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Stem Cell Therapy | why no more news about embryonic stem cells – Video

September 19th, 2014 4:42 pm

Stem Cell Therapy | why no more news about embryonic stem cells
http://www.arthritistreatmentcenter.com Is embryonic stem cell research passe? Next How come no more news about embryonic stem cells? Embryonic stem cells come from human embryos and these...

By: Nathan Wei

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Stem Cell Therapy | why no more news about embryonic stem cells - Video


Stem cells use ‘first aid kits’ to repair damage

September 19th, 2014 4:42 pm



Contact: Louise Walsh louise.walsh@admin.cam.ac.uk 44-012-237-65443 University of Cambridge @Cambridge_Uni

Stem cells hold great promise as a means of repairing cells in conditions such as multiple sclerosis, stroke or injuries of the spinal cord because they have the ability to develop into almost any cell type. Now, new research shows that stem cell therapy can also work through a mechanism other than cell replacement.

In a study published today in Molecular Cell, a team of researchers led by the University of Cambridge has shown that stem cells "communicate" with cells by transferring molecules via fluid filled bags called vesicles, helping other cells to modify the damaging immune response around them.

Although scientists have speculated that stem cells might act rather like drugs in sensing signals, moving to specific areas of the body and executing complex reactions this is the first time that a molecular mechanism for this process has been demonstrated. By understanding this process better, researchers can identify ways of maximising the efficiency of stem-cell-based therapies.

Dr Stefano Pluchino from the Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, who led the study, said: "These tiny vesicles in stem cells contain molecules like proteins and nucleic acids that stimulate the target cells and help them to survive they act like mini "first aid kits".

"Essentially, they mirror how the stem cells respond to an inflammatory environment like that seen during complex neural injuries and diseases, and they pass this ability on to the target cells. We think this helps injured brain cells to repair themselves."

Mice with damage to brain cells such as the damage seen in multiple sclerosis show a remarkable level of recovery when neural stem/precursor cells (NPCs) are injected into their circulatory system. It has been suggested that this happens because the NPCs discharge molecules that regulate the immune system and that ultimately reduce tissue damage or enhance tissue repair.

The team of researchers from the UK, Australia, Italy, China and Spain has now shown that NPCs make vesicles when they are in the vicinity of an immune response, and especially in response to a small protein, or cytokine, called Interferon-gamma which is released by immune cells. This protein has the ability to regulate both the immune responses and intrinsic brain repair programmes and can alter the function of cells by regulating the activity of scores of genes.

More here:
Stem cells use 'first aid kits' to repair damage


Autologous Retrodifferentiated Neuronal stem cells therapy for Cerebral Palsy – Video

September 19th, 2014 4:41 pm

Autologous Retrodifferentiated Neuronal stem cells therapy for Cerebral Palsy
cerebral palsy child treated with autologous retrodifferentiated neuronal stem cells and followed over time to see progress of therap ...

By: Ilham Abuljadayel

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Autologous Retrodifferentiated Neuronal stem cells therapy for Cerebral Palsy - Video


Blazin’ For Rikky 2014 – Video

September 19th, 2014 4:41 pm

Blazin #39; For Rikky 2014
A kid that was told he would never walk, and with the miracle of stem cells he just may get that chance! When we were 20 weeks pregnant and the Spina Bifida was seen on the ultrasound, our...

By: Heath Reese

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Blazin' For Rikky 2014 - Video


Kickstarter Promo Update Sept 15 2014 – Stem Cell Treatment for Hope, Love and Freedom – Video

September 19th, 2014 4:41 pm

Kickstarter Promo Update Sept 15 2014 - Stem Cell Treatment for Hope, Love and Freedom
Hello my name is Sonny, I was born with a nerve disease, a genetic mutation that causes the muscles in my arms, hands, legs and feet to atrophy and to become weak. I now have perfect legs....for...

By: Sonny Davis

See the rest here:
Kickstarter Promo Update Sept 15 2014 - Stem Cell Treatment for Hope, Love and Freedom - Video


Stem cell harvesting methods used by Sydney doctor Ralph Bright untested by clinical trials

September 18th, 2014 10:40 am

ABC Ralph Bright harvests stem cells using the liposuction.

Serious questions have been raised about a stem cell doctor working in Western Sydney who charges $9,000 per procedure and uses methods that are untested by clinical trials.

An investigation by the ABC's 7.30 program has revealed that Dr Ralph Bright bought his liposuction-based technology from an American company.

The US company is now the subject of a multi-million dollar fraud action, which has revealed the cells being marketed as live were in fact dead.

Dr Bright, of Macquarie Stem Cells, is a former GP and self-taught cosmetic surgeon.

He has been working with stem cells for four years, treating more than 400 patients, including the late model Charlotte Dawson, cricketer Geoff Lawson and Olympic volleyballer Kerri Pottharst.

Dr Bright has licensed his methods to other practitioners around the country and because they use the patients' own cells he is not regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Stem cells are often hailed as a miracle cure, but the nation's top stem cell scientists are warning that buyers should beware of these sorts of procedures, which are yet to be subjected to clinical trials.

Professor of Stem Cell Science at the University of Melbourne, Martin Pera, said almost all stem cell therapy was experimental.

"Actually, this whole science of cell therapy is relatively new and it's very, very important to understand that," he said.

Continue reading here:
Stem cell harvesting methods used by Sydney doctor Ralph Bright untested by clinical trials


Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis – Video

September 17th, 2014 4:41 pm

Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
http://msrelief.com According to Dr. Balshi, multiple sclerosis is not a stem cell disease so the stem cells are not affected by MS. Stem cells can be harvested from the fat, activated with...

By: Choose JOY MS Relief

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Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis - Video


Best Eye Cream For Wrinkles based on the power of stem cells – Video

September 17th, 2014 4:41 pm

Best Eye Cream For Wrinkles based on the power of stem cells
http://thebesteyecreamforwrinkles.com/subscribe/ Best Eye Cream For Wrinkles based on the power of stem cells, so you can experience all the beauty of luminous eyes without dark circles wrinkle...

By: TheBestEyeCreamForWrinkles

See the rest here:
Best Eye Cream For Wrinkles based on the power of stem cells - Video


Stem Cell Testimonials Intro – Video

September 16th, 2014 5:41 pm

Stem Cell Testimonials Intro
A quick glimpse at what some of our patients experience with Beike #39;s adult stem cells at our partner treatment center Better Being Hospital! http://www.stemcelltreatmentnow.com http://www.betterbeingthailand.com.

By: Beike Biotech

Read the original here:
Stem Cell Testimonials Intro - Video


Laminine Testimonials stroke – Video

September 16th, 2014 5:46 am

Laminine Testimonials stroke
Laminine is availabe in the Philippines!!! "The Closest Alternative To Stem Cell Therapy..." "The miracle formula from a 9-day-old fertilized hen eggs" For More Info About Laminine, How a...

By: Karl Angelo Alipin

More here:
Laminine Testimonials stroke - Video


Laminine Testimonial-kidney failure – Video

September 16th, 2014 5:46 am

Laminine Testimonial-kidney failure
Laminine is availabe in the Philippines!!! "The Closest Alternative To Stem Cell Therapy..." "The miracle formula from a 9-day-old fertilized hen eggs" For More Info About Laminine, How a...

By: Karl Angelo Alipin

Visit link:
Laminine Testimonial-kidney failure - Video


Trials and tribulations of stem cell therapy

September 16th, 2014 5:46 am

Edgar Irastorza was just 31 when his heart stopped beating in October 2008.

A Miami property manager, break-dancer and former high school wrestler, Irastorza had recently gained weight as his wife's third pregnancy progressed. "I kind of got pregnant, too," he said.

During a workout one day, he felt short of breath and insisted that friends rush him to the hospital. Minutes later, his pulse flatlined.

He survived the heart attack, but the scar tissue that resulted cut his heart's pumping ability by a third. He couldn't pick up his children. He couldn't dance. He fell asleep every night wondering if he would wake up in the morning.

Desperation motivated Irastorza to volunteer for a highly unusual medical research trial: getting stem cells injected directly into his heart.

"I just trusted my doctors and the science behind it, and said, 'This is my only chance,'" he said recently.

Over the past five years, by studying stem cells in lab dishes, test animals and intrepid patients like Irastorza, researchers have brought the vague, grandiose promises of stem cell therapies closer to reality.

Stem cells broke into the public consciousness in the early 1990s, alluring for their potential to help the body beat back diseases of degeneration like Alzheimer's, and to grow new parts to treat conditions like spinal cord injuries.

Progress has been slow. The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, an early supporter of stem cell research, pulled its financial backing two years ago, saying that it preferred to invest in research that was closer to providing immediate help for Parkinson's disease patients.

But researchers have been slowly learning how to best use stem cells, what types to use and how to deliver them to the body - findings that are not singularly transformational, but progressive and pragmatic.

Here is the original post:
Trials and tribulations of stem cell therapy


Global And China Stem Cell Industry Size 2014 Market Analysis, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017: MarketResearchReports …

September 16th, 2014 5:46 am

Albany, NY (PRWEB) September 15, 2014

Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide (through mitosis) to produce more stem cells. Stem cell therapy can be applied to treatment of cardiovascular diseases, leukemia (a kind of hematological system disease), nervous system diseases, damage or lesion of liver, kidney and other parenchymal organs, etc..

View Full Report at http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/analysis/223134

Currently, cord blood bank is the fastest-growing and relatively mature market amid stem cell upstream sectors and even the whole industry chain. In 2005, there were 23 cord blood banks worldwide and in 2013 the figure exceeded 480. Global cord blood stem cell (CBSC) storage companies can be roughly divided into two categories: the ones running in a globalized business model, such as Cryo-Cell International and Esperite (formerly known as Cryo-Save Group), and the others giving priority to regional operation e.g. Zhongyuan Union Stem Cell Bioengineering (VCANBIO), Golden Meditech and LifeCell International. However, the companies mainly engaged in cord blood bank business are currently small in scale, only a few with more than 500,000 clients.

Download Detail Report With Complete TOC at http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/sample/223134

The stem cell technology and product research-oriented midstream sector is in its infancy, mostly concentrated in few countries like Europe, America and South Korea. At present, most companies in the industry chain are basically in the red for years running due to huge R&D costs. Nevertheless, attracted by the tremendous market potential in the area of stem cell therapy and enjoying the great encouragement from government policies (e.g. capital subsidy) and the capital support of significant cooperative partners, very few companies have dropped out.

Browse All Published Reports by Same Publisher at http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/publisher/67

Up to now, altogether 9 sorts of stem cell products have been approved worldwide, 3 of which are in the category of stem cell drugs developed by S. Korean companies, such as MEDIPOSTs adult stem cell drug CARTISTEM for osteoarthritis treatment and the stem cell product Prochymal (MEDIPOST obtained the product via acquiring the Therapeutics business of Osiris Therapeutics) direct at treating children suffering acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

In the meantime, traditional pharmaceutical giants like Novartis are setting about quickly accessing the field through mergers and acquisitions. On Aug. 19, 2014, Novartis reached an acquisition agreement with Gamida Cell (a corporate dedicated to stem cell technology R&D and its application in stem cell transplantation for leukemia patients), which specified that Novartis spend USD35 million in acquiring 15% equity in the latter and win the option to take over the remaining equity in two years with USD165 million; in Sep. 2013, Novartis also entered a cooperation with Regenerex to jointly develop the hematopoietic stem cell platform FCRx of the latter.

Related Reports

Excerpt from:
Global And China Stem Cell Industry Size 2014 Market Analysis, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017: MarketResearchReports ...


Significant milestone in stem cell research at The Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council institute

September 14th, 2014 9:40 pm


Scientists are celebrating a breakthrough in stem cell research.

A type of human stem cell has been replicated in a lab for the first time in history.

The cells, previously impossible to duplicate, have been recreated to the equivalent of those between seven and nine days old the same as found in an embryo before it implants in the womb.

The creation of the human pluripotent cells opens a door for specialised cells to be created in the future for use in regenerative medicine.

The Wellcome Trust - Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute led the research, which was carried out by both British and Japanese academics.

Professor Austin Smith, director, said: "Our findings suggest that it is possible to rewind the clock to achieve true ground state pluripotency in human cells.

"These cells may represent the real starting point for formation of tissues in the human embryo. We hope that in time they will allow us to unlock the fundamental biology of early development, which is impossible to study directly in people."

The "reset" cells could be used as "raw material" for therapies, as well as diagnostic tools and drug screenings.

Scientists also hope that after further studying, the cells will help them learn more about how an embryo develops correctly, and how miscarriages and developmental disorders are caused.

Original post:
Significant milestone in stem cell research at The Wellcome Trust - Medical Research Council institute


Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis – Video

September 14th, 2014 9:40 pm

Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis
Ross Hauser, MD explains Stem Cell Prolotherapy using whole bone marrow. If you have osteoarthritis and are interested in how stem cell therapy may help you, we would love to see you in one...

By: Caring Medical and Rehabilitation Services

Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis - Video


Spinal cord injury – Case Study- Stem cell therapy- Giostar – Video

September 14th, 2014 9:40 pm

Spinal cord injury - Case Study- Stem cell therapy- Giostar
a brief introduction to Giostar and its Stem cell therapy Dr.Divyang Patel (MD) a spine surgeon at Giostar- INDIA, briefs about a case of cervical spine injury, which is also examined by a...

By: Devang Parmar

The rest is here:
Spinal cord injury - Case Study- Stem cell therapy- Giostar - Video


08. AMD Day – Can I have stem cells for AMD? – Video

September 14th, 2014 10:43 am

08. AMD Day - Can I have stem cells for AMD?
AMD Day - Sat 5 July, QEIICC, London Professor James Bainbridge (UCL and Moorfields) outlines some of the work going on in the field of stem cells and the potential for developing stem cell...

By: UCL EyeTherapy

Here is the original post:
08. AMD Day - Can I have stem cells for AMD? - Video


Knee arthritis one year after bone marrow stem cells by Harry Adelson, N.D. – Video

September 13th, 2014 4:44 am

Knee arthritis one year after bone marrow stem cells by Harry Adelson, N.D.
Christine discusses her results of her stem cell injection by Dr Harry Adelson for her arthritic knees http://www.docereclinics.com.

By: Harry Adelson, N.D.

Originally posted here:
Knee arthritis one year after bone marrow stem cells by Harry Adelson, N.D. - Video



September 13th, 2014 4:44 am

Global Institute of Stem cell Therapy and Research - GIOSTAR Introduction to Stem Cell Therapy, and Dr.Anand Shrivastava - Chairman Co-founder of GIOSTAR.

By: Devang Parmar




September 12th, 2014 11:53 pm

Global Institute of Stem cell Therapy and Research - GIOSTAR Introduction to Stem Cell Therapy, and Dr.Anand Shrivastava - Chairman Co-founder of GIOSTAR.

By: Devang Parmar

See the original post here:


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