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Magic Leap Has Developed Augmented Reality Experience For Colour Blindness – Techstory

May 15th, 2017 9:43 am

Scientistshave been working for a very long time on how to cure colour blindnessand to make sure that these people could also enjoy the beauty of the surrounding just like the normal person. In the same cause, Magic Leap has developed a new idea of giving the unique experience to the colour blind people with the help of augmented reality technology.

This is a massive step in the field of technology if they can really implement this technology in the real world as there are may people who can not enjoy the life to the fullest just because of colour blindness. They have applied for the patent of this technology on 19 September 2016.

There are many people in the world that are suffering from colour blindness. Color-blind persons have difficulty distinguishing various colours. The elderly people often experience the change in their ability to sense different colours and many of these people see objects as if they have been viewed through yellowish filters.

Also, over time ultraviolet rays degenerate proteins in the eye, and light having short wavelengths is absorbed and blue cone sensitivity is thereby reduced. As a result, the appearance of all colours changes and specifically yellow tending to predominate.

To overcome the inability to distinguish colours, such people become habituated at identifying and learning reliable cues that indicate the colour of any specific object.

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These people could not enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest just because of one disease. Its a very good approachby the Magic Leap company that they have decided to use the advancement of the technology to do something that will change the life of many people in the world.

If this technology is implemented successfully, then these people could also analyse and view things just like the normal person.

There is an augmented reality application program which is provided to help the people suffering from colour blindness. The program assists the users in determining different colours and difference between those would otherwise be invisible to them.

In this specific system, the program is based on a theory of the human visual system. The theory states that somewhere in the human visual system the processing is done on the pure colour. The assumption is that there are relatively few hues the visual system could actually see, but for the colour blind people, hue determination is impeded by slight changes in the eye.

The application has various modes or filters that could make hues easier to detect or differentiate. The program provides the user with a large number of configurable settings and adjustments so that he can find a particular setting that provides him with the desirable results.

Image Source: freshpatents.com

The program is helpful to those people that are suffering from with anomalous trichromacy, which is not actually blind to any particular colour but represents the less ability to differentiate between different colours. The tech provides a method and apparatus for dynamically modifying computer graphics content for colours, patterns, or both that are problematic for visually challenged, in particular, color-blind viewers, prior to display.

The graphics content could be modified in many stages of the graphics pipeline that are the render or raster stage so that the images that provided to the user are visible to color-blind viewers upon display without any further modification.

The present system provides a method and apparatus for dynamically modifying computer graphics content for colours that are problematic for visually challenged people. The graphics content is in the form of an original screen image and is provided to a color-blind filter of the present invention.

The color-blind filter detects the colours and modifies the given images. It also analyses the graphics content that could be problematic for colour challenged users. It then modifies these graphics content such that the graphics content is visible to colour challenged users.

Also Read:Augmented Reality Scenario Market Shift to Capture Real World Instances

Whats next?

The next challenge will implement this technology in the practical life. The actual output could only be observed when they use this technology in real life. But, if this works as it is said then it could change the whole life of the people that are suffering from colour blindness.

Image Source: Medium


Augmented RealityColour BlindnessHuman Visual SystemMagic LeapRemote Processing Moduletechnology

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Magic Leap Has Developed Augmented Reality Experience For Colour Blindness - Techstory

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