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Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine | National …

October 1st, 2015 2:47 pm

Cells are the building blocks of tissue, and tissues are the basic unit of function in the body. Generally, groups of cells make and secrete their own support structures, called extra-cellular matrix. This matrix, or scaffold, does more than just support the cells; it also acts as a relay station for various signaling molecules. Thus, cells receive messages from many sources that become available from the local environment. Each signal can start a chain of responses that determine what happens to the cell. By understanding how individual cells respond to signals, interact with their environment, and organize into tissues and organisms, researchers have been able to manipulate these processes to mend damaged tissues or even create new ones.

The process often begins with building a scaffold from a wide set of possible sources, from proteins to plastics. Once scaffolds are created, cells with or without a cocktail of growth factors can be introduced. If the environment is right, a tissue develops. In some cases, the cells, scaffolds, and growth factors are all mixed together at once, allowing the tissue to self-assemble.

Another method to create new tissue uses an existing scaffold. The cells of a donor organ are stripped and the remaining collagen scaffold is used to grow new tissue. This process has been used to bioengineer heart, liver, lung, and kidney tissue. This approach holds great promise for using scaffolding from human tissue discarded during surgery and combining it with a patients own cells to make customized organs that would not be rejected by the immune system.

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Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine | National ...


Regenerative Medicine – Transplant Center – Mayo Clinic

October 1st, 2015 2:47 pm

At Mayo Clinic, an integrated team, including stem cell biologists, bioengineers, doctors and scientists, work together and study regenerative medicine. The goal of the team is to treat diseases using novel therapies, such as stem cell therapy and bioengineering. Doctors in transplant medicine and transplant surgery have pioneered the study of regenerative medicine during the past five decades, and doctors continue to study new innovations in transplant medicine and surgery.

In stem cell therapy, or regenerative medicine, researchers study how stem cells may be used to replace, repair, reprogram or renew your diseased cells. Stem cells are able to grow and develop into many different types of cells in your body. Stem cell therapy may use adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed in the laboratory (induced pluripotent stem cells), your own adult stem cells that have been reprogrammed or cells developed from an embryo (embryonic stem cells).

Researchers also study and test how reprogrammed stem cells may be turned into specialized cells that can repair or regenerate cells in your heart, blood, nerves and other parts of your body. These stem cells have the potential to treat many conditions. Stem cells also may be studied to understand how other conditions occur, to develop and test new medications, and for other research.

Researchers across Mayo Clinic, with coordination through the Center for Regenerative Medicine, are discovering, translating and applying stem cell therapy as a potential treatment for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, degenerative joint conditions, brain and nervous system (neurological) conditions, such as Parkinson's disease, and many other conditions. For example, researchers are studying the possibility of using stem cell therapy to repair or regenerate injured heart tissue to treat many types of cardiovascular diseases, from adult acquired disorders to congenital diseases. Read about regenerative medicine research for hypoplastic left heart syndrome.

Cardiovascular diseases, neurological conditions and diabetes have been extensively studied in stem cell therapy research. They've been studied because the stem cells affected in these conditions have been the same cell types that have been generated in the laboratory from various types of stem cells. Thus, translating stem cell therapy to a potential treatment for people with these conditions may be a realistic goal for the future of transplant medicine and surgery.

Researchers conduct ongoing studies in stem cell therapy. However, research and development of stem cell therapy is unpredictable and depends on many factors, including regulatory guidelines, funding sources and recent successes in stem cell therapy. Mayo Clinic researchers aim to expand research and development of stem cell therapy in the future, while keeping the safety of patients as their primary concern.

Mayo Clinic offers stem cell transplant (bone marrow transplant) for people who've had leukemia, lymphoma or other conditions that have been treated with chemotherapy.

Mayo Clinic currently offers a specialty consult service for regenerative medicine within the Transplant Center, the first consult service established in the United States to provide guidance for patients and families regarding stem cell-based protocols. This consult service provides medical evaluations for people with many conditions who have questions about the potential use of stem cell therapy. The staff provides guidance to determine whether stem cell clinical trials are appropriate for these individuals. Regenerative medicine staff may be consulted if a doctor or patient has asked about the potential use of stem cell therapies for many conditions, including degenerative or congenital diseases of the heart, liver, pancreas or lungs.

People sometimes have misconceptions about the use and applications of stem cell therapies. This consult service provides people with educational guidance and appropriate referrals to research studies and clinical trials in stem cell therapies for the heart, liver, pancreas and other organs. Also, the consult service supports ongoing regenerative medicine research activities within Mayo Clinic, from basic science to clinical protocols.

Read more about stem cells.


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Regenerative Medicine - Transplant Center - Mayo Clinic


Genetic Engineering – BiologyMad

September 30th, 2015 2:45 pm

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering, also known as recombinant DNA technology, means altering the genes in a living organism to produce a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) with a new genotype. Various kinds of genetic modification are possible: inserting a foreign gene from one species into another, forming a transgenic organism; altering an existing gene so that its product is changed; or changing gene expression so that it is translated more often or not at all.

Genetic engineering is a very young discipline, and is only possible due to the development of techniques from the 1960s onwards. Watson and Crick have made these techniques possible from our greater understanding of DNA and how it functions following the discovery of its structure in 1953. Although the final goal of genetic engineering is usually the expression of a gene in a host, in fact most of the techniques and time in genetic engineering are spent isolating a gene and then cloning it. This table lists the techniques that we shall look at in detail.



To make a DNA copy of mRNA


To cut DNA at specific points, making small fragments


DNA Ligase

To join DNA fragments together



To carry DNA into cells and ensure replication



Common kind of vector


Gene Transfer

To deliver a gene to a living cells


Genetic Markers

To identify cells that have been transformed


To make exact copies of bacterial colonies on an agar plate



To amplify very small samples of DNA


DNA probes

To identify and label a piece of DNA containing a certain sequence


Shotgun *

To find a particular gene in a whole genome


Antisense genes *

To stop the expression of a gene in a cell


Gene Synthesis

To make a gene from scratch



To separate fragments of DNA

* Additional information that is not directly included in AS Biology. However it can help to consolidate other techniques.

Complementary DNA (cDNA) is DNA made from mRNA. This makes use of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, which does the reverse of transcription: it synthesises DNA from an RNA template. It is produced naturally by a group of viruses called the retroviruses (which include HIV), and it helps them to invade cells. In genetic engineering reverse transcriptase is used to make an artificial gene of cDNA as shown in this diagram.

Complementary DNA has helped to solve different problems in genetic engineering:

It makes genes much easier to find. There are some 70 000 genes in the human genome, and finding one gene out of this many is a very difficult (though not impossible) task. However a given cell only expresses a few genes, so only makes a few different kinds of mRNA molecule. For example the b cells of the pancreas make insulin, so make lots of mRNA molecules coding for insulin. This mRNA can be isolated from these cells and used to make cDNA of the insulin gene.

These are enzymes that cut DNA at specific sites. They are properly called restriction endonucleases because they cut the bonds in the middle of the polynucleotide chain. Some restriction enzymes cut straight across both chains, forming blunt ends, but most enzymes make a staggered cut in the two strands, forming sticky ends.

The cut ends are sticky because they have short stretches of single-stranded DNA with complementary sequences. These sticky ends will stick (or anneal) to another piece of DNA by complementary base pairing, but only if they have both been cut with the same restriction enzyme. Restriction enzymes are highly specific, and will only cut DNA at specific base sequences, 4-8 base pairs long, called recognition sequences.

Restriction enzymes are produced naturally by bacteria as a defence against viruses (they restrict viral growth), but they are enormously useful in genetic engineering for cutting DNA at precise places ("molecular scissors"). Short lengths of DNA cut out by restriction enzymes are called restriction fragments. There are thousands of different restriction enzymes known, with over a hundred different recognition sequences. Restriction enzymes are named after the bacteria species they came from, so EcoR1 is from E. coli strain R, and HindIII is from Haemophilis influenzae.

This enzyme repairs broken DNA by joining two nucleotides in a DNA strand. It is commonly used in genetic engineering to do the reverse of a restriction enzyme, i.e. to join together complementary restriction fragments.

The sticky ends allow two complementary restriction fragments to anneal, but only by weak hydrogen bonds, which can quite easily be broken, say by gentle heating. The backbone is still incomplete.

DNA ligase completes the DNA backbone by forming covalent bonds. Restriction enzymes and DNA ligase can therefore be used together to join lengths of DNA from different sources.

In biology a vector is something that carries things between species. For example the mosquito is a disease vector because it carries the malaria parasite into humans. In genetic engineering a vector is a length of DNA that carries the gene we want into a host cell. A vector is needed because a length of DNA containing a gene on its own wont actually do anything inside a host cell. Since it is not part of the cells normal genome it wont be replicated when the cell divides, it wont be expressed, and in fact it will probably be broken down pretty quickly. A vector gets round these problems by having these properties:

It is big enough to hold the gene we want (plus a few others), but not too big.

It is circular (or more accurately a closed loop), so that it is less likely to be broken down (particularly in prokaryotic cells where DNA is always circular).

It contains control sequences, such as a replication origin and a transcription promoter, so that the gene will be replicated, expressed, or incorporated into the cells normal genome.

It contain marker genes, so that cells containing the vector can be identified.

Many different vectors have been made for different purposes in genetic engineering by modifying naturally-occurring DNA molecules, and these are now available off the shelf. For example a cloning vector contains sequences that cause the gene to be copied (perhaps many times) inside a cell, but not expressed. An expression vector contains sequences causing the gene to be expressed inside a cell, preferably in response to an external stimulus, such as a particular chemical in the medium. Different kinds of vector are also available for different lengths of DNA insert:

Type of vector

Max length of DNA insert

10 kbp

Virus or phage

30 kbp

Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC)

500 kbp

Plasmids are by far the most common kind of vector, so we shall look at how they are used in some detail. Plasmids are short circular bits of DNA found naturally in bacterial cells. A typical plasmid contains 3-5 genes and there are usually around 10 copies of a plasmid in a bacterial cell. Plasmids are copied separately from the main bacterial DNA when the cell divides, so the plasmid genes are passed on to all daughter cells. They are also used naturally for exchange of genes between bacterial cells (the nearest they get to sex), so bacterial cells will readily take up a plasmid. Because they are so small, they are easy to handle in a test tube, and foreign genes can quite easily be incorporated into them using restriction enzymes and DNA ligase.

One of the most common plasmids used is the R-plasmid (or pBR322). This plasmid contains a replication origin, several recognition sequences for different restriction enzymes (with names like PstI and EcoRI), and two marker genes, which confer resistance to different antibiotics (ampicillin and tetracycline).

The diagram below shows how DNA fragments can be incorporated into a plasmid using restriction and ligase enzymes. The restriction enzyme used here (PstI) cuts the plasmid in the middle of one of the markergenes (well see why this is useful later). The foreign DNA anneals with the plasmid and is joined covalently by DNA ligase to form a hybrid vector (in other words a mixture or hybrid of bacterial and foreign DNA). Several other products are also formed: some plasmids will simply re-anneal with themselves to re-form the original plasmid, and some DNA fragments will join together to form chains or circles. Theses different products cannot easily be separated, but it doesnt matter, as the marker genes can be used later to identify the correct hybrid vector.

Vectors containing the genes we want must be incorporated into living cells so that they can be replicated or expressed. The cells receiving the vector are called host cells, and once they have successfully incorporated the vector they are said to be transformed. Vectors are large molecules which do not readily cross cell membranes, so the membranes must be made permeable in some way. There are different ways of doing this depending on the type of host cell.

Heat Shock. Cells are incubated with the vector in a solution containing calcium ions at 0C. The temperature is then suddenly raised to about 40C. This heat shock causes some of the cells to take up the vector, though no one knows why. This works well for bacterial and animal cells.

Electroporation. Cells are subjected to a high-voltage pulse, which temporarily disrupts the membrane and allows the vector to enter the cell. This is the most efficient method of delivering genes to bacterial cells.

Viruses. The vector is first incorporated into a virus, which is then used to infect cells, carrying the foreign gene along with its own genetic material. Since viruses rely on getting their DNA into host cells for their survival they have evolved many successful methods, and so are an obvious choice for gene delivery. The virus must first be genetically engineered to make it safe, so that it cant reproduce itself or make toxins. Three viruses are commonly used:

1. Bacteriophages (or phages) are viruses that infect bacteria. They are a very effective way of delivering large genes into bacteria cells in culture.

2. Adenoviruses are human viruses that causes respiratory diseases including the common cold. Their genetic material is double-stranded DNA, and they are ideal for delivering genes to living patients in gene therapy. Their DNA is not incorporated into the hosts chromosomes, so it is not replicated, but their genes are expressed.

The adenovirus is genetically altered so that its coat proteins are not synthesised, so new virus particles cannot be assembled and the host cell is not killed.

3. Retroviruses are a group of human viruses that include HIV. They are enclosed in a lipid membrane and their genetic material is double-stranded RNA. On infection this RNA is copied to DNA and the DNA is incorporated into the hosts chromosome. This means that the foreign genes are replicated into every daughter cell.

After a certain time, the dormant DNA is switched on, and the genes are expressed in all the host cells.

Plant Tumours. This method has been used successfully to transform plant cells, which are perhaps the hardest to do. The gene is first inserted into the Ti plasmid of the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and then plants are infected with the bacterium. The bacterium inserts the Ti plasmid into the plant cells' chromosomal DNA and causes a "crown gall" tumour. These tumour cells can be cultured in the laboratory and whole new plants grown from them by micropropagation. Every cell of these plants contains the foreign gene.

Gene Gun. This extraordinary technique fires microscopic gold particles coated with the foreign DNA at the cells using a compressed air gun. It is designed to overcome the problem of the strong cell wall in plant tissue, since the particles can penetrate the cell wall and the cell and nuclear membranes, and deliver the DNA to the nucleus, where it is sometimes expressed.

Micro-Injection. A cell is held on a pipette under a microscope and the foreign DNA is injected directly into the nucleus using an incredibly fine micro-pipette. This method is used where there are only a very few cells available, such as fertilised animal egg cells. In the rare successful cases the fertilised egg is implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother and it will develop into a normal animal, with the DNA incorporated into the chromosomes of every cell.

Liposomes. Vectors can be encased in liposomes, which are small membrane vesicles (see module 1). The liposomes fuse with the cell membrane (and sometimes the nuclear membrane too), delivering the DNA into the cell. This works for many types of cell, but is particularly useful for delivering genes to cell in vivo (such as in gene therapy).

These are needed to identify cells that have successfully taken up a vector and so become transformed. With most of the techniques above less than 1% of the cells actually take up the vector, so a marker is needed to distinguish these cells from all the others. Well look at how to do this with bacterial host cells, as thats the most common technique.

A common marker, used in the R-plasmid, is a gene for resistance to an antibiotic such as tetracycline. Bacterial cells taking up this plasmid can make this gene product and so are resistant to this antibiotic. So if the cells are grown on a medium containing tetracycline all the normal untransformed cells, together with cells that have taken up DNA thats not in a plasmid (99%) will die. Only the 1% transformed cells will survive, and these can then be grown and cloned on another plate.

Replica plating is a simple technique for making an exact copy of an agar plate. A pad of sterile cloth the same size as the plate is pressed on the surface of an agar plate with bacteria growing on it. Some cells from each colony will stick to the cloth. If the cloth is then pressed onto a new agar plate, some cells will be deposited and colonies will grow in exactly the same positions on the new plate. This technique has a number of uses, but the most common use in genetic engineering is to help solve another problem in identifying transformed cells.

Read the rest here:
Genetic Engineering - BiologyMad


Arthritic Dogs Healed With New Stem Cell Therapy – ABC News

September 29th, 2015 11:46 am

A couple of years ago, Brad Perry's dogs started having joint problems. Cowboy, the golden retriever, developed a severe case of arthritis, while Mr. Jones, the mutt, tore the ligaments in both of his knees during some overenthusiastic play.

"It was so sad. They wouldn't even come to the door to greet me they were in so much pain. It just broke my heart," recalled Perry, a tractor-trailer driver from Alexandria, Ky.

Perry gave the dogs all sorts of medications, but nothing worked, and he knew such medications could result in kidney and liver damage. The dogs' suffering became so great, Perry considered putting the pets down. But late last year he heard about a veterinarian in his area who performed stem cell therapy on dogs to regenerate and repair their joints and figured it was worth a try.

Cowboy underwent the procedure first. Mr. Jones followed a few months later. Perry said that within 10 days of receiving treatment the dogs were like puppies again, chasing his kids, running around in the park and swimming in the lake.

The treatment Perry's dogs received was developed by MediVet America of Lexington, Ky., one of several companies that sell equipment and training to veterinary clinics around the world. MediVet has more than a thousand clinics. Participating vets have performed more than 10,000 stem cell procedures about 7,000 of them in the past 12 months.

An operation like the one Cowboy and Mr. Jones underwent takes several hours. To start, the vet harvests a few tablespoons of fat cells from the pet's abdomen or shoulder, then spins the cells in a centrifuge to separate out the stem cells that are naturally present in fat. Next, the cells are mixed with special enzymes to "digest" any residual fat and connective tissue, and are then "activated" by mixing them with "plasma rich platelets" extracted from the animal's blood cells. The mixture is stimulated under a LED light for 20 minutes or so to further concentrate the stem cells. Finally, the newly awakened cells are injected back into the damaged joint.

Jeremy Delk, MediVet's chief executive officer, said that the therapy works because stem cells are the only cells in the body that have the ability to transform themselves into other types of specialized cells -- such as cartilage -- making them a potent tool for repairing damaged and deteriorating joints. There are 50 to 1,000 times more stem cells in the fat than bone marrow, a source that was more consistently used in animal and human -- stem cell therapy until the fat method started becoming more popular.

"As we age, humans and animals alike, our stem cells are starting to die off so we have fewer. What we are able to do with these techniques is isolate the cells in very large numbers, wake them up and put them back into the area that needs help," he explained.

While still largely unavailable to their owners, stem cell therapy from fat cells has been offered to our furry friends for several years. With fewer regulatory hoops to jump through in veterinary medicine and no contentious religious debates, experimental procedures are often tested and perfected on animals decades before they're green-lighted for use on humans.

One of the things veterinarians and owners alike praise about the procedure is it can be completed in one day, and all at the vet's office. Stem cells can also be banked for future injection so the animal does not have to endure extraction again.

John Sector, the owner of Shelby St. Veterinarian Hospital in Florence, who performed the surgery on Cowboy and Mr. Jones, had high praise for the therapy.

"This is potentially a game changer. We're seeing incredible results in the joints. We also see some unexpected improvements in other things, like skin conditions," he said.

Stem cell therapy is not just for pets who curl up on couches or ride in the backseat either. Delk said horses, donkeys, zebras and lions are also regular stem cell patients. He and his team recently traveled to the Middle East to perform the therapy on some prized racing camels.

However, stem cell remedies, even for animals, are still considered experimental. Shila Nordone, the chief scientific officer at the AKC Canine Health Foundation, a nonprofit group that funds health research for dogs, said that its use for joint regenerative purposes is exciting, but that the lower regulatory bar in animal medicine is both good and bad.

"It's good because we can do things sooner for our patients without 10 years of expensive clinical trials, but bad because we are still in the process of establishing best practices to ensure the procedures are the safest and most effective possible," she said.

Studies funded by the Health Foundation and others have been promising. One study of more than 150 dogs found improvements in joint stiffness, mobility and other joint health indicators in nearly 95 percent of arthritic cases. In some patients, improvements were seen in as little as a week while others took up to 90 days and required multiple injections.

The cost of a single procedure is $1800-$3,000, depending on the area of the country, the species of animal and severity of joint damage. Even those with pet insurance can expect to pay out of pocket.

Owners like Perry believe it is worth every penny.

"They are completely different dogs. It absolutely changed their lives," he said of Cowboy and Mr. Jones. "It changed mine too -- I got my dogs back."

Follow this link:
Arthritic Dogs Healed With New Stem Cell Therapy - ABC News


Types of Gene Therapy Treatment | MD Anderson Cancer Center

September 29th, 2015 11:43 am

Much of today's cancer research is devoted to finding missing or defective genes that cause cancer or increase an individual's risk for certain types of cancer. Gene research at MDAnderson has resulted in many important discoveries. We identified the mutated multiple advanced cancers gene (MMAC1) involved in some common cancers. We also performed the first successful correction of a defective tumor suppressor gene (p53) in human lung cancer. Current gene therapies are experimental, and many are still tested only on animals. There are some clinical trials involving a very small number of human subjects.

The potential benefits of gene therapy are two-fold:

The focus of most gene therapy research is the replacement of a missing or defective gene with a functional, healthy copy, which is delivered to target cells with a "vector." Viruses are commonly used as vectors because of their ability to penetrate a cells DNA. These vector viruses are inactivated so they cannot reproduce and cause disease. Gene transfer therapy can be done outside the body (ex vivo) by extracting bone marrow or blood from the patient and growing the cells in a laboratory. The corrected copy of the gene is introduced and allowed to penetrate the cells DNA before being injected back into the body. Gene transfers can also be done directly inside the patients body (in vivo).

Other therapies include:

Gene therapy is a complicated area of research, and many questions remain unanswered. Some cancers are caused by more than one gene, and some vectors, if used incorrectly, can actually cause cancer or other diseases. Replacing faulty genes with working copies also brings up ethical issues that must be addressed before these therapies can be accepted for preventing cancer. Talk to your cancer specialist about the implications of gene therapy.

Read more from the original source:
Types of Gene Therapy Treatment | MD Anderson Cancer Center


Home – Palm Beach Diabetes

September 29th, 2015 11:43 am

I am a 76 year old woman who has had Diabetes for the past twenty years. Recently my blood sugar counts went completely out of whack and I became frightened. Remembering how I gave my mother daily insulin injections, I did not want this procedure to take over my life. Well, I have to express my thanks to Palm Beach Diabetes & Endocrine Specialists for their help. I thought I knew it all on how to keep myself under control. Oh was I wrong. First the Doctor reevaluated and readjusted my medication. Then I attended two very informative classes where Diabetes was explained in great detail. The exchange of thoughts with the other attendees gave me great insight of myself and what I had been doing up to then. This was followed by two one-on-one sessions with a very knowledgeable nutritionist who answered all my special questions. Then came the best learning tool ever. I attended a Supermarket Tour with a counselor from your office. I learned to properly read food labels, to understand the size of portion control, and one can still eat. Publix also gave out some very interesting literature on varied food items and products. In the past twenty years, I have attended many courses, schools, workshops, and sessions privately and community based. None ever taught me or helped me as this integrated program. My husband was able to attend all these sessions with me so helps me greatly now. I have lost some weight, as I should. The greatest point is that my medication is being reevaluated. Again, I thank you all for making my life livable.


More here:
Home - Palm Beach Diabetes


Resveratrol By RevGenetics Resveratrol Benefits, Anti …

September 28th, 2015 1:43 pm

TA-65 And Other Items:

Our RevGenetics X500 resveratrol capsules and our Nitro250 micronized resveratrol capsules harnesses the power of the red wine molecule that is becoming well known in the medical field for its potential to help aging, combat cancer, viral infections, and the effects of diabetes, as well as its anti-aging potential. The red wine molecule is considered for it's potential and possible help combating age-related illnesses such as Alzheimers and arthritis.

Each resveratrol capsule contains the highest purity Resveratrol (99% Pure) on the market and is tested to be some of the safest, simply because we take it ourselves.

Safety First: By testing every batch of Resveratrol, we have actually prevented a bad batch that unscrupulous Chinese vendors tried to hand off to the US market. We know first hand that unsafe material is sold to manufacturers and can even pass the scrutiny of Consumer Labs, since they test test about once yearly. Therefore we simply test every batch for our customers, to prevent unsafe material from ending up in our own products.

Have a question on Resveratrol Supplements? Feel free to use our support desk to send us a question on our products. Link to our support desk

New Studies About Resveratrol Supplements

RevGenetics Micronized Trans-Resveratrol powder offers TrueMicronized particles with a particle size of 1.5 microns, and is absorbed up to 220% compared to regular Resveratrol supplements that average between 149 to 224 microns*. When emulsified, the absorption can increase and go beyond 500%.

Try our bulk powder or our nitrogen protected Licaps capsule in our Nitro250 with up to 2 to 5 times the bioavailability.

We are the only provider of Licaps with TrueMicronized particles that measures an average of 1.5 microns.

These Licaps are protected from light, heat, and oxygen with a nitrogen bubble in each individual capsule.

The Nitro250 provides 250mg of micronized resveratrol.

Micronized Resveratrol *Based on absorption study in USPTO document 20060292099. Licaps and Licaps Design are trademarks used under license.

Go here to see the original:
Resveratrol By RevGenetics Resveratrol Benefits, Anti ...


Second Sight Argus II Eye Prosthesis Brings Central Vision …

September 28th, 2015 1:41 pm

July 22nd, 2015 Editors Ophthalmology

Second Sight, effectivelythe first company to bring rudimentary sight back to blind patients with certain underlying eye conditions (retinitis pigmentosa and outer retinal degeneration), is now proudly reporting that a man with dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) who has lost central vision has been outfitted with the firms Argus II prosthetic. This is part of a study that will involve more patients and will assess whether the system, which includes a wireless implant and a special set of glasses, essentially replaces the work of the diseased natural photoreceptors and stimulates the remaining healthy retinal cells. The original video signal is gathered from a camera built into a pair of glasses, which is then converted by a wearable computer and sent wireless to the implant.

Heres more about the trial, including video of the patient seeing using the Argus IIsystem:

Product page: Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System

Source: Second Sight


At Medgadget, we report on the latest medical technology news, interview leaders in the field, and file dispatches from medical events around the world.

Continued here:
Second Sight Argus II Eye Prosthesis Brings Central Vision ...


Gene Therapy – A Revolution in Progress: Human Genetics …

September 27th, 2015 2:42 am

Gene therapy attempts to treat genetic diseases at the molecular level by correcting what is wrong with defective genes. Clinical research into gene therapys safety and effectiveness has just begun. No one knows if gene therapy will work, or for what diseases. If gene therapy is successful, it could work by preventing a protein from doing something that causes harm, restoring the normal function of a protein, giving proteins new functions, or enhancing the existing functions of proteins. How Do You Do It? Gene therapy relies on finding a dependable delivery system to carry the correct gene to the affected cells. The gene must be delivered inside the target cells and work properly without causing adverse effects. Delivering genes that will work correctly for the long term is the greatest challenge of gene therapy.

Human ex vivo Gene Therapy





See the original post here:
Gene Therapy - A Revolution in Progress: Human Genetics ...


Veterinary medicine – ScienceDaily

September 25th, 2015 9:47 pm

Veterinary medicine is the application of medical, diagnostic, and therapeutic principles to companion, domestic, exotic, wildlife, and production animals.

Veterinary Science is vital to the study and protection of animal production practices, herd health and monitoring spread of widespread disease.

It requires the acquisition and application of scientific knowledge in multiple disciplines and uses technical skills towards disease prevention in both domestic and wild animals.

Human health is protected by veterinary science working closely with many medical professionals by the careful monitoring of livestock health as well as its unique training in epidemiology and emerging zoonotic diseases worldwide.

Veterinary medicine is informally as old as the human/animal bond but in recent years has expanded exponentially because of the availability of advanced diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for most species.

Animals nowadays often receive advanced medical, dental, and surgical care including insulin injections, root canals, hip replacements, cataract extractions, and pacemakers.

Veterinarians assist in ensuring the quality, quantity, and security of food supplies by working to maintain the health of livestock and inspecting the meat itself.

Veterinary scientists are very important in chemical, biological, and pharmacological research.

See the rest here:
Veterinary medicine - ScienceDaily


Best Veterinary Medicine Programs | Top Veterinary Schools …

September 25th, 2015 9:47 pm

Ranked in 2015 | Veterinary Medicine Rankings Methodology

In addition to getting a broad education in animal science, veterinary medicine students can specialize in areas such as small animal surgery, environmental toxicology and aquatic medicine. These are the top veterinary medicine schools. Each school's score reflects its average rating on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding), based on a survey of academics at peer institutions.


Davis, CA


Ithaca, NY


Fort Collins, CO


Raleigh, NC


Columbus, OH


Madison, WI


College Station, TX


Philadelphia, PA


St. Paul, MN


North Grafton, MA


Athens, GA


East Lansing, MI


Ames, IA


Auburn University, AL


Manhattan, KS


West Lafayette, IN


Gainesville, FL


Pullman, WA


Urbana, IL


Blacksburg, VA


Baton Rouge, LA


Knoxville, TN


Columbia, MO


Stillwater, OK


Mississippi State, MS

Sign up for College Compass to get complete access to U.S. News rankings and school data.

Continue reading here:
Best Veterinary Medicine Programs | Top Veterinary Schools ...


Veterinary Medicine / The Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine

September 25th, 2015 9:47 pm

Governor Dayton announced the appointment of Dr. Amy Kizer to the Board of Veterinary Medicine for a four year term on June 19, 2015. He also reappointed Dr. Michelle Vaughn for her second term. Dr. Vaughn is the current Board president. Both Dr. Kizer and Dr. Vaughn are small animal veterinarians. To learn more about Dr. Vaughn, please see the Fall 2014 Board newsletter.

Dr. Kizer brings her veterinary experience with both small animals and a variety of exotic animals and fish. She is the veterinarian for the Sea Life Aquarium at the Mall of America, and teaches veterinary students at the University of Minnesota about veterinary care for small exotic animals. A 2002 graduate of the University of Minnesota, she owns and works at Lexington Pet Clinic in Eagan, Minnesota.

The Board thanks Dr. John Lawrence for his 12 years of outstanding commitment to the public and veterinarians of the state, which included four years of leadership as the president of the Board.

See the original post:
Veterinary Medicine / The Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine


Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group

September 25th, 2015 9:47 pm

The Advancement of Stem Cell Technology

Welcome to the Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group, an affiliate of the California Stem Cell Treatment Center / Cell Surgical Network of Beverly Hills and Rancho Mirage, California, USA.

Our affiliated Centers utilize cutting edge advanced techniques and innovative technology to improve the health and well being of our patients.

At the Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group, we engage in the investigational use of Adult Adipose-derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) for clinical research and deployment through which patients who are suffering from diseases that may have limited treatment options have an opportunity to respond to stem cell based regenerative medicine and further advance the state of medicine, knowledge, and options for all patients.

Our expertise involves a deep commitment and long-term understanding, knowledge and experience in clinical research and the advancement of regenerative medicine. Our staff and Physicians at the Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group have been trained by the Founders and world renown specialists of the California Stem Cell Treatment Center, who have been nationally recognized for working with autologous (your own) Adult Autologous Adipose-adipose derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) providing investigational therapy to patients with various inflammatory and/or degenerative conditions.

Our Centers utilize a fat transfer technology to isolate and implant the patients ownAdult Autologous Adipose-derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) from a small quantity of fat harvested by mini-liposuction on the same day. Using technology developed in South Korea, our Centers have developed an in-office procedure to isolate a cellular medium called Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) which is rich in progenitor and Stem Cells. Our Founders have also worked in conjunction with a number of international organizations and physicians of great expertise to help develop our protocols for procedures. Whereas the California Stem Cell Treatment Center was developed in 2010, in 2012, the Cell Surgical Network (CSN) was formed to provide the same high level quality controlled investigational therapy both nationally and internationally.

Our Protocols are approved by an IRB (Institutional Review Board), and accordingly we are able to safely provide adipose (fat)-derived stem cell procedures on an investigational basis to our patients.The approving IRB is registered with the U.S. Department of Health, Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP). Modeled after the California Stem Cell Treatment Center, weve formed a multidisciplinary team to evaluate patients with a variety of conditions which are known to often be responsive to Stem Cell therapy.

All affiliate members of the California Stem Cell Treatment Center / Cell Surgical Network, including our Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group, contribute to the California Centers IRB approved investigational data. In this manner, we are continuously updating, researching, and learning more on how to help patients and advance the state of the art of regenerative medicine.

All patients who are interested in our investigational protocols will be evaluated by our physicians specially trained in our adipose-derived stem cell procedures and given an honest opinion as to the potential benefits and risks of stem cell therapy for their presenting condition.

The Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group is proud to be part of the only Institutional Review Board (IRB)-based stem cell procedure network in the United States that utilizes fat-transfer surgical technology. We have an array of ongoing IRB-approved protocols, and we provide care for patients with a wide variety of disorders that may benefit from adult stem cell-based regenerative therapy. At the Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group we exploit anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulatory and regenerative properties of AdultAutologous Adipose-derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) to mitigate inflammatory and degenerative diseases.

At the Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group we provide care for people suffering from diseases that may be alleviated by access to adult stem cell based regenerative treatment. Our Center utilizes a fat-transfer surgical technology to isolate and implant the patients ownAutologous Adipose-derived Stem Cells from a small quantity of fat harvested by a mini-liposuction on the same day. Please review our Medical Conditions for more information.

The California Stem Cell Treatment Center was founded in 2010 for the investigational use of stem cell procedures for degenerative conditions. The California Stem Cell Treatment Center employs a clinical research coordinator to protect our valuable data, as our vision is to perfect our methods and ultimately teach them to others.

Manhattan Regenerative Medicine Medical Group


Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Kidney Disorder,Stem Cell …

September 25th, 2015 9:46 pm

Chronic renal failure, also known as chronic kidney disorder (CKD), is a condition in which the kidney functioning declines slowly, but steadily. Chronic renal failure is a gradual process which goes on for weeks, months, or years, and the kidneys slowly stop working.

The main function of kidneys are to remove waste from the body and prevent toxins from building up in the bloodstream. They also produce hormones that control other body functions.


The most common causes are diabetes (type 1 or type 2 diabetes) and high blood pressure. Damage to small blood vessels in the body is a complication arising from these two conditions. The kidneys blood vessels also get damaged, resulting into CKD.Other common causes are kidney infection, multiple cysts in the kidneys, urinary tract blockages, and excessive use of medications.


Chronic renal failure symptoms appear years after it starts developing.This can be caught early only by conducting regular blood tests of a suspected patient. Some signs are more obvious than others. A few signs are abnormal urination, puffy eyes, hands, and feet (called edema), high blood pressure, fatigue and shortness of breath, loss of appetite. This can also go up to seizures and mental confusion.

Once a patient is diagnosed with chronic renal failure, the treatment depends on the medical problem and its complications that have caused the kidney failure.

Stem cells are known to have a tangible application in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). They have the ability to regenerate glomerulus, interstitium, blood vessels and tubules, the four essential components of the renal matrix and in-turn potentially reverses symptoms of CKD. They secrete protective and nourished factors that prevent progressive apoptosis of functional cells and stimulate replication of host cells.

The improvement can be depicted by a gradual decrease in BUN, creatinine, and uric acid levels. Overtime GFR and urine output should also improve substantially with regeneration of the kidney tissue.

Please furnish us with your detailed medical history, investigations and all relevant test reports to initiate the formal process of consultation with our doctors and ascertain eligibility for stem cell therapy. You can get in touch with is through our Contact Us page, or by calling our toll free number on 1800 222 454.

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Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Kidney Disorder,Stem Cell ...


Regenerative Medicine – Colorado Clinic

September 25th, 2015 9:46 pm

Colorado Clinic offers multiple regenerative medicine stem cell treatments. These treatments are provided as an outpatient by a Double Board Certified Doctor. Each treatment maintains minimal risk, with the possibility of providing repair and healing of injured tendons, ligaments, cartilage and muscle.

Click on the Treatments on the Left Tabs for more information.

Stem Cell Treatments at Colorado Clinic

Traditional therapies for osteoarthritis, ligament injury and tendonitis maintain certain commonalities. They help provide excellent pain relief, however, they do not alter the condition or help with the healing process. They act as an excellent band aid, but they do not REPAIR the problem!

The newest treatments for helping repair the damage involve Regenerative Medicine. The therapies are cutting edge and include stem cells, platelets, growth factors and cytokines.

Here is an example of what regenerative medicine offers. When a football player sustains a rotator cuff tendon injury, it may heal by itself in six to 10 weeks. Healing of damaged tendons or ligaments may occur naturally. However, it does not reach 100% strength like it was before.

With regenerative medicine, this situation may be very different. Healing of the rotator cuff injury may occur much faster, and it may reach 100% normal strength. This can help prevent future injury and get patients back on the field faster.

Regenerative treatments may permit patients to avoid or delay the need for surgery when it comes to all sorts of injury. The most common of these is degenerative arthritis. Joint replacement surgery is not without risk, therefore, stem cell treatments may help repair some of the cartilage damage while providing substantial pain relief.

With minimal risk, outpatient stem cell treatments offer a substantial upside. Make your appointment at Colorado Clinic today!

Amniotic Stem Cell Injections

Life comes from birth. Its one of the most commonly accepted rules in our society. But can the birth process offer even more? As research and science evolved over time, studies have shown that amniotic stem cells can have a revolutionary effect on the human recovery process.

First, lets look at what amniotic stem cells are. Stem cells are the basic components (cells) of our human body. One of their most amazing characteristic is that they can become almost any type of cell, from muscle to bone or skin cell.

Amniotic stem cells are obtained from the amniotic fluid, which is produced during a caesarean birth. During pregnancy, the amniotic fluid protects the fetus and it feeds it with the necessary supplements needed to sustain life and development. A while back, this fluid was normally discarded, but once researchers got to understand its amazing therapeutic benefits, now its collected and stored because of its high concentration of pluripotent stem cells.

Amniotic derived stem cell fluid comes from consenting donors and is processed at an FDA regulated lab. It is checked for all sorts of diseases prior to being accepted for use in others.

Although stem cells have been used for decades, regenerative therapy is fairly new, and sometimes pushes the boundaries of human imagination and perception. Following the use of amniotic stem cell injections, more evidence reveals exciting results in muscle repair and pain relief which has made amniotic stem cells possibly the holy grail in treatment.

Amniotic stem cell injections offer the ability to heal damaged tissue naturally. The tissue regeneration and repair properties of the amniotic stem cell fluid are an effective anti-inflamatory that relieves pain and contains natural growth factors that assist in healthy tissue growth. Moreover, the hyaluronic acid that is also in amniotic fluid is an important component of the joint fluid that helps cartilage growth. Amniotic fluid is also a great source of stem cells, found in a much higher concentration than the adult bone marrow. And just like when one uses their own stem cells, the use of amniotic fluid doesnt cause rejection or allergic reaction when injected into a patient.

Amniotic stem cell injections have been getting more attention since they have been openly used by prominent athletes with impressive results and even a few saved careers! The ability to safely and effectively treat painful and debilitating injuries and conditions of the knees, elbows, and shoulders without lengthy rehabilitation or recovery time isnt just appealing to professional athletes, but to anyone who wants relief from pain and to return to their favorite activities.

Initial small studies are showing that amniotic stem cell injections work well for the following indications: 1) Tendonitis 2) Ligament Injury 3) Arthritis 4) Sports Medicine Injuries 5) Cartilage Defects

Dr. Sisson at Colorado Clinic is an expert in regenerative medicine treatments. Call the practice today for an appointment!

Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Injections for Musculoskeletal Problems

What are Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Injections?

There are many types of stem cell injections that are currently in research mode. One type of stem cell injection currently used for many types of degenerative conditions is the bone marrow derived stem cell injection. This type of stem cell treatment is excellent for degenerative disc disease, joint arthritis, ligament injuries, spinal arthritis, and tendonitis. Studies have shown that therapy using regenerative treatment, such as bone marrow stem cell injections, work well for degenerative conditions.

Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Collection and Injection

Bone marrow derived stem cell injections are an outpatient procedure where a patients bone marrow is harvested. It is then processed and injected into the area of concern in the same setting. In bone marrow derived stem cell injections, collection is done in an outpatient procedure which takes about 30 minutes. The bone marrow derived stem cells are collected using a catheter and local anesthetic.

The bone marrow derived stem cells are removed from the body in the blood, circulated through a machine with the filtered blood, and returned to the patients body in the same procedure. The stem cells are filtered out of the blood using the aspheresis machine, which retains only the stem cells.

What is the Future of Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Injections?

The future of bone marrow derived stem cell injections is a bright one. There are two types of bone marrow stem cells that can be derived from the tissue composing the middle of the bones, mesenchymal, and hematopoietic stem cells. It is the hematopoietic stem cells that differentiate back into blood cells among other things, and the mesenchymal cells that differentiate into skeletal and vertebral tissues.

Bone marrow derived stem cell injections are showing excellent results for tendonitis, ligament injuries and degenerative arthritis. This can help produce great results for athletes and individuals who desire to avoid or delay the need for joint replacement surgery.

Dr. Sisson at Colorado Clinic is at the forefront of regenerative medicine treatments with stem cells. You will be in good hands!

PRP Therapy at Colorado Clinic

The Facts about PRP Injections

Platelet-rich (PRP) therapy is a form of therapy that is used for damage that occurs within the tendons, ligaments, and joints. This type of therapy works by stimulating repair within the areas that are damaged, while also providing pain relief for the area where the therapy is used. PRP therapy has been around for quite some time, but has only recently become a more common method of treatment for musculoskeletal conditions.

Due to the ease of application, and the very few side-effects present with PRP therapy, it is commonly replacing other treatments that are more invasive, such as surgical procedures.

What exactly is PRP Therapy?

PRP therapy is often called platelet-rich plasma therapy, and this type of therapy is provided in the form of an injection. Initially, about 30-60cc of blood is drawn from the patients arm. It is placed into a centrifuge machine and separates into several layers. The middle layer contains concentrated platelets and growth factors and is used in the treatment for injection into the problem area.

Your blood is composed of several different parts, and when the blood is put into a medical machine that spins it at a fast rate, the platelets are separated from the blood, collected, and then put into a vial in a concentrated amount. The collected platelets are then injected into the area that is damaged, which provides the pain relief and repairing effects for the area. This allows the patient to get the platelets and growth factors needed for healing, while also using the bodys own resources, which eliminates the possibility of side-effects occurring due to the body rejecting the injection that is made.

The platelets that are removed from the blood are the same ones within the blood that stick to one another when we are injured and the blood clots. While the blood as a whole is known to have great healing powers, the platelets are one of the most effective healing components of the blood. When injected into the different damaged areas of the body, they are able to call in stem cells, and also allow for regeneration of the soft tissue.

How does PRP Therapy Work?

When the PRP injection is made, the solution goes directly into the area that is damaged, and also into the areas surrounding the damage. The therapy is known to provide pain relief within a week for patients in up to 80% of cases, due to the ability ofthe injections to stimulate healing in the area at a much faster rate than what your body is able to provide. Platelet rich plasma also contains significant amounts of growth factors, and even severe damage can be healed over time with the use of this form of therapy.

Where can PRP be Used?

PRP therapy can be used in all of the joints within the body, and even areas of soft tissue that are damaged such as the shoulder, elbow, achilles, etc. This may include tendonitis, ligament injury or degenerative arthritis.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy at Colorado Clinic is offered by the top pain management and regenerative medicine doctor in Northern Colorado, Dr. Sisson. He has extensive experience with regenerative medicine including PRP therapy, make your appointment today!

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Regenerative Medicine - Colorado Clinic



September 25th, 2015 9:46 pm

MetroMD Institute of Regenerative Medicine provides consumers and Healthcare Providers opportunities to benefit from uniquely effective services and products belonging to a new branch of Twenty-First Century medicine called Regenerative Medicine.

The evidenced-based, new technologies of Regenerative Medicine address health & Cosmetic problems currently unresolved by conventional medical-surgical approaches.

Adult HGH Therapy Pediatric HGH Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Estrogen Therapy Progesterone Therapy Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

Platelet Rich Plasma Growth Factor Therapy

Botox Collagen Micro-Needling Mesotherapy Sclerotherapy Facials Smart Liposuction

CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing IPL Photofacial

Super Drip Beauty Drip Hangover Drip Recovery Drip Hydration Drip Immunity Drip Skinny Drip Vitamin B12 Shot B Complex Shot Vitamin C shot (Recommended in Drip Form) Glutathione Shot

At MetroMD we have been a top provider of Botox in Los Angeles and Hollywood for years. Dr. Martin has started injecting these products since they came to market. One of the biggest questions we get is why is our product notCheap Botox. Our customers often see extremely cheap prices of botox on websites like[]

People often wonder How to Choose a Testosterone Replacement Therapy Doctor? MetroMD wanted to explain how this should be best done. The best last to startto Choose a Testosterone Replacement Therapy Doctor is by looking up reviews of the physicians in your area. It is always best to see what other people are saying about[]

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Whether you feel insecure about your height or your growth has been stunted due to a medical condition or HGH deficiency, many people are turning toHuman Growth Hormone therapy, or HGH therapy, to help increase their height. HGH is a hormone that naturally occurs in our body and is essential to allowing us to grow[]

A lot of men today are taking HGH, human growth hormone. Whether its because they want to gain muscle or get more energy, HGH is a viable solution to these problems. HGH doctors are becoming more popular every year, since so many people are looking to take HGH. These doctors are licensed to give[]

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) injections come in different varieties and dosages. The doctor will show a patienthow to inject HGH, but the dosage depends on the purpose of the therapy and the result of the patients blood work. Hormone therapy may be given to slow signs of aging, for growth issues or to improve[]

The Benefits of HGH for Women Human growth hormone (HGH), is a natural hormone found in a womans body. As you age, there is a decline in the amount of the growth hormone, which causes a hormonal imbalance. Fortunately, when there is a decline in HGH, women can take a supplement to increase the[]





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Northern Virginia Ophthalmology Associates PC …

September 25th, 2015 9:45 pm

I've been to their NOVA two locations, Fairfax and Falls Church. The first is just a review of the Falls Church location for Dr. McAteer.

I first went to see a specialist at their Fairfax location, but then was sent to see Dr. Mary Beth McAteer at their Falls Church location because I was told I needed a different specialist than the one in Falls Church for my eye issue. Ok, frustrating.

My appointment started off well because the doctor was on time, but she seemed to be in a big rush from the moment she walked in. Because of her hurried nature and brusqueness of her replies, I left at the end of my appointment feeling even more frustrated because I felt like none of my concerns and questions had been properly addressed. I was told I would need to go to yet another location, to a different eye specialist, to see about another test which would determine her recommendation.

I felt like I was being shuffled off.

Dr McAteer's office made an appointment with the third doctor that same morning. I verified I'd be in and out of the appointment in plenty of time to get to an important work meeting. If I couldn't make the meeting, I'd have to let my work know ASAP and take the entire day off. I was assured the test was very quick and there would be no problems getting to work.

When I arrived, the new doc's office, they said there was indeed an appointment for me, but they had no information about which test I needed. They got on the phone with Dr. McAteer's office and left repeated messages. It took about 30 mins before Dr McAteer's office returned the call and they finally took me to an exam room. It was there, I was told I could get the testing done by a technician, but the 3rd specialist I was supposed to see (who could interpret the results wasn't in the office) Regardless if I had the testing done, I'd need to make ANOTHER appointment to come back to see the 3rd doc . WHAT?!?!?

Not only did I miss my meeting and have to take the day off for no reason, I had to give pay the 2nd specialist a co-pay from my health insurance to basically sit around waiting... Grrr!!! I blame Dr McAteer's office for not getting all of the details of the test I needed to the new doc and wasting my time.

A week later, after taking a third day off, and yet another co-pay, I went to their Tyson's Corner location for the testing I needed, as well as a very extensive explanation of the results. I felt ALL my questions were answered. He said he would send to results to Dr. McAteer's office. The next day, Dr. McAteer left a 30 sec v/m with little explanation of the results.

Overall, very disorgainzed. Little communication. Felt I ran around more than I needed to resulting in a waste of time and multiple co-pays. Left with questions and uncertainty. Will NOT be going to see Dr McAteer again.

The ONLY reason I'm giving two stars (which I think is more than generous) is because Dr. McAteer was onto for my appointment. _____________________________________

Second review: After the Dr. McAteer fiasco, I saw Eye Doc #1 at the FC office. When I got there and signed in, I noticed someone else had signed in before me for the SAME APPT time!!! I asked and as told that the doctor was running on time, but when I went back to the waiting area, it wasn't just one person ahead of me, it was three patients.I ended up having to wait an additional 45mins past my appointment time to be seen by the doctor only after I told them I couldn't wait much longer as I had kids I needed to pick up after school.

I was told my appointment was late because patients before me had to have their eyes dilated. Couldn't the doctor have seen other patients in that time? I was also told that patients are told their appointments can run 1 to 1.5 hours. It's not because YOUR appointment runs that long, it's because the doctor may be running late.

I'm disappointed but will continue to see this doctor. Just probably not at this location. 🙁

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Northern Virginia Ophthalmology Associates PC ...


Bradenton East Integrative Medicine | Welcome to a …

September 25th, 2015 9:44 pm

New Ocala Satellite Office! Regenexx Patient Consultations BeginSept. 24, 2015 at this Location: Innovative Athletic Performance Institute 1720 SE 16th Ave #302, Ocala, FL 34471. Call(941) 727-1243, or email nursing@beimonline.com to schedule an appointment.

At Bradenton East Integrative Medicine, we utilize proven therapies from western medicine, eastern medicine and traditional healing to create an integrative, holistic approach. We pledge to assess your individual needs thoroughly and partner with you on your journey to optimal health.

The foundation of good health is a whole foods diet, regular physical movement, and maintenance of positive emotional, social, and spiritual connections with your community.

We are dedicated to helping you reach the highest point of health and vitality possible.

Functional medicinepractitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and

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Dr. Leiber is now an exclusive provider of Regenexx based regenerative procedures. Are you interested in finding out if you are a candidate for these procedures?

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Dr. Susan DOrazio, DOM, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM) is a Florida State licensed and nationally board certified Acupuncture Physician and Doctor of Oriental Medicine.

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We offer various physician-supervised weight loss programs, and food allergy and nutritional deficiency testing, coupled with counseling.

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Please call 24 hours before your scheduled time if you wish to cancel. There will be a cancellation charge for same day cancellations or no shows.

Click here to download our Referral Request Form.

Dr. Brainard and Dr. Porter have privileges at both Manatee Memorial Hospital and Lakewood Ranch Medical Center. Once a patient is admitted, they work closely with the Hospitalist Physician at both locations to monitor patients progress.

On call duties are shared between our providers:

The level of service at Bradenton East Integrative Medicine is fantastic. Having been a patient for many years, I am consistently impressed by the professionalism of every staff member I have come in contact with. Thank you!P.B.

Dr. Leiber I'm grateful for your medical expertise and, as importantly, for the care you take and the care you give. Thank you.O.H.

The appointment I had with Dr. Brainard was the most productive medical assessment I have ever experienced.H.D.

In addition to Maureen's holistic health expertise, she has an intuitive process that is also a healing for the soul. Her spiritual energy is a constant source of comfort and motivation in reaching our goals.Andi M.

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Bradenton East Integrative Medicine | Welcome to a ...


Integrated Medicine – Center of Integrated Medicine

September 25th, 2015 9:44 pm

Integrative and Functional Medicine on Channel 10 News Our Commitment to the Highest Quality of Health Care

Another area that sets us apart from any other clinic is our commitment to use only high quality products in our patients care.

We strive to use products that are all natural, made from whole foods and glandular components as well as herbs. When it comes to injection therapy we use the highest quality homeopathic substances as well as bio available and activated nutrients making it easier for your body to assimilate. We dont believe in throwing a bag of supplements at our patients. We find out what you are deficient in and then work to restore those nutrients eventually eliminating the need to supplement. We know it is working through comprehensive lab work that identifies areas that need support.

If you want to heal, you can. All you have to do is make a choice. Choose The Center of Integrated Medicine and break the cycle of suffering.

Integrated Medicine should truly be an integration of the best of Eastern Medicine with the best of Western Medicine. The best of Eastern Medicine is Acupuncture & Chinese herbs, the best of Western Medicine is Old-School Functional Western Organ and Glandular Nutritional Therapy.

For example, the physical examination that was taught in American medical schools before the mid-1950s centered around assessing functional and physiological imbalances and would quickly and accurately help to diagnose organ and glandular dysfunction and vitamin, mineral and other nutrient imbalances during a single office visit. Students were taught to evaluate patients from a functional vs. pharmaceutical perspective, they were taught to ask the question Why does this patient have these symptoms, Why isnt this patient healing? Today the question asked is not Why? but Which? which drug do I recommend?, and when that doesnt work which drug do I switch to or add? and when that doesnt work which surgery do I recommend? or which specialist do I refer to?

At The Center of Integrated Medicine our doctors use Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Chinese herbs, integrated with an Old-School Functional Western Medical examination and a Whole-Food nutritional philosophy to give our patients the Best of the East and the Best of the West and help our patients recover from illness or injury and then maintain their improved health.

Our true purpose is to help each person achieve their optimum health by providing the highest quality Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and truly integrative healthcare at an affordable price. The Center of Integrative Medicine is the healthcare center of the future, whos roots have an ancestry that can be traced back to thousands of years of safe, effective and drug-free care.

-Michele Louiselle, AP, DOM, CTT The Center of Integrated Medicine

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Integrated Medicine - Center of Integrated Medicine


Integrative Medicine Sarasota – Allergy Relief Bradenton …

September 25th, 2015 9:44 pm

Contrary to popular opinion, people dont die of old age. People die of degenerative diseases. Without such diseases, most of us would live to a ripe old age and die peacefully in our sleep according to our predetermined genetic blueprint. Unfortunately, thats not how it works in modern American healthcare.

Our healthcare system has evolved into a multi-trillion-dollar revolving door of diseases, expensive diagnostic tests, insurance company control, invasive surgeries, expensive drugs and high-cost hospital stays that bankrupt families every year.

Sadly, only a tiny fraction of our healthcare budget is spent on preventive medicine. Which leaves you with a critical choice about your own healthcare. Would you rather spend your money fighting sickness and disease that has already occurred or preventing sickness and disease in the first place?

Dr. Fred HarveyatThe Harvey Center is about helping you make the right choice. He offers comprehensive functional medicine and holistic medicine that includes: Allergy relief Obesity solutions Heart disease prevention Diabetes treatment Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy Cancer nutrition Treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disorders & metabolic syndrome Fibromyalgia treatment Menopause natural treatment Andropause treatment Osteoporosis natural treatment Dementia treatment Chelation therapy High blood pressure treatment Hypothyroid natural treatment

Dr. Harvey offers his services to the communities of Sarasota, Bradenton, St. Petersburg, Venice and Longboat Key in Sarasota County, FL. When youre ready for a different kind of healthcare that leads to better overall health, call The Harvey Center for Integrative Medicine at 941.929.9355. For your convenience, you can book your appointment using our online Request an Appointment form.

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Integrative Medicine Sarasota - Allergy Relief Bradenton ...


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