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Using Droplet Digital PCR™ to Study Stem Cell Genomes at Stanford University – Video

January 30th, 2014 4:52 pm

Using Droplet Digital PCR to Study Stem Cell Genomes at Stanford University
For more info, visit http://www.bio-rad.com/yt6/QX200-DropletDigitalPCR. Since its introduction two years ago, Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) technology has tr...

By: BioRadLifeScience

Using Droplet Digital PCR™ to Study Stem Cell Genomes at Stanford University - Video


Mouse blood cells revert to stem cells in acid – Video

January 30th, 2014 4:52 pm

Mouse blood cells revert to stem cells in acid
After half an hour in mild acid, a mouse #39;s white blood cells can convert to a new type of stem cell known as STAP cells. Cells undergoing conversion turn on ...

By: Science News

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Mouse blood cells revert to stem cells in acid - Video


Stem Cells Medical Applications of Biotechnology – Video

January 30th, 2014 4:49 pm

Stem Cells Medical Applications of Biotechnology
Created using http://studio.stupeflix.com/

By: AndreU48

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Stem Cells Medical Applications of Biotechnology - Video


Stem cells and the transformative power of hope: Bernard Siegel at TEDxDelrayBeach – Video

January 29th, 2014 4:42 pm

Stem cells and the transformative power of hope: Bernard Siegel at TEDxDelrayBeach
Bernie was a courtroom attorney, and a cancer and Hurricane Andrew survivor. For fun, he owned a minor league basketball team and became commissioner of a pr...

By: TEDxTalks

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Stem cells and the transformative power of hope: Bernard Siegel at TEDxDelrayBeach - Video


Why Stem Cell ARTS? The Art Of Regenerative Medicine – Dr. Rober Wagner – Video

January 29th, 2014 4:42 pm

Why Stem Cell ARTS? The Art Of Regenerative Medicine - Dr. Rober Wagner
Dr Robert Wagner talks about the advanced regenerative medicine therapies and treatments available at StemCell ARTS, an affiliate of National Spine and Pain ...

By: StemCell ARTS

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Why Stem Cell ARTS? The Art Of Regenerative Medicine - Dr. Rober Wagner - Video


Best Candidate for Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Techniques? – Video

January 29th, 2014 4:40 pm

Best Candidate for Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Techniques?
Dr Robert Wagner discusses the profile of the best candidate for stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine techniques. To learn more, visit http://www.stemcellarts,com.

By: StemCell ARTS

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Best Candidate for Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Techniques? - Video


Stem Cell Therapy-Facet Syndrome Back Pain: Alternatives To Back Surgery – Video

January 29th, 2014 4:40 pm

Stem Cell Therapy-Facet Syndrome Back Pain: Alternatives To Back Surgery
How to know if the cause of your back pain or neck pain is Facet Syndrome. Discover how biologic regenerative treatments are able to pick up where traditiona...

By: StemCell ARTS

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Stem Cell Therapy-Facet Syndrome Back Pain: Alternatives To Back Surgery - Video


Stem Cell Therapy – A New Way to Eternal Life? – Video

January 29th, 2014 4:40 pm

Stem Cell Therapy - A New Way to Eternal Life?

By: Klentze

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Stem Cell Therapy - A New Way to Eternal Life? - Video


Stem cell power unleashed after 30 minute dip in acid

January 29th, 2014 3:46 pm

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The revolutionary discovery that any cell can be rewound to a pre-embryonic state remarkably easily could usher in new therapies and cloning techniques

A LITTLE stress is all it took to make new life from old. Adult cells have been given the potential to turn into any type of body tissue just by tweaking their environment. This simple change alone promises to revolutionise stem cell medicine.

Yet New Scientist has also learned that this technique may have already been used to make a clone. "The implication is that you can very easily, from a drop of blood and simple techniques, create a perfect identical twin," says Charles Vacanti at Harvard Medical School, co-leader of the team involved.

Details were still emerging as New Scientist went to press, but the principles of the new technique were outlined in mice in work published this week. The implications are huge, and have far-reaching applications in regenerative medicine, cancer treatment and human cloning.

In the first few days after conception, an embryo consists of a bundle of cells that are pluripotent, which means they can develop into all cell types in the body. These embryonic stem cells have great potential for replacing tissue that is damaged or diseased but, as their use involves destroying an embryo, they have sparked much controversy.

To avoid this, in 2006 Shinya Yamanaka at Kyoto University, Japan, and colleagues worked out how to reprogram adult human cells into what they called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). They did this by introducing four genes that are normally found in pluripotent cells, using a harmless virus.

The breakthrough was hailed as a milestone of regenerative medicine the ability to produce any cell type without destroying a human embryo. It won Yamanaka and his colleague John Gurdon at the University of Cambridge a Nobel prize in 2012. But turning these stem cells into therapies has been slow because there is a risk that the new genes can switch on others that cause cancer.

Now, Vacanti, along with Haruko Obokata at the Riken Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan, and colleagues have discovered a different way to rewind adult cells without touching the DNA. The method is striking for its simplicity: all you need to do is place the cells in a stressful situation, such as an acidic environment.

The idea that this might work comes from a phenomenon seen in the plant kingdom, whereby drastic environmental stress can change an ordinary cell into an immature one from which a whole new plant can arise. For example, the presence of a specific hormone has been shown to transform a single adult carrot cell into a new plant. Some adult cells in reptiles and birds are also known to have the ability to do this.

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Stem cell power unleashed after 30 minute dip in acid


Scientists make pure precursor liver and pancreas cells from stem cells

January 29th, 2014 3:46 pm

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A new study published in the journal Cell Stem Cell, describes how scientists have developed a way of producing highly sought populations of a pure tissue-specific cell from human pluripotent stem cells.

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are precursor cells than can produce over 200 distinct cell types in the human body. They hold great promise for regenerative medicine and drug screening. The idea is to be able to generate a range of pure tissue types by manipulating these precursor cells.

However, it is proving very challenging to obtain large numbers of pure, untainted, tissue-specific cells from hPSCs. Part of the problem is how to ensure they receive highly specific signals, that do not coax them down paths that lead to a range of other tissue types.

Now, a team led by the Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) in the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) has developed a new way of coaxing hPSCs to produce highly pure populations of endoderm, a valuable cell type that gives rise to organs like the liver and pancreas, bringing closer the day when stem cells can be used in clinical settings.

One of the study leaders is Dr. Bing Lim, senior group leader and associate director of Cancer Stem Cell Biology at the GIS. He and his colleagues developed a highly systematic and novel screening method.

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Scientists make pure precursor liver and pancreas cells from stem cells


Stem cell breakthrough may herald age of personalised medicine

January 29th, 2014 3:46 pm

29/01/2014 - 15:56:06Back to World Home

A revolutionary new approach to creating stem cells in the laboratory could open up a new era of personalised medicine, it is claimed.

Scientists have shown it is possible to reprogramme cells into an embryonic-like state simply by altering their environment.

It means in principle that cells can have their developmental clock turned back without directly interfering with their genes something never achieved before.

The cells become pluripotent, having the potential ability to transform themselves into virtually any kind of tissue in the body, from brain to bone.

Reprogramming a patients own cells in this way is seen as the Holy Grail of regenerative medicine, raising the prospect of repairing diseased and damaged organs with new healthy tissue that will not be rejected by the immune system.

Current methods of performing the same trick involve genetic manipulation, which carries with it a serious risk of triggering cancer.

But the new method described in the journal Nature requires no genetic tweaking. Scientists simply bathed immature white blood cells from mice in an acidic solution for 25 minutes.

Tests showed that, stressed in this way, some of the cells lost their blood identity and produced gene markers typical of early embryos.

When these cells were transferred to a special growth-promoting culture medium they began to multiply and acquired features typical of embryonic stem cells.

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Stem cell breakthrough may herald age of personalised medicine


Scientists make a new type of stem cell, using a little acid

January 29th, 2014 3:46 pm

Haruko Obokata / Nature

Japanese researchers have created a new type of stem cell just by pressuring normal cells in the body. This image shows a mouse embryo created using these cells, which are genetically engineered to glow green.

Scientists have made a whole new type of stem cell using little more than a little acid, and they say it may represent a way to skip all the complex and controversial steps that it now takes to make cells to regenerate tissues and organs.

The team in Japan includes some of the foremost experts in making what are called pluripotent stem cells master cells that have the power to morph into any type of cells, from blood to bone to muscle. These master cells look and act like an embryo right after conception and, like a days-old embryo, have the power to generate new tissue of any type.

Making these powerful cells usually requires the use of embryos something many disapprove of or tricky mixtures of genes to turn back the clock.

While theres not an immediate use for the discovery, it could add to the arsenal of tools that scientists can use in trying to find ways to repair the human body, the team reports in this weeks issue of the journal Nature.

It is also exciting to think about the new possibilities this finding offers, not only in areas like regenerative medicine but also perhaps in the study of senescence and cancer as well, Haruko Obokata of the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan, told reporters in a conference call.

Obokatas team worked with mice, and found they could get ordinary cells from baby mice to turn into pluripotent stem cells by bathing them in a slightly acidic solution. They call them stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency, or STAP, cells.

Other stem cells experts praised the work. These breakthroughs are so impressive and potentially powerful truly another dramatic game-changer, said Dr. Gerald Schatten, a stem cell and genetic engineering expert at the University of Pittsburgh.

If reproducible in humans, this will be a paradigm changer," said Dr. Robert Lanza of Massachusetts-based Advanced Cell Technology, a company developing stem cell-based treatments.

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Scientists make a new type of stem cell, using a little acid


Scientists create embryonic-type stem cells without embryos

January 29th, 2014 3:46 pm

In experiments that could open a new era in stem cell biology, scientists have found a cheap and easy way to reprogram mature cells from mice back into an embryonic-like state that allowed them to generate many types of tissue.

The research, described as game-changing by experts in the field, suggests human cells could in future be reprogrammed by the same technique, offering a simpler way to replace damaged cells or grow new organs for sick and injured people.

Chris Mason, chair of regenerative medicine bioprocessing at University College London, who was not involved in the work, said its approach was "the most simple, lowest-cost and quickest method" to generate so-called pluripotent cells - able to develop into many different cell types - from mature cells.

"If it works in man, this could be the game changer that ultimately makes a wide range of cell therapies available using the patient's own cells as starting material - the age of personalized medicine would have finally arrived," he said.

The experiments, reported in two papers in the journal Nature on Wednesday, involved scientists from the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Japan and Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in the United States.

Beginning with mature, adult cells, researchers let them multiply and then subjected them to stress "almost to the point of death", they explained, by exposing them to various events including trauma, low oxygen levels and acidic environments.

Within days, the scientists found that the cells survived and recovered from the stressful stimulus by naturally reverting into a state similar to that of an embryonic stem cell.

These stem cells created by this exposure to stresses - dubbed STAP cells by the researchers - were then able to differentiate and mature into different types of cells and tissue, depending on the environments they were given.

"If we can work out the mechanisms by which differentiation states are maintained and lost, it could open up a wide range of possibilities for new research and applications using living cells," said Haruko Obokata, who lead the work at RIKEN.

Stem cells are the body's master cells and are able to differentiate into all other types of cells. Scientists say that, by helping to regenerate tissue, they could offer ways of tackling diseases for which there are currently only limited treatments - including heart disease, Parkinson's and stroke.

See the rest here:
Scientists create embryonic-type stem cells without embryos


Scientists hail stem cell breakthrough

January 29th, 2014 3:46 pm

In experiments that could open a new era in stem cell biology, scientists have found a simple way to reprogramme mature animal cells back into an embryonic-like state that allows them to generate many types of tissue.

The research, described as game-changing by experts in the field, suggests human cells could in future be reprogrammed by the same technique, offering a simpler way to replace damaged cells or grow new organs for sick and injured people.

Chris Mason, chair of regenerative medicine bioprocessing at University College London, who was not involved in the work, said its approach in mice was "the most simple, lowest-cost and quickest method" to generate so-called pluripotent cells - able to develop into many different cell types - from mature cells.

"If it works in man, this could be the game changer that ultimately makes a wide range of cell therapies available using the patient's own cells as starting material - the age of personalised medicine would have finally arrived," he said.

The experiments, reported in two papers in the journal Nature on Wednesday, involved scientists from the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Japan and Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in the United States.

The researchers took skin and blood cells, let them multiply, then subjected them to stress "almost to the point of death", they explained, by exposing them to various events including trauma, low oxygen levels and acidic environments.

One of these "stressful" situations was simply to bathe the cells in a weak acid solution for around 30 minutes.

Within days, the scientists found that the cells had not only survived but had also recovered by naturally reverting into a state similar to that of an embryonic stem cell.

These stem cells - dubbed Stimulus-Triggered Acquisition of Pluripotency, or STAP, cells by the researchers - were then able to differentiate and mature into different types of cells and tissue, depending on the environments they were put in.


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Scientists hail stem cell breakthrough



January 28th, 2014 6:42 pm

28 January 2014-Scientists from the Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) in A*STAR have developed a novel method of directing human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) into highly pure populations of endoderm[1], a valuable cell type that gives rise to organs including the liver and pancreas.

These cells are highly sought-after for therapeutic and biotechnological purposes, but have been historically difficult to attain from hPSCs. The ability to generate pure endoderm at higher yields from hPSCs is a key and important step towards the use of stem cells in clinical applications.

The discovery, published in the prestigious scientific journal Cell Stem Cell in January 2014, was led by Dr Bing Lim, Senior Group Leader and Associate Director of Cancer Stem Cell Biology at the GIS, Dr Lay Teng Ang, a postdoctoral fellow from Dr Lims lab, and Kyle Loh, a graduate student at Stanford University School of Medicine.

hPSCs are stem cells that can generate over 200 distinct cell types in the human body. They respond to multiple external protein instructions to differentiate into other cell types. Therefore, generating one single cell type from hPSCs, and a pure population of that given cell type, is delicate as hPSCs have a tendency to also form other types of cells.

Employing a highly systematic and novel approach, the group screened for proteins and chemicals that promote the formation of a single desired cell type, and concurrently block induction of unwanted cell types. This strategy uncovered a combination of triggers that could drive hPSCs towards pure populations of endoderm. The valuable cells produced and the insights gained from this work have brought stem cells one step closer to clinical translation and furthered basic research into the understanding of how cell fates are specified during stem cell differentiation.

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Best Vitamin C Serum for your Face with Rejuvenating Apple Stem Cells – Video

January 28th, 2014 2:51 pm

Best Vitamin C Serum for your Face with Rejuvenating Apple Stem Cells
http://amzn.to/1aT8FcA While Supply Lasts, A 20% off discount Coupon. The Best Vitamin C Serum for your Face with Rejuvenating Apple Stem Cells. Use code CL3...

By: Mark E Wilkins

Excerpt from:
Best Vitamin C Serum for your Face with Rejuvenating Apple Stem Cells - Video


Failure to legislate ‘will hurt research’

January 28th, 2014 4:44 am

Failure to legislate will hurt research

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Even though stem cell manufacture has just been licensed in this country, the Governments ongoing failure to legislate in this area means pharmaceutical giants will still be wary of investing here, according to an expert in stem cell therapy.

CCMI General Manager Andrew Finnerty, CCMI Director Tim O'Brien, Minister Sean Sherlock and President of NUI Galway Dr. James Browne. Photograph by Aengus McMahon

Once the stem cells are harvested from the bone marrow of adult donors, they are grown in the Galway laboratory to generate sufficient quantities.

The first clinical trial using these stem cells is being funded by the Health Research Board and Science Foundation Ireland and will investigate the safety of using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated from bone marrow for the treatment of critical limb ischemia, a complication associated with diabetes which can lead to limb amputation.

John ODea of the Irish Medical Devices Association (IMDA) said the centre was a key step.

I look forward to seeing its continued growth to assist in developing the skill sets and techniques that will be needed to embrace the new manufacturing opportunities that this exciting area will bring, he said.

The centre, one of a handful in Europe authorised for stem cell manufacture, has been developed by researchers at NUIGs regenerative medicine institute.

However, Dr Stephen Sullivan, chief scientific officer with the Irish Stem Cell Foundation warned all stem cell research operates at a pan-global level driven by big pharma and international equity firms and these players will only engage with researchers in countries where there is solid stem cell legislation in place. He welcomed the centre as a first step but said if Ireland is to compete at a top international standard, legislation remains necessary.

Go here to see the original:
Failure to legislate ‘will hurt research’


Stem Cells age reversal study – Caleb – Video

January 27th, 2014 4:45 pm

Stem Cells age reversal study - Caleb
http://a1stemcells.com/anti-aging-2 testimony Stem cell therapy changed Caleb #39;s life. Caleb 36yo, recorded during his 7th injection. Stem cells anti-aging program is held in Mexico - If you...

By: A1 Stem Cells

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Stem Cells age reversal study - Caleb - Video


Ireland’s first stem cell manufacturing centre approved at NUI Galway

January 27th, 2014 10:53 am

Embryonic stem cells have been highly valued for their ability to turn into any type of cell in the body.

Stem cells can be manufactured for human use for the first time in Ireland, following Irish Medicines Board licensing of a new facility in Galway.

NUI Galways Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland aims to culture adult stem cells to tackle conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and associated conditions.

The centre, which is one of less than half a dozen in Europe authorised for stem cell manufacture, has been developed by researchers at NUIGs regenerative medicine institute.

Stem cells serve as the bodys repair mechanism. They can be isolated from tissues such as bone marrow and fat, and cultured in laboratory settings.

More controversially, embryonic stem cells have been highly valued for their ability to turn into any type of cell in the body, but scientists can now use reprogrammed adult skin cells to create a stem cell that is very similar to embryonic versions.

The centre will be opened today by Minister of State for Research and Innovation Sen Sherlock, at a time when the Health Research Board and Science Foundation Ireland have approved funding there for clinical trials on using mesenchymal stem cells cells that can differentiate into a variety of types for treatment of critical limb ischemia, a condition associated with diabetes that can result in amputation.

The new centres director Prof Tim OBrien explained that the stem cells must be grown in the laboratory to generate sufficient quantities, following their isolation from the bone marrow of adult donors, and the facility will help Ireland to develop therapies for a broad range of clinical problems which do not have effective treatments today.

It will also allow us to translate discoveries from the basic stem cell research programme led by Prof Frank Barry at the Science Foundation Ireland-funded REMEDI to the clinic, and to be competitive for grant funding under the Horizon 2020 programme of the EU, he said.

Stem cell research in Ireland is in what scientists have described as a legislative lacuna, but this relates to use of embryonic stem cells and does not in any way inhibit the use of adult stem cells, Prof OBrien explained.

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Ireland’s first stem cell manufacturing centre approved at NUI Galway


Island’s first stem cell manufacturing centre approved at NUI Galway

January 26th, 2014 9:43 pm

Embryonic stem cells have been highly valued for their ability to turn into any type of cell in the body.

Stem cells can be manufactured for human use for the first time in Ireland, following Irish Medicines Board licensing of a new facility in Galway.

NUI Galways Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland aims to culture adult stem cells to tackle conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and associated conditions.

The centre, which is one of less than half a dozen in Europe authorised for stem cell manufacture, has been developed by researchers at NUIGs regenerative medicine institute.

Stem cells serve as the bodys repair mechanism. They can be isolated from tissues such as bone marrow and fat, and cultured in laboratory settings.

More controversially, embryonic stem cells have been highly valued for their ability to turn into any type of cell in the body, but scientists can now use reprogrammed adult skin cells to create a stem cell that is very similar to embryonic versions.

The centre will be opened today by Minister of State for Research and Innovation Sen Sherlock, at a time when the Health Research Board and Science Foundation Ireland have approved funding there for clinical trials on using mesenchymal stem cells cells that can differentiate into a variety of types for treatment of critical limb ischemia, a condition associated with diabetes that can result in amputation.

The centres director, Prof Tim OBrien, saidstem cell research in Ireland is in a legislative lacuna, but this relates to use of embryonic stem cells and does not in any way inhibit the use of adult stem cells.

Original post:
Island’s first stem cell manufacturing centre approved at NUI Galway


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