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Stem Cell Therapy Now Being Offered for NonHealing Wounds at Telehealth’s Three Regenerative Medicine Clinics

March 18th, 2015 5:48 am

Orange, California (PRWEB) March 17, 2015

The top stem cell therapy clinics in California, Telehealth, are now offering treatment for nonhealing wounds at three locations. The stem cell therapy for wound healing is being offered by Board Certified doctors at three separate locations in Orange, La Jolla and Upland. Call (888) 828-4575 for more information and scheduling.

Patients with diabetes, neuropathy and autoimmune disorders often find it difficult to heal even minor wounds. This may lead to diabetic ulcers and infections in the soft tissue and/or bone. At times, even the most rigorous conventional wound care fails to heal wounds sufficiently.

At Telehealth, stem cell therapy for nonhealing wounds has been showing exceptional results. Wounds that had basically been unresponsive to traditional methods have displayed quick results with healing when the procedures are performed. The regenerative medicine treatments involve either bone marrow derived stem cells or amniotic derived stem cells. Additional, PRP therapy is included in the treatment at times when necessary.

Along with helping to heal difficult wounds, stem cell therapy is also available for degenerative arthritis, chronic tendonitis, rotator cuff tears, ligament injuries, migraines and much more. Treatments are offered in Orange, Upland and a new La Jolla location by Board Certified doctors with extensive experience.

Most treatments are partially covered by insurance, which helps considerably to keep cost down. Call (888) 828-4575 for more information and scheduling.

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Stem Cell Therapy Now Being Offered for NonHealing Wounds at Telehealth's Three Regenerative Medicine Clinics


The Ethics of Stem Cells – Video

March 17th, 2015 6:43 pm

The Ethics of Stem Cells
In this video produced by ConnectEd California, Professor Charis Thompson from UC Berkeley explains the ethics debate surrounding stem cell research and what...

By: California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

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The Ethics of Stem Cells - Video


Stem Cell Therapy- Sci Video2 – Video

March 17th, 2015 6:41 pm

Stem Cell Therapy- Sci Video2
Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/join -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool...

By: Georgia McDonald

Here is the original post:
Stem Cell Therapy- Sci Video2 - Video


Dr. Nathan Newman – Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine – Video

March 17th, 2015 6:41 pm

Dr. Nathan Newman - Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Nathan Newman is a Board Certified Dermatologist, a Cosmetic Surgeon, and a pioneer in stem cell therapy and Regenerative Medicine. He is world-renowned for his ground-breaking Stem Cell...

By: 110Seconds

Here is the original post:
Dr. Nathan Newman - Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine - Video


Beware stem cell therapy for lung disease

March 17th, 2015 3:44 am

Clinics in other countries for some time have promised dramatic results in the treatment of lung disease, primarily emphysema, through the use of autologous stem cells obtained from the patient. The stem cells are extracted from adipose (fat) tissue, treated and then injected into the patient. The cells then supposedly go to work regenerating and replacing the damaged lung tissue.

Several of this type of clinic are now popping up in parts of the United States, mostly in California and Florida. Their advertisements are filled with testimonials from patients, extolling the virtues of the treatments. The treatments are quite expensive, and would be an absolute godsend for the 30 million Americans who suffer from some stage of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). If they worked.

Trouble is, none of these clinics or their treatments are approved by the FDA, and the only proof of their effectiveness is anecdotal, coming from selected customers.

Anyone with a chronic, progressive disease, such as COPD, will usually find themselves in a situation of desperation, eager to embrace any promises of a cure. I have been there, and it is a terrible situation.

Sadly, further research shows that institutions that are working on stem cell therapy for lungs unanimously agree that the successful regeneration of human lung tissue is likely decades away. Dr. Hatch, a British researcher, states that he may be able to announce success in about 20 years. Boston University states that stem cell treatment for lungs may be available for our grandchildren or great-grandchildren.

Even the Center for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest, which has successfully built working bladders and other of the simpler internal organs, states that we are likely 20 years away from creating a lung.

There have always been those who would separate us from our money with promises of cures of everything from cancer to male pattern baldness. Please beware.

Jim Nelson is a former Glenwood Springs resident who works with regional and national cardiovascular and lung organizations.

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Beware stem cell therapy for lung disease


How stem cells work – Class Project – Video

March 16th, 2015 5:42 pm

How stem cells work - Class Project

By: Spider- Marcos

See original here:
How stem cells work - Class Project - Video


U.S. researchers succeed in repairing corneas using dental stem cells – Video

March 16th, 2015 5:40 pm

U.S. researchers succeed in repairing corneas using dental stem cells
Scientists in the U.S. believe stem cells inside your teeth could one day help repair injured corneas, a problem that affects millions of people around the world. Whats promising is that...


Go here to read the rest:
U.S. researchers succeed in repairing corneas using dental stem cells - Video


Nova Cells Institute treatment Report, stem cell therapy, 562-916-3410 – Video

March 16th, 2015 5:40 pm

Nova Cells Institute treatment Report, stem cell therapy, 562-916-3410
Nova Cells Institute stem cell treatment report shows success with spina bifida, lewy body dementia, cancer patients and more - visit http://www.novacellsinstitute.com to learn more.


See original here:
Nova Cells Institute treatment Report, stem cell therapy, 562-916-3410 - Video


Orthopedic Stem Cell Therapy – Queens, New York – Video

March 16th, 2015 5:40 pm

Orthopedic Stem Cell Therapy - Queens, New York
Benjamin Bieber MD of #CrossBayPMR in Howard Beach, New York has had great success with #stemcell therapy using your own fat cells. Avoid invasive #jointreplacement surgery and get back to...

By: Cross Bay Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, P.C.

Read the original here:
Orthopedic Stem Cell Therapy - Queens, New York - Video


Jeremy’s Stem cell therapy journey – Video

March 16th, 2015 5:40 pm

Jeremy #39;s Stem cell therapy journey
This is a video about stem cells and stem cell therapy. Created by #39;Vivienne Armstrong #39;.-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/join -- Create animated videos and...

By: Vivi Armstrong

See the rest here:
Jeremy's Stem cell therapy journey - Video


Welcome Lissa Sears to our JEUNESSE TEAM! – Video

March 15th, 2015 6:43 am

Welcome Lissa Sears to our JEUNESSE TEAM!
JEUNESSE Global is a skincare company offering much more than any other company and here is why: Dr. Nathan Newman has a patent-pending formula using ADULT STEM CELLS which are the ...

By: Laura Jensen

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Welcome Lissa Sears to our JEUNESSE TEAM! - Video


The New Botox: Stem Cell Therapy Cream Reviews – Video

March 14th, 2015 6:48 pm

The New Botox: Stem Cell Therapy Cream Reviews
http://buildingabrandonline.com/buildabrandwithjamalspikes/what-is-jeunesse/ The New Botox: Stem Cell Therapy Cream Reviews Stem cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat or prevent a...

By: Jamal Spikes

See the original post:
The New Botox: Stem Cell Therapy Cream Reviews - Video


620 WDAE, Dennis M. Lox M.D., Ron Diaz, Ian Beckles – Video

March 14th, 2015 5:46 pm

620 WDAE, Dennis M. Lox M.D., Ron Diaz, Ian Beckles
620 WDAE Radio, Ian Beckles, Ron Diaz and Dennis M. Lox M.D. talk about Ian Beckles Stem Cells Procedure and how well they performed for him. Dennis M. Lox M.D. Clearwater, FL 33765-3117 ...

By: Dr. Lox

Read the rest here:
620 WDAE, Dennis M. Lox M.D., Ron Diaz, Ian Beckles - Video


[Youth Enhancement System] Dr Nathan Newman – Stem Cell Technology by JEUNESSE – Video

March 14th, 2015 5:46 pm

[Youth Enhancement System] Dr Nathan Newman - Stem Cell Technology by JEUNESSE
Get Yours Now: http://www.owenpin.jeunesseglobal.com/PersonalCare.aspx?id=1 Learn How to Use This POWERFUL TOOL to Build Your Stream of Passive Income. Fill the form below: ...

By: Super Shaun

Here is the original post:
[Youth Enhancement System] Dr Nathan Newman - Stem Cell Technology by JEUNESSE - Video


Miracle stem cell therapy reverses multiple sclerosis – Video

March 14th, 2015 5:44 am

Miracle stem cell therapy reverses multiple sclerosis
Latest research on stem cell therapy in curing MS.

By: Dulci Hill

Excerpt from:
Miracle stem cell therapy reverses multiple sclerosis - Video


Cell Therapy – American Cancer Society

March 14th, 2015 5:44 am

Other common name(s): cellular therapy, fresh cell therapy, live cell therapy, glandular therapy, xenotransplant therapy

Scientific/medical name(s): none

In cell therapy, processed tissue from the organs, embryos, or fetuses of animals such as sheep or cows is injected into patients. Cell therapy is promoted as an alternative form of cancer treatment.

Cell therapy as described here is different from the many types of cell therapy that are available as part of proven cancer treatment, such as hematopoietic stem cell transplant and prostate cancer treatment that uses modified human cells. Research continues in this area.

Available scientific evidence does not support claims that cell therapy is effective in treating cancer or any other disease. Serious side effects can result from cell therapy. It may in fact be lethalseveral deaths have been reported. It is important to distinguish between this alternative method involving animal cells and mainstream cancer treatments that use human cells, such as bone marrow transplantation.

In cell therapy, live or freeze-dried cells or pieces of cells from the healthy organs, fetuses, or embryos of animals such as sheep or cows are injected into patients. This is supposed to repair cellular damage and heal sick or failing organs. Cell therapy is promoted as an alternative therapy for cancer, arthritis, heart disease, Down syndrome, and Parkinson disease.

Cell therapy is also marketed to counter the effects of aging, reverse degenerative diseases, improve general health, increase vitality and stamina, and enhance sexual function. Some practitioners have proposed using cell therapy to treat AIDS patients.

The theory behind cell therapy is that the healthy animal cells injected into the body can find their way to weak or damaged organs of the same type and stimulate the body's own healing process. The choice of the type of cells to use depends on which organ is having the problem. For instance, a patient with a diseased liver may receive injections of animal liver cells. Most cell therapists today use cells taken from taken from the tissue of animal embryos.

Supporters assert that after the cells are injected into the body, they are transported directly to where they are most needed. They claim that embryonic and fetal animal tissue contains therapeutic agents that can repair damage and stimulate the immune system, thereby helping cells in the body heal.

The alternative treatment cell therapy is very different from some forms of proven therapy that use live human cells. Bone marrow transplants infuse blood stem cellsfrom the patient or a carefully matched donorafter the patients own bone marrow cells have been destroyed. Studies have shown that bone marrow transplants are effective in helping to treat several types of cancer. In another accepted procedure, damaged knee cartilage can be repaired by taking cartilage cells from the patient's knee, carefully growing them in the laboratory, and then injecting them back into the joint. Approaches involving transplants of other types of human stem cells are being studied as a possible way to replace damaged nerve or heart muscle cells, but these approaches are still experimental.

Continued here:
Cell Therapy - American Cancer Society


Hip and shoulder arthritis six months after bone marrow stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson ND – Video

March 13th, 2015 1:41 pm

Hip and shoulder arthritis six months after bone marrow stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson ND
Mareen describes her outcome six months after her bone marrow stem cell treatment by Harry Adelson ND for arthritis of her hip and shoulder http://www.docereclinics.com.

By: Harry Adelson, N.D.

Read more:
Hip and shoulder arthritis six months after bone marrow stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson ND - Video


Stem Cell Research & Therapy | Full text | Amnion-derived …

March 13th, 2015 1:41 pm

Fauza D: Amniotic fluid and placental stem cells.

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2004, 18:877-891. PubMedAbstract | PublisherFullText

Parolini O, Alviano F, Bagnara GP, Bilic G, Bhring HJ, Evangelista M, Hennerbichler S, Liu B, Magatti M, Mao N, Miki T, Marongiu F, Nakajima H, Nikaido T, Portmann-Lanz CB, Sankar V, Soncini M, Stadler G, Surbek D, Takahashi TA, Redl H, Sakuragawa N, Wolbank S, Zeisberger S, Zisch A, Strom SC: Concise review: isolation and characterization of cells from human term placenta: outcome of the first international workshop on placenta derived stem cells.

Stem Cells 2008, 26:300-311. PubMedAbstract | PublisherFullText

Pozzobon M, Ghionzoli M, De Coppi P: ES, iPS, MSC, and AFS cells. Stem cells exploitation for Pediatric Surgery: current research and perspective.

Pediatr Surg Int 2010, 26:3-10. PubMedAbstract | PublisherFullText

Miki T, Marongiu F, Dorko K, Ellis EC, Strom SC: Isolation of amniotic epithelial stem cells.

Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol 2010, Chapter 1:Unit 1E 3. PubMedAbstract | PublisherFullText

Miki T, Strom SC: Amnion-derived pluripotent/multipotent stem cells.

Stem Cell Rev 2006, 2:133-142. PubMedAbstract | PublisherFullText

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Stem Cell Research & Therapy | Full text | Amnion-derived ...


High-Dose Immunosuppressive Therapy and Autologous …

March 13th, 2015 1:41 pm

Importance Most patients with relapsing-remitting (RR) multiple sclerosis (MS) who receive approved disease-modifying therapies experience breakthrough disease and accumulate neurologic disability. High-dose immunosuppressive therapy (HDIT) with autologous hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) may, in contrast, induce sustained remissions in early MS.

Objective To evaluate the safety, efficacy, and durability of MS disease stabilization through 3 years after HDIT/HCT.

Design, Setting, and Participants Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (HALT-MS) is an ongoing, multicenter, single-arm, phase 2 clinical trial of HDIT/HCT for patients with RRMS who experienced relapses with loss of neurologic function while receiving disease-modifying therapies during the 18 months before enrolling. Participants are evaluated through 5 years after HCT. This report is a prespecified, 3-year interim analysis of the trial. Thirty-six patients with RRMS from referral centers were screened; 25 were enrolled.

Interventions Autologous peripheral blood stem cell grafts were CD34+ selected; the participants then received high-dose treatment with carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine, and melphalan as well as rabbit antithymocyte globulin before autologous HCT.

Main Outcomes and Measures The primary end point of HALT-MS is event-free survival defined as survival without death or disease activity from any one of the following outcomes: (1) confirmed loss of neurologic function, (2) clinical relapse, or (3) new lesions observed on magnetic resonance imaging. Toxic effects are reported using National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events.

Results Grafts were collected from 25 patients, and 24 of these individuals received HDIT/HCT. The median follow-up period was 186 weeks (interquartile range, 176-250) weeks). Overall event-free survival was 78.4% (90% CI, 60.1%-89.0%) at 3 years. Progression-free survival and clinical relapse-free survival were 90.9% (90% CI, 73.7%-97.1%) and 86.3% (90% CI, 68.1%-94.5%), respectively, at 3 years. Adverse events were consistent with expected toxic effects associated with HDIT/HCT, and no acute treatment-related neurologic adverse events were observed. Improvements were noted in neurologic disability, quality-of-life, and functional scores.

Conclusions and Relevance At 3 years, HDIT/HCT without maintenance therapy was effective for inducing sustained remission of active RRMS and was associated with improvements in neurologic function. Treatment was associated with few serious early complications or unexpected adverse events.

High-Dose Immunosuppressive Therapy and Autologous ...


Biotech Stock Mailbag: Neuralstem, Genfit, Intercept, Amarin

March 13th, 2015 1:41 pm

BOSTON (TheStreet) --A question about Neuralstem (CUR - Get Report) and its stem-cell therapy for ALS kicks off this week's Biotech Stock Mailbag.

Steve writes, "If 47% of the people responded well and their progression of the disease slowed considerably, then I see this as a huge success for a disease with no cure. I don't have ALS or know anyone that does, but if I had it, I would immediately want the treatment knowing that there is a 47% chance that I will respond positively to it and it would DRASTICALLY slow the progression of the disease. Wouldn't you agree, or am I missing the point somewhere?"

Eight of the 15 (53%) ALS patients enrolled in the study saw their ALSFRS scores fall from an average of 40 to 14 over nine months. This is a rapid decline in muscle function and suggests NSI-566 accelerates the progression of ALS.

If you believe 47% of patients in the Neuralstem study benefit from NSI-566, you can't ignore the 53% of patients who fare far worse and may actually be harmed by the stem cell therapy.

See the original post:
Biotech Stock Mailbag: Neuralstem, Genfit, Intercept, Amarin


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