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How saving their baby teeth could help save children’s lives

January 22nd, 2014 11:44 am

Yorkshire (PRWEB UK) 21 January 2014

Ongoing worldwide research is consistently proving that stem cells will be a cornerstone of medical treatments in the future. Already, literally thousands of stem cell therapies for a host of dangerous and life-threatening conditions have already been successfully performed, and specialists agree that many newly discovered treatments are just around the corner.

Stem cells are biological cell types found in multicellular organisms like mammals, and that, of course, includes us. The incredible thing about stem cells is that they are able to divide and change into other types of cell, and this is what gives them their unique ability to repair, or even replace, cells that have been damaged by disease or injury.

The potential for the health of younger and future generations is enormous.

Although stem cells are found in many different parts of our body, it is the stem cells found in our childrens teeth that are most precious in terms of their potential to safeguard health. While an inevitable crystallisation process makes adult teeth useless for stem cell therapies, first teeth and young wisdom teeth contain tooth pulp in perfect condition to provide useable stem cells. Whats more, children naturally lose 12 milk teeth over a 5-year period, and this means plenty of chances to collect the teeth most likely to be suitable for harvesting stem cells. The other big advantage of childrens teeth is that they fall out naturally, and that makes recovering the teeth a pain-free, risk-free and non-invasive process.

Today, scientists have the expertise and technologies to safely extract and store stem cells taken from baby teeth and wisdom teeth. Crucially, storing a persons stem cells for possible use in their own future medical treatment means that compatibility or finding the right match wont ever be an issue. This is one of the key factors that has given rise to people storing their own childrens cells as a way of protecting them against a future illnesses or conditions. Having access to a childs stem cells makes any future treatment far more likely to succeed, an extremely encouraging situation given that scientists are regularly discovering more and more conditions they can treat using stem cells.

So, what about the specific illnesses and conditions that tooth stem cells can be used to treat?

Scientists already know that stem cells within tooth pulp have the ability to develop into a wide range of tissues, including skin, nerve, muscle, fat, cartilage and tendon. This amazing versatility has huge and positive implications for medical uses of tooth stem cells, and thats why almost everyone has a vested interest in this medical breakthrough, from young adults, parents and expectant parents right through to those who might one day want a family.

Stem cell therapy has already enabled practitioners to grow skin, tracheas and corneas, as well as repair human hearts. Even more excitingly, it is now widely agreed that future stem cell therapies will allow medical practitioners to tackle a host of injuries, illnesses and heredity conditions. Among them, these are likely to include Type 1 diabetes; neuronal degenerative disorders like Alzheimers, Parkinsons and Huntingtons disease; cardiovascular disease; paralysis due to spinal cord injury; liver disease, strokes; heart attacks and joint repair. Stem cells can also help to repair the bodys immune system and, under the right conditions, can even be used to form organs, bone and other tissue.

BioEden have a UK team that has been right at the very heart of the science surrounding the extraction and storage of tooth cells in fact they are one of the worlds leading authorities on it.

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How saving their baby teeth could help save children’s lives


City of Hope’s Dr. Margarita Gutova talks about using neural stem cells to treat brain tumors – Video

January 21st, 2014 6:51 pm

City of Hope #39;s Dr. Margarita Gutova talks about using neural stem cells to treat brain tumors
City of Hope scientist Margarita Gutova, M.D., talks about her research using neural stem cells to help target and treat medulloblastoma, the most common for...

By: cityofhopeonline

See original here:
City of Hope's Dr. Margarita Gutova talks about using neural stem cells to treat brain tumors - Video


Technology Stem Cells of Jeunesse Global – Video

January 21st, 2014 6:51 pm

Technology Stem Cells of Jeunesse Global
Technology Stem Cells of Jeunesse Global, Peremajaan Kulit Termodern Abad Ini Info hubungi: 081310916542 / 087876812200 http://www.officialonlineshop.jeunesseglobal...

By: Ahmad Farhan Jeunesse

Read more from the original source:
Technology Stem Cells of Jeunesse Global - Video


Laminine Info: What are Stem Cells – Video

January 21st, 2014 6:51 pm

Laminine Info: What are Stem Cells
Follow us on facebook for more info on Laminine! https://www.facebook.com/LaminineForLife10 Stem cells are mother cells that have the potential to become ...

By: LaminineforLife Laminine

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Laminine Info: What are Stem Cells - Video


Stem cell industry ready to liftoff

January 21st, 2014 3:44 am

By Gu Yang

According to statistics, up to August 1st, 2013, clinical trials on stem cell research publicly registered on the website of Clinical Trial have reached 4704, among which 213 were from China. Though it is far from 2805 of the US, Xu Xiaochun, the director of INCOSC and founder of Boya Life, insists that gap between China and developed countries in stem cell research field is not big -- "we are almost starting at the same time, since the key technology of stem cell has just got breakthrough in recent two or three years, and the development history of the whole industry is just 20 years."

"This is an original contribution in science which is most likely to be accomplished by China!" Xu Xiaochun stated briefly. The next few years will be the critical period for the development of global stem cell industry, and China is not to miss this valuable but fleeting opportunity.

A "gold mine" of USD400 billion is to be discovered

Who will be the next Microsoft? Even Gates himself admits that this company will surely come from the field of biological medicine, and it has been a consensus in the industry that stem cell industry is one of the cores and the most promising modules in the field of biological medicine.

In global market, stem cell technology and its development has been crazily pursued by international capital market in recent years, and relevant market value of stem cell concept stocks listed in NASDAQ only has exceeded USD30 billion. It is predicted by experts that the potential market of global stem cell industry will be about USD80 billion within the next two years, and reach up to USD400 billion around 2020.

In China, the stem cell industry also has bright prospects. According to the research reports from the institution named First Capital, the stem cell industry of China has formed a complete industry chain from the upstream storage to the downstream clinical application, and it is predicted that the income of stem cell industry in the coming 5 years will increase to RMB 30 billion from the current RMB 2 billion, at the average annual growth rate of 170 percent.

For many people, the stem cell, with the ability to repair and generate all human cells, has not been a strange concept. However, there are still some widespread misunderstandings in society about the cognition of stem cells in clinical application.

"Stem cell application doesn't only mean the storage of stem cells, but it has many downstream applications. Moreover, stem cells can also be used as a tool for new medicine research and development as well as other personalized medicine." Xu Xiaochun told the journalist that, Boya Life, founded by him, is such a group starting from stem cell research, turns the view to the whole field of biological economy while constantly extending upstream and downstream on the industry chain.

Read the original:
Stem cell industry ready to liftoff


UCLA Scientists Will Test Drug to Block Stem Cells Leading to Cancer – Video

January 20th, 2014 6:42 pm

UCLA Scientists Will Test Drug to Block Stem Cells Leading to Cancer
Scientists from UCLA #39;s Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, led by pioneering cancer researchers Drs. Dennis Slamon and Zev Wainberg, are bringing stem cell ...


More here:
UCLA Scientists Will Test Drug to Block Stem Cells Leading to Cancer - Video


Stem Cells Anti-Aging Study – Caleb’s testimonial after 6 ESC injections – Video

January 20th, 2014 6:42 pm

Stem Cells Anti-Aging Study - Caleb #39;s testimonial after 6 ESC injections
http://a1stemcells.com/anti-aging-2 testimony of Caleb, 36yo, recorded during his 7th injection. It changed Caleb #39;s life. Stem cell rejuvenation program in M...

By: Cure4Cancers

Here is the original post:
Stem Cells Anti-Aging Study - Caleb's testimonial after 6 ESC injections - Video


AS Antonia Aránega, a strong bet for embryonic stem cells research – Video

January 19th, 2014 12:42 pm

AS Antonia Arnega, a strong bet for embryonic stem cells research
More videos at http://www.andalusianstories.com Antonia Arnega is a researcher born in Granada who decided to leave her specialization in Pediatrics to comp...

By: Andalusian Stories

AS Antonia Aránega, a strong bet for embryonic stem cells research - Video


Vet-Stem, Inc. is Proud to Announce Its 10,000th Animal in 10 Years of Stem Cell Therapy

January 19th, 2014 6:40 am

Poway, California (PRWEB) January 18, 2014

The leading Regenerative Veterinary Medicine Company, Vet-Stem, Inc., is proud to announce that its regenerative stem cell therapy has been used to treat 10,000 animals in the last 10 years of offering tissue processing services to veterinarians. Vet-Stem was founded in 2002, seeking to discover a successful treatment for horses with potentially fatal injuries to tendons and ligaments.

Dr. Robert Harman, CEO and Founder of Vet-Stem has spoken at many human and veterinary conferences sharing the results of real treatments. He has also authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed papers on stem cells as well as written book chapters on stem cells.

In 2003 Vet-Stem signed a worldwide exclusive license for adipose-derived (fat derived) stem cell technology for veterinary application, and the first horse was treated. Shortly after, the first dogs were treated with Vet-Stem Regenerative Cell Therapy. Vet-Stem started providing stem cell banking to their clients from the beginning so that cells could be stored for future use. By August of 2005 500 horses had been treated. Vet-Stem had effectively introduced a new, natural, injectable treatment to the equine and small animal veterinary industry that could serve as an alternative to euthanasia for some conditions.

By April 2006, 1000 animals had been treated using Vet-Stem cell therapy, including the first cat. Another milestone was the first ever randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled multi-centered study that was published reporting that using Vet-Stem processing, intra-articular injection of adipose-derived stem cells into the hip joint of a dog decreases patient discomfort and increases patient functional ability in relation to arthritis.

Only nine months after formally launching a Small Animal application, over 1,000 dogs had been treated for orthopedic conditions. At the same time Veterinary Therapeutics published a peer-reviewed study on the use of stem cells for treatment of chronic osteoarthritis in the elbow of dogs. The clinical trial reported significant improvement in lameness, range of motion, and functional ability in dogs treated with Vet-Stem Regenerative Cell Therapy.

Although the large majority of animals treated have been horses, dogs and cats, Vet-Stem has provided services for exotic species as well. The U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research, awarded Vet-Stem a contract to engage in a collaborative study of stem cell biology in marine mammals in 2009. From this, the first peer-reviewed article was published showing successful isolation of stem cells from dolphin fat. Several media outlets featured a story on a panther from the Tallahassee Museum who received stem cell therapy by Vet-Stem for arthritis of the elbow in 2011. After the therapy he was able to stand up and scratch on his favorite tree with both front paws.

I started Vet-Stem in order to help horses with career ending injuries to their tendons and ligaments but so many more animals have been saved from a life of pain or even from euthanasia. I feel privileged and excited to be a part of this therapy that has changed how veterinary medicine is practiced as well as contributing to changes in human medicine, Robert Harman, DVM, CEO and Founder of Vet-Stem, Inc.

About Vet-Stem, Inc. Vet-Stem, Inc. was formed in 2002 to bring regenerative medicine to the veterinary profession. The privately held company is working to develop therapies in veterinary medicine that apply regenerative technologies while utilizing the natural healing properties inherent in all animals. As the first company in the United States to provide an adipose-derived stem cell service to veterinarians for their patients, Vet-Stem, Inc. pioneered the use of regenerative stem cells in veterinary medicine. The company holds exclusive licenses to over 50 patents including world-wide veterinary rights for use of adipose derived stem cells. In the last decade over 10,000 animals have been treated using Vet-Stem, Inc.s services, and Vet-Stem is actively investigating stem cell therapy for immune-mediated and inflammatory disease, as well as organ disease and failure. For more on Vet-Stem, Inc. and Veterinary Regenerative Medicine visit http://www.vet-stem.com or call 858-748-2004.

Follow this link:
Vet-Stem, Inc. is Proud to Announce Its 10,000th Animal in 10 Years of Stem Cell Therapy


Bronze Nazareth- Pictures (Stem Cells) – Video

January 17th, 2014 9:45 am

Bronze Nazareth- Pictures (Stem Cells)
Bronze Nazareth Album: School For The Blindman (2011)

By: killAgram070

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Bronze Nazareth- Pictures (Stem Cells) - Video


Stem Cells Revolutions: TRAILER – Video

January 17th, 2014 9:45 am

Stem Cells Revolutions: TRAILER
RENT or BUY film here: http://www.stemcellrevolutions.com Featuring beautiful hand-drawn animations and interviews with leading stem cell scientists, STEM CE...

By: Scottish Documentary Institute

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Stem Cells Revolutions: TRAILER - Video


Iran Among Three Top Countries In Extracting Stem Cells From Primary Teeth – Video

January 16th, 2014 3:49 pm

Iran Among Three Top Countries In Extracting Stem Cells From Primary Teeth

By: DaNi Islam

Read more here:
Iran Among Three Top Countries In Extracting Stem Cells From Primary Teeth - Video


23. Stem Cells – Video

January 16th, 2014 3:49 pm

23. Stem Cells
MIT 7.013 Introductory Biology, Spring 2011 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/7-013S11 Instructor: Hazel Sive Professor Sive discusses cell fate a...


Excerpt from:
23. Stem Cells - Video


From stem cells to a possible treatment for Graft-versus-host disease – Video

January 16th, 2014 12:41 am

From stem cells to a possible treatment for Graft-versus-host disease
Xellbiogene #39;s laboratories will test a new pathway for treating Graft-versus-host disease.

By: Xellbiogene

Read the rest here:
From stem cells to a possible treatment for Graft-versus-host disease - Video


HealthWACH – Banking baby’s stem cells – Video

January 16th, 2014 12:41 am

HealthWACH - Banking baby #39;s stem cells
For the latest news weather and sports visit: http://www.wach.com Like WACH Fox on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wachfox Follow WACH Fox on Twitter: http...


Originally posted here:
HealthWACH - Banking baby's stem cells - Video


Fat stem cells regenerate cartilage in osteoarthritis – Video

January 16th, 2014 12:40 am

Fat stem cells regenerate cartilage in osteoarthritis
http://www.stemcellsarthritistreatment.com http://www.arthritistreatmentcenter.com Dr. Bui Hong Thien Khanh, head of orthopedics at the Ho Chi Minh City Medi...

By: Nathan Wei

Excerpt from:
Fat stem cells regenerate cartilage in osteoarthritis - Video


The International Society for Stem Cell Research announces its 2014 award recipients

January 15th, 2014 1:44 pm



Contact: Michelle Quivey mquivey@isscr.org 224-592-5012 International Society for Stem Cell Research

CHICAGO The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) has announced the following 2014 award recipients, who will be formally recognized at its 12th Annual Meeting in Vancouver, taking place June 18-21, 2014:

The McEwen Award for Innovation, supported by the McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine, recognizes original thinking and groundbreaking research pertaining to stem cells or regenerative medicine that opens new avenues of exploration toward the understanding or treatment of human disease or affliction. The winner receives $100,000 USD. Past winners include James Thomson, Rudolf Jaenisch, Kazutoshi Takahashi and Shinya Yamanaka.

Award recipient Surani is a world leader in the field of epigenetics and the development of the mammalian germ line. His work on early mammalian development led to his involvement in the discovery of genomic imprinting and ongoing contributions to understanding the mechanistic basis of imprinting. Most relevant to stem cell biology, is his work on the cellular and molecular specification of the mammalian germ cell lineage, which impacted the field's understanding of how the germ line is established and the molecular mechanisms responsible for reprogramming the epigenome in order to generate the totipotent state.

"The ISSCR is thrilled to announce the McEwen Award for Innovation, our most prestigious award, will be presented to Azim Surani," Janet Rossant, ISSCR president, said. "His pioneering research, which has changed the face of epigenetics and advanced the field of stem cell biology, is a rare and significant contribution from a single individual."

The ISSCR-BD Biosciences Outstanding Young Investigator Award recognizes exceptional achievements by an ISSCR member and investigator in the early part of their independent career in stem cell research. The winner receives a $7,500 USD personal award and an opportunity to present at the ISSCR Annual Meeting. Past winners include Marius Wernig, Cdric Blanpain, Robert Blelloch, Joanna Wysocka and Konrad Hochedlinger.

Award recipient Greco established a noninvasive method to directly visualize skin stem cell division in real time in living animals the first of its kind for imaging any stem cell. By combining this method with laser ablation and transgenic lineage tracing, she captured previously inaccessible key information on stem cell behavior during tissue maintenance and regeneration. She demonstrated that the niche location of stem cells dictates their fates, the niche is required for tissue maintenance, and that a -catenin-mediated extrinsic mechanism regulates stem cell activation.

"The ISSCR is looking forward to presenting our Outstanding Young Investigator Award to Valentina Greco," Rossant said. "Her enthusiastic nomination by over a dozen leaders in the field of stem cell research demonstrates the significance of her early-career contributions to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine."

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The International Society for Stem Cell Research announces its 2014 award recipients


New tool assists stem cell therapy

January 15th, 2014 1:44 pm

Published:Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Updated:Tuesday, January 14, 2014 18:01

A new tool that could help facilitate future stem cell therapy has recently been identified by a UVM professor and his colleagues, according to UVMs College of Medicine.

The development of this tool could potentially help more than 700,000 Americans who suffer a heart attack each year.

Because stem cells have the potential to develop into a variety of cell types in the body, they may offer a renewable source of replacement cells to treat diseases, conditions and disabilities, and even regenerate damaged tissue and organs.

However, the field of regenerative medicine has struggled to successfully graft cells from culture back into injured tissue.

UVM Associate Professor of Medicine Jeffrey Spees, Ph.D., collaborated with the Center for Gene Therapy at Tulane University. His research team recently set out to develop ways to enhance graft success.

Dr. Spees and his team focused on a type of bone marrow-derived progenitor cell or biological cell that forms stromal cells or connective tissue cells.

They found that the medium contained Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF) and the hormone insulin, and together, they have a synergistic effect, Spees said to UVMs College of Medicine.

The group found that the protective ligands resulted in improved graft success, breaking the record for engraftment.

New tool assists stem cell therapy


Art of Science: Montage of Stem Cells by Peter Tonge – Video

January 14th, 2014 1:45 pm

Art of Science: Montage of Stem Cells by Peter Tonge
A montage of stem cells called "All for One - One for All" by Peter Tonge.

By: Mount Sinai Hospital

Read more:
Art of Science: Montage of Stem Cells by Peter Tonge - Video


Age Reversal Study – Testimony of Caleb during his 7th injection – Video

January 14th, 2014 1:45 pm

Age Reversal Study - Testimony of Caleb during his 7th injection
http://a1stemcells.com/anti-aging-2 testimony of Caleb, 36yo, recorded during his 7th injection. It changed Caleb #39;s life. Stem cell rejuvenation program in M...

By: Edith Stem Cells

Read more here:
Age Reversal Study - Testimony of Caleb during his 7th injection - Video


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