How Sleeping Naked Improves Men's Health Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete
Guys . . . . sleeping naked not only feels awesome it's great for your health! Sleeping naked improves sleep, metabolism, blood circulation, skin health, hormone secretion, relationships and sexual function Here's how sleeping naked improves men's . . . Read more
Distance Open Water Swimming Tips Trent Grimsey, English Channel World Record Holder - 6:55 hours
"Dedication is what you do when no one else is watching." Here are some tips to help you become a good distance open water swimmer! Find a program you enjoy: Swimming is like anything the more you practice, the better youll be. This is why . . . Read more
Organic Foods - For Improved Human Health and Environment Katie McKenna, LMHC CN
Research shows organic foods have more 25% more vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients because the top soil is better cared for and protected. Organic foods contain higher levels of beta carotene, vitamins C, D and E, cancer-fighting antioxidants . . .Read more
Key Nutrients for Red Blood Cell Production Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete
As red blood cells are the vehicle that delivers oxygen to our cells, sufficient production of red blood cells is necessary for good health and essential for athletic peak performance. Through lifestyle and good diet we can. . . . Read more
Doing the Math for Open Water Swim Racing Eney Jones, Pool and Open Water Champion
It is no surprise then that some of the greatest open water swimmers are some of the most intelligent people you will ever meet, examples are, Eva Fabian (Yale student) Alex Meyer (Harvard graduate) Alex Kostich (Stanford graduate). As Seneca, the Greek . . . Read more
Choosing Your Next Running Shoes Chris Harig, Duathlon National Champion
You've decided you are going to start a running program or its at least time to update your running shoes. Those with the luxury of a specialty running shop in the neighborhood are likely to come away from the experience without a scratch. Read more
Nine Golden Rules of Cycling Training Chris Baldwin, Professional Cyclist, Cycling and Triathlon Coach
My thirst for the science of performance in my career grew as I slowly climbed the ladder of professional cycling. I gathered information from any literature I could find and, more importantly, through questioning some of the best cyclists and coaches in . . . . . Read more
Running Strategy - 'Hitting the Wall' or Not Matt Bixley, Adventure and Distance Runner, New Zealand
Running strategies to avoid 'Hitting the Wall', include physical and mental preparedness, consistency, glycogen stores, nutrition and hydration, setting a pace strategy consistent with the level of strength and efficiency of your. . .Read more
25 Most Hydrating Natural Foods Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete
Scientists at the University of Aberdeen, England found the combination of salts, minerals and natural sugars found in high water content fruits and vegetables can actually hydrate people more effectively than just water or sports drinks . . . . Read more
How to Train your Autonomic Nervous System for Peak Performance Eney Jones, Pool and Open Water Champion
As athletes we focus almost entirely on the somatic nervous system. (Voluntary muscles) but how do we train and why do we overlook our autonomic nervous system? The autonomic system carries out the functions below the conscious level (i.e. the heart . . . Read more
Probiotics in Milk Products Improve Brain Function Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete
Researchers found that the regular consumption of probiotic-containing yogurt showed altered activity of brain regions that control central processing of emotion and sensation. The potential is to discover how milk product probiotics . . . . Read more
Triathlon Race Day Swimming Tips Trent Grimsey, English Channel Record Holder
Here are some tips to help you have a great triathlon swim on race day! Start Position: For Elite swimmers, on the start line always position yourself directly beside the fastest swimmer in the field. Age Groupers should position themselves . . . Read more
A Pool and Dryland Workout to Improve Open Water Swim Speed Thomas Lurz, Olympic Silver Medal Winner
Thomas Lurz is one of the world's best distance open water swimmers and won the Silver medal at the 2012 London Olympic Games 10k Open Water Marathon Swim. 1Vigor interviewed Thomas on the topic of pool swim workouts to improve . . . . Read more
Injury Recovery: Psychological, Emotional and Structural Healing Ezequiel Morales, Professional Triathlete, Argentina
We should take into account all aspects of healing including the psychological and emotional side of the athlete, in addition to the structural nature of the injury. For best healing results relating to the structural part of the injury input . . . Read more
Athlete Strategies to Maintain Healthy Joints Ralph Teller
For athletes, joint pain can interfere with training, race day performance and the ability to compete. Maintaining joint health is not only important for short term training and racing objectives, but also significant for long term health and longevity. . . . Read more
Cold Water Distance Swimming - How to Acclimate to Cold Water Ryan Stramrood, Distance Adventure Swimmer
So how does one prepare for and build tolerance for a cold water swim, an extreme cold swim or even an ice swim? The Cold: The starting point is to know that the water will bring your core temperature down to its level. So, the fitter you. . . Read more
Top 10 Running Tips for Triathlon and Running Training Lora Heyl Erickson, Ironman Triathlete and Coach
There are so many great running tips that I have learned over the last 26 years that I have run and coached running and triathlons, but these are some of the most valuable: Tip #1 - Be Cautious, Tip #2 - Rest, Tip #3 - Warm Up . . . Read more
Get Out of the Road! Trail Running Chris Harig, Duathlon National Champion
Get out of the road! Trail running for improved performance, injury prevention and mental health. About three years ago I made a fundamental switch in my running routine and started training almost entirely on trails. Part of the change ... Read more
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