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IMMS and MSU veterinarians work to save dolphin – WXXV News 25

January 31st, 2021 2:51 am

So far, so good but researchers and care takers at the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies, as well as workers with Mississippi State Universitys College of Veterinary Medicine have their hands full caring for a young male dolphin they rescued Sunday.

This young dolphin fell into the right hands and has a second lease on life thanks to good Samaritans who called the IMMS Sunday morning to report the young juvenile male dolphin appeared to be struggling in the shallow waters of the Mississippi Sound in Gulfport.

Once here at the Gulfport facility, workers with the IMMS and MSUs College of Veterinary Medicine did blood work and diagnostics to assess the state of his condition. His care spilled over in to Monday. Clinical Instructor and Veterinarian at MSU College of Veterinary Medicine Christa Barrett said, Hes still not strong enough to keep himself up, so we have had people in the water here 24-7, and staff here 24-7 with him, to make sure he is able to breathe. Right now, we have Theresa in the water to make sure he is able to breathe. We gave him a combination of some milk, vitamins and things like that to help keep up with his nutritional status.

His mother was nowhere to be found. He does not appear to yet be weaned, but fortunately for this little guy, hes now in capable hands and its not sink or swim time just yet. Hes still in very critical condition, but were doing everything we can. We also have a great faculty staff at Mississippi State University in case we need any specialists to weigh in on the case as well.

As in this case, the IMMS asks anyone who sees a stranded dolphin or sea turtle to contact them as soon as possible. IMMS Director Dr. Moby Solangi said, Stranding season is coming up. Its very important if people see a sick or injured dolphin to call IMMS at 888-SOS-DOLPHIN.

In the meantime, this dolphin will continue to receive critical and supportive care to get him to swim on his own again and hopefully be released back into the Mississippi Sound.

More here:
IMMS and MSU veterinarians work to save dolphin - WXXV News 25

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