aortic Disease Research Laboratory

Dr. Shens research focuses on understanding the development of vascular diseases. She became the director of the Aortic Disease Research Laboratory in 2008, and has since focused on aortic aneurysms and dissections, highly lethal but poorly understood diseases. She has worked closely with collaborator Dr. Scott LeMaire and together, they have built a translational research program and developed several research directions to investigate the mechanisms of aortic injury, repair and remodeling. The ultimate goal of her research is to develop pharmacological treatments to prevent progressive aortic destruction, maladaptive remodeling and disease deterioration.

Dr. Sundeep KeswaniProfessor of surgery, pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology, division chief of pediatric surgery and surgical director of basic science research at Texas Childrens Hospital

Dr. Sundeep Keswanis lab, the Laboratory for Regenerative Tissue Repair, is focused on understanding the molecular mechanism that underlies the fetus ability to regeneratively heal cutaneous wounds, as well as the development of novel therapies to achieve scarless wound healing in postnatal tissues, specifically the interaction of inflammation and extracellular matrix to drive fibrotic responses within human skin in response to injury. Most recently he has shown that bacteriophage trigger antiviral immunity and prevent clearance of bacterial infection and that Interleukin-10 producing T lymphocytes (TR1 cells) reduce dermal scarring. In addition to his work in skin, his group also has discovered that hyaluronan attenuates tubulointerstitial scarring in kidney injury.During the last three years, he has published his research outcomes in highly prestigious journals such as Science, Annals of Surgery and JCI Insight.

Keswani also serves as a governor of the American College of Surgeons and continually publishes articles that examine the state of research and surgery, keeping surgeon-scientists highly relevant nationally.

The rest is here:
Baylor College of Medicine recognizes research excellence with DeBakey Awards - Baylor College of Medicine News


New study could change what we eat to supercharge immune system and fight disease – WOODTV.com

August 19th, 2022 2:08 am

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) The soldiers of our immune system were long thought to be fueled only by the foods we eat. However, researchers at Van Andel Institute believe the findings from their new study reveal T cells have a much wider appetite than originally thought.

Every process in the body is powered by metabolism, which in turn is fueled by the nutrients we consume through our diet, Russell Jones, Ph.D., chair of Van Andel Institutes Department of Metabolism and Nutritional Programming said. We found that immune cells are much more flexible in selecting the nutrient fuels they consume and, importantly, that they prefer some nutrients that were previously dismissed as waste. This understanding is crucial for optimizing T cell responses and developing new strategies for boosting our ability to fight off disease.

Jones, who is the co-author of the study published this week in Cell Metabolism, says the findings could create a path for personalized dietary recommendations that would supercharge immune cells and provide more effective therapies for cancer and other diseases.

Joneses research took a new approach to studyin T cells. In previous studies, the cells were grown in lab dishes with nutrient-contatining media. But Jones believed those nutrients were similar to a diet of eggs and toast. This time, Jones and his colleagues developed a more diverse sample of nutrients for the research and the outcome was much different.

We found that, when we offer them a full buffet, these cells actually prefer a wider array of fuels than previously believed, Jones said. This has major implications for how we tailor dietary recommendations as ways to promote health and combat disease.

Jones explains the research through what they discovered from lactate, a cellular waste that causes muscle aches and pains and a byproduct of cancer cells that allows the disease to attack other tissue and avoid the immune system. When the T cells were given the choice between glucose and lactate, they chose the lactate to power their energy production which enhanced their overall function.

According to VAI, there is research that suggests too much lactate is bad for T cells, but Jones work provides the idea that small amounts may increase their overall function.

Jones and his team plan to take their findings and use them to take a closer look at the unique connection between metabolism and the immune system to learn more about how they work together.

Hear from Dr. Jones below.

See the original post here:
New study could change what we eat to supercharge immune system and fight disease - WOODTV.com


On maternity and the stronger immune response in women – Nature.com

August 19th, 2022 2:08 am

Ecological model

We start with an ecological model of resident host-pathogen dynamics that assumes these populations are, respectively, genetically homogeneous. The ecological model underlies the evolutionary model we develop later. A complete description of the model, and the methods of analysis that follow, can be found in theSupplementary Information.

We consider a population of hosts classified according to their sex and disease status. At time t, there are Si=Si(t) sex-i individuals not infected by the pathogen, but susceptible to future infection (i=f for females, i=m for males). At time t there are also Ii=Ii(t) sex-i individuals who are not only infected with the pathogen but also able to transmit their infection to others. Our specific goal in this section is to develop a mathematical description of how the numbers of hosts in the various classes change over time.

The number of hosts in the population changes as a result of birth events. Following previous work44,45, we model the host mating rate using the harmonic mean of the population sizes of females and males. Assuming a one-to-one birth sex ratio, then newly born hosts of either sex join the population at rate (frac{b({S}_{f}+{I}_{f})({S}_{m}+{I}_{m})}{N}) where b>0, and N=N(t) denotes the total population size at time t. We assume that newborns produced by susceptible mothers are, themselves, susceptible. By contrast, we suppose that newborns produced by infected mothers acquire their mothers infection with probability v, where v is what we have called the vertical transmission rate31. Host number also changes because of death events. Hosts in every class experience natural mortality at per-capita rate N, where is a positive constant. Hosts infected by the pathogen also experience disease-related mortality at per-capita rate i (a measure of pathogen virulence) (Fig.7).

This model incorporates two sexes (females in red and males in blue) and vertical transmission (dashed line). The flow between compartments is represented by arrows and expressions next to each arrow represent the flow rate. Evolving phenotypes and drivers of their evolution are indicated in green and purple, respectively. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

Numbers of hosts in any particular class changes as their disease-status changes. For example, we allow infected individuals to recover at per-capita rate i (a measure of host immunocompetence). We assume that, upon recovery, hosts move immediately into the appropriate susceptible group. In this way, we ignore the possibility that recovery implies immunity to subsequent infection. The disease status of hosts can also change because of horizontal disease-transmission events. We approach horizontal transmission in a standard way and assume that susceptible sex-i hosts acquire the pathogen horizontally from their infected sex-j counterparts at a total rate of SiijIj. Here, ij is a constant that reflects the transmissibility of the pathogen. We assume that when a host acquires an infection horizontally, it immediately becomes infectious (Fig.7).

The model described above is summarised mathematically using the following system of differential equations:

$$frac{d{S}_{f}}{dt}=frac{b({S}_{f}+(1-v){I}_{f})({S}_{m}+{I}_{m})}{N}+{gamma }_{f}{I}_{f}-{S}_{f}{beta }_{ff}{I}_{f}-{S}_{f}{beta }_{fm}{I}_{m}-mu N{S}_{f}$$


$$frac{d{S}_{m}}{dt}=frac{b({S}_{f}+(1-v){I}_{f})({S}_{m}+{I}_{m})}{N}+{gamma }_{m}{I}_{m}-{S}_{m}{beta }_{mf}{I}_{f}-{S}_{m}{beta }_{mm}{I}_{m}-mu N{S}_{m}$$


$$frac{d{I}_{f}}{dt}=frac{bv{I}_{f}({S}_{m}+{I}_{m})}{N}+{S}_{f}{beta }_{ff}{I}_{f}+{S}_{f}{beta }_{fm}{I}_{m}-({gamma }_{f}+{alpha }_{f}+mu N){I}_{f}$$


$$frac{d{I}_{m}}{dt}=frac{bv{I}_{f}({S}_{m}+{I}_{m})}{N}+{S}_{m}{beta }_{mf}{I}_{f}+{S}_{m}{beta }_{mm}{I}_{m}-({gamma }_{m}+{alpha }_{m}+mu N){I}_{m}.$$


Under a reasonable set of conditions, the previous system tends, over time, to an equilibrium state in which infections are endemic.

To study how pathogens disease-induced mortality and the hosts immune system respond to selection, we assume that each faces a life-history trade-off.

First, the pathogens ability to transmit horizontally trades off against the duration of any given infection it establishes. Following the previous authors30,46,47, we capture this trade-off by assuming

$${beta }_{ij}=beta ({alpha }_{j})=frac{{beta }_{max }{alpha }_{j}}{{alpha }_{j}+d}quad ,{{mbox{for}}},,j=f,;m,$$


where ({beta }_{max },,d , > , 0) are constants. Equation (2) implies that the nature of the trade-off faced by a pathogen is the same in both female and male hosts. Specifically, a pathogen can only increase its rate of horizontal transmission by increasing the disease-induced mortality rate experienced by its host (which, in turn, reduces the duration of infection). Equation (2) also says the horizontal transmission rate saturates at ({beta }_{max }) (independent of host sex), and does so more quickly as the parameter d is reduced (again, independent of host sex). Note also that Equation (2) does not depend on i: the sex of the susceptible host to whom the pathogen is transmitted.

For their part, hosts face a trade-off between investing resources in their immune system and their reproductive success. Increased immune investment is reflected in an increased recovery rate. To capture the hosts trade-off, then, we treat birth rate b as a decreasing function of the recovery rate. Moreover, we assume that the decrease in b is experienced by the host regardless of its disease status. In other words, we assume that cost associated with the immune system is an ongoing one, incurred mainly because of maintenance27 (this assumption model innate immunocompetence best) rather than being due to the activation that follows an infection48 (this assumption would model adaptive immunocompetence best). As noted in the Discussion, we relax this assumption in theSupplemental Material and compare the results for maintenance and activation costs. As an example, here, we point to evidence that shows female sex hormones enhance the immune system but simultaneously reduce the likelihood of conception and increase the chances of spontaneous abortion49,50,51. In mathematical terms, we capture the hosts trade-off using

$$b=b({gamma }_{f},{gamma }_{m})={b}_{max },{e}^{-{c}_{f}{gamma }_{f}^{2}},{e}^{-{c}_{m}{gamma }_{m}^{2}}$$


where ci reflects the rate at which fertility is reduced as sex-i immune function is increased (cost of recovery above). Equation (3) generalises the birth rate functions used previously27,48 to our sex-specific setting. The fact that b in this equation depends on both f and m reflects the fact that the reduced fertility of one mate affects the fertility of its partner16.

Our approach to modelling the co-evolution of host and pathogen is rooted in the adaptive-dynamics methodology52,53,54. For the pathogen population, we build a fitness expression that measures the success of a rare mutant strain in a population close to the endemic equilibrium established by the system (1) (indicated as ({bar{S}}_{i}), ({bar{I}}_{i}), and (bar{N})). Assuming that the mutant strain of pathogen is associated with a disease-induced mortality rate equal to ({tilde{alpha }}_{i}) in sex-i hosts, the number of mutant infections, ({tilde{I}}_{i}={tilde{I}}_{i}(t)) changes according to

$$frac{d{tilde{I}}_{f}}{dt}=frac{bv{tilde{I}}_{f}({bar{S}}_{m}+{bar{I}}_{m})}{bar{N}}+{bar{S}}_{f}beta ({tilde{alpha }}_{f}){tilde{I}}_{f}+{bar{S}}_{f}beta ({tilde{alpha }}_{m}){tilde{I}}_{m}-({gamma }_{f}+{tilde{alpha }}_{f}+mu bar{N}){tilde{I}}_{f}$$


$$frac{d{tilde{I}}_{m}}{dt}=frac{bv{tilde{I}}_{f}({bar{S}}_{m}+{bar{I}}_{m})}{bar{N}}+{bar{S}}_{m}beta ({tilde{alpha }}_{f}){tilde{I}}_{f}+{bar{S}}_{m}beta ({tilde{alpha }}_{m}){tilde{I}}_{m}-({gamma }_{m}+{tilde{alpha }}_{m}+mu bar{N}){tilde{I}}_{m}.$$


The system in (4) is linear and its long-term behaviour is determined by a dominant Lyapunov exponent of the mapping. We capture the information provided by the dominant Lyapunov exponent with the pathogen-fitness function, ({W}_{alpha }({tilde{alpha }}_{f},{tilde{alpha }}_{m},{alpha }_{f},{alpha }_{m})) using techniques laid out by the ref. 55 (see alsoSupplemental Information). When this function is greater than 1 the mutant invades and eventually displaces56 the resident strain associated with the i phenotype. When the function ({W}_{alpha }({tilde{alpha }}_{f},{tilde{alpha }}_{m},{alpha }_{f},{alpha }_{m})) is less than 1 the mutant does not invade and is eliminated from the population. With these facts in mind, we say that selection acts to move i in the direction given by the sign of (frac{partial {W}_{alpha }}{partial {tilde{alpha }}_{i}}{left|right.}_{tilde{alpha }=alpha }) where (tilde{alpha }=alpha) is shorthand for ({tilde{alpha }}_{i}={alpha }_{i}) for all i. Specifically, when this partial derivative is positive i is increasing, and when it is negative i is decreasing.

We follow a similar procedure for the host population by introducing, into the equilibrium population, a rare mutant-type host genotype that results in a recovery rate of ({hat{gamma }}_{i}) when expressed by sex-i hosts. We denote the numbers of susceptible and infected sex-i mutant-type hosts as ({hat{S}}_{i}) and ({hat{I}}_{i}), respectively. We assume that hosts are diploid, and so, strictly speaking, the hosts who contribute to ({hat{S}}_{i}) and ({hat{I}}_{i}) categories are heterozygotes (the numbers of homozygote mutants are negligible). While it remains rare, the dynamics of the mutant-host lineage can be described using

$$frac{d{hat{S}}_{f}}{dt}= frac{frac{b({hat{gamma }}_{f},{gamma }_{m})}{2}({hat{S}}_{f}+(1-v){hat{I}}_{f})({bar{S}}_{m}+{bar{I}}_{m})+frac{b({gamma }_{f},{hat{gamma }}_{m})}{2}({bar{S}}_{f}+(1-v){bar{I}}_{f})({hat{S}}_{m}+{hat{I}}_{m})}{bar{N}}\ +{hat{gamma }}_{f}{hat{I}}_{f}-{hat{S}}_{f}{beta }_{ff}{bar{I}}_{f}-{hat{S}}_{f}{beta }_{fm}{bar{I}}_{m}-mu bar{N}{hat{S}}_{f}$$


$$frac{d{hat{I}}_{f}}{dt}= frac{frac{b({hat{gamma }}_{f},{gamma }_{m})}{2}v{hat{I}}_{f}({bar{S}}_{m}+{bar{I}}_{m})+frac{b({gamma }_{f},{hat{gamma }}_{m})}{2}v{bar{I}}_{f}({hat{S}}_{m}+{hat{I}}_{m})}{bar{N}}\ +{hat{S}}_{f}{beta }_{ff}{bar{I}}_{f}+{hat{S}}_{f}{beta }_{fm}{bar{I}}_{m}-({hat{gamma }}_{f}+{alpha }_{f}+mu bar{N}){hat{I}}_{f}$$


$$frac{d{hat{S}}_{m}}{dt}= frac{frac{b({hat{gamma }}_{f},{gamma }_{m})}{2}({hat{S}}_{f}+(1-v){hat{I}}_{f})({bar{S}}_{m}+{bar{I}}_{m})+frac{b({gamma }_{f},{hat{gamma }}_{m})}{2}({bar{S}}_{f}+(1-v){bar{I}}_{f})({hat{S}}_{m}+{hat{I}}_{m})}{bar{N}}\ +{hat{gamma }}_{m}{hat{I}}_{m}-{hat{S}}_{m}{beta }_{mf}{bar{I}}_{f}-{hat{S}}_{m}{beta }_{mm}{bar{I}}_{m}-mu bar{N}{hat{S}}_{m}$$


$$frac{d{hat{I}}_{m}}{dt}= frac{frac{b({hat{gamma }}_{f},{gamma }_{m})}{2}v{hat{I}}_{f}({bar{S}}_{m}+{bar{I}}_{m})+frac{b({gamma }_{f},{hat{gamma }}_{m})}{2}v{bar{I}}_{f}({hat{S}}_{m}+{hat{I}}_{m})}{bar{N}}\ +{hat{S}}_{m}{beta }_{mf}{bar{I}}_{f}+{hat{S}}_{m}{beta }_{mm}{bar{I}}_{m}-({hat{gamma }}_{m}+{alpha }_{m}+mu bar{N}){hat{I}}_{m}.$$


The birth terms in the preceding system of equations reflect (a) the fact that the mutant host, while it is rare, mates only homozygous resident hosts and (b) only half of the matings between heterozygous mutants and homozygous residents result in mutant offspring. Since the dynamics described by (5) are linear, we can again measure fitness (this time for the host) using the dominant Lyapunov exponent. We summarise the relevant information contained in this exponent with the host fitness function ({W}_{gamma }({hat{gamma }}_{f},{hat{gamma }}_{m},{gamma }_{f},{gamma }_{m})), again using techniques outlined by ref. 55. In keeping with the description of pathogen evolution, we assert that the hosts i is increasing when (frac{partial {W}_{gamma }}{partial {gamma }_{i}}{left|right.}_{hat{gamma=gamma }}) is positive, and decreasing when this partial derivative is negative, where (hat{gamma }=gamma) is shorthand for ({hat{gamma }}_{i}={gamma }_{i}) for all i.

We want to identify where the action of selection takes the resident pathogen and host traits (i and i, respectively) in the long term. As mentioned above, the model is too complicated to support exact mathematical predictions. Consequently, our methods rely on numerical simulation implemented in Matlab57. All Matlab code is publicly available (see Code Availability).

The numerical simulation takes as its input a set of parameters and an initial estimate of the long-term result of selection on co-evolution of pathogen and host ({alpha }_{i}^{*}), and ({gamma }_{i}^{*}) for i=f, m. The estimate is updated by (i) finding the corresponding equilibrium solution to Equation (1) in a manner that verifies its asymptotic stability, (ii) using that equilibrium solution to estimate partial derivatives (frac{partial {W}_{alpha }}{partial {tilde{alpha }}_{i}}{left|right.}_{tilde{alpha=alpha }}) and (frac{partial {W}_{gamma }}{partial {hat{gamma }}_{i}}{left|right.}_{hat{gamma=gamma }}) for i=f, m, and finally (iii) incrementing or decrementing elements of the estimate following the sign of the appropriate partial derivative. Steps (i)(iii) are repeated until the absolute value of all partial derivatives is within a tolerance of zero. The result of the simulation is an estimate of the convergence stable58,59 co-evolutionary outcome, assuming f and m, and f and m can be adjusted independently. Importantly, this predicted co-evolutionary outcome also corresponds to a system in which the pathogen is established in a stable equilibrium population of hosts.

Finally, we verified numerically that the convergence-stable estimate corresponded to a two-dimensional evolutionarily stable result60 for pathogen and host, respectively. For this reason, we can also refer to predictions generated by our numerical simulation as a continuously stable state, in analogy to the definition established by ref. 61.

Further information on research design is available in theNature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.

Continued here:
On maternity and the stronger immune response in women - Nature.com


Extending dogs’ lives, and sex and the immune system – MIT Technology Review

August 19th, 2022 2:08 am

Matt Kaeberlein is what you might call a dog person. He has grown up with dogs and describes his German shepherd, Dobby, as really special. But Dobby is 14 years oldaround 98 in dog years. Im very much seeing the aging process in him, says Kaeberlein, who studies aging at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Kaeberlein is co-director of the Dog Aging Project, an ambitious research effort to track the aging process of tens of thousands of companion dogs across the US. He is one of a handful of scientists on a mission to improve, delay, and possibly reverse that process to help them live longer, healthier lives.

But dogs are just the beginning. Because theyre a great model for humans, anti-aging or lifespan-extending drugs that work for dogs could eventually benefit people, too. In the meantime, attempts to prolong the life of pet dogs can help people get onboard with the idea of life extension in humans. Read the full story.

Jessica Hamzelou

The quest to show that biological sex matters in the immune system

For years, microbiologist Sabra Klein has painstakingly made the case that sexdefined by biological attributes such as our sex chromosomes, sex hormones, and reproductive tissuescan influence immune responses.

Through research in animal models and humans, Klein and others have shown how and why male and female immune systems respond differently to the flu virus, HIV, and certain cancer therapies, and why most women receive greater protection from vaccines but are also more likely to get severe asthma and autoimmune disorders (something that had been known but not attributed specifically to immune differences.)

In the 1990s, scientists often attributed such differences to gender rather than sexto norms, roles, relationships, behaviors, and other sociocultural factors as opposed to biological differences in the immune system. Klein has helped spearhead a shift in immunology, a field that long thought sex differences didnt matterand shes set her sights on pushing the field of sex differences even futher. Read the full story.

View original post here:
Extending dogs' lives, and sex and the immune system - MIT Technology Review


Your Immune System Will Thrive With This Elderberry Hill Liquid Morning Multivitamin – Men’s Journal

August 19th, 2022 2:08 am

Mens Journal aims to feature only the best products and services. We update when possible, but deals expire and prices can change. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission.Questions? Reach us at shop@mensjournal.com.

Summers almost over guys. That means the Fall is right around the corner and the temps are gonna drop. Were about to enter the cold season. No one wants to deal with the cold, or anything even worse than that. We need to boost our immune systems in any way we can. And the Elderberry Hill Liquid Morning Multivitamin will be a big help.

The Elderberry Hill Liquid Morning Multivitamin is going to be a big help because of all the ingredients that each spoonful is chock full of. You got a lot of goodies in here that are perfect for getting that immune system going stronger than before. Ingredients thatll absorb into the bloodstream better because of its liquid form.

Whats in the Elderberry Hill Liquid Morning Multivitamin? Vitamins A, C, D3, E, Thiamin, Zinc, and all sorts of other goodies. All of which form together to not just help your immune system, but also help with the health of your hair, skin, and nails, as well as boost your energy levels. How can you beat that?

Even better is that this vitamin tastes pretty damn good too. Its almost like a little treat for yourself to get your morning started just right. And there are no sugars or GMOs in here. Its gluten and nut-free, so everyone, including vegans, can really enjoy this vitamin on the quest to boost your immune system.

Before the Fall comes along and brings the chill with it, we think you guys absolutely need to pick up the Elderberry Hill Liquid Morning Multivitamin. Its going to go down nice and smooth, getting your body prepped for the incoming season. Pick up a bottle now and get the prep started early. You wont regret it.

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Your Immune System Will Thrive With This Elderberry Hill Liquid Morning Multivitamin - Men's Journal


Sure Signs Your Immune System Isn’t as Strong as it Should Be Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

August 19th, 2022 2:08 am

Prioritizing your health has never been more important. As COVID cases continue to spike and the monkeypox outbreak has now become a public health emergency, having a strong immune system is essential. Daily habits can impact our immune health and lifestyle choices such as smoking, poor diet, and too much alcohol consumption can weaken your immunity. But there are ways to help strengthen our body and knowing the signs of a troubled immune system is a start. Eat This, Not That! Health spoke with Dr. Tom Yadegar, Pulmonologist and Medical Director of the Intensive Care Unit at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center who shares what to know about your immune system and warning signals it's not as healthy as it should be. Read onand to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had COVID.

Dr. Yadegar states, "The immune system is the defender of the body. Composed of two arms, innate and adaptive, the innate system is a nonspecific response that fights any type of foreign invader that comes into contact with the body. This arm is generally the same in most people and is composed of white cells. The second arm, known as the adaptive immune system, is specific to the foreign invader and targets it using antibodies from previous infections or vaccines."

"When exposed to a foreign invader, the immune system creates antibodies in response to prevent severe symptoms in case of repeated exposure," says Dr. Yadegar. "When this process turns against healthy tissue instead of foreign pathogens, the immune system attacks the body, leading to an autoimmune state."

Dr. Yadegar shares, "Getting proper sleep, nutrition and regular exercise is a hallmark to keeping the immune system functional. Adequate vitamin intake, including vitamin C and vitamin D, is also important in ensuring a strong immune system. Patients who may have immunodeficiency, such as IgG deficiency, can also receive infusions to help keep their immune system healthy."

Dr. Yadegar tells us, "Fighting infections requires a lot of energy. When the body is depleted of its normal energy level, the immune system is weakened and can become susceptible to opportunistic infections. People generally feel this when they are tired. Ensuring a schedule of restful sleep, eating a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables and drinking enough water helps ensure your immune system is ready to answer the call of an infection."6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

According to Dr. Yadegar, "Infections that require multiple courses of antibiotics within a year may be a sign of a weakened immune system that is not able to fight off pathogens. Patients should be evaluated by their healthcare provider in order to further investigate the underlying cause."

"Normal wounds require the immune system to bring nutrients to repair damaged tissue," says Dr. Yadegar. "When this process is compromised, wounds are unable to heal properly, which signals a slow immune system. Delayed wound healing is indicative of a poorly-functional immune system, and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider."

Dr. Yadegar explains, "Long-term stress compromises the body's natural immunity, which can lead to higher risk of infections. While stress is inevitable in our fast-paced lives, taking steps to mediate stress can help. Whether meditation, exercise, or deep-breathing, it's important to tailor stress-relief to the individual in order to best improve their stress levels."

Heather Newgen

The rest is here:
Sure Signs Your Immune System Isn't as Strong as it Should Be Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That


Can the monkeypox vaccine stop the current outbreak? : Goats and Soda – NPR

August 19th, 2022 2:08 am

A health-care worker prepares to administer a free monkeypox vaccine in Wilton Manors, Florida. The question: Can vaccination slow the outbreak? Joe Raedle/Getty Images hide caption

A health-care worker prepares to administer a free monkeypox vaccine in Wilton Manors, Florida. The question: Can vaccination slow the outbreak?

Finally, we have a glimmer of good news about monkeypox: The outbreaks in some countries, including the U.K., Germany and parts of Canada, are starting to slow down.

On top of that, the outbreak in New York City may also be peaking and on the decline, according to new data from the city's health department.

All these outbreaks are "far from extinguished," says infectious disease specialist Dr. Donald Vinh at McGill University in Montreal. But there are signs that, in some places, "they're a bit more under control than they had been."

For example, in the U.K., the number of new cases reported each day has steadily declined since late July, dropping from 50 daily cases to only about 25. (By contrast, here in the U.S., daily cases are still increasing. Since late July, the U.S. daily count has risen from 350 new cases to 450 cases.)

Some health officials credit the monkeypox vaccine and its quick rollout as the key factor that's slowing the spread of the virus in the U.K..

"Over 25,000 have been vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine, as part of the strategy to contain the monkeypox outbreak in the UK.," the U.K. Health Security Agency wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. "These 1000s of vaccines, given by the NHS to those at highest risk of exposure, should have a significant impact on the transmission of the virus."

Indeed, the U.K. and parts of Canada rolled out the vaccine in late May, weeks before doses became available in most U.S. cities.

But does the monkeypox vaccine have the ability to stop or curb the spread of the virus? To answer that question, we need to first understand a few basics about this vaccine.

What actually is the monkeypox vaccine? How does it work?

So the monkeypox vaccine is actually the smallpox vaccine. Maybe that sounds a bit strange, but in fact the two pox viruses are related. They're a bit like cousins.

Health-care workers used an earlier version of this vaccine to eradicate smallpox in the 1970s. So versions of this vaccine have been given to hundreds of millions of people over the past century. It has a long track record.

Back in the late 1980s, researchers started to notice something remarkable about this vaccine. During a monkeypox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then called Zaire), people who were immunized against smallpox were less likely to get monkeypox. They were protected. And not by just a little but by quite a bit. In a small study, published in 1988, researchers estimated the smallpox vaccine offered about 85% protection against monkeypox.

Now, the virus in this study was a different variant of monkeypox than the one circulating in the current international outbreak and that variant wasn't spreading primarily through sexual contact, as monkeypox is doing today. So we don't know how well these findings will translate to protection during the current outbreak. Which brings us to the next question.

How well does the vaccine protect against a monkeypox infection?

The short answer is: "We don't know," says infectious disease specialist Dr. Boghuma Titanji at Emory University.

There's no doubt the vaccine will offer some protection, Titanji says. "But right now, we still need studies in people to understand what level that protection actually is."

In North America and Europe, countries are primarily rolling out a vaccine called JYNNEOS, which was developed in the early 21st century. The goal with this vaccine is to increase its safety compared to the older vaccine, whose life-threatening complications, including encephalitis and skin necrosis, occurred in about 4 out of every million people vaccinated. That vaccine also could cause damaging skin lesions in people with eczema or weakened immune systems. (Note: There is a shortage of the JYNNEOS vaccine, and no doses have been shared with or sold to countries in Africa, which have experienced monkeypox outbreaks since the 1970s.)

Although older versions of the vaccine have been tested thoroughly in people, there has never been a large, clinical study to measure JYNNEOS's ability to protect against a monkeypox infection in people or to stop transmission of the virus.

What is known about the vaccine, in terms of its efficacy against monkeypox, comes from studies in macaques, and immunological studies in people, which demonstrated the vaccine triggers the production of monkeypox antibodies in people's blood.

"So we know that the vaccine does stimulate the immune system and people produce antibodies when they receive the vaccine," Titanji says, "but we don't have a clinical data in humans to actually tell us, 'Okay, that immune response translates to this level of protection against getting infected with monkeypox or reducing the severity of monkeypox disease if you do get infected.' "

And it's not a guarantee of protection. In this current outbreak, scientists have already begun to document breakthrough infection with this vaccine, the World Health Organization reported Thursday. "[This] is also really important information because it tells us that the vaccine is not 100% effective in any given circumstance," said Dr. Rosamund Lewis of WHO. "We cannot expect 100% effectiveness at the moment based on this emerging information."

And so when Titanji gives a person the JYNNEOS vaccine at her clinic, she is very clear about what the vaccine can and can't do. "I tell them, 'We do know that you're going to get some protection from this vaccine. Some protection is better than no protection. We also do know that the vaccine can reduce the severity of the disease if you do get infected. But we don't know for a fact that you would be completely protected from getting monkeypox.' "

Can this vaccine if given to the people who need it the most slow down the outbreak?

So the new data from the U.K. and Germany suggest that indeed this vaccine can curb the spread of monkeypox.

But Dr. Vinh at McGill University says it's way too soon to say the vaccine, alone, is the only factor contributing to the slow down in these countries. "No single measure is going to really be the solution here," says Vinh.

In addition to vaccination, people at high risk need to learn how they can protect themselves. And doctors have to learn how to spot monkeypox cases, he says.

Right now the percentage of monkeypox tests coming back positive is still incredibly high, Titanji says. "The positivity rate is close to 40%." And that means doctors are missing many cases. Specifically, they are still mistaking monkeypox for other sexually transmitted diseases such as syphyllis.

"I can tell you, from the lens of a clinician, that monkeypox is very, very easy to mistake for another infectious disease," she says.

Some people have had to visit clinics two or three times and even have been treated for another STD before the clinician suspects monkeypox.

"You really have to maintain a very high index of suspicion because some of the lesions are so subtle and the clinical presentation is so variable," she says. "At this phase of the outbreak, we should be over testing rather than under testing. If a doctor even remotely suspects monkeypox, they should be sending a test for it."

Otherwise people can't receive treatment for monkeypox and they can unknowingly spread it to others. And the outbreak will continue to grow while people wait to receive a vaccine and for that vaccine to begin working.

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Can the monkeypox vaccine stop the current outbreak? : Goats and Soda - NPR


Getting A Grip On Influenza: The Pursuit Of A Universal Vaccine (Part 2) – Forbes

August 19th, 2022 2:08 am

Taiwan researchers sort through eggs used for the cultivation of swine flu vaccine, in a plant in ... [+] Taichung, on June 18, 2009. Taiwan is set to mass produce swine flu vaccine in October, as the island's confirmed cases rose to 58 as of June 17. AFP PHOTO/PATRICK LIN (Photo credit should read PATRICK LIN/AFP via Getty Images)

This is a short series about a recent breakthrough on the road to developing a much sought-after broadly neutralizing vaccine against all influenza A viruses. If successful, it may act as a precursor to a truly universal flu vaccine, one that protects against all types, subtypes, and lineages of the virus. The breakthrough may also provide a blueprint for developing a Covid-19 vaccine that retains its efficacy in the face of new variants.

In the first part of this series, I gave a brief overview of the history and nature of influenza viruses, including why it has been so difficult to develop successful vaccines. The next few articles discuss some of the attempts that have been made to overcome these challenges, including their shortcomings. And in the last installments, I will offer a detailed analysis of the latest and most promising advances in the field.

The Seasonal Approach

Picking up where we left off in the previous article, any successful influenza vaccine has to account for the ability of influenza viruses to mutate. Genetic mutations to vital proteins can lead to antigenic variation changes to parts of the virus that our immune system relies on to stimulate its memory. Although various different parts of the virus serve as antigens, the surface proteins that help it enter and exit host cells are some of the most important. Changes to these proteins can prevent our antibodies from recognizing the virus, rendering them unable to block its spread. Antigenic variation is responsible for influenza reinfections, leading to seasonal flu outbreaks.

In an attempt to circumvent the issue of antigenic variation, vaccine manufacturers update the flu shot each year based on the latest circulating influenza strains. The idea is to expose our immune system to the antigens it is most likely to encounter during flu season, helping it to build up its antigen-specific defenses in advance once our immune system has built up its memory, it can jump into action straight away should we become infected.

Which influenza strains ultimately get used to make the yearly flu shot is decided on the basis of data collected throughout the year by the World Health Organizations (WHO) Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS). This surveillance and response system is made up of roughly 150 different laboratories spread across the globe, each of which gathers thousands of influenza samples from sick patients. The most prevalent viral strains are then shared with five WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza, which perform further analysis. Two times a year once in preparation for flu season in the Northern Hemisphere, and another in preparation for flu season in the Southern Hemisphere Directors of the WHO Collaborating Centers, Essential Regulatory Laboratories, and representatives of a few of the smaller national laboratories come together to: review the results of surveillance, laboratory, and clinical studies, and the availability of flu vaccine viruses and make recommendations on the composition of flu vaccines. Once the WHO vaccine composition committee has made its recommendations, each country makes a final decision on which viruses they will choose to use in their flu vaccines.

In the United States, all influenza vaccines are quadrivalent, meaning they contain four different influenza viruses. This is done to broaden protection against the various influenza subtypes and lineages known to drive seasonal outbreaks: influenza A (H1N1), influenza A (H3N2), influenza B/Victoria, and influenza B/Yamagata. Quadrivalent vaccines will also protect against any other influenza viruses that are antigenically similar.

Although this may seem like a relatively reliable process, there is one glaring drawback to the seasonal vaccination approach: vaccines produced in this way are nowhere near as effective as we might hope. At best, they protect 60% of people from illness, but this number can, and often does, drop much lower. For the influenza A (H3N2) subtype, vaccine effectiveness hovers around 33%. Of course, any protection is better than no protection, but it is still suboptimal remember, these numbers represent best case scenarios, years where the viruses selected for use in vaccines are well matched to those that actually end up circulating during the flu season. So, where are things going wrong?

Missing the Target: Egg-based Vaccines

Selection of candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs) is only one part of the equation, growing them is another. This is no simple feat considering they need to be available in bulk, enough to make millions of vaccines. For the past 70 years, the majority of manufacturers have turned to chicken eggs in order to achieve the necessary growth (Figure 1). The candidate vaccine viruses are injected into fertilized hens eggs and left to incubate for a few days. During this period, the viruses are able to replicate. The fluid in the eggs is then extracted and the viruses are killed (inactivated). Finally, the antigen of choice usually the hemagglutinin surface protein is isolated from the killed viruses and purified, making it ready for use in vaccines. Even now, most flu vaccines continue to be egg-based.

FIGURE 1. An overview of the steps involved in producing egg-based vaccines.

But there are two issues with this approach. First, growing the viruses in eggs is a fairly slow process. This means the selection of candidate vaccine viruses has to happen far in advance of flu season, to make sure manufacturers have enough time to produce the amounts needed. In the six to nine months it takes to grow and purify enough virus, the wild type influenza strains continue to mutate and change. If these changes impact the antigen, the wild type viruses may escape the immunity that the vaccines provide us, reducing their effectiveness. When this happens, the viruses are referred to as escape mutants.

A growing body of research suggests that a second factor may be even more important: egg-adapted changes. Because the candidate vaccine viruses are human influenza viruses, growing them in chicken eggs carries the risk that they adapt to the new immune niche while replicating. The immune niche of chickens is different to that of humans, so adaptations that improve viral fitness in chickens may result in genetic and antigenic changes to the viruses. As before, these changes can lead to a drop in vaccine effectiveness, since the vaccine strains no longer resemble the circulating wild type strains; the egg-adapted vaccines end up training our immune system to recognize the wrong viruses, thus hampering its ability to respond efficiently come flu season.

Egg Substitutes: New Ways of Growing Candidate Viruses

In response to these issues, manufacturers have tried to develop new production methods that avoid using chicken eggs to culture candidate viruses. This search has led to a cell-based approach and a recombinant approach (Figure 2).

FIGURE 2. Timeline of current influenza vaccine production methods. Schematic overview of egg-based, ... [+] cell-based and protein-based (recombinant) influenza vaccine production.

Cell-based vaccines are produced using candidate viruses grown in mammalian cells rather than chicken eggs. Aside from this, the manufacturing process between the two is virtually identical: candidate vaccine viruses are grown in mammalian cell cultures by the CDC, these are then handed over to private manufacturers who inoculate the viruses into mammalian cells, the viruses are left to replicate for a few days before being harvested, and finally, purified. Although approved in 2012, it wasnt until this past 2021-2022 flu season that fully egg-free, cell-based vaccines were produced previously, the initial production of candidate vaccine viruses by the CDC was still done using fertilized hens eggs, and only after being handed over to the private sector were the viruses mass-produced in mammalian cells.

Using the cell-based approach eliminates egg-adapted changes in candidate viruses, keeping the viruses as close as possible to the wild type influenza strains predicted to circulate during flu season. An added benefit of cell-based vaccines is that the production process can be scaled up more quickly; mammalian cells can be frozen in advance to ensure steady supply, which could prove especially useful during pandemic outbreaks.

In theory, the lack of egg-adapted changes should improve vaccine effectiveness. But what about in practice? Although there still hasnt been enough research for a clear consensus to develop, initial findings suggest the difference in effectiveness is modest at best, and statistically insignificant at worst. This hints that egg-adapted changes might not play as important of a role as initially suspected; low vaccine efficacy can occur even when eggs are not used in the manufacturing process. That said, the 2021-2022 flu season marks the first time truly egg-free cell-based vaccines in which all four viruses are derived entirely through cell-based methods were used, so perhaps future research will yield different results. For now, things dont look too promising.

Recombinant vaccines provide a third option, and manage to overcome a crucial issue faced by the other two options: the lengthy, tedious virus production process. Whereas egg- and cell-based vaccines depend on candidate virus samples, recombinant manufacturing skips this step. Instead, recombinant vaccines are made by isolating the gene that makes the hemagglutinin surface protein from a wild type influenza virus. Once isolated, this gene is combined with a different kind of virus, called baculovirus. The new virus is known as a recombinant baculovirus and it is used to ferry the gene that makes the hemagglutinin antigen into a host cell line. As soon as the gene enters the cells, they begin to mass produce the hemagglutinin antigen. The antigen can then be extracted and purified before being assembled into a vaccine.

Given that they are entirely egg-free and dont require candidate virus samples, recombinant vaccines bypass the issue of egg-dependent changes. Due to the speed of production, there is also a decreased risk of escape mutants developing. As before, there is a paucity of comparative research, making it difficult to draw any firm conclusions, but early findings suggest recombinant vaccines may be more effective than traditional egg-based and cell-based vaccines, including improved antibody production.


Developing consistently protective influenza vaccines has proven difficult, with effectiveness frequently hovering somewhere between 40 and 60%. Too low, considering the threat posed by influenza.

A big part of the challenge is the mutability of the virus; it is constantly changing, making it hard for our immune system to keep up and retain useful memories of previous encounters. In response, public health agencies and scientists around the world develop new vaccines every year that prime our immune systems for the latest circulating strains. Sometimes scientists miss the mark with their predictions, in which case the circulating influenza strains do not match up with those in the vaccine, undermining vaccine effectiveness. At other times predictions are right on the money, but the vaccine production process impairs effectiveness either by being too slow and giving the wild type viruses time to mutate again, or because of mutations to the candidate vaccine strains during mass-production in chicken eggs.

Cell-based and recombinant vaccines aim to resolve the issues on the production side of things. The former by skipping the need for eggs, and by extension, the threat of egg-adapted changes. The latter by skipping the need for eggs as well as cutting down the time it takes to produce the vaccines, reducing the risk of escape mutants. Despite these advances, vaccine effectiveness has not yet seen the boost it needs.

The below table gives a summary of the advantages and disadvantages associated with these three production processes.

FIGURE 3. Advantages and disadvantages of strategies for influenza virus vaccine production.

The next article in this series will look at two additional technologies: intranasal vaccines and mRNA vaccines. Might they succeed where the more traditional strategies have wavered?

Continue reading here:
Getting A Grip On Influenza: The Pursuit Of A Universal Vaccine (Part 2) - Forbes


Bells Are Ringing! How Immunotherapy is Unlocking Doors to a Cancer Cure – Georgetowner

August 19th, 2022 2:08 am

Your immune system is on a mission, constantly assessing threats, identifying invaders, and neutralizing or killing them off. It is a finely tuned network of organs, cells, proteins, and chemicals engaged in an existential battle. It asks the question: is this me or is this not me? And if its not me, what is it? Friend or foe?

Without the immune system, which has been honed and refined throughout the millennia of our existence as a species, we could not survive.

Samir N. Khleif, M.D., is also on a mission: to outsmart and disable cancer by overcoming its ability to evade or tolerate immunotherapeutic approaches.

Dr. Khleif, a practicing medical oncologist, a Biomedical Scholar, and professor, is the director of the Center for Immunology and Immunotherapy and the Loop Immuno-Oncology Research Laboratory at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital. He and his team of assistant professors, post docs, research assistants, graduate students, and trainees focus on understanding how the immune system works, delineating the mechanisms of immune response and resistance to immunotherapy and re-engineering the immune cells with the goal of developing novel immune therapeutics.

Khleif is a long-time pioneer in cancer immunotherapy. Before joining Georgetown, he served as Director of Georgia Cancer Center, Augusta University, where he oversaw the development of a large integrated program focused on immunology, inflammation, tolerance basic science, and immune therapy. He also led the Cancer Vaccine Section, a nationally active Immune Therapy Program at the National Institutes of Health-National Cancer Institute, where he was one of the early pioneers of cancer vaccines and led some of the clinical trials. (Fun fact: Moderna and BioNTech, the names behind the mRNA technology now used to protect us against COVID, started out as cancer vaccine companies.)

He currently holds numerous patents and has published several important studies unraveling the understanding of the interaction of immune cells and cancer and on the mechanisms of tumor-induced suppression and the strategies used to overcome them. His research team has also developed models to understand how different kinds of immune therapies can be combined to work synergistically and he translated these findings into clinical trials with the intention of more widespread use.

We recently met with him in his lab to learn more about immunology a subject weve all come to know since the pandemic and to discuss his research. For all his stellar achievements and fierce intellect, he was a gracious host and a passionate teacher. He is also, we later learned, a painter and a musician who plays keyboard, saxophone, piano, and the violin, amateurly, he insists. His top scientist of all time is Albert Einstein and his favorite D.C. restaurant is Komi.

Commenting on the upcoming BellRinger Ride benefit for Lombardi, Khleif sees similarities between his life mission and bicycling: both activities have an anticipation to reach the end goal along with hard work and a sense of exploration or adventure. To find out what BellRingers all about, see our sidebar in our print edition here.

Born in Syria to Palestinian refugee parents, Khleif attended college and medical school in Jordan after spending seven weeks in Vermont to learn English. Although he originally wanted to be a physicist, his father swayed him into medicine where a love of research led him to the study of virology, molecular biology, vaccines and, now, his work in harnessing the power of immune system to disable cancer cell growth and proliferation.

For Khleif, the joy of discovery is the catalyst for his work. The more discoveries you find, he says, the more addicted you get. I tell my team: when you discover something, ask yourself, why did nature create like this? Why does it exist? Can we recreate it when its missing? How can we use this as a tool for therapy?

Khleif and his team concentrate on four main areas of research: tumor immunology and immunotherapeutics (unraveling the mechanism through which the immune system and cancer cells interact ); T-cell plasticity (how T-cells, a type of immune cell, can be re-reengineered to amp up their immune response); immunotherapeutic resistance (how and why tumors learn to override the patients natural defenses and therefore become unresponsive to immuno- and other therapies); and combination immunotherapy design (identifying the best combination of immunotherapeutics to enhance the best clinical response).

Interestingly, the lab is also studying how some natural products, such as vitamin C and selenium, can be used to boost immunity, reprogram and repair immune cells, and reverse the damage that cancer causes on the immune system. So, stock up on your fruits, vegetables and seafood.

In his other life as an advocate for global health and impact-driven healthcare, he led the development and served as the founding CEO of the King Hussein Cancer Center in Amman, Jordan, the regional cancer center in the Middle East. He also led the planning and development of cancer care projects in low-income countries dedicated to bringing cancer education, research, and treatment to underserved areas around the world.

Every day, as your immune system conducts its intricate surveillance, it is working to dispatch dangers before they become serious health risks. Dangers like an errant cell that may grow into cancer. With immunotherapy in their arsenal, Khleif and his team are unlocking new strategies to dethrone the emperor of all maladies and save, he estimates, millions of lives.

To learn more about Dr. Khleif, his research, patents, and publications go to: https://gufaculty360.georgetown.edu/s/contact/00336000019h06bAAA/samir-khleif. You can also view his patient-oriented video on immunotherapy here: https://youtu.be/afdq8Op-jQM

For a highly accessible and entertaining resource on the immune system, check out Philipp Dettmers Immune, https://youtu.be/afdq8Op-jQM. If you or a family member have been diagnosed with cancer and would like to better understand immunotherapy, visit the Cancer Support Community here: https://www.cancersupportcommunity.org/immunotherapy-cancer-it-right-you .

And to support innovative cancer research at the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, join the inaugural BellRinger Bike Ride on Oct. 22. Donate or learn more at bellringer.org.

Continue reading here:
Bells Are Ringing! How Immunotherapy is Unlocking Doors to a Cancer Cure - Georgetowner


Have The Immune System Booster Through the Dietary Supplements Only from Berkeley Immune Support Formula – Digital Journal

August 19th, 2022 2:08 am

Berkeley Immune Support Formula provides supplements to the diet that can help in the boosting of the immune system and thus be and remain physically stronger.

Los Angeles, CA (August 13, 2022) The immune system is an essential part of the human body as it works as the shield that protects it from different kinds of diseases. Berkeley Immune Support Formula highly recommends one to be immunoreactive and suggests some of the daily care that one can take as a measure to keep a check on it, such as checking the vitamin D, keeping control of weight, and having an immune support booster, and others.

The product of the organization is mainly derived from many vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage due to which the organization also recommends that one can intake those in other forms as well. As their product is composed of more such elements rich in the DIM, it promises to give a better immune system result and prove itself the best immune support booster.

The product has been designed to aid the cause of raising funds for nature-based biomedical research. The product is said to be rich in Selenium, Zinc, Sulforaphane, Lycopene, Zeaxanthin, Lutein, Citrus Bioflavonoids, and Vitamin D3. The manufacturers of the product have many experiences with the DIM substance. The sulforaphane that is delivered by the immune support booster product is said to be specially manufactured by the scientists for the product.

Through the Berkeley Formula product, the organization makes a promise to the customers to provide the nutrients, which will be equal to a bowl of salad. The product is said to be the first of its kind that is composed of a mixture of bioflavonoids and phytonutrients. The product supplied by the organization is said to be manufactured for the most bioavailability, and it is also said to be giving bioactive quantities of the DIM to the consumers.

The Berkeley Formula product is regarded as a very effective bioavailable supplement of the DIM and immune system booster by many doctors and scientists. In fact, they have been found to do more research on the products along with the addition of other nutrients. The product is also said to be very effective for sportspeople, relieving stress from work or school, pollution of the environment, the process of aging, and sleep deprivation as an immune system booster.

About Berkeley Immune Support Formula

The organization was founded by Dr. Leonard Bjeldanes, Dr. Gary Firestone, Dr. Christopher Benz, Dr. Giuseppe Del Priore, and Dr. Bob Eghbalieh. These doctors have a specialty in the product supplied by the organization which is the DIM supplements, and in clinical research. The main purpose of this research is to contribute to the medical field with the help of their products. The main goal of the organization is to help people lead a healthy life, via the development of top-class nutrition goods. The two divisions of the organization function, that are the nutritional sciences and the biopharmaceuticals functions in the marketing of their product and in the development of the different types of cures for deadly diseases by boosting the immune system of the body.

For more information about the services of the company and knowing the offers, please visit https://www.berkeleyformula.com/

Media Contact:

Berkeley Immune Support Formula

1434 Westwood Blvd. Suite #5, LA, CA 90024

Phone: 877-777-0719

Email: [emailprotected]

The rest is here:
Have The Immune System Booster Through the Dietary Supplements Only from Berkeley Immune Support Formula - Digital Journal


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