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One Vet’s Opinion On Marijuana As Medicine For Your Pet – The Fresh Toast

August 24th, 2017 1:43 am

When it comes toCBD, or cannabis in general, little research has been done on cats and dogs. Are cannabis preparations safe for use in animals? Does marijuana affect pets the same way as humans? Many pet-owners are looking for something to support their animals health, but there is little quality control with respect to the numerous pet-focusedCBDproducts that are available in the medical marijuana sector and the hempCBDgrey market. And there arent many trusted, educated individuals who can provide professional guidance on cannabinoid therapies forpets.

To help pet-owners become better informed about the use of cannabis for their four-legged companions, Sarah Russo of ProjectCBDspoke withGary Richter,DVM, an integrative medicine veterinarian based in Oakland, Calif. Richter considers cannabis to be part of a holistic approach to animal medicine. Due to marijuanas Schedule I status, veterinarians are not allowed to write letters of recommendation for their clients or tell them where to obtain cannabis medicine. But Richter is able to speak about the benefits ofCBDand cannabis therapeutics forpets.

ProjectCBD:Can you tell us about your work? Based on what youve seen in your practice, what types of conditions may cannabis medicine alleviate inpets?

Richter:My practice applies western, complementary, and alternative approaches. That could include acupuncture, chiropractic, Chinese and western herbs, nutritional supplementation, and more. Animals can benefit from medical cannabis for many of the same reasons it helps peoplefor pain, seizure control, gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety-related issues. Weve also seen positive results withcancer.

ProjectCBD:Why is there a lack of research studies on cannabis in dogs and cats? What areas of cannabinoid medicine in animals would you like to see investigated moredeeply?

Richter:I think ultimately the reason for the lack of therapeutic-oriented research is because cannabis is federally illegal and theres no funding. Generally, its pharmaceutical companies that are putting most of the money into medical research. Once theres a legal pathway and money to be made in veterinary products, that research will happen. I would like to see more general research on the use of cannabis in animals, focusing on some of the ailments that it seems be the most effective forespecially gastrointestinal issues, pain, and inflammation. Many veterinary patients see dramatic effects with cannabis for these ailments. Cancer studies would be a much longer road and more challenging to puttogether.

ProjectCBD:What is your response when veterinarians say: There isnt enough scientific data to show cannabis is safe and effective for treatinganimals.

Richter:In a perfect world, we would benefit from more scientific information. However, the case reports and anecdotal evidence about the efficacy of cannabis medicine are already overwhelming. In veterinary medicine, practitioners typically have no problem using off-label medicationsthose not explicitly approved for use in dogs or cats. But mention medical cannabis, which has a mountain of evidence for efficacy in humans, and they suddenly say, You cant do that, theres been no research on dogs! Itsdisingenuous.

ProjectCBD:Is there a difference between the endocannabinoid system in a dog or a cat as compared to ahuman?

Richter:In the big picture, theyre very similar. One striking difference is there appears to be a greater concentration of cannabinoid receptors in the dogs brain than there are in most other animals. This is significant because it makes dogs more susceptible toTHCoverdose, potentially giving them a certain amount of neurologic impairment in the short-term. This phenomenon is known as static ataxia. Otherwise, when cannabis medicine is used effectively, their endocannabinoid system will act in the same way it would for ahuman.

ProjectCBD:IsTHCcombined withCBDbeneficial for pets? If so, whatCBD:THCratios do you suggest for yourclients?

Richter:It depends on both the condition thats being treated as well as the individual animal. Many people in the cannabis community have heard about theentourage effect. The ratio ofTHCtoCBDis an important part of that. There are conditions that respond better to medicine with a certain amount ofTHCin it. The ratios that I have used include hemp-basedCBDwith very littleTHC, as well asCBD-rich marijuana with a 20:1CBD:THCratio andTHC-dominant medicine with littleCBD. The research suggests that patients with cancer and chronic pain benefit from products that haveCBDandTHC, rather thanCBDalone. It reallydepends.

ProjectCBD:Do you see animals coming into the veterinary hospital after having too muchTHC? How much of a problem isthat?

Richter:Obviously whenever were talking aboutTHCand pets, dosing becomes very important. At no point is the goal for the pet to get stoned. If that happens, then it means theyve gotten too much. The aim is to give them enough cannabis to be effective, but not so much that theyre going to be negatively compromised. It is extremely uncommon to see an animal show negative signs when they have been properly dosed with cannabis as medicine. The worst effect would be drowsiness. If thats that case, the owner may have to decrease the dose. Its not uncommon for a dog, or sometimes a cat, to show up at a veterinary hospital having eaten a cannabis-infused edible that belonged to the owner. The good news is that cannabis toxicity is nonfatal and does not cause long-term effects. However, those animals that get into their owners stash may require immediate medical care. I have seen and heard of a couple of cases where pets did notsurvive.

ProjectCBD:But you just said that cannabis toxicity in nonfatal. Youve seen cases where an animal ate too much cannabis and actuallydied?

Richter:One case that I have personally seen was a dog that got into a bunch of cannabis edibles and the owner didnt bring his dog to the veterinarian immediately. They called us the following day. Unfortunately, the dog had vomited and aspirated while at home, his lungs filled with fluid, and he wound up dying from a systemic infection related to that. To be honest, if this dog had received medical treatment the day he ate cannabis, he almost certainly would have been fine. It was only because the owner waited, and by that time it was too late. It was very sad. But this type of event is really quiterare.

ProjectCBD:Whats your preferred way to administer cannabis medicine toanimals?

Richter:I prefer a liquid preparation, usually an oil. With liquids, its very easy to adjust the dosage. If youre giving something like a pill or an edible, it can be difficult to figure out how to titrate the right amount. Furthermore, theres every reason to believe thatCBDandTHCare going to be partially absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the tissues of the mouth, sublingually. If we put a liquid in an animals mouth, some of the medication will be absorbed directly and has a chance to be moreeffective.

ProjectCBD:A lot of people say they want to start giving cannabis orCBDmedicine to their pet, but theyre not quite sure about the right dose. Is there a good way to calculate the ideal amount for youranimal?

Richter:Theres a dosing range that you could start at. Its best to begin at the low end. Every few days, slowly increase the dose. If youve achieved the desired effect for whatever is being treated, then youre probably done. Just like people, animals will develop a tolerance for the psychoactive effects of theTHC. Over time they will be able to take more medicine without any demonstrable side effects. Medical cannabis is not the answer for all pets. Some animals do better on it than others, just likepeople.

ProjectCBD:In general, how knowledgeable are veterinarians about cannabistherapeutics?

Richter:This is a big problemthe lack of education. The California Veterinary Medical Board is very much against the use of medical cannabis for pets. They dont want veterinarians speaking with pet owners about it at all, except to say that it is bad and not to useit.

ProjectCBD:What is the legal status ofCBDas a medicine foranimals?

Richter:Cannabis is federally illegal across the board, includingCBDfrom hemp. Even in California, a trailblazing medical marijuana state, as a veterinarian Im not able to provide people with a medical marijuana recommendation for their pet. Nor am I able to provide them with cannabis products. But I can talk with people about how medical cannabis might benefit their animals. Unless something dramatic changes on the legal front, theres still going to be access problems for people looking to get medicinal cannabis for theirpets.

ProjectCBD:Any words of advice for someone who wants to treat their pet with cannabis orCBD?

Richter:If at all possible talk to a veterinarian. Cannabis is medicine and its dosing should be carefully calculated. Its important to know the concentration ofTHCandCBDin milligrams for ones pet. Once you have that information, you can look for a product that suits your pets needs. When in doubt, err on the side of under-dosing because you can always slowly increase the dose and monitor the effect. And make sure the medicine is free of mold, pesticides, and othercontaminants.

ProjectCBD:There are many hemp-basedCBDproducts on the market for pets. How do you feel about the quality of these products in general? What are your thoughts about hemp-derivedCBD?

Richter:I dont want to disparage hemp-basedCBDproducts because I think they do have a positive medical effect. Many people start with hemp products because of their relative ease of accessibility. But in many cases, we dont know the source of theCBDin these products. I recommend that people do their due diligence as they should with any vitamin or supplement. Call the company and ask where the product is coming from and how its being produced. There is no government oversight to make sure that these companies are selling authentic and safe products. A pet owners only other option is to get a card and go to a medical marijuana dispensary if they want something that may be more effective than hemp-derivedCBD. Ideally, you would look for a product that is organic and produced locally. You want to know how theCBDwas extracted and the full spectrum of cannabinoids that arepresent.

ProjectCBD:Are there any guidelines or recommendations you have for people who want to make their own cannabis preparations for theirpets?

Richter:Thats tricky. You wont know the concentration of cannabinoids in what you make at home, unless you have it analyzed. If you do use your own preparation, start with extremely minute dosing and slowly work your way up. Youd much rather under-dose thanoverdose.

ProjectCBD:Sometimes people who dont have medical complaints like to take cannabis as preventative medicine to maintain good health and well-being. Would you recommend something like that for ananimal?

Richter:Thats an excellent question I have often asked myself. The purpose of the endocannabinoid system is to maintain homeostasis within the body. Its logical to consider using cannabis as preventative medicine much in the same way that a person would take a multivitamin. If thats the case, I would consider keeping the dosage toward the very low end. We need to see more research on the use of cannabis as preventative medicine in people as well asanimals.

ProjectCBD:Are there any resources for people to educate themselves about cannabis medicine for pets or to find a cannabis friendly veterinarian in theirarea?

Richter:Firstly, I would say talk to your regular veterinarian about cannabis. Even if they cant give you the information, they may know someone in the area that can. Additionally, there is a national organization called the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA). It isnt a given that a member of theAHVMAincorporates medical cannabis into their practice, but most people who are open to it are also holistically minded. That would be a good place to find a veterinarian and to begin a conversation. For resources, a colleague of mine and I taught anonline course for Greenflower Media. The class provides a comprehensive description of how medical cannabis works in pets, ways to dose, and how to find a good product. And I have a book coming out later this year. Its calledIntegrative Health Care for Dogs and Cats. It has a whole section on medical cannabis, with dosing guidelines. A colleague of mine, Rob Silver, released a book last year calledMedical Marijuana and Your Pet.

ProjectCBD:Thank you for your time andinformation.

Take-Home Message:If you decide to give your pet cannabis medicine, get informed. The medicine you give your animal should have the same standards for anything you would put in your own body. Make sure the product is safe and tested for cannabinoid content, quality, and is free from any contaminants or additives. Seek guidance from a vet, if at all possible. Start your furry friend off on a low dose of cannabis medicine. And monitor the effects that cannabis has on their experience because, as George Eliot wrote, Animals are such agreeable friendsthey ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.

This story was originally published by Project CBD,a California-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting and publicizing research into the medical uses of cannabidiol (CBD) and other components of the cannabis plant.

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One Vet's Opinion On Marijuana As Medicine For Your Pet - The Fresh Toast

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