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IMS ALGERIE | Industrie Mdical Service

August 4th, 2016 9:35 am

- Industry Medical Service, is a company with capital of 20,000,000.00 DA, dedicated to the customer, as engineering teams, commercial, administrative and put at your service: competence, dynamism and creativity, Industrial Medical Service make of this development and deploys a technical and commercial potential to meet market needs in laboratory equipment and specific applications in the field of biology, basic research in molecular chemistry, immunology and biotechnology.

- Through its innovation and expertise, IMS, is positioned as an essential partner in the laboratory, close and listening to its customers IMS,aims for to promote harmonious development of material science and medicine in Algeria; in commercializing reliable equipment and maintaining controls, monitoring the after sales services to maintain a quality of service reputation.

- The technical equipment of IMS, with its ability to meet user needs in: research, development, installation, technical support, training, customer service, maintenance and spare part supply, allow taking into account the needs the most diverse and more specific in order to fully meet expectation while maintaining quality services.

- With this experience IMShas increased its contacts to optimize all uses in the fields of laboratory, biology, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, petrochemicals, food processing, industry, bio henology and research. IMShas major operations as a partnership stake in cooperation with domestic and foreign firms.

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IMS ALGERIE | Industrie Mdical Service

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