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VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The mysteries of Long COVID – Las Vegas Review-Journal

September 4th, 2022 2:06 am

When the original strain of COVID-19 arrived in spring 2020, a pandemic soon swept the country. Most survived. But hundreds of thousands did not. American deaths now number well more than 1 million.

Amid the tragedy, there initially was some hope that the pernicious effects of the disease would all disappear upon recovery among the nearly 99 percent who survived the initial infection.

Vaccinations by late 2020 were promised to end the pandemic for good. But they did not. New mutant strains, while more infectious, were said to be less lethal, thus supposedly resulting in spreading natural immunity while causing fewer deaths from infection.

But that too was not quite so.

Instead, sometimes the original symptoms, sometimes frightening new ones, not only lingered after the acute phase, but were of increased morbidity.

Now 2 years after the onset of the pandemic, there may be more than 20 million Americans who are still suffering from what is currently known as long COVID a less acute version but one ultimately as debilitating. Some pessimistic analyses suggest well more than 4 million once-active Americans are now disabled from this often-ignored pandemic and out of the workforce.

Perhaps 10 percent to 30 percent of those originally infected with COVID-19 have some lingering symptoms six months to a year after the initial infection. And they are quite physically sick, desperate to get well and certainly not crazy.

So far, no government Marshall plan exists to cure long COVID.

While we know the nature of the virus well by now, no one fathoms what causes long COVIDs overwhelming fatigue, flu-like symptoms, neuralgic impairment, cardiac and pulmonary damage and an array of eerie problems from extended loss of taste and smell to vertigo, neuropathy and brain fog.

Post-viral fatigue has long been known to doctors. Many who get the flu or other viruses such as mononucleosis sometimes take weeks or even months to recover after the initial acute symptoms retire. But no one knows why long COVID often seems to last far longer and with more disability.

Is its persistence due to one theory that SARS-CoV-2 is a uniquely insidious, engineered virus? Or do vaccines and antivirals only help to curb infection, while possibly encouraging more unpredictable mutations?

Who gets long COVID, and why and how is, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. Those who nearly die from acute COVID-19 can descend into long COVID. But then again so can those with minimal or few initial acute symptoms.

The obese with comorbidities are prone to long COVID, but triathletes and marathon runners are, too. The elderly, the mature, the middle-aged, adolescents and children can all get long COVID. Those with down-regulated and impaired immune systems fight long COVID. But then again so do those with up-regulated and prior robust immunity, as well as people with severe allergies.

Since early 2020, no one has deciphered the cause, although numerous Nobel prizes await anyone who unlocks its mysteries.

Does a weakened but not vanquished SARS-CoV-2 virus hide out and linger, causing an unending immune response that sickens patients? Or does COVID-19 so weaken some long-haulers to the degree that old viruses, long in remission, suddenly flare up again, sickening the host with an unending case, of say, mononucleosis?

Or is the problem autoimmunity?

Is there something unique to the nature of COVID-19 that damages the vital on-and-off buttons of the immune system, causing the body to become stuck in overdrive, as it needlessly sends out its own poisons against itself?

Without knowledge of what explains long COVID, it is hard for researchers to find a cure. After all, is the answer to slow down the immune system to dampen the immune storm or to enhance it to root out lingering viruses?

Do more vaccines help or worsen long COVID? Is the solution some new drug or discovering off-label uses of old medicines? Can a good diet, moderate exercise and patience finally wear out long COVID? Or is its course too unpredictable or near permanent and chronic?

Is long COVID a single phenomenon or a cluster of maladies, each manifesting according to ones own genetic makeup, particular history of past illness, and unique reaction to the initial infection?

If we have few answers, we do have an idea about the costs.

Long COVID may be one of many reasons why in a recession, labor paradoxically still remains scarce. Millions likely stay home in utter disbelief that they are still battling long COVID. Others isolate in deadly fear of getting either the acute or chronic form of the illness.

The social costs to America of this hidden pandemic in lost wages and productivity, family and work disruption and expensive medical care are unknown. But they are likely enormous, still growing and mostly ignored.

Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness and a classicist and historian at Stanfords Hoover Institution. Contact at authorvdh@gmail.com.

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VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The mysteries of Long COVID - Las Vegas Review-Journal


Is This Popular Montana City The Most Depressed In The Nation? – XL Country

September 4th, 2022 2:06 am

In recent years the subject of mental health has come to the forefront. In fact, it seems that every time you turn on any sort of national news, one of the top stories has some sort of connection to mental health.

Experts have said that we're in the middle of a mental health crisis and there are many claims that we don't have sufficient funds or resources to help all of those that are suffering. Of course, here in Montana, we're certainly not immune to the issue; in fact, Montana ranks first when it comes to suicide.

According to new data, we now know that one Montana city is the most depressed in the United States.

Billings ranks number one among U.S. cities, with the highestrate of depression. The data was published by CEUfastand was gathered from the CDC. Billings has a metro area of just over 180 thousand and according to the report, almost one-third (31 percent) of those people have been diagnosed with depression by a professional.

Billings wasn't the only city in the northwest part of the country that made the Top 10. The Spokane Valley area ranked 6th with over 27 percent of the population diagnosed with depression, and Salem, Oregon was in 8th place with almost 26 percent of the population diagnosed with depression.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there are many different signs of depression. Below, we have a list of some symptoms:

If you feel like you're depressed, or have any of the symptoms above, remember that there are folks who want and are willing to help you and you're not alone. Organizations like Resources To Recover are a great place to start if you're looking for help, plus you can always call the National Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-273-8255.


KEEP READING: See 25 natural ways to boost your immune system

Goosebumps and other bodily reactions, explained

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Is This Popular Montana City The Most Depressed In The Nation? - XL Country


First adapted COVID-19 booster vaccines recommended for approval in the EU | European Medicines Agency – European Medicines Agency |

September 4th, 2022 2:06 am

The adapted COVID-19 vaccines Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 and Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1 are now authorised across the EU. This follows a decision from the European Commission issued on 1 September 2022.

EMAs human medicines committee (CHMP) has recommended authorising two vaccines adapted to provide broader protection against COVID-19. Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 and Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1 are for use in people aged 12 years and above who have received at least primary vaccination against COVID-19. These vaccines are adapted versions of the original vaccines Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech) and Spikevax (Moderna) to target the Omicron BA.1 subvariant in addition to the original strain of SARS-CoV-2.

Vaccines are adapted (i.e., updated) to better match the circulating variants of SARS-CoV-2. Adapted vaccines can broaden protection against different variants and are therefore expected to help maintain optimal protection against COVID-19 as the virus evolves.

Studies showed that Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 and Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1 can trigger strong immune responses against Omicron BA.1 and the original SARS-CoV-2 strain in people previously vaccinated. In particular, they were more effective at triggering immune responses against the BA.1 subvariant than the original vaccines.

Side effects observed with the adapted vaccines were comparable to those seen with the original ones and were typically mild and short-lived.

The two CHMP opinions will now be sent to the European Commission, which will adopt a final decision.

As the pandemic evolves, the EUs strategy is to have a broad range of adapted vaccines that target different SARS-CoV-2 variants so Member States have a plurality of options to meet their needs when they design their vaccination strategies. This is a key element in the overall strategy to combat the pandemic as it is not possible to predict how the virus will evolve in the future and which variants will be circulating this winter. Other adapted vaccines incorporating different variants, such as the Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5, are currently under review by EMA or will be submitted soon, and, if authorised, will further extend the arsenal of available vaccines. The clinical data generated with the original/BA.1 bivalent vaccines recommended today will support the evaluation and authorisation of further adapted vaccines.

The original vaccines, Comirnaty and Spikevax, are still effective at preventing severe disease, hospitalisation and death associated with COVID-19 and will continue to be used within vaccination campaigns in the EU, in particular for primary vaccinations.

National authorities in the EU Member States will determine who should receive which vaccines and when, taking into account factors such as infection and hospitalisation rates, the risk to vulnerable populations, vaccination coverage and vaccine availability.

Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 can be used in people aged 12 years and older, at least 3 months after the last dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

The CHMPs opinion on Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 is based on 2 studies. One study in adults over 55 years old who had previously received 3 doses of Comirnaty (primary vaccination and a booster) found that the immune response to the Omicron BA.1 subvariant was higher after a second booster dose of Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 than after a second dose of the original Comirnaty vaccine (as measured by the level of antibodies against Omicron BA.1). In addition, the immune response to the original SARS-CoV-2 strain was comparable for both vaccines. The study involved more than 1,800 people, of whom about 300 received Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 in its final composition.

Further data from a study involving over 600 people aged between 18 and 55 years who had previously received 3 doses of Comirnaty showed that the immune response to Omicron BA.1 was higher in people who received a booster with a vaccine containing only the Omicron BA.1 component than in those given a booster with the original Comirnaty vaccine.

Based on these data, it was concluded that the immune response to Omicron BA.1 following a booster with Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 in people aged 18 to 55 years would be at least equal to that in people aged over 55. Further, based on previous data in younger people, it was also concluded thatthe immune response to a booster dose with Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 in adolescents would be at least equal to that in adults.

Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1 can be used in adults and adolescents from the age of 12 years, at least 3 months after primary vaccination or a booster dose with a COVID-19 vaccine.

The CHMPs opinion on Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1 is based on data from a study involving more than 800 adults aged 18 years and above. The study found that a booster dose of Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1 induced a stronger immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 strain and the Omicron subvariant BA.1 compared with a booster dose of the original Spikevax vaccine. The study compared the level of antibodies in people previously vaccinated with a primary series and booster dose of Spikevax, and who were given a second booster dose of either Spikevax or Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1. It was also concluded that Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1 could be used as a first booster after primary vaccination and that the immune response induced by a booster dose of Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1 in adolescents aged 12-17 years would be at least equal to that in adults, given that previous data with Spikevax have shown a comparable effect.

The adapted vaccines work in the same way as the original vaccines.

Both adapted vaccines work by preparing the body to defend itself against COVID-19. Each vaccine contains molecules called mRNA which have instructions for making the spike proteins of the original SARS-CoV-2 and the Omicron subvariant BA.1. The spike protein is a protein on the surface of the virus which the virus needs to enter the bodys cells and can differ between variants of the virus. By adapting vaccines, the aim is to broaden protection against different variants.

When a person is given one of these vaccines, some of their cells will read the mRNA instructions and temporarily produce the spike proteins. The persons immune system will then recognise those proteins as foreign and activate natural defences antibodies and T cells against them.

If, later on, the vaccinated person comes into contact with the virus, the immune system will recognise the spike protein on its surface and be prepared to attack it. The antibodies and immune cells can protect against COVID-19 by working together to kill the virus, preventing its entry into the bodys cells and destroying infected cells.

The mRNA molecules from the vaccines do not stay in the body but are broken down shortly after vaccination.

The companies marketing Spikevax and Comirnaty submitted applications (called variation applications) to change the current marketing authorisations of the authorised vaccines Comirnaty and Spikevax and include the use of adapted vaccines. These applications included data on the quality and safety of the adapted vaccines, and their ability to trigger immune responses against various strains of SARS-CoV-2.The review was carried out by EMAs Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), responsible for questions concerning medicines for human use. The CHMP opinion has been forwarded to the European Commission, which will issue a final legally binding decision applicable in all EU Member States.

Read the original:
First adapted COVID-19 booster vaccines recommended for approval in the EU | European Medicines Agency - European Medicines Agency |


Potential of Vaccines in Treating Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s Detailed | AC Immune to Launch Trial of Vaccine in Early-stage Parkinson’s – Parkinson’s…

September 4th, 2022 2:06 am

In a webinar hosted by AC Immune, scientists discussed the various advantages of vaccines ranging from their expected safety and long-lasting immune responses to potentially lower costs in treating and possibly preventingParkinsonsand Alzheimers disease.

The Key Opinion Leader webinar, broadcasted on Aug. 24 and available for viewing, offered a presentation by Cynthia A. Lemere, PhD, a scientist at the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at Brigham & Womens Hospital and an associate professor of neurology at the Harvard Medical School. Lemere also works as a scientific advisor and consultant for AC Immune, among other companies.

Vaccines are a form of active immunotherapy for neurodegenerative diseases, which work bystimulating the immune system to produce antibodies against the abnormal, or misfolded, proteins driving these diseases. In the case of Parkinsons, clumps of the misfolded alpha-synuclein proteinspread throughout the brain and contribute to nerve cell death and disease progression.

AC Immune is planning to open a Phase 2 clinical trial of ACI-7104, a potential vaccine against the toxic alpha-synuclein protein in Parkinsons patients this year.

A newer generation of vaccines, called multi-epitope vaccines, target several epitopes the part of a protein that elicits an immune response on misfolded proteins. As such, they are designed to elicit a more powerful immune response, AC Immune reported in an accompanying company press release. Multi-epitope vaccines also contain adjuvants, additional components that boost immune responses.

Vaccines are designed to provide long-lasting immune activation, the speakers stated, leading to a consistent and gradual production of antibodies against misfolded protein clumps. This allows for greater safety and long-term efficacy than is possible with synthetic or lab-made monoclonal antibodies that only target one epitope. Monoclonal antibody treatment, the scientists explained, is a passive immunotherapy, with a relatively short-lived peak in antibody production compared with vaccines.

Its really a question of balancing efficacy and safety, Lemere said, speaking of monoclonal antibodies in studies for Alzheimers disease relative to potential vaccines.

Vaccines also enhance a persons own immune response.Active vaccination is a way to have the body basically make antibodies,Lemere said.

Vaccines can be administered as a simple injection, she added, while monoclonal antibodies are often infused over four hours during regularly scheduled hospital or clinic visits. They also can be cost-saving and less of a burden to patients, needing to be given possibly only once or twice a year, she added.

Contrary to monoclonal antibodies, however,the immune response triggered by vaccines cannot be shut down.

The ability of vaccines to safely and specifically target multiple epitopes on the toxic drivers of neurodegenerative disease makes them uniquely suited to address the unmet needs of patients, Lemere said in the release. Data from prior clinical studies conducted by AC Immune and others clearly highlight the therapeutic potential of vaccines and provide a strong scientific rationale for the Companys ongoing and planned trials.

Marie Kosco-Vilbois, PhD, chief scientific officer at AC Immune, and Johannes Streffer, MD, the companys chief medical officer, also spoke at the event.Theypresented an overview of the companys goals and pipeline ofcandidate vaccines.

ACI-7104, its lead candidate for Parkinsons and other synucleinopathies, diseases characterized by the accumulation of misfolded alpha-synuclein aggregates, was initially developed by Affiris and later acquired by AC Immune. It is designed to trigger a specific immune response against toxic aggregates of alpha-synuclein.

A Phase 1 clinical trial (NCT01568099) and its extension studies, sponsored by Affiris, in 21 people with early-stage Parkinsons supported the vaccines safety and tolerability with repeat injections (six doses in total). Patients treated at the highest dose, 75 micrograms, also showed a 51% drop inlevels of alpha-synuclein aggregates in the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, its researchers reported in 2020, supporting further clinical testing.

The planned Phase 2 trial of ACI-7104 will evaluate an improved version of the vaccine, Streffer said. It is to be an adaptive and biomarker-based study that will initially determine an optimally safe and effective dose and confirm the Phase 1 trials findings. Up to 150 additional Parkinsons patients will then be enrolled for treatment and assessment at the selected dose.

This study is in preparation, Streffer said. We are planning to include the first participants later this year.

AC Immune also has two candidate vaccines for Alzheimers disease, ACI-35.030 and ACI-24.060, in clinical testing.

We believe these programs, together with our cutting-edge diagnostic imaging agents, position AC Immune to lead the field towards the earlier diagnosis and prevention of neurodegenerative disease, said Andrea Pfeifer, CEO ofAC Immune.

Originally posted here:
Potential of Vaccines in Treating Parkinson's, Alzheimer's Detailed | AC Immune to Launch Trial of Vaccine in Early-stage Parkinson's - Parkinson's...


What Are Zombie Cells? Here’s How They Impact Aging – Prevention Magazine

September 4th, 2022 2:06 am

Its a fact of life: If youre lucky enough, you will get older and, with that, your body will show signs of aging. Research has been ongoing to try to determine what, exactly, is behind this process and scientists have largely linked the aging process with one biological factor: Senescent cells, aka zombie cells.

A recent study published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology specifically links zombie cells to age-related diseases like cancer, dementia, and heart disease, and breaks down how these cells develop.

The study found the oxidative damage (damage that happens as a result of an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body) to telomeres, the protective ends of chromosomes, can spark the formation of zombie cells.

This isnt the only research on zombie cells: Scientists have been analyzing these cells and their role in aging for years.

If youve never heard of zombie cells before, fair. But, of course, you probably have someor a lot ofquestions about what these are and what role they play in aging. Heres a breakdown.

Its important to quickly recap how cells in your body work. There is a process called mitosis, which is a fundamental process for life, where a cell duplicates all of its contents and splits to form two identical cells, Medline Plus explains. When mitosis isnt regulated correctly, you can develop health problems like cancer.

Zombie cells, aka senescent cells, are cells that stop dividing, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). When youre younger, your immune system spots these cells and eliminates them from your body, Sabrina Barata, M.D., a primary care doctor at Mercy Personal Physicians, explains. But, as you get older, your immune system doesnt have as large of a capacity to do this.

Zombie cells simply stick around in your body. They dont diethey become resistant to death, says researcher Paul Robbins, Ph.D., associate director of the Institute on the Biology of Aging and Metabolism and the Medical Discovery Team on the Biology of Aging at the University of Minnesota. They stay in your body forever.

These cells release certain molecules that can spark inflammation and even harm other cells, Dr. Robbins says. Theyve also been linked to the growth of cancerous cells, per the NIH.

However, Dr. Robbins says, senescence is seen as an anti-cancer mechanism because it stops cells that may have become abnormal from continuing to replicate.

I would hypothesize that yes, everyone has these cells, Dr. Robbins says. Your burden of cells increases with age and older people or people with chronic diseases may have more.

Cells stop dividing after theyve divided so many times or acquire so many mutations that theyre at risk of becoming abnormal or potentially making you sick, the NIH says.

Zombie cells become more common as people age. Your immune system gets rid of these cells when youre young but, when you get older, it cant clear them as effectively, Dr. Robbins says. Research has found that tinkering with these cells can help extend lifein mice, at least.

Landmark research from Jan van Deursen, Ph.D., of the Mayo Clinic actually removed zombie cells from living mice. Van Deursen and his team discovered that injecting a certain drug triggered the death of these zombie cells.

In follow-up research, the team found that treating mice to remove zombie cells extended their median lifespans by 17% to 42%, depending on the mices sex, diet, and genetic background. The mice that were treated also usually looked healthier than those that werent treated and were more likely to have spontaneous activity and explore thingssigns of youth.

Thats what doctors think right now. If we understand why senescent cells happen and how to reverse them, we have the ability to have healthier aging with less debility, says Santosh Kesari, M.D., Ph.D., a neurologist at Providence Saint Johns Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif., and regional medical director for the Research Clinical Institute of Providence Southern Calif.

Dr. Robbins points out that zombie cells are interconnected with other things that go wrong as we age. Those include things like dysfunction in your stem cells, changes in metabolism, and dysfunction of your mitochondria, which generate energy to power your cells, he says.

If one of these things are affected, the others are, too, Dr. Robbins says. Theyre all linked. Meaning, if you can target and wipe out zombie cells, your metabolism and energy may improve, he says.

Dr. Barata says that studying these cells can absolutely help lead to advances in healthy aging. If we can find a way to kill off these cells, they wont accumulate in the body, she says. That will protect us from diseases like dementia, certain cancers, and cardiovascular disease.

Currently, research is ongoing to study the impact of targeting zombie cells and certain diseases like Alzheimers disease, osteoarthritis, and diabetes. We will know their impact quicklywithin in a few years, Dr. Robbins says

Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Mens Health, Womens Health, Self, Glamour, and more. She has a masters degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day.

See original here:
What Are Zombie Cells? Here's How They Impact Aging - Prevention Magazine


What To Know About Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease – Health Essentials

September 4th, 2022 2:06 am

Your child is cranky, running a fever and going through tissues like theres no tomorrow.

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Then, they wont eat.

Then, you see a rash. And their best friends mom from daycare calls and says her child hasnt been feeling well either.

And now its all making sense.

It might be hand, foot and mouth disease, a common but highly contagious childhood illness that makes its way very quickly through households, daycares and schools.

Like most viruses, hand, foot and mouth is fairly contagious, says pediatrician Dana Schmidt, MD. So, in a daycare or school setting, it can spread very quickly.

Caused by a strain of the coxsackievirus, hand, foot and mouth disease is best known for the blister-like rash that appears on the you guessed it hands, feet and mouth. Contrary to its name, though, the rash can appear all over the body.

Dr. Schmidt answers your most pressing questions about this common and highly contagious illness.

A: Hand, foot and mouth disease will initially look similar to a cold. After a few days, a rash will start to form.

The first symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease are similar to a cold and include:

Its during this first phase of the disease that youre most contagious and most likely to pass the virus to other people, Dr. Schmidt says.

After the initial symptoms set in, you may notice small sores inside of your mouth, including on your gums, tongue and roof of your mouth. The spots may appear like small red bumps or larger open sores.

These sores can make swallowing painful, so its common for people with hand, foot and mouth disease to not want to eat. Its also common that mouth sores will cause children to drool.

Sometimes, the rash stops at the mouth. Thats called herpangina (and the advice below still applies).

In the next day, you may notice sores spread to the hands and feet, and possibly elsewhere.

The hallmarks of the virus are a rash that appears on the hands, feet and mouth, but the rash can often be found all over the body, including the trunk and genitals, Dr. Schmidt states.

The look of the rash can vary from person to person. Some people experience small, red spots that dont cause any discomfort. Others may have larger spots, sometimes filled with pus, that may be painful. The spots may contain the virus, so avoid touching the rash as much as possible, and wash your hands thoroughly after coming in contact with blisters. The rash usually isnt itchy.

The spots should clear up in about 10 days.

A: Youre most contagious with hand, foot and mouth disease during the first few days of being sick often before blisters appear. Once the blisters dry up, youre less likely to pass on the virus, though it can live in your stool for weeks after the rash clears.

Hand, foot and mouth disease can be spread in several ways:

If your child becomes infected, prevent the spread by keeping them home from daycare, school or other group activities. If youre infected, stay home from work or school.

A: Yes. Hand, foot and mouth disease is very common and usually affects infants and children under the age of 5. But because its so infectious, it can spread among family members and daycare providers. It can make older kids, teenagers and adults sick.

A: Yes. Dr. Schmidt explains that because multiple viruses can cause hand, foot and mouth disease, its possible to catch the virus multiple times.

You can do several things to prevent or reduce the spread of hand, foot and mouth disease:

Hand, foot and mouth disease has no specific treatment, although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that most people get better on their own within seven to 10 days. But you can treat symptoms of the virus with over-the-counter pain medications.

Its also important to stay hydrated. Because mouth sores can make eating and drinking uncomfortable, dehydration is a common side effect. Avoid foods and drinks that are acidic, like orange juice, as they can irritate mouth sores. Stick to milder or cold foods. Older children and adults may also relieve some discomfort with salt water gargles, although this treatment isnt recommended for infants, toddlers or younger children.

Be especially vigilant if hand, foot and mouth disease symptoms become severe, or if you or your child has a weak immune system or becomes dehydrated. Talk with a healthcare provider if the fever doesnt go away after three days or if all symptoms dont improve after 10 days.

Read the original:
What To Know About Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease - Health Essentials


Fact-Checking Panama stem cell institute: cost, safety, efficacy, docs

August 27th, 2022 2:11 am

Somehow time has flown by so that Ive been around for ages in the stem cell universe and some unproven stem cell clinic type firms, like the well-known Panama stem cell clinic that sells autism treatments, are also long-timers.

Its been an odd parallel existence for more than a decade.

Todays post is focused on this Panama stem cell clinic. Think of it as a fact-check or a scientific review of a sort. Overall, I believe there are serious reasons for concern about The Stem Cell Institute.

Long-time stem cell clinics | The Stem Cell Institute in Panama | What they sell | Who works at The Stem Cell Institute? | Lack of expertise & specialty training? | Lack of data | Cost of stem cell therapy in Panama $16,000-$30,000 and up | Take home message | References

Quick Article Summary and Claim Review.Stem cells are a still unproven approach to autism and other conditions. The Stem Cell Institute in Panama claims that umbilical cord stem cells can help autistic children and people with other conditions. In my view there are no strong data to support this claim, particularly on autism. The most rigorous study to date by Duke suggests no consistent benefit. There are definite risks too and the procedures are expensive. You should consult your childs pediatrician.

Both the Panama clinic place, run by Neil Riordan and called simply enough The Stem Cell Institute, Texas stem cell clinic Celltex, and the Regenexx clinic brand come to mind in this long-termer category. These three firms are quite different though. Ive written many times before about Celltex and a bit aboutRegenexx, but less so about The Stem Cell Institute. My most recent item on this Panama place was related to the puzzling threads between them and the Duke Autism Program.

There are stem cell clinics all over the world, but some draw more attention and customers than others. I also view some as posing potentially higher or lower risks on different levels.

The Stem Cell Institute in Panama strikes me as risky on some specific levels such as having many children getting unproven cellular injections as part of their business model. This place seems particularly successful with their PR too.

I dont know about you, but for me the name institute implies a non-profit research institution, but to the best of my knowledge The Stem Cell Institute is a for-profit. While it does some research, I dont see that as its primary mission.

The Stem Cell Institute offers injections for a wide menu of health conditions using umbilical cord and other kinds of cells. You can see a screenshot I took from their website recently to get a sense of their marketing.

Its strikingly diverse, raising the question for me of how one place can purportedly have the expertise to try to treat so many different conditions.

To cover all of these conditions with care and expertise Id say that youd need a neurologist, an immunologist, an orthopedist, a cardiologist, and pediatric physician specialists of several kinds.

Do they have the needed medical staff with board certifications in so many different specialties?

In regard to the above question, who are the doctors and other staff at the Panama stem cell clinic?

Last I checked their website, they listed 7 physicians in total including a medical director, a clinical trials research physician, and staff physicians.

Only the first 3 doctors listed have bios describing their training. Do they have the needed expertise?

Of these 3, the Medical Director, Jorge Paz-Rodriguez, MD, appears to be an internist. Hernan H. Hernandez, MD may be a hematologist. Dr. Cindy Leu may be a general practitioner. I wasnt able to clear up if she has a specialty.

The clinical trials doctor listed, Giselle Fernandez, MD, also might be a GP, but Im not positive. As to the staff physicians, I was not able to determine if they have any specialties or are GPs despite looking around on the web and watching some videos. Leader Neil Riordan is a Ph.D., not an M.D.

Overall, as a result of the lack of information and the nature of what I could find, in my opinion, it does not seem like this clinic clearly has the needed expertise to treat so many medical conditions and patients ranging from pediatric to geriatric. In my view, this increases risks for patients.

If these Stem Cell Institute physicians have more specialty training than I could find, I will update this post.

I also view the offerings of The Stem Cell Institute as lacking in rigorous data to back them up. Neil Riordan has some publications, but the research in these papers relevant to what they are selling is not convincing at all to me. It does not show that the stem cell offerings, such as umbilical cord MSCs, actually work. The papers also do not indicate that they are definitely safe for the conditions being marketed.

The clinical studies generally do not have placebo controls, randomization, or double-blinding. If you are developing an as yet unproven cellular therapy, it may be fine to have early phase trials without placebos, etc., but if you are already marketing and injecting folks with this unproven stuff and charging for it, its an entirely different situation. The Stem Cell Institute seems to me to be putting the cart before the horse. Note that while others have done research on cord blood cells for autism including Duke, the data are generally very discouraging.

It is expensive to go to the Stem Cell Institute. Their own website mentions the cost as follows, $15,825 USD for children and $23,150 for adults. An important paper this year in Cytology by Jeremy Snyder and Leigh Turner, focusing in part on reverberations between the Stem Cell Institute and Duke, also discussed cost and fit into this general price range.

Like many stem cell clinics abroad and even in the US, the cost often ends up being a package including a hotel stay and ground transportation.

There are also many fundraising campaigns on GoFundMe that mention Panama stem cells and sometimes include patients mentioning about what they paid. All of this is generally consistent with a price range of $16,000-$30,000.

As with other clinics, the cost can go much higher than what is stated. Factors influencing cost include the number of injections and the type of condition. If you get several injections or go on multiple occasions over the course of months or years, the costs can go way up, even into the high tens of thousands.

Also, one should factor in the odds of attaining success in the medical condition that is the problem and with unproven stem cells the odds of real documented success in my view are very low. Then there are risks as well.

Overall, in my view there is a low probability of efficacy from what is being sold at this firm in Panama and we cant be sure about safety. At least some of the cells being sold are amplified in a lab, potentially increasing safety risks. As I said earlier, I also worry about the apparent lack of relevant (and Id say crucially needed) medical specialty training.

As a Ph.D. I cannot give medical advice, but as a stem cell biologist and long observer of clinical research in this arena as well as of unproven stem cell clinics, I personally would not go to this clinic or have a friend or loved one go.

If you have complaints about the Stem Cell Institute in Panama Id like to learn more about what your concerns are.

Crowdfunding, stem cell interventions and autism spectrum disorder: comparing campaigns related to an international stem cell clinic and US academic medical center, Jeremy Snyder and Leigh Turner, Cytology, March 2021.

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Fact-Checking Panama stem cell institute: cost, safety, efficacy, docs


Fact-checking stem cell supplements in 2022 – The Niche

August 27th, 2022 2:11 am

I took a look again into the world of stem cell supplements since its been a few years.

What I found now in 2022 wasnt a pretty picture. This post has several sections so feel free to jump to sections below. Ive also done a new YouTube video on stem cell supplements that goes through the main points to consider. If you like the video please subscribe to our channel.

Supplements in general | Stem cell supplements claims| Supplement ads and products| Visiclear & Visishield | Stem-Kine | Regenexx supplements | Big picture on stem cell pills

Quick Article Summary and Claim Review.Stem cells have generated a lot of buzz, only some of it legitimate. Stem cell supplements and their makers claim that these pills or drinks will improve your health via impacting your stem cells. My research indicates there are no strong data to support any of these claims. Stem cell supplements also could have risks. Since they are also very expensive, as a stem cell biologist I recommend against taking stem cell supplements, but you should consult your physician.

Note that supplements here refer to things people can ingest to somehow supposedly help their stem cells, not supplements that us scientists add to the media we use to grow stem cells.

For context, Im fairly skeptical of supplements in general unless one has a documented deficiency in something like iron or maybe (maybe not) Vitamin D, or if you are vegan maybe you should take B12.

As a 10+ year prostate cancer survivor the only supplement I take still is in fact Vitamin D, but Im having my doubts even about that. Ten years ago it made sense to me theoretically that a hormone like Vitamin D might help prevent cancer recurrence based on in vitro results growing cancer cells in a dish, but the literature hasnt been very encouraging on any benefit in actual people. Im mulling it over.

The idea of zinc supplements given right at the beginning of colds has been controversial but a new study this year gives some weight to it perhaps shortening the length of colds.

I more recently went through the supposed brain supplement Prevagen and found reasons to be concerned about their advertising claims and also about potential risks.

So what about supplements claiming some link to stem cells?

Theres not much foundation for them and they cost a bundle.

The main claims of these supplements is that theyll either make you as a patient have more stem cells, happier stem cells, or aid in stem cells differentiating into the desired cell type. Other claims include anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties

A big surprise for me was that searching Clinicaltrials.gov finds many studies of the effects of specific supplements on stem cells, but little data. One that did have data was focused on a supplement called NutraStem and tested its effects on CD133+ or CD34+ cells as compared to a placebo. It didnt seem to work.

There is no evidence of supposed stem cell eye supplements benefiting eyes or vision either.

A Google search for Stem cell supplements yields an array of results and ads.

While Google has rightly (and generally very effectively) banned stem cell clinic ads, it still feels like anything goes with stem cell supplement ads. You can see a screenshot above for some results. An Amazon search yields tons of overlapping and sometimes wild results too, some approaching a thousand dollars a pop.

Take a look at a grassfed bone marrow (Im imagining a test tube of living bone marrow with someone trying to feed it grass) supplement claiming to have something to do with stem cells:

Contains all the nutrients, specialized cells (including stem cells and base cells), collagen, growth factors, fat soluble activators and substances that the body uses to build, repair, and maintain all tissues

I doubt there are living stem cells in there. And, what are base cells? Basal cells?

Ive been hearing more about two vision-related supplements called Visiclear and Visishield.

These supplements contain vitamins, antioxidants and other factors. Various claims on the web suggest that these products may help vision by either keeping stem cells healthy or restoring stem cell health.

Im skeptical.

While we stem cell researchers do sometimes add vitamins or antioxidants to our cultures of stem cells in the lab, its not clear that antioxidants that people eat or take as supplements would have benefits to endogenous stem cells, including in the eye.

A quick search on Amazon found that these products are also very expensive. There are quite a few unhappy customers who left reviews there as well.

One purported stem cell-related product that pops up often on Google searches is something called Stem-Kine from Neil Riordan, who runs a stem cell clinic firm in Panama. A decade ago he published some on Stem-Kine claiming a link to mobilizing stem cells, but Im not convinced at all.

Physicians in the hospital can reproducibly mobilize stem cells in donors or patients but this is done using powerful, proven drugs, and has been the subject of tons of published research such as related to preparing stem cell transplants after chemo in cancer patients. (By the way, you might find this guest post on a familys experience with stem cell donation to be an interesting read.)

These supplements are super expensive too. How much does Stem-Kine cost? For a case of 60 x 700mg capsules on Amazon youll pay about $70, which seems ridiculous to me.

But could it work?

Its hard to say without more data, but I doubt it and anything like this has risks too.

Further, its not clear that mobilizing bone marrow stem cells in a healthy patient on a regular basis is a wise thing to do.

Check out the comments from Wise Young in the comments section for another view.

The Regenexx brand has a whole supplement product line now including Regenexx Complex. One supplement, called Advanced Stem Cell Support Formula costs about one hundred bucks for 32 fluid ounces which is about $400 a gallon.

The description says its a proprietary blend of vitamins, herbs, and supplements that may help support healthy stem cell function and cartilage production.

The Amazon page for this or a very similar product lists these ingredients: Vitamin C 1000mg, Vitamin D 2000IU Proprietary Blend 3455 mg of Glucosamine Sulfate and HCl, Chondroitin Sulfate, Curcumin, L-Carnosine, Resleratrol (resVida), Bitter Melon, BioPerine Does not contain wheat, gluten, sugar, soy or dairy. Contains ingredients derived from shellfish and corn.

Is there any published clinical data to back up this expensive supplements use in people? Not that I could see. I dont see a good rationale for Regenexx Complex either.

Note that Advanced Stem Cell Support Formula comes in citrus or strawberry banana flavor. A good-sized Jamba juice with fresh strawberries and bananas, and a boost of some vitamins in it costs about $6 or $7. I havent had one of those in years, but they sound good even if rather full of sugar.

Overall, in my view stem cell supplements are not worth the money, probably wont do anything terribly exciting in a positive way, and could have risks. You can watch a Q&A YouTube video I did below in which one question and answer was related to stem cell supplements.

Note that I actually had an old post (Top 5 possible natural stem cell boosts) on possible simple ways to possibly boost stem cell numbers in a more general sense, but admittedly even these ideas are speculative and do not involve supplements or paying money. For example, try to sleep a healthy amount and especially exercise more in certain ways.

At this point in my view exercise seems like maybe the only possibly reliable and safe way to impact certain kinds of stem cell numbers in your body.

Well see in coming years or decades if any specific supplement can convincingly do something useful that is stem cell-related based on more research. Its also important to consider that anything that boosts stem cell numbers could also pose the risk of unwanted consequences like abnormal cell or tissue growth.

Will there ever be a stem cell pill that one can take to somehow improve your stem cells in numbers or function in a safe way that positively impacts specific aspects of your health? Well see but right now there is nothing like that.

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View original post here:
Fact-checking stem cell supplements in 2022 - The Niche


New Stem Cell Mechanism Discovered in Intestinal Epithelium

August 27th, 2022 2:11 am

Your gut is a wondrous place. A special layer of cells that coats the insides of your small and large intestines takes in nutrients and water from what you ate while keeping anything bad out of your system. This layer is called the intestinal epithelium. It completely renews itself every four to seven days using stem cells. These are a special cell type that can both self-renew by dividing and differentiated to give rise to any other types of cells to renew your organs. Scientists still do not know how exactly they make these decisions however, or what defines a stem cell.

Bernat Corominas-Murtra, previously postdoc at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and now assistant professor at the University of Graz, and Edouard Hannezo, professor at ISTA, worked together with an international group of experimental researchers led by the Jacco Van Rheenen team in Amsterdam to study the stem cells in the intestinal epithelium. They found an exciting new mechanism that could change our understanding of what a stem cell is.

The intestinal epithelium is just one layer of cells thick and constantly renewed. It is all over the villi which look like tiny tentacles covering the insides of the small and large intestines. Between the villi, there are tiny pockets in the tissue called intestinal crypts. That name may invoke some mystery and that may be not too far off what really happens there. At the bottom of the crypts, stem cells in the epithelium are constantly dividing. Some of the resulting cells remain as stem cells in the crypt and the others are pushed outwards towards to tip of the surrounding villi, Corominas-Murtra explains, there, in the end, they differentiate into functional cell types that allow intestinal function and which are discarded after a few days. This happens all the time inside your body and if this mechanism breaks down, you can get into serious medical trouble.

While studying these stem cells in the small and large intestines, the scientists were initially perplexed. How we usually think of stem cells is that being a stem cell is determined by intrinsic biochemical properties of a cell something like a biochemical marker we can identify, Corominas-Murtra continues. We found that among the cells that had this traditional stem cell marker, many of them never actually worked as stem cells but were pushed out of the crypts to be discarded instead, without contributing at all to the long-term renewal of the gut. We also saw that while classical markers predicted about the same number of stem cells in both the small and large intestines, there were about twice as many of them actually working as stem cells in the small intestine than in the large intestine. The scientists therefore wanted to understand what determines which cells actually act as stem cells and they found a surprising new mechanism that regulates the stem cells in the crypts.

We found that whether these cells behave as a stem cell or not is all about their location! Cells in the epithelium are not just pushed outwards from the crypt by the cell divisions below them like on a conveyor belt but there is another kind of motion involved, Corominas-Murtra explains. The scientists found that cells in the epithelium layer also actively move around in random directions back and forth along the conveyor belt if you will. This way, cells that were already pushed along the conveyor belt for a bit can end up back at the base of the crypt, and act there again as stem cells to divide and replenish the epithelium. Edouard Hannezo explains the possible implications of these findings, These movements constitute a new environmental mechanism that determines which cells get to functionally act as stem cells. In the small intestine, the molecular signal regulating the movements is stronger than in the large intestine, so cells can move more frequently back into the crypt. This explains why there are more actually working stem cells in the small intestine than in the large ones. This could have major implications for our understanding of what a stem cell actually is and how to use them in medical applications.

This insight builds on previous research by Bernat Corominas-Murtra and Edouard Hannezo at ISTA and the work of the Van Rheenen group. Originally coming from a physics background, Corominas-Murtra and Hannezo created an advanced mathematical model of the intestinal epithelium layer which included the motion of the cells both away from and back towards the crypt. Using their model, they could predict the number of actually working stem cells in the small and large intestines. A number of other research groups from all around Europe designed experiments using the latest methods in microscopy and genetics to test the predictions and found them to be accurate. They even tried to inhibit the chemical signal in the crypts and saw that this reduced the number of working stem cells as predicted.

Reference:Azkanaz M, Corominas-Murtra B, Ellenbroek SIJ, et al. Retrograde movements determine effective stem cell numbers in the intestine. Nature. 2022. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04962-0

This article has been republished from the following materials. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

Go here to see the original:
New Stem Cell Mechanism Discovered in Intestinal Epithelium


ultimak akv – autado.pl

August 27th, 2022 2:11 am

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2022. 8. 12. The high rates of chronic, ... (A Center for Anti-Aging and Regenerative Stem Cell Therapies) Whether to be treated for pathological conditions, ... DOH: 4 PH hospitals allowed to do stem cell therapy one of them is the Asian Stem Cell Institute Details News. Hits: 4058. STEM CELL PHILIPPINES All our products are 100% Singapore-made and we're the only legitimate STEM CELL provider in the Philippines. Our product is created with a highly sophisticated formula that's scientifically proven to give you the best source for viable stem cells available in the market. Order Now! Salamat STEM CELL PH!!!. Stem Cell Therapy in Asia Hospitals and medical centers in Asia offering stem cell therapy. ... A JCI accredited multi-specialty medical institute which has been serving patients from the Philippines and all over the world for over a century. It has over 600 inpatient beds and 1,700 affiliated medical consultants.

Check out the best packages for stem-cell-therapy-for-osteoarthritis in manila-metro, philippines. Compare prices, clinics and choose the right package for your procedure.. Stem cell therapy aims to repopulate the cells in the degenerative disc and restore functional tissue through matrix synthesis by implanted cells and beneficial influences on native cells. Adult stem cells, or MSC's, have been proposed as the ideal source for disc regeneration. An increasing number of studies have demonstrated the ability of.

Here are some highlights. The self-reported responses on cost for stem cell treatments, as indicated by respondents to our 2020 polling, suggest the price has gone up. While the most common answer in 2019 was $2,501-$5,000, in 2020 the most common response was $10,001-$20,000, while $2,501-$5,000 was close behind. Motions Venture Physio Therapy Inc. Motions Venture Physio Therapy Inc., located in Butuan, Agusan del Norte, Philippines offers patients Stem Cell Treatment for Tennis Elbow procedures among its total of 55 available procedures, across 7 different specialties.

Future Directions in Stroke- Stem Cell Therapy. The treatment can cost anywhere from $125,000 to $200,000 depending on if the patients experience any complications. Every patient is different, Hodson said. There is also a risk Hodson will not be chosen to receive a stem cell transplant .. Future Directions in Stroke- Stem Cell Therapy. The treatment can cost anywhere from $125,000 to $200,000 depending on if the patients experience any complications. Every patient is different, Hodson said. There is also a risk Hodson will not be chosen to receive a stem cell transplant ..

The price of a Stem Cell Therapy can vary according to each individuals case and will be determined based on photos and an in-person assessment with the ... Some other countries, such as China and the Philippines, need a visa to visit the country. All visitors need to hold a passport valid for at least 3 months. Weather in. Compare the cost of... Bone marrow transplant. Cellular immune therapy. Hip / Knee regenerative treatment. Stem cell treatment.. Future Directions in Stroke- Stem Cell Therapy. The treatment can cost anywhere from $125,000 to $200,000 depending on if the patients experience any complications. Every patient is different, Hodson said. There is also a risk Hodson will not be chosen to receive a stem cell transplant ..

Future Directions in Stroke- Stem Cell Therapy. The treatment can cost anywhere from $125,000 to $200,000 depending on if the patients experience any complications. Every patient is different, Hodson said. There is also a risk Hodson will not be chosen to receive a stem cell transplant ..

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ultimak akv - autado.pl


Integrative Medicine: What Is It, Types, Risks & Benefits

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am

OverviewWhat is integrative medicine?

Integrative medicine focuses on you as a whole person and not just your illness or disease. While it seeks to understand the underlying cause of your symptoms or condition, it does so by looking at your complete mind, body and spirit. Integrative medicine uses an evidence-based approach to improve your health and wellness.

Integrative medicine believes your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs affect your health. It believes those needs rely on each other and affect your entire well-being. There are many different aspects to address, so integrative medicine uses a combination of therapies and lifestyle changes.

With integrative medicine, the relationships between you and your healthcare providers are important. You are equal partners in your healing process. Integrative medicine aims for well-coordinated care among different providers and specialists. It brings together conventional healthcare approaches (like medication and psychotherapy) and complementary therapies (like acupuncture and yoga). In this way, integrative medicine integrates all aspects of your well-being to achieve optimal health and healing.

A variety of healthcare providers delivers care through integrative medicine. These providers may include:

Integrative medicine physicians dont replace your primary care provider or specialist. They work together with all members of your healthcare team to heal your mind, body and spirit. Their expertise lies in preventing and managing chronic diseases. They dont treat acute medical problems. For acute care and medical emergencies, you should seek help from your primary care or emergency medicine physician.

Many people can benefit from integrative medicine, including healthy people. People with long-lasting (chronic) or complex conditions may especially find the approach helpful. Integrative medicine can help you find relief for many health and medical conditions, including:

Integrative medicine covers a broad range of practices, techniques and services. Integrative medicine techniques may include:

Acupuncture uses thin needles to maintain the flow and balance of your bodys energy (Qi). This can help activate your bodys natural healing capability. Acupuncture may help relieve:

Certified Chinese herbalists use formulas from a traditional Chinese medicine text. It contains thousands of herbs, minerals and other extracts and their intended uses. Chinese herbal therapy may help relieve:

Chiropractic doctors perform soft tissue adjustments and manipulate your spine and joints. Chiropractic therapy may help relieve:

Culinary medicine combines the evidence-based science of food, nutrition and medicine with the joy and art of cooking. It may use special diets, including vegan, low-carb and FODMAP to improve your wellness. Culinary medicine can help improve and/or reverse common chronic diseases. These conditions include:

Holistic psychotherapy uses evidence-based therapies to improve mood, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other symptoms. These therapies include:

Massage therapy uses soft tissue manipulation and body movement to promote health and well-being. It can help treat physical disorders and improve clinical outcomes. Massage therapists can use different techniques to relieve:

Reiki is a method of energy healing that involves balance. It restores your bodys natural energy fields. It can increase vitality, balance your emotions and improve your health. Reiki may help relieve symptoms of various conditions. These may include:

Yoga and tai chi combine specific postures and movements with breathing to unify your mind and body. They may help:

Integrative medicine techniques support your bodys natural ability to heal. It helps you reduce stress and promotes a state of relaxation that leads to better health. It can help you achieve optimal health when you engage in your own healing and feel empowered to make lifestyle changes. Adding integrative medicine to your healthcare routine can help you regain control of your well-being.

All recommended therapies and lifestyle changes are very safe with minimal risk. But the treatments arent substitutes for regular medical care from your primary care physician and specialists. Integrative medicine should be used together with your regular medical treatments. Integrative medicine providers communicate their care recommendations with your other medical providers. In this way, they can coordinate care and avoid confusion.

Your outlook depends on your diagnosis, health history and treatments you receive. Ways you can improve the likelihood of good results include:

You should be in contact with your healthcare provider throughout treatment. Letting them know about the integrative medicine therapies youre receiving helps them better tailor care to keep you safe.

Integrative medicine and functional medicine are similar, but they approach healing in slightly different ways. Integrative medicine seeks to understand you as a whole person. It uses many different types of therapy to heal your mind, body and spirit. Functional medicine seeks to identify and treat the underlying cause of your condition. It centers on the idea that one condition may have many causes or one cause can have many conditions.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Integrative medicine uses a combination of therapies and lifestyle changes to treat and heal the whole person. It focuses on your complete mind, body and soul and uses an evidence-based approach to improve your health and wellness. With integrative medicine, the relationships between you and your healthcare providers are very important. Always remember, you are an equal partner in your healing process. Maintain open communication with all of your providers to help you get the most out of treatment.

Continued here:
Integrative Medicine: What Is It, Types, Risks & Benefits


Rodrigo Bravo: Working at the Intersection of Climate Change and Medicine – Healthline

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am

This 2022 Healthline Stronger Scholarship winner believes integrative medicine will revolutionize the conventional understanding of health and disease.

From a young age, Rodrigo Bravo has felt frustrated with the limitations of Western medicine. He lives with nephrotic syndrome, a type of kidney disorder.

Doctors told Bravo at age 10 that his kidneys may never function properly and that his life may be shortened as a result of the condition.

Yet they could not tell him what caused the condition. Some doctors suspected that there was an environmental factor (like a toxin) involved, though the exact culprit is still a mystery.

Bravo eventually made a spontaneous recovery from the disease, but the experience stuck with him.

He realized that Western medicine needed to start taking into account other aspects of a persons life such as their nutrition, stress, environment, and even subconscious trauma in order to better understand disease and find new ways to promote healing.

Now a public health advocate and physician-in-training, Bravo hopes to gain an even deeper understanding of integrative medicine. The goal: help people better manage the health effects of climate change.

The 28-year-old will start his first year of graduate studies at Yale University this fall. He plans to launch a consultancy to help healthcare centers set up integrative medicine programs and one day run his own clinics.

I am an example of the radical healing that can occur as a result of mind-body unity, and I am so excited to bring this to everyone, he said.

We asked Bravo about his studies, goals, and obstacles. Heres what he had to say.

This interview has been edited for brevity, length, and clarity.

My lifelong passion for helping others heal was inspired by the illnesses I experienced in my early life.

Throughout my childhood and into my mid-20s, I endured a number of rare and chronic conditions that Western medicine could not resolve.

At age 10, I was told that my kidneys might never properly function and that my life expectancy would likely be reduced.

It wasnt until I looked into integrative and holistic medicine that I found life changing solutions for my own health. I quickly began asking questions about how we could improve the healthcare system for others in a similar position.

I grew up with a model of Western medicine that failed to consider the role of things like nutrition, lifestyle, stress, and the environment, all of which can affect diseases and overall well-being.

It also failed to take into account subconscious trauma, spiritual health, and the mind-body connection, which felt critical for me. These elements are the bread and butter of the rapidly evolving field of integrative medicine.

My goal is to help the allopathic (or Western) model of medicine better incorporate these aspects of health and wellness into patient care.

During and after my time at Harvard, I ran a marketing accelerator called BAST Marketing Lab, which helped start-ups that were focused on social and planetary good. It was later reborn as Bee Positive, an accelerator for integrative medicine initiatives.

I was in the middle of bringing reiki and biofield medicine (a type of complementary and alternative medicine) to the largest Veterans Affairs hospital in Georgia when COVID-19 hit, which unfortunately put the project in the backseat.

In the meantime, I started medical school and began exploring neurotechnology, neuro- and bio-feedback, and technology-facilitated mind-body medicine. I helped launch Supermind, a start-up focused on mental health. It uses neurotechnology to address psychological conditions through brainwave training.

In the future, I plan to launch Bravo Conscious Health, a consultancy to help healthcare centers expand their integrative medicine programs and clinics.

I will also debut my own sustainable clinics that will offer therapies based on the science of psychoneuroimmunology. Thats the study of how thoughts, beliefs, and emotions affect the functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

A new era of conscious medicine is trying to emerge in the United States as we catch up with older cultures that have understood and applied the power of the mind-body connection and transpersonal psychology for thousands of years.

It is trying to revolutionize the mainstream understanding of health and disease. It also comes with an agenda to resolve social and planetary injustices.

Concepts such as spiritual health, emotional health, and climate change are fundamental to understanding an individuals health. But theyve often been left out of the conversations people have with their doctors and healthcare team.

To inspire the next era of medicine, well need to educate people on what it means to include planetary, transpersonal, and emotional well-being in healthcare. Well also need to influence policy decisions and incorporate these ideas into modern healthcare.

Overcoming these obstacles will require a deeper understanding of current problems. Well also need cooperation among changemakers and leaders who want to see evolution in allopathic medicine.

Ive been interested in global health since I was young and living with nephrotic syndrome, a poorly understood condition that affects the kidneys.

No one knows exactly what caused my condition or why I eventually made a spontaneous recovery. However, doctors have considered the possibility of a connection to something in the environment, such as a toxin, an infectious disease worsened by the climate, or radiation exposure while my mother was pregnant with me in Bolivia.

My happy ending is not common, though especially among those living in places with limited access to nutritious foods and clean drinking water.

Now as a public health advocate and physician-in-training at one of the most sun-beaten places in the United States, I have already observed the effects of climate change on the community. Im seeing more instances of heat-associated conditions, like heat stroke and dehydration.

Its important to note that the changing climate can also affect mental health. My work at Supermind involves using neurotechnology to support mental wellness.

As we prepare for a future where mental illness will be exacerbated by extreme weather and natural disasters, I am driven to continue working at the intersection of climate change and medicine.

Our bodies reflect what is happening inside of us, as well as in our surroundings. Those who are already experiencing the health effects of climate change are instrumental in helping us achieve a course correction.

They are evidence that our current terms of engagement with Mother Earth are not working, and we need a change in science and policy.

I would encourage people to write to their elected officials and legislators about their policy concerns and ask them to prioritize environmental health. You could also include letters from your physicians explaining the relationship between your medical conditions and the changing climate.

Sharing personal stories on social media can also be a powerful way to support environmental activism. You can also find other opportunities to get involved through advocacy groups.

Lastly, I would encourage people to vote every chance they get and to urge their family and friends to vote in the direction of planetary and environmental health.

Excerpt from:
Rodrigo Bravo: Working at the Intersection of Climate Change and Medicine - Healthline


Commonwealth Diagnostics International (CDI) Expands Access to Naturopathic & Integrative Medicine Community Through New Partnership with Rupa…

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am

CDIs industry-leading non-invasive at-home hydrogen and methane breath tests for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth (IMO) as well as fructose, lactose, and sucrose malabsorption are now available for ordering via Rupa Health platform.

We are thrilled to partner with Rupa Health and look forward to working together to deliver diagnostic care to patients when and where they need it, said Craig S. Strasnick, President and CEO of CDI. Making CDIs cost-effective diagnostic solutions available on the Rupa platform will provide greater access to naturopathic and integrative practitioners and their patients nationwide and help expedite treatments with more precise and timely results from our experienced lab staff.

Per the strategic partnership, Rupa will provide services including marketing support and order processing services for CDIs portfolio of industry-leading diagnostic solutions. Tests now available for ordering on the Rupa platform include non-invasive at-home hydrogen and methane breath tests for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth (IMO) as well as fructose, lactose, and sucrose malabsorption.

Continued Strasnick, The holistic approach to health, wellness, and nutrition strongly emphasizes disease prevention. A central tenant of this approach is that good health starts with good digestion and gut health. Our tests are easy-to-use, quick, and safe for patients and support meaningful GI health outcomes by helping steer a practitioners approach to dietary modification, homeopathic remedies, nutritional supplementation, immune support, high-quality probiotics, and additional testing.

Founded in 2015 in Salem, Massachusetts, and operating out of its CLIA-certified laboratory and as an FDA-registered, ISO 13485-certified medical device manufacturer, CDI has partnerships with leading health systems, hospitals, and private practices worldwide. Benefits of CDIs at-home breath testing program include:

CDI was recently recognized as one of the Top 100 Healthcare Technology Companies of 2022 by The Healthcare Technology Report.

To learn more, visit https://commdx.com/

Follow the full story here: https://przen.com/pr/33472788

See the original post here:
Commonwealth Diagnostics International (CDI) Expands Access to Naturopathic & Integrative Medicine Community Through New Partnership with Rupa...


Signs You May Have COVID in Your Gut After Infection Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am

Getting sick from COVID is bad enough, but for many it doesn't just end there. Millions will experience a long list of lingering symptomslike brain fog, fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, neurological symptoms and GI issues for weeks, months and possibly years after the initial infection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "New data from the Household Pulse Survey show that more than 40% of adults in the United States reported having COVID-19 in the past, and nearly one in five of those (19%) are currently still having symptoms of "long COVID." Eat This, Not That! Health spoke with experts who explain how COVID affects the gut and signs you have Long COVID. Read onand to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had COVID.

Raphael Kellman, MD, a Physician of Integrative and Functional Medicine tells us, "Research is showing that the COVID virus can actually impact and adversely affect the microbiome, which then results in inflammation in intestinal permeability, and a host of consequences that occur when the gastrointestinal wall becomes more permeable than it should be to toxins, environmental chemicals, and byproducts of bacterial metabolites. That can then cause a number of problems in the body, including inflammation and even oral immunity. A component of the effects of coronavirus is its impact on the microbiome and that's even if you don't have gastrointestinal symptoms. So that's why improving the microbiome is a very important component in the healing of COVID. Also, dealing with vaccines in vaccine injury assists with prevention and the treatment of long haul COVID."

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., Integrative Medicine Physician, Researcher and Bestselling Author From Fatigued to Fantastic! adds, "In some people, COVID likes to make a persistent home for itself in the gut lining. As the gut makes more brain and mood controlling neurotransmitters than the brain itself, This can trigger the persistent brain fog and anxiety frequently seen in long haulers."6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

Dr. Teitelbaum says, "It is not uncommon to see people come down with persistent diarrhea and sometimes nausea as part of their Long Covid."

Dr. Kellman adds, "Many people who've had no gastrointestinal symptoms before they got COVID have developed gastrointestinal symptoms. There's no doubt about it. Certainly, if one has an autoimmune gastrointestinal disease like Colitis or Crohn's disease, they're more susceptible to exacerbation. People who have had no gastrointestinal disease, symptom or problem at all developed GI and COVID related problems. They could persist for quite a while."

Dr. Teitelbaum explains, "Although the research has been done actually showing persistent parts of the Covid virus in the gut lining, these tests are not available outside of research settings. But they look very different on colonoscopy and biopsy. The main tipoff? That the gut symptoms started with a viral infection didn't go away."

Dr. Kellman states, "Well, first of all if someone had Crohn's before they would know. But if it's a new onset with Crohn's, you could get mucus and/or blood in the stool, same thing with Colitis. This is not as common with COVID, but there's a lot of crossovers because COVID can induce autoimmunity as well. So, it can be a trigger for Colitis and Crohn's disease. COVID could really cause many problems. It's a really difficult disease, as it has many weapons to it."

Dr. Teitelbaum shares, "In those that I treat, I begin with ivermectin 20 27 mg a day (depending on the person's weight) for five days along with Pepcid 20 to 40 mg twice a day. Interestingly, Pepcid has been shown to have marked immune and anti-COVID activities in a good number of studies. A recent Yale study also showed reactivation of the Epstein-Barr (Mono) Virus in people with Long Covid, and we have known for decades that Pepcid stimulates your immune system in ways that are helpful for this as well. In addition, Our recently published studies showed that a unique form of ginseng very high in rare ginsenosides resulted in 67% average increase in energy in post viral chronic fatigue syndrome."

According to Dr. Kellman, "There are absolutely things that can be done and it relates to restoring the microbiome. COVID can adversely affect the health of the microbiome. It reduces its diversity and it can absolutely reduce percentages of certain healthy bacteria in the gut and overgrowth of some other bacteria. So, number one, reestablishing some balance of the microbiome and helping it to endogenously become healthier so that it could flourish. A very important component of treatments is the use of both probiotics and prebiotics. Prebiotics are the nutrients that are used to help a healthy gut microbiome to proliferate and become more diversified. Probiotics that have immune modulating and anti-inflammatory effects,.are important to incorporate to assist with relief. When the microbiome is adversely affected by COVID, it can lead to an immunological flare up, even autoimmunity. So, you want to use the types of probiotics that tend to modulate and reduce the overactive immune expression."

Dr. Kellman lists the following GI symptoms that can happen with Long COVID:

"Persistent abdominal discomfort and cramps is certainly one possible sign that COVID has affected your gut.

Constipation and/or diarrhea is another sign, some people actually have alternating constipation and diarrhea post COVID.

Bloating is another symptom that I've seen.

When there's gastrointestinal symptoms, invariably, there are other systemic symptoms as well, such as brain fog and difficulty concentrating anxiety. It's rare that you'll see someone with long haul COVID and that they only have gastrointestinal symptoms. It's quite common that it's associated with problems in the brain as well, including anxiety, depression, brain fog, poor memory and difficulty concentrating, which is very common."

Dr. Teitelbaum shares, "The main symptoms of long Covid are fatigue, brain fog, achiness, and insomnia. Although you may have symptoms localized just to the gut, the onset after Covid and the association of these other symptoms suggests that possible long Covid needs to be addressed."

Dr. Teitelbaum tells us, "The more often one gets COVID, the more likely they are to have more severe illness. But in an otherwise young healthy and low risk population, the risk is still low. What is most important is to maintain optimal health and immune function. This can be as simple as taking a good daily multivitamin with zinc 15 mg, vitamin D 1000 units and other key nutrients. I recommend either the Energy Revitalization System vitamin powder or a combination of Clinical Essentials plus Virapro. Remember, 40% of people who get the virus have no symptoms whatsoever. And only about 20% of people in a household where somebody has the virus catches it. So simple measures such as a good multivitamin, getting your eight hours of sleep a day, and staying hydrated can make all the difference in the world."

Dr. Kellman explains, "It's most important for people to realize that long haul COVID is a big problem. Some studies show as high as 30% of people who've had COVID develop some form of long haul COVID and sometimes symptoms can start months later. So, it's very tricky to diagnose and sometimes people don't see the connection.

It's very elusive but it could have significant adverse consequences, not only in the fact that many people feel so terrible, but it could have detrimental effects on the brain and other organs. Causing persistent inflammation, which can then lead to a number of different problems, including coronary artery disease, neurological problems and neurological inflammation, which can then lead to neurodegenerative disorders and poor cognitive function. It's important to understand that number one, it needs to be diagnosed and identified and people need to be more aware of this possibility that their symptoms may be due to long haul COVID and not just say aging or "I'm just not feeling so good these days." Make the connection that if you've had COVID and you're having these symptoms, this definitely could be long haul COVID. In fact, some people have long haul COVID who had very mild symptoms with COVID. And then a few weeks or a month later they have long haul COVID symptoms such as brain fog, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, poor memory, and common fatigue among others." And to protect your life and the lives of others, don't visit any of these 35 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID.

Read the original here:
Signs You May Have COVID in Your Gut After Infection Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That


The Breathing Trick That Could Help You Fall Asleep Almost Instantly – Newsweek

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am

One simple breathing technique that takes just over a minute to complete could help you fall asleep faster and get a better night's rest overall, according to experts.

The technique, known as 4-7-8 breathing, was developed by Dr. Andrew Weila trained medical doctor and founder of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.

Weil developed the technique, which is based on breathing exercises found in yoga, for the purposes of managing stress and anxiety.

But experts told Newsweek the technique can also be useful for people who are having trouble sleeping.

Sleep is crucial to our physical and mental health, enabling our body to recover and wake up feeling refreshed.

But large portions of the population don't get sufficient sleep, have poor sleep quality, or have trouble falling asleep as a result of sleep disorders, medical conditions or mental health issues.

According to the American Sleep Association, 50 to 70 million adults in the United States have a sleep disorder, with insomnia being the most common one.

Around 10 percent of adults suffer from chronic insomnia, while many more suffer short-term issues. Meanwhile around 25 million U.S. adults have obstructive sleep apneaa sleep disorder characterized by repeated obstruction to the airway during sleep.

In addition, 35 percent of adults report getting less than seven hours of sleep during a typical 24-hour periodless than the minimum recommend amount.

"The 4-7-8 breath that I teach is the most powerful relaxation method that I've discovered," Weil said in a video demonstration of the technique. "It's very simple, requires no equipment, takes very little time, costs nothing."

This is how to practise the technique correctly:

The speed with which you do the technique is not necessarily important. What is important is maintaining the 4-7-8 ratio between the counts.

According to Weil, this is a technique that you have to practise regularlyat least twice a dayto benefit from fully.

"You can do it more frequently than twice a day but never more than four breath cycles at one time," Weil said in the video.

According to Weil, it may take four to six weeks before you notice any physiological changes from the practise.

Over time he said it could help to lower heart rate, lower blood pressure, improve digestion, improve circulation, and to help people fall asleep.

"It is the most effective anti-anxiety techniques that I've found," he said. "I've taught it to patients with the most extreme forms of panic disorder, who eventually brought that under control, just relying on this breathing technique."

According to Patrick McKeown, a leading international expert on breathing and sleep, and author of bestselling books like The Oxygen Advantage, changing our breathing can have a profound impact on our physical and mental states.

"With breathing exercises one can down-regulate and up-regulate, giving us control over how our minds and bodies react to external stimuli," McKeown told Newsweek. "For sleep, breathing and mental health, functional breathing is instrumental.

"Knowing what exercises to practise can be life changing as we learn to change states. It's not about taking the deep breath. It's much more than that!"

According to McKeown, how a person breathes during the day will influence our breathing patterns during sleep.

"If our breathing patterns mean we are breathing through the mouth, with a faster rate and from the upper chest, (rather than from the diaphragm) this will increase the risk of sleep issues including insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea."

McKeown said that for people with functional breathing who are able to slow down their respiratory rate to around three breaths per minutelike during 4-7-8 exerciseextended exhalation will help activate the bodies relaxation response.

"When the rest and digest response is activated, one feels sleepy and experience increased watery saliva in the mouth," he said. "Slowing breathing rate also enables a better gas exchange to take place from the lungs to the blood.

"Practising this breathing technique before going to bed will not only help people fall asleep but will noticeably improve quality of sleep and when practiced regularly, will lead to a better quality of life all around."

Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist who is a diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and a fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, told Newsweek he is a "huge fan" of the 4-7-8 breathing technique.

According to Breus, the technique lowers the heart rate to the point it needs to be at night when some is trying to fall asleep.

"I have adopted this method, as both a 'help you fall asleep' but more of a 'help you get back to sleep' method," Breus told Newsweek. "Most people do not know this metric, but in order to get to a state of unconsciousness you need a heart rate of 60 or below, to get there. So, when you wake up in the middle of the night and your anxiety is high because you looked at the clock, this can help you get back to sleep."

In addition, Breus said there is plenty of data to show that diaphragmatic breathing helps to lower anxiety, which has been linked to difficulties falling and staying asleep.

"Most people are what we call 'shallow breathers' meaning that they do not use their full lung capacity, unless during full-on physical activity," Breus said. "This type of breathing requires more breaths per minute to get the required volume of air to live. More breaths per minute equals increased heart rateand we know we need to get to 60, which is usually down from where people tend to sit naturally (unless you are an athlete)."

Breathing for four counts in will slowly fill the lungs, holding for seven enables oxygen exchange to the fullest, and breathing out for eight pushes all the excess carbon dioxide out of the lungs and allows more fresh, highly oxygenated air to enter the system, and so the heart does not have to work as hard, according to Breus. This leads to a lowering of the heart rate.

McKeown said it is important to note that not everyone will be able to practise 4-7-8 breathing.

"People with poor breathing already experience a breathlessness that we call 'air hunger'. Slowing down the respiratory rate to three breaths per minute will be impossible for them to practise. It could even cause a disruption to their breathing," he said.

Go here to read the rest:
The Breathing Trick That Could Help You Fall Asleep Almost Instantly - Newsweek


Karnataka Health Vision Group recommends hike in healthcare investment to 8% of GDP – Deccan Herald

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am

The Karnataka Health Vision Group, constituted by the state government in January 2021, released their report recommending various health system reforms, on Wednesday.

The report, titled 'Advancing peoples Health in Karnataka: Vision for Progress', recommends a sharp hike in the states investment in healthcare from 4.7% of GDP (in 2019), to 8% by 2025. This is in line with the 15th Finance Commissions recommendations, says the report.

Senior professor of epidemiology, Nimhans, G Gururaj, who headed the Vision Group, said the fundamental goal was to make public health services available, accessible and affordable to all. The report, to which 250 doctors had contributed, says that decentralised, district-level health systems should be strengthened. All citizens should be able to access all healthcare programmes including specialty services within a 50-km radius.

Read | Four years after launch, Ayushman Bharat reaches 30% of beneficiaries

The report also says that Karnatakas many health programmes and policies will be effective only if streamlined and routinely monitored, and recommends steps for these. The state should commission a pilot study in three districts to identify areas of investment in coming years.

The report adds that Karnatakas current disease surveillance system is weak, not only for non-communicable and occupational diseases, but also for communicable diseases. An integrated surveillance architecture should be set up to tackle this.

The report states that a life course perspective should be adopted, to address healthcare needs in various life stages - that is, for children, youth, middle-aged and elderly. For example, occupational health services should be integrated into primary healthcare for the benefit of the middle-aged.

It identifies less accessible areas like mental and neurological services, and also recommends setting up a state council for inclusion and rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Since many health interventions need multi-sectoral coordination, each district should have a committee headed by the district commissioner to oversee such programmes.


Districts should have data on healthcare institutions, including bed availability and cost; All institutions should undergo accreditation for quality improvement; Transparency in drug procurement; resolve issues of drug quality, storage; Create health IT policy, health IT cells to monitor programmes and provide services and State Health Council for Integrative Medicine and Healthcare to integrate AYUSH into health system.

Continue reading here:
Karnataka Health Vision Group recommends hike in healthcare investment to 8% of GDP - Deccan Herald


Explore the Trippy World of Hallucinogens at PAINWeek 2022, on Friday, September 9, at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas – PR Web

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am

PAINWeek Pain Management Conference, September 6-9

MONTCLAIR, N.J. (PRWEB) August 24, 2022

Psychedelic medicine has been stigmatized and isolated from us for too long. Now is the time to revolutionize care for addiction, pain, and mental health using whatever tools we have, and psychedelic medicine is the most promising potential weapon in this battle, states Dr. Eugene Vortsman, who will be presenting at the PAINWeek National Conference, September 6-9, at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, during the Psychedelics Track on Friday, September 9.

His presentation is Purple Haze: Mysticism & Science of Psychedelics, about which Dr. Vortsman said, to best understand the true potential of these powerful medicines it is important to understand the cultural and scientific history of hallucinogenics leading to the current landscape for future growth. Come on this psychedelic journey through time, space, and science. Together, we will explore the trippy world of hallucinogens. Eugene Vortsman, DO, FACEP, is Clinical Director of Addiction Medicine and Disease Management at Northwell Health, Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens, NY.

The psychological mechanism and insight gained during nonordinary states of consciousness is as important as the biological mechanism of the medication, says Dr. Michelle Weiner. Her presentation is K Especial: The Biopsychosocial Model of Personalizing Ketamine for Pain Management. She continued, practicing medicine during an opioid epidemic and mental health crisis has challenged physicians to evaluate if we are treating chronic physical and emotional pain effectively. Ketamines dose, route of administration, and setting can be personalized and integrated into the treatment plan. Michelle Weiner DO, MPH, is an Integrative Pain Management Physician at the Spine and Wellness Centers of America in Miami, Florida.

Dr. Sanjey Guptas presentation, The Glass Bead Game: Harm Reduction and Its Potential Impact on the Opioid Crisis, will discuss the combination of programs, policies, and practices that aim to reduce the negative social, health, and legal implication associated with drug use. He commented, we are pleased that PAINWeek is a leading source of education in harm reduction, as these initiatives are grounded in social justice and human rights. Sanjey Gupta, MD, MBA, is a Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Health, Rockville Centre, NY.

PAINWeek will present 90+ CME/CE credit hours in tracks such as Behavioral Pain Management, Chronic Pain Syndromes, Health Coaching, Interventional and Integrative Pain Management, Medical/Legal, Neurology, Physical Therapy, and Pharmacotherapy. Master Classes, Special Interest Sessions, and sponsored courses complement the agenda, along with tracks presented by The American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians and the International Pelvic Pain Society.

For more information, click PAINWeek or go to painweek.org.

PAINWeek accreditation provided by Global Education Group:Global Education Group focuses on producing partnership-based CME for healthcare practitioners. The Global team works with a select group of medical education companies, associations, academic institutions, and healthcare facilities to develop and accredit live healthcare conferences and workshops as well as online activities. With each partnership or joint providership, Global brings accreditation expertise, project management excellence and grant funding intelligence. Based in Littleton, Colo., Global has accreditation with commendation from the ACCME and accredited with distinction from the ANCC. Global also holds accreditations to offer continuing education for nurse practitioners, pharmacists, dietitians, dentists, and psychologists. Global is a division of Ultimate Medical Academy.


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Originally posted here:
Explore the Trippy World of Hallucinogens at PAINWeek 2022, on Friday, September 9, at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas - PR Web


Doctor Who Saved Life Of Chilean Athlete Who Died Suddenly Says: "We Used Defibrillator And He Responded" – Nation World News

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am

Manuela Bougueno collapses after finishing Buenos Aires Half Marathon

In just one minute, the life of Chilean young man Manuela Bougueno was changed forever. The 30-year-old girl came to run the Buenos Aires Half Marathon last Sunday. Once he crossed the finish line, he saw the time on his watch and collapsed. At that point, Dr. Roberto Campos, a cardiologist who was part of the prevention team assigned to the race, swung into action. In a conversation with Infobae, the doctor told how those 6 eternal minutes came to life again after Manuelas sudden death. He was lucky enough to faint right in front of the Red Cross post that we had set up upon arrival for the event, Campos explains. In less than two minutes we got to work on Pulmonary Cardiovascular Recovery (CPR) and a second attempt. We were able to save him.

Works at Campos Kynet Integrative Medicine, a runners health care company. Prior to the start of the race, all crews selected him as the person in charge to perform CPR in the event of an incident. Almost without thinking, I was working on Manuelas body. We used a defibrillator and luckily the athlete responded quickly. Those 6 minutes flew by for me. Once back in life, Bugueno was taken in the same ambulance to the Fernndez Hospital. just there, After 22 minutes he was able to express what he was feeling.

The last thing you remember is to look at the clock to see your time. And then he woke up in the Fernandez hospital bed, Campos explains. After stabilization, Bougueno was admitted to a German hospital. Studies now remain to find out the reasons for what happened to Manuela. If you have any heart disease or any genetic problems. In theory, you should wait to return to a high-intensity sporting activity like the half marathon .

Chilean runner Manuela Bougueno, 30 years old He disappeared while crossing the finish line after marking a time of 1h 28m, the competitions organization said in a statement. He was immediately treated and resuscitated by the organisations medical team. In coordination with the Urban Surveillance Center of the Government of Buenos Aires, the transfer of an ambulance to Fernndez Hospital was expedited, where his care was completed and he remained in direct contact with his family, the organizers added in the text.

According to data provided by Campos to Infobae, There are about 35,000 sudden deaths per year in Argentina. It gives about 100 per day highlights the doctor . Thats why its very important that we all know how to do CPR. This way many lives will be saved. Thats why it should be taught in schools and clubs.

Manuelas father spirit

The young Chilean was grateful to all the members of the Buenos Aires health system who saved her life. In addition, his father from Chile sent a video to the doctors to thank them for their work. Mario Bugueno highlighted in the video that as a family they will never have enough time to thank Manuela for everything they have done so that he can be with us again. Manuela is again the daughter of our whole family. We thank you for getting on as sister, cousin and granddaughter.

Manuela Bogueno, 30, was rescued at the hands of Dr. Roberto Campos. Cardiologist revived her in 6 minutes

How was the running of the race

Nandu Association, The races organizer highlighted that in 2018 it became the first competition in the country to receive cardioprotected status. Organizers stated that for the 21k in Buenos Aires, the device once again had a cardio-assistance plan designed by Emertem with the support of Emergencies Salad and Kynet in compliance with Law 27,159 (December 402/2022).

The health operations deployed at the Buenos Aires Half Marathon included: 27 automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and 14 cardio-defibrillators in mobile intensive care units, totaling 41 defibrillators throughout the circuit. Apart from the Central Medical Post (with Physicians, Cardiologists, Nurses and Technicians), there were 11 First Aid Posts, 14 UTIM Emergency Ambulances, 4 Motorized with Paramedical Personnel, 12 Motorcycles with AEDs, 15 Physiotherapists and 105 Lifeguards. An emergency coordination center.

Considering the enormity of the race, there were fewer attention numbers than we expected. In general, it was about some muscle problems, commented Pizzini, a university technician in civil defense and emergencies. and is the director of Amarteam.

read on

He died suddenly after running the Buenos Aires Half Marathon, he was without a pulse for about 6 minutes and survived

More than 20,000 people took to the streets to demonstrate at the Buenos Aires Half Marathon

Original post:
Doctor Who Saved Life Of Chilean Athlete Who Died Suddenly Says: "We Used Defibrillator And He Responded" - Nation World News


WATCH NOW: It can be calming and grounding to go barefoot in the park or elsewhere – The Times of Northwest Indiana

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am

Tim HoganTimes correspondent

Health experts have been telling us to spend more time in nature for years. Maybe we haven't gone far enough.

According to a bevy of studies, baring at least your feet when running, hiking and walking can have profound benefits.

The practice studied is called "earthing," or "grounding, and it has been reported to assist with everything from reducing inflammation to improving mental health.

The basic idea is performing simple exercises such as walking or running barefoot to take advantage of the calming, or grounding, aspects of connecting with the Earth.

According to a 2020 meta-study of the practice in the journal Explore, Bodily contact with the Earth's natural electric charge stabilizes the physiology at the deepest levels; reduces inflammation, pain and stress; improves blood flow, energy and sleep; and generates greater well-being.

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I do it with my friends walk around barefoot, said Sara James, fitness coach at Anytime Fitness. It's so grounding; it's healing to do it.

To James and other practitioners, it's basically just walking barefoot outdoors. If you want to get fancy, you can use any inexpensive grounding system indoors or outdoors to restore a lost and needed electric connection with the Earth.

Such grounding mats can be found on websites including Earthing.com or Walmart, are generally available for $30-$70 and can be used for standing, sitting or stretching.

People ask me why I'm walking around barefoot, James says, And I tell them it feels grounding to me and healing.'

And it calms me," she adds.

James even suggests that her clients walk barefoot in the grass for a short time each day.

Dr. John R. Principe, a board certified internist and integrative medicine specialist who takes a holistic approach, likens earthing to an electric aspirin that you dont swallow.

Principe, who operates the WellBeingMD in Burr Ridge, Ill., and is affiliated with Advocate Christ Medical Center and Northwestern Medicine Palos and Central DuPage Hospitals, adds that studies have shown that earthing improves blood flow and reduces stress.

Michelle Kelleher, exercise specialist at Purdue Northwest Fitness, is another barefoot aficionado. It's a very beneficial, calming exercise, says Kelleher. Paired with common-sense precautions and deep breathing, she says it can calm the mind.

Most practitioners recommend that you start with 5-10 minutes of barefoot walking and gradually build to longer walks or higher intensity runs or hikes.

Staying safe is really about common sense.

Look to make sure the area is clear of potential hazards like broken glass or nails, says Kelleher. If you are more used to walking in shoes, walking without shoes can strain the Achilles tendon, so it's best to go gradual.

There is even minimalist footwear that can mimic the feeling of barefoot walking or running, says Kelleher, who also works at the shoe store Fleet Feet Sports in Schererville.

Principe adds that new earthers should be mindful of where they are walking barefoot. He suggests that besides watching for sharp objects, they should avoid lawns that have been treated with chemicals. And after every barefoot walk, they should check your skin for ticks.

He says many common used lawn herbicides can have "potential toxic effects," such as increased risk of cancer, kidney damage and birth defects.

Kelleher recommends pairing other exercises with earthing. Body weight exercises, as opposed to machine based, can also help you feel connected to the Earth, she says. They can complement the sense of feeling grounded and at peace.

When earthing, Principe gets a touch philosophical. As I live in the Midwest and cannot benefit from the warmth of a white sandy beach under my feet, I prefer to use a grounding mat at my desk on a daily basis for 20-30 minutes.

Like all the electrical appliances around me, I feel stable and balanced when I am energetically grounded.

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Original post:
WATCH NOW: It can be calming and grounding to go barefoot in the park or elsewhere - The Times of Northwest Indiana


Work-Life Balance: What Is It and How Do We Attain It? – Psychiatric Times

August 27th, 2022 2:10 am


Although much attention has been paid to the idea of work-life balance, many of us were never taught or formally trained as to what that constitutes, how to achieve it, or how to maintain it. Moreover, prioritizing any sort of balance in our current medical culture often feels antithetical to the dedication to medicine that is expected of us.

We are often of the mind-set that dedication to our profession requires extraordinary sacrificesto our health, time with children and family, and anything else outside of work. Yet overworkingespecially in invalidating, exhausting, or even downright toxic environmentswithout the ability to refuel by tapping into enriching or meaningful personal areas of life is a fast track to burnout. And so many of us do this exact thing, tirelessly.

In addition, most of us do not have the ability to clock in and out and leave work completely behind. In fact, many colleagues report they bring work home, often finding themselves charting late into the night. Or they bring psychologically jarring elements of work (ie, difficult interactions or traumatic events) into their home lives without the ability to decompress or uncouple from those experiences. So how, then, do we achieve this elusive work-life balance?

Perhaps the initial step is to determine the components that require balance, including the nuances unique to psychiatric practices that make that achievement even more challenging (Figure). The second step might be to acknowledge that burnout can start quietly, creeping into our mental health, patient care, and relationships, and surreptitiously affecting us without our notice until we reach a crisis point. The reality is that achieving work-life balance must be emphasized and encouraged earlywith our trainees, our colleagues, and ourselves.

Redefining Work-Life Balance

A work-life balance refers to a sustainable and effective distribution of self between ones work and life obligations, suggesting a clear separation between work and life with minimal spillover of one into the other. It refers to the ability to effectively attend to ones work responsibilities and ones personal responsibilities, with adequate reserves to balance it all. But consider this: More than 40% of psychiatrists believe their careers in medicine are a calling. Thus, we tend to have a deep connection to our work.1 This may be both a blessing and a curse: Data suggest this viewpoint may play a protective role in our resilience. However, it may also be difficult to separate work from our other senses of self. When faced with the age-old question, Do you live to work or do you work to live? it seems many of us would reply affirmatively to both options.

The idea of creating and maintaining balance has always been difficult and even more so during the COVID-19 pandemic. The drawing of a line between work and home life became impossible as we were suddenly thrust into telepsychiatry mode, without any clear ways to apply our office-based approaches and boundaries. On top of that was the need to simultaneously manage distance learning for our children, negotiate infection control, deal with pandemic fears, and so on.

The corporate world has pushed to reconceptualize this as work-life integration rather than balance. The word integration lessens the need to separate oneself into disparate parts to address various areas of life. In addition, the emphasis of integration over balance suggests that you are a whole person, with an identity and sense of wellness spanning, affecting, and being affected by all areas of work and nonwork life. Because our profession necessitates maintaining clear boundaries for therapeutic and safety reasons, this integrative concept may best be applied in terms of how it affects our self-concept, by easing our need to find a way to split our identity. It also allows us the space to then prioritize ourselves and our health in all areas, knowing that when we are not feeling well in our personal lives, this greatly impacts our work life and vice versa.

No One-Size-Fits-All Approach Exists

Each individuals life elements, stressors, needs, health conditions, and so on are unique, so the approach to creating a sense of balance must also be individualized, and fluidity and recurring reassessments are needed. As work life (eg, changing workloads, switching electronic health record systems, staff turnover, etc) and personal life (eg, loss of a family member, birth of a child, a geographical move, etc) evolve, and as we face a constant flux of changing priorities as we age and grow, previous equilibriums and coping systems can be thrown off track. Indeed, when I ask physician-patients what is important to them in work and in life, they often note that what had mattered so greatly at one time matters far less now.

Unfortunately, no proven formulaic approach exists for work-life balance. We cannot easily quantify this balance. When working 50 active hours per week, it is not feasible to balance this by dedicating an equal 50 active hours to another priority, such as spending time with a partner. Instead, a more attainable goal involves emphasizing quality versus quantity; focus on creating a sense of connection, fulfillment, and meaning in the nonwork areas of life.

Reconsider the Need to Be a Relentless Worker

I am in awe of the extraordinary diligence and relentless work ethic of my physician-patients, who frequently push themselves beyond their limits. When asked why, many note they do not know any other way to be. After all, more is better, or so we are taught. A relentless, unsustainable work ethic is considered the gold standard by which we measure our abilities and success.

There is a uniquely American concept that someone who takes breaks is less dedicated to their profession. In fact, the average American worker works among the longest daily hours compared with their non-American peers. Even with paid vacation time, Americans only take about 54% of their allotted time per year.2 This notion extends to microbreaks; 39% of respondents rarely or never take breaks (including lunch) and 22% feel guilty when they step away for a lunch break.3 Overworking, it seems, is a romanticized American ideal that reaps few rewards and comes at an exceedingly high cost to us and our communities.

These work habits are even more pronounced in physician work culture. A 2018 study showed that most physicians work an average of 51.4 hours per week; the American Psychiatric Association reported that the average psychiatrist works 48 hours per week.4,5 Moreover, physicians are more likely to work through the very health ailments for which they would suggest medical leave for their patients.6 In addition to the charting and work tasks that easily bleed into our personal time, the emotional weight of our work can carry into our nonwork lives: As psychiatrists, we witness some of the most painful and traumatic experiences of humanity without the necessary downtime to decompress or process before moving on to the next patient in what has become a volume-heavy and productivity-based medical culture. It is thus no wonder that up to 50% of psychiatrists are experiencing burnout.7

Ironically, we know that working beyond emotional and physical limits is a violation of the healthy boundaries we set for ourselves as human beings. In fact, if we were advocating for a patient, we would likely prescribe a decreased workload so the patient could live healthfully and well. We would do the same for family and friends. Thus, we should not hesitate to set ourselves healthy boundaries, including reassessing what is doable within an acceptable time frame to protect our health reserves (Table 1).

Physicians, Families, and Balance

Most physicians (approximately 80%) are married and the majority also have children.8 Although our divorce rates may be lower than those of our nonphysician professional peers, this is not necessarily indicative of how fulfilled we are in our marriages and family lives.9 Data are mixed regarding marital satisfaction for physicians; in my practice, when discussing lack of balance, physician-patients often first and foremost cite their familial struggles.

The complexities of family life can be challenging, especially during seasons of intermittent sleeplessness and high levels of stress, and emotionally and physically taxing periods of raising children and caring for aging parents.

Although children can add to a sense of fulfillment, physicians disproportionately struggle with infertility, pregnancy complications, and pregnancy loss when compared with their nonphysician peers.10 Aforementioned work stressors as well as delayed family planning due to long years of training may contribute to reproductive challenges. It is therefore important to educate ourselves and colleagues about these statistics.11 In my practice, we incorporate this information into planning for the future, and I often recommend to physicians that they consult with our obstetrician-gynecologist and reproductive endocrinologist colleagues to learn about options if or when they are ready to take that next reproductive step.

Many of us lean heavily on our supports, including our partners, to cope with career stressors, but partnership and marriage presents their own challenges. After the demands of work, attending to our partners emotional and physical intimate needs can prove difficult. As such, many physicians express to me a feeling of isolation and loneliness within their marriages, thus resulting in feeling distanced from a spouse.

Many of my physician-patients have found benefit from deliberately setting aside time for connection and presence with their partners and families. We also must give ourselves permission to turn to a couples counselor when needed. Finally, by taking breaks and vacations, we allow ourselves time to foster partner and marital connections, which in turn allows time for decompression, reconnection, creating memories, and improving relationships.

Balance Through Building Oneself Outside of Work

A common issue among my physician-patients (including psychiatrists) post retirement is the feeling of grief and the sense that they are losing a large part of their identity. To make matters worse, this often occurs as grown children begin to leave the nest, and their parental identity is changing. Who are we if we are not practicing or actively tending to children? Did we allow ourselves a chance to nurture other aspects of our identity?

It is not unusual for highly driven professionalsincluding psychiatriststo define themselves unilaterally by their professional identities. With such a huge investment (both in terms of timeone-third of our livesand money), it is no wonder we identify so strongly with our work. Especially as the practice of medicine changes and as rates of burnout skyrocket, it may be time to focus on embracing the other elements of ourselves and building a more complex sense of self. Our worth spans far beyond perfectionism and high volume and patient satisfaction scores. Recognizing this is an imperative next step to achieving balance.

Findings from some studies have suggested there is a typical physician personalitya set of traits common among physicians, irrespective of chosen specialty or demographic (Table 2). These traits help us provide meticulous care to our patients. We can also use these assets to foster outside interests, such as supporting charitable endeavors or learning new skills or crafts.

Lastly, creating a sense of agencydetermining when and in which ways we are in the drivers seatin our work and home lives can be highly protective and give us a sense of control, confidence, and self-efficacy in everyday routines.

Balance Does Not Cure Systemic Burnout

Balance alone is not the answer. The current medical system is designed to incentivize overworking, and it tasks physicians to self-assess their well-being needs, which is a recipe for burnout. To address the root causes of burnout, which are buried within the medical system and culture, systemic changes are necessary. Unfortunately, creating a healthier, more sustainable medical culture will take time to implement. Until then, it is important that we stop blaming the victim.

Concluding Thoughts

Burnout may seem like an isolating experience, but no single physician is to blame for their situation. Instead, we must find ways to find some balance. Highly individualized and heterogenous paths can help establish balance and create a path for recovery. A sense of self outside of work and dedication to oneself and ones nonwork priorities are essential. Similarly, we must pay attention to mental and medical health. Finally, finding a sense of agency in all areas of our lives can help us to start our own healing journeys and keep ourselves balanced.

Dr Iyer works in a private practice in Frisco, Texas. She has a special interest in working with women who are pregnant and post partum, as well as in physician wellness.


1. Yoon JD, Daley BM, Curlin FA. The association between a sense of calling and physician well-being: a national study of primary care physicians and psychiatrists. Acad Psychiatry. 2017;41(2):167-173.

2. York J. Why its so hard for US workers to ask for time off. BBC. December 13, 2021. Accessed July 8, 2022. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20211209-why-its-so-hard-for-some-workers-to-ask-for-time-off?

3. Grow your lunch business with Take Back The Lunch Break. Tork. June 29, 2022. Accessed July 8, 2022. https://www.torkusa.com/press-releases/tork-takes-back-lunch-break

4. The Physicians Foundation 2018 Physician Survey. The Physicians Foundation. September 18, 2018. Accessed July 8, 2022. https://physiciansfoundation.org/physician-and-patient-surveys/the-physicians-foundation-2018-physician-survey/

5. Choosing a career in psychiatry. American Psychiatric Association. Accessed July 8, 2022. https://psychiatry.org/residents-medical-students/medical-students/choosing-a-career-in-psychiatry

6. Physicians work when ill, even with confirmed flu. Relias Media. December 1, 2015. Accessed Jul 8, 2022. https://www.reliasmedia.com/articles/136776-physicians-work-when-ill-even-with-confirmed-flu

7. Bykov KV, Zrazhevskaya IA, Topka EO, et al. Prevalence of burnout among psychiatrists: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Affect Disord. 2022;308:47-64.

8. Why doctors marry doctors: exploring medical marriages. American Medical Association. February 13, 2020. Accessed July 8, 2022. https://www.ama-assn.org/residents-students/resident-student-health/why-doctors-marry-doctors-exploring-medical-marriages

9. Ly DP, Seabury SA, Jena AB. Divorce among physicians and other healthcare professionals in the United States: analysis of census survey data. BMJ. 2015;350:h706.

10. Rangel EL, Castillo-Angeles M, Easter SR, et al. Incidence of infertility and pregnancy complications in US female surgeons. JAMA Surg. 2021;156(10):905-915.

11. Glauser W. Is the culture of medicine contributing to miscarriages among female physicians? CMAJ. 2019;191(44):E1229-E1230.

Originally posted here:
Work-Life Balance: What Is It and How Do We Attain It? - Psychiatric Times


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