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Need better immunity? Try these teas! – Hindustan Times

September 22nd, 2020 5:58 pm

No matter what the season is tea is undeniably one of the best beverages. After water, tea is the worlds most consumed beverage. Drinking tea could actually ward off some very serious conditions, including cancer and obesity. It might sound inflated, but some surveys have stated that the world drinks about six billion cups of tea a day.

Tea contains antioxidants, improves heart health, facilitates weight loss etc. It keeps the body hydrated. There is a large variety of teas available in the market today and in the list below, we share the ones that can build and boost your immune system.

1. Masala Chai: India is a land of spices and has mastered the art of curing ailments and illnesses using unique combination of spices and herbs. There are several magical and abundantly available spices in India that strengthen the immune system. Masala Chai usually contains six condiments, namely cardamom, cinnamon, star anise, pepper, cloves and ginger. Their concoction will keep you pink of health.

2. Ginger Green Tea: A body is more susceptible to catch flue during changing seasons. This is that time of the year when one needs to take good care of their immune system and diet. Make ginger green tea your bae. Ginger, which is used extensively in Indian households, consists of anti-inflammatory components and antioxidants that can cure inflammation.

3. Cinnamon Green Tea: Cinnamon is a commonly used spice globally. It is derived from the inner bark of a small evergreen tree. Adding cinnamon stick or cinnamon powder to the tea enhances its potential. This magical ingredient is believed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improves digestion, and keeps a check on diabetes among other health benefits.

Inputs by Nutritionist Tripti Tandon

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Need better immunity? Try these teas! - Hindustan Times

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