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60 Day Rebirth Formula – Introduction – Video

September 7th, 2014 2:42 pm

60 Day Rebirth Formula - Introduction
Boost Your Stem Cells Unleash Your Body #39;s Healing Power TODAY!

By: Trish Foster

See the original post here:
60 Day Rebirth Formula - Introduction - Video


DAP-funded stem cell research a wrong priority

September 6th, 2014 1:40 pm

From the perspective of a community physician, the stem cell research, at this point, is not a priority. Given the daunting task of not only curing the present crop of diseases but also preventing them, and of course, building the human resource as the backbone of the health care system these should be the priority. Joseph Carabeo, convenor, Rx Abolish Pork Barrel Movement

By ANNE MARXZE D. UMIL Bulatlat.com

MANILA Eleazar Sobinsky, president of the Lung Center of the Philippines Employees Association-Alliance of Health Workers cannot decipher how the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) has helped the poor. Of the P115 million ($263,822) DAP funds received by LCP, P70 million ($160,587) was spent for the stem cell research project and the rest was spent for the procurement of equipment.

He said if the DAP has helped the poor, why are there more indigent patients waiting in line at the LCPs out-patient department?

Joseph Carabeo, convenor of the Rx Abolish Pork Barrel Movement and a community doctor for the past 28 years, said that the stem cell research project does not even help solve the longtime health problems of Filipinos.

The stem cell research in LCP is a mispriority, said Carabeo in an interview with Bulatlat.com. There are many problems in the health sector that has to be addressed. We think, the DOH is merely riding the bandwagon on the stem cell research intervention in health care, wellness and primarily rejuvenation, Carabeo said.

Eleazar Sobinsky, union president of the Lung Center Employees Union said if the DAP has helped the poor, why are there more indigent patients waiting in line at the LCPs out-patient department? (Photo by A. Umil/ Bulatlat.com)

Stem cells according to http://www.stemcellnetwork.ca are the precursors of all cells in the human body.

Stem cells are very special, powerful cells found in both humans and non-human animals. They have been called the centerpiece of regenerative medicine medicine that involves growing new cells, tissues and organs to replace or repair those damaged by injury, disease or aging, the website said.

In the Philippines, Carabeo said, the medical community is not even united in the use of stem cell therapy in curing diseases. He said it is still under research in the Philippines. The Philippine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (PSEM) for one has even warned the public on the use of stem cell therapy as treatment for diabetes.

Go here to read the rest:
DAP-funded stem cell research a wrong priority


ALS ice bucket challenge – Carlsbad Stem Cells R&D – Video

September 6th, 2014 9:42 am

ALS ice bucket challenge - Carlsbad Stem Cells R D
Thermo Fisher Scientific Transfection team challenged us and here we are. Keeping in mind the severe drought in California, we used ice used in the lab and carried out the challenge by a water...

By: CBad SC Angels

ALS ice bucket challenge - Carlsbad Stem Cells R&D - Video


Carol Marchetto, Ph.D. – "Using human pluripotent stem cells to model autism spectrum disorders – Video

September 6th, 2014 9:42 am

Carol Marchetto, Ph.D. - "Using human pluripotent stem cells to model autism spectrum disorders
Carol Marchetto is a Senior Staff Scientist in the Laboratory of Dr. Fred Gage at The Salk Institute. Carol is involved in understanding the mechanisms by which human pluripotent stem cells...

By: Salk Institute

Here is the original post:
Carol Marchetto, Ph.D. - "Using human pluripotent stem cells to model autism spectrum disorders - Video



September 6th, 2014 9:42 am



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Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial – Video

September 5th, 2014 11:55 am

Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial
Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial. Dr. Lox can be reached at http://www.drloxstemcells.com or Call (844) 440-8503 for information on Stem Cell Therapy.

By: Dr. Lox

See the original post here:
Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial - Video


Congenital Hypotonia | Stem Cell Treatment | My Story – Video

September 5th, 2014 12:42 am

Congenital Hypotonia | Stem Cell Treatment | My Story
Saif and his mother, like many other families, were left with no hope after Saif was diagnosed with Benign Congenital Hypotonia, a muscle weakness disease similar to Muscular Dystrophy. Local...

By: Repair Stem Cells

Visit link:
Congenital Hypotonia | Stem Cell Treatment | My Story - Video


3 Sep 2014 cryogenically stored stem cells but are they worth it? #multiplesclerosis – Video

September 5th, 2014 12:42 am

3 Sep 2014 cryogenically stored stem cells but are they worth it? #multiplesclerosis
http://facebook.com/MSVideoDiary I posted a link earlier to an article claiming that a cure is close but I hear that all the time! and one part of the articl...

By: Andy Bailey

See original here:
3 Sep 2014 cryogenically stored stem cells but are they worth it? #multiplesclerosis - Video


Long term Culture of Haematopoietic Stem cells and Red blood Cells Production – Video

September 5th, 2014 12:42 am

Long term Culture of Haematopoietic Stem cells and Red blood Cells Production
Reprogramming human leukocytes into haematopoietic stem cells capable of generating red blood cells and Platelets in long term culture via a process of retro...

By: Ilham Abuljadayel

See the article here:
Long term Culture of Haematopoietic Stem cells and Red blood Cells Production - Video


biology stem cells – Video

September 5th, 2014 12:42 am

biology stem cells

By: Carlos Bonilla

Read more:
biology stem cells - Video


Rudolf Jaenisch Ice Bucket Challenge – Video

September 5th, 2014 12:42 am

Rudolf Jaenisch Ice Bucket Challenge
ISSCR President Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, takes the #IceBucketChallenge and nominates three former ISSCR presidents, Dr. Fred Gage, Salk Institute for...

By: International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)

See the original post:
Rudolf Jaenisch Ice Bucket Challenge - Video


Stem cell medicine – Worldnews.com

September 4th, 2014 1:41 pm

Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine

http://www.ucsf.edu/news/2012/11/13181/stem-cell-banks-envisioned-regenerative-medicine Stem cell banks might one day be used to meet the tissue-transplant n...

Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Lawrence Goldstein, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and the Department of Neuroscie...

What are stem cells? - An short educational film by the Irish Stem Cell Foundation Stem cells are master cells of the body want to learn more? Visit http://www.ir...

Professor Arnold Caplan of Case Western Reserve University is widely regarded as "The Father of the Mesenchymal Stem Cell". This lecture is a "must see" for ...

Annotations are not working so those will be added later. Shirts and Stuff http://www.zazzle.com/qdragon Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/BrainstormS...

Doug Melton talks about the potential of stem cell biology for regenerative medicine, with a focus on finding new treatments for diseases such as diabetes. Doug Melton is Xander University Professor and Co-Director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Dr. Damon Noto at Spine and Joint Center in New Jersey offers cutting-edge, non-invasive regenerative medicine including stem cell treatment and PRP to treat...

The good part about getting older is that we gain some wisdom and patience. The bad part is that our bodies start to wear out. But what if we could revitaliz...

TEDxPhoenix 2009 presents Dr. Jane Maienschein, Professor of Biology, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University. http://www.tedxphoenix.com Needless ...

More here:
Stem cell medicine - Worldnews.com


New protagonist in cell reprogramming discovered

September 4th, 2014 1:41 pm



Contact: Laia Cendrs laia.cendros@crg.eu 34-933-160-237 Center for Genomic Regulation

This news release is available in Spanish.

The protein Nanog, a transcription factor, is key to maintaining stem cells in a pluripotent state. Researchers from the Centre for Genomic Regulation have been investigating the role of this protein, and have just published an article in the prestigious journal Cell Reports where they reveal the mechanism whereby Nanog acts. The scientists have discovered that Nanog involves other agents and they have been able to detail their dynamics. In particular, by studying another protein that is also involved in cell reprogramming (beta-catenin) they have been able to improve the knowledge of Nanog's functioning.

Cell renewal is a natural process that takes place constantly in our body. For this to happen, we have stem cells that are responsible for generating new cells to replenish and renew those that die. Stem cells give rise to undifferentiated pluripotent cells which have the ability to become any cell type. These pluripotent cells follow a differentiation path towards specialisation, which can produce any cell type from neurones to skin.

The scientists want to understand the mechanisms that allow stem cells to either differentiate or remain pluripotent. There are also many studies that seek to reverse this process, to enable already differentiated cells to be reprogrammed and become pluripotent. Knowing all the players in these processes is of vital importance for understanding how stem cells work and allowing progress in regenerative medicine.

"We knew that Nanog was somehow involved in keeping stem cells pluripotent; now we know which mechanism it uses and we understand better how it works", explains Luca Marucci, one of the authors of the work from the cell reprogramming and regeneration laboratory at the CRG, led by researcher Pia Cosma. "Studying this process has allowed us to discover not only Nanog's key role in reprogramming, but also the dynamics of another protein, known as beta-catenin. We now know that beta-catenin, just like Nanog, continuously fluctuates in the cell and does not only appear when reprogramming is activated", adds Elisa Pedone, co-author of the work from the same laboratory.

In order to understand and define parameters for the activity of both proteins, the researchers have developed a mathematical model that could explain this dynamic. The model could be useful for understanding the behaviour of these proteins in the cell both over time and in different situations.

We are talking about a basic discovery on the functioning and dynamics of stem cell reprogramming. An ever-more studied process that holds great hope for the medicine of the future. The laboratory at the Centre for Genomic Regulation led by the ICREA research professor, Pia Cosma, is making a definitive contribution to this knowledge. Her group looks at basic mechanisms that orchestrate cell differentiation and reprogramming, right up to concrete reprogramming methods for repairing damage in certain tissues.

New protagonist in cell reprogramming discovered


FDA on alternative regenerative med

September 4th, 2014 1:40 pm

This has reference to the article titled Regenerative medicinean alternative to facelifts and surgery by Alex Y. Vergara (Lifestyle Wellness section, 6/17/14).

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has noted that the procedureautologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections and cell therapy injections that involve cell extracts taken from sheep and rabbit fetuses featured in the article, i.e., getting the patients blood, processing it, and once the blood is processed, injecting its growth factors back to the patients anesthetized faceare analogous to stem cell procedure.

PRP and cell therapy injections are outside the initial three standard healthcare procedures recognized by the FDA, namely: hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, corneal resurfacing with limbal stem cells, and skin regeneration with epidermal stem cells.

The article also featured Swiss-made cellular products (known as MFIII Nano Cell Extracts and

Myopep Peptide Therapy) which are claimed to decrease fat buildup and to contour the body.

It must be stressed that the recognized skin regeneration procedure applies only to skin grafting for burn patients and not for any antiaging indications or aesthetic reason as featured in the subject news item.

To date, no human cells, tissues and cellular- and tissue-based products (HCT/Ps) are currently registered with the FDA; hence, any information on products and treatments which claims to use stem cells and the likewhether the information is in the form of an advertisement or information materialsis illegal as this could mislead the public on the standard of safety, efficacy and quality of the FDA-recognized HCT/P.

FDA highly recognizes the role of the media in promoting the consumers basic right to information. But it is our responsibility to give the consumers accurate facts and correct information to enable them to make an informed choice and be free from exploitation.



Read the original post:
FDA on alternative regenerative med


Can Extended Breastfeeding stem cells Cure Autism 2014 – Video

September 4th, 2014 2:50 am

Can Extended Breastfeeding stem cells Cure Autism 2014

By: Breast Feeding Official

More here:
Can Extended Breastfeeding stem cells Cure Autism 2014 - Video


Dr Adam Miller Talks Modern Medicine – Video

September 4th, 2014 2:50 am

Dr Adam Miller Talks Modern Medicine
Dr. Miller has experience as an oral and facial cosmetic surgeon, sleep apnea specialist, skin cancer expert, and is stem cell/ regenerative medicine and Age Management certified. He helped...

By: adam miller

Read this article:
Dr Adam Miller Talks Modern Medicine - Video


Latest Study on Stem Cell Therapy Shows Promising Signs of Recovery for Stroke Patients and Support for StemGenex …

September 3rd, 2014 12:48 pm

La Jolla, CA (PRWEB) September 03, 2014

A new study, published on Aug. 8th, 2014 in Stem Cells Translational Medicine, has shown the positive effect stem cell therapy has had on a group of patients only 6 months after their treatment. Researchers observed significant improvements in disease-related complications in each of the 5 patients included in the study. Post-treatment brain scans of each patient revealed that stroke-related damage was reduced over time. Further, at six-month follow-ups patients demonstrated improvements in standard measures of stroke-related disability and impairment.

Researchers are being cautiously optimistic when considering these results. Similar improvements are often seen in stroke patients as part of the normal recovery process and state that more thorough studies will need to be completed. Nonetheless, the findings are absolutely astounding as the five patients included in this study suffered severe strokes. Four out of five of the patients had the most serious type of stroke. Normally only 4% of these patients survive and are able to live independently after six months of a stroke occurrence.

Clinical studies for stem cell treatment are currently being offered by StemGenex to patients diagnosed with Stroke and other degenerative neurological diseases. Innovation is truly a driving force for StemGenex. Stroke Patients who receive stem cell treatment through StemGenex receive multiple therapeutic modalities they simply cannot find elsewhere under one roof, said Jeremiah McDole, Director of Scientific Research and Development at StemGenex. Offering targeted therapies that deliver stem cells past the blood brain barrier is essential to providing effective treatment for patients with neurological disorders.

StemGenex takes a unique approach of compassion and empowerment while providing access to the latest stem cell therapies for degenerative neurological diseases including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons Alzheimers disease, and others. Rita Alexander, founder of StemGenex and the companys first stem cell patient, insists that all patients be treated like they are one of our loved ones. Hope, compassion, and the relentless pursuit for an end to these diseases are the primary focus.

To find out more about stem cell therapy, contact StemGenex either by phone at (800) 609-7795 or email Contact@stemgenex.com

Excerpt from:
Latest Study on Stem Cell Therapy Shows Promising Signs of Recovery for Stroke Patients and Support for StemGenex ...


Reneuron tests stem cell stroke treatment

September 3rd, 2014 12:48 pm

The treatment involves injecting up to 20 million stem cells into patients' brains. It was tested on patients at Glasgow's Southern General Hospital in 2012.

The Surrey-based company said it would work at 10 sites across the UK, including the Southern General, on a Phase II efficacy study of the ReN001 treatment involving 41 patients.

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The treatment is designed to deliver a meaningful improvement in upper limb function in disabled stroke patients.

In May, the company said data from a long-term follow- up involving 11 patients included in a Phase I safety study of ReN001 at the Glasgow hospital observed sustained reductions in neurological impairment and spasticity in most patients. No cell-related or immunological adverse events were reported .

Yesterday, Reneuron said it has also started a Phase I safety study at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee of its ReN009 therapy for people with lower limb ischaemia. It will involve nine patients.

Reneuron says the disease is common in patients with diabetes and can lead to amputation of the limb.

See more here:
Reneuron tests stem cell stroke treatment


IMG 4815 – Video

September 3rd, 2014 11:41 am

IMG 4815
Hayden PT eval before stem cells June.

By: Adrienne Trigg

See the rest here:
IMG 4815 - Video


IMG 4877 – Video

September 3rd, 2014 11:41 am

IMG 4877
Hayden fine motor OT eval post stem cells.

By: Adrienne Trigg

See the original post:
IMG 4877 - Video


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