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EMA Issues Positive Opinion on the Safety of Filgotinib – Medscape

October 7th, 2022 1:43 am

The scientific committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued a positive opinion of the type II variation application of filgotinib (Jyseleca, Galapagos NV) based on testicular function safety data from the MANTA and MANTA-RAy studies, a company press release indicates.

Filgotinib is a small molecule that selectively inhibits Janus kinase (JAK) type 1. It is approved in the European Union for treating adults with moderate to severe RA and adults with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis.

The type II variation regulatory application was submitted to EMA in June 2022 in an effort to amend the European label of filgotinib based on data from the MANTA study in men with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and the MANTA-RAy study in men with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or nonradiographic axial spondylarthritis. Both studies are investigating the potential effect of filgotinib use on semen parameters and sex hormones.

"This positive CHMP (Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use) opinion marks a key milestone for Jyseleca and provides important information for patients and physicians, given [filgotinib] is the only anti-inflammatory drug that has been evaluated in a robust large-scale, placebo-control trial program for the potential effect on male reproduction," Galapagos Chief Medical Officer Walid Abi-Saab, MD, said in a statement.

"We will now work to update all relevant label information and materials with the aim to increase access to Jyseleca so that European patients who may benefit from the treatment are able to receive it.

Following assessment of the interim data from MANTA, CHMP concluded that the data did not reveal a difference between treatment groups in the proportion of patients who had a 50% or more decrease from baseline in semen parameters at either week 13 or at week 26. At week 13, the pooled primary endpoint occurred in 6.7% of patients treated with filgotinib, compared with 8.3% of placebo controls.

Moreover, CHMP concluded that the interim MANTA data did not show any relevant changes in sex hormone levels or change from baseline in semen parameters across treatment groups. Overall, CHMP concluded that these clinical data were not suggestive of any filgotinib-related treatment effects on testicular function.

The design of the MANTA and MANTA-RAy studies were published in Advances in Therapy in June 2022. Both are phase 2 studies and include men between 21 and 65 years of age. Semen parameter values were sampled at baseline and included semen volume, total sperm/ejaculate count, sperm concentration and motility, and normal sperm morphology.

Each trial was initially carried out as a 13-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled period during which the effects of filgotinib 200 mg on semen parameters were compared with that of placebo. The study designs diverged owing to disease-specific consideration from week 13 onward, but all subjects with a 50% or greater decrease in sperm parameters will continue on until reversibility is shown or up to a maximum of 52 weeks, with standard of care as treatment.

Following the positive CHMP opinion, the language in the section of the special warnings and precautions will be removed from the Summary of Product Characteristics and the MANTA and MANTA-RAy studies will be removed from the Risk Management Plan.

In a review of currently available data, results from a phase 3 study in which patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis were treated with filgotinib showed that treatment is both effective and has a reassuring safety profile. Furthermore, treatment was not associated with a greater risk of thrombosis or herpes zoster infections, compared with other JAK inhibitors.

On the other hand, review authors did point out that preclinical studies reported impaired spermatogenesis and histopathologic effects on male reproductive organs in animals exposed to filgotinib, making it necessary to further explore this aspect of potential safety issue in human studies.

Galapagos is planning to publish the results of the MANTA and MANTA-RAy studies in a peer-reviewed journal next year.

For more news, follow Medscape on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

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EMA Issues Positive Opinion on the Safety of Filgotinib - Medscape


Lamb of God’s Willie Adler on their new album Omens – Guitar.com

October 7th, 2022 1:43 am

If youve ever seen Lamb of God live or watched an errant YouTube clip youll know that Willie Adler has the stiffest picking hand in all of metal. His forefinger bends around his plectrum so sharply that it looks like its been snapped in half. His remaining digits point rigidly downwards. And his elbows at a near-constant ninety degrees. Its a technique that heavy musics never seen before or since so, the second Guitar.com secures an interview, we have to ask him what the fucks up.

Im sure its gonna give me arthritis pretty soon, says Adler, laughing down the phone from his home in Richmond, Virginia. Believe you me, if I could do it any other way, where my hands were relaxed, then I would.

When Adler first picked up the guitar, he only had a few lessons before directing his focus entirely on metal, which meant he never received much tutelage. It all just grew out of comfortability and the way I wanted to speak through my guitar, he says, and the way I accomplished that was manipulating my right hand into the way its grown into. It was a very natural unnatural progression.

His technique may look odd but you cant argue with the results. Since the guitarist joined the band in 1999 and catalysed their name change from Burn the Priest, Lamb of God have blossomed into the USs mightiest extreme metal force. Alongside Slipknot, Machine Head and Killswitch Engage, they co-helmed the New Wave of American Heavy Metal. Between 2006 and 2015, everything they released cracked the Top 10 of the Billboardalbum chart. Theyve also accrued five Grammy nominations and gigged with every one from Slayer to Metallica.

Musically, Lamb of God have changed next to nothing since their explosion into the mainstream. When youre doing as well as they are, why would you need to? Frontman Randy Blythe has always snarled the most overtly political lyrics he can, famously targeting the Bush administration and Iraq war on 2004s Ashes of the Wake. The bands self-titled 2020 album shot from the hip at everything from the military industrial complex to an at best apathetic American healthcare system.

Lambs drumming first by co-founder and Willies brother Chris Adler, then, since 2019, Art Cruz has always simultaneously been effortlessly original. Meanwhile, Willie and fellow guitarist Mark Morton have long loved the same kind of riffs: fast-fingered dances across the low E.

I like the tonality of the low string: it just seems heavier to me, says Willie. And I was always fascinated by the guys who could do the super-techy riffs. I love [Megadeths 1990 album] Rust in Peaceand what Marty [Friedman] did on that record. He was just unbelievable in how he solod and riffed. Ive always gravitated towards the atonal Slayer-type riff too, where theres a lot of minor going and it doesnt necessarily conform to one theory or the other.

Image: Travis Shinn

After decades of sticking to the same guns, Lamb of God are deepening their arsenal on new album Omens. The last time they sounded this intrepid was on their debut. Lead single and opener Nevermoresignals from the off that something wickedly wacky this way comes, as it interrupts its own rolling riff with jagged squeals.

Adler laughs when we bring it up. That was one of the first songs that Mark sent me when we were talking about writing a new record, and I was like, What is this?! It sounded so great to me and so off-the-wall. It reminds me of an old A Life Once Lost riff: its super-chaotic and those piercing, stabbing chords are what make that riff. And they make that song, because it starts with them and comes back round to them. That song, to me, is like walking through an asylum.

Image: Steve Thrasher

Elsewhere, Denial Mechanismgoes full hardcore-punk mode, chords scurrying over the most simple but primal of drum beats. Thats before September Song ends Omenson its most evolutionary note. A barrage of clean hammer-ons and pull-offs commence the track with an aggressive blues lick, which naturally escalates to Lamb of Gods archetypal territory of riffs and roars albeit backed by classical strings. One last marathon of tapping builds to the albums climax. Its among Lamb of Gods most adventurous, bombastic and brilliant moments.

It unfolded in such a way that, when I wrote the demo for that song, it sounded nothing like where it ended up, Adler explains. Josh [Wilbur, Omens producer] had the idea of the symphonic parts and, at first, I was kind of unsure: it sounded like everything was fighting each other. I was just hearing it the way I heard it in my demo; I had to get my head out of that space and realise it had become a different song.

So why now? Lamb of God have been Lamb of God for 23 years and the furthest theyve pushed themselves since their debut is when Randy discovered melodic singing in time for 2015s VII: Sturm und Drang. According to Adler, its because they all recorded in the same place for a change.

Previously, recording for Lamb of God was an isolated process. Talking to Loudwirein 2015, Blythe described all five members in the studio together as a too many cooks scenario. You get half a line out and theyre like, Wait, wait, wait, wait! I dont go there when theyre tracking drums and, before theyre halfway through the first song, say, You missed something! You screwed something up! You gotta let me get my groove on. I gotta do my thing and flow.

Lamb of Gods Willie Adler and Mark Morton. Image: Press

Seven years later, hes clearly softened his stance. Willie says: The idea [of recording together] was presented to us and we were like, Why not? Knowing that the collaboration would continue when they started recording, Lamb of God had the freedom to enter the studio with incomplete ideas.

There were songs that we had been working on in pre-production where we didnt know how they were going to take shape, the guitarist continues. There were moments within songs, particularly September Song, that we didnt know how we were going to flesh out. We could not only sit together but, with the benefit of a studio, we could actually hear what everybody else wants.

Image: Press

Adler tracked Omensusing a plethora of ESP guitars, including two USA models, his signature model and another Evertune-equipped model tuned to E. Unsurprisingly, he feels a strong sense of loyalty to the Japanese brand. I remember the day when I fell in love with them: when the first one showed up at my house. It just felt natural. The fretboard, the way it played everything just felt super-smooth. I cant necessarily put it into anything tangible but that was just the way it felt it felt right.

Lamb of God are already touring to promote the album. The week before Guitar.coms talk with Willie, the band headlined Bloodstock Festival in Derbyshire to 15,000 people. Right now though, the guitarist is at home, with Vio-lence and former Machine Head player Phil Demmel filling in for him on the European dates.

Image: Steve Thrasher

I miss my dudes, says Adler. Its hard to think about them being on stage and me not being on stage with them. But at the same time its simply something I had to do. I really appreciate Phil for being able to fill in.

Theres been plenty of speculation as to why Willie has been missing shows. In an interview with KNAC.com, Vio-lence singer Sean Killian said Demmel was touring with Lamb of God because a couple of the guys in the band are not down with doing the vaxx. As much as wed have liked to, Lamb of Gods representatives forbade us from asking Willie why hes not on the road right now.

Instead, we ask if well see him when Lamb of God return to Europe in December, when the band headlines the State of Unrest tour with Kreator, Thy Art is Murder and Gatecreeper in support. Im not sure yet, he replies. Ive still got to figure that out.

While Willie mulls everything over and hopefully finds a path that lets him happily return to the road, he can at least take pride in the most boundary-breaking album Lamb of God have made in more than 20 years. Lamb of God to me is a band that doesnt necessarily stray from its roots but keeps you on your toes, he says. The biggest thing with Omensis to stay Lamb of God but stay fresh. I want kids to be like, Damn, they did it again!

Omens is out on 7th October via Roadrunner. Lamb of God tour the UK with Kreator, Thy Art Is Murder and Gatecreeper in December.

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Lamb of God's Willie Adler on their new album Omens - Guitar.com


Eat Your Way to Stronger Bones & Healthy Joints – Daniel Island News

October 7th, 2022 1:43 am

It is estimated that sixty-seven percent of women over the age of 65 have osteopenia, or a reduction in bone mass. As a precursor to osteoporosis, where the bones become weak and brittle, this can lead to more serious issues like a hip fracture. In addition to bone loss, arthritis, the painful inflammation and stiffness of joints, affects 1 in 4 people in the United States. While this news may seem grim, the good news is that growing scientific evidence supports that what you eat can have a significant impact on both your risk of bone loss and joint inflammation.

Below are 6 Key Nutrients and a few supporting nutrients that you should incorporate into your diet to protect your bones and reduce inflammation.

Calcium is a mineral that has a well-established role in building strong bones. Calcium needs fluctuate for men and women over a life span. Adult men require 1,000-1,200 mg/day. Adult womens needs depend on age and pregnancy/lactation status and range from 1,000-1,300 mg/day. While cows milk, yogurt, and other dairy are good sources of calcium, they arent the only way to achieve adequate calcium in the diet. Other great sources of calcium include dark leafy green vegetables like kale, bok choy, and broccoli; tofu; oily fish with bones like sardines; sesame tahini; and calcium-fortified foods. If your dietary intake of calcium is low, supplementation may be necessary.

Low serum Vitamin D levels are associated with the risk of developing osteoarthritis. Many people have low serum vitamin D levels, so getting yours checked is important. Very few foods are rich in Vitamin D (oily fish and fortified milk). Coined the Sunshine Vitamin, our bodies are capable of metabolizing vitamin D through sun exposure. Unfortunately, the use of sunscreen interferes with vitamin D metabolism. This is not to discourage the use of sunscreen. However, most people should consider supplementing a minimum of 2,000 IU vitamin D daily. In addition, calcium and vitamin D supplementation should be taken in tandem, as vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium more effectively.

Research suggests that adding Magnesium to the diet can contribute to improved bone density and strength. Foods rich in magnesium include bananas, spinach, almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, beans, avocados, whole grains and dark chocolate.

Vitamin K is necessary for bone formation and mineralization. Vitamin K is obtained through dark, leafy green vegetables, including spinach, collards, and kale; Brussels sprouts; prunes; pumpkin and natto.

Boron is a trace element that supports vitamin D levels in the body, and helps to retain calcium and magnesium. Boron is found in raisins, prunes, apricots and avocados.

Zinc helps promote bone growth, mineralization and regeneration. It also helps to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Good sources of zinc include nuts, pumpkin seeds, beans, oysters, red meat, and poultry.

Other lesser-known players in bone health and inflammation include the following:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids benefit more than the heart: it may also reduce inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to oily fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon and tuna, other good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include seaweed, flaxseed, walnuts, chia seeds, edamame and wheat germ.

Another trace mineral, Silica plays a role in bone mineralization. Good sources include green beans, leafy greens, bananas, lentils, brown rice, and beer (in moderation).

Vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis. Collagen is essential for bone development. Vitamin C can be obtained through a variety of foods including citrus, tomatoes, orange and yellow peppers, kale and broccoli.

Popular in Indian and Middle-Eastern cuisine, Turmeric root has long been recognized has having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is the polyphenol possessing these anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that supplementation with curcumin helps reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis at a level similar to over-the-counter non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen.

Boswellia serrata is a plant that produces Indian frankincense, and has been used to reduce inflammation associated with arthritis. A recent meta-analysis has shown that four weeks of Boswellia supplementation reduced joint pain and stiffness in subjects with osteoarthritis.

Proteolytic enzymes are another alternative treatment to reducing joint pain and increasing joint function in those with osteoarthritis. Papain (found in papaya) and Bromelain (found in pineapple) are two proteolytic enzymes that have shown comparable benefits on reducing pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories.

Protecting your bones and reducing joint inflammation is both possible and manageable through simple dietary changes. A diet rich in a variety of colorful plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, with the addition of fatty, omega-3 rich fish can help minimize the risk of osteopenia and joint inflammation associated with arthritis. Couple these strategies with regular physical activity to maximize the benefits!

Melissa Ohlson, MS, RDN, LDN is a registered dietitian and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach available for nutrition consultations and coaching at Charleston Sports Medicine. She can be reached at eatwellcharleston@gmail.com.

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Eat Your Way to Stronger Bones & Healthy Joints - Daniel Island News


Long COVID could be linked to a totally different (and common) virus, new study finds – Fortune

October 7th, 2022 1:43 am

A number of factors may increase the risk of someone developing long COVID, aside from catching COVID itself. They include having asthma, Type 2 diabetes, or autoimmune conditions, and being female.

Now researchers think prior exposure to another coronavirusone that causes a common coldmay play a role in some patients.

In the new study by Harvard Universityaffiliated scientists, published Sept. 26 to Yale Universityaffiliated preprint server medRxiv, authors tested the blood of 43 patients who had arthritis or a similar condition before the pandemic.

Such patients who later developed long COVID showed evidence of an underwhelming antibody response to COVIDand of an overwhelming antibody response to OC43, one of several circulating coronaviruses that cause common colds.

The patients were likely infected with the cold at some point in their lives before they were infected with COVID, the authors theorize. When their bodies immune systems were exposed to the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID, they responded with OC43 antibodies that, while similar, were less than ideal, leading to chronic inflammation and other long COVID symptoms.

Dr. Eric Topol, a professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research and founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, said the new findings come in a very interesting report that adds to the possible underpinnings of long COVID.

Researchers have looked at prior infection with Epstein-Barr virus, a form of herpes that can cause mono, and other viruses as potentially contributing to the development of long COVID, Topol tweeted Sept. 26. But the new study is the first to look at the role a common cold might play.

There are thought to be multiple categories of long COVID with, perhaps, different triggers for each, aside from COVID. While prior infection with this common cold may play a role in arthritis patients with long COVID, it may or may not play a role in other categories of patients, the authors wrote.

But for arthritis patients in particular, the discovery could serve as a way to identify long COVID and potentially develop a treatment for it, they added.

Nearly 20% of American adults whove had COVIDan estimated 50 million Americansreport having long COVID symptoms after their infection resolves, according to data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau this summer.

Long COVID is roughly defined as symptoms that persist or appear long after the initial COVID infection is gone, but a consensus definition has not yet been broadly accepted.

Many experts contend that long COVID is best defined as a chronic-fatigue-syndrome-like condition that develops after COVID illness, similar to other post-viral syndromes like those that can occur after infection with herpes, Lyme disease, and even Ebola. Other post-COVID complications, like organ damage and post-intensive-care syndrome, should not be defined as long COVID, they say.

Coronaviruses, named for their crown-like appearance under a microscope, were discovered in the 1960s. Four types, including OC43, commonly circulate among humans, usually causing colds. Three additional coronaviruses involve more serious symptoms: MERS (Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome), which caused an epidemic in 2012; SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), which caused an epidemic in the early 2000s; and COVID.

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Long COVID could be linked to a totally different (and common) virus, new study finds - Fortune


My body hurt so much I thought I had arthritis & I started forgetting people it was the menopause, says K… – The Sun

October 7th, 2022 1:43 am

TV presenter Kate Thornton has revealed that menopause left her too anxious to socialise as she was forgetting people.

Here, she bravely opens up about her perimenopausal symptoms in hope of helping other women.


Ive always been the type of person who makes lists when I finish work, I jot down everything I need to do the next day.

But when I went into perimenopause in summer 2020, my method started failing me.

All of a sudden, I started forgetting really basic things.

"Id walk into a supermarket and think: Why the hell am I here? Do I need milk? Ive got no idea.

Or Id be in the middle of interviewing someone and suddenly not remember what we were talking about and, in extreme cases, who they even were.

In an attempt to regain some control, I began sticking Post-Its all over my kitchen with reminders on things Id never had to think twice about before until my kitchen resembled a police incident room.

I felt like my mind was an Etch A Sketch.

Id be in the middle of a conversation and it was like someone would come along and wipe it all out.

It was bewildering.

The menopause is a bit like pregnancy you think you know what to expect, but nothing can prepare you for what its actually like.

My first real symptom was extreme body aches.

I woke up one morning and felt like Id done 18 hours in the gym.

The knee pain was so debilitating that I thought I had arthritis.

When I booked in for a scan, the technician said: Im telling younow, you havent got arthritis, youre perimenopausal.

"I see so many womenof your age.

Although joint aches are a symptom of perimenopause, there was no official information around how bad they could be, so I turned to forums for help.

In my job, Ive had to get good at researching things on the internet, but I felt like I was swimming through a sea of misinformation.

There has been so little research, it was difficult to distinguish the facts from opinions.


Not long after the body pains, I noticed my eyes would start streaming at 4pm every day.

Then came the weight gain I jumped two dress sizes in two months.

I was surprised how self-conscious it made me feel.

I attacked it by doing lots of HIIT workouts, which in hindsight was the worst thing I could have done, as it can affect your cortisol levels and make you retain fat.

Weirdly, I also started waking up at 4am every morning, too.

My mum Sandy wasnt even 40 when she started the menopause.

When she went to her GP for help, they told her: Youve got absolutely no oestrogen, OK, bye!

It makes me so angry.

As a teenager, I remember thinking it was like her light had gone out.

My mum, who was so full of life, became a shell of herself. I can really relate to that now.

Fabulous Menopause Matters

An estimated one in five of the UKs population are currently experiencing it.

Yet the menopause is still whispered in hush tones like its something to be embarrassed about.

The stigma attached to the transition means women have been suffering in silence for centuries.

The Sun are determined to change that, launching the Fabulous Menopause Matters campaign to give the taboo a long-awaited kick, and get women the support they need.

The campaign has three aims:

The campaign has been backed by a host of influential figures including Baroness Karren Brady CBE, celebrities Lisa Snowdon, Jane Moore, Michelle Heaton, Zoe Hardman, Saira Khan, Trisha Goddard, as well as Dr Louise Newson, Carolyn Harris MP, Jess Phillips MP, Caroline Nokes MP and Rachel Maclean MP.

Exclusive research commissioned by Fabulous, which surveyed 2,000 British women aged 45-65 who are going through or have been through the menopause, found that 49% of women suffered feelings of depression, while 7% felt suicidal while going through the menopause.

50% of respondents said there is not enough support out there for menopausal women, which is simply not good enough. Its time to change that.

The brain fog made me too nervous to socialise.

I used to enjoy catching up with friends on the phone, but I even stopped doing that as I couldnt trust what I was saying.

I felt like Id lost all the best bits of myself.

HRT has been life-changing.

Ive had to approach my menopause like the journalist I am Its about education and making a connection with a health professional who can guide you through a significant chapter in your life.

I was lucky to find Dr Naomi Potter in October 2020, after Lisa Snowdon mentioned her on Instagram.

She was the third doctor Id seen and it immediately felt like she understood what I was going through.

Shes got me on Lenzetto oestrogen spray and the Mirena coil to balance my progesterone.

I lost weight with gentle weight-lifting and doing at least 10,000 steps a day, and now I feel like Ive got my identity back.

As someone who works full-time, is a single parent to my son Ben [14], and has a full social life, I thrive on being busy.

So when I couldnt be that person, I didnt recognise myself.

Im not saying every woman should take HRT, but they should have the information to make an educated choice.

That education needs to be in schools, workplaces and in our healthcare system.

I hate the thought of other women going through what I did.




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My body hurt so much I thought I had arthritis & I started forgetting people it was the menopause, says K... - The Sun


‘Terrified’ nan cant afford heating despite painful arthritis and will do ‘Christmas shopping at Poundland’ – Lincolnshire Live

October 7th, 2022 1:43 am

A nan with painful arthritis that is made worse by the cold has said she cant afford to keep her heating on. Marianne Kiely, 59, has been wrapping herself in blankets to save pennies for her grandkids' Poundland Christmas presents.

Desperate to still be able to buy her grandkids presents, the loving nan from Willenhall, West Midlands, has been living without the warmth needed to soothe her arthritis. Marianne survives on Universal Credit as she is unable to work due to her health issues and has had to depend on a food bank.

Marianne told Birmingham Live: "We're having to keep the heating off. We've got no choice. I'm putting extra clothing on, to be honest. A couple of times already we have had to go without any electricity.

"I'll make sure the children have got presents, but it will be Poundland things. It won't be anything expensive as everything costs too much."

Marianne lives with her daughter who suffers with epilepsy and has applied for Personal Independence Payments (PIP) - but has so far been unsuccessful. Marianne says she has been left with no choice but to live without the heating for as long as she can bear.

The nan is terrified that things will get worse. She is scrimping on basics such as doing her washing just to keep costs down.

She said: "I'm turning everything off. Even the washing I'm letting it build up a bit more to save on electric and do it all in one go.

"I'm absolutely scared by how high everything is going to go. I don't know how I'm going to manage.

"I know the Government has helped with one-off payments but that's not going to go far in the long run. It's a scary situation."

Original post:
'Terrified' nan cant afford heating despite painful arthritis and will do 'Christmas shopping at Poundland' - Lincolnshire Live


Dirt & Glory’s Alex Moss Cherishes the ‘Real World Impact’ of His Role | LBBOnline – Little Black Book – LBBonline

October 7th, 2022 1:43 am

Alex Moss, Dirt & Glory Medias account director started his career in the world of film, getting a taste for a multitude of roles in the industry before trying his hand at directing, learning that he wasnt a natural in the process. This didnt deter him from his love of storytelling, which he pursued by writing several shorts and features, picking up an award for one - titled Photo Finish - in 2015.

In the same year Alex joined D&G, attracted by the companys editorial approach and position that cut through the marketing speak to get to the real story, and creating a more personal connection between people and brands. In his role as account director, Alex oversees his clients spending to ensure that their budgets are maximised in the smartest way possible. He also runs some of his clients social media accounts, balancing a brands engaging voice with the potential feather-ruffling nature of the spaces his clients exist in, like the joint pain relief gel, FlexiSEQ.

Today, Alex chats to LBB about the shifting form of digital marketing, how hes helping clients meet the evolving challenges of content production, and why he finds the recent campaign for FlexiSeq, featuring footballer Alex Scott, hugely rewarding.

Alex> I worked in the film industry for many years and did everything from running, right through to assistant directing and even dabbling in a couple of short films I directed myself. They were not good. In realising I was not a natural director I learned that I did love to tell stories and so screenwriting was something that came naturally to me. I wrote several, unproduced, features and a lot of shorts, one of which won the Grand Prize at the Reed short film festival award in 2015.

Alex> I joined D&G in May 2015. I was drawn to the way they wanted to do PR and marketing differently. They wanted to help brands tell the stories that were important to them. It felt like a very natural and magnetic way to cut through a lot of the corporate noise at a time when people want to know what brands stand for.

Alex> The key thing is to help the client make their budget work as hard for them as possible. Our clients are always in a position of wanting more budget or not having enough. So the key for us is helping them maximise their return on investment. This varies from client to client, some might only be able to social spend, others will want above the line video and print advertising. Its my job to ensure I am advising them with all the expertise Dirt & Glory have acquired over the past eight years to achieve this.

Alex> When we first started we were primarily working in words and only words. Now, with the evolution of social media the way people are exposed to content 24/7 on their phones, weve had to adapt. Ensuring video, design and the right headlines to attract the right audience is always front and centre. Many clients want to do video content as they know it has huge power, especially with the way social media is going, but to do regular video content has huge production costs. So weve found ways to streamline this and rely on a huge pool of talented designers, editors and producers to help us ensure our clients are always providing relevant and cutting edge content.

Alex> The internet is no longer something new and shiny, its part of our day to day lives and as a result most people have become immune to traditional digital marketing. How many times do you see a pop-up or banner advert and simply scroll past or click to get rid of it obscuring your view for the reason youre actually there? An editorial approach is the reason someone is there. Because youre telling them a story; be it a testimonial, an incredible bit of expert advice or a story to inspire them. Telling stories was around centuries before marketing was, if we can draw people in with a fascinating narrative we raise their awareness of what a brand stands for and looks to achieve on a daily basis.

Alex> A client I have worked with for many years now is FlexiSEQ, which is a joint pain relief gel. From very early on we realised that many people with joint pain, and specifically arthritis, have been either dismissed by a lot of healthcare professionals or have tried so many treatments they have grown weary of things not working for them. What people living with an invisible illness like arthritis will do though is scour the internet looking for kernels of advice, the smallest of nuggets that could help them better live with joint pain.

We set about putting together a catalogue of tips pieces, speaking with arthritis charities and medical experts on ways people can reduce the pain of arthritis. The end goal was to get those living with the condition to come to the FlexiSEQ website to find out about these tips and tricks and in doing so raising their awareness of the products FlexiSEQ offered. By aligning FlexiSEQ as a brand who cares and wants to help those living with arthritis, people see them as a brand to trust. In turn they become more open and willing to try their product. Furthermore, those who use FlexiSEQ cannot sing its praises highly enough so weve created a bank of incredible testimonials to showcase the transformation the product has had on those who had otherwise given up on ever moving free of joint pain again.

This in turn has led to an incredibly friendly and very close community on the FlexiSEQ Facebook page. We see people offering up tips on top of the tips weve pulled together, looking to help others through their experiences of what works for them. Its a genuine highlight of my job seeing a community come together.

Alex> The very nature of the internet is you are always going to ruffle a few feathers. Its a place where people like to be offended. The key is to be more engaging than ruffling. You have to always ask yourself; what is the end goal here? It might be to get people to click a link, in which case you need to entice them, it might be you want people to comment and engage with a post, so how do you do that? It might be asking a pertinent question or challenging their way of thinking. Either way, its about knowing and understanding your audience. And this is done not as much through data but listening to them. Social allows us to do that, it allows us to really hear the voices of potential clients. You might ruffle a few feathers in the process but when you do its important to be the calm voice in the room.

Alex> A few years ago FlexiSEQ asked us to start looking for a new brand ambassador. Wed worked with Len Goodman for many years and he was great and really spoke to the older arthritis audience but we needed someone different, someone who could speak to a wide ranging demographic. Our number one choice was always former womens footballer Alex Scott. FlexiSEQ agreed she was perfect and so we negotiated to get her onboard. What made Alexs story so powerful was that despite being in her 30s she is already living with osteoarthritis. This was not something that Alex had ever really touched on in the past so to get to tell that story, via a beautiful brand film as well as various written interviews, was incredibly powerful. Alex was lovely to work with, so open and candid about her journey and to see it resonate with the FlexiSEQ audience was hugely rewarding.

Alex> There are two parts of my job I enjoy the most. The first is the team I work with. I love collaborating with them, creating a brief and then watching our amazing designers and copywriters bring it to life. Its very like being back in the film industry, youre all working towards this single vision and when it comes together in ways you never dreamed of its hugely satisfying. Of course, it helps if the client is blown-away by the end result. The second thing is hearing from actual customers. Working in marketing youre often asked to say and write a great deal on brands and products. When you speak with the people who actually use that product is when you get a crystal clear insight into what it means to them. Whenever I get to do testimonials and hear how a product, service or brand has had a real world impact on someone there is nothing more rewarding than that.

See the original post here:
Dirt & Glory's Alex Moss Cherishes the 'Real World Impact' of His Role | LBBOnline - Little Black Book - LBBonline


Benefits of castor oil: Castor oil is very useful in arthritis, know its health benefits – Hunt Daily News

October 7th, 2022 1:43 am

HighlightsCastor oil can reduce the pain of arthritis Castor oil can reduce swelling of joints

Benefit of Castor Oil in ArthritisArthritis means that the pain of arthritis can only be understood by the one who suffers it. The pain of arthritis in the joints of the body is unbearable. Due to the weakening of the bones, there is pain in the joints of the body. Apart from this, due to sudden injury, the pain of arthritis starts bothering again and again. Because of this, even walking becomes difficult. By the way, the pain of arthritis can be relieved in many ways. But the use of castor oil can give more benefits.

According to experts, this oil can be used to get relief from the pain of arthritis. Let us know how castor oil can be useful in arthritis.

Castor oil with special propertieshealth site According to this, castor oil is very useful for internal and external health of the body. The use of castor oil can be helpful in treating all kinds of diseases. Castor oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Many natural elements are also present in it. Which provide relief from the pain of Arthritis.

Read also: Junk food and smoking increasing the risk of heart attack? Learn Reality

beneficial castor oilCastor oil is beneficial in relieving pain and swelling in joints and muscles.Castor oil can be used to strengthen the bones of the body of young children.After massaging with castor oil, it helps to improve blood circulation.

Castor Oil for ArthritisThe use of castor oil can be beneficial to get relief from the pain of arthritis. For its use, soak a cloth overnight in castor oil and then squeeze it and place it on the painful area. To get relief from pain, keep a hitting pad on it for half an hour. Apart from this, by doing this, joint pain can also be relieved.

Read also: Can eating non-veg cause obesity? Know the reality here

Castor oil can be useful in some way in arthritis. This can give relief in pain to a great extent.

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Tags: Health, Lifestyle

FIRST PUBLISHED : October 06, 2022, 23:30 IST

See the original post here:
Benefits of castor oil: Castor oil is very useful in arthritis, know its health benefits - Hunt Daily News


Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics – Master of Science / PhD …

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

The Molecular & Cell Biology & Genetics (MCBG) program is an interdisciplinary graduate program recognizing the need for highly trained scientists conversant across various disciplines.

The program provides a broad education-training program for graduate students interested in biomedical problems that cross disciplinary boundaries and offers the opportunity for students to choose from approximately 70 faculty in 10 different departments/centers to pursue their research interests. This program offers both MS and PhD degrees and focuses on the study of the structure, function and makeup of biologically important molecules within the context of the living cells. Our curriculum and research activities are tailored to students needs and interests. See our areas of research interest.

Our faculty are at the forefront of new advances in the biomedical sciences and new developments in techniques for understanding the genetic and molecular basis of developmental pathways and disease states such as cancer, aging, AIDS, malaria and neurological disorders. Consequently, students can pursue a diverse variety of projects that range from the design and development of new therapeutic treatment strategies to the characterization of the molecular mechanisms that underlie various cellular processes and diseases. This intensive and research-oriented program provides students with opportunities to perform cutting edge biomedical research employing multidisciplinary strategies. Learn more about our faculty.

Learn more about the curriculum for the Molecular & Cell Biology & Genetics program.

Recent Molecular & Cell Biology & Genetics program graduates are at:

Academic or Clinical Institutions Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Columbia University Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Duke University Drexel University College of Medicine Fox Chase Cancer Center Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Institute for Protein Innovation Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center Rutgers University Thomas Jefferson University University of California Los Angeles, School of Medicine University of Minnesota University of Pennsylvania Center for Innovation University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Academic Institutions (PhD Studies after MS completion) Drexel University College of Medicine Emory University Medical University of South Carolina Ohio State University Temple University Thomas Jefferson University University of Delaware University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Biotech and Pharmaceutical Companies Alcon Absorption Systems BioTek Instruments Biomeme Boehringer Ingelheim Carisma Therapeutics Castle Creek Biosciences CellOxess EMD Serono Eurofins Scientific Fishawack Group of Companies Genewiz GlaxoSmithKline Illumina Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson Merck & Co. Opentrons Labworks Pharmaceutical Product Development Quest Diagnostics Rockland Immunochemicals Sana Biotechnology Spark Therapeutics Tmunity Therapeutics Incorporated UCB

MCBG/Cancer Bio Graduate Programs Seminar Series Spring 2022

Learn more about the Spring 2022 Seminar Series.

Alyssa Sanders (Mentor: Mauricio Reginato, PhD): Outstanding Junior Graduate Student Poster, Honorable Mention

Daniel Kantner has started his PhD studies in the Biological Sciences PhD program at Temple University. Daniel conducted his MS research in the laboratory of Joris Beld, PhD, Department of Microbiology & Immunology.

Daniel Slusaw has started his PhD studies in the Biological Sciences PhD program at University of Delaware. Daniel conducted his MS research in the laboratory of Srinivas Somarowthu, PhD, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.

Emily Esquea has successfully transitioned into the MCBG PhD Program at Drexel University College of Medicine. Emily will be conducting her PhD research in the laboratory of Mauricio Reginato, PhD, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.

Nima Sarfaraz has successfully transitioned into the MCBG PhD Program at Drexel University College of Medicine. Nima will be conducting his PhD research in the laboratory of Michael Bouchard, PhD, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.

Mitchell Parker received the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (F30) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH-NIGMS).Mentor: Roland Dunbrack, PhD, Fox Chase Cancer CenterProject title: "Creating a Unified RAS Structural Nomenclature to Compare the Impact of Oncogenic Mutations on KRAS, NRAS, and HRAS"

John Chojnowsky received the 2020 Dean's Fellowship for Excellence in ResearchMentor: Todd Strochlic, VMD, PhD, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular BiologyProject title: "Evaluating a novel mechanism of regulation for a master kinase"

Theodore Gurrola has successfully transitioned into the MCBG PhD Program at Drexel University College of Medicine. Ted will be conducting his PhD research in the laboratory of Brian Wigdahl, PhD, Department of Microbiology & Immunology.

See a complete listing of this year's Discovery Day winners.

Stephano Iglesias will start his PhD studies in the Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology PhD program at Thomas Jefferson University. Stephano has been conducting his MS research in the laboratory of Shae Padrick, PhD, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.

Manali Potnis has been serving as a student representative on the Women in Medicine and Science Committee (WIMSC). The mission of the committee is to support and promote the professional development, career advancement and leadership of women in medicine and science at Drexel University College of Medicine. WIMSC hosts seminars, networking events, and awards that focus on empowering women in science. The committee is currently headed by Dr. Karen Berkowitz. The multidisciplinary group includes scientists, physicians, technicians, and graduate student representatives. Members attend monthly meetings with agendas working toward increasing representation of women in science, a fair representation of women, and empowerment of minorities. Manalitransitioned from the MS to the PhD program in July 2019, and is a student in the laboratory of Christian Sell, PhD (Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine)

Jasmine Peake's presentation was selected as a top poster at the DNA Damage, Mutation, and Cancer Gordon Research Conference in 2020. She received the 2019 Outstanding Graduate Student Mentorship Award for her commitment to mentoring and supporting undergraduate and junior graduate students. She was also the College of Medicine finalist for the 2019 Drexel Common Good Award. Jasmine is a Southern Regional Education Board State doctoral fellow for the 2019 Institute on Teaching and Mentoring. Jasmine has been conducting her doctoral dissertation research in the laboratory of Eishi Noguchi, PhD (Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology).

Drexel graduate and medical students met Dr. James Allison, 2018 Nobel Laureate and 2019 Benjamin Franklin Medal winner. Pictured from left to right: Maggie O'Connor (MCBG MD/PhD Candidate); Samuel Flashner (MCBG PhD Candidate); Dr. James Allison; Dr. Brad Jameson (Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology); Mitchel Parker (MCBG MD/PhD Candidate); Jasmine Peake (MCBG PhD Candidate); and Joseph Assali (MD Candidate).

Drexel graduate and medical students met with 2018 Nobel Prize winner Dr. James Allison to discuss his work, following his seminar entitled "Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Cancer Therapy: New Insights, Opportunities and Prospects for Cures." Dr. Allison's lecture at Drexel University was held in conjunction with his receipt of the 2019 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Life Sciences. Dr. Allison received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for work on immune checkpoint blockade as a treatment for cancer. He is credited with devising an entirely new approach to cancer therapy and saving many lives.

See the rest here:
Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics - Master of Science / PhD ...


NIPD Genetics: Leading Genetic Testing Company

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

General Statement

NIPD Genetics is a leading, innovative biotechnology company that designs, develops, and provides a broad spectrum of healthcare services to its customers through its expansive portfolio of molecular and clinical laboratory tests in all disciplines.

At NIPD Genetics we are committed to protecting and respecting our customers privacy and personal information. Personal information or personal data means any information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could be reasonably linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular individual, such as name, identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that individual.

NIPD Genetics collects and processes your personal information according to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Cypriot law providing for the protection of natural persons with regards to the processing of personal data and for the free movement of such data (L. 125(I)/2018). The following principles lie at the heart of our approach to handling personal data:

NIPD Genetics has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who is responsible for overseeing and ensuring that personal information is collected and processed in line with these principles. The contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be found below:

Email address: dpo@nipd.com

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We encourage you to contact us, should you wish to practice any of your legal rights or you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, by sending an email to NIPD Genetics Data Protection Officer at dpo@nipd.com.

Effective date: 18/06/2021

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NIPD Genetics: Leading Genetic Testing Company


Skeletal Biology and Regeneration Students Recognized For Research Excellence – UConn Today – University of Connecticut

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

Students and faculty gathered in Keller Auditorium for the first-ever poster presentation and awards ceremony to highlight the research achievements and accomplishments of students in the Skeletal Biology and Regeneration (SBR) Area of Concentration in the Biomedical Science Graduate Program at UConn Health.

Two highly prestigious awardsthe William B. Upholt Achievement Award and Eric N. James Scholar Award were announced at the ceremony after the student poster presentations.

Emma Wentworth Winchester presents her research during the poster session

Sandro D. Cloiseau presents his research during the poster session

Adam Tanguay presents his research during the poster session

Kaitlyn Flint presents her research during the poster session

Prachi Arpitbhai Thakore presents her research during the poster session

Students present their research during the poster session

Steven Toro presents his research during the poster session

Patricia Hare presents her research during the poster session

Dr. Marja Hurley and Kai Clarke during the student poster presentation

Stephanie Wong presents her research during the poster session.

Students present their research during the poster session

Dr. Laura Doherty accepts the 2021 William B. Upholt Achievement Award

Dr. Laura Doherty accepts the 2021 William B. Upholt Achievement Award

Dr. Marja Hurley and family of Dr. Eric N. James present the Eric N. James Scholar Award

Rosalie Bordett accepts the 2021 Eric N. James Scholar Award

SBR students, faculty, and family of Dr. Eric James and William B. Upholt gather for a group photo

The SBR program at UConn Health focuses on the cellular, molecular, and genetic processes related to skeletal development, diseases, injuries, and their regeneration. The program, which includes over 25 research labs, spans both the Schools of Dental Medicine and Medicine.

The multidisciplinary research and broad expertise within SBR is a strength of our program, said Dr. Rosa Guzzo, director of the SBR program, in her opening remarks. There is vast richness and diversity within SBR research.

Dr. Bruce Liang, dean of the UConn School of Medicine and interim CEO of UConn Health, in his remarks congratulating the students noted that the program is a true collaborative effort at UConn Health.

Dr. Caroline Dealy, associate professor in the Department of Craniofacial Sciences and the alumni and awards committee chair for the SBR program, introduced the William B. Upholt Achievement award and reflected fondly on Upholts research and leadership at UConn Health.

Scientifically, his work was always on the cutting edge, Dealy said. He was a leader in developing programs, establishing them, keeping them going, and being the glue holding them together.

Upholts wife, Mary Lee Morrison Upholt, was also in attendance.

The 2020 winner of the William B. Upholt Achievement Award, Dr. Elise Pitman, delivered virtual remarks from her postdoctoral program in Scotland. Pitman discussed her research including treating autoimmune colitis and colorectal cancer, as well as her avid role as a student advocate for students in research fields.

The 2021 winner, Dr. Laura Doherty, discussed her thesis in fracture healing using mass models, as well as her passion of supporting women in aviation.

The William B. Upholt Achievement Award was established to honor Upholts impact on research and graduate education, as well as his lifelong personal commitment to human rights, civic activism, and to the environment.

Dr. Lakshmi Nair, associate director of the SBR program, professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Connecticut Convergence Institute, and Dr. Marja Hurley, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Orthopedic surgery and associate dean of the Health Career Opportunity Programs at UConn Health, introduced the Eric N. James Scholar Award. Nair and Hurley both recounted Dr. Eric N. James time at UConn Health and his involvement mentoring young men of color.

Eric was humble, genuine, and committed to education, research, scholarship, and community service. He was always willing to assist others. I am truly pleased we are able to honor Dr. James in this manner, said Hurley.

James family was also in attendance for the award ceremony.

The winner of the 2021 Eric N. James Scholar Award, Rosalie Bordett, accepted the award and talked about her desire to help students discover their passion for science and make academia a more welcoming place for students. Bordett also discussed her experience serving as mentor for high school, undergraduate students and her desire to reach students in underrepresented backgrounds.

The Eric N. James Scholar Award honors James scientific achievements and reflects his deep commitment to helping others through teaching and mentorship. Consistent with James mission to promote education and training of diverse individuals, the Award emphasizes service to underrepresented groups, as well as scholarly and research achievement, especially by members of underrepresented groups.

The William B. Upholt and Eric N. James Scholar awards are made possible by donations from SBR alumni and faculty, private donors, and the School of Dental Medicine; additional support for this event was provided by the UConn Foundation and the Connecticut Convergence Institute.

Contribute to the William B. Upholt Student Achievement Award Fund.

Contribute to the Eric N. James Scholar Award Fund.

The full list of award winners is below:

2020 William B. Upholt Achievement Award

Elise PitmonPh.D. thesis mentor: Dr. Kepeng Wang, Department of Immunology

2021 William B. Upholt Achievement Award

Laura DohertyPh.D. thesis mentor: Dr. Archana Sanjay, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

The 2021 William B. Upholt Achievement Award nominees

Patricia HarePh.D. thesis mentor: Dr. Wendy Mok, Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics

Patrick McMullanPh.D. thesis mentor: Dr. Emily Germain-Lee, Department of Pediatrics

Adam TanguayPh.D. thesis mentor: Dr. Tannin Schmidt, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Stephanie WongPh.D. thesis mentor: Dr. Alix Deymier, Department of Biomedical Engineering

2021 Eric N. James Scholar Award

Rosalie BordettPh.D. thesis mentor: Dr. Sangamesh Kumbar, Departments of Orthopedic Surgery, Biomedical Engineering, and Materials Science

2021 runner-up of the 2021 Eric N. James Scholar Award

Britta PetersenPh.D. thesis mentor: Dr. Marc Hansen, Departments of Medicine, Genetics and Developmental Biology

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Skeletal Biology and Regeneration Students Recognized For Research Excellence - UConn Today - University of Connecticut


Mary Munson elected fellow of the American Society for Cell Biology – UMass Medical School

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

Mary Munson, PhD

Mary Munson, PhD, professor of biochemistry & molecular biotechnology and vice chair of diversity for the department, is one of 22 scientists named a fellow by the American Society for Cell Biology for 2022.

Election as a fellow is an honor bestowed upon society members by their peers. Fellows are recognized for their lifetime achievement in advancing cell biology, meritorious efforts to advance cell biology and its applications, and for their service to the society.

Dr. Munson will be among the new cohort of fellows to be formally recognized in Washington, D.C., in December at Cell Bio 2022, the joint meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology and the European Molecular Biology Organization.

I am honored to be recognized in this years cohort and to join such a distinguished group of cell biologists, said Munson.

An expert in the mechanistic basis for regulation of spatial and temporal membrane trafficking, Munson is interested in understanding how cargo arrives at the correct location at the right time throughout the cell and is either released to or internalized from the extracellular space. The Munson Lab aims to answer questions about membrane trafficking through a multifaceted approach that combines biochemical, structural and biophysical techniques with yeast and mammalian genetics, microscopy and cell biological methods.

Munson joined UMass Chan Medical School in 2001. Prior to joining the faculty, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the department of molecular biology at Princeton University, where she was awarded American Heart Association and National Institutes of Health fellowships. She was a double major in chemistry and biology at Washington University (St. Louis) and received her PhD from Yale University in molecular biophysics and biochemistry. In 2015, Munson was awarded the inaugural Bassick Family Worcester Foundation Award.

Since joining UMass Chan, Munson has been closely involved with teaching and curriculum development for the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and has been recognized by the institution several times for her outstanding contributions to curriculum development and student mentoring. She is the faculty advisor for the UMass Chan student chapter of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science. She is a leader of the diversity action committee in the Department of Biochemistry &Molecular Biotechnology and leads the new Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Faculty Focused on Inclusive Excellence committee, focused on engaging and educating faculty to promote diversity, equity and inclusion on campus.

She is the co-chair of the American Society for Cell Biologys Women in Cell Biology committee and a co-investigator of its AMP MOSAIC program. She recently became a trained facilitator for Entering Mentoring, a program sponsored by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research to enable strong and supportive scientific mentors.

Munson joins Gregory J. Pazour, PhD, professor of molecular medicine; Thoru Pederson, PhD, the Vitold Arnett Professor of Cell Biology and professor of biochemistry & molecular biotechnology; and George B. Witman, PhD, professor emeritus of radiology, in being named fellows of the American Society for Cell Biology.

Related UMass Chan News storiesAt MLK tribute,Mary Munsonrecognized for commitment to diversity and inclusion in science fieldUMMS researcher co-directs project to enhance diversity in biomedical sciences workforce.Thoru Pederson named fellow of theAmerican Society for Cell BiologyGregory Pazour elected fellow of theAmerican Society for Cell Biology

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Mary Munson elected fellow of the American Society for Cell Biology - UMass Medical School


Every Body’s Talking at Them: an Interview with Jon Lieff – CounterPunch

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

Dr. Jon Lieff.

Dr. Jon Lieff is a neuropsychiatrist with a BA in Mathematics from Yale University and an MD from Harvard Medical School. He pioneered the creation of integrated treatment units that focus on complex patients with combined medical, psychiatric, and neurologicalproblems.

For many years, in addition to his clinical work, Dr. Lieff has been researching the question of where mind can be found in nature. At first, his inquiry related to neuroscience. He then expanded his study to include intelligence in a wide range of animals, and eventually individual cells, microbes, and viruses.

This research has resulted in the publication of the 2020 book, The Secret Language of Cells: What Biological Conversations Tell Us About the Brain-Body Connection, the Future of Medicine, and Life Itself. This book concentrates on communication between the bodys cells. He is working on a new book about molecular communication.

Speaking of cellular communication, Lieff is busy on Twitter and welcomes engagement: @jonlieffmd . And he has a website Searching for the Mind Blog.

The following interview was conducted by Zoom on 8/26/2022. It has been edited.

John Hawkins: In the Introduction to The Secret Language of Cells you write:The greatest secret of modern biological science, hiding in plain sight, is that all of lifes activity occurs because of conversations among cells.Why has this secret been kept for so long? Who benefits from the secret? Who benefits from listening in on the conversation?

Jon Lieff: Well, part of the reason its a secret is because of the jargon. Things are so complicated in molecular biology. At the hospital, they ask, What language do you speak? I say, well, I speak molecular biology and molecular genetics. It really is a foreign language. And I view myself on my website as translating, as a translator for the top [science] journals. I would translate [and synthesize] the information. But, basically, there are names of receptors, there are names of genes, there are names of signals cells, and there are all kinds of duplicate names from different experiments. Its just a huge hodgepodge, and its almost impossible to decipher unless you sit, like I do, and translate word by word from this gobbledygook. People wont even be able to read their material [its] so specialized and so complicated.

But, the other thing is that, if you looked around, you didnt find anything written, any book that [told you how] this fundamental part of life works is [by means of] communication which is true. And this implies intelligence in cells, and no one has any way to explain that.

So, you go to philosophical questions. Im not much of a philosopher, because I vowed to myself that I would not speculate unless I stated I was doing so. Whereas in philosophy, you speculate, what I do is find facts, things that are actually proven. And then I use that to paint a panorama of the behavior of life at [the cellular]t level. So I view it as sort of a visual description of whats happening. I didnt I deliberately didnt try to explain it, because its impossible to explain without getting into questions of what is mind? what is intelligence? what is consciousness? And, the truth is, we have no definitions for any of those at all. We cannot define intelligence in nature. We cannot define mind; we cannot define consciousness; we cannot defined life. Even Carl Zimmer wrote a book about all the so called definitions of life, and theyre all inadequate. Well, [he writes], its a cell that replicates. Well, I dont replicate anymore. Am I dead? I mean, every definition when you go into it is faulty.

John Hawkins: Yeah, well, what a project to be a synthesis-translator [of scientific jargon]. That seems a little grandiose.

Jon Lieff: Well, Im a neuropsychiatrist. Ive spent many, many years treating medical patients who have, mental issues; and, mental patients, who have physical issues. And I was constantly in the border zone of the physical and the mental and always wondering what mind was. So, you know, I became very knowledgeable in neuroscience and became convinced that theres no center, no module for the subjective experience that we all have, but that isnt true. Each cell really communicates widely throughout the brain. There are more associative areas [extant] than has been previously thought.

But in any case, I then studied smaller and smaller brains. I wrote some articles, even with Mark Bischoff, one of the great animal scientists, about bees, birds and lizards how amazingly intelligent they are. And you mentioned the hive. Well, Im not going to talk about the hive, because thats a way you sort ofdenigrate the intelligence of the individual bee. Actually, the bee and the ant and the termite are extremely intelligent. Ants know 50 different ways to measure where they are. And you can teach them new ones. You can teach them to use magnetism, for example. Bees know symbolic logic. They have a language that uses angles of the sun. They memorize thousands of flowers and rate them, and theyre able to track them. They self-medicate. Extreme intelligence in tiny little brains.

But then as I studied more, I found intelligence in cells and in microbes, in particular, starting with bacteria. This led to all the cells. And then everywhere I looked. Everywhere I looked, I saw intelligent cells signalling. And then it dawned on me: signalling is the way it works, and thats the way all biology works and all life works.

So I wrote, The Secret Language of Cells. The editors kept putting in jargon and I kept taking it out. They would say, leukocyte. Id say no white blood cell, because I didnt want any jargon in the book. And I tried to write it for [non-specialists] who did not need jargon, and who wouldnt have to look up anything. I was using regular English words to describe the panorama of the life of the cell and how amazingly intelligent these cells are. How does a capillary cell know to communicate halfway around the body to the bone marrow, to ask for certain cells to come, specific cells? How do they know to talk so widely? So anyway, it dawned on me that that was what was happening. And I tried to convey that in the book.

John Hawkins:But who benefits from keeping it all secretive and jargonese?

Jon Lieff: Most of it is not a deliberate attempt to keep it secret. Its just so complicated that they use jargon [as a kind of shorthand]. But there is a hidden agenda for some materialists who pooh-pooh human intelligence as epiphenomena. Its a lot easier to pooh-pooh intelligence in a cell. What is intelligence in the cell? And the group of cells is that how we get bigger intelligence, by combining smaller intelligences. It raises all kinds of questions that we dont have answers [for yet].

John Hawkins:Last year, I interviewed a British Columbia ecology professor, Suzanne Simard, author of Finding the Mother Tree, in which she writes about forests, and how they communicate by a root system. And that was a fascinating.

Jon Lieff:Communicate through fungal, fungal wires. But were part of that. Were all tied into the fungus as well. The microscopic fungus. Fungi are in some ways the most fundamental, dominant form of life on the earth that weve studied very little. They connect everything and they send signals and energy. And anyway, thats another story.

John Hawkins: Your notion of conversation is highly nuanced. We have digital, atomic, human, electrical and chemical signalsthese are all instances of conversation, you say. There is something profound about it if we could only come up with a unified translator. Can you say more about this power of communication?

Jon Lieff: Well, its vast. You know, everyone knows neurons talk to each other through axons, sending an electrical signal, and then a chemical across the synapse. But they dont really realize that that same axon is talking to T cells locally through breaks in the myelin and sending signals. Its also sending electrical signals to cells next to each other in electrical connections. Theres also an electrical field around it. Theyre also probably using photonics. They have nanotubes, they have vesicles. Its remarkable how much communication is going on. We just scratched the surface of it.

One editor wanted me to reorganize The Secret Language of Cells in terms of communication. But, the fact is, the vast amount that we know is almost all secreted chemicals. But that doesnt mean its the most important or the only communication. When I started writing my second book and was working on that, and I was going even deeper, it became apparent to me that large protein molecules that form these droplets, which is how all the action occurs, are actually creating little niche where they communicate [and] have quantum effects and have photonic communication, electromagnetic communication. So we just dont know. I mean, were just scratching the surface of this subject.

But when you look at all of life you have the Internet at the highest communicating [level], you have humans communicating, you have humans communicating in a jazz band with their brainwaves synchronize. You have light and sound going between us. You have touch going between us. But, then, all the way down, theres this communication going on at the deepest level, and my last chapter, Talking Molecules? The Case for mTOR, is about a molecule and I threw that in as a teaser but thats really where my next book is heading, because molecules communicate. And I learned a lot more about how that can happen. The information I have now was not even available three years ago. But a lot of it is through forming droplets, forming the large molecules, condensed together, forming a separate containment. Its like a little organelle, and they communicate rapidly in a way that is impossible. In other words, a lot of the theories of the cell are random diffusion, but its impossible to explain it that way. Its much too accurate. Its much too rapid. The communication pathways.

John Hawkins: Where do you suppose the impetus for such communication comes from in nature? Is it physical or metaphysical?

Jon Lieff: As I said, Im not a philosopher, and I avoided speculation. Theres enough just [raw] information coming out of the massive data [stream] thats going on to draw some inferences that this intelligent communication is occurring at all these levels that were describing. But how exactly that works; its really much too early to know how it all fits together. We dont [even] know what information is. But somehow this transfer of information or knowledge is a fundamental aspect of life. Right. That much we can say. I mean, if you look at Eastern religions, they that intelligence is one of the basic substances of nature. We [in the West] dont assume that. We just have to figure it out, and that whole view of what is information has begun. The questioning [has begun].

To me, it comes down to physics of matter, whatever that is. You have all kinds of levels of energy. Is information some form of this energy, or is it a separate type? Substance is a bad word, I mean, whatever matter, energy and information are.

John Hawkins: Speaking of that divide, I note that you say Brain/Body rather than Mind/Body. This interests me because I majored in philosophy as an undergrad and struggled with mind/body problems; but modern minds seem to think were bodies with brains and that minds are electro-chemical abstract we invent, and immaterial minds can be grounded. Philosopher Philip Goff in Galileos Error, a book that came out a year before your book was born, asks:

To be clear, Im not saying that scientist ought to explain why the fundamental laws of nature obtain The point is if its okay for the physicist to postulate basic and unexplained laws governing the causal interactions of matter, why isnt it also okay for the dualists to postulate basic and unexplained laws governing the causal interactions of mind and brain?

Do your conversations make dualism dead? Is there still a mind or have we finally lost it?

Jon Lieff: To me, many physicists have become arrogant and grandiose, as if they know more than anyone else, and theyre allowed to create multiverses with absolutely zero zero proof of any kind. I mean, modern physics has become more of a religion than a science in some aspects. Not everyone is aware of that. But the fact is, sometimes you need to postulate something in order to prove something eventually.

I mean, to me, science is observing something. And then we talk with other humans. And agree to measure it. And that this is what were observing together, and we agree on what were observing. The main thing we know is this unified, subjective experience that we all have thats the one thing we do know. [But] for the materialists say that our subjective experience doesnt exist; its epiphenomena. That is absurd. Its fundamentally absurd. So Descartes was correct about that. We know that we have subjective experience. The problem is we dont know what it is. We dont know how to measure it.

Eastern science assumes subjective experience, and then studies the variations and the modifications and the changes. And what happens when you do this and when you do that, when you meditate, when you go deeper. They have a huge silence, meaning groups of people have observed it and come up with similar things. And starting from that assumption that mind is the fundamental substance and then it gradually coalesces into matter.

Now, in Western Science, We have matter is everything, and then somehow energy and somehow mind it grows out of matter, which doesnt make any sense really. So to me, our science is deficient, not having something about information or mind in it, but it will eventually, and these two views will merge. The [Eastern and Western] scientific views will eventually merge. But Im wedded to Western science and committed to the fact that theres so much research; that theres enough for me to take the best of Western science and show, with that, that intelligence exists in these cells in matter, etc..

John Hawkins: So at the same time though, I mean, you talk about like the I Ching the book of changes and how it could be sort of developed into a science from an Eastern point of view. But also, even though youre not a philosopher, you probably believe in panpsychism.

Jon Lieff: Well, panpsychism is probably where I would end up. Yes. But again, you get into all kinds of logical conundrums with panpsychism. I studied math. So Im aware of Turing and Gdel and all the different proofs of the limits of logic. We dont know. We dont know what it is. We dont have an explanation. But clearly subjective experience, mind, whatever that is, somehow is connected, in my view, to this intelligence and communication at every level..

John Hawkins:But it means to some degree, when we reach out to another subject to communicate and negotiate a shared reality, we have a beam of light between us. Thats logic. Right? It has to have that kind of coherence so that we can understand a common set of data. So, in a sense, you know, it gets into a mathematical thing. Thats probably the fascinating thing about AIs and algorithms.

Jon Lieff: Yeah, its a question in math. I think were in a no mans land now in that arena. I must say, Im very impressed with DeepMinds protein [work]. Its about 60 to 80% accuracy on how proteins fold. Thats a huge advantage through AI. I think that is like a Nobel Prize worthy event. Its changing the ability to study proteins. We know almost nothing about them. And were [also] just scratching the surface of lipids, because they have infinite variety. You can make long chains, you can have branches. So the structure is you can have different saturation points, the variations in creating lipids and of course, the brain is more than half lipid. So were just getting into lipid biology, and sugar biology, sugar molecules on viruses and on cells. These are all signals as well. These are brain signals. So Im delighted that were getting a handle on protein structure.

John Hawkins: Your list ofsignalling devices is fascinating:

+ secreted chemicals+ launched sacs filled with genetic instructions+ electric currents+ electromagnetic waves+ physical contact by cells+ biological nanotubes between cells

The potential for the development (or realization) of a universal language is brain-boggling, especially in the coming quantum computing era. Is such universal language acquisition plausible? (Goff thinks so, referencing the hive mind and a dystopian brain-share scenario.)

Jon Lieff:Well, I dont know. Chemistry is all quantum. Its all based upon electron orbitals that combine with other molecules. And then some of the extraordinary quantum stuff like tunneling and entanglement, and all that, does occur. They didnt think it could possibly occur in biology because its so messy. But with our latest understanding, these large protein molecules precipitate into very structured environments inside of droplets, where all the action occurs, and then you have rivulets in between them, and in these rivulets its like a semiconductor you phosphorylated at one point, and you open and close different channels of these huge combined multiple multi proteins. Deep inside of those the crevices tunneling occurs and you get rapid, almost instantaneous chemical reactions. And the basis of life is the chemical reactions that occur so rapidly. So quantum is very much part of the picture and were just beginning to see how it can work in biology. But were nowhere near understanding it enough to talk about this language of communication.

John Hawkins:The Secret Language of Cells is divided up into four parts Body, Brain, Microbes, and Inside Cells. Can you provide a brief description and example for each?

Jon Lieff:So I divide my book into four parts: Body, Brain, Microbes and Communication within Cells. You really cant separate the brain and the body because the communication between the immune cells, between the capillary cells, between the brain cells is so constant that theres no separation. And everyone knows that microbes are important in humans. We hear that on the news every day. This microbe is doing this in the gut and affecting the brain, affecting anxiety, affecting diabetes, but they dont state why. And the reason why the microbes can be so influential in our lives is because they speak the same language as ourselves. So the microbe is talking in the same language. Now we know about the chemical signals and the receptors. The others, the nanotubes are constant between cells. Were finding more and more of them everywhere. Cancers are particularly use nanotubes to transfer mitochondria. They transfer material. HIV and COVID use nanotubes to go between cells so they can replicate, in many ways, where they dont go outside of a cell. We know a lot about the signals and the molecules and the chemicals. So the fact that the microbes manipulate the same molecules as our cells means they can talk to our cells, and thats why they can be so influential. Then the fourth section is deeper inside of the cells. There are these compartments called organelles, and I show that organelles are communicating just as much as cells, which means that the communication goes much deeper inside the cell.

And then the last chapter pointing to the future book is a molecule, this one mTOR. Its one of the most important molecules. How can a molecule act like its an organelle? Well, at the time I was writing the book, I wasnt so sure how that happened. Now, I know the molecule forms these droplets that attract the proteins to a little factory, a structure, and then they do the work. And then because of the chemistry, they can dissolve the droplet. Its called a phase separation and the phase separations are the way they operate. Molecules then can trigger major communication like organelles, but, also inside when a molecule and these proteins are working together, theyre communicating. Also probably through photons, probably through electromagnetics. But again, the science is early on that. So we have to wait for the science. But it is proven that they form these little cavities that definitely have quantum environments that allow quantum effects to occur. So all of this is happening between molecules.

John Hawkins: When I think of how such cellular communication could benefit man-and/or-womakind, I naturally think of the monoclonal solutions, and RNA-driven vaccines for Covid-19 and their seemingly miraculous speed of development within a year of the pandemics heyday.. Some said (the NYT , for instance), no vaccine had ever been created in less than 4 years and then voila! an avalanche. Theres CRISPR talk. Cloned baby twins with 200 IQs. Im reading that sex cells are being created in the lab. On the commuter train there are whispers of artificial cells being created. Stem cells are being sold on the black market underneath raincoats where once were slung knockoff Rolexes.Synthetic biology is all the rage.

Where do you and your conversations fit into this cocktail party?

Jon Lieff: I guess we have to have patents. But I used to think that patenting a gene, like the way they patent that cancer gene. It seems crazy to allow something that is not invented by anyone, but is a natural occurring thing to be patented by some human who can then make money off of it. It just seems wrong to me.

On the one hand, I mean, CRISPR, its a wonderful invention. Dont get me wrong, Im all for it. But its one of 50 ways that microbes developed to defend against viruses. Its a bacterial virus system, antivirus system. And the bacteria thought this up. We didnt think this up. And we took it from one particular set. There are now 50 of them. And thats the whole question of the life of the virus and the bacteria and how they work together and they work against each other. But this is a defense system. And then the virus language was discovered and we found that they had ways to attack the CRISPR. So the virus has sent kamikaze suicidal pilots after CRISPR to help the virus community. So I have a lot of skepticism about synthetic biology because we dont know enough not to have unwanted occurrences.

Thats the problem. Theres a lot of arrogance, a lot of hubris. And weve certainly shown that we can take science beyond where we should and be very destructive. And theres every reason to believe that synthetic biology could easily do that. So, having said that, we learned from it. You know, they do experiments to find out, but even the most advanced scientists making cells are not making cells. Theyre taking existing stuff and finding a minimal set.

John Hawkins:In your books concluding remarks, you reference viruses and their peculiar nature. Most folks believe theyre neither alive nor dead; just parasitic. In your section on the Origins of Evolution and Intelligence you write:

many researchers dont consider viruses to be living entities, yet viruses have very elaborate lifestyles, with the ability to specifically counter actions of large complex cells through signaling and other processes.

I recall an article I read way back now in Live Science on the possibility that consciousness is the result of a virus. It was titled, An Ancient Virus May Be Responsible for Human Consciousness. In the piece, they cite: A review published in Cell in 2016 found that between 40 and 80 percent of the human genome arrived from some archaic viral invasion.

Fascinating, as Spock would say. Do you want to weigh in?

Jon Lieff: Yeah, so, viruses. I consider viruses the most fundamental life form on earth and as the the filing cabinet of all information. In the form of an infinite variety of DNA strands that they then mix and match and send around and take here and there and are used by cells. You know, people talk about the shiga toxin, but the bacteria doesnt make that toxin. A virus makes the toxin. Many, many parts of us are from viruses now. So, when the Genome Project found that less than 2% of our DNA were genes, so called genes, we dont even know what a gene is really. But because we cut them up and manipulate them but less than 2%.

They then found that 8% are areas that are somewhat active making RNAs. That are from retroviruses. Thats more than four times as much as all of our DNA comes from just a group of retroviruses. The Nobel Prize winners, John Gurdon from the UK and Shinya Yamanaka from Japan they made stem cells, made a muscle cell into a skin cell and a neuron. And the way they did that is they found molecules that trigger DNA called transcription factors that are from viruses. So we need viral DNA and signals in order to make stem cells. Thats just one of many things.

It turns out that placentas come from a spike protein like the COVID spike. Just a month ago, it was discovered that myelin, which is completely critical to our brain function, comes from a virus.

88% of these retroviruses, another 50%, are whats called jumping genes. Jumping genes are viroid-like strands of DNA that also can cut themselves out, and sew themselves in, and jump around. But they make products. We try to silence all the jumping genes with CRISPR-like techniques, but many still create products.

It turns out that the human brain developed very rapidly over 30 million years into this vastly more complicated thing. And one of the reasons, maybe the major reason they were able to do that, is because they learn to do alternative splicing like alternative RNA splicing. When you have a DNA and you make an RNA molecule and youre about to make a protein in our cells, they edit it, cut out these things that cut out the introns, they put together the exon, and they put it into one molecule that then makes a protein. It turns out, we learned not too long ago, that our cells can manipulate those edits. And, so then, together in up to 500 different ways, theyre wondering how can we have hundreds of thousands of proteins with 20,000 genes? Well, its through alternative splicing. Turns out most dramatic alternative splicing is in the brain, in the human brain. Thats the place where most of it occurs.

And those are from virus genes. Those are there deep in the jumping genes. Theyre called lines and theyre deep in the jumping gene area. But because these jumping genes can be so influential, theres a constant battle between our defense systems and the jumping genes to make products or to silence the products. And basically, evolution is a product of that battle. Its not what people think it is. Its not. Its basically strands of DNA, from the infinite varieties that viruses have, trying to express themselves, and our brain deciding to accept it or not accept it. And this battle goes on all the time. And so, we cant live without viruses. Were finding viruses in the gut that defend our friendly bacteria. Were finding viruses that come into the cell. Viruses are more good than bad.

And the reason for that is because our lifestyle is chaotic and were destroying ecology and nature. And so we step on an area where a bat virus has been happy there for a long, long time, and then suddenly, oh, heres a human. The virus says, Wow, this is cool. I can really manipulate. I can really go to town in this in this creature. Not only that, there are billions of them. This is great. And that can multiply.

John Hawkins: Can you say a little bit more about myelin? Because I thought that was an interesting concept. Many people think that the myelin sheath is an insulator of some sort. But youre saying its more.

Jon Lieff: Just think how actions in the brain occur in milliseconds. And so an MRI is work in about a second. So what you see on an MRI is way after the fact. The action occurred a long time ago and they find something about blood flow that occurs way after the action. The action itself is milliseconds all over the brain. But, in order for a number of signals or thousand of signals to converge at one exact millisecond, in one particular spot, the speeds have to vary. And how do they vary? Well, they vary by creating myelin patterns. So what were learning is that myelin is not this trivial insulating thing. Myelin creates a huge number of varieties of patterns that have many, many different functions that were barely scratching the surface of in the cortex. They seem to be most prominent in these cortical columns. Myelin creates areas that allows the neuron to signal sideways to the immune cells.

They used to think its a simple thing, but actually building myelin is one of the most complicated things in nature. They used to think the spindle that the spindle is the most complicated structure in nature, but I would have to put myelin up there. Its extremely common. You can read about it, how they lay down a layer, they condense it, they move it, they create channels in between them to maintain them. It goes on and on and on how complicated it is. And then they lay it down with signals from capillary cells to stem cells to make particular myelin in a particular area of the brain. This is all based on signalling, and they discovered that signalling from the neuron to the myelin, they send sacks between them. Theyre sending communications between the myelin and the neuron. So all of this is occurring through information, through signalling.

So its like a vastly complicated thing that were just scratching the surface of.

John Hawkins:Its great stuff. You have a similar section where you talk about cancer and how it signals from one end of the body to the other.

Jon Lieff: Cancers are much smarter in their community. Theyre sending all kinds of signals. They communicate. Theyll redesign a mitochondria to do their special rapid reproduction, and then theyll multiply that mitochondria and send it through nanotubes to their comrades. They will send genes that defend against cancer drugs like microbes and resistance genes to their colony. Cancer colonies are very smart.

John Hawkins: You are a neuropsychiatrist. So signalling in the brain must be an interesting phenomenon to observe and treat from that perspective. How do you decide, for instance, what psychotropic to prescribe for a particular mental malady?

Jon Lieff: All the biochemical theories of psychiatry are wrong. We just dont know enough. Were just scratching the surface. The truth of the matter is, all psychiatric meds were found by accident. And then we studied them and tried to figure out whats going on. So when you look at the brain. You have dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, histamine. nicotinic. All of these are 2% of the brain. A sprinkling on the vast structure of glutamate and GABA, for which we know virtually nothing. And there are probably thousands of different glutamate types of neurons; we know maybe five. If you look at all the drugs, we have 250 drugs. Theyre all based upon the ones I mentioned. Only five have anything to do with glutamate and GABA, which are the fundamental structure of the brain.

John Hawkins: Well, while were at it, how does neuropsychiatry justify the jargon and mystification of the DSM conversation?

Jon Lieff: You say its the best you can come up with. How do you describe a psychiatric illness when you dont know the biochemistry? You do it through symptoms and you create symptoms. But when you look at depression, there are eight basic symptoms. If you look at clusters of four. Thats 64 different subsets. Huge amount of subsets. Now, some subset of depression is based upon inflammation and immune. Some subset deals with other things. There are many different subsets of depression, so we have to learn about all of those.

Read the original post:
Every Body's Talking at Them: an Interview with Jon Lieff - CounterPunch


TriBeta invites students to explore opportunities to work with faculty at research fair on Oct. 11 – Ohio University

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

TriBeta, the National Biological Honor Society, hosts a research fair for undergraduate students to learn about and potentially join research labs onTuesday, Oct. 11, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Grover Atrium.

Biological Sciences seniors say working in faculty labs results in exciting research, lasting friendships, and critical experience for future careers.

I invite all students to come and explore the research fair. There is going to be a vast array of research being presented by fantastic faculty and their students. It is truly a wonderful experience to learn about some of the research being conducted here at OHIO that you can become a part of. Everyone is excited for this years research fair, so even if you are not in TriBeta, you are more than welcome to come and take a look! said Aurelia (Ray) Johnson, a senior biological sciences pre-professional major in the College of Arts and Sciences. For more information, contact her at rj265318@ohio.edu.

Over the past three years, Ive gotten the opportunity to conduct research in several labs at OHIO. Being involved in research has allowed me to see the intersections of many fields within biological sciences. For instance, my current research combines anatomy, genetics, molecular biology, and evolution to study birds. In class it can feel like these disciplines are separate, but research shows you how they come together under one roof. Finally, research at OHIO is amazing because there are labs for every interest, so you get to explore what gets you really excited! said Nick Sze, a senior in the Honors Tutorial College biology program and a member of the OHIO Marching 110.

Being in Dr. Viorel Popescu's wildlife conservation lab has taught me skills and expanded my mind in so many ways that you cannot get in classes alone. It has also given me amazing mentors and life-long friendships in my field. I feel like I will be graduating a much more well-rounded biologist thanks to my time aiding in amphibian research, said Era Bakia, a senior majoring in biological sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Working in Dr. Xiaozhuo Chens lab has allowed me to explore and grow my knowledge and skill in the field I hope to go into after graduation. I have also gotten the valuable experience of learning how to plan and conduct scientific research, as well as how to relate lab-based work to the real world, allowing me to experience the translational side oncology research. I knew coming into college that I wanted to participate in research, but it has given me more than I ever expected, so I always recommend trying it out and seeing what you like! OHIO has so many different disciplines that you will definitely find one you love! said Nicole Stone, a senior major in biological sciences pre-professional in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Working in the Ronan Carroll Laboratory has allowed me to take part in the scientific process by creating knowledge in my field, as well as practicing what I learn in class in a hands-on setting. The skills I've learned as an undergraduate researcher were vital in my summer internship in Berlin, Germany, an opportunity I found through connections in the Carroll laboratory, said Riley Zielinski, a senior in the Honors Tutorial College biology program, with minors in chemistry and anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Beta Beta Beta() is a national honor and professional society for students in the biological sciences. A TriBeta chapter offers its members activities and experiences that enrich and extend but do not duplicate the primary requirements for the biology major. TriBeta was established in 1922 in Oklahoma; Ohio University's chapter of TriBeta was established in 1994.

Read more from the original source:
TriBeta invites students to explore opportunities to work with faculty at research fair on Oct. 11 - Ohio University


Genetics: the Vatican Does Not Intend to Be Behind the Times – FSSPX.News

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

The Holy See has just organized an unprecedented symposium on molecular and cellular engineering. The goal: to keep control of a constantly evolving science, which requires the development and updating of solid ethical safeguards for scientists.

This science is rolling; the train is moving. But instead of lamenting over this, we need to take the initiative and hop on that train, intervene, and, if needed, divert it onto another track, said Ralf Stutzki, head of the ethics Molecular Systems Engineering at the National Center of Competence in Research at the University of Basel, Switzerland. He considers it urgent for the Church to help researchers formulate ethical standards to guide their work.

This is the whole meaning of the first international conference on the Ethics of Engineering Life, jointly organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life, Molecular Systems Engineering, and the Bambino Ges childrens hospital in Rome, on September 26 and 27, 2022.

To address the ethical aspects of engineering molecules, cells and cellular functions, the academy said, the conference invited scientists and stakeholders involved in developing and applying approaches that edit and control biological systems; ethicists; philosophers; communicators; and others.

In his introductory remarks, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Academy challenged for certain progressive positions said that the objective of this meeting was to reflect on todays scientific-technological developments, particularly in the area of life and health.

At the present time, with the aim of treating very diverse pathologies, research has succeeded in manufacturing cellular micro-tissues from adult or embryonic stem cells: in the latter case, the Church opposes this practice because it involves the destruction of the embryo, while it supports research on adult stem cells for therapeutic purposes.

But the digital age is moving the cursor ever further, as Hans Clever, Dutch geneticist, director of pharma Research and Early Development (pRED) at Roche, a powerful pharmaceutical company based in Switzerland, explained in his speech.

Indeed, scientists cross ethical standards and work on embryonic stem cells and have now manage to create embryoids, i.e., an embryo-like structure of aggregated pluripotent stem cells . . . [that] lacks the essential cell types needed to develop beyond this early stage.

Hans Clever states, as research advances, these embryoids will look more and more like real embryos, which will bring up even more ethical concerns. There we need really strong guidelines.

Present at the colloquium, Marie-Jo Thiel, a medical doctor who teaches ethics at the University of Strasbourg, recalled important contribution that Catholic theology can and must bring to this specialized matter: Values and ethics are not limits or obstacles to innovation and change; they represent the compass indicating what responsible, inclusive and sustainable ways are best for the future, she said, quoting a 2021 report by the European Commission on ethics and science.

Hans Clever summarized the problem well, according to him, scientists are not the best ethicists, at least biologists are not the best ethicists, in general, because they're just curious, they want to know the next step, they have not learned easily to step back, he said. But some scientists have learned it is important to involve ethicists in their meetingsto help them step back and see what it is they really want to do.

Even if it means running into the wall: Knowledge without conscience is but the ruin of the soul, Rabelais already warned in his time. It remains to be seen whether the echo of this symposium in the scientific world will live up to the hopes of its organizers.

See the rest here:
Genetics: the Vatican Does Not Intend to Be Behind the Times - FSSPX.News


Yield10 Bioscience Appoints Willie Loh, Ph.D., to the Board of Directors – citybiz

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

Willie Loh, Ph.D.,

WOBURN, Mass., Oct. 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. (Nasdaq:YTEN), an agricultural bioscience company, today announced that Willie Loh, Ph.D., was named to the Companys Board of Directors effective October 4, 2022. Dr. Loh previously served as a Special Commercial and Technical Advisor to the Company. Dr. Loh was formerly Vice President, Market Development of Cargill Inc.s Global Edible Oils Solutions group in North America. Cargillis a global food and agriculture company.

We are delighted that Willie is expanding his role with Yield10 by serving on our Board of Directors, said Oliver Peoples, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Yield10 Bioscience. His extensive knowledge of the commercial landscape for commodity and specialty oils including leading the development of omega-3 canola oil as well as his global business and operational management experience in grain seed, grain and oil sales will provide our team with important insights as we continue to advance our commercial plans for Camelina and shape the future of Yield10. Willie brings critical value chain experience at a time when Yield10 is transitioning to a commercial operation to supply Camelina grain to the seed processing and biofuel sectors.

Despite recent supply chain challenges, there remains an unprecedented global demand for vegetable oil production across biofuels, human nutrition and animal feed markets, said Dr. Loh. Yield10s leadership in the development of Camelina as a new commercial crop has the potential to address the growing gap between vegetable oil supply and demand. Based on the positive attributes of the crop, I believe Camelina represents a viable solution for long-term production, benefitting growers, energy users and consumers alike. I look forward to continuing to work with the Yield10 team and contributing to the Companys commercial success.

Dr. Loh retired in 2020 as Vice President of Cargills Global Edible Oil Solutions group in North America, where he was responsible for the market development of novel oil products and led its Project Management Office. Prior to this assignment, Dr. Loh led marketing professionals at Cargill responsible for strategic planning, new business development, product management and innovation in food ingredient oils, foodservice oils and planting seed. Dr. Loh joined Cargill in 1995 and led the specialty oils sales team for 10 years.

Dr. Loh earned a Ph.D. in Microbiology from the Ohio State University. He earned an M.S. in Botany from Rutgers University and a B.S. in Biology from Columbia University. Dr. Loh also worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Virginia. He has published original research articles in Oil Chemistry, Oilseed Biochemistry, Microbial Physiology and Plant Molecular Genetics and has been granted more than a dozen patents in these areas.

AboutYield10 Bioscience

Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. is an agricultural bioscience company that is using its differentiated trait gene discovery platform, the Trait Factory, to develop improved Camelina varieties to produce proprietary seed products, and to discover high value genetic traits for the agriculture and food industries. Our goals are to efficiently establish a high value seed products business based on developing superior varieties of Camelina to produce biofuel feedstock oils, PHA bioplastics and omega-3 (DHA+EPA) oils and to license our yield traits to major seed companies for commercialization in major row crops, including corn, soybean and canola. Yield10 is headquartered in Woburn, MA and has an Oilseeds Center of Excellence in Saskatoon, Canada.

For more information about the company, please visitwww.yield10bio.com, or follow the Company onTwitter,FacebookandLinkedIn.

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Yield10 Bioscience Appoints Willie Loh, Ph.D., to the Board of Directors - citybiz


Molecular pathways of major depressive disorder converge on the synapse | Molecular Psychiatry – Nature.com

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

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Molecular pathways of major depressive disorder converge on the synapse | Molecular Psychiatry - Nature.com


Sigyn Therapeutics Strengthens Board of Directors With the Appointments of Richa Nand, Jim Dorst and Christopher Wetzel – Yahoo Finance

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

Sigyn Therapeutics, Inc.

- Independent Directors Bring Expertise in Intellectual Property, Finance, Healthcare Delivery, and More -

SAN DIEGO, CA, Oct. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NewMediaWire Sigyn Therapeutics, Inc. (Sigyn or the Company) (OTCQB: SIGY), a development-stage company focused on creating therapeutic solutions to address unmet needs in global health, today announced the appointment of Richa Nand, B.S., J.D.; Jim Dorst, B.S., M.S.; and Christopher Wetzel, B.S., M.B.A. to its Board of Directors, effective October 10, 2022.

As we transition toward the next phase of our clinical endeavors, it is an opportune time to bolster our Board with the appointment of these three accomplished individuals, who bring forth a diverse set of expertise, yet each have experience with extracorporeal blood purification technologies, stated Jim Joyce, co-founder and CEO of Sigyn Therapeutics.

Richa Nand is a senior legal executive with more than 20 years of experience as an intellectual property (IP) attorney and strategic business advisor for biotechnology and medical device companies. She is the founder of Insight Patents, a legal and consulting firm providing IP and transactional corporate services for the life sciences industry. Ms. Nand previously served as Vice President of Corporate Development and Legal at Bird Rock Bio a Johnson & Johnson-backed biopharmaceutical company in San Diego and Vice President of Intellectual Property and Licensing; Director of Business Development; and In-House Patent Counsel at Cytori Therapeutics. Prior to law school, she was a biomedical researcher at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, California. Ms. Nand received a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Juris Doctor degree from Boston University School of Law.

Jim Dorst has more than 30 years of senior management experience in finance, operations, planning and business transactions at both private and public companies. He was most recently Director of Corporate Development at SYNNEX/Concentrix, where he was primarily responsible for mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Dorst was previously Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at SpectraScience, Inc.; CFO of Aethlon Medical, Inc. and Vice President of Finance and Operations for Verdisoft Corporation. In addition, he previously served as Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration at SeeCommerce; CFO and COO of Omnis Technology Corp; and CFO and Senior Vice President of Information Technology at Savoir Technology Group, Inc. Mr. Dorst practiced as a Certified Public Accountant with Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP); and holds a Master of Science degree in Accounting and a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from the University of Oregon.

Story continues

Christopher Wetzel has more than 25 years of leadership experience in various aspects of the healthcare delivery system and since 2004, has served as Chief Executive Officer for the Surgery Center at Hamilton in New Jersey. His career has focused on building organizations, increasing operational efficiency, increasing profitability, maximizing revenue, and managing change in the complex and high-growth healthcare environment. Mr. Wetzel applied his broad background in strategy, finance, and operations to guide various entities starting new ventures, entering new markets, and reengineering business processes. He is a long-term investor in the extracorporeal therapy space. Mr. Wetzel received a Master of Business Administration degree in Healthcare Management and a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Thomas Jefferson University (formerly Philadelphia University).

About Sigyn Therapeutics

Sigyn Therapeutics is a development-stage company focused on the creation of therapeutic solutions that address unmet needs in global health.

Sigyn Therapy is a broad-spectrum blood purification device designed to address pathogen-associated inflammatory disorders that are not addressed with an approved drug therapy. To accomplish such unmet medical needs, Sigyn Therapy extracts pathogen sources of life-threatening inflammation in concert with dampening down the dysregulated overproduction of inflammatory cytokines.

In vitro blood purification studies have demonstrated the potential of Sigyn Therapy to address a broad-spectrum of relevant therapeutic targets, including endotoxin (gram-negative bacterial toxin); peptidoglycan and lipoteichoic acid (gram-positive bacterial toxins); viral pathogens (including SARS-CoV-2); CytoVesicles (extracellular vesicles that transport inflammatory cytokine cargos); and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1b), and interleukin 6 (IL-6), which are inflammatory cytokines that play a prominent role in each Sigyn Therapy treatment indication. Subsequent to these milestone achievements, Sigyn Therapy has been demonstrated to be well tolerated in animal studies.

Based on Sigyn Therapys ability to isolate and extract viral pathogens, bacterial toxins, and inflammatory cytokines from the bloodstream, candidate treatment indications include pathogen-associated sepsis (leading cause of hospital deaths), community acquired pneumonia (a leading cause of death among infectious diseases), emerging pandemic threats, and inflammation & endotoxemia that commonly occurs in end-stage renal disease patients.

To learn more about our therapeutic endeavors, market opportunities and management team, we encourage to visit our website at: http://www.SigynTherapeutics.com

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This information in this press release contains forward-looking statements of Sigyn Therapeutics, Inc. (Sigyn) that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements contained in this summary are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 that involve risks and uncertainties. Statements containing words such as "may," "believe," "anticipate," "expect," "intend," "plan," "project," "will," "projections," "estimate," "potentially" or similar expressions constitute forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties and actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated in the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon Sigyn's current expectations and involve assumptions that may never materialize or may prove to be incorrect. Factors that may contribute to such differences may include, without limitation, the Company's ability to clinically advance Sigyn Therapy in human studies required for market clearance, the Company's ability to manufacture Sigyn Therapy, the Company's ability to raise capital resources, and other potential risks. The foregoing list of risks and uncertainties is illustrative but is not exhaustive. Additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements can be found under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021, and in the Company's other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. All forward-looking statements contained in this report speak only as of the date on which they were made. Except as may be required by law, the Company does not intend, nor does it undertake any duty, to update this information to reflect future events or circumstances.


Stephen KilmerSigyn Therapeutics, Inc.Investor Relations(646) 274-3580stephen@sigyntherapeutics.com

Sigyn Therapeutics Strengthens Board of Directors With the Appointments of Richa Nand, Jim Dorst and Christopher Wetzel - Yahoo Finance


UTHSC Researcher Co-Leads Study of Genes that Modulate Aging, Lifespan – UTHSC News – UTHSC News

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

Scientists led by the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) and thecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerlandareexploring the elaborate interplay between genes, sex, growth, and age and how they influence variation in longevity.Their findings, which are being published in the peer-reviewed journal Science, arean important step in understanding why some people live longer than others and provide a basis for future studies to improve healthspan.

Robert Williams, PhD, chair of theDepartment of Genetics and Genomics in UTHSCs College of Medicine, along withJohan Auwerx, MD, PhD, professor and director of theLaboratory for Integrated and Systems Physiologyat EPFL, started a program in 2016 to define genetic factors underlying aging and lifespan. Finding common molecular pathways that control differences in rate of aging is critical to our understanding of how individuals differ in their health and lifespan, Dr. Williams said. Such insights may help us work out ways to intervene rationally.

Drs. Williams and Auwerx worked with colleagues at the National Institute on Agings Interventions Testing Program (ITP), which donated DNA of over 12,000 mice to the project. ITP mice are genetically heterogeneous. Each of the 27,574 mice studied is a full sibling, sharing half its genetic inheritance with each other mouse in the program, and each has a known lifespan, making them an ideal system to study.

EPFL and UTHSC researchers measured the genetic makeup of more than 3,000 mice, all of them genetic brothers or sisters. The mice were then genotyped and allowed to live until their natural death. The researchers then explored the relationship between DNA difference and differences in the lifespan of each mouse. This genetic mapping allowed the teams to define stretches of DNA in genomes that affect longevity. The results show the DNA segments, or loci, associated with longevity are largely specific to sex, with females having a region in chromosome 3 that affects lifespan. When the males who died early due to non-aging-related reasons were removed from the analysis, additional genetic signals started to emerge, suggesting some genetic variations only affect lifespan after a certain age.

In addition to finding genetic determinants of longevity, the researchers explored other contributors. In general, bigger mice die younger. The researchers found that some, but not all, of the genetic effects on longevity are through effects on growth. One of the non-genetic effects may be how early access to food affects growth. They observed that mice from smaller litters tended to be heavier adults and live shorter lives. Mice from larger litters that had to share their mothers milk with more siblings, grew more slowly and lived longer on average. The researchers corroborated these trends of early growth versus longevity in large human datasets with hundreds of thousands of participants.

Beyond characterizing how longevity is affected, the researchers worked to find genes most likely to play a role in longevity determination. They measured the effect of DNA variation on how genes are expressed and compared their analyses with multiple human and non-human databases. From this they nominated a few genes likely to modulate aging rates. They then tested the effects of manipulating these genes in roundworms and found that a subset of gene perturbations did in fact affect the lifespan.The results of this study will be a rich resource of aging genes that will hopefully guide the design of therapies that not only extend lifespan, but also healthspan.

Funding for the project was provided by the NIA,EPFL, the European Research Council, the Swiss National Science Foundation, and the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research.The paper, titledSex- and age-dependent genetics of longevity in a heterogeneous mouse population,is in the October 2022 issue of Science.


See the original post here:
UTHSC Researcher Co-Leads Study of Genes that Modulate Aging, Lifespan - UTHSC News - UTHSC News


GATC Health Investor Conference to Feature First Public Demonstration of Its AI Platform’s Drug Discovery Capabilities – PR Newswire

October 7th, 2022 1:42 am

IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- GATC Health ("GATC" or "the Company"), a science and technology company revolutionizing drug discovery and disease prediction using artificial intelligence (AI), today announced that the company is welcoming private investors to attend a GATC conference at Avenue of the Arts Hotel in Costa Mesa, CA on Wednesday, Oct. 5, for the first public demonstration of its proprietary Multiomics Advanced Technology (MAT) platform that discovers both small and large molecule drug candidates with 88% accuracy.

In addition to this demonstration, the agenda of the closed event includes key speakers from GATC Health as well as industry experts and thought leaders, who will provide additional context on how GATC's drug discovery and development abilities could be used in multiple areas of medicine, including addiction treatments, diabetes, oncology and other disease states.

GATC Health has attracted significant interest from sophisticated investors. The company expects its private conference to close its current Regulation D offering, representing the final opportunity for individuals to invest in the company. Invitations to GATC's event were limited to individuals who invested $100,000 or more in the company or who recently invested via referral. Following this round of funding, GATC Health is seeking institutional investment and is in conversations with several prospective funding institutions.

At the investor conference, GATC will also detail recent company developments, including a new study that shows its platform can predict drug candidate success with 88% accuracy, an increase to pre-clinical lead optimization 11x industry performance.

The company also recently announced a partnership with globally recognized music artist, entrepreneur and activist, Akon, to study and interpret genetic and other biological data to identify predisposition to diseases and enable life-saving preventative care for Africans and people of African heritage. Using the company's proprietary AI platform, which can process and analyze the entire human genome, the initiative will study the genetics of 1 million people across Africa and use that data to identify personalized healthcare solutions for the African participants, in addition to providing deep population health insights that can change the course of healthcare on the African continent.

Speakers at the day-long conference will include:

GATC Health company leadership scheduled to speak include:

About GATC HealthGATC Health Corp is a science and technology company using whole genome analysis and multiomics-based artificial intelligence to revolutionize disease detection and drug discovery. The company's patented AI platform reduces risk, time and costs for life science companies by digitally reproducing the human body to find non-obvious answers to biology's most complex questions. GATC Health is accelerating healthcare's transition to predictive, individualized medicine.

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Original post:
GATC Health Investor Conference to Feature First Public Demonstration of Its AI Platform's Drug Discovery Capabilities - PR Newswire


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