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Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: LONGEVITY Migweld 140 – 140 Amp …

September 9th, 2015 4:46 am

Only took a few minutes to get the welder out of the box, attach the torch, and load a roll of flux core wire (Note that you have to buy your own flux core; it comes with solid wire). Only took three tries to guess a voltage/feed rate combination to get a decent weld; I'm sure that as I become more familiar with the unit (and/or read the instructions) I'll get more reliable.

I ended up buying from Longevity directly: it's a 1 year warranty through Amazon but a 5 year warranty from the factory. Shipping was quite a bit slower and was not free, but they worked with me on the price and came in around what the Amazon cost was.

In terms of quality, the ground clamp is a bit weaker than I'm used to and is more slippery, but the unit seems generally solid where it matters. It's not as nice as my Dad's high-end digital Lincoln, but it's also a heck of a lot cheaper and more portable. I haven't used it much, so I'm not sure about durability yet, but I have a good feeling about it. It feels well constructed.

Regarding the price and features, I did a LOT of shopping around and at under $400 (total cost of the unit, shipping, and taxes) the features of this welder seem to be either comparable to or better than welders in the $550-$600 range (such as the Hobart Handler and the Lincoln Easy Mig 140). I've also used cheaper ~$100 Harbor Freight 110V welders, and this was FAR better: the tip of this welder is only hot when the trigger on the torch is pulled, the penetration was much better, and the build quality felt better.

Regarding customer service, I'm very impressed. I mistakenly thought that the argon regulator was missing from the box, called customer service, and they promptly, with absolutely no arguing, put in a warranty order to ship me a replacement. After I found the regulator, they were very polite when I called back to own up to my mistake.

Here is the original post:
Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: LONGEVITY Migweld 140 - 140 Amp ...


Home | Longevity

September 9th, 2015 4:46 am

Evidence-based Anti-Aging Medicine is rapidly becoming the future of medicine and can be easily integrated into your family or internal medical practice.

We provide a comprehensive certification program that will thoroughly prepare you for successful integration of Anti-Aging Medicine into your existing practice. Longevity is Lifes practical educational modules were developed from over 45 years of combined personal professional experience of our experts and from information presented at multiple Anti-Aging Congresses and Workshops in Europe and USA. They are designed to distill an inordinate amount of information into practical and easy to implement course on Anti-Aging Medicine. After completion of our course, you will return to your practice energized and equipped with new treatment strategies that will benefit both your practice and your patients.

With Longevity is Lifes Anti-Aging medical training you will be able to offer patients a personalized, healthy approach to looking and feeling great. Medical science has seen the most noticeable advancements in these areas, in recent years, and the clinical data is constantly being updated and yielding significant results. Our program is evidence-based, and thoroughly goes over the latest necessary standards of care, medical protocols and testing, so that you will be able to utilize and seamlessly integrate this field of medicine within your clinical practice.

Our modules are taught by world recognized physician expert in Anti-Aging medicine. Nataliya Chekalska, MD, PhD is a speaker and a former scientific coordination for many years of Anti-Aging Medicine and Aesthetic World Congress and has extensive experience in her field. She is the author of several patents of IV Anti-aging therapy protocols, which are now widely used throughout Europe and US.

Anti-Aging medicine is an extension of preventive health care. If you are testing your patients cholesterol, or prescribing melatonin or DHEA, or suggesting a mammogram, you are already involved in certain aspects of Anti-Aging medicine. It is estimated that more than 90% of all adult illness is due to the generative processes of aging, which may be corrected or improved by the addition of supplements, detoxification and hormonal correction.

Anti-Aging is a relatively new field of medicine, where natural approaches and lifestyle changes are used, in conjunction with traditional medicine, where applicable, to give relief to a variety of conditions. The total market within the United States, as it relates to Anti-Aging medicine, is estimated to be over $15B.

During the Anti-Aging training modules you will understand how to analyze, test, evaluate and treat numerous chronic and age-related conditions you are presented with, each day. Participants can pass our on-line certification tests and will be awarded Longevity is Life Certificate of Completion as a Preventive and Anti-aging Medicine Professional.

Throughout the aging process, our internal systems and body chemistry change, and we develop certain imbalances and deficiencies, which in the past we would explain away as caused by life changes and genetics. Today we are able to review these various primary and secondary hormones, through testing and systems reviews, and to develop an effective personalized treatment plan that reverses these chronic conditions.

As we get older, our metabolism gets less efficient, thereby the absorption of nutrients and the excretion of toxic cellular wastes become less effective. Age related nutritional deficiency diseases become more frequent and the effects of chronic stress and poor nutrition can contribute to the buildup of free radicals that in turn can lead to more and more symptoms of premature aging like loss of skin elasticity and other metabolic problems. Anti-aging therapies can offer the opportunity to help reduce oxidative stress, and supply the vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are needed to help repair cellular damage and restore homeostatic balances.

Even when a person thinks that he is eating well, he may not be assimilating all the proper nutrients he needs to stay at optimal health because the absorption of nutrients is a critical factor. Oral vitamins commonly have absorption rates of only 10 to 15 percent and decreases in the efficiency of the digestive tract as we are or disease can also reduce absorption efficiencies.

The importance of standing nutrition therapy programs after the age of 35 cannot be overemphasized. This is a best time to mitigate many of the age effects of free radicals, hormone depletion, glycation, membrane damage and toxin accumulation. After 35 years old natural human growth hormone begins to tape off and the efficient physiological processes that worked well in youth begin to become less efficient. At this age they need more nutrition and support to maintain our health.

Most of the age related diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes as well as a whole host of other deficiency related diseases begin to act on the general population in almost a logarithmic-like way after 50 years of life. The pace of aging increase as we age. At the age 50 there is 400 % increase in the incidence of age related diseases. This goes to a thousand fold increase by age 60 and peaks at 2500% increase by age 80.

Its the growing trend- customized IV cocktails providing in wellness centers and in all top quality spas worldwide. Iv therapy was introduced more than 50 years ago- now its a complimentary treatment IV therapy actually works at the cellular level.

To re-iterate, IV nutrition provides direct access to circulatory system bypassing any deficiencies in the normal gastrointestinal digestion and assimilation process. It is the route for drug or nutrient delivery that might normally irritate gastric mucosa or might not be properly integrated with any other type of delivery. IV administration is likewise an effective route for instant drug or component action that avoids having to wait to address critical problems. Additionally, it effortlessly allows for instant drug termination if sensitivity or adverse reactions occur.

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Home | Longevity


Longevity myths – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

September 9th, 2015 4:46 am

Longevity myths are traditions about long-lived people (generally supercentenarians), either as individuals or groups of people, and practices that have been believed to confer longevity, but for which scientific evidence does not support the ages claimed or the reasons for the claims.[1][2] While literal interpretations of such myths may appear to indicate extraordinarily long life spans many scholars[3] believe such figures may be the result of incorrect translation of numbering systems through various languages coupled by the cultural and or symbolic significance of certain numbers.

The phrase "longevity tradition" may include "purifications, rituals, longevity practices, meditations, and alchemy"[4] that have been believed to confer greater human longevity, especially in Chinese culture.[1][2]

Modern science indicates various ways in which genetics, diet, and lifestyle affect human longevity. It also allows us to determine the age of human remains with a fair degree of precision.

Age claims for the earliest eight Sumerian kings in the major recension of the Sumerian King List were in units and fractions of shar (3,600 years) and totaled 67 shar or 241,200 years.[5]

In the only ten-king tablet recension of this list three kings (Alalngar, [...]kidunnu, and En-men-dur-ana) are recorded as having reigned 72,000 years each.[6][7] The major recension assigns 43,200 years to the reign of En-men-lu-ana, and 36,000 years each to those of Alalngar and Dumuzid.[5]

In the Hebrew Bible, the Torah, Joshua, Job, and 2 Chronicles claim several individuals with long lifespans. Students of the Bible hold various positions regarding the ages given in the Bible. Some assert a literal translation while others search for a less dogmatic interpretation. ". . . patient research has gone a long way towards resolving this knotty problem. [8]

Some literary critics explain these extreme ages as ancient mistranslations that converted the word "month" to "year", mistaking lunar cycles for solar ones: this would turn an age of 969 "years" into a more reasonable 969 lunar months, or 78 years of the Metonic cycle.[9]

Donald Etz theorized that the Genesis 5 numbers were multiplied by ten by a later editor.[10] A similar scenario is believed to have led to some confusion as the mystery of Plato's Atlantis.[11] Critics, however, believe this would be inconsistent as the ages of the first nine patriarchs at fatherhood, ranging from 62 to 230 years in the manuscripts, would then be transformed into an implausible range such as 5 to 18 years.[12]

Numbers from the ancient near east are recognized as inflated through some source of number manipulation complex patterns are suggested. The Sumerian tradition suggests certain kings reigned for 36,000 years.[13] This makes the current numbers in Genesis for the antediluvians seem extremely conservative. The number of years each Sumerian king reigned, as Dwight Young has pointed out, is often a square number or the sum of squares. For example, reigns of 900 years (302); 324 (182); 136 (102 + 62); and 116 (102 + 42) are recorded.[14] This ancient tradition of manipulating numbers can also be found in the ages the Old Testament assigns to the patriarchs. Abraham is reported to have lived, according to the Hebrew Bible (Leningrad Codex), to the age of 175. His son, Isaac, lived to be 180. Abraham's grandson, Jacob, lived only to the age of 147. And Joseph, Jacob's son, lived the shortest life of all110.[15] However, like the reigns of some of the kings in the Sumerian King List, the ages of the patriarchs are products of a multiplier and a square and in one case the sum of squares. There is a mathematical progression in the ages of the patriarchs.

This leaves students of the Bible to speculate the reasons why translators of the text would format numbers in such a manner. Several suggestions are below.

Others point out that Biblical genealogies contain generational gaps. For example Paul Y. Hoskisson pointed out that between Ozias and Joatham in verses 8 and 9, Matthew left out Joash, Amaziah, and Azariah (Joash was the son of Ozias [Ahaziah in 2 Kings 11:2] and the father of Amaziah, grandfather of Azariah and great grandfather of Joatham [Jotham in 2 Kings 15:7]). The Gospel of Luke more realistically has 56 ancestors from Abraham to Christ.[16] Hoskisson further suggested that the gematria of King David's name may have something to do with Matthew's choice of the number "fourteen." The Hebrew letters in David's name, , given their numerical value, add up to the number fourteen. Since the writer of the Gospel of Matthew divided the genealogy into three sections, each containing 14 generations in accordance with the numerical value of David's name; Abraham to David, David to the Exile, and the Exile to Christ[17] certain names would have been omitted which the author of Luke had access to. Nineteenth-century critic Vincent Goehlert suggests the lifetimes "represented epochs merely, to which were given the names of the personages especially prominent in such epochs, who, in consequence of their comparatively long lives were able to acquire an exalted influence."[18]

Biblical scholars that believe in literal translation give explanations for the advanced ages of the early patriarchs. In one view man was originally to have everlasting life, but as sin was introduced into the world by Adam and Eve, its influence became greater with each generation and God progressively shortened man's life. The Biblical upper limit of longevity was categorized by the Bible scholar Witness Lee as having four successive plateaus of 1,000, 500, 250, and finally 120 years,[19] and "four falls of mankind" correspond to these four plateaus.[20] In a second view, before Noah's flood, a "firmament" over the earth (Genesis 1:68) contributed to people's advanced ages.[21]

The reigns of several shahs in the Shahnameh, an epic poem by Ferdowsi, are given as longer than a century:

Lucian wrote about the "Seres" (a Chinese people), claiming they lived for over 300 years.

Some early emperors of Japan ruled for more than a century, according to the tradition documented in the Kojiki, viz., Emperor Jimmu and Emperor Kan.

In Roman times, Pliny wrote about longevity records from the census carried out in 74 AD under Vespasian. In one region of Italy many people allegedly lived past 100; four were said to be 130, others even older. The ancient Greek author Lucian is the presumed author of Macrobii (long-livers), a work devoted to longevity. Most of the examples Lucian gives are what would be regarded as normal long lifespans (80100 years).

In legend, Praotec ech ("forefather Czech", 342680) lived 338 years.[citation needed] And Pemysl, the Ploughman (founder of the Pemyslid dynasty) could have lived for more than 180 years (561745).[citation needed]

Social Security:

A 1973 National Geographic article on longevity reported, as a very aged people, the Burusho or Hunza people in the Hunza Valley of the mountains of Pakistan.[57]

Deaths officially reported in Russia in 1815 listed 1068 centenarians, including 246 supercentenarians (50 at age 120155 and one even older).[30]Time magazine considered that, by the Soviet Union, longevity had elevated to a state-supported "Methuselah cult".[58] The USSR insisted on its citizens' unrivaled longevity by claiming 592 people (224 male, 368 female) over age 120 in a 15 January 1959 census[59] and 100 citizens of Russia alone ages 120 to 156 in March 1960.[60] Such later claims were fostered by Georgian-born Joseph Stalin's apparent hope that he would live long past 70.[58]Zhores A. Medvedev, who demonstrated that all 500-plus claims failed birth-record validation and other tests,[58] said Stalin "liked the idea that [other] Georgians lived to be 100".[60]

Swedish death registers contain detailed information on thousands of centenarians going back to 1749; the maximum age at death reported between 1751 and 1800 was 127.[63]

Swiss anatomist Albrecht von Haller collected examples of 62 people ages 110120, 29 ages 120130, and 15 ages 130140.[65]

The idea that certain diets can lead to extraordinary longevity (ages beyond 130) is not new. In 1909, lie Metchnikoff believed that drinking goat's milk could confer extraordinary longevity. The Hunza diet, supposedly practiced in an area of northern India, has been claimed to give people the ability to live to 140 or more.[68] There has been no proof that any diet has led humans to live longer than the genetically-recognized maximum[citation needed] (currently the oldest verified person, Jeanne Calment, died at age 122.45 years),[69] however Caloric restriction diets have increased lifespans of rodents significantly.

Traditions that have been believed to confer greater human longevity include alchemy.[4]

The Fountain of Youth reputedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks of its waters. The New Testament, following older Jewish tradition, attributes healing to the Pool of Bethesda when the waters are "stirred" by an angel.[73]Herodotus attributes exceptional longevity to a fountain in the land of the Ethiopians.[74] The lore of the Alexander Romance and of Al-Khidr describes such a fountain, and stories about the philosopher's stone, universal panaceas, and the elixir of life are widespread.

After the death of Juan Ponce de Len, Gonzalo Fernndez de Oviedo y Valds wrote in Historia General y Natural de las Indias (1535) that Ponce de Len was looking for the waters of Bimini to cure his aging.[75]

More here:
Longevity myths - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dr Joel Wallach Colloidal Minerals Resource Center

September 9th, 2015 4:46 am

A colloid is a particle substance that retains its identity and remains in liquid suspension. Colloids are very small in size and therefore easily absorbed by the cells of the body. Plants convert metallic minerals into this form.

Dr. Carey Reams, a well known biophysicist and biochemist, discovered that colloids can get so small they can go through glass. And that even within a colloid there can be a "solar system" of different minerals. They have a natural negative electrical charge.

Dr. Reams found that the human body requires 84 of the known 106 elements to maintain optimum health. Many more than is currently recognized.

In 1925, a historic discovery was made by a rancher in Central Utah. Through an unusual set of circumstances the mineral remains of an ancient rain forest, determined by the US. Dept. of Interior to be from the Cretaceous Period, approximately 60 million to 127 million years old, were encapsulated and preserved.

The material is humic shale, not bentonite, clay or dried up sea beds which is the most common source of so called Colloidal Minerals.

Only a small portion from various parts of the deposit are used to insure a balance of the over 65 various minerals and trace minerals that form the exclusive Majestic Earth product that meets Dr. Wallach's quality standards, the rest is sold to bulk processors and distributed under various no name labels.

Only the Majestic Earth products represents the true plant derived product. Time tested by 70 years of use. This is the product all others try to compare themselves with.

These rare colloidal plant minerals are extracted with pure, cool clear water to the desired concentration and then processed through a complex array of special filters to allow only the organic colloidal minerals in the final solution. There are no preservatives, flavorings. or synthetic substances added.

Dr. Wallach's Majestic Earth liquid minerals have a natural negative electrical charge, which is the signature of the true plant derived mineral. This has two very important benefits.

One, it greatly increases the transport and bioavailability of other nutrients gotten from foods and/or vitamins and other supplements.

And two, it will attract toxins and heavy metals from the body and flush them out. Clinical tests done here in the US. and in Germany have verified this.

The mineral product that Dr. Joel Wallach is referring to on his audio tape, "Dead Doctors Don't Lie", is a plant derived product which has been on the market for 70 years.

Dr. Wallach exclusively represents The Youngevity Family of Companies" and only endorses or recommends their plant derived liquid colloidal mineral products.

Minerals in their metallic form can be toxic to the human body. Dangerous levels of these metallic minerals can accumulate in the tissues and create serious health problems.

These are found in the 2000 year old sea bed deposits, and are loaded with chloride. Very toxic inorganic minerals are being sold to an unsuspecting public under the guise of colloidal. The key factor is true plant derivation.

Plant source minerals, produced for Dr Wallach and Youngevity are completely non-toxic, Plant Derived, and is proven by its 70 year history of positive results with the thousands of its customers, and verified by the following scientific test done in Germany.

Dr Joel Wallach Youngevity Vitamin and Minerals

Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, a biophysicist and professor at the Kaiserlautern University in Germany, developed a very sophisticated and precise method of determining whether or not a substance is toxic or to what degree it is beneficial to live cells.

This method accurately measures the actual life energy output of these cells. The minerals not only tested completely non-toxic, but increased the cell's life energy output beyond what Dr. Popp had established as his optimum output benchmark.

He congratulated us on the excellence of the product. No other manufacturer of natural colloidal minerals has this test guaranteeing the safety and effectiveness of their product.

EDITORS NOTE: As with any change in your diet or nutrition, see your health practitioner about utilizing this information. This information in no way attempts to construe a diagnosis, cure or treatment. **These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. For any claims linking health to nutrition that is not "classic".

Sincerely, Joel D. Wallach, B.S., DVM, N.D.

Dr Joel Wallach Youngevity Vitamin and Minerals

than all the wars in American history. . .

You get all the nutrition you need from the four food groups."

But those raw materials so vital to your health can be hard to find. Centuries of mining, farming, irrigation, and acid rain have eroded life-giving minerals from our soil. These mineral-deficient soils are then used to grow and cultivate our food. Because of this, our food may be lacking in essential minerals

See original here:
Dr Joel Wallach Colloidal Minerals Resource Center


Sports Medicine – Common Injuries, Treatments, Physical Therapy

September 8th, 2015 9:44 pm

updated September 3, 2015

Sports are a healthy, fun pastime and captivating form of entertainment, helping people aspire to greater fitness and come together in pursuit of a common goal. However, since they often require rigorous training, intense exercise, heightened flexibility, and bodily strain, athletic activities carry the risk of injury.

Overexerting yourself to throw the javelin farther, kick the soccer ball into a faraway goal, or slam a tennis ball into your opponents court could harm or even seriously impair your body. Sports medicine practitioners help patients maintain their health and treat athletic injuries so they can keep playing. Orthopedists, doctors who diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions, often specialize in sports medicine because athletes regularly harm their muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, or related tissues. Sports medicine also incorporates elements of preventive medicine and nutritional science, helping patients preserve their fitness and wellbeing to perform well on the field or court.

Since sports often require repeated movements, putting pressure on the same joints and bones each time, certain conditions are more common than others. Some of the most frequently reported sports-related injuries include:

Sports medicine specialists and orthopedists specializing in sports injuries can help diagnose and treat any of the above conditions to allow for freer movement and alleviate your symptoms.

The orthopedic issues that often result from sports injuries can cause chronic pain, making it difficult for you to get back to your game or even go about your daily activities. While their first priority is always to treat and completely resolve the injury, sports medicine specialists also frequently help patients cope with constant aching, tenderness, and discomfort using pain management therapies. These may include:

Most often, sports medicine practitioners recommend using a combination of pain management techniques. These therapies may prevent or delay the need for orthopedic surgery and allow you to continue your regular activities unhindered.

Sports medicine practitioners often recommend physical therapy to help patients manage pain, treat their sports injuries, and improve their physical capabilities. Physical therapists do not have medical degrees, but they must go through comprehensive specialized training.

Typically, physical therapy involves coming in at least once a week to undergo assessment, practice exercises, and gradually rebuild damaged muscles and ligaments. Your physical therapist will also give you at-home exercises and routines to complete so that you can continue improving your fitness, flexibility, and health in between visits. You will most likely work with your physical therapist for several months or more as you progressively heal and improve.

Physical therapy can be a preventive measure, in which case your practitioner will show you how to stretch before exercising and teach you techniques to better protect your body as you play. Some sports medicine doctors may recommend it as part of a treatment plan along with pain management techniques. Your practitioner may also prescribe physical therapy to help you fully rehabilitate after orthopedic surgery or other procedures to repair a sports injury. Since sports-related conditions often result from repetitive motions or improper posture, physical therapists may also help you retrain your body so that you can perform the same actions in a safer manner.

Children often participate in individual or team sports through schools or community organizations. While these activities can help them make friends and develop healthy fitness habits, they can also put their still-developing bodies at risk for injury. Pediatric sports medicine specialists work with toddlers to teenagers, helping them protect their bodies from harm and treating any sports-related conditions. A primary care physician, pediatric orthopedist, or sports medicine specialist may help preserve your childs wellbeing during athletic activities. In addition to typical sports medicine concerns (common injuries, orthopedics, physical therapy, etc.), these doctors focus on specific pediatric issues such as:

Adult patients also need to protect their bodies during athletic activities and treat sports-related injuries. Sports medicine concerns for adults include:

Adult sports medicine practitioners help patients maintain their athletic performance and health as they age and become more skilled athletes.

There are a number of ways sports medicine doctors can diagnose injuries. Some practitioners work directly with individuals or teams, attending games to watch them perform and monitor their conditions, diagnosing them from afar and at mandatory assessments. Other doctors practice out of hospitals or private clinics where patients come to see them at regular intervals or if they experience sports injury symptoms. To diagnose sports injuries, sports medicine practitioners may:

The price of sports medicine care varies widely according to the following cost factors:

Your primary care physician, orthopedist, physical therapist, or other sports medicine specialist can help you better understand the costs of your treatment at your initial consultation.

If you have health insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare coverage, your provider will most likely pay a portion or all of your sports medicine costs. Your exact out-of-pocket expenses will depend on the scope and type of your insurance plan. You should also make sure you go to a sports medicine practitioner whose office accepts your insurance if you want to apply your coverage.

If you do not have health insurance, you may be able to afford sports medicine therapies through financing, which may be offered through your clinic or an outside lender, such as CareCredit. If you are interested in medical financing, you will need to meet the qualifications for your chosen program, commit to making monthly payments, and cover the cost of accrued interest.

Some patients may not believe they need the assistance of a sports medicine specialist or understand how this medical discipline could help them. Sports medicine is an important field because it allows patients to fully embrace their athletic activities and improve their wellbeing. Its many benefits include:

The goal of sports medicine is to improve your comfort and expand your abilities. Sports medicine therapies are typically very safe, but their risks can include:

Working with a qualified, experienced sports medicine practitioner and following his or her instructions can reduce your risks.

Can I see a sports medicine doctor if Im not a great athlete?

Yes. Sports medicine is for any patients with injuries resulting from physical activity or those looking to improve their athletic performance.

Can I play while wearing a cast or brace?

This depends on your doctors advice and the rules of your particular sport.

How long will it take for me to get back to my sport?

Recovery times vary greatly based on the extent of your injuries. In general, patients return to activity within several weeks to a few months, with their doctors approval.

How can I tell if I have a sports injury?

If you experience persistent discomfort or impairment to physical activity, you should contact a sports medicine clinic.

Read the rest here:
Sports Medicine - Common Injuries, Treatments, Physical Therapy


ACP: Sports Medicine: Internal Medicine Subspecialty

September 8th, 2015 9:44 pm

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine specialists focus on the evaluation and non-surgical care of athletes and other active people. To prepare for this subspecialty, they complete seven or more years of medical school and postgraduate training to become board certified in Internal Medicine. They then spend at least another year taking care of athletes and studying the basic sports medicine sciences, before taking the examination for the Certificate of Added Qualifications in Sports Medicine (C.A.Q.).

Sports medicine specialists are concerned with all problems -- injury and illness alike -- related to athletics and physical fitness. They decide when to refer patients to a surgical specialist or prescribe treatments, such as physical therapy.

They are especially well-suited to care for people with medical problems (for example, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, or obesity) who wish to begin an exercise program, improve their fitness, and reduce risks to their health.

They may care for teams, as well as individuals, and are ready to evaluate and advise patients about nutrition for growth and development and for improving performance.

Above all, they believe "exercise is medicine" and promote lifelong fitness and wellness, encouraging prevention of illness and injury.

Your primary care physician may refer you to a sports medicine specialist for a particular problem. In some cases, a coach or athletic trainer -- or another patient or family member -- might recommend you consult one. Many very active people may already have a sports medicine specialist as their regular doctor.

Sports medicine specialists often work closely with many physicians to help manage a patient's care, relying on other medical and surgical specialists, as well as skilled health professionals -- athletic trainers, physical therapists, nutritionists, psychologists -- to come up with the right program for a patient.

Download a printable brochure containing the information on this page. (PDF format: Adobe Acrobat needed)

Read the rest here:
ACP: Sports Medicine: Internal Medicine Subspecialty


Sports Medicine | School of Medicine & Health Sciences | UND …

September 8th, 2015 9:44 pm

The mission of the Division of Sports Medicine is to serve the region through provision of education, research and service in sports medicine. It is recognized that sports medicine is a multidisciplinary field involving many facets of the health care community. The Division of Sports Medicine functions as a coordinating entity to help other disciplines provide education, research and service in this area.

Specifically, the Division of Sports Medicine provides direction for the BS in Athletic Training degree program, a medical elective in sports medicine, and residency training in sports medicine. Service components of the Division are handled through the athletic training services provided for UND athletics and The Center for Sports Medicine, a clinical practice in sports medicine. Research and continuing education are vital aspects of the Division of Sports Medicine to improve the quality of care for athletes regionwide.

Through the Division of Sports Medicine's educational, research and service programs, a regional resource for sports medicine care is being established. This resource will positively impact the health care of the athlete in North Dakota and the surrounding region.

See the rest here:
Sports Medicine | School of Medicine & Health Sciences | UND ...


Sports Medicine – Columbus, Ohio :: Nationwide Children’s …

September 8th, 2015 9:44 pm

Children and teens to age 18 require expert care, especially when theyre serious athletes. These kids are still growing. And their health care needs are unique.

To reach their full potential, student athletes need a level of expertise found only at Nationwide Childrens Hospital. Our Sports Medicine Program offers something adult care providers cant a complete understanding of the young athlete.

Our comprehensive team of specialists works closely with coaches, athletic trainers, primary care physicians and parents to deliver age-appropriate care designed to get athletes back in the game as quickly and safely as possible.

Nationwide Children's Sports Medicine provides care at several Columbus and central Ohio locations:

For maps and directions, click here.

Nationwide Childrens Hospital is proud to be the Ohio High School Athletic Associations (OHSAA) official and exclusive Sports Medicine partner. Like the OHSAA, we believe that education is the cornerstone of future success. Nationwide Childrens Sports Medicine is committed to the OHSAA and all its member schools in providing educational resources to help improve the health and performance of all student-athletes. We are proud to support our community, its schools, and help foster a great experience in sports.

Follow this link:
Sports Medicine - Columbus, Ohio :: Nationwide Children's ...


Valley Medical Center | Sports Medicine

September 8th, 2015 9:44 pm

With an increasing emphasis on exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle has come an increase in recreational activities and organized athletics. The growth of organized youth sports in particular contributes the risk for sports-related injuries. According to the American Academy of Sports Medicine, 3 million children ages 14 and under get hurt annually playing sports or participating in recreational activitiesapproximately 800,000 of them serious enough to warrant a trip to the ER.

When injuries occur, it is no longer enough for athletes to "take it easy for awhile" or "work through it." VMC's sports medicine professionals offer a new approachdiagnosis, treatment, and sport-specific rehabilitation. Whether you are a dancer, skier, Little Leaguer, or someone who just likes to keep as active as possible, our goal is to keep you at your game.

Sidelined by an Injury?

Strains and sprains, aches and pains, fractures, concussions, swelling and tears, theres no question injuries can sideline active people. With proper diagnosis, treatment and sport-specific rehabilitation and therapies, our Sports Medicine physicians help people get back to participating in their activities in a safe, sustainable way. When to continue, when to back offour physicians have the expertise to safely guide your return after an injury. And as active athletes themselves, they understand and empathize with the eagerness to regain a desired performance level, while helping cope with the emotional toll some experience during rehabilitation.

Expert Helpfrom Improving Your Overall Health to Optimizing Your Sports Performance

Our physicians can create personalized training plans for a wide range of sports interests and abilities. Skilled in motivational techniques, nutritional advice and sports-specific training, our physicians help you get healthier, avoid injury and maximize performance. Whether youre a swimmer, runner, cyclist, dancer, skier, hiker, Little Leaguer or someone who just likes to keep as active as possible, our goal is to keep you in the game, doing what you love.

Cutting-edge Technology Helps Us See the Big Picture

In addition to staying ahead of the curve with the latest research and trends in maximizing performance and treating sports-related injuries, our Sports Medicine physicians use cutting-edge ultrasound imaging to aid in diagnosis and guide injection treatments. This technology allows our physicians to obtain the best view possible of even the tiniest anatomy, offering you more precise treatment to speed healing and get you back on track.

Exercise: Your Prescription

Exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle, and more people than ever are participating in active recreation and organized athletics. Youll find the physicians at the Sports Medicine Clinic offer a proactive approach for both adults and children. Want to lose those excess pounds but dont know how? Afraid of starting an exercise program? Our physicians can help those with chronic conditions just get started or safely remain active. Using exercise as a medicine to bounce back more quickly after an injury or to reduce or eliminate symptoms of other health issues, our physicians help you get back in the game.

Tel: 425.656.4260 Address & directions

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Valley Medical Center | Sports Medicine


Sports Medicine | University of Maryland Medical Center

September 8th, 2015 9:44 pm

University of Maryland Orthopaedics provides state-of-the-art sports medicine care to athletes and active individuals of all ages. Our athletic patients span the spectrum of professional, collegiate, and high school competitors. In addition, many of our patients are no longer involved in organized athletics but continue to participate in physical fitness activities. Our Sports Medicine Program emphasizes injury prevention, specialized rehabilitative strategies, and state-of-the-art surgical techniques to treat injuries of the shoulder, elbow, and knee.

We serve as the Official Medical Provider of Maryland Athletics.In addition, Dr. Craig Bennett and our other sports medicine physicians also provide sports medicine services to nearly two dozen area high schools.

Our sports medicine physicians and orthopaedic residents work directly with many of the athletic trainers in Baltimore County, Howard County, and Baltimore City to ensure the same level of care offered to the University of Maryland Terp athletes.

Our comprehensive sports medicine team includes fellowship-trained sports medicine orthopaedic surgeons, primary care sports medicine physicians, athletic trainers, and physical therapists.

In addition to treating sports medicine injuries, our physicians are actively involved in research studies directed at better understanding athletic injuries, improving treatment choices, and getting athletes and active individuals back on their feet faster.

Our physicians' research has been published in many of the most prominent sports medicine journals. Areas of research include ligament and meniscus injuries of the knee, cartilage injuries of the knee, and arthroscopic treatment of shoulder instability in active populations. These research endeavors further the understanding of sporting injuries and help us provide the best possible care to our patients.

We recognize that the needs of our patients differ greatly. While some simply require referral to a physical therapist for outpatient treatment, others require complex surgical reconstruction with length rehabilitation. In the most complex situations it may be necessary to rely on the expertise of other orthopaedic, medical, and physical therapy specialists in caring for our patients. If sub-specialty consultation is required, our team can call upon the vast resources of the University of Maryland Medical System including the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland Rehabilitation & Orthopaedics Institute formerlyKernan Hospital, and Kernan Physical Therapy Centers.

University of Maryland Orthopaedics;One Texas Station, Suite 300, Timonium, MD 21093

1-877-771-4567 or 410-448-6400

Original post:
Sports Medicine | University of Maryland Medical Center


sports medicine | medicine | Britannica.com

September 8th, 2015 9:44 pm

Sports medicine,sports medicine; physical therapy Brand X Pictures/Thinkstockmedical and paramedical supervision, of athletes in training and in competition, with the goal of prevention and treatment of their injuries. Sports medicine entails the application of scientific research and practice to the optimization of health and athletic performance.

Since the revival of the Olympic Games in 1896, increased participation in sport and training for sports have resulted in the need to not only prevent and treat sports injury but also advance the scientific knowledge of the limits of human exercise performance and the causes of fatigue. Moreover, with increased training levels and specialization across the spectrum of recreational sports and with opportunities for sport participants to become professionals, there has been a parallel increase in the careers to support the care and training of athletes and physically active individuals.

sports medicine; physiotherapy Patricia Hofmeester/Shutterstock.comSports medicine is an umbrella term representing a broad array of specialties that bridge the academic disciplines of medicine and physical education as well as the basic sciences (e.g., physiology, chemistry, and physics). Within clinical medicine, physicians in primary care or pediatrics may become team physicians for competitive teams at all levels (interscholastic, intercollegiate, professional, and amateur sports). Other members of a sports medicine team typically include an orthopedic surgeon, a certified athletic trainer, a physical therapist or kinesiotherapist, and a strength-and-conditioning specialist. Other professionals, such as those in the areas of sports nutrition, sports psychology, sports physiology, podiatry, sports vision, sports dentistry, and chiropractic, are valuable consultants.

Although sports medicine is more commonly thought to be related specifically to orthopedic medicine, with respect to the treatment and prevention of injuries occurring in a sport, other medical specialties in cardiology, psychiatry, gynecology, and ophthalmology can also play an important role in comprehensive sports medicine. For example, cardiac rehabilitation is an important area in sports medicine that employs not only doctors but also allied health professionals, such as registered clinical exercise physiologists and nurses. These individuals help patients recover and improve their functional capacity following cardiovascular events such as heart attack or cardiac surgery.

A sports medicine team physician can be called upon to treat a wide variety of sports-related injuries or illnesses. One example is an overuse type of injury, such as a stress fracture in the foot or lower leg. An injury such as this can be caused by any of a variety of problems, including muscle imbalance, muscular weakness arising from a lack of proper strength training, improper footwear or abnormal gait, inadequate mineral or other nutrient intake that upsets the caloric balance necessary for training, hormonal deficiency, and overload of exercise training volume, frequency, and intensity. Thus, to effectively treat an overuse injury, a team physician needs expertise and knowledge in a wide range of sports medicine issues.

sports medicine; exercise ball Supri Suharjoto/Shutterstock.comThe Fdration Internationale de Mdecine du Sport (International Federation of Sports Medicine, or FIMS) is the international organization for national sports medicine associations worldwide. Founded as the Association Internationale Medico-Sportive (AIMS) during the Olympic Winter Games in St. Moritz, Switzerland, in 1928, the organization is today strongly tied to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The primary goal of FIMS is to support elite athletes in their training and competition by providing outstanding medical care in order to prevent and treat injuries. FIMS also has an interest in facilitating fair play while maximizing performance potential through optimal health habits. The organization fulfills this task by promoting the importance of proper nutrition and rest and by advancing the understanding of ideal training regimens.

In 1954 the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) was established to bring together medical doctors, university researchers, and physical educators to advance the study and understanding of the impacts of physical exertion on the human body. The overarching goal of the ACSM is to champion the beneficial aspectsphysical, mental, emotional, and socialof sports and fitness activities that enhance the health and quality of life for all individuals, from youth to the elderly and from frail patients with disease to elite sport performers. The organization has members from around the world whose professional careers span the broad array of disciplines already described; notably, clinicians, researchers, and sport practitioners are within its member ranks.

Other professional sports medicine societies and organizations in the United States include the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, and the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. These and many other professional associations are represented as members of the Joint Commission on Sports Medicine and Science.

Many other countries also have sports medicine societies and sports science associations. These entities are often geared specifically toward either clinical medicine or sports science.

The use of exercise and sport as a therapy to prevent chronic disease is well established. The wide range of health benefits of exercise stem from the several key elements that comprise physical fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, agility, and body composition.

The relationship between regular physical activity and health has been well established worldwide. Governments of numerous countries have published guidelines that describe the amount of physical activity needed for health, although these guidelines may vary slightly.

In 2008 the U.S. government released Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, the countrys first published set of guidelines on the dose, or amount, of physical activity needed to maintain health for individuals aged six and older. This document was based on a rigorous review by an expert panel of the scientific literature available on exercise and health. The panel found strong evidence indicating that 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week for adults helped prevent a wide range of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), certain types of cancer, and depression. This amount of exercise for adults was also associated with a reduced risk of early death, of falls, and of weight gain. There was also moderate evidence indicating that this level of physical activity aids in the prevention of hip fracture, osteoporosis, lung cancer, and endometrial cancer; facilitates weight maintenance after weight loss; and improves sleep quality.

The 2008 U.S. report also indicated that for individuals aged 6 to 17 the baseline dose of exercise needed to obtain health benefits was 60 minutes or more of physical activity every day (physical activity was defined as aerobic or endurance exercise of moderate or vigorous intensity). The greatest health benefits were associated with vigorous activity at least three days per week. Muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening activities performed at least three days per week for children and at least two days per week for adults were also found to improve health.

In Canada, youths are encouraged to obtain even more minutes of daily activity (60 moderate and 30 vigorous minutes). In general, similar guidelines have been established for all individuals, and they are not considered to be optimal training doses for various sports and athletes. Training for competitive sports generally requires additional sports medicine expertise.

Exercise in therapeutic doses is powerful in preventive medicine. Therefore, in the broadest of terms, sports medicine is applicable to any individual who includes movement as a part of his or her daily life as well as to those who compete on teams or in individual sportsfrom youth to masters-level events.

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sports medicine | medicine | Britannica.com


Sports Medicine Doctors in Palo Alto – Palo Alto Medical …

September 8th, 2015 4:44 am

Main content

The Sports Medicine Department of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation specializes in comprehensive care of injuries for active people. Our sports medicine specialists are highly skilled, with fellowships in the fields of sports medicine.

Our program is a pioneer in the field of sports medicine, and our doctors have substantial experience treating a wide range of sports conditions, from ACL and meniscus tears to rotator cuff injury and tennis elbow. Our doctors serve as consultants to many professional sports teams, and work with our skilled medical staff to provide comprehensive care to athletes.

Every active person is welcome in our practice. Our goal is to provide the highest quality care to all our patients to help them recover quickly from their injuries and return to their active lifestyles. In doing so, we strive to provide you with the best sports medicine doctors in Northern California.

Visit any of our highly qualified sports medicine doctors to get the quality treatment you need to return to your active lifestyle.

Frank Chen, M.D.

Colin L. Eakin, M.D.

Sally S. Harris, M.D., MPH

Warren King, M.D.

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Sports Medicine Doctors in Palo Alto - Palo Alto Medical ...


Genome Medicine

September 7th, 2015 6:46 pm

Medicine in the post-genomic era

Genome Medicine publishes peer-reviewed research articles, new methods, software tools, reviews and comment articles in all areas of medicine studied from a post-genomic perspective. Areas covered include, but are not limited to, disease genomics (including genome-wide association studies and sequencing-based studies), disease epigenomics, pathogen and microbiome genomics, immunogenomics, translational genomics, pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, proteomics and metabolomics in medicine, systems medicine, and ethical, legal and social issues.

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DNA-PK inhibition boosts Cas9-mediated HDR

Transient pharmacological inhibition of DNA-PKcs can stimulate homology-directed repair following Cas9-mediated induction of a double strand break, and is expected to reduce the downstream workload.

Genomics of epilepsy

Candace Myers and Heather Mefford review how advances in genomic technologies have aided variant discovery, leading to a rapid increase in our understanding of epilepsy genetics.

CpG sites associated with atopy

Thirteen novel epigenetic loci associated with atopy and high IgE were found that could serve 55 as candidate loci; of these, four were within genes with known roles in the immune response.

Longitudinal 'omic profiles

A pilot study quantifying gene expression and methylation profile consistency over a year shows high longitudinal consistency, with individually extreme transcript abundance in a small number of genes which may be useful for explaining medical conditions or guiding personalized health decisions.

Ovarian cancer landscape

Exome sequencing of mucinous ovarian carcinoma tumors reveals multiple mutational targets, suggesting tumors arise through many routes, and shows this group of tumors is distinct from other subtypes.

NGS-guided cancer therapy

Jeffrey Gagan and Eliezer Van Allen review how next-generation sequencing can be incorporated into standard oncology clinical practice and provide guidance on the potential and limitations of sequencing.


A platform for managing clinical exome sequencing data that includes data entry, distribution of work assignments, variant evaluation and review, selection of variants for validation, report generation.

Semantic workflow for clinical omics

A clinical omics analysis pipeline using the Workflow Instance Generation and Specialization (WINGS) semantic workflow platform demonstrates transparency, reproducibility and analytical validity.

Stephen McMahon and colleagues review treatments for pain relief, which are often inadequate, and discuss how understanding of the genomic and epigenomic mechanisms might lead to improved drugs.

View more review articles

Exploiting single-molecule transcript sequencing for eukaryotic gene prediction

Minoche AE, Dohm JC, Schneider J, Holtgrwe D, Viehver P, Montfort M, Rosleff Srensen T, Weisshaar B et al.

Genome Biology 2015, 16:184

Analysis methods for studying the 3D architecture of the genome

Ay F and Noble WS

Genome Biology 2015, 16:183

Graded gene expression changes determine phenotype severity in mouse models of CRX-associated retinopathies

Ruzycki PA, Tran NM, Kefalov VJ, Kolesnikov AV and Chen S

Genome Biology 2015, 16:171

Predicting the spatial organization of chromosomes using epigenetic data

Mourad R and Cuvier O

Genome Biology 2015, 16:182

See the original post here:
Genome Medicine


Genetic Engineering – HowStuffWorks

September 7th, 2015 6:46 pm

Genetic Engineering, the process of extracting DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, which makes up the genes of all living things) from one organism and combining it with the DNA of another organism, thus introducing new hereditary traits into the recipient organism. The nature and characteristics of every living creature is determined by the special combinations of genes carried by its cells. The slightest alteration in these combinations can bring about significant changes in an organism and also its progeny. The science of devising techniques of modifying or controlling genes and genetic combinations is referred to as genetic engineering. It was practiced in one form or another in the past by farmers and agriculturists trying to create economically viable species of plants and animals through various breeding techniques Genetic engineering, as a science, was developed in the mid-1970's primarily to create new strains of microorganisms that produce certain chemicals useful in manufacturing or as drugs. Genetic engineering is now also applied to improving plants and creating transgenic animals (animals containing foreign genetic material).

Some persons oppose genetic engineering on religious, ethical, or social grounds. Among the religious questions is whether humans have the right to transfer traits from one organism to another. A social concern is the possibility of creating harmful organisms that, if accidentally released into the environment, could cause epidemics.The creation of human clones, for example, is facing serious opposition especially on moral grounds. Organizations, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), are seeking to control the harmful effects of genetic engineering by imposing guidelines and safety measures for genetic experimentation. Treatment of hereditary defects through gene transplantation and controlled interchange of genes between specified species was approved in 1985 and 1987 respectively by the NIH and the National Academy of Sciences. The USDA has framed regulations for the genetic alteration of plants by plant breeders.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1980 that genetically engineered microorganisms could be patented. In 1988 the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued its first patent for a higher form of life, a transgenic mouse that is highly susceptible to certain cancers that appear frequently in humans. This mouse is used in cancer research.

Genetic Engineering - HowStuffWorks


Stem Cells from Fat Plastic Surgerys New Frontier …

September 7th, 2015 6:46 pm

There is no doubt that the most exciting frontier in medicine now is the use of stem cells. Stem cells have the power to restore beauty, heal damaged tissues, and the potential to treat and cure some diseases.

Up until recently the media has largely focused on the more controversial embryonic stem cells. These are stem cells derived from embryos. The potential uses of these cells to cure and treat diseases remain vast, but the controversial source of the cells poses ethical questions which have delayed medical progress.

During the past decade, researchers have discovered that stem cells can also be extracted from your own fat tissue. These adult stem cells have the same potential as embryonic stem cells, except for the ability to differentiate into sperm or ova. Unlike embryonal stem cells, stem cells extracted from your own fat are abundant, easily available, and pose no ethical or political controversy.

Due to FDA regulations, stem cell therapies to treat diseases are not yet available in the U.S. unless you are part of a clinical trial. In this capacity they are considered to be drug therapy and subject to very strict regulation. Therefore, patients not enrolled in these trials are currently traveling outside of the United States to get these therapies.

But using your own (autologous) stem cells to restore a more youthful appearance is available now, from experienced plastic surgeons here is the U.S. There is no need to travel to China, Korea, or Europe to get stem cell enhanced facial rejuvenation or breast augmentation. These therapies do not fall under the FDAs drug therapy classification and are therefore not regulated as such because: 1) the injections are performed in the same operative session as the liposuction procedure to remove the fat; 2) the stem cells have been only minimally manipulated; and 3) the stem cell enhanced fat transfer does not alter the original relevant biologic function of the stem cell. Thus, when the cosmetic enhancement is performed in the same operative session, it is not regulated by drug therapy guidelines.

However, if your autologous stem cells are reinjected in a separate or second operative session, it is unclear whether the FDA considers that application to be a drug therapy, even though it is used for the same cosmetic purpose. There is currently an intense legal debate about what constitutes drug therapy.

Plastic Surgeons have been extracting and reinjecting fat cells into tissues for over a decade. Experienced fat grafting surgeons have known that successful fat grafting is highly dependent on the techniques used for extracting, processing, and reinjection of the fat cells. Surgeons are beginning to understand that fat processing techniques which result in high concentrations of adult stem cells produce not only long lasting results, but also have therapeutic results in injured tissues.

To perform stem cell enhanced fat grafting, fat is first extracted by liposuction using low negative pressure. The fat is then processed. Proper fat processing techniques include centrifugation and decanting of the extracted fat. Long lasting results are only achieved with proper fat processing techniques.

In contrast, surgeons who rinse the tissue decrease stem cell adherence to fat cells, and do not increase the concentration of stem cells. These less concentrated grafts have a smaller percentage of success.

Reinjection of the fat must be performed in very small quantities and distributed through all tissue layers to facilitate reestablishment of blood flow to the fat grafts.

Examples of stem cell enhanced fat transfers which can be performed in the same operative session by plastic surgeons at the present time include:

Other areas of stem cell therapy which are being investigated and currently developed are:

Stem cell therapy is a paradigm shift in cosmetic surgery. Instead of the surgeon using his talents to create the illusion of a more youthful body, the surgeon guides your body to rejuvenate itself!!

By Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Baltimore, Maryland Ricardo L Rodriguez on Google +

Posted in Fat Stem Cells

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Stem Cells from Fat Plastic Surgerys New Frontier ...


My new neighbor in Sacramento: a fat stem cell clinic …

September 7th, 2015 6:46 pm

For years Ive been writing about stem cell clinics that sell non-FDA approved stem cell treatments to vulnerable patients right here in America.

These clinics have been sprouting up like mushrooms across the US and their numbers may be above200 today overall. As a result perhaps it was inevitable that one would arrive in a locale near me.

Tomorrow, July 11, reportedly the Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center will open a Sacramento, CA branch.The doctor there will apparently be Thomas A. Gionis (picture from press release). This private, for-profit clinic has no affiliation with UC Davis School of Medicine in Sacramento where Im located.

The stem cell clinic Sacramento branch will sell transplants of fat stem cells in the form of something called stromal vascular fraction or SVF, which I believe is almost certainly a drug. To my knowledge this clinic and the large chain that it belongs to called Cell Surgical Network (CSN), do not have FDA approval to use SVF.

Both publicly and to me on this blog, CSN continues to arguethat it doesnt need FDA approval (here,hereandhere), but recent FDA draft guidances sure suggest otherwise in my view. Of course if the FDA never takes action on the use of SVF then how are we all supposed to interpret that? WithoutFDA action or finalized guidelines, is it formally possible that the FDA could back down on SVF?

This clinic will reportedly sell SVF to treat a dizzying array of conditions having nothing to do with fat:

Emphysema, COPD, Asthma, Heart Failure, Heart Attack, Parkinsons Disease, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Lou Gehrigs Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohns Disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Inflammatory Myopathies, and Degenerative Orthopedic Joint Conditions (Knee, Shoulder, Hip, Spine).

To me as a scientist the use of SVF to treat all these very different conditions does not make good common sense.

It would also seem arguably to be quite likely be considered non-homologous use by the FDA, a standing that would also automatically make this a drug requiring FDA pre-approval. Non-homologous use means using a biological product of a certain kind that is not homologous (not the same or similar in origin) to the tissue being treated. For example, fat is not the same as the brain or other central nervous system tissue that is involved in several of the conditions on the clinic menu. Same goes for cardiac muscle, airways, etc.

The use of a non-FDA approved product in a largely non-homologous manner increases risks for patients. Note that these stem cell transplants are also very expensive with little evidence in the way of published data of benefit.

The CSN stem cell clinic in Sacramento will be located at the New Body MD Surgical Center, just about 10 minutes from my office. I plan on paying them a visit at some point. Lets see how that goes. Will they let me in?

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My new neighbor in Sacramento: a fat stem cell clinic ...


Cell culture – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

September 7th, 2015 4:47 am

Cell culture is the process by which cells are grown under controlled conditions, generally outside of their natural environment. In practice, the term "cell culture" now refers to the culturing of cells derived from multicellular eukaryotes, especially animal cells, in contrast with other types of culture that also grow cells, such as plant tissue culture, fungal culture, and microbiological culture (of microbes). The historical development and methods of cell culture are closely interrelated to those of tissue culture and organ culture. Viral culture is also related, with cells as hosts for the viruses.

The laboratory technique of maintaining live cell lines (a population of cells descended from a single cell and containing the same genetic makeup) separated from their original tissue source became more robust in the middle 20th century.[1][2]

The 19th-century English physiologist Sydney Ringer developed salt solutions containing the chlorides of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium suitable for maintaining the beating of an isolated animal heart outside of the body.[3] In 1885, Wilhelm Roux removed a portion of the medullary plate of an embryonic chicken and maintained it in a warm saline solution for several days, establishing the principle of tissue culture.[4]Ross Granville Harrison, working at Johns Hopkins Medical School and then at Yale University, published results of his experiments from 1907 to 1910, establishing the methodology of tissue culture.[5]

Cell culture techniques were advanced significantly in the 1940s and 1950s to support research in virology. Growing viruses in cell cultures allowed preparation of purified viruses for the manufacture of vaccines. The injectable polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk was one of the first products mass-produced using cell culture techniques. This vaccine was made possible by the cell culture research of John Franklin Enders, Thomas Huckle Weller, and Frederick Chapman Robbins, who were awarded a Nobel Prize for their discovery of a method of growing the virus in monkey kidney cell cultures.

Cells can be isolated from tissues for ex vivo culture in several ways. Cells can be easily purified from blood; however, only the white cells are capable of growth in culture. Mononuclear cells can be released from soft tissues by enzymatic digestion with enzymes such as collagenase, trypsin, or pronase, which break down the extracellular matrix. Alternatively, pieces of tissue can be placed in growth media, and the cells that grow out are available for culture. This method is known as explant culture.

Cells that are cultured directly from a subject are known as primary cells. With the exception of some derived from tumors, most primary cell cultures have limited lifespan.

An established or immortalized cell line has acquired the ability to proliferate indefinitely either through random mutation or deliberate modification, such as artificial expression of the telomerase gene. Numerous cell lines are well established as representative of particular cell types.

For the majority of isolated primary cells, they undergo the process of senescence and stop dividing after a certain number of population doublings while generally retaining their viability (described as the Hayflick limit).

Cells are grown and maintained at an appropriate temperature and gas mixture (typically, 37C, 5% CO2 for mammalian cells) in a cell incubator. Culture conditions vary widely for each cell type, and variation of conditions for a particular cell type can result in different phenotypes.

Aside from temperature and gas mixture, the most commonly varied factor in culture systems is the cell growth medium. Recipes for growth media can vary in pH, glucose concentration, growth factors, and the presence of other nutrients. The growth factors used to supplement media are often derived from the serum of animal blood, such as fetal bovine serum (FBS), bovine calf serum, equine serum, and porcine serum. One complication of these blood-derived ingredients is the potential for contamination of the culture with viruses or prions, particularly in medical biotechnology applications. Current practice is to minimize or eliminate the use of these ingredients wherever possible and use human platelet lysate (hPL). This eliminates the worry of cross-species contamination when using FBS with human cells. hPL has emerged as a safe and reliable alternative as a direct replacement for FBS or other animal serum. In addition, chemically defined media can be used to eliminate any serum trace (human or animal), but this cannot always be accomplished with different cell types. Alternative strategies involve sourcing the animal blood from countries with minimum BSE/TSE risk, such as The United States, Australia and New Zealand,[6] and using purified nutrient concentrates derived from serum in place of whole animal serum for cell culture.[7]

Plating density (number of cells per volume of culture medium) plays a critical role for some cell types. For example, a lower plating density makes granulosa cells exhibit estrogen production, while a higher plating density makes them appear as progesterone-producing theca lutein cells.[8]

Cells can be grown either in suspension or adherent cultures. Some cells naturally live in suspension, without being attached to a surface, such as cells that exist in the bloodstream. There are also cell lines that have been modified to be able to survive in suspension cultures so they can be grown to a higher density than adherent conditions would allow. Adherent cells require a surface, such as tissue culture plastic or microcarrier, which may be coated with extracellular matrix (such as collagen and laminin) components to increase adhesion properties and provide other signals needed for growth and differentiation. Most cells derived from solid tissues are adherent. Another type of adherent culture is organotypic culture, which involves growing cells in a three-dimensional (3-D) environment as opposed to two-dimensional culture dishes. This 3D culture system is biochemically and physiologically more similar to in vivo tissue, but is technically challenging to maintain because of many factors (e.g. diffusion).

Cell line cross-contamination can be a problem for scientists working with cultured cells.[9] Studies suggest anywhere from 1520% of the time, cells used in experiments have been misidentified or contaminated with another cell line.[10][11][12] Problems with cell line cross-contamination have even been detected in lines from the NCI-60 panel, which are used routinely for drug-screening studies.[13][14] Major cell line repositories, including the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), the European Collection of Cell Cultures (ECACC) and the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ), have received cell line submissions from researchers that were misidentified by them.[13][15] Such contamination poses a problem for the quality of research produced using cell culture lines, and the major repositories are now authenticating all cell line submissions.[16] ATCC uses short tandem repeat (STR) DNA fingerprinting to authenticate its cell lines.[17]

To address this problem of cell line cross-contamination, researchers are encouraged to authenticate their cell lines at an early passage to establish the identity of the cell line. Authentication should be repeated before freezing cell line stocks, every two months during active culturing and before any publication of research data generated using the cell lines. Many methods are used to identify cell lines, including isoenzyme analysis, human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) typing, chromosomal analysis, karyotyping, morphology and STR analysis.[17]

One significant cell-line cross contaminant is the immortal HeLa cell line.

As cells generally continue to divide in culture, they generally grow to fill the available area or volume. This can generate several issues:

Among the common manipulations carried out on culture cells are media changes, passaging cells, and transfecting cells. These are generally performed using tissue culture methods that rely on aseptic technique. Aseptic technique aims to avoid contamination with bacteria, yeast, or other cell lines. Manipulations are typically carried out in a biosafety hood or laminar flow cabinet to exclude contaminating micro-organisms. Antibiotics (e.g. penicillin and streptomycin) and antifungals (e.g.amphotericin B) can also be added to the growth media.

As cells undergo metabolic processes, acid is produced and the pH decreases. Often, a pH indicator is added to the medium to measure nutrient depletion.

In the case of adherent cultures, the media can be removed directly by aspiration, and then is replaced. Media changes in non-adherent cultures involve centrifuging the culture and resuspending the cells in fresh media.

Passaging (also known as subculture or splitting cells) involves transferring a small number of cells into a new vessel. Cells can be cultured for a longer time if they are split regularly, as it avoids the senescence associated with prolonged high cell density. Suspension cultures are easily passaged with a small amount of culture containing a few cells diluted in a larger volume of fresh media. For adherent cultures, cells first need to be detached; this is commonly done with a mixture of trypsin-EDTA; however, other enzyme mixes are now available for this purpose. A small number of detached cells can then be used to seed a new culture. Some cell cultures, such as RAW cells are mechanically scraped from the surface of their vessel with rubber scrapers.

Another common method for manipulating cells involves the introduction of foreign DNA by transfection. This is often performed to cause cells to express a protein of interest. More recently, the transfection of RNAi constructs have been realized as a convenient mechanism for suppressing the expression of a particular gene/protein. DNA can also be inserted into cells using viruses, in methods referred to as transduction, infection or transformation. Viruses, as parasitic agents, are well suited to introducing DNA into cells, as this is a part of their normal course of reproduction.

Cell lines that originate with humans have been somewhat controversial in bioethics, as they may outlive their parent organism and later be used in the discovery of lucrative medical treatments. In the pioneering decision in this area, the Supreme Court of California held in Moore v. Regents of the University of California that human patients have no property rights in cell lines derived from organs removed with their consent.[19]

It is possible to fuse normal cells with an immortalised cell line. This method is used to produce monoclonal antibodies. In brief, lymphocytes isolated from the spleen (or possibly blood) of an immunised animal are combined with an immortal myeloma cell line (B cell lineage) to produce a hybridoma which has the antibody specificity of the primary lymphocyte and the immortality of the myeloma. Selective growth medium (HA or HAT) is used to select against unfused myeloma cells; primary lymphoctyes die quickly in culture and only the fused cells survive. These are screened for production of the required antibody, generally in pools to start with and then after single cloning.

A cell strain is derived either from a primary culture or a cell line by the selection or cloning of cells having specific properties or characteristics which must be defined. Cell strains are cells that have been adapted to culture but, unlike cell lines, have a finite division potential. Non-immortalized cells stop dividing after 40 to 60 population doublings[20] and, after this, they lose their ability to proliferate (a genetically determined event known as senescence).[21]

Mass culture of animal cell lines is fundamental to the manufacture of viral vaccines and other products of biotechnology.

Biological products produced by recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology in animal cell cultures include enzymes, synthetic hormones, immunobiologicals (monoclonal antibodies, interleukins, lymphokines), and anticancer agents. Although many simpler proteins can be produced using rDNA in bacterial cultures, more complex proteins that are glycosylated (carbohydrate-modified) currently must be made in animal cells. An important example of such a complex protein is the hormone erythropoietin. The cost of growing mammalian cell cultures is high, so research is underway to produce such complex proteins in insect cells or in higher plants, use of single embryonic cell and somatic embryos as a source for direct gene transfer via particle bombardment, transit gene expression and confocal microscopy observation is one of its applications. It also offers to confirm single cell origin of somatic embryos and the asymmetry of the first cell division, which starts the process.

Research in tissue engineering, stem cells and molecular biology primarily involves cultures of cells on flat plastic dishes. This technique is known as two-dimensional (2D) cell culture, and was first developed by Wilhelm Roux who, in 1885, removed a portion of the medullary plate of an embryonic chicken and maintained it in warm saline for several days on a flat glass plate. From the advance of polymer technology arose today's standard plastic dish for 2D cell culture, commonly known as the Petri dish. Julius Richard Petri, a German bacteriologist, is generally credited with this invention while working as an assistant to Robert Koch. Various researchers today also utilize culturing laboratory flasks, conicals, and even disposable bags like those used in single-use bioreactors.

Aside from Petri dishes, scientists have long been growing cells within biologically derived matrices such as collagen or fibrin, and more recently, on synthetic hydrogels such as polyacrylamide or PEG. They do this in order to elicit phenotypes that are not expressed on conventionally rigid substrates. There is growing interest in controlling matrix stiffness,[22] a concept that has led to discoveries in fields such as:

Cell culture in three dimensions has been touted as "Biology's New Dimension".[37] Nevertheless, the practice of cell culture remains based on varying combinations of single or multiple cell structures in 2D.[38] That being said, there is an increase in use of 3D cell cultures in research areas including drug discovery, cancer biology, regenerative medicine and basic life science research.[39] There are a variety of platforms used to facilitate the growth of three-dimensional cellular structures such as nanoparticle facilitated magnetic levitation,[40] gel matrices scaffolds, and hanging drop plates.[41]

3D Cell Culturing by Magnetic Levitation method (MLM) is the application of growing 3D tissue by inducing cells treated with magnetic nanoparticle assemblies in spatially varying magnetic fields using neodymium magnetic drivers and promoting cell to cell interactions by levitating the cells up to the air/liquid interface of a standard petri dish. The magnetic nanoparticle assemblies consist of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles, and the polymer polylysine. 3D cell culturing is scalable, with the capability for culturing 500 cells to millions of cells or from single dish to high-throughput low volume systems.

Cell culture is a fundamental component of tissue culture and tissue engineering, as it establishes the basics of growing and maintaining cells in vitro. The major application of human cell culture is in stem cell industry, where mesenchymal stem cells can be cultured and cryopreserved for future use. Tissue engineering potentially offers dramatic improvements in low cost medical care for hundreds of thousands of patients annually.

Vaccines for polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox are currently made in cell cultures. Due to the H5N1 pandemic threat, research into using cell culture for influenza vaccines is being funded by the United States government. Novel ideas in the field include recombinant DNA-based vaccines, such as one made using human adenovirus (a common cold virus) as a vector,[42][43] and novel adjuvants.[44]

Plant cell cultures are typically grown as cell suspension cultures in a liquid medium or as callus cultures on a solid medium. The culturing of undifferentiated plant cells and calli requires the proper balance of the plant growth hormones auxin and cytokinin.

Cells derived from Drosophila melanogaster (most prominently, Schneider 2 cells) can be used for experiments which may be hard to do on live flies or larvae, such as biochemical studies or studies using siRNA. Cell lines derived from the army worm Spodoptera frugiperda, including Sf9 and Sf21, and from the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni, High Five cells, are commonly used for expression of recombinant proteins using baculovirus.

For bacteria and yeasts, small quantities of cells are usually grown on a solid support that contains nutrients embedded in it, usually a gel such as agar, while large-scale cultures are grown with the cells suspended in a nutrient broth.

The culture of viruses requires the culture of cells of mammalian, plant, fungal or bacterial origin as hosts for the growth and replication of the virus. Whole wild type viruses, recombinant viruses or viral products may be generated in cell types other than their natural hosts under the right conditions. Depending on the species of the virus, infection and viral replication may result in host cell lysis and formation of a viral plaque.

See the rest here:
Cell culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Endocrinology | Endocrinology Services St Louis Missouri …

September 6th, 2015 7:44 am

The Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism group at Barnes-Jewish Hospital is consistently ranked among the top clinical programs in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism in the United States. Washington University physicians in the group provide consultations, co-management or, in some cases, ongoing care for adults patients with endocrine and metabolic disorders.

Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid consultants, under the direction of Clay F. Semenkovich, MD, provide patients with state-of-the-art clinical diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, based on the most current research findings.

Our group provides a resource to referring physicians and patients for diagnosis and treatment of disorders ranging from the ordinary to the most challenging. We provide consultations, co-management or, in some cases, ongoing care for adult patients with endocrine-metabolic diseases.

Endocrine diseases include those of the: thyroid, pituitary, parathyroid, adrenal, gonadal (sex gland) and pancreatic islet disorders. Metabolic diseases include: diabetes, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol) and osteoporosis (brittle bones). Lipid metabolic disorders include patients with high triglycerides, high cholesterol, and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).

Many of the patients seen have already been diagnosed as having lipid disorders, diabetes (adult onset type II diabetes) and/or vascular problems; our primary goal for those patients is to prevent subsequent vascular problems. For patients in earlier stages of their disease, we provide treatment to prevent development of vascular problems.

In addition to diagnostic testing, our endocrinologists perform fine needle aspiration of thyroid nodules to identify the small proportion of nodules that are cancerous.

The vast majority of our patients are referred by other physicians. However, a self referral may be accepted by an individual endocrinologist and is subject to that physician's review.

The diagnostic procedures by Washington University Physicians are extensive, with each patient receiving an in-depth assessment of the medical problem. Our laboratory has very high quality control standards and performs the specialized tests not routinely done at other locations. In fact, our Core Laboratory for Clinical Studies performs measurements for the national Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as part of a network that provides quality control for other labs throughout the United States.

All of the physicians are certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in the subspecialty of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism. This group is an important resource for the diagnosis and treatment of unusual and/or very difficult cases.

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Endocrinology | Endocrinology Services St Louis Missouri ...


Research | Division of Endocrinology

September 6th, 2015 7:44 am

Faculty in the Division of Endocrinology are the principal investigators or co-investigators in nationally recognized, basic and clinical research projects funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), national foundations and industry. In 2012 the extramural research support for the division was $1,370,086 (Grants $1,220,631 and Industry $149,455).

Clinical research interests of the faculty include: growth with an emphasis on IGF; Turners syndrome ; metabolic bone disease; the side effects of atypical anti-psychotics; beta cell function in type 2 diabetes; carbohydrate metabolism and bone disease in cystic fibrosis; endocrine disorders associated with childhood cancer survivors; Duchennes muscular dystrophy; disorders of sexual differentiation; toddler obesity; septo-optic dysplasia; the natural history of obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes in adolescents; the epidemiology of types of diabetes; and the natural history and mechanisms of the development of cardiovascular disease in childhood obesity and diabetes.

Basic science research interests of the faculty include the role and control of inflammation in metabolic diseases, placental decidualization, the development of the enteroendocrine system, the development and function of the beta cell, and the development of autoimmune diabetes.

The Diabetes Center is dedicated to providing the highest level of comprehensive care to patients diagnosed with diabetes. The diabetes team seeks to advance medical treatment and diabetes prevention through patient care, education and research. Learn more about the Diabetes Center.

See the article here:
Research | Division of Endocrinology


Endocrinology & Metabolism Department of Medicine

September 6th, 2015 7:44 am

The major purpose of the division is to provide teaching, research and patient care in all aspects of endocrinology and metabolism. Our primary goals are to provide new knowledge as to how hormones work and how their actions are altered in disease states and to improve the quality of patient care in endocrinology and metabolism by conducting high quality and informative teaching as well as providing best possible expertise in consultative care.

We provide primary and consultative care for patients with diabetes, hypertension and lipid disorders and we provide consultative care for all aspects of endocrinology and metabolism to both inpatients and outpatients.

Our research involves both clinical and basic science investigation. We are focused on mechanisms of insulin resistance, new modalities for treatment of diabetes, factors that are responsible for improving bone mineral density, the role of hormones in reproductive disorders in women, molecular mechanisms of obesity and the role of hormones in the development of atherosclerosis.

Our teaching responsibilities include students in the Graduate School and the School of Medicine as well as providing continuing education for physicians throughout the state of North Carolina.

Chief and Professor Division of Endocrinology

HOW TO GET AN APPOINTMENT? The UNC Hospitals Diabetes & Endocrinology Clinic at Meadowmont are a subspecialty clinic. That means that our doctors and staff of Endocrinology are not set up to act as primary care doctors for their patients. It also means that in general, we prefer to see patients referred by other physicians. If you do not have a primary care provider, we can help you find one. For appointments, inquiries about appointment times, to reschedule or cancel an appointment, please call the UNC Hospitals Diabetes & Endocrine Clinic at Meadowmont scheduling line at (984)974-2950. Fax (984) 974-2924

Read more from the original source:
Endocrinology & Metabolism Department of Medicine


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