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Stem Cell Therapy Info – Stem Cell Treatment in Thailand …

May 29th, 2015 8:52 am

Cell Therapy & Stem Cell Boosting

Stem Cells have been used in medical applications for over 40 years. In most countries the use of these stem cells are an approved method of treating various hematological conditions such as Leukemia and Aplastic Anemia.

Stem cells are biological cells found in all multi-cellular organisms, that can divide through mitosis and differentiate into diverse specialized cell types and can self renew to produce more stem cells. In mammals, there are two broad types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells that are isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, and adult stem cells that are found in various tissues. In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing adult tissues.

- Plasticity: Potential to change into other cell types like nerve cells

- Homing: To travel to the site of tissue damage

- Engraftment: To unite with other tissues

See the original post here:
Stem Cell Therapy Info - Stem Cell Treatment in Thailand ...


Benefits and Controversy Over Embryonic Stem Cell Research

May 29th, 2015 8:52 am

The use of embryonic stem cells has been highly-publicized and is controversial. Most of the current methods used to harvest embryonic stem cells destroy the embryo. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent stem cells that differentiate into all of the specific cell types that make up the human body. Adult stem cells, or multipotent stem cells, refers to those found throughout the human body, which are part of the natural healing process throughout your life. Stem cells adult and embryonic have two unique properties: (1) they replicate to create many more stem cells, and; (2) they can grow into different types of cells throughout the body liver, muscle, bone, nerve, etc. In fact, certain types of adult stem cells will replicate for several months outside of the body in the laboratory, creating more stem cells that are used in medical treatments.

Embryonic stem cell research contributes significantly to the scientific understanding of adult stem cells; knowledge that is now being used to research new medical treatments utilizing harvested adult stem cells.

An important factor in adult stem cell medical treatments is the value of using the patients own stem cells in order to create the most effective medical treatments that will not be rejected by the body's immune system. New treatments using adult stem cells, such as those found in teeth and bone marrow, are the focus of countless medical research studies around the world.

After twenty years of research, there are no approved treatments or successful human trials utilizing embryonic stem cells. Their tendency to produce teratomas and malignant carcinomas, cause transplant rejection and form random undirected types of cells are just a few of the hurdles that embryonic stem cell researchers still face. Many nations currently have governmentally-imposed restrictions on either embryonic stem cell research or the production of new embryonic stem cell lines. Because of their combined abilities of unlimited expansion and pluripotency, embryonic stem cells remain a theoretically potential source for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement after injury or disease.

For more information on stem cells, you may be interested in the official National Institutes of Health resource for stem cell research (download here)

Read more:
Benefits and Controversy Over Embryonic Stem Cell Research


Telomeres and Aging – Understanding Cellular Aging

May 29th, 2015 8:51 am

Chromosomes and DNA. adam.about.net

Updated December 30, 2014.

What is a Telomere?:

A chromosome is a long strand of DNA. At the end of a chromosome is a telomere, which acts like a bookend. Telomeres keep chomosomes protected and prevent them from fusing into rings or binding with other DNA. Telomeres play an important role in cell division.

What Happens When a Cell Divides?:

Each time a cell divides, the DNA unwraps and the information in the DNA is copied. The process does not copy all of the DNA information - the telomeres are not copied.

When the cell is finished dividing, the DNA comes back together. The telomeres lose a little bit of length each time this happens.

Why Do They Get Shorter?:

When a cell divides and copies DNA, the strands of DNA get snipped to enable the copying process. The places that are snipped are the telomeres. Since the telomeres do not contain any important information, more important parts of the DNA are protected. The telomeres get shorter each time a cell divides, like a pencil eraser gets shorter each time it's used.

Can Telomeres Become Too Short?:

The rest is here:
Telomeres and Aging - Understanding Cellular Aging


Immune System: Can Your Immune System … – Biology of Aging

May 29th, 2015 8:50 am

Elementary schools are breeding grounds for the common cold. Kids pass their germs around as often as they share their lunch. For children, catching a cold may not be a big deal. They might take it easy for a few days while their immune system kicks into action and fights off infection. But for their older teachers and grandparents, each cold can be more of a challenge. It may take a week or longer to get back to feeling 100 percent. Does that mean that the immune system gets weaker as we age? Thats what gerontologists are trying to figure out.

Our immune system is a complicated network of cells, tissues, and organs to keep us healthy and fight off disease and infection. The immune system is composed of two major parts: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. Both change as people get older. Studies to better understand these changes may lead to ways of supporting the aging immune system.

Innate immunity is our first line of defense. It is made up of barriers and certain cells that keep harmful germs from entering the body. These include our skin, the cough reflex, mucous membranes, and stomach acid. If germs are able to pass these physical barriers, they encounter a second line of innate defense, composed of specialized cells that alert the body of the impending danger. Research has shown that, with age, innate immune cells lose some of their ability to communicate with each other. This makes it difficult for the cells to react adequately to potentially harmful germs called pathogens, including viruses and bacteria.

Inflammation is an important part of our innate immune system. In a young person, bouts of inflammation are vital for fighting off disease. But as people age, they tend to have mild, chronic inflammation, which is associated with an increased risk for heart disease, arthritis, frailty, type 2 diabetes, physical disability, and dementia, among other problems. Researchers have yet to determine whether inflammation leads to disease, disease leads to inflammation, or if both scenarios are true. Interestingly, centenarians and other people who have grown old in relatively good health generally have less inflammation and a more efficient recovery from infection and inflammation when compared to people who are unhealthy or have average health. Understanding the underlying causes of chronic inflammation in older individualsand why some older people do not have this problemmay help gerontologists find ways to temper its associated diseases.

The adaptive immune system is more complex than the innate immune system and includes the thymus, spleen, tonsils, bone marrow, circulatory system, and lymphatic system. These different parts of the body work together to produce, store, and transport specific types of cells and substances to combat health threats. T cells, a type of white blood cell (called lymphocytes) that fights invading bacteria, viruses, and other foreign cells, are of particular interest to gerontologists.

T cells attack infected or damaged cells directly or produce powerful chemicals that mobilize an army of other immune system substances and cells. Before a T cell gets programmed to recognize a specific harmful germ, it is in a nave state. After a T cell is assigned to fight off a particular infection, it becomes a memory cell. Because these cells remember how to resist a specific germ, they help you fight a second round of infection faster and more effectively. Memory T cells remain in your system for many decades.

A healthy young persons body is like a T cell producing engine, able to fight off infections and building a lifetime storehouse of memory T cells. With age, however, people produce fewer nave T cells, which makes them less able to combat new health threats. This also makes older people less responsive to vaccines, because vaccines generally require nave T cells to produce a protective immune response. One exception is the shingles vaccine. Since shingles is the reactivation of the chickenpox virus, this particular vaccine relies on existing memory T cells and has been particularly effective in older people. Researchers are investigating ways to develop other vaccines that are adjusted for the changes that happen in an older persons immune system.

Negative, age-related changes in our innate and adaptive immune systems are known collectively as immunosenescence. A lifetime of stress on our bodies is thought to contribute to immunosenescence. Radiation, chemical exposure, and exposure to certain diseases can also speed up the deterioration of the immune system. Studying the intricacies of the immune system helps researchers better understand immunosenescence and determine which areas of the immune system are most vulnerable to aging. Ongoing research may shed light on whether or not there is any way to reverse the decline and boost immune protection in older individuals.

Adapted from http://www.niaid.nih.gov

Our ability to survive the germs around us is based on a tightly controlled immune system. Too little of an immune response makes us susceptible to infection, including life-threatening pneumonia. Conversely, an overactive immune response is at the root of autoimmune diseases common among older people and may contribute to age-related chronic diseases like Alzheimers disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. So, should scientists try to change the immune response in older people, or is immunosenescence somehow beneficial within the context of the aging body?

See the original post:
Immune System: Can Your Immune System ... - Biology of Aging


Millions More Adult Stem Cells from 2 Stem Cell Enhancer …

May 28th, 2015 6:46 pm

... Very likely, YOUR BODY NEEDS MILLIONS MORE ADULT STEM CELLS circulating in your blood stream ,to OPTIMIZE Your Good Health.

Please .. If You have ANY Health Problems, what-so-ever .. investigate ALL your OPTIONS of how Releasing Millions MORE your own Adult Stem cells can REPAIR your SICK and AGING Body Faster !

... or ,if you feel you are 100% Healthy NOW .. Learn HOW 4 Million More New,Fresh Stem Cells can be released from your bone marrow within 60 MINUTES of consuming 2 stem cell nutrition capsules !

Yes..mobilizing more Stem Cells into your blood stream thru a DAILY consumption of Stem Cell Nutrition Supplements, can help you MAINTAIN your good health and slow down the aging process.

Fact: Our body needs fresh adult stem cells to replace the stem cells that are Dying EVERY DAY ! Your OWN Adult Stem Cells comprise your body's Natural RENEWAL SYSTEM.

It's a Proven and Documented scientific fact : The More stem cells circulating in your blood stream ..the faster your body will Repair itself, and the healthier you will be!

Daily stem cell nutrition can help you STAY healthy long into your Golden Years!

*** LISTEN To WHY This Website was Published .. .. Click the Green Buttons for the SHOCKING 20 Second Medical Truth... You MUST HEAR It ! ...


NOW.. 2 Patented, Natural AFA formulated Stem Cell Nutrition capsules Mobilize (Release) 4 MILLION More Stem Cells into your Blood Stream within 60 MINUTES!

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Millions More Adult Stem Cells from 2 Stem Cell Enhancer ...


Stem Cell Clinics Panama | Stem Cell Research

May 28th, 2015 6:46 pm

Stem cell therapy is available in Panama for numerous conditions that have not been approved for treatment in the US. This makes Panama, along with other countries such as Mexico, China, and Germany, popular destinations for medical tourists. The legal framework in Panama allows these clinics to offer treatments using stem cells in an unregulated fashion, which has the benefit of easier access for those unable to obtain treatment in their home country, but carries with it the risks of an untested and, potentially, unsafe procedure.

Stem Cell Injection

The Panama City clinics are well established, easily contactable, and appear to present an attractive option for patients who have exhausted all other treatment possibilities for chronic conditions. Their proximity to the US is an added bonus, allowing for a shorter trip and, therefore less time away from home and work. Patients report excellent care from these facilities, with compassion, encouragement, and professionalism.

There are a few possible centers for stem cell treatment in Panama; the National Hospital, and the Stem Cell Institute, both which are in Panama City.

Read this article:
Stem Cell Clinics Panama | Stem Cell Research


Cell Isolation Products, Cell Culture Media, Cell Research

May 28th, 2015 6:46 pm

Product Type Please Select Specialized cell culture media Cell isolation products Antibodies Primary cells Mammalian cloning products Small molecules Contract services Cryopreservation media Cytokines Cell culture substrates and matrices Other cell culture media, reagents & supplies Instruments Software Stem cell detection kits Training & education Proficiency testing T-shirts

Cell Type Please Select B cells Brain tumor stem cells Bronchial epithelial cells CHO cells Dendritic cells Embryonic stem cells & iPS cells (Human) Embryonic stem cells & iPS cells (Mouse) Granulocytes & subsets Hematopoietic stem & progenitor cells Hybridomas Lymphocytes Mammary epithelial cells Mesenchymal stem cells Monocytes Myeloid cells Neural stem & progenitor cells Neurons Natural killer (NK) cells Other cells Prostate epithelial cells Regulatory T cells T cells

Area of Interest Please Select Cancer Cell line development Chimerism analysis Cord blood banking Embryonic stem cell & induced pluripotent stem cell research Endothelial & angiogenic cell research Hematologic malignancies Hematopoietic stem cell research HIV HLA Hybridoma generation Immunology Immunology (Mouse) Intestinal research Mammary cell research Mesenchymal stem cell research Neuroscience Pharmacology, toxicology & drug discovery Prostate cell research Respiratory research Semi-solid cloning Stem cell biology

Popular Product Lines Please Select AggreWell ALDECOUNT ALDEFLUOR CFU-Hill Medium ClonaCell CollagenCult EasySep EpiCult EPO-ELISA ES-Cult IntestiCult MammoCult MegaCult MesenCult MethoCult mTeSR1 and Family MyeloCult NeuroCult PneumaCult Primary cells ProstaCult RoboSep RosetteSep SepMate STEMdiff StemSep StemSpan STEMvision

Originally posted here:
Cell Isolation Products, Cell Culture Media, Cell Research


Stem Cell Therapy for CMT Stem Cells CMT

May 28th, 2015 6:45 pm

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), known also as Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy (HMSN), Hereditary Sensorimotor Neuropathy (HSMN), or Peroneal Muscular Atrophy, is a heterogeneous inherited disorder of nerves (neuropathy) that is characterized by loss of muscle tissue and touch sensation, predominantly in the feet and legs but also in the hands and arms in the advanced stages of disease. Presently incurable, this disease is one of the most common inherited neurological disorders, with 37 in 100,000 affected.[1]

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is caused by mutations that cause defects in neuronal proteins. Nerve signals are conducted by an axon with a myelin sheath wrapped around it. Most mutations in CMT affect the myelin sheath. Some affect the axon.

The most common cause of CMT (70-80% of the cases) is the duplication of a large region in chromosome 17p12 that includes the gene PMP22 . Some mutations affect the gene MFN2, which codes for a mitochondrial protein. Cells contain separate sets of genes in their nucleus and in their mitochondria. In nerve cells, the mitochondria travel down the long axons. In some forms of CMT, mutated MFN2 causes the mitochondria to form large clusters, or clots, which are unable to travel down the axon towards the synapses . This prevents the synapses from functioning.[2] CMT is divided into the primary demyelinating neuropathies (CMT1, CMT3, and CMT4) and the primary axonal neuropathies (CMT2), with frequent overlap.

Another cell involved in CMT is the Schwann cell, which creates the myelin sheath, by wrapping its plasma membrane around the axon in a structure that is sometimes compared to a.[3]

Neurons, Schwann cells, and fibroblasts work together to create a working nerve. Schwann cells and neurons exchange molecular signals that regulate survival and differentiation. These signals are disrupted in CMT. [3]

Demyelinating Schwann cells causes abnormal axon structure and function. They may cause axon degeneration. Or they may simply cause axons to malfunction.[1] The myelin sheath allows nerve cells to conduct signals faster. When the myelin sheath is damaged, nerve signals are slower, and this can be measured by a common neurological test, electromyography. When the axon is damaged, on the other hand, this results in a reduced compound muscle action potential (CMAP).[4]

Stem Cells

A growing body of evidence suggests strongly that the use of stem cells to address the primary componants of both inflammation and demylination has a direct effect on this disease. Much of the research, that also applies, has focused on Multiple Sclerosis another demylinationg disease with a larger incidence world wide. There is a growing body of literature supporting the contention that with stem cell therapy Schwann cells and other componants of the immune system, that adversely affect CMT patients, can be influenced to reverse their typical progressive dysfunction.

Our patients have now documented significant changes in multiple areas of function. Most notable has been in their ability to walk, maintain balance and have more consistent and higher levels of energy. These changes allow for a substantial quality of life changing affair.Interestingly we have seen progressive improvements over the period of a year post treatment. Only time will determine the nature of how much change can take place. It should be understood that currently all the CMT patients are seniors. We expect that with earlier treatment even better results can be achieved.

Go here to see the original:
Stem Cell Therapy for CMT Stem Cells CMT


Genetic Engineering Advantages & Disadvantages – Biology …

May 28th, 2015 6:43 pm

During the latter stage stages of the 20th century, man harnessed the power of the atom, and not long after, soon realised the power of genes. Genetic engineering is going to become a very mainstream part of our lives sooner or later, because there are so many possibilities advantages (and disadvantages) involved. Here are just some of the advantages :

Of course there are two sides to the coin, here are some possible eventualities and disadvantages.

Genetic engineering may be one of the greatest breakthroughs in recent history alongside the discovery of the atom and space flight, however, with the above eventualities and facts above in hand, governments have produced legislation to control what sort of experiments are done involving genetic engineering. In the UK there are strict laws prohibiting any experiments involving the cloning of humans. However, over the years here are some of the experimental 'breakthroughs' made possible by genetic engineering.

Genetic engineering has been impossible until recent times due to the complex and microscopic nature of DNA and its component nucleotides. Through progressive studies, more and more in this area is being made possible, with the above examples only showing some of the potential that genetic engineering shows.

For us to understand chromosomes and DNA more clearly, they can be mapped for future reference. More simplistic organisms such as fruit fly (Drosophila) have been chromosome mapped due to their simplistic nature meaning they will require less genes to operate. At present, a task named the Human Genome Project is mapping the human genome, and should be completed in the next ten years.

The process of genetic engineering involves splicing an area of a chromosome, a gene, that controls a certain characteristic of the body. The enzyme endonuclease is used to split a DNA sequence and split the gene from the rest of the chromosome. For example, this gene may be programmed to produce an antiviral protein. This gene is removed and can be placed into another organism. For example, it can be placed into a bacteria, where it is sealed into the DNA chain using ligase. When the chromosome is once again sealed, the bacteria is now effectively re-programmed to replicate this new antiviral protein. The bacteria can continue to live a healthy life, though genetic engineering and human intervention has actively manipulated what the bacteria actually is. No doubt there are advantages and disadvantages, and this whole subject area will become more prominent over time.

The next page returns the more natural circumstances of genetic diversity.

See the original post:
Genetic Engineering Advantages & Disadvantages - Biology ...


Stem Cell 100 Supplement with Longevity and Telomere Support

May 27th, 2015 11:43 am

Stem Cell 100 is formulated to rejuvenate your body and slow the aging process to help you feel and function more like a young person. This can help you feel better, look younger and improve your health. Most of the cells in your body lose function with age. Everyone has special cells called adult stem cells which are needed to rejuvenate damaged and old tissues, but adult stem cells themselves are also aging. Until now there was not much you could do about it. Stem Cell 100 rejuvenates adult stem cells and their micro-environments. Stem Cell 100+ is a more advanced and faster acting version of Stem Cell 100.

Developed by experts in the anti-aging field, patent-pending Stem Cell 100 is the only supplement proven to double maximum lifespan of an animal model. No other product or therapy including caloric restriction even comes close.

SK of Santa Fe, NM

I have been using Stem Cell 100 for about one year. Initially I noticed a boost in energy level, which now remains steady-hence not noticed I have experienced no adverse effects from taking this product. I heartily recommend Stem Cell 100 and plan to continue on it.


Stem Cell 100 has made a noticeable difference in me, including turning my gray hair back to its original color, which supposedly is impossible. The reversal of the gray hair to original color began a couple of months after starting the pill. After about 10 months, the gray hair is mostly gone. At the current rate of improvement, I expect my hair to completely be back to its original color within 1 to 2 months. I think my beard will take longer, but it was the first to gray. Also, my skin became smoother and younger looking. The skin and hair rely heavily on stem cells, and they seem to benefit strongly from this product. I'm so excited about telling people my results because there is nothing that can reverse the graying of hair. It will give me evidence that this supplement thing is really powerful. Unfortunately, I don't have before and after pictures because I didn't read any claims that the product would affect hair color. I would just say that I'm a person who totally believes that it does me no good to imagine things or interpret tings in a way favorable to what I want to believe. When I'm convinced enough to make a statement, you can count on it.

Joey of San Diego, CA

I am a 48 year old working woman. A friend of mine introduced me to Stem Cell 100. After taking Stem Cell 100 for about 4 months my anxiety level has really been diminished. Its a great supplement and I would recommend it to everyone!

Paul of San Diego, CA

See the article here:
Stem Cell 100 Supplement with Longevity and Telomere Support


Chronic Kidney Disease: Click for Stages and Symptoms

May 27th, 2015 11:42 am

Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic Kidney Disease Overview

Normal kidneys and kidney function

The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that lie on either side of the spine in the lower middle of the back. Each kidney weighs about 5 ounces and contains approximately one million filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron is made of a glomerulus and a tubule. The glomerulus is a miniature filtering or sieving device while the tubule is a tiny tube like structure attached to the glomerulus.

The kidneys are connected to the urinary bladder by tubes called ureters. Urine is stored in the urinary bladder until the bladder is emptied by urinating. The bladder is connected to the outside of the body by another tube like structure called the urethra.

The main function of the kidneys is to remove waste products and excess water from the blood. The kidneys process about 200 liters of blood every day and produce about 2 liters of urine. The waste products are generated from normal metabolic processes including the breakdown of active tissues, ingested foods, and other substances. The kidneys allow consumption of a variety of foods, drugs, vitamins and supplements, additives, and excess fluids without worry that toxic by-products will build up to harmful levels. The kidney also plays a major role in regulating levels of various minerals such as calcium, sodium, and potassium in the blood.

The kidneys also produce certain hormones that have important functions in the body, including the following:

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 11/11/2014

Medical Author:

Pranay Kathuria, MD, FACP, FASN, FNKF

Excerpt from:
Chronic Kidney Disease: Click for Stages and Symptoms


Adipocyte – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

May 27th, 2015 11:41 am

Adipocytes, also known as lipocytes and fat cells, are the cells that primarily compose adipose tissue, specialized in storing energy as fat.

There are two types of adipose tissue, white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT), which are also known as white fat and brown fat, respectively, and comprise two types of fat cells. Most recently, the presence of beige adipocytes with a gene expression pattern distinct from either white or brown adipocytes has been described. Also another special type of adipose tissue is being studied, pink adipose tissue, which seems to be involved in mammary duct development in female breasts. [1][2]

White fat cells or monovacuolar cells contain a large lipid droplet surrounded by a layer of cytoplasm. The nucleus is flattened and located on the periphery. A typical fat cell is 0.1mm in diameter with some being twice that size and others half that size. The fat stored is in a semi-liquid state, and is composed primarily of triglycerides and cholesteryl ester. White fat cells secrete many proteins acting as adipokines such as resistin, adiponectin, leptin and Apelin. An average human adult has 30 billion fat cells with a weight of 30lbs or 13.5kg. If excess weight is gained as an adult, fat cells increase in size about fourfold before dividing and increasing the absolute number of fat cells present.[3]

Brown fat cells or plurivacuolar cells are polygonal in shape. Unlike white fat cells, these cells have considerable cytoplasm, with lipid droplets scattered throughout. The nucleus is round, and, although eccentrically located, it is not in the periphery of the cell. The brown color comes from the large quantity of mitochondria. Brown fat, also known as "baby fat," is used to generate heat.

Pre-adipocytes are undifferentiated fibroblasts that can be stimulated to form adipocytes. Recent studies shed light into potential molecular mechanisms in the fate determination of pre-asipocytes although the exact lineage of adipocyte is still unclear.[4][5]

Mesenchymal stem cells can differentiate into adipocytes, connective tissue, muscle or bone.

Areolar connective tissue is composed of adipocytes.

The term "lipoblast" is used to describe the precursor of the adult cell. The term "lipoblastoma" is used to describe a tumor of this cell type.[6]

Even after marked weight loss, the body never loses adipocytes. As a rule, to facilitate changes in weight, the adipocytes in the body merely gain or lose fat content. However, if the adipocytes in the body reach their maximum capacity of fat, they may replicate to allow additional fat storage.

Adult rats of various strains became obese when they were fed a highly palatable diet for several months. Analysis of their adipose tissue morphology revealed increases in both adipocyte size and number in most depots. Reintroduction of an ordinary chow diet[clarification needed] to such animals precipitated a period of weight loss during which only mean adipocyte size returned to normal. Adipocyte number remained at the elevated level achieved during the period of weight gain.[7]

Excerpt from:
Adipocyte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


children with DIABETES Online Community

May 27th, 2015 11:41 am

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This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here.

My name is Austin. I am five years old and have diabetes. I was just diagnosed on December 3, 2010 (which ws also my birthday!) My mom had a harder time with me being in the hospital than I did because I just played with toys while she cried! I am very brave (that's what my mom says). I test my own blood and don't cry. I don't know what the numbers mean but I tell my mom what I am, and then ask if I am perfect. Of course, she always says yes! I don't love the shots, but my mom and dad are going to a pump class so I guess I will be getting one of those soon. I am a busy boy and love to play with toys, ride my bike, and play the WII. I am going to play T-ball this year. I can't wait.

My name is Lisa, Austin's mom. What a long two months it has been -- but we have learned so much and, most importantly, how to take care of our son. There is a lot to learn, and I am sure more and more each day, but we are getting more comfortable as time goes on. It felt like taking a new baby home when we left the hospital -- a lot of fear, anxiety, sadness -- but it is what it is, and I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason, and that Austin is a very special boy to be given this challenge. We are just hoping for a cure like everyone else, but, in the meantime, we are so glad that it can be managed. All I can say is this takes organized to a whole new level!

Visit Austin's page More children with diabetes

A Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of Three Continuous Glucose Monitors: The Navigator, G4 Platinum, and Enlite. Free full text available in HTML and PDF formats.

Increasing Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes in Youth - Twenty years of the Philadelphia Pediatric Diabetes Registry. See also Type 1 Diabetes in Urban Children Skyrockets.

In the absence of renal disease, 20 year mortality risk in type 1 diabetes is comparable to that of the general population: a report from the Pittsburgh Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications Study.

Effectiveness of Sensor-Augmented Insulin-Pump Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes. Free full text available in PDF format. See also Continuous Glucose Monitoring - Coming of Age, also available in PDF format.

Threshold-Based Insulin-Pump Interruption for Reduction of Hypoglycemia.

Originally posted here:
children with DIABETES Online Community


Marx Biotechnology A disruptive technology that saves …

May 27th, 2015 11:40 am

A disruptive technology that saves lives and improves patient care Main menu Marx Biotechnology is developing a proprietary first-in-class molecular diagnostic kit for the early detection of Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD). GVHD is a life threatening complication of allogeneic (non-self) stem cell transplantation such as bone marrow, peripheral blood or cord blood transplantation

and solid organ transplantations. The cells from the donor react

adversely to the cells in the patient. GVHD affects approximately 50% of all such transplant patients, frequently resulting in death. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_8PcfZSkrI Marx Bios approach has 5 clear advantages:

Incorporated in Jerusalem in January 2011, the Marx Bio team has completed proof of concept in animal studies, has published in a peer reviewed journal, and has filed three patents. It is commencing a Phase 1 clinical trial in humans in Tel Aviv.

Marx Bio has a clear work schedule to deliver a validated and cleared product, ready for market entry within 36 to 48 months. The company is looking for strategic partners to join in that journey.

Read the original:
Marx Biotechnology A disruptive technology that saves ...


What Is Stem Cell Treatment? | eHow

May 27th, 2015 11:40 am

Stem cell research is on the rise, giving hope to patients and providing treatment for many diseases and disorders. While stem cell treatments are a fairly new science, they can have life-saving effects.

Stem cell treatments consist of removing healthy regenerative cells from the patient and transplanting them into the affected area. This treatment helps repair and reverse a variety of conditions and diseases.

Regenerative cells can be harvested from the patient's bone marrow, fat or peripheral blood. This is done to eliminate the risk of cell rejection in the patient.

Typically, four to six treatments are administered depending on how the condition reacts to the stem cell treatment. Treatments are given over a period of seven to 12 days.

Stem cell treatments are effective at treating autoimmune diseases, cerebral palsy, degenerative joint disease, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal injuries and type 2 diabetes. It is thought that in the future, stem cell treatment can be used to treat Alzheimer's disease.

Stem cell therapy can reduce pain and discomfort; it can help patients suffering from arthritis regain mobility. In serious cases, such as cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis, stem cell treatments can be life-saving.

Because stem cell treatment is a new science, little is known about its long term effects. According to Cell Medicine, no side effects have been reported by patients other than pain at the injection site.

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Sometimes the behaviors stem from a history of abuse or continuous exposure to a ... Several different treatment methods are commonly used...

Heat and cold treatment such as ice and heating pads can be alternated for reducing inflammation and pain ... Regenerative Stem Cell...

View post:
What Is Stem Cell Treatment? | eHow


Mesenchymal Stem Cells

May 26th, 2015 7:49 am

, are multipotent stem cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types. Cell types that MSCs have been shown to differentiate into in vitro or in vivo include osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes, adipocytes, and, as described lately, beta-pancreatic islets cells.

MSCs are rare in bone marrow, representing ~1 in 10,000 nucleated cells. Although not immortal, they have the ability to expand manyfold in culture while retaining their growth and multilineage potential. MSCs are identified by the expression of many molecules including CD105 (SH2) and CD73 (SH3/4) and are negative for the hematopoietic markers CD34, CD45, and CD14.

The properties of MSCs make these cells potentially ideal candidates for tissue engineering. It has been shown that MSCs, when transplanted systemically, are able to migrate to sites of injury in animals, suggesting that MSCs possess migratory capacity. However, the mechanisms underlying the migration of these cells remain unclear. Chemokine receptors and their ligands and adhesion molecules play an important role in tissue-specific homing of leukocytes and have also been implicated in trafficking of hematopoietic precursors into and through tissue. Several studies have reported the functional expression of various chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules on human MSCs. Harnessing the migratory potential of MSCs by modulating their chemokine-chemokine receptor interactions may be a powerful way to increase their ability to correct inherited disorders of mesenchymal tissues or facilitate tissue repair in vivo.

Mesenchymal stem cells are characterized morphologically by a small cell body with a few cell processes that are long and thin. The cell body contains a large, round nucleus with a prominent nucleolus which is surrounded by finely dispersed chromatin particles, giving the nucleus a clear appearance. The remainder of the cell body contains a small amount of Golgi apparatus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and polyribosomes. The cells, which are long and thin, are widely dispersed and the adjacent extracellular matrix is populated by a few reticular fibrils but is devoid of the other types of collagen fibrils.

This website serves as a single key resource for all up to date information on Mesenchymal Stem Cell research. It provides links to current papers, protocols, and information about providers of MSC research products.

Read this article:
Mesenchymal Stem Cells


Stem Cell Research & Therapy | Full text | Curcumin …

May 26th, 2015 7:49 am

Abstract Introduction

The existence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) has been associated with tumor initiation, therapy resistance, tumor relapse, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Curcumin, a plant ployphenol, has several anti-tumor effects and has been shown to target CSCs. Here, we aimed at evaluating (i) the mechanisms underlying the aggravated migration potential of breast CSCs (bCSCs) and (ii) the effects of curcumin in modulating the same.

The migratory behavior of MCF-7 bCSCs was assessed by using cell adhesion, spreading, transwell migration, and three-dimensional invasion assays. Stem cell characteristics were studied by using flow cytometry. The effects of curcumin on bCSCs were deciphered by cell viability assay, Western blotting, confocal microscopy, and small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated gene silencing. Evaluations of samples of patients with breast cancer were performed by using immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry.

Here, we report that bCSCs are endowed with aggravated migration property due to the inherent suppression of the tumor suppressor, E-cadherin, which is restored by curcumin. A search for the underlying mechanism revealed that, in bCSCs, higher nuclear translocation of beta-catenin (i) decreases E-cadherin/beta-catenin complex formation and membrane retention of beta-catenin, (ii) upregulates the expression of its epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-promoting target genes (including Slug), and thereby (iii) downregulates E-cadherin transcription to subsequently promote EMT and migration of these bCSCs. In contrast, curcumin inhibits beta-catenin nuclear translocation, thus impeding trans-activation of Slug. As a consequence, E-cadherin expression is restored, thereby increasing E-cadherin/beta-catenin complex formation and cytosolic retention of more beta-catenin to finally suppress EMT and migration of bCSCs.

Cumulatively, our findings disclose that curcumin inhibits bCSC migration by amplifying E-cadherin/beta-catenin negative feedback loop.

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer diagnosed in women. In 2013, breast cancer accounted for 29% of all new cancer cases and 14% of all cancer deaths among women worldwide [1]. Breast cancer-related mortality is associated with the development of metastatic potential of the primary tumor [2]. Given this high rate of incidence and mortality, it is critical to understand the mechanisms behind metastasis and identify new targets for therapy. For the last few decades, various modalities of cancer therapy were being investigated. But the disease has remained unconquered, largely because of its invasive nature.

Amidst the research efforts to better understand cancer progression, there has been increasing evidence that hints at a role for a subpopulation of tumorigenic cancer cells, termed cancer stem cells (CSCs), in metastasis formation [3]. CSCs are characterized by their preferential ability to initiate and propagate tumor growth and their selective capacity for self-renewal and differentiation into less tumorigenic cancer cells [4]. There are reports which demonstrate that CSCs are enriched among circulating tumor cells in the peripheral blood of patients with breast cancer [5]. Moreover, recent studies show that epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), an early step of tumor cell migration, can induce differentiated cancer cells into a CSC-like state [6]. These observations have established a functional link between CSCs and EMT and suggest that CSCs may underlie local and distant metastases by acquiring mesenchymal features which would greatly facilitate systemic dissemination from the primary tumor mass [7]. Taken together, these studies suggest that CSCs may be a critical factor in the metastatic cascade. Now, the incurability of the malignancy of the disease raises the question of whether conventional anti-cancer therapies target the correct cells since the actual culprits appear to be evasive of current treatment modalities.

Studies focusing on the early steps in the metastatic cascade, such as EMT and altered cell adhesion and motility, have demonstrated that aggressive cancer progression is correlated with the loss of epithelial characteristics and the gain of migratory and mesenchymal phenotype [8], for which downregulation of E-cadherin is a fundamental event [9]. A transcriptional consequence of the presence of E-cadherin in epithelial cells can be inferred from the normal association of E-cadherin with -catenin in adherens junctions. This association prevents -catenin transfer to the nucleus and impedes its role as a transcriptional activator, which occurs through its interaction mainly with the TCF (T-cell factor)-LEF (lymphoid enhancer factor) family of transcription factors but also with other DNA-binding proteins [10]. Accordingly, the involvement of -catenin signaling in EMTs during tumor invasion has been established [11]. Aberrant expression of -catenin has been reported to induce malignant pathways in normal cells [12]. In fact, -catenin acts as an oncogene and modulates transcription of genes to drive cancer initiation, progression, survival, and relapse [12]. All of the existing information regarding abnormal expression and function of -catenin in cancer makes it a putative drug target [12] since its targeting will negatively affect both tumor metastasis and stem cell maintenance. Transcriptional target genes of -catenin involve several EMT-promoting genes, including Slug. Expression of Slug has been shown to be associated with breast tumor recurrence and metastasis [13-15]. Pro-migratory transcription factor Slug (EMT-TF), which can repress E-cadherin, triggers the steps of desmosomal disruption, cell spreading, and partial separation at cell-cell borders, which comprise the first and necessary phase of the EMT process [16].

Recently, the use of natural phytochemicals to impede tumor metastasis via multiple targets that regulate the migration potential of tumor cells has gained immense importance [17]. In this regard, curcumin, a dietary polyphenol, has been studied extensively as a chemopreventive agent in a variety of cancers, including those of the breast, liver, prostate, hematological, gastrointestinal, and colorectal cancers, and as an inhibitor of metastasis [18]. In a recent report, curcumin was shown to selectively inhibit the growth and self-renewal of breast CSCs (bCSCs) [19]. However, there are no reports regarding the contribution of curcumin in bCSC migration.

The present study describes (i) the mechanisms governing the augmented migration potential of bCSCs, which (ii) possibly associates with tumor aggressiveness and is largely attributable to the inherent downregulation of the anti-migratory tumor suppressor protein, E-cadherin, in bCSCs, and (iii) the role of curcumin in modulating the same. A search for the upstream mechanism revealed higher nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity of -catenin resulting from disruption of E-cadherin/-catenin complex formation in bCSCs in comparison with non-stem tumor cells. Upregulation of nuclear -catenin resulted in the augmentation of Slug gene expression that, in turn, repressed E-cadherin expression. In contrast, exposure to curcumin inhibited the nuclear translocation of -catenin, thereby hampering the activation of its EMT-promoting target genes, including Slug. Resultant upregulation of E-cadherin led to increase in E-cadherin/-catenin complex formation, which further inhibited nuclear translocation of -catenin. As a consequence, the E-cadherin/-catenin negative feedback loop was amplified upon curcumin exposure, which reportedly inhibits EMT on one hand and promotes cell-cell adherens junction formation on the other. These results suggest that curcumin-mediated inhibition of bCSC migration may be a possible way for achieving CSC-targeted therapy to better fight invasive breast cancers.

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Stem Cell Research & Therapy | Full text | Curcumin ...


Cloning and Stem Cell Research | Medical Travel Company …

May 26th, 2015 7:49 am

Over the last several decades, the ideas of both stem cell research and cloning have received significantly more attention than ever before. Along with that attention has also come a great deal of controversy. With so many new advances in medical technology, these new resources have provided scientists and doctors with a new, unlocked door of potential to help people suffering from various diseases as well as to help them recover from certain serious injuries. It is important for people to understand both the cloning and stem cell use process so that they can be better educated about its many pros and cons in the scientific world.

Stem Cells

A stem cell is a cell that is found in any organism that is multicellular. In essence, just about every living thing contains stem cells including plant life. These types of cells can be divided and then regenerated in order to create more cells, which can be fused together. In humans, stem cells can be obtained from a number of different sources including bone marrow, fat cells (lipids), and blood. Stem cells from blood can be extracted through a process that filters them out. Stem cells from humans can also be obtained from the blood of a mothers umbilical cord after the baby is born. There are many medical benefits to using stem cells in a wide variety of applications.


Scientific cloning was first begun in Germany by a scientist named Hans Spemann in 1935. Cloning can also occur naturally. The process of cloning occurs when a living organism reproduces itself asexually, or through the absence of sexual acts. Scientists are discovering ways to clone DNA through laboratory measures as well. This term is referred to as a somatic cell nuclear transplant. Some living organisms such as certain species of insects and plants already clone themselves naturally, but the scientific use of cloning other organisms is also being explored. The term reproductive cloning refers to the act of cloning in which the scientist allows the cells to continue to live. Therapeutic cloning refers to when scientists kill the clone in order to harvest the stem cells for other use.

Stem Cell Research and Cloning

The process of both cloning and stem cell research has provided medical doctors with new hope for those suffering from injuries and other medical issues. Bone marrow transplants can be done with ease through the use of stem cells. People suffering from spinal cord injuries have also been known to benefit from the use of stem cells in order to help them re-grow the spine. It has also been known to help people with eye problems such as macular degeneration. Cloning allows researchers to create new cells and then extract the stem cells from them, without harming any living organisms. While most people envision cloning as a mad scientist process used to create carbon copies of another animal or person, in the scientific world, it is typically done on a much smaller level, and using only small cells. Extracting these stem cells from the cloned cell allows the scientists to produce more stem cells, which can then in turn be used in a number of different surgical procedures.

Ethics of Cloning and Stem Cell Research

There have been many disputes over the ethics of both cloning and stem cell research. Some claim that scientists are playing God by using cloning in their research. Because many stem cells are harvested from umbilical blood, certain groups feel that this is unethical and harmful to the value of life. There have also been instances where scientists harvested stem cells from aborted babies, which is considered by many to be unethical. In addition, some religions feel that both cloning and the use of stem cells are unnatural, and therefore are not in agreement with the natural order. Proponents of cloning and stem cell research feel that it is a new and effective advancement in the ability to cure a number of diseases and injuries.

Cloning and Stem Cell Research | Medical Travel Company ...


Stem Cells | Foundation for Alternative and Integrative …

May 26th, 2015 7:49 am

Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Can allogeneic stem cells help patients suffering from Lupus? Dr. Neil Riordan reports on the work of Dr. Sun at Nanjing (China) University Medical School who found significant improvement and survival using stem cells.

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Today the discovery of the body's own repair and regeneration system -- autologous adult stem cells -- represents an incredible discovery. However, the FDA is keeping this life saving treatment, which is being used in many other countries around the world, from the American public. Read about how this has happened, what can be done, and the incredible savings it would bring to the healthcare system.

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The Texas Medical Board (TMB) voted 11-4 on April 13 to pass a new rule (Chapter 198) that allows physicians to use stem cells under the practice of medicine, that are not FDA approved, as long as certain conditions are met.

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Dr. Centeno reports success with stem cell injections as a viable alternative to surgery for many orthopedic patients.

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Dr. Christopher Centeno has written a chapter on "The Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Orthopedics" in Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 1.

Originally posted here:
Stem Cells | Foundation for Alternative and Integrative ...


Stem Cells Thailand – Stem Cell Therapy Thailand

May 26th, 2015 7:49 am


Anti-Aging, Regeneration and Longevity are emergent fields in spa, vacation and leisure care, cosmetics and beauty services. Our team has alchemized a series of techniques, trainings, tools and products that are turn-key trend generators.

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A future that seems financially and environmentally challenged often accelerates the stressors that lead to degeneration and disease. We live in a state of altered ease or dis-ease. Regenerative Medical Solutions is focused on break thorough concepts, technologies and treatments that counter the effects of aging and regenerate life.

A progressive approach to longevity and anti-aging is one that learns and understands that nature of life as a need to thrive to change for the best! It may turn out that the secret to health, beauty and longevity is a change in perspective.

A new focus that looks beyond for few have dreamed possible

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Stem Cells Thailand - Stem Cell Therapy Thailand


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