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How to live longer: Adding this drink to your diet could increase your life expectancy – Express

December 24th, 2019 7:49 am

Life longevity may seem beyond ones control, but many healthy habits may lead a person to reaching a ripe, old age. These include drinking coffee or tea, exercising, getting enough sleep and limiting alcohol intake. Taken together, these habits can boost a persons health and put them on the path to a long life. There is another healthy habit one should try and incorporate into their diet which is backed by science and promoted by health advocates. What is it?

Apple cider vinegar is the most popular type of vinegar in the natural health community.

It is claimed to lead to all sorts of benefits, many of which are supported by science.

Some of the benefits of apple cider vinegar include aiding in weight loss, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels and improving symptoms of diabetes.

Adding apple cider vinegar into your diet could also help boost life longevity.

READ MORE: How to live longer: Best diet to increase life expectancy - foods to eat and avoid

Apple cider vinegar is made in a two-stop process, related to how alcohol is made. First the apples are crushed to yeast, which ferment the sugars and turns them into alcohol.

Secondly, bacteria is added to the alcohol solution, which further ferment the alcohol and turn it into acetic acid, the main active compound in vinegar.

Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar also contains mother which are strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the produce its murky appearance.


Some people believe that the mother is responsible for most of the health benefits, although there are currently no studies to support this.

Apple cider vinegar only contains about three calories per tablespoon, which is very low.

There are not many vitamins or minerals in it, but it does contain a small amount of potassium.

How can apple cider vinegar help to increase life expectancy?

Several risk factors of heart disease can be improved by apple vinegar consumption.

In a study with the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, the dietary acetic acid in apple cider vinegar was analysed on animals.

The study found that consuming apple cider vinegar could help to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, along with several other heart disease risk factors.

Some health experts believe that apple cider vinegar contains anti-cancer effects. In another study, the effects of apple cider vinegar on cancer cells was analysed.

The study concluded that the vinegar can kill cancer cells and shrunk tumours. However, all of the studies were done in isolated class in test tubes, or rats, which proves nothing about what happens in a living, breathing human.

Apple cider vinegar is not a miracle or a cure-all product, however, the vinegar does clearly have some important health benefits and could aid in living a longer and healthier life.

Here is the original post:
How to live longer: Adding this drink to your diet could increase your life expectancy - Express

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