In this article, we'll explore the population statistics for Fawn Creek, Kansas, including popular demographics data like median age, number of households, household income, gender, employment and unemployment rates, occupations, religion, and more.
We are using the latest American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year survey data from the US Census Bureau, which is accurate up to 2021.
There is a lot of data that lets us see how many people live in Fawn Creek, Kansas. The most basic data is the total population, which is the total number of people living in Fawn Creek, Kansas. The estimated population of Fawn Creek, Kansas is 1,618 people, with a median age of 46.5.
We can look at the total population in Fawn Creek over the last 5 years to see how much it has changed.
We can also look at how the population has changed over the last 5 years by each of the race/ethnicity types as defined by the US Census Bureau.
This data can be very important for a number of reasons, including social and economic research, planning and development, and marketing to a multi-cultural population.
Note that the Native group includes both Native American and Alaskan Native people.
The age and gender of a population is another interesting demographic statistic because it lets us track trends in the population over time. For example, we can see how the population has changed over the last 5 years by median age as a total, and also by male and female.
The median age of Fawn Creek, Kansas gives you an idea of the age distribution, with half of the population being older than the median age and half being younger.
This can then be used to infer and compare against birth rates, parent ages, and more metrics to understand the population. For example, an increasing median age indicates an aging population, which can be a sign of a declining population in terms of birth rates and workforce participation.
The latest median household income of Fawn Creek, Kansas is $58,992.00.
In simple terms, the median income is the middle income of a group of people. Half of the people in the group make more than the median income, and half make less. The median income is a good indicator of the overall income of a group of people, and can be used to compare against other metrics such as the average income, per capita income, and more.
We can also look at the median income by age to see how the median income varies by age, and how it compares to the overall median income for Fawn Creek.
Under 25
25 to 44
45 to 64
65 and over
Whenever we ask what is the average household income in Fawn Creek, we are actually talking about the mean household income.
This is calculated by adding up all the incomes of all the households in Fawn Creek, and then dividing that number by the total number of households. This is a good way to get a general idea of the average income of a group of people, but it can be skewed by a very high or very low incomes.
The average household income of Fawn Creek, Kansas is currently $71,206.00.
In terms of accurately summarizing income at a geographic level, the median income is a better metric than the average income because it isn't affected by a small number of very high or very low incomes.
If you had an area where the average income was greater than the median, it can mean that there is significant income inequality, with income being concentrated in a small number of wealthy households.
4.51% of households in Fawn Creek are classed as high income households (making $200,000+ per year).
The US Census Bureau divides households into income tiers based on the median income for the area. This is a good way to compare the income of Fawn Creek against other areas.
Less than $24,999
$25,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $74,999
$75,000 to $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999
$150,000 to $199,999
$200,000 or more
The per capita income in Fawn Creek is $32,441.00.
Per capita income is the average income of a person in a given area. It is calculated by dividing the total income of Fawn Creek by the total population of Fawn Creek.
This is different from the average or mean income because it includes and accounts for all people in Fawn Creek, Kansas, including people like children, the elderly, unemployed people, retired people, and more.
We can also look at the education levels in Fawn Creek to see how many people have a high school degree, a bachelor's degree, or a graduate degree.
Educational attainment is a good indicator of the overall education level of a population, and can be used to compare against other metrics such as the average income, per capita income, and more to see how education levels affect income, unemployment rates, and more.
Master's degree or higher
Bachelor's degree
Some college or associate's degree
High school diploma or equivalent
Less than high school diploma
Employment rates are all based around the total population in Fawn Creek that are over the age of 16.
The total population of Fawn Creek over the age of 16 is 1,375.
Of those people, a total of 60.70% are working or actively looking for work. This is called the labor force participation rate.
The participation rate is a useful market measure because it shows the relative amount of labor resources available to the economy.
The employment to total population rate in Fawn Creek is 56.40%.
We can look at the employment rates by age to see how it compares to the overall employment rate.
Another very interesting employment statistic we can look at is the employment and unemployment rates by race in Fawn Creek. The table below shows the rates for each of the ethnicity groups types defined by the US Census Bureau.
In this section we can look at the most common occupations in Fawn Creek as well as the gender breakdown and earnings of them.
The total population of civilian employees that are 16 years old or older in Fawn Creek is 775, with median earnings of $38,750.00.
Women in Fawn Creek, Kansas earning approximately 66.00% of the men's earnings.
In the table below, we can break down the population and earnings even further by occupation. The list of occupation categories below will show you how many people are employed in each category and the median earnings of each profession.
The table below shows the same occupations from the list above, but we have split them by male and female to see how many male and females work in each occupation, the median earnings, and the male to female ratio of earnings.
That last metric is important because it can be used to look at the gender pay gap between men and women.
A household defined bu the US Census Bureau is a group of people who occupy a housing unit. A housing unit is a house, apartment, mobile home, group of rooms, or single room occupied as separate living quarters.
There are currently 687 households in Fawn Creek, with an average household size of 2.36 people.
A family is defined as a group of two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together in the same household.
There are 490 families in Fawn Creek with an average family size of 2.68 people.
The four categories of household by marital status are:
The table below shows the total number of households and families, with the average sizes of each.
Of the 490 families in Fawn Creek, 15.30% are considered to be below the poverty threshold.
The table below shows the latest poverty thresholds in Fawn Creek:
There are 764 housing units in Fawn Creek, Kansas.
The table below shows the split between occupied and vacant units:
4.84% of the total 764 housing units in Fawn Creek are rental units. This is approximately 37 properties.
For owner-occupied housing units, a total of 615 are occupied by the owner - or 80.50% of the total.
The median rent for a property in Fawn Creek is $1,079.00.
In the chart below, we can look at the number of rental properties in Fawn Creek that fall into a particular rent range. These can then be used to compare with other areas, or to see how they have changed over time.
No rent paid
Less than $500
$500 to $999
$1,000 to $1,499
$1,500 to $1,999
Excerpt from:
Fawn Creek, Montgomery County, Kansas Population and Demographics
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