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Guide To Dental Stem Cell Companies | Tooth Stem Cells

December 9th, 2018 10:42 am

Dental stem cell companies are companies that preserve the valuable cells contained with dental structures.While stem cells from teeth have not yet been approved for therapeutic use in humans, there is great potential for their future use within regenerative medicine applications.

In this article:

Simply put, dental stem cell companies collect and preserve cells from teeth.Dental pulp is the soft living tissue inside a tooth that contains adult stem cells. The ideal time to harvest dental stem cells is when children lose their baby teeth through natural loss or extraction by a dentist.

Although dental pulp gets the most attention, there are stem cell and progenitor cells present in other oral structures as well.

Five different types of dental stem cells have been discovered, which include:

The following are the companies offeringdentalstem cells storage as part of a diversified stem cell storage approach. Each of these companies was created as a cord blood bank to collect and store the blood present in a newborns umbilical cord, because this blood contains a rich population of stem cells.

Similar to cord blood banking, dental stem cell banking involves stem cell collection, processing, and long-term storage. Therefore, it is an excellent service addition for many cord blood banks, including:

In addition, specialty companies also exist that focus exclusively on dentalstem cell storage.

The major players in this area include:

While there are many other small providers of tooth stem cell storage, the companies listed above account formore than 80% of the total market share, according to estimates by BioInformant.

Below, five leading dental stem cell companies are profiled and their storage services explained.

BioEden began offering tooth stem cell storage as early as 2006[1], making it one of the earliest known providers of dental stem cell storage. Read our interview withTony Veverka, Chief Group Executive of BioEden.

Precious Cells Group (PCG) got into dental stem cell banking by entering into a strategic alliance to provide processing, laboratory and regulatory undertakings on behalf of Bioeden in the U.K.

Unfortunately, PCG went out of businessin March 2018 and no longer offers dental stem cell storage services.

The National Dental Pulp Laboratory launched in 2007[2].

Originally, the company was formed in the early 1970s as a cryogenic laboratory specializing in fertility work. In the mid 1990]s, it began preserving stem cells from umbilical cord blood, and today, it also offers storage for the stem cells found in teeth.

According to Stemade, it is thefirst and largest private dental stem cell storage company in India.[3] The company has also served areas of Asia since 2013 [4].Stemade licenses their dental storage technology fromInstitut Clinident Biopharma, which it describes as offering a technical solution to the collection and preservation of the dental pulp, rich in adult stem cells[5]. TheInstitut Clinident Biopharma also licenses its technology to European companies as well.

There is also ReeLabs[6], a major enterprise forstem cell storage in India,banking cells from over ten human sources. To learn more about ReeLabs, read our interview withDr. Abhijit Bopardikar, Director.

Clearly, the regions that are currentlymost active in offering dental stem cell storage are the United States, India, and the United Kingdom, respectively.

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What other questions do you have regarding tooth stem cells and dental stem cell companies? Mention them in the comments below.

Footnotes[1] Us.bioeden.com, (1963). About BioEden Inc | Stem cells | Tooth stem cell storage bank. [online] Available at: http://us.bioeden.com/about/ [Accessed 4 Nov. 2014].[2] Ndpl.net,. National Dental Pulp Laboratory | Preserving Dental Stem Cells. N.p., 2015. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.[3] Stemade.com,. Stemade Indias First & Largest Dental Stem Cell Bank. N.p., 2015. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.[4] Biospectrumasia.com,. Asias First Dental Stem Cell Bank Is Here. N.p., 2015. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.[5] Stemade.com/about/partners,. Stemade Partner. N.p., 2015. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.[6] Reelabs.com,. Stem Cell Banking & Therapy In India | Reelabs. N.p., 2015. Web. 18 Dec. 2015.

Guide To Dental Stem Cell Companies | Tooth Stem Cells

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Guide To Dental Stem Cell Companies | Tooth Stem Cells

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