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Immune System – Cancer Fighting Strategies

June 27th, 2015 1:46 pm

The Immune System and Cancer - An Antibody (The Immunoglobulin)

Here are a few facts about the immune system and cancer. For most of your life, your immune system successfully fought cancerous cells, killing them as they developed. That's its job. In fact, the only job Natural Killer cells have is to kill cancer cells and viruses. For cancer to develop, your immune system must either be worn out, ineffective, unable to kill cancer cells as fast as they normally develop, or you must be exposed to a mass of cancer causing toxins, radiation or some such thing, that increase the rate of development of cancer cells to an abnormally high level that your immune system can't handle.

Either way, it is vital to strengthen the immune system in your battle against cancer . Especially if you are getting medical treatments that wipe out your immune system.

Many natural supplements support the immune system. This is why so many of them are touted as being able to help you beat cancer. If someone has an immune system that is almost able to handle the cancer, even a poor immune system supplement can be enough to improve the immune system to the extent that it beats cancer.

Of course, for folks with more seriously compromised immune systems, this supplement or group of supplements would not work well because they are in worse shape. This is why it can get so confusing in deciding what to use. When a supplement or procedure has been used for years, especially if it is popular, you'll hear how it has beat cancer.

But what you don't know is if it worked 2% of the time or 15% of the time. Given the number of people who die from cancer, the success rate of most of these supplements is fairly low. In this report we try to find and recommend the supplements that work the best, so that you have the greatest likelihood of success. It is easy to squander money and more importantly time, on products that won't get the job done.

The other concern is to make sure you do enough to wipe out the cancer. Cancer is not something to pussyfoot around with. While it is always hopeful and great to read about how someone took just one supplement and beat their cancer, and while that could happen to you, your odds of success are much higher if you take many different supplements in order to hit the cancer as hard as you can.

In order to determine which cancer fighting supplements are the most effective ones, we energetically test them for what we call their healing power. We have found this to be the most effective way of determining which supplements are likely to be the best to use. Our experience is that this works much better than taking a guess at what is good, and what isn't as good as it sounds.

When we started doing this we were surprised at how poorly the well known supplements and procedures tested. Many had been around for years and were popular, used by many patients and naturopaths, etc. But they actually weren't highly effective. Though they are good enough to help some people, and thus over time, produced plenty of testimonials, as you see in this report, we've been able to find many stronger products. Most of them new and thus unknown.

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Immune System - Cancer Fighting Strategies

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