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LUMINESCE Stem Cell Skin Care

May 19th, 2015 6:52 pm

No Chemicals on My Face PLEASE!

Today it just doesn't make sense to have unsafe preservatives, like parabens, and other chemicals in your skin care. Your skin literally drinks up what you put on it. When I read some of the ingredients on those other products, I just can't imagine putting it on my skin.

We GUARANTEE that when you putLUMINESCE products on your face you are getting nothing except the purest all natural ingredients. We have been able to produce the finest anti-aging skin care products available on the market today with ingredients you do want, and nothing else.

We believe in setting a standard others must reach up to. So what's the bottom line?


This formula, developed by renowned Cosmetic Surgeon and Dermatologist Dr Nathan Newman, is manufactured usingadult STEM CELL technology.Stem cells have the ability to divide indefinitely. In medicine, stem cells are being studied asREGENERATIVEorREPARATIVEtherapies.

Daily application of LUMINESCE cellular rejuvenation serum results in damagedskin cell repairand newskin tissue regeneration, leaving skin luminous, smooth, and firm. With a noticeable reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, this advanced skin care formula has shown remarkable and safe results.

Read more about Dr Newman and the exclusive repairing and regeneration Stem Cell Therapy technology that went into this product.Click Here

See more here:
LUMINESCE Stem Cell Skin Care

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