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stem cell therapy treatment for Spastic Diplegic cerebral palsy by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india – Video

March 6th, 2014 5:43 pm

stem cell therapy treatment for Spastic Diplegic cerebral palsy by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india
improvement seen in just 5 days after stem cell therapy treatment for Spastic Diplegic cerebral palsy by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india. Stem Cell Therapy don...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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stem cell therapy treatment for Spastic Diplegic cerebral palsy by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india - Video


Scientists Chafe at Restrictions on New Stem Cell Lines

March 6th, 2014 3:41 am

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine is rethinking its rules in the wake of a recent breakthrough involving the creation of stem cell lines from a cloned human embryo

OHSU Photos

The announcement last month of a long-awaited breakthrough in stem-cell research the creation of stem-cell lines from a cloned human embryo has revived interest in using embryonic stem cells to treat disease. But US regulations mean that many researchers will be watching those efforts from the sidelines.

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH), which distributes the majority of federal funding for stem-cell research, prohibits research on cells taken from embryos created solely for research a category that includes the six stem-cell lines developed by Shoukhrat Mitalipov, a reproductive-biology specialist at the Oregon Health and Science University in Beaverton, and his colleagues. The team used cloning techniques to combine a donor cell with an unfertilized egg whose nucleus had been removed, creating a self-regenerating stem-cell colony that is genetically matched to the cell donor.

Mitalipovs cell lines are also off limits to researchers funded by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), which was created in part to support stem-cell work that is restricted by the NIH. CIRM funds cannot be used for studies that pay women for their eggs or rely on cell lines produced using eggs from paid donors. That rules out Mitalipovs lines, because his team paid egg donors US$3,0007,000 each, says Geoffrey Lomax, senior officer to the standards working group at CIRM, which is based in San Francisco. That amount is above and beyond any out-of-pocket costs to donors, he says.

The end result, says Mitalipov, is that a dozen or so universities are struggling to negotiate material transfer agreements to receive the new cell lines without running afoul of CIRM or the NIH. Interest in the new cell lines is high, especially since the identification of errors in images and figures in Mitalipovs research paper shortly after its publication in Cell. But regulations would require laboratories to use only dedicated, privately funded equipment to study the new cells, a condition that only a fewresearchers such as George Daley, a stem-cell expert at Boston Childrens Hospital in Massachusetts will be able to meet.

That concerns Daley, who calls the NIH stem-cell policy a frustrating limitation that will preclude federal dollars being used to ask many important questions about how Mitalipovs cell lines compare with induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), which are created by reprograming adult cells to an embryonic state. Most labs will take the path of least resistance and continue working with iPS cells unless someone shows that there is a clear and compelling reason to change course, Daley says.

Mitalipov also worries that his cell lines wont be sufficiently analyzed, which he says could hamper efforts to understand how epigenetic changes modifications to chromosomes that determine how genes are expressed affect stem cells' ability to transform into a wide array of mature cell types. We just dont have that much expertise at looking at all aspects of epigenetics, he says.

But some scientists say that the impact of US stem-cell restrictions is overestimated. Alexander Meissner, a developmental biologist at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, says Mitalipov's cell lines will not reveal much about how stem cells transform. That work can be done only with eggs that are easy to come by, allowing scientists to examine the reprograming process at many points. In practical terms, that means relying on eggs from mice instead of humans. Everything is over by time you derive those cell lines, he says of Mitalipovs cells. There is no signature that would tell you what has happened. Its the wrong species.

In the meantime, CIRM is re-examining the rules that govern the research its supports. The institute is not likely to alter the restrictions against funding studies that pay cell donors, but it might overturn the rules against using cell lines produced in such studies, Lomax says. The original policy was set in 2006 to address concerns that arose in the wake of fraud and ethical violations by Woo Suk Hwang, then a researcher at Seoul National University.

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Scientists Chafe at Restrictions on New Stem Cell Lines


regenerative medicine – How Stem Cells Fight Aging – Adult Stem Cells – Video

March 5th, 2014 11:48 am

regenerative medicine - How Stem Cells Fight Aging - Adult Stem Cells
http://michellegrigsby.jeunesseglobal.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1SAtXvwAzU feature=youtu.be I am an online coach that helps online entrepreneurs su...

By: Michelle Grigsby

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regenerative medicine - How Stem Cells Fight Aging - Adult Stem Cells - Video


stem cell therapy treatment for Cerebral Palsy with Mental Retardation by dr alok sharma, mumbai – Video

March 5th, 2014 11:40 am

stem cell therapy treatment for Cerebral Palsy with Mental Retardation by dr alok sharma, mumbai
improvement seen in just 5 daysafter stem cell therapy treatment for Cerebral Palsy with Mental Retardation by dr alok sharma, mumbai, india. Stem Cell Thera...

By: Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute

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stem cell therapy treatment for Cerebral Palsy with Mental Retardation by dr alok sharma, mumbai - Video


RSCI Don Margolis Stem Cells 101 #02 – Video

March 4th, 2014 8:47 am

RSCI Don Margolis Stem Cells 101 #02
The difference between Embryonic and Repair Stem Cells.

By: Repair Stem Cells

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RSCI Don Margolis Stem Cells 101 #02 - Video


BBQ2d Ethical Issues Related to Stem Cell Therapy – Video

March 4th, 2014 8:43 am

BBQ2d Ethical Issues Related to Stem Cell Therapy
We do not own any pictures or music within this video.

By: Emily DeMarco

See the original post here:
BBQ2d Ethical Issues Related to Stem Cell Therapy - Video


Cracking the fresh cell code

March 3rd, 2014 11:51 pm

Experience and expertise run in the genes of this doctor, a third-generation fresh cell therapy practitioner

It was a pleaseant, winter morning in Edenkoben, Germany and a group of 15 people from various countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Italy, and Germany congregated for breakfast in a coffee shop in this quaint city. Most of these people just flew in from their respective countries, or drove in from different European cities.

But they were not there for an international conference. They were all there for their shots of fresh cell from Dr. Robert Janson-Mueller.

For the past couple of years, through his solo practice, Dr. Robert Mueller has been sharing the benefits of fresh cell therapy with people who need to seek alternative means to remedy various diseases or chronic conditions of their body, or anti-aging solutions.

Although Filipinos has heard of stem cell therapy only in recent years, thanks to celebrities and politicians who have undergone the treatment and do swear by its efficacy, fresh cell therapy has been around since the 1930s.

The Swiss doctor Prof. Paul Niehans first injected cells originating from animal organs intramuscular into patients in 1931 and is thus considered the founder of live cell therapy. Dr. Robert Muellers grandfather, Dr. Philipp Janson, was one of the first doctors to introduce this method in Germany in 1949. His father, Dr. Wolfgang Janson-Meller, also extensively practiced for 35 years.

Since the 90s, I have been able to participate in the wealth of experience that my father, who is always available for help and advice, has gladly passed on to me. I have been using this method of treatment in my own practice since 2003, says Dr. Mueller.

However, the 47-year old doctor differentiates his practice from others (there are only five known doctors who do fresh cell therapy in Germany) because his clinic tailor-fits the fresh cell injections according to the specific needs of the individuals body. A patient thus gets from about eight to 30 injections, depending on the needs.

In this interview with Dr. Mueller, the German expert sheds more light on this therapy that is attracting more and more Filipinos as an alternative treatment. He also explains why fresh cell therapy is not a cure-all or a miracle therapy, why cells from the sheep embryo is being used, why the treatment is becoming popular in Asia, and why it is not possible, up to now, that these therapies can be done in the Philippines.

For more information on fresh cell therapy, visit the website http://www.janson-mueller.de or call Joey Santos at 0917898-6564 or 633-8653.

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Cracking the fresh cell code


Southern California Stem Cell Clinic, Telehealth, Now Offering Several Knee Treatment Options to Avoid Joint Replacement

March 3rd, 2014 11:51 pm

Orange County, CA (PRWEB) March 03, 2014

The top stem cell treatment clinic in Southern California, Telehealth, is now offering several knee pain treatment options for avoiding joint replacement. The regenerative medicine treatments involve either platelet rich plasma therapy, bone marrow derived stem cell injections or blood derived stem cell treatment. Call for more information and scheduling call (888) 828-4575. The treatments may be completely or partially covered by insurance.

Although knee replacement procedures have been exceptionally successful for reducing one's pain and improving functional abilities, there are some risks associated with the procedure, along with the fact they are not meant to last forever. Unlike conventional nonoperative treatments, such as steroid injections, regenerative medicine treatments maintain the ability to repair and regenerate arthritic tissue as opposed to simply masking pain.

The Board Certified doctors at Telehealth have extensive experience and regenerative medicine therapies for degenerative arthritis of the knee. Stem cell therapy for arthritis has been shown in several small published studies to provide excellent pain relief and maintain cartilage in the knee.

All of the treatments provided are low-risk and outpatient. They involve blood or bone marrow from the patient him or herself, which reduces the risk profile even more.

Telehealth Medical Group has two locations in Southern California. One is right in Santa Ana, while the other is in Upland. Appointments are readily available. Call for more information and scheduling to (888) 828-4575.

The rest is here:
Southern California Stem Cell Clinic, Telehealth, Now Offering Several Knee Treatment Options to Avoid Joint Replacement


Stem Cell Injections in Knee May Improve Response to Medial Meniscectomy A Study Finds – Video

March 3rd, 2014 3:41 am

Stem Cell Injections in Knee May Improve Response to Medial Meniscectomy A Study Finds
Please like, subscribe, comment and share! ARTICLE http://jbjs.org/article.aspx?articleid=1809954 The objectives were to evaluate the safety of intra-articul...

By: Lifestyle Medicine

View original post here:
Stem Cell Injections in Knee May Improve Response to Medial Meniscectomy A Study Finds - Video


The stem cell therapy delivering incredible results to severe MS sufferers – Video

March 3rd, 2014 3:40 am

The stem cell therapy delivering incredible results to severe MS sufferers
BEDRIDDEN AND WHEELCHAIR-BOUND TO WALKING - the extraordinary cutting edge treatment transforming lives. Telecast date: Wednesday 26 February 2014.

By: Channel Seven Perth

See the rest here:
The stem cell therapy delivering incredible results to severe MS sufferers - Video


Stem Cell Therapy | Stem cells from osteoarthritis patients as good as controls? – Video

March 1st, 2014 2:45 am

Stem Cell Therapy | Stem cells from osteoarthritis patients as good as controls?
http://wwwarthritistreatmentcenter.com Stem cells from patients with osteoarthritis are as good as normal controls Alwin Scharstuhl and colleagues, in an art...

By: Nathan Wei

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Stem Cell Therapy | Stem cells from osteoarthritis patients as good as controls? - Video


Annie – Before Stem Cell – Video

March 1st, 2014 2:45 am

Annie - Before Stem Cell
Here are some REAL results from stem cell therapy. This is Annie before her stem cell therapy treatment.

By: Stacey Ragsdale

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Annie - Before Stem Cell - Video


Annie – Before and After Stem Cell Therapy – Video

March 1st, 2014 2:45 am

Annie - Before and After Stem Cell Therapy
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)

By: Stacey Ragsdale

Original post:
Annie - Before and After Stem Cell Therapy - Video


CAREMI: Healing "Broken" Hearts with Stem Cells – Video

February 28th, 2014 5:54 pm

CAREMI: Healing "Broken" Hearts with Stem Cells
Acute myocardial infarct (AMI) severely damages heart tissue due to impaired perfusion or blood flow. Although established procedures like angioplasty and st...

By: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares

See the article here:
CAREMI: Healing "Broken" Hearts with Stem Cells - Video


Awad Narrated Stem Cells Lecture#2 Spring 2014 1080p – Video

February 28th, 2014 4:49 am

Awad Narrated Stem Cells Lecture#2 Spring 2014 1080p
Module 4 (Stem Cells)-Lecture 2 BME262 Cell Tissue Engiuneering - Spring 2014 (UR)

By: hankeeeee

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Awad Narrated Stem Cells Lecture#2 Spring 2014 1080p - Video


Purification, culture and multi-lineage differentiation of zebrafish neural crest cells

February 28th, 2014 3:41 am



Contact: Eric C. Liao cliao@partners.org Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine

Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)/Harvard Medical School, Drs. Beste Kinikoglu and Yawei Kong, led by Dr. Eric C. Liao, cultured and characterized for the first time multipotent neural crest cells isolated from zebrafish embryos. This important study is reported in the February 2014 issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine. Neural crest is a unique cell population induced at the lateral border of the neural plate during embryogenesis and vertebrate development depends on these multipotent migratory cells. Defects in neural crest development result in a wide range of malformations, such as cleft lip and palate, and diseases, such as melanoma. Dr. Liao's laboratory uses zebrafish as a model vertebrate to study the genetic basis of neural crest related craniofacial malformations. Zebrafish has long been used to study early development and recently emerged as a model to study disease. "Development of in vitro culture of neural crest cells and reproducible functional assays will provide a valuable and complementary approach to the in vivo experiments in zebrafish" said Dr. Eric C. Liao, senior author of the study and an Assistant Professor of Surgery at MGH, and Principal Faculty at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute.

The team took advantage of the sox 10 reporter transgenic model to enrich and isolate the neural crest cells (NCCs), which were subsequently cultured under optimized culture conditions. Cultured NCCs were found to express major neural crest lineage markers such as sox10, sox9a, hnk1, p75, dlx2a, and pax3, and the pluripotency markers c-myc and klf4. The cells could be further differentiated into multiple neural crest lineages, contributing to neurons, glial cells, smooth muscle cells, melanocytes, and chondrocytes. Using the functional cell behavior assays that they developed, the team was able to assess the influence of retinoic acid, an endogenously synthesized, powerful, morphogenetic molecule, on NCC behavior. This study showed that retinoic acid had a profound effect on NCC morphology and differentiation, significantly inhibited proliferation and enhanced cell migration. The data implicate NCCs as a target cell population for retinoic acid and suggest that it plays multiple critical roles in NCC development.

"We hope that our novel neural crest system will be useful to gain mechanistic understanding of NCC development and for cell-based high-throughput drug screening applications" said Dr. Beste Kinikoglu, a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Liao's laboratory and the study's first author. Dr. Steven R. Goodman, Editor-in-Chief of Experimental Biology and Medicine said "Liao and colleagues have provided the first zebrafish embryo derived NCC pure population in vitro model for the study of neural crest development. I believe that this will be a valuable tool for this purpose".


Experimental Biology and Medicine is a journal dedicated to the publication of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the biomedical sciences. The journal was first established in 1903. Experimental Biology and Medicine is the journal of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine. To learn about the benefits of society membership visit http://www.sebm.org. If you are interested in publishing in the journal please visit http://ebm.sagepub.com/.

AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

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Purification, culture and multi-lineage differentiation of zebrafish neural crest cells


Chemotherapy may kill the patient but not the cancer stem cells – Video

February 27th, 2014 6:49 am

Chemotherapy may kill the patient but not the cancer stem cells
http://www.rawlifehealthshow.com You can keep the patient, you can kill the tumor but you can #39;t kept the cancer stem cells. Dr. Shandl explains in this video...

By: thedurianking

See the original post:
Chemotherapy may kill the patient but not the cancer stem cells - Video


Stem Cells will Fix Your Broken Heart; Repair of Damaged Cardiac Muscle after MI – Video

February 27th, 2014 6:49 am

Stem Cells will Fix Your Broken Heart; Repair of Damaged Cardiac Muscle after MI
Visit http://www.MyMenopauseMagazine.com for more info on menopause. Doris Taylor, PhD discusses using stem cells to repair damaged heart muscle after a hear...

By: Mache Seibel, MD

Go here to see the original:
Stem Cells will Fix Your Broken Heart; Repair of Damaged Cardiac Muscle after MI - Video


Mini-liver research to reduce animal use in science – Video

February 27th, 2014 6:49 am

Mini-liver research to reduce animal use in science
Research that has for the first time successfully grown "mini-livers" from adult mouse stem cells has won the UK #39;s international prize for the scientific and...

By: National Centre for the 3Rs

See the article here:
Mini-liver research to reduce animal use in science - Video


Stem Cell Replacement Therapy for Common Foot Injuries Provides Rapid Healing

February 26th, 2014 6:47 pm

New York, New York (PRWEB) February 26, 2014

Adler Footcare of Greater New York is offering an advanced treatment option for chronic foot problems like plantar fasciitis, as well as common foot problems like Osteoarthritis, Achilles tendonitis and torn soft tissue.

In the past these conditions have been treated by physical therapy or orthotic therapy, but the results have often been poor, leaving patients continuing to struggle with the pain. With stem cell replacement therapy, the treatment of these conditions is proving far more effective and long lasting than traditional treatments.

At Adler Footcare we use live birth stem cells which are introduced into the affected area. Stem cells are used by many physicians to treat a broad variety of conditions because of their ability to either replicate themselves, or change into the cell type that is needed to repair the tissue that has been damaged. When a patient comes in for stem cell therapy, the affected area is carefully measured so the stem cells can be delivered directly to the area that needs the treatment.

The Joint Commission accredited Podiatric OR of Midtown Manhattan housed within Adler Footcare is designed to facilitate advanced treatments such as Stem Cell Replacement Therapy to all their patients.

With stem cell treatment we are finding that patients heal much faster and are able to return to their normal activities much sooner than with traditional treatment options, said Dr. Darline Kulhan, podiatric surgeon at Adler Footcare. Recovery time depends on each individual patients medical diagnosis and overall general health.

Treatments using stem cells have been used by physicians for over 100 years. Stem Cell Replacement Therapy is covered by commercial insurance and Medicare, and is approved and regulated by the FDA. The product is tested and screened by medical professionals to eliminate the potential of any communicable diseases.

To learn more about Stem Cell Replacement Therapy or to schedule a consultation with a New York podiatrist at Adler Footcare, call (212) 704-4310 or visit http://www.mynycpodiatrist.com.

About Adler Footcare New York

Dr. Jeffrey L. Adler, Medical/Surgical Director and owner of Adler Footcare New York has been practicing podiatric medicine since 1979 and has performed thousands of foot and ankle surgeries. Dr. Adler is board certified in Podiatric Surgery and Primary Podiatric Medicine by the American Board of Multiple Specialties in Podiatry. Dr. Adler is also a Professor of Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery for the Academy of Ambulatory Foot and Ankle Surgeons. As one of only several in the country who perform minimally invasive podiatric surgery, Dr. Adlers patients enjoy significantly reduced recovery times.

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Stem Cell Replacement Therapy for Common Foot Injuries Provides Rapid Healing


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