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Live Coverage of Tomorrow’s California Stem Cell Meeting

May 27th, 2012 3:59 pm

The California Stem Cell Report will
provide live coverage of tomorrow's meeting of the governing board of
the $3 billion California stem cell agency. Directors are expected to
make major decisions about the agency's future direction, hear the results
of the first-ever performance audit and award about $95 million in
grants or loans.

The meeting will be held near the San
Francisco airport with another public teleconference location at UC
San Francisco
. Los Angeles will also have two public teleconference
locations. Another will be in La Jolla.
The meeting will be audiocast live on
the Internet, which the California Stem Cell Report will monitor from its
base in Panama near the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal.
Instructions for listening in on the
audiocast can be found on the agenda along with specific addresses
for the public teleconference locations. The meeting is scheduled to
begin at 9 a.m. PDT.  


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