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Long holidays can be a strain on the eyes, doctor says –

February 14th, 2021 6:55 pm

By Chiu Shu-yu and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writer

Intense eye use during long vacations could endanger the eye health of children and adults, a New Taipei City-based ophthalmologist said.

Chu Hsueh-yen (), a doctor at Composite Municipal Hospital in Tucheng (), said that eyestrain from intense use of electronic devices while on vacation could damage vision and lead to myopia in children.

Children with normal eyesight had been observed to have myopia readings of minus-2 diopters following a summer or winter break, Chu said, adding that a myopia reading of minus-5 diopters or higher is linked to increased risks of glaucoma, cataracts and retinal detachment.

Photo courtesy of Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital

Excessive eye use could also lead to dry eyes, a condition increasingly recognized as a disease of civilization. Its symptoms include oversensitivity to light, swelling, blurred vision and tears, he said.

People with dry eyes have suppressed their blink reflex and the normal secretions of the tear duct, he said, adding that untreated dry eyes could lead to corneal injury or vision-affecting corneal ulcers.

When using devices in poorly lit conditions, the pupils dilate and allow more blue light to reach the retina, which could lead to macular degeneration, a serious condition that causes missing spots in the field vision and distortions of shapes, he said.

People should take a rest and put on a warm compress as soon as they feel eye soreness or discomfort, he said, adding that they should see a doctor if the sensations do not go away.

Reading, studying, playing with blocks and using electronic devices are activities that could tax a childs eyes and potentially cause myopia, so parents should make the child rest for five minutes for every 30 minutes of activity, he said.

Children using atropine eye drops a prescription used to control myopia progression should always wear sunglasses when engaging in outdoor activities, or risk greater harm to the eyes from direct sunlight, he said.

Styes are another common post-Lunar New Year affliction which usually stem from a combination of festive comfort foods and lack of sleep, he said.

People can use a warm, clean towel as a compress to treat the condition, but should consult a doctor if the symptom does not improve, he said.

Eating less greasy or sweet food and maintaining good personal hygiene can help prevent such problems, he added.

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Long holidays can be a strain on the eyes, doctor says -

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