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My genetics – How I Recovered

September 19th, 2018 3:47 pm

CYP1A1*2C A4889Grs1048943CTT-/-CYP1A1*4 C2453Ars1799814TGG-/-CYP1A2 C164Ars762551CAC+/-CYP1B1 L432Vrs1056836CCG+/-CYP1B1 N453Srs1800440CTT-/-CYP1B1 R48Grs10012CGG-/-CYP2A6*2 A1799Trs1801272TAA-/-CYP2C19*17rs12248560TCC-/-CYP2C9*2 C430Trs1799853TCC-/-CYP2C9*3 A1075Crs1057910CAA-/-CYP2D6 S486Trs1135840GGG+/+CYP2D6 T100Crs1065852AGG-/-CYP2D6 T2850Crs16947AAA+/+CYP2E1*1B G9896Crs2070676GCC-/-CYP2E1*4 A4768Grs6413419AGG-/-CYP3A4*1Brs2740574CTT-/-CYP3A4*3 M445Trs4986910GAA-/-CYPs are primarily membrane-associatedproteins located either in the inner membrane ofmitochondriaor in theendoplasmic reticulumof cells. CYPs metabolize thousands ofendogenousandexogenouschemicals. Some CYPs metabolize only one (or a very few) substrates, such asCYP19(aromatase), while others may metabolize multiple substrates. Both of these characteristics account for their central importance inmedicine. Cytochrome P450 enzymes are present in most tissues of the body, and play important roles inhormonesynthesis and breakdown includingestrogenandtestosteronesynthesis and metabolism,cholesterolsynthesis, andvitamin Dmetabolism. Cytochrome P450 enzymes also function to metabolize potentially toxic compounds, includingdrugsand products of endogenous metabolism such asbilirubin, principally in theliver.rs762551 (C) allele is a slow metabolizer or of certain substrates including caffeine which means Im more stimulated by it than most people.rs1056836 increases susceptibility to lung and breast cancer, blocks testosterone and inhibits mitochondrial function.rs1135840 is involved in the metabolism of approximately 25% of all medications and most psych meds including antipsychotics and antidepressants.GPX3rs8177412CTT-/-GSTM1rs12068997TCC-/-GSTM1rs4147565AGG-/-GSTM1rs4147567GAA-/-GSTM1rs4147568ATT-/-GSTM1rs1056806TCC-/-GSTM1rs12562055ATT-/-GSTM1rs2239892GAA-/-GSTP I105Vrs1695GAG+/-GSTP1 A114Vrs1138272TCC-/-GSTP genes encode the Glutathione S-transferase P enzyme. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are a family of enzymes that play an important role in detoxification by catalyzing the conjugation of manyhydrophobic and electrophilic compounds with reducedglutathione. Mutations here will increase your need for glutathione and importance of chelating out mercury.rs1695 influences asthma risk.NAT1 A560G(?) (R187Q)rs4986782AGG-/-NAT2 A803G (K268R)rs1208GGG+/+NAT2 C190T (R64W)rs1805158TCC-/-NAT2 G590A (R197Q)rs1799930AGG-/-NAT2 G857A (G286E)rs1799931AGG-/-NAT2 T341C (I114T)rs1801280CCC+/+NAT2 encodes N-acetyltransferases which are enzymes acting primarily in the liver to detoxify a large number of chemicals, includingcaffeineand several prescribed drugs. The NAT2 acetylation polymorphism is important because of its primary role in the activation and/or deactivation of many chemicals in the bodys environment, including those produced by cigarettes as well as aromatic amine and hydrazine drugs used medicinally. In turn, this can affect an individualscancerrisk.I have a particular combination of NAT2 polymorphisms rs1801280 (C) +rs1208 (G) which makes me a slow metabolizer. In general, slow metabolizers have higher rates of certain types ofcancerand are more susceptible to side effects from chemicals (known as MCS) metabolized by NAT2.SOD2rs2758331AAA+/+SOD2rs2855262TCT+/-SOD2 A16Vrs4880GGG+/+SOD2 gene is a member of the iron/manganesesuperoxide dismutasefamily and may be one of the key sources of my troubles. This protein transforms toxic superoxide, a byproduct of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, intohydrogen peroxideand diatomicoxygen. In simpler terms, the more energy your mitochondria produce, the more byproducts (also called free radicals) get produced. These toxic byproducts tear up cell membranes and walls through a process called oxidative stress.Mutations in the SOD2 gene diminish your ability to transform these toxic byproducts into harmless components. People with SOD2 polymorphisms may not tolerate nitrates or fish oil well. Mutations in this gene have been associated withidiopathic cardiomyopathy(IDC), sporadic motor neuron disease, and cancer.

Now what about SOD1 & 3? I dont know why it doesnt appear on this report but I was able to get some information on it from Livewello and it looks like I am much better off there. Heres my SOD1 and SOD3 status. Just for kicks, I decided to run SOD2 and I find it shows a much different picture than sterlings app: my SOD 2 on Livewello. Notice how it shows that I do have some working SOD2 genes!

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My genetics - How I Recovered

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