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Desert biofuels, stem cells from blood and magma electricity – This is REAL Genius – Video

February 2nd, 2014 3:46 am

Desert biofuels, stem cells from blood and magma electricity - This is REAL Genius
This week in 90 Second Science, we kick off with an announcement by aircraft manufacturer Boeing, who say they have found a desert plant group that #39;s perfect...

By: This Is Genius

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Desert biofuels, stem cells from blood and magma electricity - This is REAL Genius - Video


How do stem cells work? iPS and STAP Cells or How to Create Artificial Stem Cells from Natural Ones – Video

February 2nd, 2014 3:46 am

How do stem cells work? iPS and STAP Cells or How to Create Artificial Stem Cells from Natural Ones
How do stem cells work? These video shorts are produced by one of the most trusted and most experienced names in stem cell treatments for knee, hip, shoulder...

By: Chris Centeno

How do stem cells work? iPS and STAP Cells or How to Create Artificial Stem Cells from Natural Ones - Video


Stem Cell Breakthrough – Video

February 2nd, 2014 3:46 am

Stem Cell Breakthrough
Stem cell researchers are heralding a "major scientific discovery", with the potential to start a new age of personalised medicine. Scientists in Japan showe...

By: americanhindi

Original post:
Stem Cell Breakthrough - Video


STEM CELLS Groundbreaking Discovery. The FUTURE of Personalized Medicine ? – Video

February 2nd, 2014 3:45 am

STEM CELLS Groundbreaking Discovery. The FUTURE of Personalized Medicine ?
STEM CELLS Groundbreaking Discovery. The FUTURE of Personalized Medicine ? Stem cell researchers are heralding a "major scientific discovery", with the potential to start a new age of personalise...

By: Beadledom911

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STEM CELLS Groundbreaking Discovery. The FUTURE of Personalized Medicine ? - Video


Doctors Use Stem Cells for First Trachea Transplant – Video

February 1st, 2014 3:44 am

Doctors Use Stem Cells for First Trachea Transplant

By: Park Sean

Continue reading here:
Doctors Use Stem Cells for First Trachea Transplant - Video


Luminesce Serum, Nathan Newman (developer) – Stem Cells – Video

February 1st, 2014 3:44 am

Luminesce Serum, Nathan Newman (developer) - Stem Cells
For those who are interested in the products send an email to retrasatuenvejecimiento@hotmail.com and get 40% discount.

By: Jeunesse Global Col

See original here:
Luminesce Serum, Nathan Newman (developer) - Stem Cells - Video


ArmA 2 and Stem Cells – Video

February 1st, 2014 3:44 am

ArmA 2 and Stem Cells
I am in Phantactical but one night, the Derp-Squad guys let me play with them for a while. We played some ACE/ACRE TvT and this is what happened. The Beast: ...

By: shimavitz47

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ArmA 2 and Stem Cells - Video


How do stem cells work? Exosomes or How to Get Another Cell to Do Your Chores – Video

February 1st, 2014 3:44 am

How do stem cells work? Exosomes or How to Get Another Cell to Do Your Chores
How do stem cells work? These video shorts are produced by one of the most trusted and most experienced names in stem cell treatments for knee, hip, shoulder...

By: Chris Centeno

Go here to see the original:
How do stem cells work? Exosomes or How to Get Another Cell to Do Your Chores - Video


Stem Cells and IBD — IBD in the News – Video

February 1st, 2014 3:44 am

Stem Cells and IBD -- IBD in the News
Bill Faubion, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic specializing in the care of children and adults with inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn #39;s disease, and...

By: Mayo Clinic

Originally posted here:
Stem Cells and IBD -- IBD in the News - Video


Shoulder Arthritis: Non-Surgical Alternatives To Help Your Body Heal – Video

February 1st, 2014 3:40 am

Shoulder Arthritis: Non-Surgical Alternatives To Help Your Body Heal
Shoulder pain either from osteoarthritis or rotator cuff injury can be extremely painful and debilitating. Dr. Robert Wagner discusses the latest course of treatment using your body #39;s own ability...

By: StemCell ARTS

Go here to read the rest:
Shoulder Arthritis: Non-Surgical Alternatives To Help Your Body Heal - Video


Stem Cell Therapy – Obat segala penyakit – Video

February 1st, 2014 3:40 am

Stem Cell Therapy - Obat segala penyakit
Stem cell therapy terbukti mampu sembuhkan kanker, stroke, diabetes, jantung, Parkinson, Alzheimer, AIDS, dll.

By: Yohanes Wasono

Originally posted here:
Stem Cell Therapy - Obat segala penyakit - Video


Stem Cell Therapy: Non-Surgical Treatment for Neck Pain & Whiplash – Video

February 1st, 2014 3:40 am

Stem Cell Therapy: Non-Surgical Treatment for Neck Pain Whiplash
An informative guide to how Platelet Rich Plasma can heal the tough minority of whiplash cases where traditional treatments do not offer significant relief. For more information, visit http://www.stemcell...

By: StemCell ARTS

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Stem Cell Therapy: Non-Surgical Treatment for Neck Pain & Whiplash - Video


Purtier Placenta Stem Cell Therapy Presented By Dr. Chen – Video

February 1st, 2014 3:40 am

Purtier Placenta Stem Cell Therapy Presented By Dr. Chen
Presentasi Purtier Placenta oleh Dr. Chen Nikmati hidup bebas rasa sakit dan selalu awet muda bersama Purtier Placenta: http://www.stemcellworld.net.

By: Yohanes Wasono

Continued here:
Purtier Placenta Stem Cell Therapy Presented By Dr. Chen - Video


Stem Cell Therapy: Non-Surgical Treatment for Neck Pain & Whiplash – Video

February 1st, 2014 2:44 am

Stem Cell Therapy: Non-Surgical Treatment for Neck Pain Whiplash
An informative guide to how Platelet Rich Plasma can heal the tough minority of whiplash cases where traditional treatments do not offer significant relief. For more information, visit http://www.stemcell...

By: StemCell ARTS

Go here to read the rest:
Stem Cell Therapy: Non-Surgical Treatment for Neck Pain & Whiplash - Video


Stem cell agency’s grants to UCLA help set stage for revolutionary medicine

January 31st, 2014 3:41 am



Contact: Shaun Mason smason@mednet.ucla.edu 310-206-2805 University of California - Los Angeles

Scientists from UCLA's Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research were today awarded grants totaling more than $3.5 million by California's stem cell agency for their ongoing efforts to advance revolutionary stem cell science in medicine.

Recipients of the awards from the California Institute of Renerative Medicine (CIRM) included Lili Yang ($614,400), who researches how stem cells become rare immune cells; Denis Evseenko ($1,146,468), who is studying the biological niche in which stem cells grow into cartilage; Thomas Otis and Bennet Novitch ($1,148,758), who are using new techniques to study communication between nerve and muscle cells in spinal muscular atrophy; and Samantha Butler ($598,367), who is investigating the molecular elements that drive stem cells to become the neurons in charge of our sense of touch.

"These basic biology grants form the foundation of the revolutionary advances we are seeing in stem cell science," said Dr. Owen Witte, professor and director of the Broad Stem Cell Research Center. "Every cellular therapy that reaches patients must begin in the laboratory with ideas and experiments that will lead us to revolutionize medicine and ultimately improve human life. That makes these awards invaluable to our research effort."

The awards are part of CIRM's Basic Biology V grant program, which fosters cutting-edge research on significant unresolved issues in human stem cell biology, with a focus on unravelling the key mechanisms that determine how stem cells decide which cells they will become. By learning how such mechanisms work, scientists can develop therapies that drive stem cells to regenerate or replace damaged or diseased tissue.

Lili Yang: Tracking special immune cells

The various cells that make up human blood all arise from hematopoietic stem cells. These include special white blood cells called T cells, the "foot soldiers" of the immune system that attack bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing invaders. Among these T cells is a smaller group, a kind of "special forces" unit known as invariant natural killer T cells, or iNKT cells, which have a remarkable capacity to mount immediate and powerful responses to disease when activated and are believed to be important to the immune system's regulation of infections, allergies, cancer and autoimmune diseases such as Type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

The iNKT cells develop in small numbers in the blood generally accounting for less than 1 percent of blood cells but can differ greatly in numbers among individuals. Very little is known about how blood stem cells produce iNKT cells.

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Stem cell agency's grants to UCLA help set stage for revolutionary medicine


Cell cycle speed is key to making aging cells young again

January 31st, 2014 3:41 am



Contact: Bill Hathaway william.hathaway@yale.edu 203-432-1322 Yale University

A fundamental axiom of biology used to be that cell fate is a one-way street once a cell commits to becoming muscle, skin, or blood it always remains muscle, skin, or blood cell. That belief was upended in the past decade when a Japanese scientist introduced four simple factors into skin cells and returned them to an embryonic-like state, capable of becoming almost any cell type in the body.

Hopeful of revolutionary medical therapies using a patient's own cells, scientists rushed to capitalize on the discovery by 2012 Nobel Laureate Shinya Yamanaka. However, the process has remained slow and inefficient, and scientists have had a difficult time discovering a genetic explanation of why this should be.

In the Jan. 30 issue of the journal Cell, Yale School of Medicine researchers identified a major obstacle to converting cells back to their youthful state the speed of the cell cycle, or the time required for a cell to divide.

When the cell cycle accelerates to a certain speed, the barriers that keep a cell's fate on one path diminish. In such a state, cells are easily persuaded to change their identity and become pluripotent, or capable of becoming multiple cell types

"One analogy may be that when temperature increases to sufficient degrees, even a very hard piece of steel can be malleable so that you can give it a new shape easily," said Shangqin Guo, assistant professor of cell biology at the Yale Stem Cell Center and lead author of the paper. "Once cells are cycling extremely fast, they do not seem to face the same barriers to becoming pluripotent."

Guo's team studied blood-forming cells, which when dividing undergo specific changes in their cell cycle to produce new blood cells. Blood-forming progenitor cells normally produce only new blood cells. However, the introduction of Yamanaka factors sometimes but not always help these blood-forming cells become other types of cells. The new report finds that after this treatment blood-forming cells tend to become pluripotent when the cell cycle is completed in eight hours or less, an unusual speed for adult cells. Cells that cycle more slowly remain blood cells.

"This discovery changes the way people think about how to change cell fate and reveals that a basic 'house-keeping' function of a cell, such as its cell cycle length, can actually have a major impact on switching the fate of a cell," said Haifan Lin, director of the Yale Stem Cell Center.

See original here:
Cell cycle speed is key to making aging cells young again


Stem Cell Agency Helps Set the Stage for Revolutionary Medicine

January 31st, 2014 3:40 am

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Newswise Scientists from UCLAs Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research have received new awards from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the state stem cell research agency, that will forward revolutionary stem cell science in medicine.

Recipients included Dr. Lili Yang, assistant professor of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics who received $614,400 for her project to develop a novel system for studying how stem cells become rare immune cells; Dr. Denis Evseenko, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery, who received $1,146,468 for his project to identify the elements of the biological niche in which stem cells grow most efficiently into articular cartilage cells; Dr. Thomas Otis, professor and chair of neurobiology and Dr. Ben Novitch, assistant professor of neurobiology, who received $1,148,758 for their project using new light-based optigenetic techniques to study the communication between nerve and muscle cells in spinal muscular atrophy, an inherited degenerative neuromuscular disease in children; and Dr. Samantha Butler, assistant professor of neurobiology, received $598,367 for her project on discovering which molecular elements drive stem cells to become the neurons, or nerve cells, in charge of our sense of touch.

These basic biology grants form the foundation of the revolutionary advances we are seeing in stem cell science, said Dr. Owen Witte, professor and director of the Broad Stem Cell Research Center, and every cellular therapy that reaches patients must begin in the laboratory with ideas and experiments that will lead us to revolutionize medicine and ultimately improve human life. That makes these awards invaluable to our research effort.

The awards were part of CIRMs Basic Biology V grant program, carrying on the initiative to foster cutting-edge research on significant unresolved issues in human stem cell biology. The emphasis of this research is on unravelling the secrets of key mechanisms that determine how stem cells, which can become any cell in the body, differentiate, or decide which cell they become. By learning how these mechanisms work, scientists can then create therapies that drive the stem cells to regenerate or replace damaged or diseased tissue.

Using A New Method to Track Special Immune Cells All the different cells that make up the blood come from hematopoietic or blood stem cells. These include special white blood cells called T cells, which serve as the foot soldiers of the immune system, attacking bacteria, viruses and other invaders that cause diseases.

Among the T cells is a smaller group of cells called invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, which have a remarkable capacity to mount immediate and powerful responses to disease when activated, a small special forces unit among the foot soldiers, and are believed to be important to immune system regulation of infections, allergies, cancer and autoimmune diseases such as Type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

The iNKT cells develop in small numbers in the blood, usually less than 1 percent of all the blood cells, and can differ greatly in numbers between individuals. Very little is known about how the blood stem cells produce iNKT cells.

Dr. Lili Yangs project will develop a novel model system to genetically program human blood stem cells to become iNKT cells. Dr. Yang and her colleagues will track the differentiation of human blood stem cells into iNKT cells providing a pathway to answer many critical questions about iNKT cell development.

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Stem Cell Agency Helps Set the Stage for Revolutionary Medicine


New breakthrough in stem cell research

January 31st, 2014 3:40 am

(CNN) We run too hard, we fall down, we're sick - all of this puts stress on the cells in our bodies. But in what's being called a breakthrough in regenerative medicine, researchers have found a way to make stem cells by purposely putting mature cells under stress.

Two new studies published Wednesday in the journal Nature describe a method of taking mature cells from mice and turning them into embryonic-like stem cells, which can be coaxed into becoming any other kind of cell possible. One method effectively boils down to this: Put the cells in an acidic environment.

"I think the process we've described mimics Mother Nature," said Dr. Charles Vacanti, director of the laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston and senior author on one of the studies. "It's a natural process that cells normally respond to."

Both studies represent a new step in the thriving science of stem cell research, which seeks to develop therapies to repair bodily damage and cure disease by being able to insert cells that can grow into whatever tissues or organs are needed. If you take an organ that's functioning at 10 percent of normal and bring it up to 25 percent functionality, that could greatly reduce the likelihood of fatality in that particular disease, Vacanti said.

This method by Vacanti and his colleagues "is truly the simplest, cheapest, fastest method ever achieved for reprogramming [cells]," said Jeff Karp, associate professor of medicine at the Brigham & Women's Hospital and principal faculty member at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. He was not involved in the study.

Before the technique described in Nature, the leading candidates for creating stem cells artificially were those derived from embryos and stem cells from adult cells that require the insertion of DNA to become reprogrammable.

Stem cells are created the natural way every time an egg that is fertilized begins to divide. During the first four to five days of cell division, so-called pluripotent stem cells develop. They have the ability to turn into any cell in the body. Removing stem cells from the embryo destroys it, which is why this type of research is controversial.

Researchers have also developed a method of producing embryonic-like stem cells by taking a skin cell from a patient, for example, and adding a few bits of foreign DNA to reprogram the skin cell to become like an embryo and produce pluripotent cells, too. However, these cells are usually used for research because researchers do not want to give patients cells with extra DNA.

The new method does not involve the destruction of embryos or inserting new genetic material into cells, Vacanti said. It also avoids the problem of rejection: The body may reject stem cells that came from other people, but this method uses an individual's own mature cells.

"It was really surprising to see that such a remarkable transformation could be triggered simply by stimuli from outside of the cell," said Haruko Obokata of the Riken Center for Developmental Biology in Japan in a news conference this week.

Original post:
New breakthrough in stem cell research


Stem Cell Therapy: Plantar Fasciitis – Video

January 31st, 2014 3:40 am

Stem Cell Therapy: Plantar Fasciitis
Understand whether the source of your pain might be Plantar Fasciitis, and how biologic regenerative treatments can repair this critical connecting tissue in your foot. For more information,...

By: StemCell ARTS

Read the rest here:
Stem Cell Therapy: Plantar Fasciitis - Video


Carving out a Niche for Stem Cells – Video

January 30th, 2014 4:52 pm

Carving out a Niche for Stem Cells
Carving out a Niche for Stem Cells Air date: Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 3:00:00 PM Runtime: 01:04:50 Description: Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series Typica...

By: nihvcast

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Carving out a Niche for Stem Cells - Video


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