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Health and Wellness : Personalized Medicine

June 23rd, 2018 5:46 pm

Personalized medicine relies on tests to help determine an individuals response to certain medications.

Personalized medicine takes into account your unique genetic makeup. Unlike "genetic medicine," which is directed at such inherited diseases as sickle cell anemia, personalized medicine can help your doctor tailor treatment for conditions such as heart disease and deep vein thrombosis. This enables him/her to focus on prevention, detection and early intervention.

Your genetic makeup also affects which medicines work best for youand how you respond to them. Your doctor can prescribe targeted treatment based on both:

We offer two such tests, which represent the forefront of personalized medicine. They can determine your response to two of the most widely prescribed drugs.

Marketed as Coumadin and Jantoven, warfarin thins the blood to help prevent and treat deep vein thrombosis, stroke, heart attack, atrial fibrillation and other diseases of the arteries and veins. The right dosage is crucial. Too low a dose could increase the risk of a life-threatening blood clot. Too high a dose could increase bleeding risk. Plus, your response to a specific dose can vary widely. We offer the AccuType Warfarin test to help your physician determine the appropriate dosage based on your genetic information.

Marketed as Plavix, clopidogrel is another blood thinner. The AccuType CP test identifies if youre unlikely to respond well to the drug and therefore at increased risk for stroke or heart attack. It also identifies if youre likely to be overly sensitive to the drug and therefore at increased risk for bleeding episodes.

Personalized medicine, including these two laboratory tests, can help make possible:

The rest is here:
Health and Wellness : Personalized Medicine

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