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Arthritis Awareness Day in Ferndown – Blackmore Vale Magazine

April 22nd, 2017 9:44 pm


The Ferndown Branch of Arthritis Care is hosting an Arthritis Awareness Day on Wednesday 10th May in support of the National Arthritis Care Week which takes place between 8th and 16th May.

Information talks at set times, demonstrations, discounts, special offers and free samples will be available all day.

The event will take place at St Mary's Church, Ferndown on Wednesday between 10- 4pm.

Professionals will be available to offer free help, medical and non medical advice for people living with or having to manage arthritis.

There will be local support from Lucy Ross-Browne (The Practice Ferndown), Anna Hanson (Bay Tree Health Food Store, Ferndown), Julie de Silver (Ferndown Physiotherapy Clinic), Debbie Haynes, Chiropodist, Ferndown Sports and Leisure Centre, and Arthritis Action.

All are giving their time freely in support of Arthritis Care Week.

Mr Selwyn Richards, consultant rheumatologist, Poole and Bournemouth Hospital, will open the afternoon session with a talk on 'The New and the Old in Arthritis Care Treatment'.

The event is free of charge, and the facilities of the adjoining Beacon Caf will be available throughout the day.

The local Ferndown Branch of Arthritis Care is a social group within Arthritis Care, whose aim is to provide social and friendship events allowing local residents to have at least one to two days out per month.

The meetings are on the first Saturday of the month at the Day Centre, Penny's Walk and members enjoy an hour's entertainment, followed by tea, cake and social interaction. Additionally regular outings in the summer months are provided to ensure no one is house bound and can share in a social event making new friends and acquaintances. At Christmas members enjoy a festive lunch at a hotel in Bournemouth.

The awareness event is for anyone who has arthritis themselves, a family member or friend.

For more information contact Pam Bentley chairman Ferndown Branch Arthritis Care via email asf@arttrailcentre.co.uk or 01202 872074.

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Arthritis Awareness Day in Ferndown - Blackmore Vale Magazine


Science is why my cancer diagnosis isn’t a death sentence. It’s why I’m marching tomorrow. – Vox

April 21st, 2017 10:43 pm

Vox's home for compelling, provocative narrative essays.

Ive been thinking frequently this month about Henrietta, my paternal grandmother. I try to imagine what it felt like to be an American Jew in the mid-1940s, with news coming in about what happened to ones counterparts in Europe. Henrietta and all but one of my grandparents were born in the United States. But in 1945, at the age of 36, my fathers mother died anyway: of breast cancer. And one by one, her sisters all died of the same disease.

I wonder about that as well. What if any treatment did they receive? What killed them: the cancer and its progression? Or the treatment? The times, which brought death sentences to so many people like them?

Henriettas daughter my aunt and Henriettas sisters daughters all lived well into old age. Most of them lived cancer-free. One of them, my fathers cousin Jeanine, did get breast cancer. So did my mother. Her diagnosis came in 2009, just after my step-father died. It hit me and my sisters particularly hard, increasing our sense of the risk of cancer now from both sides of the family. Mom heard the news within days of my return home to Brooklyn after sitting shiva with her in Chicago.

But thanks to advances in science, treatments for breast cancer have improved a great deal. The research of Eugene DeSombre, a biochemist, became part of the reason I did not lose my own mother, as my father had 64 years earlier. And its part of the reason I urge you to march for science this Saturday, as well as study science, donate to science, and educate everyone you know about it.

DeSombre and his colleagues investigated the connections between the hormone estrogen and breast cancer. Their discovery of the mechanism by which estrogen promotes the growth of some tumors helped lead to one of the treatments that have kept my mother and my cousin Jeanine, as well as many, many other women who had cancer, from dying of it and from contracting it again.

I grew up into an awareness not just that I would never know my biological paternal grandmother, but that her death and her absence ever since caused my father a great deal of harm, not to mention counseling fees. An astute psychologist would note its ongoing impact on me, my sisters, our cousins, and even our children. Perhaps its obvious that like many people with breasts, I also grew up with an everyday conscious as well as unconscious fear of breast cancer.

But as my 20s gave way to my 30s and then, in my 40s, as menopause approached, some of that fear eased. I noted that Henrietta and her sisters had daughters who were living into their 70s and that breast cancer had not emerged in my generation. I did not know how old my grandmother was when she died, but assumed from the young age of her children at the time, that she had likely not reached her 40s. Yet all of her granddaughters did.

And this granddaughter found a way to dedicate myself to improving the pipeline to schools and professions promoting the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

As I approached the end of my 40s, that decade Henrietta never reached, working with the help of many friends old and new, I founded the nonprofit I had dreamed up years beforehand. Math4Science Inc. is devoted to improving math education in service of science for students of all ages and backgrounds.

We are building a math curriculum out of interviews with STEM professionals: scientists, computer technologists, engineers, and mathematicians. Knowing about the work these people do and solving math problems connected to that work inspires and prepares students to enter STEM fields. Just as the scientists who discovered ways to help women survive breast cancer were once students, the elementary, middle, and high school math students of today will make the advances in science, tech, and engineering that we so desperately need.

Building Math4Science led me to interview Gene DeSombre, the biochemist of whose work I had been nearly completely ignorant while growing up with his daughter in Chicagos Hyde Park, home of the University of Chicago. When I spoke with him, I did not realize that my mother had taken medication developed out of his research findings.

I also interviewed Andrew Vickers, a biostatistician whose son went to school with my daughter in Brooklyn. Vickers researches cancer at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, or MSKCC, both its causes and its treatment.

Most surgeons dont have time to track their patients progress after surgery and may not have the math skills to analyze the patterns in that progress constructively. Vickers and his colleagues do that for them, determining which surgeries and other treatments have the most beneficial results. Doctors at MSKCC use the conclusions that Vickerss biostatistics team draws to improve cancer treatments and their patients lives.

I turned 50 last summer. Around eight months later, I felt a lump in my breast. One doctors visit, a barrage of mammogram images, a sonogram, and a biopsy later, all but the first at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, I turned out to be the first of my generation in my family to be diagnosed with breast cancer.

I could write at length about the past few weeks: about living to face one of my greatest, longest-lived fears; about the power of the care of friends and family; about the dizzying mind-body connection and the havoc it wreaks; about how slowly time passes as one awaits surgery.

The lump awaiting removal makes me feel closer to the grandmother I never met, feeling her anguish and my fathers at a life cut short. The two of us had an imaginary laugh this morning, though, as I recalled the way my grandfather used to shout for his second wife from their cigar smoke-filled den. The Henrietta in my head raised an eyebrow: Not every moment she missed out on was as sweet as the kids, grandchildren, and great-grandkids she would never know.

My own children are at the threshold of adulthood, but that does not exempt them from needing a mom. And I desperately want to spend time with my own grandchildren one day. Thank goodness science has progressed.

The cancer my mother had eight years ago was similar to the one I have now. Like hers, mine is estrogen-receptive: blocking estrogen from my system should help cure me. As I mentioned, Mom is cancer-free now and able to spend time with her grandchildren, nearly all of whom she just hosted at her annual Passover Seder. Thank you, biochemist Eugene DeSombre and all of your colleagues past, present, and future.

My own lump will be removed as part of an outpatient surgery at MSKCC on Tuesday. The matter-of-fact, Ive got this and frankly its quite routine attitude of the surgeon who will do the lumpectomy, as well as the kindness of the entire staff at the hospital, has helped me plow through fields of fear sown by my family history.

The survival rate of those diagnosed with breast cancer has increased so much since my grandmothers diagnosis. In the past 60 years, the rate of survival for 10 years after treatment at the MD Anderson Cancer Center has tripled. Thank you, biostatistician Andrew Vickers and all of your colleagues past, present, and future.

And if my daughter or my future grandchildren or perhaps you, your friends, your children, or your grandchildren find lumps in their breasts that prove to be cancer, even better science, technology, engineering, and math may save their lives. Perhaps they will then go on to become scientists like DeSombre, Vickers, or Derek West.

Right now, bioengineer Derek West and his colleagues are testing the power of gold. Nanoparticles of that precious metal can burn away cancer cells. They can also deliver micro-doses of chemotherapy to those cells. In other words, thanks to the work of Derek West and other scientists, technologists, and engineers, we may soon have treatments that target and kill cancer cells and leave the rest of our cells alone.

The dozens of interviews I have conducted for Math4Science introduced me to the research of West, Vickers, and DeSombre years before I discovered just how relevant that work would be to me and my family. They also provide the basis of the curriculum that will help us teach young math students the power of what theyre learning in school and its connections to the careers of so many essential people.

I have spoken with women and men whose work brings us water, protects us from hurricanes and other natural and less natural disasters, improves public transportation, manipulates genetic material to cure diseases like Huntingtons, investigates the damage done to our immune systems when we play football or experience even psychological childhood trauma, makes sure the products we buy work and are safe, and much more.

And I have spoken to the men and women whose research has impacted multiple generations of women in my family who are battling breast cancer and who have helped increase the survival rate for breast cancer significantly.

For your health and mine and for the health of generations to come, please protect, promote, and fund science. March for science Saturday and every day. And encourage children everywhere to study math and science and to become part of this fascinating, sometimes frustrating, powerful phenomenon. Its likely to save my life, starting with surgery next Tuesday and with other treatments in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

Correction: The article originally stated that all but the last of Hennings doctors visits occurred at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. It has been corrected to all but the first.

Justine Henning is the co-founder and director of programming at Math4Science Inc. Justine also runs a one-woman tutoring business in Brooklyn. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, Slate, Nick Jr. Family magazine, and at http://www.math4science.org.

First Person is Vox's home for compelling, provocative narrative essays. Do you have a story to share? Read our submission guidelines, and pitch us at firstperson@vox.com.

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Science is why my cancer diagnosis isn't a death sentence. It's why I'm marching tomorrow. - Vox


Common Shines a Light on Blindness in PSA for See America: ‘We Made a Beautiful Piece’ – PEOPLE.com

April 21st, 2017 10:42 pm

Over the course of his long, multi-hyphenate career, Common has taken up charitable efforts as wide-ranging as his talents;raising awareness on issues like animal rights, HIV/AIDS, under privileged children and gun control.

Now, the rapper-actor-author is turning his sights towards blindness, and teaming up with See America, Allergans initiative to fight against preventable blindness in the United States. Together, Common and Allergan produced a new PSA that aims to spread awareness about the61 million Americans currently at-risk of severe vision loss.

I was inspired to get involved because its about raising awareness, and blindness is an issue that Americans are dealing with that we dont really think about, Common tells PEOPLE.

Its one of those things that until its happening to you, you dont think about it, he adds. But learning how toprevent these things by being aware and taking care of ourselves iswhat inspired me to get involved.

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As for what drew him to the project, Common explains, I look for things to do in life whereI can help people, and looking at See America, the awareness that theyre bringing to the American people when it comes to blindness, I knew it was something I wanted to be involved with.

He also has a personal connection to the project. As a kid, I had issues with sight, and one of the scariest things I can thinkabout is going blind, he says. When my vision started to fade, it made me want to figure out what I could do to make suremy sight was at the level it should be.

While his childhood vision loss plateaued as he got older, Common says the experience left a mark on him. You really begin to appreciate your sight when you start having issues yourself, he explains.

The video, titled Stand in the Way of Darkness, utilizes Commons poetic prowess and story telling to highlight the issues important to See Americas mission. As long as we do it in a creative and cool way, then Im all for it, he says of making the video. And thats what we did, we made a beautiful piece that Im very happy about.

Read more:
Common Shines a Light on Blindness in PSA for See America: 'We Made a Beautiful Piece' - PEOPLE.com


The U.S. Regulations for Biotechnology Are Woefully Out of Date – Slate Magazine

April 21st, 2017 10:42 pm

CRISPR is a gene-editing tool that enables scientists to do things like turn off the enzyme that makes mushrooms turn brown when bruised or cut.

Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock

In April 2016, an unlikely thing made headlines: the common white button mushroom.

Gene-Edited CRISPR Mushroom Escapes US Regulation, wrote Nature.

Whats a GMO? Apparently Not These Magic Mushrooms, wrote Grist.

And from MIT Technology Review: Who Approved the Genetically Engineered Foods Coming to Your Plate? No One.

The white button mushroom in question looked like any other in the grocery store, with one imperceptible difference: It was missing a gene that codes for an enzyme called PPO, or polyphenol oxidase, which makes mushrooms turn brown when theyre bruised or cut. Scientists at Pennsylvania State University essentially turned off this PPO geneone of six in the mushroomwith a new gene-editing tool called CRISPR, or clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. CRISPR is a bit like a biological word processor. It zooms to a specific genetic sequence in any living thingthe biotech equivalent of using Ctrl+F. Then, the tool can add, delete, or replace genetic information like an editor tweaking a sentence.

While the Penn State scientists used biotechnology to manipulate the mushrooms genes, their work didnt trigger government oversight, in part because current law doesnt necessarily apply to food made with CRISPR. The case highlights a chronic challenge with biotechnology regulation: It cant keep up with the fast pace of innovation. No surprise there: The relevant laws havent had a proper update in more than 30 years.

Not only that, the regulations are cobbled together, says Jaydee Hanson, a senior policy analyst at Center for Food Safety, an advocacy group. If you were writing a sci-fi novel, your editor would say, Thats just too unbelievable. No one would ever do it that way.

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The U.S. Regulations for Biotechnology Are Woefully Out of Date

The CRISPR mushroom doesnt appear to pose a health or environmental threat, so in this case the regulatory gaps may not matter. But what about a potentially damaging biotech creation made the same way? How will we regulate synthetic organisms made with technologies that dont yet exist? These questions arent just about food, as important as that istheyre also key for any biotech or synbio product, such as mosquitoes engineered to curb diseases and microbes made from scratch.

Depending on whom you talk to, the CRISPRd mushroom isnt strictly defined as synthetic biology. Still, genetic technology exists on a continuum, and the regulatory conundrum the mushroom raises is relevant to any organism tweaked in a lab.

Over the past two years, policymakers had a fleeting chance to improve biotech lawsand they missed it. Now that were in the wild and unpredictable world of the Trump administration, the future of biotech regulation is a big fat question mark.

To understand biotech regulations, we have to go back in time to 1986, when the cool kids were pegging their jeans, Top Gun was in the theaters, and Lionel Richie and Bananarama dominated the airwaves.

Another trend back then: recombinant DNA. Scientists discovered this genetic engineering tool in the early 1970s, when they first swapped genes from one species into another using the bacteria E. coli. The discovery was a landmark for biotechnology. By the 1980s, companies were commercializing microbes and plants made with recombinant DNA, and regulators ears perked up.

The decision fell to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which has two main jobs. The first is to advise the president on matters of science, tech, and engineering. The second is to help coordinate multiple agencies on scientific policy. Rather than writing a new law, the OSTP decided to fit genetically engineered products into existing laws. The result, called the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology, published in June 1986. A small update in 1992 didnt change much.

Under the coordinated framework, regulation falls to the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Food and Drug Administration.

Yang Labs

The EPAs job is to protect human health and the environment. Several laws allow the EPA to do this, but the two relevant for biotech regulation relate to pesticides and toxic materials. Under the coordinated framework, the EPA can regulate any biotech organisms that produce these chemicals in some way. A genetically engineered crop that makes its own insecticide, for example, would trigger EPAs oversight on pesticides, while a microbe altered to produce biofuel would trigger the rules for potentially toxic chemicals.

The USDAs job, in part, is to protect U.S. agriculture. When it comes to biotech, the relevant laws that give USDA power relate to plant health. When the coordinated framework first published, the state-of-the-art genetic engineeringrecombinant DNAused microbes to deliver new genes. In crops, for example, scientists used agrobacterium, a bacterium that can infect plants. Its a weird way to apply the lawthese microbes arent likely to hurt crops. But the microbes are technically plant pathogens, which gives the USDA the authority to regulate any crop made this way.

As for the FDA, part of its job is to keep our food safe. Under the coordinated framework, companies proposing to sell a biotech food may submit to a voluntary safety review, to prove that its not going to poison anyone or give them a horrifying allergic reaction.

The original coordinated framework was a messy solution, but it worked OK for the technologies that were available back in the 80s and 90s. Today? Not so much. Take the CRISPRd mushroom. Because the mushroom doesnt produce pesticides or potentially toxic chemicals, the EPA had no reason to regulate it. The Penn State scientists who made the mushroom didnt use microbes to deliver DNACRISPR doesnt require that stepand so their work didnt trigger USDA oversight. As for the voluntary FDA review, the agency hasnt published anything on the mushroom so far.

Policymakers knew the coordinated framework was rickety even before the mushroom came along. In July 2015, the Obama administration asked the OSTP to take another look at the policy to ensure that the system is prepared for the future products of biotechnology.

To do this, the OTSP proposed three steps. One was to commission a report from the National Academies of Science exploring new biotech that may come out over next five to 10 years (more on this in a minute). For the other two, the agencies had to update their role in current biotech regulation and spell out a long-term strategy for future products.

The update took more than a year and included a series of closed and public meetings. A draft published last September, and the final version came out in early January. It was a lot of work for an underwhelming document. Rather than update the coordinated framework, the document lists a series of hypothetical biotech products and explains how each agency might regulate them. But none of the hypothetical exercises explored how products made with new technologies, like the CRISPR mushroom, may fit the current rules.

Its hard to imagine President Trump giving biotech much thought.

I thought it was a missed opportunity, says Jennifer Kuzma, a professor of science and technology policy and co-director of the Genetic Engineering and Society Center at North Carolina State University.

A better approach may have been to blow the whole thing up and start over: Write a new law that could adapt to future technologies. Such a law would have a broad scope that could capture any biotech or synbio product, regardless of how its made. Ideally, the law would also be more elastic when it comes to risk. We should let the traits of the organism determine the level of regulation, says Greg Jaffe, biotechnology director for the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Things that are potentially more risky should get more scrutiny, and things that are potentially less risky should have less scrutiny.

Of course, writing new biotech laws would require legislative approvala tough job in any year, made even more unlikely in todays hyperpartisan, dysfunctional Congress.

But there are other ways biotech laws could change. Remember, the OSTP also tasked the agencies with a long-term strategy for future biotech products. In January, just days before Obama left office, the FDA published draft guidance on regulating genetically altered animals, which will include CRISPR and other new technologies, as well as guidance on gene-edited foods and mosquitoes.

Around the same time, the USDA proposed new rules on biotech plants. In addition to potential plant pests that it already monitors, USDA wants to use a law that lets it regulate noxious weedsplants that pose a threat to the environment, the economy, or society, such as invasive species. Using this law would broaden the agencys ability to do risk assessments on genetically engineered products. The new rules would also allow the USDA to revise previous decisionsfor example, if there is evidence that an approved product is causing unexpected ecological damage.

Before the FDA and USDA proposals can move forward, theyll go through public comment periods, which end on June 19. The draft changes can help fix some of the problems with the coordinated framework, says Kuzma. Theyre not the entire solution, but theyre patches.

The other piece that could inform new policy is the National Academies report on biotech, which was published in March. It lays out several possible recommendations for regulating biotech in the future. For example, one suggestionwhich has the support of many policy folks, including Jaffeis to create a single point of entry for biotech regulation. This could do away with needless regulatory overlap. It would also be easier for companies to navigate.

But the new administration doesnt seem to be paying much attention to any of this. Science and agriculture arent high-priority, if the proposed budget cuts for 2018 are any indication. Trump still hasnt named a science adviser or a director for the OSTP. Some on Team Trump reportedly want to do away with the OSTPa tricky proposal for biotech, since the office organizes and guides the relevant policies and agencies. And its hard to imagine President Trump giving biotech much thought. A search of his tweets, a direct line into his stream of consciousness, shows no mention of genetically modified organisms. Or biotechnology. Or biology.

It could be that the agencies will just plug along under the radar and get some real work done. Or the changes and recommendations will languish, and well be stuck with the 30-year-old coordinated framework. Or the Trump administration could wipe the regulations out completely, like it has with rules on clean water or protecting hibernating bears.

Those last two choicesdoing nothing or wiping out regulations altogetherwould be huge mistakes. Either could allow for a flood of unregulated, and potentially risky, products. It would be much wiser to let the agencies continue the hard work of updating the laws for biological innovations, so we can have confidence to pile a helping of CRISPRd mushroom on our plate.

This article is part of the synthetic biology installment of Futurography, a series in which Future Tense introduces readers to the technologies that will define tomorrow. Each month, well choose a new technology and break it down. Future Tense is a collaboration among Arizona State University, New America, and Slate.

The rest is here:
The U.S. Regulations for Biotechnology Are Woefully Out of Date - Slate Magazine


March for Science: Agony and ecstasy of a Malaysian agricultural biotechnology science communicator – Genetic Literacy Project

April 21st, 2017 10:42 pm

What can be more challenging than slogging in the laboratory, burning the midnight Bunsen burner, changing the methodology a few times, dealing with contaminated cell cultures and losing them, not having the transferred genes express themselves, and mining large genomics data in the terabytes?

It is communicating the science behind the research, repackaging it into plain language and dispelling the misinformation created by technology skeptics to ensure that viable science projects that help address food security and sustainable agriculture practices are commercialized, approved and reach the farms and our forks. This is no small task. Science communication is a complex field requiring special skills, training and experience. The heterogeneity of the public makes science communication both challenging and exciting. There is no cookie-cutter approach. Every audience, topic and concern must be approached differently. Each one is unique, requiring a customized communication strategy.

I have been a science communicator for 14 years and I have enjoyed every one of them, although it is not a bed of roses all the time. It requires patience and the ability to learn from our past mistakes and to perfect our techniques. Here I am sharing my agony and ecstasy.

The agony

Why is it that when scientists speak up for genetically modified (GM) crops we are immediately labeled as industry advocates and as recipients of industry money? In contrast, those who evangelize about organic products are seen as angels and saints? Yet, many of the critics of GM crops receive financial support from the organic industry and this industry has been no angel to science. Scientists who collaborate with agri-companies or receive funding from them are also demonized and their credibility trashed by critics. But, industry collaboration is not new in research at universities. The organic industry widely funds research. Why are only agribiotechnology scientists singled out?

Mahaletchumy Arujanan

Critics create myths about organic foods; instill guilt in mothers who dont feed their families with organic foods; and force consumers to pay hefty premiums in the pretext of serving more nutritious and sustainably grown foods. The claims that organic foods are more nutritious have been debunked many times. In spite of all this, GM crops and those who support them are painted as evil. For these reasons, I avoid organic foods like the plague it simply goes against my conscience.

Why is our job made so difficult while critics of GM crops have it easy? They create fear, doubts and myths. But those who embrace science take years to challenge the myths and doubts created by others. It takes years of research. Every time a doubt is created and turned into an unnecessary regulation, farmers pay the price in terms of economic losses. A good example is the failure to approve and commercialize insect resistant Bt brinjal in the Philippines (note the benefits were publicly acknowledged seven years ago but opponents successfully blocked its approval) and GM mustard in India.

It is not easy fighting ideology and hypocrisy with science. The opposition to GM crops has become a cult that no amount of science can dispel. I feel helpless when powerful tools are confiscated from farmers (see how EU Urges the G8 member states not to support GMO crops in Africaclause 72). They are deprived of technological innovations that could help them practice agriculture sustainably, prevent occupational hazards that are caused by the use of pesticides, increase their income and reduce their loss and costs.

A common accusation by critics is that GM seeds are patented by big agri-companies. But they fail to acknowledge that organic products are patented as well. Another favorite of scaremongers is that GM crops are dangerous and can even kill. Yet, since 1996 not a single GM-related health hazard has been reported. Not one. We cant however, say the same for organic produce. Read here, here and here to see the reality of safety of organic foods.

In spite of the mounting evidence on the benefits of GM crops, critics confuse the public with cooked-up evidence demonizing GM crops. For a science communicator backed by science, this is agonizing and makes my job extremely difficult.

The Ecstasy

When Malaysia was developing its Biosafety Act, I was involved in creating awareness about the need for a balanced, science-based regulatory instrument. I faced character assassination, accusations and sarcastic remarks.They were agonizing moments. But the agony turned to ecstasy when the act, and later the regulations and guidelines, became more science-based. Today, I sit in many meetings with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to help implement the regulations in a balanced manner.

There have been other moments of ecstasy as well. Years ago, I waded into untested waters when I tackled issues related to Islamic principles (Shariah compliance) and GM foods. As a non-Muslim, I took a risk in handling such a sensitive topic but there were many countries that were contemplating a fatwa (decree) against GM crops, i.e. to declare GM foods and crops as haram (non-permissible). I didnt want the misinformation to spread among Muslim countries so I organized a dialogue between religious scholars and scientists.

The first meeting collapsed halfway through with many accusations hurled at me by GM opponents. I took a break from this topic for a while and analyzed my mistakes, found new credible partners and organized another high-level dialogue with top Islamic scholars from the Muslim world. It was a huge success. Here is the resolution that is used as a reference in many countries today that resulted from the discussion. Philippines became the first country after the dialogue to reverse its anti-GM rules, where initially they had a blanket decree claiming all GM foods were haram.

In 2010, I took a creative approach to educating a group that otherwise wouldnt take a second look at biotechnology fashion students, and through them a wider womens group. I engaged a university and got its fashion students to design outfits based on biotechnology themes and organized a fashion show. This was part of a bigger event called Bio Carnival with poster drawings, coloring, public speaking, debate, quizzes and spelling competitions for students, and exhibitions and hands-on sessions for the public. It was a rewarding experience when the university later introduced biotechnology as a special project for fashion students after realizing how it inspired fashion designs through its colors and unique patterns. With this approach, all the students had to search for information on biotechnology and we educated them about science and innovation.

Then there is my favorite project. I was long frustrated with the amount of space the mainstream media devoted to science issues. I tried making friends with journalists and organizing media training for scientists but it really did not effect much change. So, I decided to create my own playing field, The Petri Dish the first science newspaper in Malaysia. It is now seven years old and this year it graduated to become a digital portal to reach a wider audience.

The Petri Dish reaches all key stakeholders in Malaysia academia, researchers, policymakers, politicians (all cabinet members receive a copy), students, industry and the general public. We make it available at shopping malls and Starbucks outlets. I know a number of ministers who read it, and once a topic was fiercely debated at the cabinet meeting after being reported in The Petri Dish.

This is our initiative in bringing science to the headlines. It is aimed at creating awareness among all stakeholders on biotechnology so the public will be more receptive to emerging technologies and policymakers will be able to make informed decisions on regulations and funding. It also encourages young people to pursue STEM education and careers. Every time, I receive positive feedback on Petri Dish, I feel a rush of ecstasy. It is a struggle to sustain a science newspaper but the feeling of inspiring people about science is rewarding.

Another area I enjoy is talking to students both at schools and universities. These are uncorrupted minds and they are receptive to information backed by science when it is presented by a credible person. Every year, I reach out to more than 2000 students who are inspired by science and believe it offers solutions to many global problems.

The biggest lesson I have learned is that we need to build trust with our audiences before we start communicating with them: Connecting first and then communicating.

I believe the agony and ecstasy will continue, with exciting new developments in synthetic biology, gene editing and gene drives.

Mahaletchumy Arujanan is the Executive Director of Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre (MABIC) and Editor-in-Chief of The Petri Dish the first science newspaper in Malaysia. She is also an Adjunct Lecturer at Monash University Malaysia. She has a degree in Biochemistry and Microbiology from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Masters in Biotechnology and PhD in science communication from the University of Malaya. She is an active science communicator who addresses policies, regulations, ethics, religions, STEM and other areas pertinent to biotechnology development. You can follow her onFacebook and Twitter @maha_mabic.

For more background on the Genetic Literacy Project, read GLP on Wikipedia

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March for Science: Agony and ecstasy of a Malaysian agricultural biotechnology science communicator - Genetic Literacy Project


Will Biotech Bulls Or Bears Blink First? – ETF Daily News (blog)

April 21st, 2017 10:42 pm

April 21, 2017 6:21am NASDAQ:IBB

From Taki Tsaklanos: Stock market indexes gain around 1 percent on Thursday. The small cap index Russell 2000 rose around of 1.15%, making it the best performing U.S. stock market index of the day.

How meaningful was todays strong day in the stock market mean in the bigger picture?

In order to answer that question, investors should turn to leading stock market indicators. In this article, two leading indicators are revised: the transportation index and biotechnology.

Based on the current set up of these two indicators, InvestingHavens research team believes there is a fair chance that stocks particularly in the U.S. are going nowhere.

First, the transportation index is simply bouncing back from a retracement which brought the index down from 9550 to 8800 points. Transportations are now slightly recovering, but in the bigger picture of things they are still trading near major support, see the circle on the first chart.

As long as there is no clear direction here, the odds favor a trendless market. Investors watch for a potential divergence between transportations and the Dow Jones index which would be bearish according to the Dow Theory.

Furthermore, although not a leading indicator, the biotechnology sector is certainly a health indicator. Right now, biotech is simply moving sideways. We have noticed several times that biotech was about to break down or, recently, break out. But the sector did refuse to go either direction, it is basically going sideways.

Because of the setup in those two stock market indicators, InvestingHaven believes that the stock market could follow their trendless state, and basically go nowhere in the coming months. The question is: will bulls or bears first give up during this nerve wracking situation?

The iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index ETF (NASDAQ:IBB) was unchanged in premarket trading Friday. Year-to-date, IBB has gained 9.41%, versus a 5.28% rise in the benchmark S&P 500 index during the same period.

IBB currently has an ETF Daily News SMART Grade of B (Buy), and is ranked #20 of 36 ETFs in the Health & Biotech ETFs category.

This article is brought to you courtesy of Investing Haven.

Tags: biotech Equity Health Care NASDAQ:IBB Taki Tsaklanos

Categories: NASDAQ:IBB

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Will Biotech Bulls Or Bears Blink First? - ETF Daily News (blog)


BioTalent Canada’s Animation to Promote Accessibility in Biotechnology Honoured with Award – Business Wire (press release)

April 21st, 2017 10:42 pm

OTTAWA, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BioTalent Canada announced today that its animated short, Expanding Accessibility in Biotechnology, has won the Platinum Award for Motion Graphics Information at the 2017 Hermes Creative Awards, an international competition overseen by the Association of Marketing and Communications Professionals (AMCP). The award showcases the talent and creativity of marketing and communications professionals, many of whom have contributed to public service or charitable organizations.

Expanding Accessibility in Biotechnology was created as part of BioTalent Canadas Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) employer-awareness campaign, launched in 2016 and funded in part through the Government of Ontarios EnAbling Change Program. The campaign aims to reach and educate bio-economy employers on compliance with the new AODA accessibility standards.

As a national non-profit HR association for the Canadian biotechnology industry, BioTalent Canada works to ensure that the bio-economy has access to the talent it needs. According to research by the organization, only 7.6% of bio-economy companies had persons with disabilities on staff.

BioTalent Canadas animation seeks to increase awareness among employers on the importance of persons with disabilities as a strategically valuable labour market for Canadas biotechnology sector. Developed by eSolutions Group, the animation addresses the importance of creating an inclusive and diverse workforce, which in turn strengthens an organizations innovation.

Canadians with disabilities represent a valuable labour market, one which is under-represented in the bio-economy, says Rob Henderson, BioTalent Canadas President and CEO. It is encouraging to see an animation focused on the benefits of diversity win this award and get showcased at an international level.

Along with the animated short, BioTalent Canada is hosting events across Ontario to educate and train employers on AODAs accessibility standards and what they need to do to comply. The next event will be taking place on April 25th, in the heart of the City of Mississaugas life sciences core.

For more information on the Expanding Accessibility in Biotechnology event in Mississauga, or to register, visit BioTalent Canadas event page.

About BioTalent Canada

BioTalent Canada is the HR partner of Canadas bio-economy. As an HR expert and national non-profit organization, BioTalent Canada focuses on building partnerships and skills for Canadas bio-economy to ensure the industry has access to job-ready people. Through projects, research and product development BioTalent Canada connects employers with job seekers, delivers human resource information and skills development tools so the industry can focus on strengthening Canadas biotech business. For more information, please visit biotalent.ca.

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BioTalent Canada's Animation to Promote Accessibility in Biotechnology Honoured with Award - Business Wire (press release)


Credit Suisse Group AG Reaffirms "Outperform" Rating for Puma Biotechnology Inc (PBYI) – The Cerbat Gem

April 21st, 2017 10:42 pm

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Credit Suisse Group AG Reaffirms "Outperform" Rating for Puma Biotechnology Inc (PBYI)
The Cerbat Gem
Puma Biotechnology Inc logo Credit Suisse Group AG restated their outperform rating on shares of Puma Biotechnology Inc (NYSE:PBYI) in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday. They currently have a $58.00 price target on the biopharmaceutical ...
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Credit Suisse Group AG Reaffirms "Outperform" Rating for Puma Biotechnology Inc (PBYI) - The Cerbat Gem


Elderly man in Cuba treats arthritis pain with scorpion venom swears by it – Fox News

April 21st, 2017 10:42 pm

PINAR DEL RIO, CUBA At age 71, Cuban peasant Pepe Casaas fends off the typical aches and pains of his age in a unique, and effective, way. His secret: letting himself be stung every now and then by a scorpion, the venom of which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Although anyone who has been stung by a scorpion says that it hurts a good deal, for Pepe it's "just a minor sting," which he endures at least once a month using one of the three or four scorpions that he keeps close at hand in his house.

"The sting doesn't hurt me a bit. And if they're using it as a treatment for cancer in Cuba, it has to be good," said Pepe, who sometimes keeps a scorpion in his hat in case he starts to feel a pain he needs to treat.


"About eight years ago, I started with this scorpion stuff. My bones were beginning to hurt me, arthritis, and it helped me to feel comfortable," Pepe told EFE at his home in the town of Los Palacios in Cuba's far western province of Pinar del Rio.

"I couldn't brush my teeth, or comb my hair. I got a scorpion, squeezed it, and it stung me twice, and look: My arm's doing fine."

Pepe, who comes from a family of beekeepers, began using insect bites starting with bee stings as a remedy against pain. He even says his brother cured himself of a disability thanks to bee stings.


Although Pepe's strategy might seem strange as a way to combat the aches and pains that come along at his age, it is a fact that scorpion venom is used in Cuba as the main ingredient in Vidatox, a homeopathic medication that is prescribed mainly to alleviate pain and other symptoms associated with cancer.

In 2006, Cuba started clinical trials to test the efficacy of scorpion venom in cancer treatment and researchers quickly noted that patients' quality of life was substantially improved.


In 2011, the Cuban pharmaceutical firm Labiofam began manufacturing Vidatox.

"A very important use of Vidatox, which we want to promote, is that of an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, for use against cancer, given that any osteoarthritic process such as rheumatism can be treated with this medication," Dr. Fabio Linares, who heads the Vidatox project, told EFE.

According to Linares, "it makes sense" that Pepe feels better after a scorpion sting, since in addition to its analgesic effect, the venom stimulates the body's natural curative mechanisms and immune system.

In a laboratory in the city of Cienfuegos, where the Vidatox project is under way, Linares' team is raising some 7,000 "blue scorpions" (Rhopalurus junceus, a species endemic to Cuba) and is taking 10 or 12 venom extractions from each of them every year before releasing them back into the environment.

Some 17,000 bottles of Vidatox are produced and sold over the counter every year in Cuba and in 15 other countries around the world.

In Cuba alone, an estimated 65,000 people have used the remedy to alleviate cancer pain.

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Elderly man in Cuba treats arthritis pain with scorpion venom swears by it - Fox News


Arthritis symptoms: Seven signs YOU could be suffering | Health … – Express.co.uk

April 21st, 2017 10:42 pm


Its often associated with the elderly, but both men and women can start to develop arthritis symptoms from their 40s, and thousands of even younger people are diagnosed each year too.

There are around 200 types of the disease, which causes agonising inflammation and stiffness in the joints, but osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common forms.

Osteoarthritis also known as wear and tear arthritis - is caused when the cartilage lining of the joint fails to repair, pushing tendons and ligaments to work harder and triggering swelling and rubbing on the bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis, which occurs when the bodys immune system inflames particular joints, affects three times as many women as men and there are 20,000 new cases every year.

But any type of arthritis can have a devastating impact on peoples lives - 68% of sufferers have reported depression when the discomfort is at its worst, and a survey released last month by Arthritis Research UK found that 600,000 sufferers miss out on work.

The Arthritis Foundation stresses that its not a disease of old age, and that spotting it early is key to effective treatment.


While its more likely in those who are overweight, smoke, eat a poor diet, have injured a joint or have a family history of the disease, arthritis can affect anyone.

While its more likely in those who are overweight, smoke, eat a poor diet, have injured a joint or have a family history of the disease, arthritis can affect anyone.

Keep an eye out for these seven main symptoms:

Painful joints

This is the most common indicator that you could have arthritis, however the level of discomfort varies from one person to the next.

Soreness can be felt in any joint in the body, but according to the NHS rheumatoid arthritis normally begins in the hands and feet, and osteoarthritis in the knees, hips and hands.

Restricted movement

You may start to notice that you cant move particular joints as well for instance, if arthritis is in your hands you may struggle to bend them to form a fist.

The NHS explains that this stiffness can be particularly apparent when you wake up in the morning, or after other periods of inactivity, and will disappear within 30 minutes with osteoarthritis, but may take longer to wear off if rheumatoid arthritis.


1 of 12


Swollen joints

Swelling around joints can mean one of two things according to the NHS: an injury or arthritis. So if no injury has occurred, it may be the latter.

The Arthritis Foundation adds that if swelling lasts for more than three days, or happens more than three times a month, you should see a doctor.

Warm and red joints

Inflamed joints can not only indicate arthritis, but also point to which type you may have.

The Arthritis Foundation explains that in rheumatoid arthritis there is often warmth and redness because your immune system attacks the lining of the joint, causing it to become inflamed.

In osteoarthritis, theres usually only minimal redness and warmth, while if its psoriatic arthritis another common type - redness usually hits knees, ankles, fingers and toes.

Noisy joints

Popping and snapping caused by air bubbles in the liquid around your joints - can be common in perfectly healthy individuals, but the Arthritis Foundation warns that when this is accompanied by pain, it may be a sign you have arthritis.


Muscle loss

A feeling of weakness and weight loss due to diminishing muscle, and consequently struggling to lift items that you could weeks previously, may also be an indicator say the NHS.

Feeling tired

The bouts of pain that come with arthritis can mean many sufferers fail to get a good nights sleep.

The Arthritis Foundation also says that the disease interferes with the bodys production of red blood cells, responsible for carrying oxygen around the body, which in turn can trigger fatigue-inducing anaemia.

Therefore, if you go from having lots of energy to always feeling lethargic, arthritis could be responsible.

While there is no known cure to arthritis, there are treatments to minimise its impact on sufferers.

For osteoarthritis, anti-inflammatory and pain relief medication is usually prescribed, with surgery also an option in very severe cases.

To slow down the progress of rheumatoid arthritis and damage to joints, doctors will suggest painkillers, anti-rheumatic drugs, physiotherapy and regular exercise.

If youre unsure, visit your GP.

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Arthritis symptoms: Seven signs YOU could be suffering | Health ... - Express.co.uk


Walk to Cure Arthritis is Sunday, April 30 – HamletHub

April 21st, 2017 10:42 pm

Walk to Cure Arthritis Welcomes Ridgefields Dr. Sanjay Gupta of

Orthopaedic Specialists of Connecticut as Event Chair

Chuckie Namiot Of Ridgefield, diagnosed with Juvenille Arthritis in 2011, will show his Zest for Life at the Event

The Arthritis Foundation announced that Ridgefield-resident Sanjay Gupta, M.D. of Orthopaedic Specialists of Connecticut has been named the corporate chair of the 2017 Danbury Walk to Cure Arthritis, which will take place on Sunday April 30, 2107. As chair, Dr. Gupta will provide leadership in helping the event reach its fundraising goal of $75,000.

Dr. Gupta is a long-time Arthritis Foundation advocate and volunteer, and was chosen as the 2017 Walk to Cure Arthritis chair because of his strong leadership skills, passion for helping others and dedication to removing the burden of arthritis from local communities.

The majority of my day-to-day professional life is dedicated to helping people and their families deal with arthritic pain, said Dr. Gupta. The pain of arthritis may not be visible but it is incredibly real and the # 1 cause of disability in America. More must be done to help.

Chuckie Namiot, a 13 year old from Ridgefield deals with that pain on a daily basis. He was first diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis in 2011 and will participate in the Walk to Cure Arthritis with his team named Chuckie is Awesome. Despite the daily challenges that he faces from his illness, he continues to show a zest for life that has always been his signature trait. Even with the pain Chuckie endures, he is a driven competitor in sports. Cycling has become his passion. In 2014 he received a silver medal in the Connecticut State Time Trial. In the past, he has been involved in youth wrestling and football. Chuckie is known for his empathetic nature. Regardless of how his body feels, he would rather make others feel better than worry about himself. There is no doubt that trait will serve him well in the future when he plans to become a Pediatric Rheumatologist to help others like him.

The Arthritis Foundations Walk to Cure Arthritis is an annual, nationwide fundraising event focused on accelerating the search for a cure and building a better life for the 50 million Americans, including 300,000 children, living with this painful and debilitating disease. In Connecticut more than 663,000 adults and an estimated 3,400 children have arthritis the nations leading cause of disability.

Dr. Gupta is an orthopedic surgeon with Orthopaedic Specialists of Connecticut and widely recognized as one of the top joint replacement surgeons in the state. He is currently the chief of orthopedics at Danbury Hospital. He completed a two-year fellowship at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York and specializes in hip and knee disorders and joint replacement. The physicians at Orthopaedic Specialists of Connecticut trained at the top hospitals and universities in the country. Recent data shows that they have the best surgical outcomes in the area. Dr. Gupta and his family reside in Ridgefield.

The Walk to Cure Arthritis is nationally sponsored by Amgen.

About the Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation (Arthritis.org) is the Champion of Yes. Leading the fight for the arthritis community, the Foundation helps conquer everyday battles through life-changing information and resources, access to optimal care, advancements in science and community connections. The Arthritis Foundations goal is to chart a winning course, guiding families in developing personalized plans for living a full life and making each day another stride towards a cure. The Foundation also publishes Arthritis Today, the award-winning magazine that reaches 4 million readers per issue.

Photo: Dr. Sanjay Gupta

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Breakthrough Stem Cell Treatments, Stem Cell Therapy …

April 21st, 2017 10:41 pm


The Stem Cell treatment performed at our clinics is a painless medical procedure where Stem Cells (cellular building blocks) are usually administered intravenously and subcutaneously (under the skin). The whole procedure takes approximately one hour and has no known negative side effects.

Following the treatment, the Fetal Stem Cells will travel throughout the body, detecting damaged cells and tissue and attempts to restore them. The Fetal Stem Cells can also stimulate existing normal cells and tissues to operate at a higher level of function, boosting the bodys own repair mechanisms to aid in the healing process. These highly adaptive cells then remain in the body, continually locating and repairing any damage they encounter.

As with any medical treatment, safety should be of the highest priority. The Stem Cells used in our treatment undergo extensive screening for possible infection and impurities.

Utilizing tests more sophisticated than those regularly used in the United States for Stem Cell research and transplant. Our testing process ensures we use only the healthiest cells to enable the safest and most effective Fetal Stem Cell treatment possible. And, unlike other types of Stem Cells, there is no danger of the bodys rejection of Fetal Stem Cells due to the fact they are immune privileged. This means that you can give the cells to any patient without matching, use of immunosuppressive drugs and without rejection. This unique quality eliminates the need for drugs used to suppress the immune system, which can leave a patient exposed to serious infections.

With over 3000 patients treated, Stem Cell Of America has achieved positive results with a wide variety of illnesses, conditions and injuries. Often, in cases where the diseases continued to worsen, our patients have reported substantial improvements following the Stem Cell treatment.

Patients have experienced favorable developments such as reduction or elimination of pain, increased strength and mobility, improved cognitive function, higher tolerance for chemotherapy, and quicker healing and recovery.

To view follow up letters from patients, please visit the patient experiences page on our website.

All statements, opinions, and advice on this page is provided for educational information only. It is not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis and care. Like all medical treatments and procedures, results may significantly vary and positive results may not always be achieved. Please contact us so we may evaluate your specific case.

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Diabetes control tied to heart stent outcomes – WHTC

April 20th, 2017 8:45 pm

Thursday, April 20, 2017 5:03 p.m. EDT

By Will Boggs MD

(Reuters Health) - For people with type 2 diabetes, maintaining good blood sugar control in the years after receiving a coronary artery stent is associated with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, according to a recent study.

Although intensive glucose control had no benefit on the rate of major cardiovascular events in previous studies, our data suggest that strict glucose control after PCI (heart catheterization) can improve long-term clinical outcomes in diabetic patients, Dr. Joo-Yong Hahn from Samsung Medical Center in Seoul told Reuters Health.

Heart disease is the major cause of death among people with type 2 diabetes, Hahns team writes in Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. Although intensive blood sugar control is known to reduce damage to tiny blood vessels that are involved in many of the nerve and circulatory effects of diabetes, its not clear if the same is true for major arteries such as the ones that carry blood to the heart.

The researchers studied 980 patients with type 2 diabetes who had undergone percutaneous cardiac intervention (PCI) to clear a blocked coronary artery and place a supportive mesh tube known as a stent. Hahns team followed the patients health for up to seven years.

They looked at long-term blood sugar control using a measurement known as hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c or A1C), and used it to compare the patients risks of death, heart attack, repeat catheterizations and stroke over the study period.

The researchers defined good control as an A1C score below 7.0 and poor control as A1C of 7.0 or higher. Then they matched patients according to other risk factors and ended up with 322 pairs of patients for comparison.

In the overall group of 980 patients, the risk of all bad outcomes was 25 percent lower with good blood glucose control than with poor blood glucose control.

In the matched comparison, some 37 percent of patients with poor control had bad outcomes (heart attack, stroke, and so on) over the next seven years, versus less than 28 percent of patients with good control. Most of the difference in bad outcomes between the groups resulted from a higher rate of repeat stenting in the group with poor blood glucose control.

PCI is not the end of treatment for coronary artery disease, Hahn said by email. Optimal medical treatment, including glycemic control, is a cornerstone therapy after PCI, he said.

The effects of glucose control in type 2 diabetes may differ according to patient characteristics, such as recent cardiovascular events, baseline glycemic control status and duration of diabetes, Hahn added.

The researchers write that more study is needed before they can conclude strict glucose control after stenting will improve long-term clinical outcomes in people with diabetes.

Its important to underscore the message of good glycemic control, said Dr. Azfar G. Zaman from Newcastle University in the UK. He was not involved in the study but has done similar research. In patients with PCI there is evidence to support better outcomes and need for fewer interventions, Zaman said by email.

This is a single center study with limited numbers, but the findings support data from other studies, he noted.

SOURCE: http://bit.ly/2pjU0al Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, online April 3, 2017.

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Diabetes control tied to heart stent outcomes - WHTC


Good 4 You: Mental fitness for diabetes – WOAI

April 20th, 2017 8:45 pm

by Delaine Mathieu, News 4 San Antonio

Good 4 You: Mental fitness for diabetes

There's a unique new therapy group in San Antonio designed to help people living with diabetes cope with the disease. It's called Mental Fitness for Diabetes. The goal of the program is to help treat mental side-effects that come along with diabetes. "I remember when I was diagnosed with diabetes," said Sarah Villegas. "March 31 for 2016. So, it's been a year."

The 71-year-old registered nurse was completely surprised when she was diagnosed with type two diabetes. "When the doctor came in and showed me my lab results," she explained. "I looked at the paper and I said, are you kidding me?"

Villegas lost seventeen pounds and got her condition under control. When she heard about this new mental fitness group, she was pleasantly surprised. "Never in my 49 years as a registered nurse -- to combine diabetes, a major chronic illness with a major mental health illness, which is chronic, and put them together -- that is an awesome concept," she said.

Valerie Moczgemba, with Alamo Wellness Group, will be running the sessions. "A lot of times, people who have been diagnosed with diabetes experience depression anxiety," she said. "There also may be anger or irritability. She said they'll be focusing on disease management and how mental health symptoms play into disease management.

Villegas says it's high time a treatment like this is made available for people with diabetes. "It cannot be ignored," she said. "We need to address their physical health issues as well as the mental issues. They both go hand-in-hand."

April 30th is the last day to register. If you're interested in signing up, go to alamowellnessgroup.com.

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Good 4 You: Mental fitness for diabetes - WOAI


Researchers discover technique that could lead to diabetes cure – FOX 29

April 20th, 2017 8:45 pm

by Zack Hedrick, Fox San Antonio

Researchers discover technique that could lead to diabetes cure

SAN ANTONIO Doctors in San Antonio have made a breakthrough discovery which could mean a potential cure for people with diabetes.

Tom Mathieu is a fanatical bike rider.

He believes he's pedaled more than 20,000 miles since he began riding in his early thirties.

He started riding because of a condition he was diagnosed with as a teenager.

Doctors told me it'd be a miracle that you see 60," said Mathieu.

Mathieu is a type 1 diabetic and his doctors tell him his body produces zero insulin.

He and his doctors believe his bike riding has helped keep his diabetes in check.

Well I'm 73 and I've had [diabetes] since I was 14," said Mathieu.

Researchers at UT Health San Antonio have discovered a strategy that could mean a cure.

It's a game changer, said Dr. Bruno Doiron. It change drastically the life of a patient that's diabetic."

Using a technique called gene transfer, doctors can alter other cells so they start to secrete insulin but only in response to sugar.

"Im using already what's naturally in your body," said Dr. Doiron.

The University Health System says diabetes is the 4th leading cause of death in Bexar County.

Mathieu calls the potential therapy revolutionary.

He says diabetes is a condition that requires discipline, but says this discovery would give a lot of freedom back to people dealing with diabetes.

People won't be burdened by what diabetes causes and then the cost of those causes, said Mathieu. I think it's miraculous."

Doctors say the therapy has cured diabetes in mice for one year without any side effects, which has never been done.

The goal is to conduct large-animal studies and human clinical trials in the next three to five years.

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Researchers discover technique that could lead to diabetes cure - FOX 29


Family members of diabetes patients plead for law to limit … – Las Vegas Review-Journal

April 20th, 2017 8:45 pm

CARSON CITY Patients and family members of those who suffer from diabetes shared stories of struggle and heartbreak Wednesday and urged support for a bill to rein in the escalating costs of diabetes medication.

Bonnie Sedich knows the pain all too well. Four of her five children were diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. There was no family history. Two children died when in adulthood. Two others live with the disease.

One son, Jeffrey, was diagnosed at age 3. His body was found in a rural California region in 1981, a bottle of insulin by his side. He died at 19.

Another daughter, Elizabeth, was diagnosed when she was 8. She died in November at 51 of complications from the disease. Over the years, the cost of her drugs skyrocketed from about $10 a bottle to more than $300. Toward the end, she was paying more than $2,100 a month if she could afford it, Sedich said.

If you cant afford your diabetes medications then you just suffer and die, Sedich said.

She and others spoke at a press conference to urge support for Senate Bill 265. Sponsored by state Sen. Yvanna Cancela, D-Las Vegas, the bill would establish a list of insulin-related diabetic products to be treated as essential medications. It also would create a refund when insulin costs exceed the medical consumer price index.

The bill would require drug makers to divulge how prices are set, including the cost of medications, as well as amounts spent on marketing and research. It would set registration and reporting requirements on pharmaceutical sales representatives.

Diabetes is a serious disease that affects people for a lifetime, Cancela said. Medical costs are twice as high for people with diabetes.

Deadly and common

Diabetes is the eighth-leading cause of death in Nevada, where 12.4 percent of adults have the disease and 38 percent are pre-diabetic, she said.

Senate Majority Leader Aaron Ford, D-Las Vegas, is one of those who have been determined to be pre-diabetic. He said he received he diagnosis about a year ago.

Diabetes has become one of the largest public health crises in our time, and the medication to treat this disease must be affordable and accessible, he said. In this time of crisis, we have to come together.

Keyonna Lawrence said she was diagnosed as diabetic three years ago. A personal care assistant, she tries to control the disease through diet, and she stretches mediations when she can afford it by taking a half-dose.

My biggest fear is my 11-year-old son is going to wake up, say, Mom? and Moms as cold as ice, Lawrence said.

SB265 was granted an exemption and waiver from deadlines and remains pending in the Senate.

Contact Sandra Chereb at schereb@reviewjournal.com or 775-461-3821. Follow @SandraChereb on Twitter.

Sen. Yvanna Cancela, sponsor of Senate Bill 265, said diabetes care cost Nevadans about $2.4 billiion annually in medical costs.

Over the last 20 years, vials of the most commonn insulin products have gone from $17 to $138; and $21 to $255.

According to the American Diabetes Association, 281,355 people in Nevada, or 12.4 percent of the adult population, have diabetes. Another 787,000, or 38.5 percent of the adult population are pre-diabetic with blood glucose levels higher than normal.

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Family members of diabetes patients plead for law to limit ... - Las Vegas Review-Journal


Is Annual Eye Exam a Must for Type 1 Diabetes? – WebMD

April 20th, 2017 8:45 pm

By Alan Mozes

HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, April 19, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- People with type 1 diabetes face the risk of developing a disease that can cause blindness, so treatment guidelines have long called for annual eye exams.

But new research suggests this one-size-fits-all advice is costly and ineffective, because people with a low risk may need less-frequent screenings while people at high risk may need to be seen more often.

Diabetic retinopathy can damage the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye and trigger full vision loss, the researchers explained. Screening can catch this disease before irreparable damage is done, but not every person with diabetes faces the same risk.

"For example, patients with no or minimal eye changes and good blood sugar levels might not need their next examination for another four years," said study author Dr. David Nathan.

"On the other hand, if the patient already has developing eye disease and their blood sugar control has not been in the recommended range, they might need a repeat examination in as soon as three months," he added.

Nathan is the director of the Diabetes Center and Clinical Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston.

Current guidelines suggest getting an annual eye screening within three to five years of a type 1 diabetes diagnosis. People with type 1 diabetes cannot produce any insulin.

To assess that advice, the investigators focused on type 1 diabetics (aged 13 to 39) who had enrolled in a large, national diabetes trial between 1983 and 1989.

The latest analysis involved 24,000 eye exams conducted over 30 years among roughly 1,400 people with type 1 diabetes.

Retinal photographs were taken every six months until 1993, and then -- in a follow-up study -- once every four years until 2012. The study participants' vision, advanced retinopathy status and general diabetes history were tracked for an average of nearly 29 years.

The researchers determined that those participants who had an average blood sugar level of 6 percent, but no signs of retinopathy, could forgo the annual screening in favor of just one exam every four years. Similar people with mild retinopathy should be screened once every three years, the team concluded.

By contrast, those with severe or moderate retinopathy would do well to get screened every three to six months, respectively, the study authors reported.

People with higher blood sugar levels (8 to 10 percent) might also need to be screened more often, the researchers cautioned.

On average, the new recommendations for people with type 1 diabetes would likely cut the need for eye exams in half over a two-decade period. That would translate into an overall savings of $1 billion, while ensuring that those facing the highest risk got more timely treatment, the researchers said.

The findings were published in the April 20 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Nathan described the results as "definitive." However, he said the jury is still out as to "whether the individualized frequency of eye examinations will be implemented by physicians" and followed by people with type 1 diabetes.

"The risk is that physicians may find it easier to schedule an annual eye examination compared with the new individualized schedule, which may be more difficult for physicians and patients to remember," he acknowledged.

"However, most physicians and ophthalmology offices use computer programs -- including reminder programs -- for scheduling, so we think that this potential barrier should not be a substantial obstacle," Nathan added.

Courtney Cochran, senior manager of media relations for the American Diabetes Association (ADA), noted that the ADA issued updated guidelines for retinopathy screenings in February.

The new recommendations now state that people with type 1 diabetes should start annual screenings within five years of their diabetes diagnosis. But those who remain free of retinopathy for a year or two may "consider" the option of less-frequent exams.

However, the ADA also said that if and when "any level" of retinopathy is detected, annual screenings are a must, while those with progressing retinopathy will require even more frequent screenings.

Dr. Jamie Rosenberg, who wrote an editorial that accompanied the study, suggested the new recommendations reflect "a trend toward reducing unnecessary screening for eye diseases."

"The upside to this new screening protocol would be significant money saved for the health care system, in addition to time saved for both patients and doctors," said Rosenberg, who is an associate professor of clinical ophthalmology and visual sciences at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in New York City.

Individualized schedules will make tracking patients more difficult, Rosenberg agreed. But, "this new screening protocol has great potential if adherence to the examination schedule could be assured."

WebMD News from HealthDay

SOURCES: David Nathan, M.D., director, Diabetes Center and Clinical Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, and professor, medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Jamie Rosenberg, M.D., associate professor, clinical ophthalmology & visual sciences, and associate professor, clinical pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and attending physician, Montefiore Health System, New York City; Courtney Cochran, senior manager, media relations, American Diabetes Association; April 20, 2017, New England Journal of Medicine

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Is Annual Eye Exam a Must for Type 1 Diabetes? - WebMD


Day 2 Day Diabetes Support Group to meet with experts on the illness – Lodi News-Sentinel

April 20th, 2017 8:45 pm

On Thursday, Lodis Day 2 Day Diabetes Support Group will host a panel of experts on the illness, and the public is invited to attend.

Our support group is being flooded with question after question by the increasing number of people being recently diagnosed with diabetes, group founder Duane Simpfenderfer Sr. said. These type of question and answer sessions provide us with the best way to help people.

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Read the original post:
Day 2 Day Diabetes Support Group to meet with experts on the illness - Lodi News-Sentinel


Doctors team up to stop preventable blindness – Fox News

April 20th, 2017 8:42 pm

It takes remarkable drive and ambition for a young boy from the small east Nepalese village of Olangchungola with no running water or electricity to become one of the leading eye surgeons in Asia. Especially considering this village is a long four-day walk away from the nearest school. But after losing his 17-year-old sister to the tuberculosis, Ruit decided to focus on medicine to so other peoples lives arent destroyed by easily preventable and curable diseases.

In the Himalayas, like many other parts of the world, cataracts blindness is considered a natural part aging even though its completely preventable.

Dr. Geoffry Tabin is an ophthalmologist and close friend to Ruit. He told FoxNews.com, cataracts is a clouding of the crystalline lens, which is a small lens that focuses light that sits just behind the pretty colored part of the eye called the iris. In the western world, surgery can easily cure cataracts but those in the third world have to live with it and fall into blindness.

Typically, cataracts surgery involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial one called an intraocular lens. Ruit wanted to bring this procedure to the Himalayas. But, in order to do so the process had to be simplified and made more cost effective. His idea was to remove the expensive technology, make the process manual and somehow lower the cost of the intraocular lenses. To achieve this goal he created the Tilganga Eye Centre - now the Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology - in 1994, in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The cost of these intraocular lenses at that time was over 200 dollars and that was almost impossible to provide that to people at the community level, Ruit told FoxNews.com. Ruit teamed up with ophthalmologist Dr. Fred Hollows to start making the lenses locally in Nepal. The approach worked. Within three years the costs per lens dropped dramatically to just three dollars.

With costs down and the simplification of the procedure, Ruit was able to provide over 100,000 cataract surgeries for just 25 dollars per procedure.

Using his efforts as groundwork, Ruit teamed up with Tabin to create the Himalayan Cataract Project whose aim is to focus on training and developing the infrastructure and techniques to end preventable blindness.

Weve been able to bring the amount of blindness in Nepal from 1 per hundred down to .28 percent, Tabin said. Their efforts and spreading to other parts of Asia and even Africa.

View original post here:
Doctors team up to stop preventable blindness - Fox News


IBM uses deep learning to better detect a leading cause of blindness – ZDNet

April 20th, 2017 8:42 pm

An eye scan with Diabetic Retinopathy hemorrhages highlighted.

IBM on Thursday announced its latest breakthrough in combating eye disease, with new research methods that could help doctors diagnose and classify diabetic retinopathy (DR).

DR is a complication of diabetes and one of the leading causes of blindness in the US. Using deep learning and visual analytics technology, IBM researchers were able to classify the severity of patients' diabetic retinopathy (DR) with 86 percent accuracy.

The method takes just 20 seconds to identify and classify legions, which could help more doctors screen more patients. Currently, diabetes patients are screened for DR by an expert clinician, in an often manual and time-intensive process.

DR is classified into five severity levels (no DR; mild; moderate; severe; proliferative DR) based on the presence of lesions on the retina and damage to the retina's blood vessels.

IBM's new method for classifying the disease combines two analytics approaches -- convolutional neural networks (CNN) with a dictionary-based learning to incorporate DR specific pathologies.

The research results were presented at the IEEE's International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging this week in Melbourne.

The work builds on IBM Research's use deep learning techniques and image analytics technology to help diagnose a range eye diseases. IBM has invested heavily in using cognitive technology in the health care sector, with 12 research labs around the world focused on using medical imaging analysis for a range of diseases from eye disease to lung cancer and melanoma.

Read the original post:
IBM uses deep learning to better detect a leading cause of blindness - ZDNet


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